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Call for submissions

Charity design: the brief

Deliver two alternative design concepts including logo, fonts and colour scheme to represent Samphire in its mission to support people experiencing immigration detention or destitution. The aim is to create a design that will be Samphires face to the world. Our tagline is support in and after detention. The submission for each design concept should comprise: 1. A PNG file with a Samphire logo of at least 700x700px size 2. A PDF file showing how our name and our tagline would be incorporated into that logo You are welcome to submit a design under one or both of the two possible design concepts. Design concept 1: Update our current design The aim of your first submission is to update our current logo, fonts and colour scheme while maintaining the continuity of our brand. Our current logo is a bird flying free from an enclosure:

The new logo design should still feature a bird to symbolise freedom after detention. This design concept should keep a largely blue colour scheme. Design concept 2: A new design The alternative logo design can be a radical departure from our previous logo. It can comprise any illustration that evokes the idea of: local communities reaching out to support people experiencing immigration detention or destitution, or a vulnerable individual being empowered to stand up for his/her right to freedom from detention and destitution, or struggling against the lack of equality before the law for non-British citizens in the UK (i.e. resisting the targeting of migrants and asylum seekers).

These ideas are suggestions for starting points only; they are in no way prescriptive. Immigration detention and destitution are two seemingly separate concepts, which a representation of our charity would have to combine. We are looking for a striking logo that will bring home to people the importance of standing up for and reaching out to people who are suffer the injustice and indignity of detention and destitution in the UK because of their legal immigration status. We are looking for a positive image that represents the ways in which our staff and volunteers empower our clients.

Who we are and what we do

Samphire is an independent charity, supporting and advocating for people who are detained in Dover Immigration Removal Centre, while the UK Home Office deals with their asylum and immigration cases, for as long as it takes the UK Home Office to deal with their cases sometimes months, often years: immigration detention in the UK is indefinite. Some people are released on bail to wait for a decision in their case, but asylum seekers and migrants with outstanding claims are not allowed to work in the UK or to access social support. For this reason we run a national ex-detainee project to support people facing destitution after detention. By empowering volunteers in our local community to visit - and in turn, empower people being held in asylum and immigration detention - and by empowering exdetainees, and by sharing what we learn in our day-to-day casework, our aim is to

challenge assumptions that you can be treated unfairly depending on who you are or where you come from.

We are changing our name from Dover Detainee Visitor Group to Samphire. The call for a new design is to coincide with the official launch of our name change and new website. Indefinite detention: non-British people in the UK can be detained in immigration removal centres indefinitely. There is no legal time limit, as there is with prison sentences. We provide emotional and practical support to individuals experiencing the isolation of immigration detention. Destitution: stateless people; migrants who cant prove their nationality or be documented by their country of origin; and asylum seekers whose claims for protection from persecution have been refused by the State whether or not this was a mistake by the UK Home Office that is being challenged are banned from the right to work and the right to receive mainstream social welfare and security benefits. These bans are for as long as it takes months and years for the State to work on their case. As such, our clients face homelessness and poverty. We provide emotional, practical and legal support to individuals and their families experiencing the devastating effects of destitution in the UK. Discrimination: non-British people are treated unfairly subjected to detention and destitution - in the UK based on their legal status. Our work challenges the view that you can discriminate against someone on grounds of nationality, ethnicity and race. We challenge the view that life isnt fair depending on who you are and where you come from.

VIDEO. How long is indefinite? VIDEO. 1,000 voices Detained in the UK. The Detention Forum.

Still Human Still Here. Liberty.

To submit your work for the competition, please tweet the link to @_ddvg with #CharityDesign or email us at before 25 October 2013. A panel of Samphire trustees, staff and volunteers will select the winning entry. All submissions must be original works, not in use by any other organisation. By submitting a design you are giving Samphire the unrestricted right to use it for promotion purposes and in any area of our work. We will announce the winner by 3 December 2013 and contact him/her directly. We reserve the right not to select any of the submissions if none of the submitted designs will help Samphire further its aims.

Whats in it for you?

Your design will represent a national charity: on our website, in annual reports and publications, and help resources for all clients. Your name and portfolio link will be listed on our website and blog, and will reach an audience of individuals, NGOs, and government departments across the UK and the world. Well give public acknowledgement of all entries across our social channels (facebook, twitter, blog) and present a gallery of selected entries after the contest concludes.

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