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Key Points Lesson 1 There are 63 ways to combine the 6 dots that make the braille cell.

The braille cell looks like this: 1 2 4 5

The numbers are used for easy reference when talking about what keys to press on the braille writer or what indentations to press on the slate. Each letter of the alphabet has a dot combination that represents the letter. Here are the first 10 letters: A a b b c c d d e e f f g g h h I i j j

The letter b is made by pressing dots 1-2 while the h is made by pressing dots 1-2-5. You must push all keys simultaneously on the braille writer to write the letter. Examples: jb jab cfe cafe Aid aid cge cage fde fade dice dice

reding # hi cb ce did hg bid fee hid die hide beef h bd big fd dig bee gb ice dd ebb dice jde fce he bdge d cid ge bci db fig cb id bide

reading 1 hi cab ace did hag bid fee hid die hide beef ha bad big fad dig bee gab ice dad ebb dice jade face he badge ad acid age abaci dab fig cab aid abide

writing one acid acacia badge beige babe cake cage deface dice ebb egg fad fife gag gage hag hajji hide hi id if idea

jag jade

Writing one cid cci bdge beige bbe cke cge defce dice ebb egg fd fife gg gge hg hjji hide hi id if ide jg jde

Key Points Lesson 2 Once you know the first 10 letters of the alphabet, learning the others isnt too hard. Look at the letters a to j. Notice, that all the dots are in the upper part of the cell (dots 1, 2, 4, and 5). A a b b c c d d e e f f g g h h I i j j

To write the next 10 letters of the alphabet add dot 3 to the first 10! K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r S s T t

Then to finish up the alphabet, add the dot 6. Note that w is the exception. This is because there is no w in the French alphabet. U u V v x x Y y Z z w w

Examples: silly Zebr wild silly zebra wild Bold bold xis axis knives knives

reding #b no md sit ft sod mp rod ots fond lod snp rock me tp txi nod rip see let sop rod meet slm sle moss locus poll nose

knock lme

rttle teepee metl yell flot quote usul zp vector excite week extr zebr evolve yolk quilt boss importnt wx due quietly humn bicycle zippy hm rope mile lecture zoo home ble nod bird fold

tomb fun love wick vt mn cmp jms wimp oldie bng

kettle usul niml

sk picture irwy



reading 2 no mad sit fat sod map rod oats fond load snap rock me tap taxi nod rip see let soap road meet slam sale knock lame moss locus poll nose rattle teepee metal yell float quote usual zap vector excite week extra zebra evolve yolk quilt boss important wax due quietly human bicycle lecture zoo home able zippy tomb fun love wick vat nod ham kettle man camp oldie bird rope usual jams wimp bang fold mile animal ask picture airway talkative sideways

writing two kick kneel lair llama manor melon noise notice orange orphan popcorn pope quote quiz rapport rascal sassafras soda tattletale tragic umbrella ultimatum vacillate vaguely wigwam wacky xray xebec yolk yells zebra zoological

Writing two kick kneel lir llm mnor melon noise notice ornge orphn popcorn pope quote quiz rpport rscl sssfrs sod tttletle trgic umbrell ultimtum vcillte vguely wigwm wcky xry xebec yolk yells zebr zoologicl

Key Points Lesson 3 In braille we have composition signs. These are used to tell the braille reader something that a print reader can see. The first composition sign is the capital sign which is written like this , (dot 6) If you want to capitalize a letter you put the capital sign in front of the letter. ,tim ,willims Tim Williams Braille has punctuation marks, just as print does. These are all written in the lower cell (dots 2, 3, 5, and 6). 4 6 8 1 period (dots 2-5-6) exclamation point (dots 2-3-5) question mark (dots 2-3-6) comma (dot 2)

Examples: ,sue loves big1 blue birds4 Sue loves big, blue birds. ,I love ,Pm6 I love Pam! ,is zebr mmml8 Is a zebra a mammal?

reding #c ,i wnt six items1 sw1 nils1 nuts1 bolts1 screws1 tcks4 ,miss ,flynn tke memo1 cll ,mr4 ,phelps t twelve noon1 see ,mrs4 ,gry t six4 ,is ,uncle ,john college grdute8 ,rlph is sick1 hil cb4 ,tke my book1 hold my cot1 hng up my umbrell4 ,turn on rdio t once1 n unusul report is on4 ,t my fvorite old hotel n exquisite ntique plte glss mirror hngs on n elborte pnel4 ,my fvorite ply is ,nnie4

Reading 3 I want six items, a saw, nails, nuts, bolts, screws, tacks. Miss Flynn take a memo, call Mr. Phelps at twelve noon, see Mrs. Gray at six. Is Uncle John a college graduate? Ralph is sick, hail a cab. Take my book, hold my coat, hang up my umbrella. Turn on a radio at once, an unusual report is on. At my favorite old hotel an exquisite antique plate glass mirror hangs on an elaborate panel. My favorite play is Annie.

Writing Three Zebras graze on wild grass, lions eat animals. I left my small, gold purse cries Peg! May Sam take a walk? Becky has on a pretty, big blue cap. Joe is a policeman on a job he likes. Sue, return a gold bracelet at once! Does Jill look pretty? Jazz is fun says Vito.

,writing ,three ,zebrs grze on wild grss1 lions et nimls4 ,i left my smll1 gold purse cries ,peg6 ,my ,sm tke wlk8 ,becky hs on pretty1 big blue cp4 ,joe is policemn on job he likes4 ,sue1 return gold brcelet t once6 ,does ,jill look pretty8 ,jzz is fun sys ,vito4

Key Points Lesson 4 The number sign is another composition sign. It is written # (dots 3-4-5-6) If you want to tell the braille reader that youre writing a number, you put the number sign in front of the letter. # #b #c #d #e #f #g #h #i #j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Numbers written for mathematics are in the lower part of the cell so they dont get confused with letters. Lesson 15 introduces the Nemeth code which is used for writing and reading mathematical material. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Quotation marks are another set of punctuation marks. 8 opening quotation mark (dots 2-3-6) 0 closing quotation mark (dots 3-5-6) ' apostrophe (dot 3) Examples: 8,oh no1 big wve60 yells ,dn4 Oh no, a big wave! yells Dan. ,give me #bj blls1 or #ci blocks4 Give me 20 balls, or 39 blocks. ,phil's mom is fun6 Phils mom is fun!

reding #d 8,i love my new home1 twelve nice big rooms40 he exclims6 ,jimmie1 husky boy1 ge twelve1 te huge pple pie4 , girl wrote on slte1 8,i love ll nimls1 wild or tme40 8,if ,dm sees ply ,i hope he'll tke dequte notes40 wrote ,unt ,lucy4 ,ll budget items presuppose rigid economy4 ,dudley left home premturely4 ,he wrote1 8,my uncle's idiosyncrsy drove me wy40 ,we'll visit ,Alsk next ,july1 ,new ,york is too hot4

Reading 4 I love my new home, twelve nice big rooms. he exclaims! Jimmie, a husky boy, age twelve, ate a huge apple pie. A girl wrote on a slate, I love all animals, wild or tame. If Adam sees a play I hope he'll take adequate notes. wrote Aunt Lucy. All budget items presuppose a rigid economy. Dudley left home prematurely. He wrote, My uncle's idiosyncrasy drove me away. We'll visit Alaska next July, New York is too hot.

Writing 4 8 5 26 39 61 44 507 264 819

Wilma is happy, dad notes, I love a happy girl! Is 4 big? I want 4 or no balls at all. says Pam. He possesses classic automobiles, Dodges only. Eat a snack at 12 noon. Mom writes on a note. Locate a cup Ralph wants on page 39. Sami is a silly girl! Joe yells at Huck.

,writing #d #h #e #bf #ci #f #dd #ejg #bfd #hi 8,wilm is hppy10 dd notes1 8,i love hppy girl60 8,is #d big8 ,i wnt #d or no blls t ll40 sys ,pm4 ,he possesses clssic utomobiles1 ,dodges only4 8,et snck t #b noon40 ,mom writes on note4 ,locte cup ,rlph wnts on pge #ci4 8,smi is silly girl60 ,joe yells t ,huck4

Key Points Lesson 5 When you begin a new paragraph or a sentence in a numbered list, begin in the 3rd cell (push your space bar 2 times before you begin). Alphabet contractions are made with 23 of 26 letters of the alphabet. When they stand alone, rather than being letters, they are words. Here is a list of the 23 alphabet contractions. b but d do f from h have k knowledge m more p people r rather t that v very x it z as c can e every g go j just l like n not q quite s so u us w will y you

Examples: ,c ,I g ,mom8 Can I go Mom? ,Peg w get t book4 Peg will get that book. ,we h #d v nice brcelets4 We have 4 very nice bracelets.

reding #e #4 ,i d n l t climte1 z x is s extremely humid4 #b4 ,pul hs v simple pln1 b n ll p c use x4 #c4 ,f ll ,i see1 t club seems r exclusive1 doesn't x8 #d4 ,me ,hle j told clss w g1 cool6 #e4 ,gldys sys y my feel sure t ,w hs m k on t subject4 #f4 ,does t next box h #d zebrs on x8 u t e boy f

Reading 5 1. I do not like that climate, as it is so extremely humid. 2. Paul has a very simple plan, but not all people can use it. 3. From all I see, that club seems rather exclusive, doesnt it? 4. Mae Hale just told us that every boy from class will go, cool! 5. Gladys says you may feel sure that Will has more knowledge on that subject. 6. Does that next box have 4 zebras on it?

Writing 5 You can go, so can Joe. I have 12, you have 7, I have more. He will rather go as a pal, but not as a date! that makes me very sad. People have that date. It is at 8, correct? My knowledge is just a bit, not as big as Tims knowledge. Like you, Diane is a very happy girl.



,y c g1 s c ,joe4 ,i h #b1 y h #g1 ,i h m4 8,he w r g z pl1 b n z dte60 t mkes me v sd4 ,p h t dte4 ,x is t #h1 correct8 ,my k is j bit1 n z big z ,tim's k4 ,l y1 ,dine is v hppy girl4

Key Points Lesson 6 Whole word contractions are specific cells that represent a group of letters. & and ) with ! the The above 5 contractions, and the word a are written together without a space between them. ,g =! Book on ! desk4 Go for the book on the desk. Dot 5 contractions combine a dot 5 and a letter to write a word. "d "f "k "m "o "q "s "u "y day father know mother one question some under young "e "h "l "N "p "r "t "w ever here lord name part right time work ( of = for

Examples: ,"m c ,I g "u ! desk8 Mother can I go under the desk? ,we "w ll "d =! "f ) dog4 We work all day for the father with a dog. ,! "N (! Dog is ,w4 The name of the dog is Will.

reding #f #4 ,suzy & ,w love ,"m & ,"f lot4 #b4 ,I "w ) "s (! Girls t ! ,"y ctors4 #c4 8,"r & left & "r & left'0 yells ! gym ldy4 #d4 8,=! ,love ( ,dog0 is movie ) hppy morl4 #e4 8,"o (! girls is "s silly gose60 cries ,ron4 #f4 ,"u ! desk is "p ( my snck1 s x is "t ,i et x4

Reading 6 1. Suzy and Will love Mother and Father a lot. 2. I work with some of the girls at the Young Actors. 3. Right and left and right and left, yells the gym lady. 4. For the Love of a Dog is a movie with a happy moral. 5. One of the girls is some silly goose! cries Ron. 6. Under the desk is part of my snack, so it is time I eat it.

Writing 6 1. Mother, Father, Tom and Matilda left a small gift for you and I with some jam for a snack. I bet you can guess the gift is a basket of biscuits. 2. My knowledge of the code is quite impressive, but you will want more practice with it so you will not lose skills! 3. Claire has one question for Ms. Bell, it is on a page under some books. 4. The time is right for young people with knowledge; all can go take part of a demo. on the mall. 5. Take 2 crucial items with you on the trip abroad: a passport and rail tickets. 6. Write the name of the picture on the back. That way no one will know you made it. 7. Do you have the part right here at the back door? If so, I can pick it right up and take it with me.

,writing #f #4 ,"m1 ,"f1 ,tom & ,mtild left smll gift = y & ,i ) "s jm = snck4 ,i bet y c guess ! gift is bsket ( biscuits4 #b4 ,my k (! code is q impressive1 b y w wnt m prctice ) x s y w n lose skills6 #c4 ,clire hs "o "q = ,ms4 ,bell1 x is on pge "u "s books4 #d4 ,! "t is "r = "y p ) k2 ll c g tke "p ( demo on ! mll4 #e4 ,tke #b crucil items ) y on ! trip brod3 pssport & ril tickets4 #f4 ,write ! "n (! picture on ! bck4 ,t wy no "o w "k y mde x4 #g4 ,d y h ! "p "r "h t ! bck door8 ,if s1 ,i c pick x "r up & tke x ) me4

Key Points Lesson 7 Short Form Words are another group of contractions. There are a total of 77 short form words. Here are 15 of the most common ones. b about bl blind cd could hm him ll little qk quick td today tm tomorrow wd would Examples: ,wd yr "m "w lte = me8 Would your mother work late for me? ,tmi sd1 8,I h qk ll brl job =! #C ( Y40 Tami said, I have a quick little braille job for the 3 of you. ,Tylor cd g )! Bl boy1 b we wd r ,"f tke "t & g4 Taylor could go with the blind boy, but we would rather Father take time and go. f after brl braille fr friend lr letter pd paid Sd said tgr together tn tonight yr your

reding #g ,sue sd t td & tm ,i w g "w ) ,zeke4 ,i l ,zeke1 bl mn1 z he ,i wd l qk lesson e ,zeke hs "m & brl lr =

loves brl4

"d on brl f ,zeke4

"f4 ,i d n "k if ! #b

,zeke or n4 ,i w sk hm if "m & "f d brl4 ,i hope s = ,zeke1 s he c brl = "m & "f & "m & "f c brl = hm4

Reading 7 Sue said that today and tomorrow I will go work with Zeke. I like Zeke, a blind man, as he loves braille. I would like a quick lesson every day on braille from Zeke. Zeke has a mother and a father. I do not know if the 2 braille a letter for Zeke or not. I will ask him if mother and father do braille. I hope so for Zeke, so he can braille for mother and father and mother and father can braille for him.

Writing 7 Today is the day I braille for the little blind girl; one letter at a time. I would like it if I could braille all day. I do not get paid, but I do like the braille work. Tomorrow I go with Mother and Father as together we take a letter for Pam. Pam said we would have a quick visit, a time for some talk and for the letter. Do not tell him about the visit with Pam or the braille for the little blind girl. People would not know it is okay for all of us.

,writing #g ,td is ! "d ,i brl =! ll bl girl2 "o lr t "t4 ,i wd l x if ,i cd brl ll "d4 ,i d n get pd1 b ,i d l ! brl "w4 ,tm ,i g ) ,"m & ,"f z tgr we tke lr = ,pm4 ,pm sd we wd h qk visit1 "t = "s tlk &=! lr4 ,d n tell hm b ! visit ) ,pm or ! brl =! ll bl girl4 ,p wd n "k x is oky = ll ( u4

Key Points Lesson 8 Sometimes words can be both whole word contractions and part word contractions. Remember these whole word contractions? & and ) with ! the They can also be used as parts of words. Look at these examples: !m them s(asofa ,cli=ni California br&y brandy !n then (fice office ( of = for

Similarly the short form words previously learned can also be part word contractions or whole word contractions. lrs letters qkly quickly yrs yours

blly blindly unpd unpaid

Examples: ,br&y & ,s&y h unpd bills4 Brandy and Sandy have unpaid bills. ,I c give y s( ) rug4 I can give you a sofa with a rug. ,I got #d lrs f ,cli=ni4 I got 4 letters from California.

Reding #h ,z fr ) ,!lm's1 ,c&ice w g ) ,!lm =! snck td4 ,!y w g b #c blocks z !y l ,bill's ,deli4 , ,cli=ni

fvorite1 ,bill's hs pickles ) e hot dog1 yum6 ,cd ,bill give ,c&ice #c

pickles =! hot dog8 ,!lm hs n unpd bill1 s ,bill w n give "o pickle td1 mybe tm4 ,f !y et ! girls c g ply on ! slide1 b qkly z x is "t = clss4

Reading 8 As a friend of Thelmas, Candice will go with Thelma for the snack today. They will go about 3 blocks as they like Bills Deli. A California favorite, Bills has pickles with every hot dog, yum! Could Bill give Candice 3 pickles for the hot dog? Thelma has an unpaid bill, so Bill will not give one pickle today, maybe tomorrow. After they eat the girls can go play on the slide, but quickly as it is time for class.

Writing 8 At about 6 today I got some letters from Sandy Cofa, a blind lady I know very well. With them came an unpaid bill. Quickly, I paid the bill for Sandy. Here I sit on the sofa with the letters, the blinds drawn. Tonight I can look at all of them with mother and father as we sit here together. Then I can braille Sandy a letter back.

,writing #h ,t b #f td ,i got "s lrs f ,s&y ,c(1 bl ldy ,i "k v well4 ,) !m cme n unpd bill4 ,qkly1 ,i pd ! bill = ,s&y4 ,"h ,i sit on ! s( )! lrs1 ! bls drwn4 ,tn ,i c look t ll ( !m ) "m & "f z we sit "h tgr4 ,!n ,i c brl ,s&y lr bck4

Key Points Lesson 9 Previously you learned the dot-5 contractions. "d "f "k "m "o "q "s "u "y day father know mother one question some under young "e "h "l "N "p ever here lord name part

"r right "t "w time work

These can be used as whole word contractions and as part word contractions. "p apart "s"o someone un"nd unnamed b"rs "ws brights works

c"os cones "ply partly "tly timely

Similar to dot-5 contractions we also have dot-4-5 contractions and dot 4-5-6 contractions. ^! _c _s these cannot spirit ^u upon _m many _w world

Examples: ,^! Boys h _m lrs = "ey"o4 These boys have many letters for everyone. ,sue has "qs b ! _w4 Sue has questions about the world.

,reding #i #4 ,td & tm ,i _c et ny vnill c"os1 !y feel cold1 brrr4 #b4 ,_m p h _s t ! ,b"ron4 8,g1 g1 g60 !y ll yell6 #c4 ,= "o "d ll p (! _w w "w tgr1 ,i hope4 #d4 ,"p f ,&rew1 no "o hs k ( t job4 #e4 ,we _c "ucut ! price = t book b bl p f ,fric4 #f4 ,r&y "qs if ! s( t ! (fice goes )! bls4 #g4 ,put ^! =ks ^u ! plce mts on ! left side4 #h4 ,w sd1 8,i _c g unpd = t "w4 ,x took me #db "ds = ll ( x40

Reading 9 1. Today and tomorrow I cannot eat any vanilla cones, they feel cold, brrr. 2. Many people have spirit at the Brighton. Go, go, go! they all yell! 3. For one day all people of the world will work together, I hope. 4. Apart from Andrew, no one has knowledge of that job. 5. We cannot undercut the price for that book about blind people from Africa. 6. Randy questions if the sofa at the office goes with the blinds. 7. Put these forks upon the place mats on the left side. 8. Will said, I cannot go unpaid for that work. It took me 42 days for all of it.

Writing 9 Mr. Jones works for many days for someone named Mrs. Wanda Bright. These very busy days make Mr. Jones sleepy. The spirit of family keeps him with a smile as he works. He would rather not work, but he has a family that wants money for food and a nice home. He cannot take off work as he has a family that relies upon him every day. He is a father for Sandy and Themla, 2 girls with nice names. Many fathers want boys, but not Mr. Jones, he wants girls like these 2!

,writing #i ,mr4 ,j"os "ws = _m "ds = "s"o "nd ,mrs4 ,w& ,b"r4 ,^! v busy "ds mke ,mr4 ,j"os sleepy4 ,! _s ( fmily keeps hm ) smile z he "ws4 ,he wd r n "w1 b he hs fmily t wnts m"oy = food & nice home4 ,he _c tke (f "w z he hs fmily t relies ^u hm e "d4 ,he is "f = ,s&y & ,!ml1 #b girls ) nice "ns4 ,_m "fs wnt boys1 b n ,mr4 ,j"os1 he wnts girls l ^! #b6

Key Points Lesson 10 There are a lot of contractions that can be whole word contractions or part word contractions. The braille reader knows their meaning based on whether they are in a word or standing alone with a space on either side of them. Contraction : * ? % / $ Standing Alone which child this shall still Ed (name) Part of a Word wh as in :ile while ch as in *ur* church th as in ?nks thanks sh as in %ip ship st as in /reet street ed as in $it edit

Previously you learned some short form words. Remember, short form words can stand alone, or they can be used as parts of words. Here are some additional short form words. bv above cr across lw always hmf himself nec necessary yrf yourself c according lt altogether gd good xf itself nei neither

Examples: ,: * wd l ? snck = hmf f ! gme8 Which child would like this snack for himself after the game? ,abv all o!rs1 ,*icgo is / my fvorite plce4 Above all others, Chicago is still my favorite place. ,% ,I %op ) ,/eve or ,ri* = lun*1 or nei8 Shall I shop with Steve or Rich for lunch, or neither?

,reding #j ,on ! ,smi? ,rn* ! rn* h& ,but* hs "s"o :o *ecks on ! nimls e "d4 ,t "s"o1 ,fr$ ,/"o1 is lw on "t4 ,! *icks lw run cr ! grss z ,fr$ wlks cr = "w4 ,! /llion1 ,*ips1 runs =! %$ t hs _m bles ( hy4 ,fr$ fe$s ,*ips !n ! *icks4 ,but*'s * "nd ,n?n likes ,fr$ & helps hm "s"ts4 ,? rn* is gd plce = ll p & nimls4

Reading 10 On the Smith Ranch the ranch hand Butch has someone who checks on the animals every day. That someone, Fred Stone, is always on time. The chicks always run across the grass as Fred walks across for work. The stallion, Chips, runs for the shed that has many bales of hay. Fred feeds Chips then the chicks. Butch's child named Nathan likes Fred and helps him sometimes. This ranch is a good place for all people and animals.

Writing 10 After church on Wednesday, Stan and Eddie always go across the street for munchies. They like chocolate shakes above all choices at Chuck's Snack Shack. Which size shake shall they get this week Stan asks Eddie. A medium shake they decide. As they sit, a child stops for a shake. The child sits himself on a stool across from them all alone. He watches the boys. "Sit with us." Eddie says. He smiles and sits with them as they chat about church tonight.

,writing #j ,f *ur* on ,w$nes"d1 ,/n & ,$die lw g cr ! /reet = mun*ies4 ,!y l *ocolte %kes bv ll *oices t ,*uck's ,snck ,%ck4 ,: size %ke % !y get ? week ,/n sks ,$die4 , m$ium %ke !y decide4 ,z !y sit1 * /ops = %ke4 ,! * sits hmf on /ool cr f !m ll l"o4 ,he wt*es ! boys4 8,sit ) u40 ,$die sys4 ,he smiles & sits ) !m z !y *t b *ur* tn4

Key Points Lesson 11 Youve learned some short form words in Lesson 7 and 10. There are 77 short form words in total and all can be used as whole words. Here are 16 new short form words. fn afternoon fw afterward g again g/ against lm almost l also *n children ei either f/ first fr friend grt great imm immediate m* much m/ must %d should s* such

Short form words can be used as parts of words. For example: fns afternoons %dn't shouldnt Examples: ,"m sd1 8,yr frs h s* grt *n40 Mother said, Your friends have such great children. ,I %d n bet m* g/ *uck on ei rce4 I should not bet much against Chuck on either race. ,l1 ,I m/ immly g )! *n ll fn4 Also, I must immediately go with the children all afternoon. frly friendly grte/ greatest

,reding # ,? "py is =! *n4 ,x is s* big surprise t !y %d1 = sure1 lm h no ide b x4 ,$i? w give ! "py ? fn4 ,s _m frs w cry ) joy z !y see ! *n's fces4 ,l1 !y w yell t ! gift ( pet horse4 , horse is ! grte/ gift = "y *n4 ,x's "n is ei ,n$ or ,fr$4 ,bo? gd "ns = horse4

Reading 11 This party is for the children. It is such a big surprise that they should, for sure, almost have no idea about it. Edith will give the party this afternoon. So many friends will cry with joy as they see the childrens faces. Also, they will yell at the gift of a pet horse. A horse is the greatest gift for young children. Its name is either Ned or Fred. Both good names for a horse.

Writing 11 1. The world is such a great place with many people who have much spirit. 2. Shelly and Chip like almost any great dame dog. 3. You must either go first, or neither of you will go with your friends this afternoon. 4. Immediately, she also should call for help if she falls off the great cliff. 5. I almost always would rather she said what she likes, and not make me guess.

,writing # #4 ,! _w is s* grt plce ) _m p :o h m* _s4 #b4 ,%elly & ,*ip l lm ny grt dme dog4 #c4 ,y m/ ei g f/1 or nei ( y w g ) yr frs ? fn4 #d4 ,immly1 %e l %d cll = help if %e flls (f ! grt cliff4 #e4 ,i lm lw wd r %e sd :t %e likes1 & n mke me guess4

Key Points Lesson 12 Below is a list of part word contractions that are letter combinations you often see in print. # ble 2 be [ ow > ar 5 en 1 ea The contractions for ble and ing cant be used at the beginning of words, only in the middle or the end of words. The contraction ea can only be used in the middle of words, not at the beginning or end. The contraction be is only used at the beginning of words when the letters b-e say the word be. When you have a choice between ea and ar always use the ar contraction. When you have the choice between in and ing always use the ing contraction. Some of these part word contractions can also be used as whole word contractions. These include: 2 be [ ow 9 in 5 enough (when this contraction stands alone it is the word enough) | out (when this contraction stands alone it is the word out) + ing < gh ] er | ou 9 in

There are a group of short form words that combines the be with a letter of the alphabet to make a word. 2c because 2f before 2h behind 2l below Examples: ,m>y c r[ r$ & gre5 bot 2y ! 5d (! dock )|t tir+4 Mary can row a red and green boat beyond the end of the dock without tiring. ,m>t9 put f|r pe>s1 m1t plte & cup ( te on ! t#4 Martin put four pears, a meat plate, and a cup of tea on the table. ,pl1se put p1s & c>rots 2s ! *ick54 Please put peas and carrots besides the chicken. ,2c x is lte1 2 v quiet z y g 9 ! k+'s c/tle4 Because it is late, be very quiet as you go in the kings castle. 2n beneath 2s beside 2t between 2y beyond

,r1d+ #b ,2n ! se lives k+ & que54 ,!y h m]mid ) p9k scles on h] til4 ,2c %e lives 2l ! se1 %e does n sc>e p4 ,%e is hppy ll "d ply+ )! bub#s 2l ! oc1n's surfce4 ,! fi% swim 2t ll ! rocks1 go+ 9 & \ ( _m hid+ plces4 ,! m]mid lu<s z %e swims l[] & l[] 2l ! surfce )! gre51 yell[1 r$1 br[n1 & s _m o!r color fi%4 ,%>on wi%es %e cd 2 m]mid too6

Reading 12 Beneath the sea lives a king and queen. They have a mermaid with pink scales on her tail. Because she lives below the sea, she does not scare people. She is happy all day playing with the bubbles below the oceans surface. The fish swim between all the rocks, going in and out of many hiding places. The mermaid laughs as she swims lower and lower below the surface with the green, yellow, red, brown, and so many other color fish. Sharon wishes she could be a mermaid too!

Writing 12 1. My beloved friend Erin Powers wears denim jeans when she goes out for dinner with Carl. 2. Because Martha is behind with work I will give her eight or nine more days for this job. 3. Night falls very slowly for Charles, so before it is dark he walks beside the ocean on the beach with the fresh scent of salt water in the air and the gulls over head. 4. Tina sings loudly, Row, Row, Row Your Boat as the children laugh merrily and tell her that is enough singing for now. 5. Below a hard exterior is a caring man who loves blind children and learning braille. 6. Between you and your friends I have enough help, yet I am so touched with the offer of more.

,writ+ #b #4 ,my 2lov$ fr ,]9 ,p[]s we>s d5im j1ns :5 %e goes \ = d9n] ) ,c>l4 #b4 ,2c ,m>? is 2h ) "w ,i w give h] ei<t or n9e m "ds = ? job4 #c4 ,ni<t flls v sl[ly = ,*>les1 s 2f x is d>k he wlks 2s ! oc1n on ! b1* )! fre% sc5t ( slt wt] 9 ! ir &! gulls ov] h1d4 #d4 ,t9 s+s l\dly1 8,r[1 ,r[1 ,r[ ,yr ,bot0 z ! *n lu< m]rily & tell h] t is 5 s++ = n[4 #e4 ,2l h>d ext]ior is c>+ mn :o loves bl *n & le>n+ brl4 #f4 ,2t y & yr frs ,i h 5 help1 yet ,i m s t\*$ )! (f] ( m4

Key Points Lesson 13 Below is a list of whole word contractions that are formed in the lower part of the cell. Three of these, in, enough and be, you were introduced to in Lesson 12. 9 in 8 his 7 were 5 enough 0 was 2 be

Because these contractions are in the lower part of the cell (they do not have a dot 1 or 4 in them), it would be easy to confuse them with marks of punctuation. Therefore, if one of these contractions comes next to a mark of punctuation, you cant use the whole word contraction. The following are part word contractions that can only be used in the middle of words. 2 bb 4 dd 7 gg 3 cc 6 ff 1 ea (introduced in Lesson 12)

As you can see, the dot configurations for these 6 signs, can also be confused with marks of punctuation. Therefore, these contractions only stand for the letter combinations when used in the middle of words. When you have the choice between using bb and ble always use ble. When you have the choice between using dd and ed always use ed. The following are part word contractions that can only be used in the beginning of words. 2 be - com 3 con 4 dis

Examples: ,m4ie ,/u#field 0 )! 2lov$ do7y 9 8 l/ m9utes ( life4 Maddie Stublefield was with the beloved doggy in his last minutes of life. ,we 7 hppy he cd -e ) ,3nie & ,bu6y =! -mittee meet+ td4 We were happy he could come with Connie and Buffy for the committee meeting today. ,pe7y w buy e7s & w6les = |r br1kf/4 Peggy will buy eggs and waffles for our breakfast. ,ru4y gve ,$die #f boxes ( ,fi4le ,f4le4 Ruddy gave Eddie 6 boxes of Fiddle Faddle. 8,I h _h 5|<60 sd ,bo2y1 8,i c 4cuss ! *'s h1l? ) y 2c ,i 0 ) h} 9 ! em]g5cy room l/ ni<t40 I have had enough! said Bobby, I can discuss the childs health with you because I was with her in the emergency room last night.

,r1d+ #c ,bu4y sp5t #e weeks t ,cmp ,mu4y ,woods loct$ on ! bu2ly %ores ( ,lke ,e]ie4 ,*n -e f ll ov] = cmp4 ,nei r9 or fo7y "ds kept !m wy4 ,! woody cmp 0 grt *oice = ,bu4y &! *n 2c !y 7 busy ll "d4 ,!y mde bub# mk]s ) r$ ri2ons 9 crfts4 ,!y 4*>g$ !m 2l ! lifegu>d's /&4 ,! *n wd 2 swimm+ 9 ,mu4y ,lke f br1kf/ until lun* "t e* fn4 ,ov] lun* !y wd 4cuss ll ! fun ?+s t wd hpp5 f lun*4 ,hikes1 s++1 bu7y rces1 & m cd 2 s*$ul$4 ,bu4y told 8 p>5ts he wd n"e -e home f cmp6

Reading 13 Buddy spent 5 weeks at Camp Muddy Woods located on the bubbly shores of Lake Eerie. Children come from all over for camp. Neither rain or foggy days kept them away. The woody camp was a great choice for Buddy and the children because they were busy all day. They made bubble makers with red ribbons in crafts. They discharged them below the lifeguards stand. The children would be swimming in Muddy Lake after breakfast until lunch time each afternoon. Over lunch they would discuss all the fun things that would happen after lunch. Hikes, singing, buggy races, and more could be scheduled. Buddy told his parents he would never come home from camp!

Writing 13 At the Wiggle Coffee Shop Connie and Abby met every Wednesday before class. The table beneath the window was a favorite spot for them. Together they would babble about the week and what Mr. Biggins would teach in class that day. Connie would have a double late and Abby coffee with cream and sugar. Often they would disagree about silly things, like what flavor waffles taste best. Connie would say, Ive had enough, now stop being silly. Abby would say, Was I silly? They would both giggle and giggle.

,writ+ #c ,t ! ,wi7le ,c(fee ,%op ,3nie & ,2y met e ,w$nes"d 2f clss4 ,! t# 2n ! w9d[ 0 fvorite spot = !m4 ,tgr !y wd bb# b ! week & :t ,mr4 ,bi79s wd t1* 9 clss t "d4 ,3nie wd h d\# lte & ,2y c(fee ) cr1m & sug>4 ,(t5 !y wd 4gree b silly ?+s1 l :t flvor w6les t/e be/4 ,3nie wd sy1 8,i've _h 5\<1 n[ /op 2+ silly40 ,2y wd sy1 8,ws ,i silly80 ,!y wd bo? gi7le & gi7le4

Key Points Lesson 14 The whole word contractions below are hitch hikers, that is they must be attached to the word that follows them. However, if the word that follows them is a lower cell contraction such as be, his, was, were, enough or in, then the second word must written out. 6 to 0 by The following are final letter contractions which combine two cells. The first cell is either dot 6, dots 4-6 or dot 5-6 and the second cell is the final letter of the contraction group. These contractions can be used in the middle and end of words, but not at the beginning. ,n ation .n sion .d ound ;n tion ;l ful ;e ence ,y ally .e ance .t ount ;y ity ;t ment 96 into

Examples: ,! Piece ( equip;t ,s,y f.d is re,y wond};l4 The piece of equipment Sally found is really wonderful. ,g 6,l.e & sk hm 6put bottle ( lo;n 0! b?+ /,n4 Go to Lance and ask him to put a bottle of lotion by the bathing station.

,6be or n 6be1 t is ! "q 2+ sk$ >.d |r c;y4 To be or not to be, that is the question being asked around our city. ,! S5ti;t is t ! n,n m/ 2 m9d;l (! ps.n ( p "w+ 6ssi/ bl *n4 The sentiment is that the nation must be mindful of the passion of people working to assist blind children.

,r1d+ #d ,! m.t9 t[n 9 ,fr.e 0 loct$ 0 re,y wond];l lke4 ,e* ll h\se _h :ite picket f;e >.d x & fl[]s 9 pots 0! front /eps4 ,! joy;l s.ds (! -mun;y cd 2 he>d e*o+ 6! vlley 2l4 ,0*.e1 m* public;y _h be5 f9.ed 6br+ 9=m,n b ! t[n 6p ll ov] ! n,n4 ,n[1 _m c;y 9 ! n,n wi%$ 6be l ? m.t9 t[n4 ,5vy (! $uc,n sy/em &! l;gev;y & ps.n (! citiz5s is ! pp1l 6o!rs4

Reading 14 The mountain town in France was located by a really wonderful lake. Each little house had a white picket fence around it and flowers in pots by the front steps. The joyful sounds of the community could be heard echoing to the valley below. By chance, much publicity had been financed to bring information about the town to people all over the nation. Now, many a city in the nation wished to be like this mountain town. Envy of the education system and the longevity and passion of the citizens is the appeal to others.

Writing 14 On a walk around the countryside we found a bountiful patch of berries. To pick them, we had to climb down the mountainside. A distraction occurred when bumble bees swarmed by the berries and we had to run into the woods to get away from them. The excitement and wonderment of finding the berries and the bumble bees made us laugh. The reality of how close we had come to being stung by the bumble bees made us mindful of the dangers of chance meetings in the woods with animals. Mindfully, we headed back to the city.

,writ+ #d ,on wlk >.d ! c.tryside we f.d b.ti;l pt* ( b]ries4 ,6pick !m1 we _h 6climb d[n ! m.t9side4 , 4trc;n o3urr$ :5 bum# bees sw>m$ 0! b]ries & we _h 6run 96! woods 6get wy f !m4 ,! excite;t & wond];t ( f9d+ ! b]ries &! bum# bees mde u lu<4 ,! r1l;y ( h[ close we _h -e 62+ /ung 0! bum# bees mde u m9d;l (! dng]s ( *.e meet+s 9 ! woods ) nimls4 ,m9d;lly1 we h1d$ bck 6! c;y4

Key Points Lesson 15 Lessons 1 through 14 introduced you to the literary braille code. This lesson provides a brief introduction to the Nemeth code which is used for mathematics. In Lesson 4 you learned the numbers. To braille numbers you placed the number sign (#) in front of the first 10 letters of the alphabet. In Nemeth code, the number sign is now called the numeric indicator and is written the same way (#). The numbers themselves each drop down to the lower part of the cell. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 The numbers are in the lower part of the cell, so that you can combine them with letters. For example 4a (#4). There are signs for each mathematical symbol. Below is a list of some of the more common ones your child will use in math class. + * + (addition) (multiplication dot) - (subtraction) ./ (division) .k = (equal sign) @s $ (dollar sign)

@* (multiplication x) @0 % (percentage) . . (decimal point)

= ? (question mark, used when a question mark is placed in a problem for the student to fill in the correct answer) ---- ___ (dash, used when a dash is placed in a problem for the student to fill in the correct answer)

( ( (open parenthesis)

) ) (close parenthesis)

Numbers appearing inside of parenthesis do not need a numeric indicator in front of them. , comma (this is the same symbol used for the capital sign in literary braille)

Examples: #4*9 .k #36 #329+5 .k #334 #450./10 .k = 4 9 = 36 329 + 5 = 334 450 10 = ?

#40@0 ( #12 .k @s4.8 40% of 12 = $4.8 (5b+3c) .k ----@s85.33-12.90 .k = #2, ----, #6 (5b+3c) = __________ $85.33 12.90 = ? 2, ____, 6

,r.d #1,498 6! Ne>e/ hundr$4 Round 1,498 to the nearest hundred. ,bill hs #49 c&y b> & ,sue hs #13 gum blls4 ,h{ _m d !y h tgr8 Bill has 49 candy bards and Sue has 13 gum balls. How many do they have together?

,r1d+ #15 #5+10 .k ---@s36-= .k @s24 #5@*8-= .k #37 ----+1.50 .k #3.75 #71.0*35.25 .k == ----, #10, #15, & #20 ,/cy hs @s80 & ,*uck hs @s65 :o hs m8 #9@0 ( @s65.30 is ---(84+6)+(35b-10) .k #240

Reading 15 5 + 10 = ________ $36 - ? = $ 24 5 8 - ? = 37 _____ + 1.50 = 3.75 71.0 35.25 = ? _____, 10, 15, and 20 Stacy has $80 and Chuck has $65 who has more? 9% of $65.30 is ________ (84a + 4) + (35b 10) = 240

Writing 15 What is the area of a rectangle that is 2 feet on one side and 7 feet on the other? 27 ? = 621 $74.23 3 = ____ I paid 90 cents for 12 oranges and found that 3 of them were spoiled. How much did each good orange cost? 51,858 - ? = 402 ? + 64 + 58 + 37 = 265 15bc = 3b 5c 30 is 5% of ?

,writ+ #e ,:t is ! >e ( rectngle t is #2 feet on "o side & #7 feet on ! o!r8 #27*8 .k #621 @s74.23./3 .k ---,i pd #90 c5ts = #12 ornges & f.d t #3 ( !m 7 spoil$4 ,h[ m* did e* gd ornge co/8 #e1heh #51'858./8 .k #402 =+64+58+37 .k #265 #15bc .k #3b@*5c

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