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No. Of Death Entry: HK. Tahun 2011

POST MORTEM REPORT Name of deceased Sex Date of Death as stased to me Race / Nationality No. Passport Age as Stased to me Place of Death Date and time of examination : Harun Bin Osman : Male : 9th November day of Wednesday 2011 : Malaysia : A20020551 : 51 (fifty one) years old : Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia : 9th November 2011 at 10:00 (Ten oclock )PM West Indonesia Time Place Where examination performed: Departement Of Forensic Medicine, General Hospital Doctor Moh. Hoesin Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia

External Examination :
1. Skin : Tan colored skin at the upper chest and shoulder, and darker at face and neck. The fingernails are bluish in colour. 2. Cavities : a. Eye : Eyelids membrane reddish white in colour, clear cornea and petechial haemorrage, pupil diameter is four millimeter, and browned coloured iris. b. Nose : No discharge. c. Mouth : No discharge. d. Penis : Circumcised. e. Anal : No discharge. 3. Signs of Death a. Livor Mortis : found at back oh the neck, right and left of back,waist, reddish purple in colour, hardly dissapear with pressure. b. Ligor Mortis : found at mouth, neck, both arms and legs, easily countered. c. Decomposition : not found 4. Wounds : not found

Internal Examination
5. Head : a. Scalp : Bruises and open wound are not found. Internal surface of scalp is reddish white in colour without any sign of haemorrhage. b. Skull : White in colour with no crack.





c. Durameter : redddish white with no sign of haemorrhage. d. Brain : White in colour, intact, no sign of haemorrhage. e. Base of skull : Intact Neck : a. Neck Surface : Muscles of the neck is brownish red in colour, no sign of haemorrhage. b. Cartilage : i. Hyoid cartilage : White and intact ii. Cricoid cartilage: Intact iii. Upper respiratory tract (trahchea): Intact, no foreign body iv. Upper esopagus : Smooth with no haemorrhage and foreign body Chest a. Chest wall : Muscles are brownish red in colour without any sign of haemorrhage. b. Ribs, Sternum and Vertebrae : Intact and no fracture. Chest cavity : a. Lungs : i. Left lung : Distended, not sticky, reddish black, found reddish black fluid on incision. ii. Right lung : Distended, sticky, reddish black, found reddish black fluid on incision. iii. on longitudinal incision from epiglottis to both bronchioles, the walls of the upper repiratory tract whitish red in colour, intact with no foreign body. b. Pericardium i. surface of pericardium : Intact, whitish yellow in colour (fat tissue), with one centimeter thick. ii. pericardial cavity : Clear coloured fluids, around twenty millileter. c. Heart : Size of heart is bigger than the victims fist i. Surface layer is Brownish red in colours, slightly covered in fats with zero point eight centimeter, and dilatation of back veins. Apex of heart, covered with fats and with slightly reddish of its surface with zero point eight times zero point eight centimeter in thickness. Tissue of the apex with two times three centimeter of thickness, was taken and sent for microscopic histopathologic examination. The reddish tissue (two times three centimeter in thickness) on the front wall of right atrium, with zero point five times zero point five centimeter in overall size, was taken and sent for microscopic histopathologic examination. ii. There were around sixty percent of occlusion at two incisions of left coronary artery and one incision at right coronary artery. iii. Trachea : Walls are intact, no haemorrhagic sign and no foreign body. Abdomen a. Fats disposition were found at muscles of abdomen with three centimeter thick, reddish brown in colour, with no haemorrhage. b. Peritoneum is clear and transparent. c. Abdominal Cavity : i. Omentum is mostly covered by fats with four centimeter thick.

Small Intestine : Distended, reddish white in colour, wih no haemorrhage Large Intestine : Distended, whitish red in colour, with no haemorrhage. Spleen : Purple in colour, with dark red blood upon incision Liver : Reddish brown in colour, smooth surface, and dark red blood upon incision. vi. Pancreas : Whitish red in colour with no sign of haemorrhage vii. Gaster: External surface is whitish red in colour, intact with no sign of haemorrhage. Gastric fluid is orange in colour, chewed foods, non irritating smell. Internal surface of gaster is whitish red in colour, with no sign of haemorrhage. viii. Kidney : Both kidneys are reddish brown in colour , distended and upon longitudinal incision is dark red blood 10. Pelvic Region a. Urinary Bladder : External surface is intact, whitish red in colour, no haemorrhage, no urine b. Ureter : Ureter wall intact, whitish red in colour and no sign of haemorrhage.

ii. iii. iv. v.

Histological Examination
Results is still pending

Toxicological Examination
Not perform Part I : Death was caused by heart failure due to asphysia as a consequences of myocardial infarction Certifier Name SIGNATURE Date Signed 21st November 2011 dr Binsar Silalahi SpF DFM SH


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