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Are you in high school and interested in art and activism? Are you available Mondays & Wednesdays from 3:30-6:00pm? (October 7, 2013- May 2014) If you answered yes to these questions, apply!

**Applications Deadline: September 23, 2013**

Personal Information: Name: Address: Home Phone: Email: Facebook/Twitter (optional): Gender: Ethnic/Racial Origin (optionalselect below): African American/Black Latin@/Chican@/Hispanic Caucasian/White Other: Current Grade: 9th 10th Emergency Contact: Name: Home Phone: Email: School: Cell Phone: 11th 12th Asian/Asian American/Pacific Islander Native American/American Indian Biracial/Multiracial Cell Phone: School:

**Please answer the following questions within the space provided** 1. What other extracurricular activities & community projects are you currently involved in?

2. How do you see yourself working with/for your community?

3. What is your experience with the arts (e.g. dance, writing, painting, drawing, performance, drawing, printed material, new digital media, blogging, etc.)?

4. What do you think is/are the most important issue(s) for young people today?

5. What does activism mean to you?

6. The Mestizo Arts & Activism Collective is an equal opportunity internship provider. Do you have any needs or physical restrictions that may need accommodation?

**KEEP THIS PAGE** About the word Mestizo Historically the word Mestizo was used to describe people of mixed European (Spanish) and American Indian (Indio) blood. Mestizo was a derogatory word used to dehumanize (or lessen) those of mixed blood, because the Spanish considered people of mixed blood not pure enough. As a collective today we reclaim and take pride in the term Mestizo; we feel Mestizo helps describe our experiences as peoples of mixed races and/or cultures, and as people who live in multicultural worlds regardless of ethnicity and/or race. Application Due: Monday, September 23rd, 2013 at 5:00pm Interviews: 2013-2014 MAA Applicants will be interviewed on: Monday, September 30th or Wednesday, October 2nd Program Begins: Monday, October 7th. 2013

To Submit Your Application Email it to us at: Or Mail/Deliver to: Mestizo Coffeehouse 641 West North Temple Suite 700 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Or Call us to make another arrangement at: 801-638-7971

**For additional information or questions regarding the Mestizo Arts & Activism Collective, contact via phone call, email or text: Eduardo Zaragoza: 801-638-7971 Luis Novoa: 801-657-6851

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