Marcadores Discursivos - Rita Barbirato

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Rita Barbirato

UNIT 4 MARCADORES DISCURSIVOS Marcadores discursivos, frequentemente representados por

conjunes, so termos utilizados para ligar oraes e idias, indicando como elas se relacionam, ou seja, eles servem para mostrar uma relao de tempo, causa, adio, contraste, entre outros, entre as sentenas e pargrafos. Atravs dessas palavras de ligao, os autores mostram com maior clareza a organizao de suas idias. Elas constituem, portanto, importante recurso de coeso textual. A importncia deles facilmente observada no exemplo abaixo: Se o leitor souber o significado da palavra poor (pobre) e however (entretanto), pode inferir o significado de wealthy na frase abaixo: He is very poor. However, his brother is wealthy. O quadro abaixo apresenta uma lista dos principais marcadores textuais em ingls: Funo Adio Contraste Marcadores textuais And, moreover, also, Furthermore, again, in Addition, besides But, on the other hand, however, yet, unlike, Nevertheless, instead, on the contrary Likewise, similarly, in the same way, correspondingly Exemplos She is very poor. In addition, she doesnt like to work. At first John didnt want to go to the meeting. Later, however, he decided to go. Some have little power to do good and have likewise little strength to resist evil. (Samuel


BACHARELADO EM SISTEMAS DE INFORMAO EaD UAB/UFSCar Ingls Instrumental profa. Dra. Rita Barbirato

nfase Concesso Exemplo

In fact, indeed, actually, certainly, as a matter of fact Even though, although, though, despite this





Maneira Causa Propsito

For example, for instance, that is, in other words, in particular, e.g. Thus, therefore, then as a result, hence, so, consequently, accordingly, for this reason, because of this In summary, in The techniques conclusion, finally, in discussed are valuable. short, to sum up Each chapter is supported by a wellselected bibliography. In short, this is an interesting and clearly written textbook for geography teachers. First, second, next First, I must finish this work. Second, I must go to school and meet my husband there. When, while, as, as soon It was raining when we as, after, before, until, arrived. till, since, once, now, He sang as he worked. whenever, in the Ill tell you as soon as I meantime, then, yet know. As, how, as if, as though Why is he dressed as a woman? Why, because, since, as I did it because they seeing that, now that, asked me to do it. for So that, in order that Speak clearly, so that they may understand you.

Johnson) I think everybody likes him. In fact, I am quite sure. Even though they are so poor, they are always dressed neatly. Many great men have risen from poverty Lincoln and Edison, for example. It was raining. Therefore, we decided to stay at home.

BACHARELADO EM SISTEMAS DE INFORMAO EaD UAB/UFSCar Ingls Instrumental profa. Dra. Rita Barbirato


If, unless, whether, as Dont know whether she will long as, so long as, on be able to come. condition that, in case

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