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Syllabus of STAT 310

Please note: STAT 310 is cross-listed as ECON 307.

The class is large, therefore: We do not keep track of attendance: you are encouraged, but not required to attend. If you do not attend, you do not need to inform usyou can nd the slides of lectures and homework assignments on OWL-Space, and you can submit your homework there. If you cannot submit your homework on time, you do not need to inform uslate homework will be graded as 0, but the lowest three grades will be dropped. Please direct questions to

Meeting dates, times, and places

Dates: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, August 26December 6 with the exception of Monday, September 2: Labor Day Holiday Monday, October 14: Midterm Recess Friday, November 29: Thanksgiving Holiday Times: 10:0010:50 Places: Duncan Hall 1070 Other important dates are listed on the website of the Oce of the Registrar.

Name: Dr. Michael Schweinberger Oce: Duncan Hall 2058 Oce hours: Monday 3:004:00, Friday 11:0012:00

STAT 310

Teaching assistants
Name: Robert Kosar (head) Oce: Duncan Hall 4092 Oce hours: Wednesday 4:156:15

Name: Joshua J. Taylor Oce: Duncan Hall 4092 Oce hours: Tuesday 2:303:30, Thursday 2:303:30

Please direct questions to

Course objective
STAT 310 is a calculus-based introduction to mathematical statistics. The objective of STAT 310 is to introduce students to core ideas of probability and statistics, with an emphasis on calculus-based probability, properties of point estimators and methods of point estimation, interval estimation, hypothesis testing, linear models, and design of experiments.

The following books cover the same ground as the class and are recommended as backgound reading. Select one of the two books: K. M. Ramachandran and C. P. Tsokos (2009). Mathematical Statistics with Applications. Academic Press. Chapters 110 plus. R. V. Hogg and E. A. Tanis (2010). Probability and Statistical Inference. Prentice Hall. Chapters 17 plus.

Topics include, but are not limited to: Descriptive statistics

STAT 310

Probability and probability distributions, including exponential families of distributions Law of Large Numbers and Central Limit Theorem Point estimation, including properties of point estimators (e.g., suciency, consistency, eciency) and methods of estimation (e.g., method of maximum likelihood) Point estimation given incomplete data (e.g., missing data) with likelihood-ignorable incomplete-data mechanisms Interval estimation Hypothesis testing Linear regression Design of experiments Analysis of variance ...

Grades and letter grades

Grades: 20% Homeworks 25% Midterm exam I 25% Midterm exam II 30% Final exam Grades X are converted into letter grades as follows:

STAT 310 grade X letter grade X 97% A+ 93 X < 97% A 90 X < 93% A87 X < 90% B+ 83 X < 87% B 80 X < 83% B77 X < 80% C+ 73 X < 77% C 70 X < 73% C67 X < 70% D+ 63 X < 67% D 60 X < 63% DX < 60% F

Homework will be announced on OWL-Space and must be submitted through OWL-Space. The electronic document should be readable and platform-independent formats are preferred, e.g., PDF. If you complete your homework by paper and pencil, scan it and submit it through OWL-Space. Late homework will not be accepted and graded as 0. You may discuss homework problems with others, but must completed your homework on your own. The lowest three homework grades will be dropped.

Midterm exam I: Friday, October 4, evening; time and place to be announced. Midterm exam II: Friday, November 8, evening; time and place to be announced. Final exam: to be announced by the Oce of the Registrar by the end of September. If you have a conict, contact the instructor and provide proof of conict. If the conict is foreseeable, provide proof of conict at least ve business days before the exam. Otherwise, provide proof of conict within two business days of the exam. If proof of conict is provided on time and the conict is legitimate, a make-up exam may be arranged.

STAT 310

If you have a documented disability that will impact your work in class, please contact the instructor. In addition, you will need to register with Disability Support Services Oce in the Allen Center. The policy of Rice University regarding disabilities are observed: see

Other policies
All other policies of Rice University are observed: see

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