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January-March 2008


'78) I will stay in Ephesus until Pentecost (9) because a great and promising door of

opportunity has opened up

" I CorfnUos 16: 8,9 (From a Portuguese translotion)

What Do You Do When

God Opons A Door?

L In the middle of February, Wilson Spindolo,


the preacher in Setubal, called me and asked

me what I thought about starting a preaching

point in the city of Evora, east of Setubal and


about an hour's drive from Setubal. My answer was, "Where exactly and When?" He exploined

that he met this man during his working hours

90' by 90' to meet in during a year, ot no

open a Church. The man offered him a place

charge. What would you do? After we talked

challenged him to come to Evora and to



about this it was decided to go ahead with the project.

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Wilson will go there on Sundays in the morning and then return to Setubal for the evening service there. Continue to pray for us, V>

family, for the Church in Setubal and the Fifes in Carcavelos fht
Kingdom. Pray for our contact in Evora, his family, and the ne
and that God will become real in their 1

preaching point and many will be added to

Portugal, 26 years ago, it has been our

I desire to see new churches started in
not produce the desired results, howthere are churches, 2 the









Lisbon area and 2 in the north. Our

prayer is that God will permit us to see
one more church started very soon


and many more after this one. Let us be about the KING'S

business. I pray that all who read this article realizes that
in the near future our KING-JESUS will return to receive His

people. Let us be found doing His will. Thank you all for your continued prayer and financial support for PORTUGAL CHRISTIAN MISSION. Without you, none of this would be possible.

Historical note:

"evora-ebora, ebora liberalitis

IVLIA"q walled city, one of the oldest cities on the Iberian

Peninsula, was founded in the middle of the first century AD, and it was dedicated to the cult of the Emperor (Hadrian at the time). It has been called "The Museum Citv." The pres ent population is 45-50,000 people.

Building tlie Walls of Jerusalem??? Garcavelosl!

I walk put into shape. The paint job added the extra touch to the
I The outside walls have been repaired and the inside side-

previous great hole in the wall. We are glad for the insurance
we had some of the worst


'IVPHVfli that During covered the expenses. the month of February,

r. v. -/ the sound room and in a classroom.
It was obvious that some more work

a storms in a long while. One day and night it rained without stopDing. Sarah went downstairs to the C urch kitchen and there was

needs to be done on the outside wall. Keep us in your prayers. In last quarter's Pioneer, we shared with you several accidents that had happened to God's people here. It may seem unbelieveable, but one Deborah Fife Lopes was returning to her home in her car and had

stopped for the traffic, when to her surprise, a car on her right side came
She didn't suffer any very serious Injuries but had a very sore achy body.

out of a side road and crossed in front of her and hit the driver's side of her car. It took several minutes to open the door and remove her from the car.
6nce again, God inten/ened and she was protected from serious
harm. We praised God again for His care.

'Kj ^||ffw

How good it is to hove an extended family. Our family stretches from Pennsylvania and Georgia to Brazil, to Puerto Rico, to Costa Rica, to several states in the USA, and finally Portugal. However, the best family is that of God. Whether we spend time together here on earth, the truth is that we have the assurance that eternity may be
ours together forever. If we so desire it. Recently, God made it possible for Sarah and me to rekindle our relationship with a couple from Brazil who had worked here

and left without giving any satisfaction as to why. We had counted

on them to be of great assistance to the work in Setubal with the Spindolas.

In December I received a letter from them

showing a real desire to make things right with us

and the churches here and in the USA that support
ed them. Thanks be to God for His wisdom in treat

ing this. They are Eduardo, Sondrine, and Miguel. This family has great potential for Kingdom Work. Please put them on your prayer list asking God to direct them now and in the future. Pray for us that we can give our help. To God Be the Glory!


Our Renault, Model 1892, Has Expiredl

To hove an automatic transmission in Europe and particularly in Portugal is very rare. We were very pleased with the car until around Christmas. When the gears would not mesh, we tried to find a used transmission but the price was S2.200 US to buy the used transmission plus labor to install it. We decided not to pursue it. We will begin looking for a different means of transportation soon. Most of the things we need ore close by and/or are within walking distance. Pray that God will help find the right car.

Sister Sara" - Now!

Sara was baptized on February 10th
and the Church was full. Her Mom and

Family Dolngsl
Jesse and Celia



3 sisters have been active members for

many years. Sara is the last one of the fam-

ily to obey Jesus in Baptism.

She usually greets you with a smile on
her face and looks for ways to be helpful. ,


After the sen/ice that morning she let i - ^

some people know that she is not just Sara, but now is "sister" Sara. She is quite a plea sure to watch. God has been working among our youth for many months and we are pleased with the renewed interest. We expect several more baptisms in the near future.

for their daughter Emma Ruth Berrier, our great grandaughter, who cel ebrated her 1st birthday on February 25th. Jesse is stationed overseas (USAF)
while Celia and Emma aren on base in North Carolina.

Before you move, please send the mailing label with a copy of your new address to


MISSION SERVICES ASSOCIATION. PO Box 13111, Knoxville, TN 37920-0111.

Mission Sen/ices Association

PO Box 13111

Non Profit Org.


Knoxville, TN 37920-0111

U.S. Postage Paid

Knoxville, TN
Permit #374

M/ssi"onon'es: Dick & Sarah Robison Rua Per do Sol, 29 2775-680 Carcavelos

Return Service Requested

Portugal 011-351-21-457-0065 (Robison) 011-351-21-456-1596 (Church) E-Moil; (English) (Portuguese)
Forwarding Aaenfs:

Phil & Dot Wiltshire

4824 Westbourne Dr.

Powder Springs, GA 30127 Telephone; 770-943-4668 Plese make checks payable to:

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April-June 2008


"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But fake heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)


Recent disasters, immense loss of lives, wars, rumors of war and tremendous upheavels challenge us

to look more clearly at our "world view" and come to some conclusions. Your "World View" determines how you look and react to the actual world today, to your Individual
world, and to God's World.

In John 16, Jesus begins to explain to the disciples what is going to happen to him, and to them. He

lays it out very clearly. The disciples in verse 29 declare, "Now you are speaking clearly..." and in verse 30 say, "we can see that you know all things...This makes us believe that you came from God." John records that Jesus then prays for himself, for his disciples, and for all believers. Is your "world view" God centered or human centered? Everything you think, believe or do is determined by your "world view." Jesus is coming back and it could be very soon! Are you prepared for that event? Could these hap penings be signs for Jesus' return. He admonishes us to be prepared. Luke's gospel puts it this way, Luke
21:25-28, v(25) "There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexidy at the roarina and tossing of the sea. v(26) Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. (27) At that time they willsee the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory v(26) When these things take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is near."

ILetus"standup,lift upourheads,becauseredemptionis near." Pray

to Jesus for yourself, your preachers-missionaries, and all believers and non-believers in your world. "WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS THROUGH

Sister Sara" and her 3 Friends

In the previous Pioneer, I mentioned Sara's baptism, and said, "We expect several more baptisms in the near future." Well sure enough 3
more adolescents, Lorena, Beatriz, and We scheduled it as soon as possible. Bruna also requested baptism.

Elsa Spindola assisted me in these baptisms. She had taught and nurtured these kids for several years. She was an excellent helper for the

to r: Sara Lorena. Beatriz. and Bruno

ceremony. We rejoice when a family is united end particularly when families are united in the name of Jesus. We know that the angels in heaven rejoiced to see these young women "pledge allegiance" to Jesus the King. Please pray for them, their growth, their families, their work in the Church.

Mother's Day
Portugal, Spain and some other strong
Roman Catholic Countries celebrate Mother's

Day, on the 1st Sunday in May. There were 24 "Moms" present. We normally have someone from the family or congregation present a rose
to the mother.

Some time during the day most families get together and celebrate the occosion. We
thank God for the "Moms" and their contribu

tions to their family and to the Church family.


The Church Serves in Other Areas

Olimpia has had her second heart operation and is recovering very well. She had suffered from the first one quite a bit but now is recuperating. Some of you may relate to her difficulty. From the day we arrived in Portugal in 1981, we provided

I a church home and helped

many immigrants get settled
One sister, Ermelinda, a

Christian doctor from Angola,

J f . "V Sv

, , : Angola Angola.PTLI PTL!

finished up and a speciality in "skin disorders" is retuming returning to Olirnp.d is pictured on the left with
foreign students behind her.

I. to r.: Sarah, Vic, and Adriana

Another young lady, Adriana, is in her 3rd year of Psychology. She called me and asked if I could help her with some translation from English. After one look and try, 1 called Vic, one of our dec-

conesses, a professional translator, and asked her to do it. She did a good job and Adriana is planning to attend our service on Sundays. PTL! Another family from Brazil, Caio, Mariester and grandaughter, Simone, are trying to get settled in Portugal as well. They are in a borrowed apartment for the time being. They ore looking for work as well. They have been helped by the Church physically and spiritually. In May Simone came to me, and with those penetrating eyes said, "I want to be baptized!." PTL. She is being instructed and counseled in that direction and will be baptized soon.

/mm;grants trying to get settled.

Special Speaker Sunday - Garcavelos

The Catarinos visited the Church. Sarah is director of "AGLOW."

an International Women's Intercessory Organization. Her message was well-received by all. She teaches at the same Bible College where I had taught for 12 years. Antonio is a professional photog rapher. It was great to moke contact again with them.

Research Trip - Spain

Earlier this year Tim Thomas and I made a trip to north eastern Spain, i.e., Barcelona and Tarragona. We are certain that these two cities hove much to offer in poleo-christion sites.


We visited, photographed and

made notes of many areas and we were not disappointed. These photos give you an idea of the place we believe

I-1. ^

oldest baptistries on the Iberian Peninsula. We were not permit^ t e d to enter below the street level of the Cathedral because

have been one of the

of renovations that are being

done to the ruins of a 4th cen-


fury basilica, This trip helped

with the book that I am writing. More later in another Pioneer. If you desire more info send us


, L-

Our Renault, IVIodel 1992, is Running Again

The automatic transmission was fixed by Wilson. The electriol part that hod shortened out the whole system had been replaced. I took it for inspection and need to fix two things, We were able to survive without it for a couple of months. It takes us where we want to go and do what we need to do. Thanks for your prayers.PTL!

Before you move, please send the mailing label with a copy of your new address to


MISSION SERVICES ASSOCIATION, PO Box 13111, Knoxville, TN 37920-0111.

Non Profit Org.


Mission Services Association PO Box 13111

Knoxville, TN 37920-0111

U.S. Postage Paid

Knoxville, TN
Permit #374

Dick & Sarah Robison Rua Per do Sol, 29 2775-680 Carcavelos

Return Service Requested


011-351-21-457-0065 (Robison) 011-351-21-456-1596 (Church) E-Mail: (English) (Portuguese)
Forwarding Aaenfe; Phil & Dot Wiltshire 4824 Westbourne Dr.

Powder Springs, GA 30127

Telephone: 770-943-4668

Plese make checks payable to;



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July-September 2008


"May God our Father himself and our Master Jesus clear the road fo vou! And may the Master oour on the love so if fills your lives and splashes over on everyone around you, just as it does from us fo you. Mav vou be infused with strength and ouritv. filled with confidence in the presence of God our Father when our Master Jesus arrives with all his follov/ers." (I Thessalonians 4:11-13-The Message)


I never cease to be amazed that the teachings of the Scriptures written hundreds of years ago still make any sense today and hove clear applications in our lives in the 21st century. This short text from the
letter to the Church in Thessalonico has some very needy exhortations for the Church today. Three requests to God from Paul have strong lessons now. (1) He wanted very much to visit the Church in Thessalonica and asks God to "clear the wav" so that could happen. Sarah and I are olannina a trio to the USA which we desire very much. We ask God's help in this matter. (2) Our 2nd request is that

God's love will flow and increase. (3) Mav God strengthen our hearts and vour hearts as we prepare for
the return of our Lord.

Jesus is coming back! Are you ready? Am I ready? Is God's Church ready? Am I permitting God's love to flow and overflow to everyone? What do we need to do and be to prepare for the return of Jesus? This passage suggests that this is a "heart problem!" He suggests that we "be infused with strength
gnd ouritv. and filled with confidence!"

There may be wars and rumours of wars but Jesus says, "Watch out for doomsday deceivers. Many leaders are going to show up with forged identities, claiming, 'I am Christ, the Messiah.' They will deceive a lot of people. When reports come in of wars and rumoured wars, l(eep your head on and don't panic. This is routine history; this is no sign of the end. Nation will fight nation and ruler will fight ruler, over and over. Famines and earthquakes will occur in various places. This is nothing compared to what is com ing. 'They are going to throw you to the wolves and kill you, everyone hating you, because you carry my name. And then, going from bad to worse, it will be dog-eat-dog, everyone at each other's throat, everyone hating each other. "In the confusion, lying preachers will come forward and deceive a lot of people. For many others, the overwhelming spread of evil will do them innothing left of their love but a mound of ashes. "Staying with it-that's what God requires. Stay with it to the end. You won't be sorry, and you'll be saved. All during this time, the good news-the Message of the kingdom-will be preached all over the world, a witness staked out in every country. AND THEN THE ENDWILL COME. (Matt. 24:5-14THE MESSAGE).

Many of these words were not fulfilled with the destruction of Jerusalem and the turmoil of those days. Much of these words by our Master are still to be fulfilled in the near future. Look at the signs of
the times.

Be infused with the love of God and share it. Do all you can to help spread the Gospel to all nations!

Who Are We?'

the work in Portugal with the inireflect the changing ethnic reality
of Portugal in 2008.

From the very beginning of

tial group of Portugal Christion Mission, the leadership and members of the Carcovelos Church *
The PCM team began with people from Angola and Mozambique who had fled the



|P9 (
Robert Fife, missionary, (preacher) Fernando Almeida, PorfugaL (deacon)

n^*7 U "1 * j

Fernando/Mimi Perreira Portugal, (deacon/deaconess)

colonial wars there. Since that time in 1981 till the present a great mix of peoples have either passed through and/or are now members i.e., Americans, Angolans, Dutch, French, Gypsies, Iranians, Japanese, Mozambicans, Portuguese, Romanians. We praise the Father in Heaven for these opportunities. What the future holds only God knows. The Church will continue to receive all that He sends. Presently, the Church is led by Robert Fife, an American/Brazilian Missionary Preacher. There are other members who contribute in various areas of leadership. Here are the deacons that serve faithfully: (1) Fernando Almeida-Portuguese, retired, and an all around handyman. He is a praying deacon and gives a meditation for the Lord's Supper when scheduled. One can count on him to do what he says he will do. (2) Fernando/Mimi Pereira, retired, deacons, given much to prayer, who serve faithfully. Fernando is a member of the Churches' legal committee. (3) Ernestina Venancio, Angolan, excellent teacher, given to prayer, leads meditation for Lord's Supper, good leader: (4) Ricardo/Wasth(Vasti) Anjos, Brazilians, given to prayer, he is a good preacher/teacher, leads meditation for Lord's Supper, she teaches kids: (5)




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rnesf/na Ernestina Venonc;o, Venancio,
Angola - Portugal, (feacherj


^[[H (Her granddaughter Isabel was visitthank God for these faithful
sen/ants and for others who cooperate and contribute to the spiritual

leads meditations for Lord's Supper, J?3| ing from Denmark)

health of the congregation. To God
be the Glory!

Victoria Garde-Hansen, Angolan, Portuguese, married to a Dane, given to prayer, excellent teacher,

Victoria Garde-

Ricardo/Wasth (Vasfi) (Vasti)

Anjos, Brazil Portugal, Portugal. (deacon/deaconess)

Hansen, Angola Denmark PortuDenmark - Portu gal, (deaconess)

Kids in Camp
Christian Sepv'ice Camp brings back many great memories for us. Friendships are made for a lifetime; inspiration from the lives of the counsellors; good Bible teaching: an introduction to the need for prayer; serious decisions for Christ

that can include baptism, plans for

future full-time ministries.

Carcavelos sent 13 young peo ple to camp this year. Each one costs $120 USD. The congregation was able to complete what money was lacking as well as supplying the full amount for some campers. We thank God for the camp experience for our youth. Continue to pray for them and the church



Wedding at the Marina!

Andrew is a verygood chiropractor with vast bi-cultural experience. It has
been at least 10 years that he gave me an adjustment on the grass outside

of McDonald's. It was ourfirst experience like that. He continues to keep us in I

shape, for which we are very grateful. Maria was his office manager during much of the time that we have known them. After some very difficult personal times for both of them, they decided to tie the knot. They asked me if I would do the sen/ice and I said "yes!" The Marina in Cascais is very "chic" and also ver/ windy so much so that it was impossible to light the Unity Candle, which they did at the reception. The manager of the restau rant hired a private airplane to fly by with their names emblazoned on a banner before the ceremony began. Needless to say, "It was a very unique ceremony!"

Raphael Assis, a young Brazilian, hod been coming
baptized in the Atlantic Ocean. Wilson baptized him as




Jonatas Fife and Wilson Spindola. His desire was to be [ 1*

he wished in the Ocean. W
Raphael is an excellent drummer in our Praise Group of the Church and has been very active. Recently, he received his "Titulo de Residencia" (Permanent Resident Card) from the Portuguese government. Pray for himl

to the Carcavelos Church for months and studied with |8V

Recent Visitors
We have been blessed by some recent visitors to the Church. Guilherme, and Junia Paul and kids (right) stopped by from Croatia, where he works in the Brazilian Consulate there. They spent several years in Lisbon in consular service and were very active in the life of the
Church. We miss them!

Marco Aurelio, ex-professional soccer

player (left), worshipped with us in August



I sister, Valeria, and, brother-in-law, Paulo are

an active couple in the Carcavelos Church.

I and spoke ofwhat God is doing in his life. His

Family Update
Sarah's brother Robert Dunn passed away on August 2nd. Robert was one of the first persons to start supporting our mission in 1954 and later on
as well.

Jesse Berrier - Home USA Phone calls & email & letters

Anna Lynn Roblson, 3 yrs

David Jr.

David/Toni Robison. 31 yrs

Jim Phegley

Old car is running God's people world


The grace of God

[51 Great Grand Kids!

We are proud to hove 5 Great Grand Kids. However, it doesn't stop there. Josh and Rachel {Grand doughter) Jackson are expecting their

Jason & Family in
Dominica Wisdom and discern ment For the book Youth here Hoeldes Timoteo

For more Portuguese


Tyler and Anna Lynn

Emma Beirier

71 WOW!

Sarah, Joshua, and Jennifer Barnharf

church leaders EVORA new work on hold


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VOLUME XXVIII October-November 2008 NUMBER 4

"So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary lifeyour sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking around lifeand place if before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your cul ture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, devel ops well-formed maturity in you." (Romans 12:1, 2-The Message)

I Wemade one of the best rips this timear iving on October 27 and plan

ups and tests done.. Our plans to visit churches, family and friends depends upon the scheduling of these tests. We will keep you informed by e-mail and personal let ters. Our phone number while stateside is 910 551
4131. Our email is and you can

1 H W W

Jsome medical check-

to return to Portugal on January 27th 2009. There were no glitches at all. Our colleague Wilson Spindola got us to the airport In plenty of time. We made it through customs and check-in in a few minutes and were able to get to the boarding gate in record time. Our son David was in the airport in Fayetteville, NC. Within a couple of hours we arrived at his house and settled in forsome RXR.

get it on the back page of the Pioneer. Our "snail

mail" address is Richard/Sarah Robison 2760 Odom

Rd., Fayetteville, NC 28348.


One of the "sweet/sour" aspects of being a "transcultural" missionary is the ever present changes that challenge you as you enter into another culture. There are many varied and subtle ways of being caught off guard. Even as one travels to his/her own culture after being gone from it, this occurs. This is called "reverse culture shock". These types of changes are even more evident as you arrive "home."

Perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of a missionary's life is leaving family and friends in one place and travelling to the nev/ place. New friends, a new adopted family are made with strong bonds as well. As some time passes and a return to the original family is necessary the process is reversed and
just as traumatic.

We try and keep a balance without being conformed to the old/new culture while maintaining Paul's admonition to be transformed by God as "He brings the best out of you and develops well-formed maturity in you". God desires to transform us daily into His image. "And so we are transfigured much like the Mess/oh. our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like him." (II Corinthians 3:18- The Message)

0 R
Colleagues: Robert & Derlani Fife (left)
and Wilson Spindola (right) Edson repairing apartment Preaching and Teaching





A house to stay in

A car to drive

Jesse's testimony in NC

Old friend in NC

Old friends. Bill & Peggy (NC)

Old SS class in NC

Civic Duty, Tlianksgiving &Cltristmas

The USA has been through a very difficult, political campaign. Before the actual election many promises, speeches, and advertising bombarded all of the means of communication. Feelings ron high on all sides of the spectrum. Many promises were mode. Hopes ran high for different reasons and for varied causes. Much, too much money v^^as spent on both sides. The issues were presented, debated, and defended. The ballots were counted and Senator Borock Hussein Obama is the president elect for the next 4 years. (Some senatorial races have not been decided at this writing). Let us be good citizens, as we submit to our new government as Paul soys in Romans 13:4, 5.

Consider 3 scriptures that deal with our "thanksgiving" to God:

(1) "give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." (I Thessalonians 5:18.)
(2) "But thanks be to God. who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him." (II Corinthians 2:14) (3) "But thanks be to God. He gives us the victory through Our Lord Jesus Christ." (I Corinthians 15:57)
There is much in these texts that challenges us to put them Into practice.

"For to us. to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders, and he will be called Wonderful Counselor. Mighty God, Everlasting father, and Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6)

Loss and Gain

Our beloved sister, Ester Ucuohamba,

faithful church receptionist for several years for the Corcavelos Church is making plans to return permanently to Angola,

her country of origin, after 16 years in Portugal. We pray God's blessings upon her and her family that will be united once again after many years. We will miss her


The Paul Family returns to Portugal.

While in Portugal, they sen/ed in many capacities among the Churches. We thank the Father above for this special blessing! An ex-colleague of ours, Shirley Lonham, passed away, after a long illness. Our condolences to her family in Brazil and the USA.

Family Update

Colleagues in Portugal / USA
11/27 11/04 12/17 10/10 10/26 10/20 Phil/Dot Wiltshire Phone calls, e-mail, and letters
Medical core

Sarah Robison Rachel Jackson

Mary Lou Biehl

Michael Biehl Jason Barnhart Joshua Jackson

12/01 11/03 12/17 12/30 10/20 12/15

Ann Phegley
Toni Robison Jamie Berrier

Tyler Robison
Alicia Robison Joshua Barnhart

His patience Our faithful supporters Trip to the USA


Blessed furlough Jason & family in Dominica
New President and World Leaders For the book Hoeldes Timoteo

Jennifer/Jason Barnhart -10 years Dick/Sarah Robison - 57 years David/Alicia Robison - 4 years Milce/Lou Biehl - 20 years

For more Portuguese church leaders Portuguese Churches

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