Electrodinamics: T Q S C

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1. Electric Current : An electric current is a flow of electric charge from one place to another. Electron-electron conductor (in metals) Muatan listrik (Electric charge) Positive ions gas The direction of the conventional electric current is opposite with the direction of moving its electrons. R The direction of The conventional Electric current The direction of the electrons flow

The electric current strength (the magnitude of an electric current) is the amount of electric charge flowing thought the section of conductor per unit of time. Mathematically we write : I=
Q t

I = the electric current (

c s


Q = the amount of electric charge (Coulomb = C) t = the interval time (s) If Q = n e So: I =
ne t

e = 1, 6 x 10-19 coulomb n = the amount of electrons

Example : 1. Calculate the charge which passes each point a conductor in a time of 40 seconds when there a current of 0,3 mA 2. Determine the current in strength a circuit if the charge passing each points is a. 24 C in 40s. b. 180 C in 3 minute. 3. A 12 ampere of electric current through a wire. How many electrons passing each point in the wire in a time interval 8 seconds?

Current Density ( Rapat Arus) : Is defined as electric current power per unit area of conductor section.

Mathematically we write: (J) J = Current density ( A/m2 )


J= A
I = v.e.n.A

A = area of conductor section ( m2 )

The electric current strength flowing through the section of wire by using equation: I: electric current strength ( A ) v: Speed of electron ( m/s ) e: electric charge ( 1,6 10-19 C) n; amount of electron per unit of volume A: area of wire section ( m2 )

Resistance of a Material

l A


R =

R = Resistance of substance (ohm = ). = length of substance (m). = resistively ( m) A = section area of substance (m2). The Resistance depends of temperature: The resistance of substance is influenced by the temperature. increase when the temperature increase. decrease when the temperature decrease. T = 0 ( 1 + t ).

T = resistivity at temperature t ( m ). 0 = resitivity at temperature t0 ( m ). = temperature coefficient of resistivity ( 0C-1 ). t = change of temperature (0C ). And the electric resistance ( R ) ; RT = R0 ( 1 + t ). RT = The resitance at temperature t (). R0 = the resitance at temperature t0 () 2. Ohms Law and Electric Resistance: The relation between V and I as follow. V = I R V = Voltage ( volt) I = Electric current (A) R = electric resistance (). The graph of relation of between V and I :


V (volt) I ( ampere ) 3. Electric Circuit of Direct Current. A. Kirchoffs I Law : The sum of electric current entering a node point (branching) is equal to the sum of electric current leaving that node point (branching).

Mathematically we write: Iin = Iout I = electric current (A) Example : 1. I I1 = 5 A I2 = 3 A 2. I1 = 2 A I2 = 3 A I3 = 4 A I4 = 5 A 2A 2A 10 A

I1 7A Determine : I 1 , I2 , I 3 ,I4

I = I 1 + I2

Ix = 3. I2



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