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Colgio Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Nome: _____________________________________________
2 srie do Ensino Mdio 4 Bimestre
Disciplina: Ingls
Professora: Juliana
Campo Grande, _______de ______________________de 2006.



English Test
1) Reescreva as frases colocando-as na voz passiva com o auxlio da preposio by: (2,0)
a) Georges Bizet composed the opera Carmen.
b) Gustav Klimt painted The Kiss.
c) Jane Austen wrote the novel Pride and Prejudice.
d) Steven Spielberg directed the film Schindlers List.
e) The Beatles recorded the song Yesterday.
2) Complete as frases com os verbos na voz passiva. (2,0)
a) French and English ______________ (speak) in Canad.
b) A lot of rice ________________ (grow) in Vietnam.
c) The U.S______________ (make up) of 50 states.
d) A lot of sheep ______________ (raise) in New Zeland.
e) Cars and computers ______________ (manufacture) in Korea.
f) The U.S dollar ______________ (use) in Ecuador.
g) The euro ______________ (use) in most of Europe.
h) English _________________(speak) in many European countries.
3)Reescreva as frases abaixo utilizando o Genitive Case: (2,0)
Ex.: The works of Eintein.
Einteins works.
a) The laws of Archimedes: _____________________________________________.
b) The farm of Tim: ___________________________________________________.
c) The eyes of Frank Sinatra: ____________________________________________.
d) The music of Chopin: ________________________________________________.
e) The piano of my sister is broken: _______________________________________.
f) The shirt of my husband is dirty: _______________________________________.
g) The sword of the gladiator: ___________________________________________.
h) The music of Janis Joplin: ____________________________________________.
i) The nest of the bird: _________________________________________________.
j) The last contract of Julia Roberts: _______________________________________.

4) Passe as frases abaixo para a voz ativa. (2,0)

a) The novel Frankenstein was written by Mary Shelley.
b) Many famous mysteries were written by Agatha Christie.
c) In 1957, the first space was launched for The Soviet Union.
d) IN 1967, the first human heart was transplanted for Dr. Christiaan Barnard.
e) The Guggenheim Museum in New York City was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
5) Complete as lacunas do texto abaixo com os verbos na voz passiva. (1,0)

Every year, millions of tourist visit California. California ___________ (know) for
its beautiful scenery, warm climate, and excellent food. There are 20 national parks in
California. They __________ (visit) by over 30 million people every year. Many worldfamous museums ____________ (locate) there, including the Getty Center in Los Angeles
and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.
The state __________ (divide) into two parts, called Northern California and
Southern California. San Francisco and Yosemite National Park _______________
(locate) in Northern California. San Francisco __________ (surround) by water on three
sides and is a city with a beautiful bay and several bridges. South of San Francisco, the is
an area that is famous for its computer industries; it ___________ (call) Silicon Valley.
Many computer industries ________ (find) there. Los Angeles, Hollywood, and
Disneyland _________ (locate) in Southern California. Southern California
_____________ (surround) for its desert areas, which are sometimes next to snowcapped
6) Coloque o participio dos verbos abaixo: (1,0)
be: _____________
run: ____________
go: _____________

see: _________________
write: ________________


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