Robison Richard Sarah 1975 PuertoRico PDF

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Dr. Antique Bx 32
Lftvittown Lakes 5a Seccion

Forwarding Secretary:

1360 Grondview Dr.

Catono, Puerto Rico 00632

Florissant, Mo. 63033

January - February 1975

Graca e paz:

gracla y paz - grace and peace.

Paul, the old spiritual warrior sends this double greeting to several
churches. "Grace to the brethren and peace from God and our Lord Jesus
Christ" are the words recorded in Romans 1:7, God's unmerited favor to

God*s "saints" and peace from the "King of Peace". How wonderful and conforting are these words to us who know the protection and comfort of a loving God. Should not our hearts burst with expectation of God^s provision and will in our lives. God, who created the universe is inter ested in me particularly as a follower of Jesus. Wow it*s almost too much for me to comprehend. In whatever language you may see these words grace and peace, the meaning is the same.

The Board of Trustees of International Christian University met on January 16 and 17th on the premises of the College of World Mission.

Much discussion led to several suggestions and decisions.

The main purpose My

of the meeting was to choose a new president for the College of World Mis sion. By unanimous decision William E. Loft Sr. was chosen. An Instal

lation service was held on the 19th of January at the local church.

prayers and cooperation and best wishes accompany Bill in his new position.

The Board also decided to pursue immediately inmigration approval by the U.S. Government for the acceptance of foreign students. Strong suggestions indicated the feasibility of making the undergraduate program principally Spanish speaking. This doesn't mean that English speaking students will
be turned away. A year of concentrated missions courses will be offered

for graduates of Bible Colleges or others interested.

lead to a B.Th. in Missions.

This program could

Pray with us that God will bless our efforts in printing and dis

tributing a fine Bible Correspondence in Spanish. This will be an adapta tion from a course that is being used in Chile. The Spanish idiomatic ex pressions will be put into Puerto Rican Spanish. Pray with us that God
will be honored and souls won and churches established. We have half of

the necessary funds to print 1,000 copies. The total cost will be $650. God has richly blessed this course in Chile and Mexico,

I was able to share in a faith-Promise Rally with the 1st Christian

Church in Tallahassee Florida in January. There was a renewed fellowship with Jack and Peggy Pennington from Rhodesia. The goal was $30,000 for
1974 - 1975. When the final tabulations come in there was $29,087. All

felt a little let-down but $1,110 came in after the benediction to make a grand total
of $31,197 - Praise the Lord. brethren for the fellowship. God is moving in that church. Thank you Desmond and

It was possible to visit Johnson Bible College and the Knoxville area. Thank you Pres. Eubanks and J.B.C. family for your hospitality. How good it was to see

a small portion of the church at Maryville, Tennessee. would have been present at Prayer Service.

I just wish more of you

One of the highlights of my trip to the states was being able to see Dave. It had been over a year since I had seen him. He looked good and we shared four days together. He is thinking of just staying in the Army till August 1976. Keep praying for him that God will continue to lead and protect him.
Please pray for Doug Phillips one of our students at C.W.M. He was injured in a collision with a car while engaged in a bicycle race. He is a Sophomore.

It has been a real inspiration to have Ellen Thompson from Pennsylvania visiting
with us. She took some of her vacation time from U.S. Steel and is sharing it with the Lord's work here. May her number increase. What do you do with your vacation

Brethren, may I recommend to you highly that missionaries be encouraged to en gage in intensive Language Study in preparation for their given field of service. The Spanish Language Institute in San Jos6 is excellent for Spanish - speaking countries.

What is the Robison Family doing now? Well, I am teaching at the College and beginning to reach out in Spanish witnessing. Sarah helps out in the Library, grade
school or wherever needed, Mary Lou is studying.
Please pray with us as God indicates His will for us in the future. There are three possibilities that are being considered. We want to be utilized for God to the

Thank you for your continued love.

BOX 177


Address Correction Reqoested

Dr. Antique Bx 32
Levittown Lakes 5a Seecion

Forwardirtg Secretary:

1360 Grondview Dr.

Cotano, Puerto Rico 00632

Florissant, Mo. 63033



March 1, 1975

Dear Faithful Supporters, The Robison Family will be moving to Johnson Bible College the first part of August of this year. I have been extended an invita tion to become the missions professor of JBC at that time and I have accepted the invitation. I ask your prayers for us as we move into this new phase of the ministry for Christ.


On July 26 of this year we will complete a three-year term of service in the San Juan area. In beginning, I agreed, along with the other founders of International Christian University to stay with this new project at least for the first three years. This I have done. Pray for the Administration, Faculty, Staff and Student body of the College of World Mission. Particularly pray for Bill Loft, the new President of C.W.M. My leaving here in August no way affects my total support of ths program in Puerto Rico.

I ask you to please continue your present support of the Robison Family through July of this year. We will continue our mission outreach during these next five months in Puerto Rico.
There will be more news and further explanation of this de cision in the next three Robison Reports. If you have any further

questions, please write to me at our present address and I will be

glad to answer them. A small motto graces my desk and has been a comfort and a challange through the years. It says,"There are no simple solutions, just intelligent choices". How true. Thank you for praying with us in the past. Keep it up. May God continueiic bless you,

The Robisons

BOX 177


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. L 'C,

\^SS- /


Levittown Lakes 5a Seccion

Forwarding Sscretary: KEITH McCASLIN

1360 Grandview Dr.

Catano, Puerto Rico 00632

Florissant, Mo. 63033

March - April 1975

Dear Rope-holders:

By now you have received the Special Bulletin that was dated March 1, 1975. As I said in that letter to you, The Robison Family will be moving to Johnson Bible College In August of this year. I will become the missions professor there. There are questions that some of you may
have about this move. I will try to answer some of them now.

What about your mission support?

My financial arrangement with

I will not continue

J.B.C. will be the same as any other professor.

on mission support beginning in August 1975. Of course I request that each one of you continue your support of the family fully through July.
There are committments that we have made and we want to fulfill them as promised.

Another question has been asked? What about the College of World
Mission? I am a member of the Board of Trustees as well as Sarah, and

I support the program here.

still a unique one.

The mission training offered at C.W.M. is

I plan to cooperate with the College whenever

to J.B.C.

President Loft and I have talked at length about my going

He has given his support.

Why go to Johnson? In all of the mission work that I have under taken since 1954 the primary question that I tried to answer was. Where
does the Lord want me now? Also I asked. What can I do to multiply my

efforts to the best advantage? I feel that going to Johnson is where my efforts can be multiplied the best. This is where God has lead me.

I praise his name for it.

field at this time.

I have no plans to return to the mission

God has blessed us recently with several visitors to Puerto Rico and the work here. Alberto Gonzalez, missionary to Chile, spoke to the

Church and challenged us.


We were priveleged to have his wife Mary and

Pray for him as he looks for God's

children with us a few weeks ago.

He will not be returning to Chile at this time.

Ranulfo Garza, Dean of Colegio Biblico in Eagle Pass, Texas,

finished a four day meeting with the Church in Levittown.

His bi-lingual

messages were timely and stimulating.


The church was greatly blessed by his preach

Pat Zimmerman and son stopped at San Juan on their way to the States from South Africa. They had been on the ship for 15 days.
We welcome back John & Mary Reece from Costa Rica and the States. were missed and are fitting into the program very well. They

Brethren, pray for the Robisons and our last five months in Puerto Rico. May God use us greatly in His kingdom here. Pray for us in the new undertaking
at Johnson.

In Him;


Sarah visited with Kenneth & Helen Herron for a few hours recently.
' Sorry I missed you all.

BOX 177


Address Correction Requested

Dr. Antique Bx 32
Leviltown Lakes So Section

Colono, Puerto Rico


Dear Brethren:

"Therefore having been justified by faith, we have peace with God^ through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained our in troduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God." Rom 5:1,2. This passage makes my mind boggle.
We are justified with God; we have peace, not maybe or might have it, we have it; we have been introduced Into this grace; then he says, "may we

exult in hope of the glory of God." Rejoice with me and praise God with
Tioenty-one. yexuut ago, SoAxxh, Ann, and I 6taAtzd on a mJi&lonoJiy

me In this newsletter.

man, JXyn Vh&gte^, 6o J-m ha6 aZ&o Lb ono, oi the iamCZy. JoXn uJtth me
cadeii ojJ ml(,6tonaAy wo/t-fe iJo/l CtuU6t.

jOUAnty that has not ejtdexi but hk& ted oA back to it, att wa^ geMmcnatcd-Johnson BtbZe. CotZzgo.* VuAtng tht& tone Vavtd, Mcyty Lou, and UcUam have been akdzd to ovJi family* Tkm la^t yea/i Ann mafuU&d a ^tne. young
picCue God {^oK the family and oun. "la/tgzK lamlty" and the^e poit tmo de-

Rejoice with us as we complete three years here in Levittown, Puerto Rico.These years have been hard years, yet rewarding years. We have seen
some set-backs; we have tasted victory. There have been difficulitles;
mission fields have been opened.

there has been peace. We have had some great relationships with several

co-workers. Souls have been saved. Students have been trained. Two new

Tke Bibte Co^&spondence Cotfue, Et Encuent/w, fia6 been completed Thank you foJi youn p^yeA^ and 6uppo^ tn thC& wo-tfe. The bAethfien hvie
Witt continue on in this phase of the m^k.

and w>e have 40+ enfiotted, AdvefitUXng am becng planned to enroll mofie.

May 25th was the first Lord's Day in the Levittown supplied the co-workers and that many will come to know

service in Spanish that we have had on the Church. For this we are grateful. God has desire to reach out Into the community. Pray Jesus Christ. Pray for our strength.

family afie now in a neao mission field in Costa Ulca* Scott Golembeicki is oun. second graduate. He wiU. 6tay in Vuefito HCco and finish up the
fou^~yea/i pKoghjom, Alt of this is woKtky of pnaise to God,

CoU-ege of WoajUL Mission, Bob Shetton wa& oua fifist ghaduate. He and

Two students have received the AsiociaXe of A/iXa VegA,ee f^om the

Wen, our last, Mary Lou has finished 8th grade and now looks for ward to high school. She did very well with 7 "A's" and 3 "B's", We are

ha^py with Mary thatGod has been able to bless her schooling. She will
finish high school in Tennessee.

Jm and Ann wZtt be. leaving San Juan aAound the, 15th oi Jaty, He. voaJU, comptzte, hc6 fUtch tn the. Navy, Tkejj wXZt make, tkeAJi home. -In Ftlnt, MCctu^an. We t/D-c&h thm the, veAy beM and puiUt God ion. having ia/in^hed
theAA n.ed&. Pftay ipn. them a^ tke,y make. iX.nal pA,> to texive..
Dave is fine and still has one more year and a couple of months to serve at Ft. Campbell, Ky, We are looking forward to see him soon. Keep him in your prayers.He will be much closer to home when we move to Tenn.

We havz had

dCHeAznt pe,opte. ^eAvZng a<s oua. ^onwa/uiCng agents

du/Ung tht&e, 21 yejvu>-t^/m CloJjie, E. ZeA/iy, and Ke2th McCa^tcn, WeucA can we gZve. the^e, two men enough thanki ^on. the^'WOKk and iatth(uZnc6-i,
Thank you CX.aJj\.<L and Cha/itotte. and KeXXh, God ha6 a ^pecXaZ ble^4i^ng ion.
ioAWoAdCng .i exin.eta/Uc6,
Brethren, we will need extra help as we move to Tennessee. Please continue your faithfulness to us during these last two months-through July. We anticipate that the move plus airfare and shipping will come to

$1,200. Any help that you want to send will be appreciated. During these
years all of you have made up a special part of the Robison Family. This has been one of the pillars of our ministry.

' The. next J^obZson Rapont, Junz-JuZy, 1975 wilt bt ouA itmZ zdCtCon.
I want to make, aX kind oi 6pejCMit, iM:h plcXuAti and otke/i addltConi, lOatch (on. It,

In Ckn^Ut,

BOX 177


Address Correction Requested

Dr. Antique Bx 32
LeviMown Lakes 5a Seccion

Forwarding Secretary: KEITH McCASLIN

1360 Grortdview Dr.

Catano, Puerto Rico


Florissant, Mo.




Dear Faithful ones:




therefore now no condemnation for

those who are

in Christ Jesus."
question needs
send forth

Rom. 8:1.
into the

This is one of the greatest

What a wonderful thought! At this is strengthening. One
the ones who are not "VThat about

promises in God's revelation. least for the ones in Christ,

to be

in Christ Jesus?"

Pray the Lord of the harvest that he will


How can we thank all of you friends, brethren, Churches,

and Sunday School Classes for your faithfulness to the Rob-

ison Family since July 195^?

Without your prayers and support,

it would have been impossible to have served as we did during

these 21 years. May God reward you richly and completely as only He can! Thank you for your trust in us. Continue to pray for me as I teach missions at Johnson Bible College, my new

Many times I have related to others how God has put his protective hand upon the Robisons during these years. We
never had a serious illness while on the field. I had a touch

of "hepatitus" while on one furlough.

Several accidents which

could have proven very serious turned into praise to God who

did the impossible. Thank you Jesus-Thank you Heavenly Father for your protection and loving care during these past years.
How we covet your continued care, Lord!

Thank you Lofts, Poormans, Reeces, Yorks, Dyes, Kings,

Lofts Jr., Grimm, Freese, Zuelli and Fowlers for your fellow ship while in Puerto Rico. Riveras, thank you for your love.
Andinos, thank you. Many were our brethren and friends there.
Thank you for your fellowship and love.

To Ray and Kathy Beard and the fine 1st Church at Orlando,
we give a special thanks for your kindness.
for the special Disney World Tour,

Thank you Beards

Our prayers go to Brazil and for the Bayless, Maddux, Mason, Moreland and Thomas families and others laboring in northern
Brazil. May God increase your number.

Thank you for special prayers and gifts during the last
few weeks for our extra expenses.

Thank you J.B.C. family for taking us in as your brothers and sisters. There is no greater family than God's family. You have made us welcome again in your midst. Thank you
Clarks for your house.

Pray with all of us here "on the Hill".

There is a record

enrollment of 442 students.

The dedication of the PhillipsWe are reminded that "unto

Welshimer Building was tremendous.

whom much is given, much shall be required." My prayer is that many students will be turned to world-wide evangelization,
unto the fields that are "white unto harvest".

Sarah and I, Dave and Mary Lou, Jim and Ann say again,
thank you for your faithfulness. May God bless you.
In Christ,

BOX 177

y V

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