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January-March 2010


"Praise to the Lord God"

The Second Coming of Jesus

"Then the Angel showed me Wafer-of-Life River, crystal bright It flowed from the Throne of God and the Lamb, right down the middle of the street. The Tree of Life was planted on each side of the River, pro ducing twelve kinds of fruit, a ripe fruit for each month. The leaves of the Tree are for healing the nations. Never again will anything be cursed. The Throne of God and of the Lamb is at the center. His servants will offer God service-worshiping, they'll look on his face, their foreheads mirroring God. Never again will there be any night. No one will need lamplight or sunlight. The shining of God, the Master, is all the light anyone needs. And they will rule with him age after age after age." THE MESSAGE. Revelation 22:1-5

Another Trip to the USA for Sarah and Nle


(continued, part 4) Wesend a special greeting to ad of you from Sarah and me. Wetrust fully on

for God's promises and to be surrounded by Christian brothers and

pened, and realize that things will never be the same and let the
reassurance of H/s ever/asNng love start to heal our broken hearts.

the promises of God in the Scriptures from Revelation 22. We look forward with anticipation to the fullfillment of this text. As we wait for the culmination of His promises, we are subject to the limitations placed upon us from God. , month of December 2009 was full of hope and trust in God's power to , heal. We believe fully in Hisgrace. His promises and His will. It was not in God's will that Mary Lou Biehl, our daughter, be healed from the cancer that had invaded her body. She passed away on December 27 at the University of Tennessee Hospital after fighting very hard during the previous weeks and months. Her Memorial Service was held at the Gap Creek Christian Church with John Hale and Dr. David Eubanks leading. We were encouraged by those present, colleagues from her work, family, and friends. Our hearts are filled with the remembrances of Mary Lou by her husband, children, family, and grandchil dren. She is much better now in the presence of Jesus, God the Father and God's angels. Naturally, we are saddened with her passing and are thankful


sisters, email, letters and cards. One cord that we received has

expressed it best. We all need a time to grieve-qui'ef fime for reflection to sift through memories and come to grips w/fh what has hap-


j ^ -I

God's Blessings Prepared Fer Us At Jehnson Bible Cellege

We have been driving through these gates for 60 years, orriving as freshmen in 1949. We hove been associated with JBC in one way or another ever since then: as students, professor, coach (Soccer & Women's Basketball), and now honored to be The
EUBANKS FELLOW for this semester. A wonderful place has been

provided for us to live on campus through June. It is a real bless-



ing to be in almost daily contact with faculty, staff and students. I

,' J"'


substitute for faculty in classes, when asked, and I am teaching a young man Portuguese for his upcoming trip to Brazil. Another blessing was being able to attend JBC Homecoming in February. Dick carried the

Portuguese flag in the opening ceremony. What a privilege to renew friendships with so many alumni. During the Homecoming the Intercultural Studies Program and the Eubanks
Institute for Missions honored us with a Reception.

New Church Blessing

It seems that our ministry has always been working with new churches: answering God's coll to go
into all the world and make disciples.

it began with East Ridge Christian Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee (1951-1953) while still students.

After graduation, we went to Brazil (15yrs) and Puerto Rico

(3 yrs). Over 30 years ago, we spent 6years at JBC where

noxville, Sevierville

we were involved in new church work in

and Cookville. 28 years ago we went to Portugal, still going and making disciples. Now we are helping Valdecy & Myrno
Do Silva start a new Hispanic Church in Knoxville, Tennessee in association with Woodlawn Christian Church. A group
of JBC students meet each week with the Da Silvas and
us on campus

to pray for the

The Hispanic Church from Johnson City came to Woodlawn Christian Church and took core ofthe first
main service with the music, preaching and presented the new congregation with 25 Spanish Bibles.

No. ^ Family and Friends

We were happy to have lots of family at the memorial ser
vice. Later on, it was wonderful to have David and Toni return
with Jennifer and her 2

kids for a long weekend... a time to eat together, ploy with the kids and


worship together at Gap will see all eight of our

Creek. In this Pioneer you
very proud of all of them.

Dick & Sarah with

Dick &Joshua


fC' " ' ^

Porker Robison

David, Toni, Sarah, and Jennifer

8 great grands. We are

Dick & Sarah with

Dick & Sarah w;fh

Ann, Toni, and David

Tyler and Anna

Dick & Sarah w/fh Emma, Emilia, and Miles

Claudia Juarez, a long time friend, also visited. She spent several years at the King's Hospital in Saudi Arabia and now plans to spend 2 years on a
Mercy Ship. May
God bless all of



our Smoky Mt.

friends on shared the

a Wednesday evening and Portugal work with them.

Mission Services


2004 E. Magnolia Ave.

Knoxville, TN 37917

Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid

Knoxville, TN
Permit #374

Dick & Sarah Robison Rua Por do Sol, 29 2775-680 Carcovelos

Return Service Requested


on-351-21-457-0065 (Robison) 011-351-21-456-1596 (Church)

E-Mail: or: (English) (Portuguese)
Phi! & Dot Wiltshire 4824 Westbourne Dr.

Powder Springs, GA 30127 Telephone: 770-943-4668

Please make checks payable to:


Our stateside address is 1214 E. Hendron Chapel Road, Knoxville, TN 37920. Our cell number is 1-910-551-4131. Our home phone is 865-577-8578.

Portugal News
The churches in Portugal
ore in good hands: Robert
& Derlani Rfe in Carcovelos

Miles Jackson
Celia Berrier Emma Errler Jesse Berrier Parker Robison

JBC Eubonks Fellowship
Phone colls & e-mail & letters

02/10 02/25 03/24 02/04

and Wilson & Elsa Spindola

in Setubal. The Carcovelos

Retina re-evaluation very good

The love of God

Church purchased a new von and gave the old one to


Our faithful supporters Doily prayer support


Josh/Rachel Jackson 03/0

New Hispanic work in Knoxville! Drug rehob in Setubol

Michael Biehl US Army More Portuguese church leoders Wisdom for future plons Robison fomily




July-September 2010

"Do not forget the day we saw the light. Remember those early days after you first saw the light? Those were the hard times! Kicked around in public, targets of every kind of abuse-some days It was you, other days your friends. If some friends were In prison, you stuck by them. If some enemies broke in and seized your goods, you let them go with a smile, knowing they couldn't touch your real treasure. Nothing they did bothered you. nothing set you back. So don't throw it all away now. You were sure of yourselves then. It's still a sure thing! You need to stick it out, staying with God's plan so you'll be there for the promised completion.
If won't be long now, he's on the way; He'll show up most any minute. But anyone who is right with me thrives on loyal trust:
If he cuts and runs, I won't be very happy.

But we're not quitters who lose out. Oh, no! We'll stay with it and survive, trusting all the way."
THE MESSAGE. Hebrews 10:32-39

Praise God For a Safe Flight and Arrival in Portugal

Our flight took us from JFK New York airport to Lisbon International Airport, through Dublin, Ireland with just one major problem; our baggage did not arrive with us. After we had circled the baggage carrousels many times, it was obvious that our baggage didn't make it on the some

taken care of by some very professional workers. They went and

Finally, we went to the Lost Baggage Office, where we were


'P" " "

checked the area themselves to be sure. After filling out the proper papers, they told us that our bogs would be delivered to our home

upon arrival. We felt some relief and went out to see who had been
waiting for us all this time. We went out and saw Wilson Spindola and his daughter Raquel who had been waiting quite awhile for us to come out. After a very good Portuguese coffee and some sharing of events, they took us to Carcavelos and to our apartment. Fortunately our bags were delivered the next day. PTL! ,

It was very thoughtful of the ladies of the Church to bring in food

each day for the first week, so we could concentrate on settling in.

Update on Portuguese ChurGhes

SETUBAL: On August 1st,
ten people were baptized
at the Church in Setubai. It was a tinne of celebration

and great rejoicing. Wilson

and Elsa continue to do a

good work there.


Elsa and Wilson Spindola

CARCAVELOS: Two weeks later Mario was baptized in

Carcavelos and Teresa transferred her membership.

They became friends when they studied at Emmanuel School


Dr. Joanne Flowers came to visit Robert and Deriani Fife.

of Religon in Johnson
m/ H



blessed. Shewasajoyto

in Carcavelos y . . Setubol and all were {

Teresa and Mario

I ;
Joanne Ftowers Joanne Flowers with Pedro Pedro and and son son

Eliane is from the Fife's home Church in Brazil and stopped here in transit to Guine-Bissau.

She works with Wycliffe Bible Translators. She will be teaching leaders three weeks who do transla tions in five of the many languages in Guine-Bissau. She also shared with us her vision of people having the Word in their mother tongue. It was very challenging to the whole congregation.




Friends and Kin

We enjoyed the times we spent with Phyllis Thomas and her son Tim recalling the years we spent in Brazil. It was special to visit with Mary Lou Martin \who was leading a workshop at "SENIOR SAINTS INTHE

SMOKIES". Mary Lou was one of ||


I |~

f ^

unexpected pleasure to have


Sarah's former minister, Jim

Phyllis &Tim Thomas

Mary Lou Lou Martin Martin Mary

9HBHBhhhhh^ Jim Nipper Jim Nipper


Nipper, spend several hours with us while visiting family and attending his 60th High School

Reunion in Knoxville, Tennessee. H

able to spend some time with

and Norma. It was great to

While in New York we were ^

and grandson grandson Mark Mark

Frank & Alice Frank &Alice

Jim Phegley's parents, Jimmy UpHMMHHHMMHHiHBiibHHj

Jimmy & Norma Phegley

see them after 20+ years.

To know them is to love them--Frank and Alice Baker. They were our classmates at JBC. Several times we got together to share a meal and precious time.

A highlight of our furlough was a family reunion. On June 12th we all came together at David & Toni'sin Foyetteville, NC. We came from Tennessee; some from New York, others from Connecticut, and the rest were from the Ft. Bragg area. There were 23 of us, but we missed Mike, who was still in the Army and Jason who was in medical school in Miami. A friend of David's barbequed a hog for a typical North Carolina "pig pickin". It was a time of good eats, reminiscing, enjoying each other's company and making new memories to warm our heorts when we are apart.

Family reunion

Dick & Sarah with grandkids and greaf-grandkids

Summer Intern
In the previous issue we told you that Andy Greene was 1

going to Rio de Janeiro for the summer. We were happy bV

went to Brazil. He said they treated him like ason. He wrote

not coming back after my stay here. I was surprised at

that were in a children's home that we ran when we first wU I

that he was able to make contact with Miriam and Mirtes IV

' 'j

flS^, i


us, "1 already dreod the day I go home. 1can't imagine SsStWrnam^LmmmmJtBSimmmm
Rob/sons wiYh Andy and h/s parenfs

Mission Services


2004 E. Magnolia Ave. Knoxville, TN 37917 Return Service Requested

Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid

Knoxville, TN
Permit #374

Dick & Sarah Robison Rug Por do Sol, 29 2775-680 CarcQvelos


011-351-21-457-0065 (Robison) 011-351-21-456-1596 (Church} E-Mail: or: (English) (Portuguese) Forwarding Agents:
Phil & Dot Wiltshire 4824 Westbourne Dr.

Powder Springs, GA 30127

Telephone: 770-943-4668

Please make checks payable to:


how many chances I've had to share the gospel. When I tell people that I live in a favela, they ore shocked that


an American would come to Brazil and live in a slum. It inspires me to get more prepared and then come back."
Before Andy went to Rio, we hadthe pleasure of meeting his parents. Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Greene, in Cookeville, Tennessee. Hopefully, we assured them Andy would be ^

T 1


okay in Brazil. While there, we spent time also with dear Dick, & Hillier Duke f .i-ii_i Ruby n L- Duke rx , and _j Bob n i, Dick, Bob Bob Wheatiey, Wheotley, Ruby Ruby & HillierDuko friends, Hilher and Wheatley. Maybe, next time, we'll hear from Katie Walker, who also went to Brazil. Both of these young people are members of Churches we helped start over 30 years ago.

Mark Phegley
Anno Robison

New Hispanic Work in

July 9

Baptisms in Setubol &


Aug. 11 (5 yrs)
Aug. 14 Aug. 31 Sept. 8 (79 yrs) Sept. 15(1 yr)

David Robison, Jr.

Jim Phegley
Dick Robison Emilia Berrier

Phone calls, e-mail & letters

Drug rehab in Setubal

Michael Biehl

To be in Portugal Portuguese Church leaders

JBC students who worked in

Co-workers in Portugal
Wisdom for future

David/Toni Robison Jesse/Celio Berrier

Aug. 6 (33 yrs) May 29 (6 yrs)

Hispanic Church Doily prayer support

230 new JBC students

plans Robison family

October-December 2010


"I looked again. I saw a large crowd, too huge to count. Everyone was thereall nations and tribes, all races and languages. And they were standing, dressed in white robes and waving palm branches, standing before the Throne and the Lamb and heartily singing:
"Salvation to our God on his Throne! Salvation to the Lamb!"

All who were standing around fhe Throne -- Ange/s, Elders, Animals -- fell on their faces before the Throne and worshiped God, singing:
"Oh. Yes!

The blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving. The honor and power and strength.
To our God forever and ever and ever!

Oh, Yes!"

Just then one of fhe Elders addressed me: "Who are these dressed in white robes, and where

did they come from?" Taken aback, I said. "Oh, Sir, I have no idea -- but you must know."

Then he told me, "These are those who come from fhe great tribulation, and they've washed their robes, scrubbed them clean in the blood of the Lamb. That's why they're standing before God's Throne. They serve him day and night in his Temple. The One on the Throne will pitch his fenf there for them: no more hunger, no more thirst, no more scorching heaf. The Lamb on the Throne will shepherd them, will lead them to spring wafers of Life. And God will wipe every last tear from their eyes."
THE MESSAGE. Revelation 7:1-8

The Carcavelos Church Honors the Rohisons

The theme of the month of October was, "Missions --

more than just a word." In keeping with the mission theme, we were asked to come forward and we were presented with a 6 tile plaque with scenes of Carcavelos and one tile of the Church for our 29/30 years in Portugal for our "Vision, Dedication, & Perseverance." We were not only surprised, but touched by this gift. During these years, the building on the corner of Rua
do Sol, 29 and the Estrada da Torre in Carcavelos served


snvutie <c>

^ichand'e' '^johoA'

as a reference for people who are looking for directions

and also has been a constant source of assistance for those who come to our

door looking for a friendly, helping hand. Many different people have found refuge here through the years. People from Angola, Brazil, Mozambique, Cape
Verde, Goa, France, Romania, Iran,

Japan, and Gypsies, as well as some Americans were assisted in some way or

another. It goes without saying that there ore many Portuguese among those who
were and continue to be blessed.

Dick. Sarah, and Vic,

a deaconess

Dick with Lucas and Tiago

Great Visit to Murcia, Spain

One of our blessings after coming bock to the Iberian
Peninsula was our visit with Erick Gutierrez, Sira, and the kids

in Murcia, Spain. It had been many years since we were there. We were invited to attend their missionary confer-

ence and speak at


their Faith Promise. The

and the goal of $5,600

Conference was great

US was set.

Erick and Sira

4 mm
Representative flags for missionary

We spent 9days

with them and enjoyed the fellowship. Erick and family desen/e a great thank you for their tireless and difficult oversight during these past years. The Church in Alcantarilla is growing and the mem bers of the Church have assumed many responsibilities
since we were there.

There is on excellent youth program and they put on a display of dances and folklore during a special night of
celebration for a full house in their basement. On the next

with him on some visits. We prayed for a new family and their liberation from false spirits in their home. On
another visit, we shared with a woman who was

Praise Group

sr m ^

day, after church and the baptism, a very special meal was sen/ed with all of the trimmings. Erick


preparing for baptism. Both of these visits were blessings and God was glorified. Perhaps the most encouraging time was a

Erick baptizing

Erick and Incarnacion

meeting with the deacons

and other church leaders as
we met around the table in

Brick's house. Many old and

new ideas were discussed

and a positive unanimous

consensus was reached.

Church dinner

All left the meeting encour aged and renewed for the

Erick is taking some further medical subjects locally and looks fonA'ord
to the time when he can


practice medicine in Spain. He is on MD from Nicaragua and is not allowed to practice medi cine in Spain. Another blessing of going to Spain was to get to know Chris and Nicia Irwin and
their three children. They live in Granada, Spain and came to the Missionary Conference. Having spent

B 14 years in Ecuador, they already

speak Spanish and hope to start a
church in and around Granada.

They also co-operate with Erick and

m IB I

the Church in Alcantarillc. They are

tremendously gifted for ministry. Chris and son, Joshua, plan to visit us in

The Irwin family

Eric/c'sson, Erick's son, Jonatas

Portugal so that Josh can compete

in a Martial Arts Tournament to be

held in Lisbon in January.

Update on Portuguese Churches


is a missionary with a Prison Ministry here in Lisbon. Recently, he used our boptis-



led to Christ from the prison. His name is gave a wonderful testimony before he
Ricardo and he was very happy and he

tery to baptize one of the young men he

JmS J '(t^\ m
Fernando and Ricardo

was baptized. He could hove been senfenced from 8 to 25 years for using and . ,, ( ^ + trafficking drugs. He is now free and wants

to serve the Lord. He hopes to win his girl friend, Vania, to Christ. Please pray for them!
LYDIAS: In October Sarah, Derlani Fife and Wasth Anjos attended a Lydia Conference in southern

Portugal. This is an intercessory prayer group whose desire is to call women together to fast and pray for the church, community, nation, and the world. They were refreshed and returned with a
greater desire to intercede.

Mission Services


2004 E. Magnolia Ave.

Knoxville, TN 37917

Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid

Knoxville, TN
Permit #374

Dick & Sarah Robison Rua Por do Sol, 29 2775-680 Carcoveios

Return Service Requested


011-351-21-457-0065 (Robison) 011-351-21-456-1596 (Church)

E-Mail: or: (English) (Portuguese)
Forwarding Aaenfs:

Phil & Dot Wiltshire

4824 Westbourne Dr.

Powder Springs, GA 30127

Telephone: 770-943-4668

Please make checks payable to:


Hgppv Birthdays
Tyler Robison
Jason Barnhart Alicia Robison Rachel Jackson Toni Robison Joshua Barnhart October 10 October 20 October 26 November 3 November 4 November 20 November 27 December 1 December 15 December 17 December 30

Faith promise in Spain &

Portuguese Church lead

Faithful supporters Be in Portugal

Portuguese Church leaders Hispanic Church in
Knoxville, TN

Overseas assignments David Robison II and III Michael Biehl

Ann Phegley
Sarah Robison Josh Jackson Jamie Berrier Mike Biehl

Daily Prayer support

Co-workers in Portugal Wisdom for future plans Robison Family

Jennifer and Jason Barnhart

Wishing all ojour wondijulJamUy,Jriends,

andjmtl^l supporters
a very Christmas and

October 10 (12 years

Dick and Sarah Robison

October 12 (59 years)

David Robison III and Alicia Robison

ac9{appy <fNhv ^ear.

loveyou, (3)ick & Sarah

October 16 (6 years)

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