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thoughts on Learning and Teaching

EV681 and EV682 Whole Cohort Lecture

What are the quali&es of a good teacher?

Text your answers to the Text Wall using your mobile phones.

First thoughts on Pedagogy

What do you noEce? What are the children learning? What similariEes and dierences do you see between the sequences? What are the teachers roles here? Is this teaching? So what did we say on our text wall?

Learning in a Digital Age

Does the digital and technological world we live in change learning? What is the impact of digital technologies on learning? What makes the dierence between a posiEve/ negaEve inuence on learning?

What would the children say?

If we had some children in front of us now, what quesEons would you ask them about their experience of ICT and learning? Text your answers to the wall

Video chat

Plan B

Growing learners; growing teachers

When do children start being learners?

Think back to an experience of something you wanted to learn What enabled you to succeed?

Characteris&cs of Eec&ve Learning

EYFS (2012)

Playing and Exploring - engagement

Finding out and exploring Using what they know in their play Being willing to have a go

AcEve Learning moEvaEon

CreaEng and thinking criEcally thinking

Having their own ideas Making links Choosing ways to do things

Being involved and concentraEng Keeping on trying Enjoying achieving what they set out to do

Hello Jamie
Watch and note down what characterisEcs of eecEve learning you can spot How was this learning facilitated?

full set of instrucEonal techniques and strategies that enabled learning to take place . . . which provided opportuniEes for the acquisiEon of knowledge, skills a_tudes and disposiEons Sylva et al (2010) p149

EPPSE research 2011

Outstanding teachers: have good organisaEonal skills establish a posiEve learning environment personalise childrens learning use talk (communicaEon) between and with children make beher use of plenaries

. . . . is you!

How are you going to grow learning in the children you will teach?

To conclude

To follow today: Read Alexander Ch12 Whats Primary EducaEon for? (handout) Scan the Stephen arEcle (pre-course reading) if not already, Pedagogy. The silent partner (Reading List link) In preparaEon for the next session: Blog post #1 and your responses to Session one

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