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Anne 2013-14

Responsable : Shona Whyte


Version 1.3

M1 MEEF Anglais

17 September 2013

The Master MEEF is a graduate programme which prepares students to teach English as a Foreign Language (EFL) or Modern Foreign Language (MFL) in French secondary schools (lower secondary collges or upper secondary lyces). To obtain a position as tenured high school teacher in France (professeur titulaire), applicants must pass a competitive exam (the CAPES and/or Agrgation) and fulfill all the requirements for a masters degree. From September 2013, new masters degrees in education following a standard format for all disciplines are offered through a new institution: the Ecole Suprieure du Professorat et de lducation (ESPE). The MEEF programme in English is designed to prepare students to take the CAPES competitive exams (written: March; oral: June) provide professional EFL/MFL preparation for future English teachers. Students planning to take the Agrgation should consult

The general structure of MEEF masters degree programmes involves 5 main blocs: Disciplinary knowledge (disciplinaire) Didactics or pedagogy (didactique) Research (recherche) Teaching profession (culture commune, lexercice du mtier) Teaching practice (mise en situation professionnelle) The English MEEF in the Acadmie of Nice is organised in four sections: 1. disciplinary knowledge, 2. didactic knowledge, 3. teaching profession and 4. teaching practice and research.

The MEEF and the CAPES are interdependent insofar as both are required of future teachers: you cannot take the CAPES oral exams without holding an M1 qualification you cannot become a tenured English teacher without passing the CAPES even if you have a full masters degree you cannot become a tenured English teacher without a full masters degree even if you pass the CAPES. Students must enroll both for the MEEF programme (which gives access to courses preparing for the CAPES exams) with the English Department at the Humanities faculty (LASH) and via the new ESPE, and then sign up to take the CAPES exams themselves. LASH (M1 enrollment, 15-23 July, or from 26 August 2013) MEEF (ESPE application, submission date: 26 August 2013) CAPES (site du ministre, session 2014)
Version 1.3 M1 MEEF Anglais 17 September 2013


Written (each coefficient 2) 1: Composition 5-hour synthesis in English of extracts from English literary works and/or texts of cultural/historical relevance with respect to the two literary themes and cultural notions which currently figure in high school English programmes (collge and lyce). 2: Translation 5-hour translation into English or French (no choice) plus French essay including linguistic (grammatical) and cultural factors which affect the translation.

Oral (each coefficient 4) 1: Professional practice A one-hour exam (30 minutes English, 30 minutes French) based on a collection of resources (texts, images, audio/video, pedagogical, textbook extracts) related to one literary theme or cultural notion in current secondary English programmes. First the candidate synthesises the documents in English (20 minutes) then justifies and develops this presentation in a 10-minute exchange. Then the candidate presents suggestions for the pedagogical exploitation of the documents by identifying relevant literary, cultural and linguistic elements and proposing classroom activities (20 minutes in French) and justifies these choices in a 10-minute exchange. Candidates have three hours' preparation time. 2: English comprehension and teaching A one-hour exam (30 minutes English, 30 minutes French) based on an authentic audio or video document (3 minutes) related to a cultural notion from the secondary English programmes, and a collection of resources including learner productions and institutional texts. The candidate first presents the document and explains its pedagogical value in English (30 minutes). Then the candidate analyses the accompanying texts in French (30 minutes). Candidates have two hours' preparation time.

Version 1.3

M1 MEEF Anglais

17 September 2013

Semester 1 UE1 Disciplinary knowledge (disciplinaire) 15 ECTS 1. Literary analysis. Analyse et commentaire : littraire et thmatiques au programme (3 ECTS) Preparation for CAPES written composition based on literary themes. Marie Linard-Yeterian 2. Cultural analysis. Analyse et commentaire : civilisation et notions au programme (3 ECTS) Preparation for CAPES written composition based on cultural notions. Didier Revest 3. Methodology: synthesis & composition. Mthodologie : synthse et composition (3 ECTS) Preparation for CAPES written composition based on literary and/or cultural notions. Christian Gutleben Didier Revest 4. Methodology: translation. Mthodologie de traduction : thme et version (6 ECTS) Preparation for CAPES translation into English and French. Christian Gutleben (into English) Michal Oustinoff (into French) 5. Grammatical analysis for translation. Analyse de faits de langue et justification de traduction (3 ECTS) Preparation for CAPES translation exam: grammatical analysis and justification of choices. Jean Marie Merle UE2 Didactic knowledge (didactique) 7 ECTS 1. Synthesis, comprehension and exploitation of resources (4 ECTS) Analyse de documents et de ressources : audio, video, images Preparation for first part of first CAPES oral exam concerning synthesis of documents. Karine Hildenbrand Preparation for second part of first CAPES oral exam concerning pedagogical exploitation of documents. Sophie Laboz Benjamin Bessire

Version 1.3

M1 MEEF Anglais

17 September 2013

Preparation for first part of first or second CAPES oral exam concerning listening comprehension Anne Tortel 2. Learner productions and institutional issues (3 ECTS) Analyse de pratiques ; rle institutionnel de lenseignant Preparation for second part of first CAPES oral exam involving the analysis of learner productions and institutional texts. Sophie Laboz Pamela McClure L'preuve prend appui sur un dossier propos par le jury, compos de documents se rapportant l'une des notions ou thmatiques de l'ensemble des programmes de lyce et de collge. Ces documents peuvent tre de nature diffrente : textes, documents iconographiques, enregistrements audio ou vido, documents scientifiques, didactiques, pdagogiques, extraits de manuels ou travaux d'lves. L'preuve comporte deux parties : une premire partie en langue trangre consistant en un expos comportant la prsentation, l'tude et la mise en relation des documents. L'expos est suivi d'un entretien en langue trangre durant lequel le candidat est amen justifier sa prsentation et dvelopper certains lments de son argumentation ; une seconde partie en langue franaise consistant en la proposition de pistes d'exploitation didactiques et pdagogiques de ces documents, en fonction des comptences linguistiques qu'ils mobilisent, de l'intrt culturel et de civilisation qu'ils prsentent ainsi que des activits langagires qu'ils permettent de mettre en pratique selon la situation d'enseignement choisie, suivie d'un entretien en franais au cours duquel le candidat est amen justifier ses choix. [link] This course includes two classes, both of which focus on the construction of lessons (la sance) and teaching units (la squence) within the CER framework which underpins secondary English programmes. Sophie Laboz will cover the CER and the English programmes with particular emphasis on the analysis of textbooks and activities. Pamela McClure will deal with institutional requirements (le rfrentiel) and learner productions. [Anne Tortels class in UE2.1 will also cover the treatment of audio/video documents in this oral exam.] UE3 Research (recherches) See UE5 UE4 Teaching profession (culture commune, lexercice du mtier) 3 ECTS 1. General education Contexte dexercice du mtier ESPE lecturers 2. Challenges in second language teaching and learning Gestion des obstacles lapprentissage des langues Shona Whyte
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3. ICT in the English classroom TICE Shona Whyte This course focuses on a) basic ICT competences for teachers such as online content curation, copyright/privacy issues, and digital tools for teaching and learning; b) pedagogical applications of ICT which are specific to the secondary English classroom. The second component of the class is closely related to UE5 Teaching practice and research and thus to teaching practice and action research. Students will learn to use ICT tools for data collection (samples of learner productions) in semester 1, and to design and implement teaching activities (semester 2). For this reason, some class sessions are held in semester 1, although the evaluation for this course is conducted in the second semester. UE5 Teaching practice and research (2 ECTS) In the teaching practice and research part of the masters programme, students work with a secondary school teacher, a teacher trainer (Sophie Laboz), and language education researcher (Shona Whyte) to obtain a variety of perspectives on teaching and learning English in this context. 1. Teaching practice Stage Observation of collge or lyce English classes (2 weeks) This course is related to a two-week placement in a local secondary school (upper or lower secondary) supervised by the class teacher (tutor) and Sophie Laboz. The university component of the course with Sophie Laboz involves a) the analysis of teaching resources and their exploitation in class; b) group discussion of classroom observations related to teaching resources. Sophie Laboz Secondary English practitioners (tutors) 2. Second language teaching research Sensibilisation la recherche Introduction to action research: goals and methods. Shona Whyte This course is also related to the first semester teaching placement, and includes a) an introduction to classroom research (particularly action research b) classroom observation, c) data collection.

Version 1.3

M1 MEEF Anglais

17 September 2013

Semester 2 UE1 Disciplinary knowledge (disciplinaire) 13 ECTS 1. Literary analysis. Analyse et commentaire : littrature et thmatiques au programme (3 ECTS) Preparation for CAPES written composition based on literary themes. Christian Gutleben 2. Cultural analysis. Analyse et commentaire : civilisation et notions au programme (3 ECTS) Preparation for CAPES written composition based on cultural notions. Nathalie Massip 3. Methodology: translation. Mthodologie de traduction : thme et version (2 ECTS) Preparation for CAPES translation into English and French. Didier Revest (into French) Michal Oustinoff (into English) 4. Grammatical analysis for translation. Analyse de faits de langue et justification de traduction (2 ECTS) Preparation for CAPES translation exam: grammatical analysis and justification of choices. Jean Marie Merle 5. Synthesis and exploitation of documents Synthse orale 1 Preparation for first part of first CAPES oral exam concerning synthesis of documents. Batrix Pernelle Preparation for second part of first CAPES oral exam concerning pedagogical exploitation of documents, and second CAPES oral exam involving analysis of learner productions and institutional issues. Sophie Laboz Secondary English practitioners 6. Oral synthesis Synthse orale 2 Preparation for first part of first CAPES oral exam concerning synthesis of documents, and second CAPES oral exam involving the pedagogical exploitation of audio/video resources. Anne Debray Didier Revest Anne Tortel

Version 1.3

M1 MEEF Anglais

17 September 2013

UE2 Didactic knowledge (didactique) 7 ECTS 1. Second language teaching (3 ECTS) Analyse critique et synthse Preparation for second part of second CAPES oral exam involving the analysis of learner productions and institutional texts. Sophie Laboz Secondary English practitioners 2. Comprehension and exploitation of audio (4 ECTS) Comprhension et exploitation de documents Listening comprehension: listening strategies and teaching listening skills Shona Whyte Preparation for second part of second CAPES oral exam involving the analysis of learner productions and institutional texts. Secondary English practitioners UE3 Research (recherches) See UE5 UE4 Teaching profession (culture commune, lexercice du mtier) 4 ECTS 1. General education Culture commune ESPE lecturers 2. ICT Technologies dInformation et de Communication pour lEnseignement (TICE) UE5 Teaching practice and research (6 ECTS) 1. Teaching practice Stage Observation of collge or lyce English classes (2 weeks) Sophie Laboz Secondary English practitioners 2. Second language teaching research Sensibilisation la recherche Introduction to action research: data collection and analysis. Shona Whyte SITE DU PROGRAMME MEEF 1 ANGLAIS Site MEEF 1 (S. Whyte) [Learn how to subscribe to site changes and receive e-mail notification of updates.]

Version 1.3

M1 MEEF Anglais

17 September 2013

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