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Sergeants Benevolent Association / Police Department, City of New York Page 1 of2

Attention Members & Friends:

You are c o r d i a l l y invited to attend the
SBA's 39th A n n u a l Dinner Dance, the
let Freedom Ring Gala
on Monday, November 24 at the
Sheraton Hotel & T o w e r s ,
Click here for more i n f o r m a t i o n ,

The September 11 Commission, is looking for NYPD

members who were first responders on September 11
to assist them in preparing recommendations with
respect to the safety and effectiveness of Law
Enforcement Officers. Click Here for more information.
Important news regarding your PICA prescription
benefits: Please read these articles that appeared in
The Chief and the Daily News.
Congress votes to reject changes to
overtime pay rules (FLSA).
Click Here for more information.
Please be a d v i s e d that the open enrollment period
for health p l a n s is October 15-November 14, 2003.
If you have any questions, Click here or
c o n t a c t the SBA Health & W e l f a r e office.

We apologize for any inconvenience

while this site is under construction.

The new and improved

SBA Web site is coming soon!

Next SBA d e l e g a t e meeting scheduled for

Thursday, October 30 at 10:00 a.m.
at T e r r a c e on the Park Restaurant, Corona 10/14/2003
SB A - What's New Page 1 of 6

Sergeants Benevolent Association

..."Frontline Leadership"

- What's New

October 13, 2003

The National C o m m i s s i o n on Terrorist A t t a c k s Upon

the United States ( a l s o kn o w n as the 9-11
Commission) is an independent, b i p a r t i sa n
commission created by congressional legislation and
President George W. Bush in late 2002. It is chartered
to prepare a full and complete account of
c i r c u m s t a n c e s surrounding the September 11, 2 0 0 1
terrorist attacks, including preparedness for and the
immediate response to the a t t a c k s . The commission is
also mandated to provide r e co mme n d a t i o n s designed
to guard a g a i n s t future a t t a cks.

The September 11 Commission is looking for NYPD

members who were first responders on September 11
to assist them in preparing recommendations with
respect to the safety and e f f e c t i v e n e s s of law
enforcement officers who respond to catastrophic

If you are interested in participating please contact

Investigator George Delgrosso (a former NYPD
homicide i n v e s t i g a t o r ) at 26 Federal Plaza, telephone
number (212) 2 6 4 - 1 5 0 5 .

October 4, 2003

** Congress votes to reject changes to overtime pay

rules (FLSA) **

T w e n t y - o n e R e p u b l i c a n members of Congress j o i n e d
with Democrats, and voted 2 2 1 - 2 0 3 to instruct its
n e g o t i a t o r s w o r k i n g out d e t a i l s with the U.S.
Department of Labor to reject any c h a n g e in overtime
regulations. Click here for more information.

October 4, 2003

Important news regarding your PICA p r e s c r i p t i o n

benefits. Please read these articles that a p p e a r e d in
The Chief and the Daily News.

October 1, 2003

WTC Health Registry: The World Trade Center

Health Registry is a comprehensive and confidential
health survey that will track the health over the next
20 years of those most directly exposed to dust, 10/14/2003
NYPD - Communications Division - Main Page Page 1 of 2

Commanding Officer, Deputy Inspector Charles F. Dowd

The mission of the Communications Division is to provide and support a telephone and
radio communications system, which are the primary ingredients in the delivery of
emergency services to the citizens of New York City. The Communications Division is
the parent command to which the Communications Section (Enhanced 9-1-1 Center),
Electronics Section and Technical Support Section report.

The Communications Division provides the following services:

9-1-1 Emergency calltaking center

Police radio dispatching
Emergency command post vehicles
Radio communications controls
Electronic and telephone equipment

Moreover, the Communications Division:

Maintains the Department technological infrastructure

Plans and coordinates advanced technology
Operates the 9-1-1 center
Manages radio dispatching
Tapes and records all telephone/radio communications 8/18/2003
- Communications Division - Communications Section Page 1 of3

Commanding Officer: Deputy Inspector Scott W. Hanover
Executive Officer: Captain Thomas E. Quinn

Enhanced 9-1-1 Public Safety Answering Center

The Communications Section, is one of the largest commands in the NYPD with over 1,200
civilian supervisors, operators and dispatchers. This command is responsible for receiving 9-
1-1 emergency calls from the public and servicing them in a prompt and efficient manner. In
2002, over 12 million calls for service were received, resulting in the dispatch of a patrol
resource to over 4.4 million radio runs.


The Police Department was given an edict to develop and maintain the primary emergency
communications system in New York City. In accordance with this mandate, the
Department has developed the first of two Public Safety Answering Centers (PSACs) that
houses state-of-the-art components which provides fast, efficient, emergency 9-1-1 service
to the citizens and visitors of New York City. 8/18/2003
NYPD - Communications Division - Electronics Section Page Page 1 of3

Commanding Officer, Captain Kenneth Weinberg
Executive Officer, Captain Paul E. Annitto

The Electronics Section of the New York City Police Department is responsible for the
planning, implementation and maintenance of the largest municipal police department radio
system in the world. These responsibilities encompass a wide range of specialties from
communications system engineering and design, through all phases of subsystem installation
and implementation. This is in addition to providing all of the required service and
maintenance for the 24,000 hand held radios, 2,200 mobile data terminals, 3,000 mobile
radios and the vast number of transmitters, receivers, dispatcher consoles and microwave
links located at over 300 locations throughout the City.

Portable Radios

Further, the Electronics Section is responsible for the planning, implementation and
maintenance of a wide range of highly specialized alarm and monitoring systems which are
required at secure Department facilities throughout the five boroughs. In addition, the
Electronics Section operates and maintains a large number of Command Post Vehicles and
Public Address Vans which respond around the clock to major incidents and special events.

http ://home.ny c .gov/html/nypd/html/otsd/commelec .html 8/18/2003


Improving NYPD Emergency

Preparedness and Response

' '"'" ,- ,.. ,""i**""'^

August 19, 2002

This report was prepared by McKinsey & Company based upon information provided by the
New York Police Department.

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