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Forwarding Secretary:


5803 Garden Oaks

St. Louis Christian College

1360 Grandview Dr.

An^ Mcuuf. %cuie

Austin, Texas 78745

Florissant, Mo. 63033

May-June 1971

Dear Supporters:

Do you like the new look of the Robison Report? It was felt by all that different
pictures were in order. Seeing that five years have elapsed since the last ones were taken; some changes have been made.

As you must already realize, we are now on our way to Puerto Rico, particularly
San Juan for die 1st Christian Mission Institute. Letters from Bill and my own sources indicate that 35 people will be participating one way or another. This makes twenty students and about fifteen part and full-time teachers. Much prayer and sweat has gone into this endeavor. My prayer is that God's kingdom will be strengthened and advanced.
There is an earnest need for a mimeograph machine and the necessary supplies. One

hundred and twenty-five dollars would just about do it. If you would like to donate one or supply the funds or partial funds please let us know. Designate the gift and send it to
Keith McCaslin. This will become a permanent part of this Institute. The possibilities
for the future of Christian Mission Institute are tremendous and this could blossom into

something great for the Lord.

Praise the Lord! School is over. One and one-half semesters will finish up the M.A. in Latin America

Studies and further plans are still pending. This is a possibility of teaching Portuguese at the University
this school year.

Ann has graduated from David Crockett High School and she was the "prettiest" one there, her grandmother
was heard to comment. Ann thanks all of you for your gifts. She has made application to Johnson Bible College. David passed to Sophmore status. Mary Lou is now a fifth grader. We are proud of them. Miriam, our Brazilian daughter will finish her third year of nurse's training this year. She is now in Rio de J aneiro studying.

Please keep the North American Christian Convention, July 6-9, 1971 at Dallas and the National Missionary Convention, Sept. 21-24, 1971 Portland, Oregon in your prayers. Attend and support the special missionary
emphasis at the North American. This is a first.

Thank you again for your continued support and assistance. Pray with us as we seek God's direction for our
future service.

In Christ,







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5803 Garden Oaks

Ami Mcuuf. '^aue

Austin, Texas 78745

September-October 1971

Dear Friends and co-laborers:

Have you ever struggled with a burden that was getting too heavy to carry when suddenly someone appeared and removed the load from you? This is the way that I feel. God has taken a burden, a great load, from ray shoulders and it is a wonderful relief. For two years you have joined me in prayers for direction and guidance and for this I thank you. One college student mentioned to me that she knew that missionaries never had problems in deciding where to go and what to do. How wrong she was. God has presented a need to me directly and jointly to others and the response has been tremendous. I will join
A1 Hamilton, President, Bill Loft, Chairman of the Board, John Schofield, Peter Scott and /

others in the establishment of the Internadonal Christian University in San Juan, Puerto

Rico in the fall of 1972. I have be'en^'gkyy''V'<5 b<Jdom^T5?a"froF(C^1iauicellor Tn Puem)"K"ic6y~

and have accepted!

As you well know, my heart is Brazilian and always will be, but here is an opportunity to multiply my efforts and I will be able to aid the Brazilian work indirectly in training new missionaries and nationals. I plan when feasible to do so, to join directly with others in revivals and meetings in Brazil. Missionaries will be training others to be missionaries. Three-ccrHeges will be started

initially, College of World Evangelism, of Bihliral Studies, of^jiumafl-tties. The graduate

school of missions o'ffering the M.S.M. degree wiif open also in fall of 1972.
Our needs are the following after consulting with the others involved and after being in San Juan this past summer.

S 650 per month Salary

500 per month Service-link 1,500 travel funds

I ask you, our supporters, to continue your support to this new work. Those of you who have reduced your monthly support, as asked by me, I ask now to reinstate it so that we can know definitely where we stand financially and how much more I need to raise. Keith McCaslin will continue as my Forwarding Secretary, and use the same address. If each regular contributor would increase about 10% the monthly amount this would go a long way toward reaching the needed amount. The cost^of living in San Juan is 10% higher than in the United States.
I will be purchasing a Chevy Suburban Carry-All for our work there. If you would like to designate your gifts tothe

Carry-All it would be appreciated. 1 hope to purchase the car between now and January 1972. We will be selling the
present car and applying that amount to the new one. Purchase price should be around $4,800.

.'^'"'Ann is now a freshman at Johnson Bible College and likes it very much. She plans to join us in Puerto Rico in
^19/2 for the school term. We are trying to pay for Ann's tuition so that she wouldn't have to apply for one from JBC,

as there isn't too much available. We are doing this to try to help Johnson who in turn has helped us greatly. If
there is anyone who would like to designate gifts for this purpose you may send them to Keith. Each semester the tuition is $250. Any help will be appreciated.
Let us hear from you. Pray brethren for 100 students for LC.U. in 1972-1973j_one thousand new missionaries in

1982; fifty new countries entered by 1982; fifty new^preaching points in Puerto Rico by 1982; five new buildings and
thirty acres of land for our campus.
Yours for a Christian world,

The Robisons

P.S.,Write and set a time for me to come and share with you our new plans. P.P.S. I plan to finish my schooling in May 1972.

BOX 177




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5803 Garden Oaks

/Jim Mcuuf, Jbaae

Austin, Texas 78745

November- December 1971

Dear Rope-holders: The wisest of the Old Testament wrote, "Withhold not good from them to whom it is due when it is in the power of thine hand to do ft." (Proverbs 3:27). At this season, share your faith. Put some love and concern where there are difficulties. Perfect love casts
out fear.


Approximately seven months from now we shall be returning to the mission field.
For this reason we rejoice and are grateful. True, it is a different one, but we are con fident that God will be able to multiply our efforts many fold through International Chris

tian University. The signal is green for San Juan!

Only six more hours at University of Texas separate me from pll6 M.A. The Lord will
ing, I will finish in May 1972. Keep this in your earnest prayers.

Recently I have shared in a mission emphasis in Bluefield, West Virginia and FaithPromise Rallies in O'Fallon, Missouri and Scottsdale, Arizona. All I can say is, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow. How great He is." There is a tremendous need to return once again and visit and re-visit all of my sup


porting churches and review with you our new program of action. Also, new supporting churches and groups need to be found. Write to me at Austin and let me know when I can
be with you.

Brethren, it is necessary to raise an additional $550 per month immediately. Our projected needs per month are $1,150 with $600 presently raised. Each person associated with I.C.U. is trying to raise funds for the school. Everything above our projected salary of $650 will be put into the school. Please pray and give as you never have in the past. Raise your present monthly support. There is much to do and get
ready for Fall 1972.

A personal welcome is given to the new readers of the Robison Report this time as many new readers' names have been added. If you know of anyone who would like to receive this report, please let me know
a t once.

A special note of thanks is given to those who have contributed to Miriams' needs and those of Ann. Anyone who still wants to share in these added expenses may do so by designating your gift. Send all
to Keith McCaslin.

These are exciting days for the Robison family^ndih^r co-workers as Puerto Rico and the world
are to be challanged for Jesus Christ. Twenty-five students are already enmlleH for Fall nf 1077 Come

and join this group. Be one of the 100"^o enroll in the schooT^TiSissions and help challange the
unreached parts of the world. Time is short. You are either a part of the problem or part of the solution.
Let's glow-go-and-grow in '72'!
Yours for a Christian world.


BOX 177





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