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Group: ____________________

Date: ___________________________ Peer Editing Worksheet

Name of Peer Editor: ___________________ Section 1: Summary Checklist 1. Title is italicized/or underlined 2. Author included 3. Genre included 4. Setting included (time/location) 5. Main event/problem is clear 6. Details are clear/logical 7. Resolution is clear Section 2: Character Analysis

Book Report of: _____________________

Y Y Y Y 3 3 3

N N N N 2 2 2

1 1 1

8. Four quotes are included (2 about characters appearance; 2 which reveal indirect characterization) 9. Page numbers are included for quotes 10. Quotation marks are used correctly 11.Description of character appearance is discussed/evaluated clearly 12. Clear discussion of how indirect characterization (through chosen quotes) reveal information about the character (STEAL) 13. All four quotes are discussed in a clear manner Section 3: Recommendation 14. Four reasons are given to support recommendation 15. Reasons to justify why storyline/plot is interesting are clear and detailed 16. Reasons to justify why characters are interesting are clear and detailed 17. Reasons to justify why setting is interesting are clear and detailed 18. Appeal to target audience is discussed Mechanics: Grammar/Spelling 19. Capital letters are used correctly 20. Periods and commas are used correctly 21. Spelling is generally correct 22. Verb tenses used are consistent 23. Subjects and verbs agree 3- very clear 2- somewhat clear A A A A A B B B B B Y 3 3 3 3

Y Y Y 3 3 3

N N N 2 2 2

1 1 1

N 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1


1- needs improvement

A- often

B- somewhat

C- needs improvement

Peer Comments: What I liked about your summary:

What I would try to improve on your summary:

What I liked about your character analysis:

What I would try to improve on your character analysis

What I liked about your recommendation:

What I would try to improve on your recommendation:

Group: ____________________

Date: ___________________________ Self- Editing Worksheet

Book Report of: __________________________________________ Section 1: Summary Checklist 1. Title is italicized/or underlined 2. Author included 3. Genre included 4. Setting included (time/location) 5. Main event/problem is clear 6. Details are clear/logical 7. Resolution is clear Section 2: Character Analysis 8. Four quotes are included (2 about characters appearance; 2 which reveal indirect characterization) 9. Page numbers are included for quotes 10. Quotation marks are used correctly 11.Description of character appearance is discussed/evaluated clearly 12. Clear discussion of how indirect characterization (through chosen quotes) reveal information about the character (STEAL) 13. All four quotes are discussed in a clear manner Section 3: Recommendation 14. Four reasons are given to support recommendation 15. Reasons to justify why storyline/plot is interesting are clear and detailed 16. Reasons to justify why characters are interesting are clear and detailed 17. Reasons to justify why setting is interesting are clear and detailed 18. Appeal to target audience is discussed Mechanics: Grammar/Spelling 19. Capital letters are used correctly 20. Periods and commas are used correctly 21. Spelling is generally correct 22. Verb tenses used are consistent 23. Subjects and verbs agree 3- very clear 2- somewhat clear A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C Y 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 N 1 1 1 1 Y Y Y 3 3 3 N N N 2 2 2 Y Y Y Y 3 3 3 N N N N 2 2 2

1 1 1

1 1 1

1- needs improvement

A- often

B- somewhat

C- needs improvement

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