RVRCOB Adjustment Manual PDF

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TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Different types of Adjustment and Scheduling A. Advanced 1. Below 18 units Late Enrollment 2. Returnees B. Regular 1.

Log in Schedule 2. Claiming of Revised EAF C. Securing of Adjustment Pass D. Special Manual Adjustment 1. Process and details 2. Breakdown of payments E. Dissolved Classes F. Late Manual Adjustment II. Various Processes and Procedures Associated with Adjustment A. Course Crediting 1. Course Code Changes 2. Course Crediting Process 3. Soft Prerequisite vs. Hard prerequisite B. Dropping of Courses 1. Dropping Process 2. Refund Process C. Course Auditing D. Special Classes III. A. B. C. D. E. Concerns, Questions and Clarifications Course Specific Concerns Overload/Underload Concerns Shifting Concerns Other Concerns Frequently Asked Questions

I. Different types of Adjustment and Scheduling The term adjustment refers to late enrollment or a revision of the selection of courses/section made during enrollment. For undergraduate students, adjustment comes in three schedules: Advanced adjustment which is for late enrollees, transferees and shiftees; Regular adjustment which is for adding/dropping of courses due to failures; Special adjustment which is for changing of sections and other late enrollees, subject to a special adjustment fee and EAF reprinting fee. A. Advanced Adjustment Advance Adjustment is done through My.LaSalle and is meant for students who fall under one of the following criteria: 1. Students who have enlisted in less than 18 units Students can log in at http://my.dlsu.edu.ph from 0800 to 2000 on September 2 to 4, 2013. 2. Students returning to DLSU to continue their studies after LOA (Returnees). Students should visit their Vice Dean/Academic Assistant on September 4 to 6, 2013. B. Regular Adjustment Regular Adjustment is for students who are adding/dropping courses due to failures incurred during the previous term. Example: During second term adjustment, students who fail during the first term can avail of Regular Adjustment. Procedure is as follows: 1. Adjustment Process Log in at http://my.dlsu.edu.ph on September 9 according to the schedule as follows: 0930 1110 1250 1430 to to to to 2000 2000 2000 2000 ID#113 ID#112 ID#111 ID#110 and below

2. Claiming of Revised EAF Claim revised EAF at The Hub2nd Flr. Henry Sy Sr., Hall (09 Sep 2013) 0800 to 1800 - ID#112 and below 1200 to 1800 - ID#113

C. Securing of Adjustment Pass The Adjustment Pass (required for Special Adjustment) is reserved through MyLaSalle on September 10, 2013 from 08:00 to 20:00. The following are the processes in securing the adjustment pass. Log-in to your My.LaSalle account Scroll down to Enrollment Click on Reserve Adjustment Pass Select a time slot from the options indicated. Make sure to choose the time slot that will be most advantageous to your schedule so you will not miss your reserved slot. Adjustment passes are non-transferable. Others may adjust for a student provided that they have the photocopy of the adjustees ID, an authorization letter by the adjustee and the print-out of the reserved Adjustment Pass. Go to your reserved time slot and present the printed out Adjustment Pass along with your ID (for verification purposes).

D. Special Manual Adjustment Special Adjustment: September 11-12, 2013 1. Process and details Be at the place where adjustment will take place on or before the time slot on your reserved adjustment pass. Present your ID and printed Adjustment Pass to the College Government of Business Officer going around with the checklist of students who have reserved passes. Fill out the adjustment sheet that will be given by the CGB Officer. Wait for your turn with the Academic Assistant. When it is your turn for adjustment, give the adjustment sheet to the Academic Assistant for her to type in the classes that you want to adjust to. Have your EAF reprinted. Pay the EAF reprinting fee at the Accounting Office. 2. Breakdown of payments A fee of Php 220.00 will be charged for the adjustment process which is broken down as follows: Adjustment Fee Reprinting of EAF Total Php 150.00 Php 70.00 Php 220.00

E. Dissolved Classes According to the Student Handbook, students who are adjusting because of dissolved classes no longer have to get an adjustment pass or pay the special adjustment fee. Instead, starting September 13, these students may proceed to the Vice Deans Office to adjust. Deadline for adjusting dissolved classes is on the second week of the term.

F. Late Manual Adjustment Available only once during a students entire stay in DLSU, Late Manual Adjustment is done after all other adjustment processes. A student will have to obtain the proper forms from the Office of the Vice Dean and upon completion of the said forms, will submit to the University Registrar, on the second floor of Henry Sy Sr., Hall and pay a fixed rate of Php 1,200.00. G. Special Circumstances In some terms special forms of adjustment may be implemented by the Office of the Vice Dean. These adjustment processes only happen during the term that they are announced and are not permanent additions to the adjustment process. 1. In Term 1 AY:13-14 due to to the technical difficulties created by the shift from MLS to Animo.sys, the Special Manual Adjustment Process was extended for a third day which is one more than the usual two days allocated for this. 2. For the Second Term of AY:13-14 to avoid the overcrowding of students during Manual Adjustment the Office of the Vice Dean will hold Manual Adjustment on September 4 for Students with the following concerns: a. Freshmen Students who need to enroll in NSTP. (ROTC/CWTS) b. Students who experienced problems with Course editing in MLS (MANSCIE is not credited as MANASCI). II. Various Processes and Procedures Associated with Adjustment A. Course Crediting 1.Course Code Changes You may refer to: http://tinyurl.com/NewCourseCodesT1-1314 NOTE: Some course code changes may or may not be included in the link above, as this is not the official list of course code changes. Please inform us if there are any missing or incorrect course code changes. 2.Course Crediting Process 1) Get Course Crediting forms at the Office of the Vice Dean. 2) Fill out the Course Crediting Form. 3) Have the form signed by the Vice Dean, Atty. Hilario Caraan. 4) Submit the Course Crediting Form to the Office of the University Registrar which is located at the second floor of Henry Sy Sr., Hall. 3. Soft Prerequisite vs. Hard prerequisite The difference between Hard and Soft Prerequisite is that for Soft Prerequisite, you can enroll on both classes in the same term, i.e., you can take BUSANA1 and BUSANA2 on the same term. (Example only.)

On the other hand, Hard Prerequisite does not allow you to take both subjects on the same term, i.e., you can only take ACTBAS1 on Term 1 and ACTBAS2 on Term 2. To find out which of the courses in your flowchart are hard or soft pre requisites, please consult with your course department or the department of the class in question. B. Dropping of Courses 1. Dropping Process Courses may be dropped online through the My.LaSalle account. Officiallydropped courses will not appear in the Transcript of Records. The deadline for dropping of courses for AY 2012-13, Term 2 are as follows: Undergraduate studies With 100% refund - before With 90% refund With 80% refund No refund Deadline start of the term 1st week of the term 2nd week of the term 3rd week of the term

The following need to use the manual dropping system: 1. First-year undergraduate students 2. Upper-class undergraduate students whose total load will fall below 12 units after dropping For these cases, please use the form Application for Manual Dropping which may be downloaded at: http://www.dlsu.edu.ph/offices/registrar/pdf/E02.pdf. 2. Refund Process After you have dropped a class, go to Henry Sy Sr., Hall to reprint your EAF. Make sure to check if you have dropped your class on your EAF and it has the word REFUND on the breakdown of tuition fees with the corresponding amount. After, you may go to the accounting office and claim your refund by showing your revised EAF, authorization letter from a parent with the photocopy of a valid ID.

Deadline Before the start of the term End of Week 1 of the term End of Week 2 of the term

Refund 100% 90% 80%

C. Course Auditing Students can apply for audit courses during the first week of the term and their requests are subject to the availability of slots and approval of the department chairperson and the vice dean. An auditing student is considered as one who wishes to sit in a class without having it credited. They only intend to increase their knowledge on the subject matter; and as such: 1. Incur any amount of absences 2. Refuse to take examinations 3. Not apply for course credit Forms are available at the University Registrar and payable at the accounting office. Note 1: Audit courses are not included in the computed in the unit load and term GPA. Note 2: Within the first week of the term, audit courses may be converted to credit courses upon the recommendation of the department chairperson with approval of the vice dean and University Registrar, as long as the maximum allowed units for a term are not violated. Credit courses are included in the computation of term GPA. D. Special Classes According to the Student Handbook, students may, upon request, be allowed to take special classes only under ANY ONE of the following circumstances; however, the university is not compelled to grant the request. Special circumstances is as follows: A. A course is indicated in the flowchart as an offering for a specific term but is not offered. B. The section that the student is enrolled becomes a dissolved class and there are no more available slots in the remaining sections. C. The student is graduating at the end of the term and either the course he requires is not offered or is in conflict with his other enrolled courses. *Alternatively: A student may be allowed to take a course equivalent should the course not be available and no faculty can be found to teach a special class.

III. Concerns, Questions and Clarifications/ Frequently Asked Questions. A. Course Specific Concerns a. SCIMATB and LBYMATB; SCIMATC and LBYMATC 1. Both Science Laboratory and Lecture sections must be the same. 2. If only one of the two courses are failed during the term they are taken, then during the succeeding term only the failed subject needs to be taken again. 2. Will the Marketing department allow me to take more than 3 major subjects? a. typically they do not allow more than 3 majors a term, but you may try to ask the department chair about this.

B. Overload/Under load Concerns According to the Student handbook, a full-time undergraduate student is defined as one who carries a load of 12 units or more during the regular trimester. Students are expected to carry not fewer than 12 credit hours per trimester unless specified by their flowchart, or they are graduation. For regular terms, the maximum academic load for undergraduate students is 18 units, or the number of units indicated on the program checklist, whichever is higher. For the summer term, the maximum academic load is 7 units. A student may be allowed to enroll more than the maximum allowable load during a regular term under the following circumstances: The additional units pertain to or the list of enrolled courses includes a PE course; and The student is potentially on his/her last term and the overload does not exceed 6 units.

1. Can I drop subjects even if it will make me under load (below 12 units)? a. Yes. Dropping of subjects is done through MLS. 2. When am I allowed to overload? Will I incur additional fees? a. If you are graduating next term, and need to overload in order not to be delayed. No additional fees other than the course tuition. C. Shifting Concerns The term shifting refers to a transfer from one program to another of the same level. A level may refer to baccalaureate, masters, doctoral, or diploma/certificate (non-degree). The following general policies apply for students who have shifted to another program:

All courses taken at De La Salle University-Manila are reflected in the Transcript of Records

The grades for these courses are included in the computation of the Term and Cumulative GPA Qualification for honors and awards reckons with the entire academic performance of the student at De La Salle University-Manila, regardless of shifting Academic departments may impose conditions and requirements for approval of shifting applications

Types of Shifting There are types of shifting at De La Salle University-Manila, as follows:

Undergraduate shifting (Internal) Undergraduate shifting (External)

Undergraduate Shifting (Internal): Step 1 Activity Claim the Transcript of Records from the Front Desk of the Office of the University Registrar one (1) week after release of the Application for Shifting-Internal Form (Form No. EN-07201205). Fill out the form in three (3) copies and have your parent/guardian sign it. A photocopy of a valid ID of your parent/guardian showing his/her signature must be attached. Submit the following in a brown envelope with your name clearly indicated on the upper right corner to the Office of the Vice Dean: 1. Application for Shifting-Internal (EN-07-201205) signed by parent/guardian AND Sending Chair; 2. Transcript of Records; and 3. Photocopy of ID of parent/guardian Get results of application for shifting from the Vice Dean. Encode courses on-line following the schedule of the Office of the University Registrar. Week 3 to 4 Week 3 to 4 Duration

4 5

Week 8

D. Other Concerns a. If I take a subject now that is not part of my current MGT flow chart, but is part of the APC flow chart that I am shifting to next term, will it be credited? (Basfin2 is not in the MGT flow chart but is in APC flow chart) You can only take subjects that are in your curriculum even if you plan to shift courses in the future. You can only take the other subjects that are not in your flowchart once you have shifted. Sanctions may be applied if subjects not in the curriculum are taken. E. Frequently Asked Questions (lifted from Ask.fm/dlsu_cgb) 1. Where will adjustment take place? a. Advanced Adjustment and Regular Adjustment -MyLaSalle b. Returnees Adjustment - Henry Sy Bldg, 5th Floor c. Special Adjustment - Henry Sy Bldg, 5th Floor 2. Valid Reasons for Special Adjustment a. Under load (below 12 units) b. Graduating c. Zero units d. Seasonal subjects e. Essential Pre-requisite 3. How many students are needed for a petitioned class to be approved? a. At least 15 students. 4. Is it possible to adjust to a closed section? a. It depends on the Academic Assistant. b. A student cannot request to enter a closed section unless all sections are already full (colored red). 5. Will sections with pads open during the advance adjustment? a. It will depend on the academic assistant during manual adjustment. Most of the time, they open the PAD for some subjects because PADs are meant to be used as a last resort only, in the event of schedule conflict or absolutely no other slots left. 6. Can I adjust because I have a late class during manual adjustment? a. You can adjust only to open sections and during special adjustment. 7. Can I overload because I failed a subject? Ill be delayed one term. a. You can only overload during your last two academic terms or with the subject GREATWK. b. Otherwise you cannot exceed the number of units specified for that term your flowchart. 8. Can I drop classes to take myself below 18 units then adjust during advance adjustment? a. Yes you can drop a subject through MLS and enroll on advance adjustment.

9. My flowchart for next term says 20(0). Does that mean I can get 21 units of academic units? If it says 18(0), I can't get 21? Some of my friends can exceed 18, I dont know why. a. You can exceed 18 units with the subject GREATWK, if your flowchart specifies 20 academic units, then you cannot exceed that to take 21 academic units. (Subjects like LASARE and PERSEF are not academic units). 10.When can I apply to graduate in MLS? a. Last enrollment you have for your stay in DLSU. 11.What if I have a class that offers a specific person as a professor and it gets shuffled, is this a valid reason for adjusting? Until when can I adjust? a. Its normally not a valid excuse. But if you wish to adjust into an open section please refer to the other sections for the dates of adjustment. 12.What if I'm graduating next term and I already have 21 units next term and I fail a subject this term. Can I have my graduating term with 22+ units? a. Yes, yes it can. 13.Can I adjust to a LASARE class to avoid getting delayed? a. Yes you may, if the section is open and you secure a pass for manual adjustment. 14.Do I get priority during adjustment, because I am first honor dean's lister? a. No, manual adjustment follows the time stated on the adjustment passes. 15.Where should I go if I'm under load and the term is already starting? a. Go to the Academic Assistant at the Office of the Vice Dean -located at the Faculty Center (Old Library). 16.Can I take PERSEF and LASARE together with 21 academic units? a. Yes. 17.When can I view my schedule for next term? a. Viewing of schedules for the following term will happen after the enrollment period. 18.What's the curriculum audit for? a. The curriculum audit is for the viewing of the courses that a student needs to take. It is like an online flowchart. 19.i have enrolled to 15(5) units. is this considered as below 18 units? a. Yes, since the (5) units are considered non-academic units.

20.During the Advance Adjustment, will the frosh sections "pop up" in MLS? Like will I be able to enroll in the frosh sections? a. No. You'll have to go through Special Adjustment and talk with the academic assistant to let you in a frosh section. 21.Is it possible that I pay my tuition fee for 12 units already but I would still undergo special adjustment? a. Yes, but of course, you'll be given a deadline to pay for the additional units. 22.Can I not claim my EAF anymore, and just wait for reprinting after the adjustment ? a. You must claim it on or before adjustment, because you need it during the adjustment process 23.What if I failed a subject this term and I wanted to take that subject again the following term because the subject is a prerequisite for a major subject. However, I saw that all sections for the subject were already full. What will I do? a. If the class still has pads you might be able to adjust to that class however if not you can either look for other people and petition for a class or apply for a special class, which will be having some paper works (you may inquire about this in the vice dean's office). 24.How can frosh adjust? a. Those with failures may adjust normally during the Sept 9 regular adjustment period. Also, frosh may secure adjustment passes like everyone else during Sept 10.

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