Robison Richard Sarah 2003 Portugal PDF

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Fifty Years of Service --1853-2003

On February 25-27, Sarah and I were able to attend the 50th anniversary of graduation from Johnson Bible College at the JBC Homecoming. We thoroughly enjoyed the fellowship of the JBC Homecoming. The preaching was excellent and the music was great but the fellowship and Interaction was superb. What a blessing It was to be with colleagues whom we haven't seen for many, many years and to hear of their work for the Lord during the intervening years. Praise God for the growth and expansion
of our alma mater as well!

The class of 1953 started out in 1949 with 54 students, which was fairly large for that

period of time, and Mrs. R.M. Bell was class sponsor. Twenty-two completed their studies in May of 1953. Some went into located ministries, Others were church planters, Some were evangelists and teachers. Many states and countries were blessed by this class. Several served on various mission fields either short time or for longer periods. One
became involved in deaf

in the chaplaincy, and some even returned to

teach at JBC, Several
finished graduate degrees
doctorates. The majority are serving in some facet
Others have

ministry. One or two served


I- I



gone on

the class


Dean Clark

Clara, participated in the


special supper at Homecoming as did Betty Ann (Clark) Sykes who has returned to JBC to pursue a teaching degree.
Frank and Alice Baker

did a commendable job getting us together and preparing a very attractive

brochure for the occasion.

Thank you, Frank and Alice.

All Present

Special Visitors
David and Ton! Robison, our "kids" from

Fayetteville, NC spent the last 2 weeks of November with us -- a very special time. Since David, born in Brazil, was fluent in-Portuguese. h-and Toni were able to go and see places without the need of an interpreter. The

H churches and particpated actively. David played

the guitar one evening when there was no one else to play, Both of them had a special love for the babies
in the new Church in Setubal. We are thankful for


them, their visit, and their family, To God be the Gloryl

XXI Century Christmas

The youth of Carcavelos, under the direction of Ruth Santos, came up with the Idea of trying to make Christmas more up-to-date in certain aspects. The "Wisemen" came in on "Modern Scooters" and Mary got the message from God through her "cell phone." Twenty-four participated in the program and 3 new flute players played for the first time. God was glorified and we were blessed with it all. To God be the Gloryl (See photos
at the top of next page.)

Couples Night Out
to to <0

couples in the Church. Among other activities, recently there have been 2 special "dinners" for couples, organized and prepared by couples at the Church in Carcaveios. A special meal, a special speaker, and a warm "ambient" have proven to be an effective way of ministering. God has blessed this ministry and the couples. To God be the Glory!

Wilson, Eisa, and Lucas have been blessed with

David Frederick Spindolo who was born November 21, 2002. All are doing fine. Elsa's mother is pictured
with the famWilson in

his last semes

ter of Bible Institute and will graduate in June this year. They are very active in both Churches and are
dedicated to the work of the Lord. Continue to

pray for them in their ministry with PCM. Wilson had his first baptism recently -- Pasqual, a young man from Setubal. To God be the Glory!

Another Milestone
On December 1st Sarah celebrated her 70th

birthday. The Churches and her family have been blessed through her. I (Dick Robison) have been very blessed by her. May God continue to give her many more fruitful years of service! To God be the Glory!

Praise to God for 2003 and all its possibiiities! Praise God for Braga, Carcavelos, Montijo, and Setubai! Praise God for His sustaining grace! Pray for Wilson in his last semester of Bible Institute.
Thank God for our 50th Reunion.

Update on Peopie and Things

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April-June 2003


S.A.R.S., "Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome" has arrived! Faced with a new,

seemingly unknown virus of the "corona type," the entire planet has become fearful of a XXI century plague. As of this writing, 10,000 known infections have been registered in China alone with 500+ deaths. This virus has caused a panic In certain financial markets in the Far East. Borders have been closed or restricted. Thousands of flights have been cancelled to and from the Infected areas. So far in Portugal, not one case has been reported, for which we are thankful. All of this does concern us. But permit me to remind you of a far greater and more

ominous fear, that of "Biblical S.A.R.S.," otherwise known as "Severe Attacks by a Relentless Serpent (SIN). This virus Is much more potent and deadly than any other
known to man. Hundreds of millions of people have been Infected and hundreds of millions as well have died. "Satan," the perpetrator of "Biblical SARS" has spread this virus for nearly 6,000 years. He began his "attacks" with Adam and Eve and passed the virus on to all who would listen to him. They believed a "lie". "You will not surelv die" he said. In direct contradiction to Almighty God's command. Lack of trust In God and disobedience to God can lead anyone to succumb to this "Serpent," and let this virus control your body and, ultimately, die spiritually and physically. Satan tried this with Jesus and was defeated. Jesus defeated him with prayer, fasting and the word of God. This is a biblical remedy for resisting and curing Biblical SARS. SARS can come disguised in the body of a friend. Jesus had one named Peter and
received from Jesus this rebuke, "Get thee behind me Satan."

Ananias and Sapphira tried it In the early Church when they lied to the Holy Spirit one
time and perished forever. This virus has been around for 6,000 plus years and the only

adequate remedy Is the "shed blood of Jesus Christ" on the cross of Calvary. Do you have
the virus? Let Jesus cleanse your life and live foreverl

"Blessed Events'" in Carcevelos C Setubal

"Father's Dav" came on March 19th and we were "blessed" with 13

fathers present at the Carcavelos Church. Maythelrnumbersincrease.

"Theoloaical Education bv


Extension". TEE:

Tom Fife, veteran

missionary "blessed us" with his visit, Eighteen present & former students

were present with Tom and Libby in this picture. He is a biessing to the Church, Victoria Garde-Hansen lacks 2 courses to receive her diploma. %

Mother's Day was a real "blessing" with 21 mothers present in Carcavelos and 10 in Setubal, Praise to God for "godly mothers."

Can a "garage sale" be a blessing from God? YESt It cani These sales are very rare in Portugal, However, one member, Jenny, from Venezuela, came up with this idea to benefit the "Praise Group" of Carcavelos. 200,00 Euros ($230 US were obtained. PTLI

Sunrise Service on Easter constitutes a "blessing"? Oh. yes! Fourteen brave souls went to Carcavelos beach around 7 in the morning, It was raining, so we met under the awning of a hotel until the rain stopped, As always, we returned to the building for early

The kids in the Jr, Church and S.S. made a fantastic presentation through music to the whole Church. Those who know these kids realize the work that went into this program.

Mecce -- The Christian Evangelical Bible Institute

it has been my privilege for the last 10 years to be i

a part time professor at MECCE. Iteach Early Church p

History and Cross Cultural Communication. Part of A


the course is o visit to an archaeological site either

students in it. They are a very dedicated group.


AVery Different Wedding

Sarah and I were privileged to participate in a very unique wedding for a young
couple of the Church, Gilberto and Paula. They had the ceremony south of Lisbon on a farm of some friends. He is a computer analyst and she is a law student. Gil Is also a free-fall practitioner. He parachuted into the designated area; she arrived by helicopter. It was a very novel ceremony and they are very happy together.

This and That

Growing like a "biessed" plant. David Spindolo is 6 months old
and is a joy to be around.
He has an older brother to take care of him.

Congratulations to: Jason Bornhard (grandson by marriage to Jennifer) commissioned 2nd Lt.USAF; graduated from pre-med. Congratulations to: Jennifer for graduation from Nursing School.
Thank God for David Robison III, safe

return from duty In Iraq.

Prayer for Mica

While we were back in

Thank God for a tremendous, thus

far year 2003. Thank God for faithful supporters. Thank God for answered prayer. Thank God for His sustaining grace.

the USA for our short visit we

were able to touch base with

Mica and see how she was

doing at JBC. Praise the Lord, ail reports are positive, and
for this we rejoice. Please keep her in prayer as she prepares to return ond serve in Portugal.

PrayforBraga, Carcaveios, Montljo.
and Setubal.

Pray for Jesse Berrier, grandson in

USAF. in S. Korea,



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July-September 2003


Visitors Wiio Blessed Our Lives

continents enriched our iives and blessed the Church. Debora 1^^
Macedo from Brasilia, Brazil defended her master's thesis in
Brothers and sisters from four different countries and

had in the "Lar Cristdo," the children's home in Belem, Brazil, HjH^
It was a joy to see how the gospel goes from generation to
John & Belinda Nichols from "Coon

Lisbon, She is the daughter of Seima, one of the first girls we


Debora Macedo

Ridge," Virginia called us from Cascais, It had been a decade or two since we last saw them. All had a very delightful day,
Dan & Robin Been and kids from northern Mozambique, Africa looked over the area for possible future Portuguese language study. Old friends from Wycliffe Bible Translators, Roland & Susan Seiler came for R&R from Mozambique before their furlough in Canada.

John John & & Belinda Belinda


victor Hugo Miranda, from Sweden, stopped by one day to renew


our friendship, if you remember, he stayed with us for a while a few

to our lives and to

the community of

Dan Dan & & Robin Robin Been Been

and Kids

Roland Roland & & Susan Susan


Victor Hugo

believers. Thank you,

friends and brothers.

Garcavelos News
Robert & Derlani Fife left on July 11th for graduate study at Emmanuel School of Religion in upper East Tennessee. Robert plans to finish a M.Div. They will be missed during these coming three years, Many at the Church hove assumed
new ministries.

We pray God's richest blessings upon the Fifes during this time.

Recent Baptisms
Are Thursdays or even Saturdays good days to baptize? Of coursel Recently, at our Thursday night Bible study, Wilson Spindola baptized Idalete e Fatima. One Saturday night in August Robert Fife baptized Samuel and Wallace, both teenagers, and Paula, a young mother, Praise God! Others will be making the same
commitment soon! Idalete


Samuel, Wallace, and Paula

Setubal News
After meeting for almost a year, we have come to the conclusion that we need more space. We have met in an office space that was limited in number of rooms (2) and no possibility for expansion. It Is centrally located, but expensive. The contributions

have dwindled from some of the couples, There are many other piaces available, but not for a Church. If we rent a basement area with a lot of space, we have to have permission from all the renters who live over us. There Is a possibility to rent a larger area temporarily each Sunday until something comes up, Hopefully, before this arrives, we will have already moved to a more spacious place. Keep this work in your prayers.

Graduation Z Ordination
Wilson Luiz Marinho Spindola graduated from Mt. Hope Christian Evangelical Center on June 14. 2003. The school officials spoke well of his influence within the student body. He was set aside as an Evangelist on the 29th of June 2003. He and his wife, Elsa, and two children, Lucas 4, and David 9 months, are a tremendous help to the churches here.
Thank God for themi

TIlis and Tiiat
Congratulations to Dorothy Wiltshiro
"Dot" Wiltshire, wife of Phil Wiltshire our Forwarding Agent, was honored as the recipient of the Georgia ProStart High School Teacher of the Year award.

Before you move, please send the mailing label with a copy of your new address to
MISSION SERVICES ASSOCIATION, PO Box 13111, Knoxviile, TN 37920-0111.


Non Profit Org.


Mission Services Association PO Box 13111 Knoxviile, TN 37920-0111

U.S. Postage Paid

Knoxviile, TN Pern^it #374

Dick & Sarah Robison Rua Por do Sol 29 2775-680 Carcavelos

Return Service Requested

011-351-21-457-0065 (Robison) 011-351-21-456-1596 (Church)

Phil & Dot Wiltshire 4824 Westbourne Dr.

Powder Springs, GA 30127 Telephone: 770-943-4668

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VOLUME XXIII October - December 2003 NUMBER 4

God's Timing is Aiways Perfect

In the July-September Pioneer under the title "Setubal News," I related to you that the church in Setubal, after meeting in a iimited office space for one year, decided that we needed to find a larger area. We set out to find a more adequate space through Odete and her rental agency, However, just when we thought the deai was closed, aii avenues seemed to ciose to us, Finaiiy, we gave up and continued to meet in the office space and were satisfied that is where God wanted us to stay. Approximately ]V2 months later, on the 4th of November, i received a telephone caii from Odete who said, "i have found the piace for your Church." God was worl<ing and giving us an opportunity to secure a much better and much iarger facility than we had been lool<ing at. in a period of 9 days, we had closed the deal and, on the 15th of November, we began getting things ready for the move. The foiiowing pictures will show you a couple of shots from the old space and then several shots of the new facility, In the third picture (on page 2), we are meeting to

finalize the lease on the new place. There are 12J00 sq. ft. total in the facility, Seating capacity is around 400-500 total, Our plans are to use one of the large areas for Church services that will seat 150. The second large area will be used eventually for a Day Care. There is
much work to be done.

Within the 12,700 sq. ft., there are 5 rooms that will be used for classes, office, living area, and storage. The whole ceiling has already been soundproofed. There is,
therefore, no concern about too much

noise for the neighbors who live in the floors above us. More will be forthcoming as we develop the project. Keep us in your prayers, please. Right: showing both of the large areas. Below: showing each of the large areas

New Workers
Eduardo and Sandrene

Ferreira, from Santa Catarina,

Brazil, have been working with us for the past 3 months. Our prayers
ore that this will become a

permanent move, They have hod

Right: standing in front of the new church facility In Setubal.

previous experience ministering in Brazil, wi^ere they heiped raise up a new church. They have worked with music, teaching, and preaching. They are a great help in the two churches here in
the Lisbon area.

Right: providing special music in Carcaveios.

Carcaveios Youth Off to Germaoy

Six youth wiii travel to Germany from the 28th of December to the 2nd of January


CONGRESS." The theme is "Know It >Live it






> Share It." It is expected that 6,000 young people from Europe will be attending, Speakers from 6 different countries with 150 IVlission Organizations present will be translated into 10 different languages, Pray for these that their lives will be -changed and that they can help change
some others.


CarcavBlos News
Five months have passed since Robert & Derlani Fife left for graduate study at Emmanuel School of Religion in upper East Tennessee, Many here have assumed new ministries to take up the slack. We pray God's richest blessings upon the Fifes during these times.

Season's Greetings
it looks like Christmas came early for us, getting a new place and new workers. It's
a wonderful way to start a new year. We hope that you will share our excitement. We pray that God is doing great things in your life and your church this Christmas as you

celebrate the birth of Christ, who is the very reason for the celebration, IVlay 2004 bring new opportunities to expand God's kingdom.

Before you move, please send the mailing label with a copy of your new address to
MISSION SERVICES ASSOCIATION, PO Box 13111, Knoxville, TN 37920-0111,

Mission Services Association

PO Box 13111 Missionaries: Dick & Sarah Robison

Non Profit Org.


KnoxviliaTN 37920-0111

U.S. Postage Paid

Knoxville, TN
Permit #374

Rua Por do Sol 29

2775-680 Carcavelos

Return Service Requested

011-351-21-457-0065 (Robison) 011-351-21-456-1596 (Church)

Phil & Dot Wiltshire 4824 Westbourne Dr.

Pov^der Springs, GA 30127 Telephone: 770-943-4668

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