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Chapter 47 Study Guide

Preformation vs. epigenesis Cytoplasmic determinants-affect development of cells that inherit them during early mitotic divisions of the zygote Cell differentiation, fertilization envelope, slow block to polyspermy, yolk, vegetal pole, animal pole, gastrula, germ layers, ectoderm, endoderm, mesoderm, yolk plug, extra-embryonic membranes, chorion, amnion, fate maps, totipotent Morphogenesis-process by which an animal takes shape and the differentiated cells end up in the appropriate locations Cleavage-creates a hollow ball of cells, the blastula Gastrulation-produces a three layered embryo, the gastrula Organogenesis-generates rudimentary organs from which adult structures grow Acrosomal reaction-specialized vesicle at the tip of the sperm, called the acrosome, discharges hydrolytic enzymes that digest the jelly coat enabling an elongating acrosomal process to penetrate the jelly coat and attach to receptor proteins that span the vitelline layer and plasma membrane Fusion of the sperm and egg nucleus opens ion channels in the egg leading to depolarization of the egg membrane (fast block to polyspermy) Cortical reaction-binding of the sperm activates IP3 and DAG, increasing calcium ion levels, causing cortical granules to fuse with the eggs plasma membrane and release their contents into the perivitelline space which degrade proteins holding the vitelline layer to the plasma membrane, while mucopolysaccharides produce an osmotic gradient swelling the perivitelline space while other enzyme harden the vitelline layer Zona pellucida-extracellular matrix of the egg Humans dont have fast block to polyspermy, the nuclei dont fuse immediately, and first divide later than sea urchins Cleavage-the cells undergo DNA synthesis and mitosis but virtually skip the G1 and G2 phase Blastomeres-small cells resulting from cleavage of the zygote Morula-cluster of cells after the first 5 to 7 cell division Blastocoel-fluid filled cavity the begins to form inside the morula

Blastula-hollow ball of cells Gray crescent-located on the side opposite sperm entry; future dorsal side of the tadpole Meroblastic vs. holoblastic cleavage Blastoderm-cap of cells that rests on the undivided egg yolk Epiblast vs. hypoblast Mesenchyme cells-cells from the vegetal pole that migrate into the blastocoel Invagination-cell near the vegetal pole flattens slightly and buckles inward Blastopore is the opening to the archenteron Deuterosomes vs. protostomes Invagination occurs at the region of the gray crescent Dorsal lip-dorsal side of the blastopore Involution-cells roll over the edge of the lip into the interior of the embryo Primitive streak-pileup of cells moving inward at the blastoderms midline produces a thickening (in birds) Notochord-first embryonic organ formed; formed from dorsal mesoderm that condenses just above the archenteron Neural tube-made from the neural plate curving and rolling in on itself; runs along the anterior-posterior axis of the embryo Neural crest-unique to vertebrates; develop along the border where the neural tube pinches off from the ectoderm Somites-blocks of mesoderm lateral to the notochord Amniotes-animals with an amnion that surrounds a fluid filled sac Blastocyst-mammalian version of the blastula Inner cell mass-will subsequently develop into the embryo proper and form or contribute to all the extra embryonic membranes Trophoblast-outer epithelium of the blastocyst; initiates implantation by secreting enzymes that break down the lining of the uterus Yolk sac-site of early formation of blood cells

Allantois-incorporated into the umbilical cord; forms blood vessels that transport oxygen and nutrients and carries waste out of the embryo to the placenta Convergent extension-type of morphogenetic movement in which the cells of tissue layer rearrange themselves so that the sheet becomes narrower while it becomes longer Cell adhesion molecules-located on the surfaces of cells and bind to CAMs on other cells Cadherin-important CAM that require calcium ions for proper function Induction-interactions among embryonic cells determine their fates Pattern formation-development of an animals spatial organization Positional information-molecular cues that control pattern formation Apical ectodermal ridge-thickened area of ectoderm at the tip of the bud (proximal distal axis) One of polarizing activity-block of mesodermal tissue underneath the ectoderm and is necessary for the anterior posterior axis

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