3 Grade News: Upcoming Test

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3rd Grade News

September 16, 2013

Upcoming Test
Friday September 20, 2013

Spelling & Vocab Religion

There seems to always be something exciting going on in third grade! I hope that your children shared with you that we received 9 new iPads for our classroom!! We sure didnt waste any time using them. We quickly began our Model Drawing for Problem Solving using the Singapore Math App for Third Grade. With these new iPads we have enough for students to get to work independently during small group time to create projects as well as in groups as small as 2! Its very exciting. Noon Dismissal Wednesday September 18th. Free After -School care will be provided. Please go to the Volunteer Page on my website and sign up to be a Mystery Reader in our classroom. Picture day forms were sent home today. Please return it on September 25. When test are sent home, Please sign them if they have the Parent Signature stamp and return them to school.

Mrs. Z

September 16, 2013

Heres what going on in 3rd grade this week . In Reading, we continue to learn about Friendship. As part of this unit, students have been meeting with different classmates and completing a Venn Diagram. Here, they get to write down things that them and their partner have in common and things that they dont. Its been interesting to find out things about our classmates that we didnt know before. This also helps us build new relationships in third grade. This week we will read a story called, Angel Child, Dragon Child. This is a story about a young Vietnamese girl whose mother hasnt arrived yet from Vietnam. Whenever the girl feels lonely, she looks at a picture of her mother that she keeps in a small wooden matchbox. Ask your child to tell you more about it. In Math we will focus on. Subtracting facts and finding differences Using Logical Reasoning to Solve a Problem Identifying the Relative Value of Pattern Blocks Dividing Squares into 2 & 4 Equal Parts Identifying Congruent Shapes Counting Dimes and Nickels Comparing the value of a set of coins In Science we will discuss different types of animal and plant adaptations. In Social Studies we will continue to learn about the different regions of California. We will also explore using maps. In Religion we will learn about the Kingdom of God and the gift of faith. In Chapter 2 Children will learn about the Last Judgment and that Jesus taught us to love others.

Mrs. Z

September 16, 2013

Last week I introduced students to the Singapore Math App(3rd Grade). Students can use this app to practice solving math problems at home. Students can download the free version and use the Model Drawing Steps with any word problem or purchase the app to practice solving word problems within the app. Check it out!!

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