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Albert Einstein (born in Ulm, Kingdom of Wrttemberg, German Empire, March 14, 1879 died in Princeton, New Jersey,

, United States, 18 April 1955 at age 76 years) is a theoretical physicist who is widely regarded as the greatest scientist in a century 20. He put forward the theory of relativity and also greatly contributed to the development of quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and cosmology. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect and for his services to Theoretical Physics . Having formulated the theory of general relativity, Einstein became famous throughout the world, an unusual achievement for a scientist. In his old age, his fame exceeded the fame of all scientists in history, and in popular culture, says Einstein is considered synonymous with intelligence or even genius. His face is one of the most known around the world. Albert Einstein, People of the Century (Person of the Century) In 1999, Einstein called the People of the Century by Time magazine. To appreciate them, a unit in the photochemical named Einstein, a chemical element named einsteinium, and a named asteroid 2001 Einstein. The most famous Einsteins formula is E = mc . Einstein was born in Ulm in Wrttemberg, Germany, about 100 km east of Stuttgart. His father named Hermann Einstein, a salesman feather bed which then undergoes electrochemical work, and his mother was Pauline. They were married in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt. Their family was Jewish; Albert schooled in Catholic school and the wishes of his mother he was given violin lessons. At age five, his father showed him a pocket compass, and Einstein realized that something in space that empty acted upon the needle; he later described this experience as one of the most evocative moment in his life. Although he made models and mechanical devices as a hobby, he is considered a slow learner, possibly caused by dyslexia, shyness, or because the structure of the rare and unusual in his brain (examined after his death). He later credited his theory of relativity to this slowness, saying that by pondering space and time than other children, he was able to develop a more developed intelligence. Another opinion, in the news lately, about his mental development is that he suffered from Aspergers Syndrome, a condition associated with autism. Einstein began to study mathematics at the age of twelve. There are rumors that he failed in mathematics in his education, but this is not true; replacement in the assessment to be confused in the following year. Two of his uncles helped develop interest in the intellectual world during the last part of his childhood and early adolescence by providing suggestions and books on science and mathematics.

In 1894, due to the failure of his fathers electrochemical business, Einstein moved from Munich to Pavia, Italy (near Milan). Albert stayed behind to finish school, finish a semester before rejoining his family in Pavia. Failure in the liberal arts in the entrance test Eidgenssische Technische Hochschule (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, in Zurich) in the next year is a step backwards by his family sent him to Aarau, Switzerland, to finish high school, where he received a diploma in 1896, Albert Einstein several times to register at the Eidgenssische Technische Hochschule. The following year he took off Wrttemberg citizenship, and become stateless. Tags: albert einstein, albert einstein biography, albert einstein inventions, scientist albert

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Sir Isaac Newton Biography or Profile : (born in Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, Lincolnshire, January 4, 1643 died March 31, 1727 at the age of 84 years; KJ: December 25, 1642 March 20, 1727) was a physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alkimiwan, and theologians who came from England. He is a follower of heliocentric and highly influential scientists throughout history, even regarded as the father of classical physics. The work of Naturalist Principia Mathematics Philosophy his book published in 1687 is considered as the most influential book in the history of science. This book laid the foundations of classical mechanics. In this work, Newton described the law of gravity and three laws of motion that dominates the view of science about the universe for three centuries. Newton was able to show that the motion of objects on Earth and outer space objects other governed by a set of natural laws the same. He proved it by showing the consistency between Keplers laws of planetary motion with the theory of gravity. His work was finally remove doubt the scientists will heliosentrisme and advancing the scientific revolution.

Image From : wikipedia In the field of mechanics, Newton triggers the principle of conservation of momentum and angular momentum. In the field of optics, he successfully built the first reflecting telescope and developed a theory of color based on the observation that a glass prism to split white light into other colors. He also formulated the law of cooling and studied the speed of sound. In the field of mathematics as well, along with the work of Gottfried Leibniz, who conducted separately, Newton developed differential calculus and integral calculus.Isaac Newton also managed to describe the binomial theory, developed the Newton method to approach the zero value of a function, and contribute to the study of power series.

Even now Newton is still very influential among scientists. A survey in 2005 that questioned the scientists and the general public at the Royal Society of who is giving a larger contribution in science, whether Newton or Albert Einstein, showed that Newton considered to provide a greater contribution. Source Tags: isaac newton biography, sir isaac newton biography, auto biography of scientist isac newton, sir isaac newton pictures inventions, sir isaac newton info, sir isaac newton biography wikipedia, scientists and their life story inventions wikipedia,sciencetist biography wikipedia, nuton scintist history, isaac newton wikipedia Random Posts Biography of Guglielmo Marconi (the inventor of radio) Elias Howe Biography Inventor Sewing Machine Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev Biography and Profile Emile Berliner Biography and Profile Karl Friedrich von Drais Bography Inventor of Bicycle Related Posts Karl Benz biography and profile Emile Berliner Biography and Profile Elias Howe Biography Inventor Sewing Machine Harry Brearley Biography Inventor Stainless Steel Willis Carrier Biography Inventor Air Conditioner

Biography of Guglielmo Marconi (the inventor of radio)

Guglielmo Marconi is one of the people instrumental in the development world. Broadcasting the world, especially in the discovery of radio. He was born in Bologna, Italy in 1874. Guglielmo Marconi came from wealthier families. At the age of 20 years, he carried out tests on experiments that have been done by Heinrich Hertz. The experiment proved that there are electromagnetic waves which the invisible, can move, and to convey certain messages through the air. In previous eras, found the technology delivering the message via a network cable or copper wire, like a telegram. From theory and experiment Heinrich Hertz, Marconi tried to make a new breakthrough by making noncable communication tools, namely the radio. It comes from the idea that electromagnetic waves can be used to send a signal or message across long distance without wires. That way, the people in those days can be more easily communicate with others, such as sending messages or news to the ship which was in the middle of the sea. To create the desired radio technology, Marconi had to work hard over the years. In 1895, Marconi succeeded in producing the equipment needed to manufacture the radio. One year later ie in 1896, Marconi demonstrated his creation in the UK radio, as well as obtaining the first patent on the invention. After the findings are recognized and receive patents, Marconi set up the company and send broadcast his first radio in 1898. In the ensuing years, he continued to develop these inventions. One year after its first broadcast, he managed to send messages without wires to pass through the English Channel. In 1901, he managed to send a radio message from England to Newfoundland across the Atlantic Ocean. In 1910, Marconi successfully sends radio news from Ireland to Argentina, a distance of more than 6000 miles. Marconis invention was very beneficial for human life. This is very pronounced when the ship S.S. Republic damaged by collision and sinking to the seabed in 1909. News delivered via radio in the boat is very helpful in evacuation of victims. As a result, all passengers who were on the ship SS Republic was saved, except for 6 people. Thanks to these findings, Marconi won the Nobel Prize in 1909. As we know, sending messages via radio normally shaped sound. But at that time, news or a message sent via the radio is still shaped signs Marconi code system. New in 1915, sending radio

messages in the form of sound like now. While the new commercial radio broadcasting occurred in the early 20s, where the development and growing popularity very quickly.

In 1914, there was disagreement in the courts relating to Marconis invention patents are worth very high. But this did not last long, court cases eventually disappear along with court recognition of the rights of Marconi for his discovery. The problem that happened to her did not dampen the spirit of Marconi to continue working. In 1915, he conducted an investigation and trial of short wave and microwave communications. New in 1937, Marconis last breath. By default, Marconi has made a large contribution to the development of broadcasting technology world. Radio result creations successfully pushed the new findings in the field of communications and broadcasting technologies, such as television. Marconi did not find a television, but radio was his creation that stimulates other scientists to find a television. In other words, radio Marconis creation is the forerunner of broadcasting technology. Tags: guglielmo marconi wynalazki, marconi biography, guglielmo marconi inventions,guglielmo marconi invention of radio, creation of the radio biography, marconi\s inventions, the invention of radio is Marconi, marconi the inventor, marconi inventor biography, the inventor of the radio Random Posts Johann Philipp Reis Biogrpahy and Profile the early invention of telephone Ferdinand Verbiest invented the first ever car Joseph Louis Gay Lussac Biography and Profile Albert Einstein Biography and Profile Elias Howe Biography Inventor Sewing Machine Related Posts Karl Benz biography and profile Emile Berliner Biography and Profile Harry Brearley Biography Inventor Stainless Steel Willis Carrier Biography Inventor Air Conditioner Alfred Nobel Biography Inventor Dynamite

Thomas Alva Edison Biography and Profile

Posted by Einstein on May 7, 2011

Thomas Alva Edison (born February 11, 1847 died October 18, 1931 at age 84 years) is the inventor and businessman who developed many important devices. The Wizard of Menlo Park is one of the first inventors to apply the principles of mass production in the process of discovery. He was born in Milan, Ohio, United States on February 11, 1847. In his childhood in the United States, Edison always scored poorly in school. Therefore, his mother taught him from school and at home. At home with small Edison freely to read scientific books mature and begin to conduct various scientific experiments alone. At the age of 12 he began working as a newspaper seller, fruit and sweets on the train. Then he became a telegraph operator, he moved from one city to another. In New York he was asked to become head of the telegraph machine that matters. The machines that send business news to all the leading companies in New York. In 1870 he found a better telegraph machine. The machines can print the messages on a long paper tape. The money generated from its discovery was enough to establish his own company. In 1874 he moved to Menlo Park, New Jersey. There he made ??a major scientific workshop and the first in the world. After that he did a lot of important discoveries. In 1877 he discovered gramophone. In

1879 he managed to find the electric light and then he also found a projector for small films. In 1882 he installed electric lights in the streets and houses as far as one kilometer in the city of New York. This is the first time in the world of electric lights in use on the streets. In 1890, he founded the General Electric Company. Thomas Edison was a young age Edison is seen as one of the most prolific creators of his time, holding a record 1,093 patents in his name. He also helps a lot in the field of defense the United States government. Some of his research include: detection of the aircraft, destroying the periscope with machine guns, submarine detection, stop the torpedo with nets, increased the strength in torpedo, ship camouflage, and many more. In 1928 he received the award in the form of a special medal from the United States Congress. Thomas Alva Edison died at the age of 84, on the anniversary of his discovery of the famous, modern light bulbs. Tags: thomas alva edison profile, profile of thomas alva edison, karlheinz brandenburg

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Michael Faraday Biography and Profile

Posted by Einstein on May 7, 2011

Michael Faraday (22 September 1791-25 August 1867) was a British scientist who earned the nickname Father of Electricity, because thanks to his efforts that electricity became much use of technology. He studied various fields of science, including electromagnetism and electrochemistry. He also found a tool that will become a Bunsen burner, which is used in almost all laboratory science as a practical source of heat. Effect of magnetism led him to find the ideas that became the basis of the theory of magnetic field. He gave many lectures to popularize scientific knowledge in the general population. Rational approach in developing the theory and analyze the results is very impressive. Thanks for reading Michael Faraday Biography and Profile. If you have a complete biography about him, you cancontact us to write or submit your article in our blog. Thanks Tags: , biodata michael faraday, michael faraday profile, michael faraday

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John Logie Baird Biography Inventor Television Related Posts Karl Benz biography and profile Emile Berliner Biography and Profile Elias Howe Biography Inventor Sewing Machine Harry Brearley Biography Inventor Stainless Steel Willis Carrier Biography Inventor Air Conditioner Marie Curie Short Biography and Profile Maria Sk?odowska-Curie (born in Warsaw, Poland, November 7, 1867 died July 4, 1934 at age 66 years) is a pioneer in the field of radiology and Nobel Prize winner twice, namely in 1903 and Chemical Physics in 1911. He founded the Curie Institute. Together with her ??husband, Pierre Curie, she discovered the element radium.

Marie Curie is one of the few people who won two Nobel Prizes in two fields, is one of the most important researchers in the field of radiation and its effects as a pioneer of radiology. His notes to be radioactive, until recently a decontamination her granddaughter. Marie Curie grew up in Poland in a family of teachers. Because of the crisis in Poland, he was destitute and had to live frugally. Even more distressing still, he had surreptitiously to learn science. In 1891 Marie continuing his studies of Physics and Mathematics at the University of Sorbonne. Only after he went to Paris to study at the Sorbonne and he can more freely to do research until the end of his lunch that he was able to isolate radium from his old laboratory that simple; from where the initial popularity.

Dedication to science is very high. Until now, no longer a woman with such talent and great dedication to science. Marie Curie continued to work and investigate nuclear and radioactive materials only in a simple laboratory without going to think for myself. Even he refused to register his invention to the patent because it is too hold fast to the principle, science is for mankind. Tags: marie curie profile, profile of marie curie, marie curie biography, profile marie curie, marie curie biodata, biodata of marie curie, pierre curie biography, madame curie biodata, profiles in science marie curie, pictures of the Curie Institute Random Posts Werner von Siemens Biography Inventor of Dynamo Johann Philipp Reis Biogrpahy and Profile the early invention of telephone Andr-Marie Ampre Short Biography Felix Hoffmann Biography Inventor Aspirin Heinrich Focke Biography Inventor Helicopter Related Posts Karl Benz biography and profile Emile Berliner Biography and Profile Elias Howe Biography Inventor Sewing Machine Harry Brearley Biography Inventor Stainless Steel Willis Carrier Biography Inventor Air Conditioner

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