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Tabel 3-3 Kategori Drug Therapy Problems (DRPs) 1.

The patient has a medical conditions that requires the initiation of new or additional drug therapy 2. The patient is taking drug therapy that is unnecessary given his or her present condition 3. The patient has a medical condition for which the wrong drug is being taken 4. The patient has a medical condition for which too little of the correct drug is being taken 5. The patient has a medical condition resulting from an adverse drug reaction 6. The patient has a medical condition for which too much of the correct drug is being taken 7. The patient has a medical condition resulting from not taking drug appropriately 1. Pasien memiliki kondisi medis yang memerlukan inisiasi terapi obat baru atau tambahan 2. Pasien mendapat terapi obat yang tidak dibutuhkan untuk kondisinya yang sekarang 3. Pasien memiliki kondisi medis yang obat yang salah yang diambil 4. Pasien memiliki kondisi medis yang terlalu sedikit dari obat yang benar sedang diambil 5. Pasien memiliki kondisi medis yang dihasilkan dari reaksi obat yang merugikan 6. Pasien memiliki kondisi medis yang terlalu banyak obat yang benar yang diambil 7. Pasien memiliki kondisi medis yang dihasilkan dari tidak mengambil obat tepat

Tabel 3-4 Potensial Drug Therapy Problems (DRPs) 1. The patient is at a high-risk to develop a new medical condition for which additional drug therapy is indicated 2. The patient is at a risk to develop a new medical condition that is the result of taking an unnecessary drug for which there is no valid medical indication 3. The patient is a risk to develop a new medical condition because the wrong drug is being taken 4. The patient is at a risk to develop a new medical condition because too little of the correct drug is being taken 5. The patient is a risk to develop a new medical condition from an adverse drug reaction 6. The patient is a risk to develop a new medical condition because too much of the correct drug is being taken

7. The patient is a risk to develop a new medical condition that is the result of not complying with the prescribed or recommended drug therapy

Tabel 3-5 Penyebab Drug Therapy Problems (DRPs) 1. 2. 3. 4. Appropriate Indication for Medication The Most Effective Medication The Safest Medication Patient Compliance and Convenlenced

Contoh Drug Therapy Problems Tipe Drug Therapy Problems Membutuhkan terapi obat tetapi tidak menerima itu (indikasi obat) Mengambil atau menerima obat yang salah Membawa atau menerima terlalu sedikit obat yang bener Membawa atau menerima terlalu banyak obat yang tepat Mengalami reaksi obat yang merugikan Mengalami obat-obat atau obat-makanan interaksi Tidak mengambil atau menerima obat yang diresepkan Mengambil atau menerima obat karena tidak ada indikasi yang valid Contoh

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