CAE Solidworks Example

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TIC 26 Exam 2 Review Name: Ian Holdeman_______________ Section: A (8:35 AM) B (11 AM) C (12:30 PM) D (3 PM)


Computer Name___________________________ (for example, eglab01)

Your work must be organized and neat, and appropriate diagrams must be included for full credit. 2. Answers must include appropriate units and given in reasonable significant figures. 3. To receive full credit you must show all work. Answers must be supported by correct calculations, a logic statement, etc. 4. No work on the backs of pages of this exam will be graded. 5. Write answers only on the lines provided. Answers in other locations will be ignored. 6. If you require assistance from the instructor or teaching assistant to answer any of the questions on the exam, a 3 point query penalty per instance will be assessed. 7. The exam is open book. You may use any of your personal work in EGGN 413, but you may not use anything from anyone else. Sharing any information about the content, answers, or anything else about this exam with others, or obtaining information about the exam from others will be considered a violation of the CSM Honor Code and will be reported to the Dean of Students. 8. All wireless communication devices such as cellular phones and Blackberrys must be turned off during the exam. You are not allowed to communicate with anyone during the exam via email or any other means. 9. At the beginning of the exam, make a folder c:\scratch\yourinitials_413exam2 to be used exclusively for the test. Delete this folder after the exam. 10. Save your work often during the exam. You will not be given extra time if your computer crashes and you didn't save. 11. IMPORTANT: All input data files generated during the exam must be deleted immediately after you have completed this examination! We will check the computers after the exam and if any files are found, you will be given a grade of 0. Erase any files used during the exam on local machine drives like c:\scratch, and on any drive/device accessed over a network. DO NOT place any exam files on portable media like flash drives! 12. Declaration: I adhered to the CSM Student Honor Code and completed the test per the instructions described above. Signed: ___________________________________________ Date: _____________ 1.

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SCORE____________________ 1. (30 pts) The support pipe shown in Figure 1 was configured as shown and analyzed in SWS. The von Mises (vM) combined stress (vM) results value at point A in a section clipping plot at (0 in, 0.5 in, -0.625 in) is also shown in Figure 1. Material is galvanized steel. Fx=Fz=-100 lbf, Fy=-150 lbf. Forces were applied uniformly over the surface of the upper end face. The bottom end face has a fixed geometry restraint. Use IPS units.

Figure 1. Support pipe and vM stress plot section clipping probe value at point A located at (0 in, 0.5 in, -0.625 in). Dimensions in inches to the centerline of the part. Determine the value of the components and the combined value, vM, at A using mechanics of materials fundamentals to show your understanding of the stresses on the pipe support and to determine if the analysis is correct. Report your results below. You do not have to show calculations for values that are 0, just write a brief explanation of why the value is 0.

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x = __0___ Show your calculations completely below: y = __2.31 ksi_ Show your calculations completely below:

z = __0__

Show your calculations completely below: Show your calculations completely below:

xy = __883.331 psi___

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xz = _0___ yz = __0___ vM = _______

Show your calculations completely below: Show your calculations completely below: Show your calculations completely below:

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2. (8 pts) Evaluate the mesh in the flange part model shown in Figure 2. Will an analysis using this mesh provide accurate stress results over the entire part? __no___ (yes or no) Explain your answer, identifying any areas where the analysis will not be accurate: Mesh control is needed around the base fillet and around the edges at the top and bottom of the part.

Figure 2. Question 2 - Flange Mesh 3. (7 pts) The model shown in Figure 3 is used to analyze the contact stress between two plates made from Nylon 6/10. Mesh control is applied to the contacting faces, element size is set to 1 mm. It is found that the mesh density is sufficient to provide adequate results for the contact stress. If the parts' material changes to alloy steel do you need to change the mesh control?_no_ (yes or no) If you do, explain the changes you would implement. No, as the part will still have stress concentrations in the same places no matter the material.

Figure 3. Question 3 - Plates Mesh

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4. (10 pts) If the model in Figure 4 can be reduced with symmetry, sketch cut lines on Figure 4 to show the smallest model that you could create with symmetry by cutting the model. The outer cylindrical surface of the wheel is fully fixed. Fy = 100 N per item is applied, in the negative direction, uniformly over the outer cylindrical surface of the smaller diameter sections at both ends of the axel. The parts are made from different materials. There is a no penetration contact between the wheel and axel. What fraction of the whole assembly model is the smallest symmetry model? ___1/4__ (0,1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/6, or ?) Explain why you chose this fraction rather than a smaller or larger symmetry model. The part has symmetry everywhere, but the force only has 2 faces of symmetry.

Figure 4. Flange assembly (fixture arrows suppressed in the right view so as not to obscure the part details)

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5. (10 pts) Assume the correct answer from the previous question was . Show and explain how you would restrain a symmetry model of the flange assembly shown in Figure 4. Add arrows and callouts to the entities in Figure 5 to show all restraints and forces. Pick all of the entities (vertices, edges, faces) that you would as if you were configuring restraints in SWS. Use correct SWS names for all restraints. Dont select any unnecessary restraints. What is the correct value of the load in the symmetry model?___50 N_____

Figure 5. 1/2 symmetry model of the flange assembly

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6. (6 pts) An I-beam was analyzed with several different meshes as shown below in Figure 6. The default mesh is shown in a). What type of mesh refinement was used in b) and c)? Mesh refinement technique in b) = _________h-adaptivity_______________ Mesh refinement technique in c) = ________mesh control__________________________ a)



Figure 6. Stress plots of same part using different mesh refinement techniques Page 8 of 15

7. (8 pts) The I-beam in question 6 was reanalyzed because the magnitude of both of the applied loads was changed by the same factor. The new results (shown in Figure 7) use the same mesh refinement as in Figure 6 b) above. By what factor were the applied loads changed from those in question 6 to those in question 7? __It looks like the applied loads are 2.5x bigger.___ Show your work here:

Using the maximum von Mises stress criterion, calculate the factor of safety of the I-beam with the new loads. FOS = ___.595__________ Show your work here:

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The lead engineer on this project asks you to report your results and to explain the relationship between the maximum stress seen by the I-beam with the new loads and the material's yield strength. Your response is: Factors of Safety are ratios between stresses in the part and failure criteria for the parts material. Factors of Safety need to be greater than 1 to be safe. Out of what material is this I-beam made? Circle one: AISI 1020 Steel ASTM A36 Steel Balsa Wood 1060 Aluminum Alloy 6061-T6 (SS) Aluminum Alloy

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Figure 7. von Mises stress plot of I-beam with both applied loads changed by the same factor.

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8. (6 pts) The top of the legend is missing from the following stress plots (Figure 8) in an engineers report. Identify the type of stress that is shown in each plot. a) Type of stress shown in a) = __sigma x___________________ b) Type of stress shown in b) = __sigma vM________________________________



Figure 8. Unknown stress plot type

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9. Build and analyze the hanger assembly shown in Figure 9. The SW part files are on Blackboard. All dimensions are in mm. All answers must be in mm, N, MPa system of units. All parts are made from AISI 304 Stainless Steel. Apply a uniformly distributed load of 1000 N in the y direction to the split face around the hole. Assume the entire back face of the hanger_1 part is fully fixed.

1000 N

Figure 9. Hanger Assembly. Dimensions in mm. a) (5 pts) Build an assembly in SW from the hanger_1, hanger_2, and hanger_3 parts on Blackboard. Fully define the location of the parts. Explain what mates were used in the following table. Identify the entities mated by numbering them in the above Figure 9.

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b) (5 pts) Create a study in SWS. Use a solid mesh (not shell or beam). Use the default mesh globally. Define the contacts for the study. Use bonded for the global contact type. Assign a No Penetration contact set between the touching faces of hanger_1 and hanger_3. Run the study. What is the maximum resultant displacement? __1.846mm__ What is the resultant displacement of the lower edge of the hanger_3 part? __1mm_____ c) (5 pts) You dont have time to conduct a mesh convergence study on this exam, but show your knowledge of the process by explaining how to conduct the study on this model by (a) stating what you expect the results would be of conducting a mesh convergence study of this model. (b) quickly sketch a graph below of what the results would look like without any values, just the shape of the graph. a) the result would be that some of the stresses would approach infinity

b) Page 14 of 15

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