Word List 12

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Word list 12

Abysmal Approbation Bent (n) Cadge Debacle very deep; very bad approval [opp. disapprobation] inclination; aptitude get by begging disaster speak without preparation or rehearsal [extemporaneous (a)] occupiers of a job or position attack verbally disgusting work (usually artistic) which imitates, or is composed of parts taken from varied sources living in trees; concerned with trees device to separate substances by spinning them at high speed isolated make someone aware of an error in thinking causing; bringing into being [engender (v)] excessive; immoderate [intemperance (n)] Lugubrious Nonplussed Pedagogy Satiate Slake Artless Comeliness Doff Don Erudition Plaintive Suborn Tendentious Tortuous Verbiage Atonement Complaisance Daguerreotype sad; gloomy confused science of education; teaching satisfy; fill completely [satiable (a); satiation (n)] quench; satisfy without effort; without trickery; simple beauty; prettiness [comely (a)] take off (esp. of a hat) put on (esp. of clothes) learning; scholarly knowledge [erudite (a)] sad; mournful bribe dogmatic; biased indirect; winding excessive or meaningless wordiness making amends for sin or crime [atone (v)] flexibility; willingness to please [complaisant (a)] forerunner of the photograph

Extemporize Incumbents Lambaste Noisome

Pastiche Arboreal

Centrifuge Cloistered Disabuse Engendering Intemperate

Word list 12
Fawn Gregariousness Nascent Paean Reproof behave in a sycophantic way; grovel [fawning (a)] sociability; liking for crowds [gregarious (a)] emerging; newly formed praise; tribute (esp. in song) scolding; criticism [reprove (v)] 1. disease due to lack of vitamin C; 2. contemptible; rascally serving as a guardian [tutelage (n)] cutting; process causing leaves to fall off causing argument [contention (n); contend (v)] weakening [debilitate (v)] quirk; minor weakness beg; solicit [importunate (a)] be relevant to [pertinent (a)] glut; excess sycophant; flatterer hot and steamy true [veracity (n)] Asperity Blowhard Disingenuous Evanescent Intangible Labile Malapropism Posture (v) Proximate Pugnacious Foreshadowed Gaucherie Heterodox Inscrutability Limerick Mannered Pluck (n) Sedulous using harsh or critical tone boastful person crafty short-lived [evanescence (n)] cannot be touched; abstract [intangibility (n)] changing rapidly; unstable use of similar sounding but incorrect word to put on an act immediate; nearest aggressive, ready to fight [pugnacity (n)] indicated a future event [foreshadow (v)] awkwardness [gauche (a)] unorthodox quality of being difficult to comprehend [inscrutable (a)] short amusing poem stylized; pretentious courage persevering; eager and thorough

Scurvy Tutelary Abscission Contentious Debilitating Foible Importune Pertain Slew Toady Torrid Veracious

Word list 12
Syllogism Vicissitude Acolyte Admonitory Caprices type of logical reasoning unexpected change in fortune or circumstances disciple; follower or attendant scolding [admonition (n)] whimsies; fancies symbol (horn filled with fruit etc.) denoting natural abundance showing respect [deference (n); defer (v)] stubbornness; resistance [intractable (a)] eminent person underling; servant support; strengthen weaken; sap energy clique; small group with common interests decry; criticize; belittle found by experiment or practice contradict exaggeration [hyperbolic (a)] Vulpine Corroborate Exacerbated Exact (v) Faddish Hapless Misconstrue Perennial Rent Shard Xenophobe Modest Prolixity Rebus Sere 1. bashful; unpretentious; 2. not excessive wordiness [prolix (a)] puzzle in which pictures give clues withered; old like a fox [compare with bovine (cow-like); porcine (pig-like), etc.] give supporting evidence [corroboration (n)] made worse [exacerbate (v); exacerbation (n)] to demand; extort whimsical; following a fashion unlucky put a wrong interpretation on something long-lasting torn (past participle of the verb to rend) fragment of pottery person afraid of foreigners

Cornucopia Deferential Intractability Luminary Minion Undergird Vitiate Coterie Denigrate Empirical Gainsay Hyperbole

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