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Daily Prep

WEDNESDAY, July 8, 2009 What should you do if a fellow church

member has burdens? Read Galatians 6:2; Romans 15:1-6; 1 Corinthians 10:32-
33; and 1 Corinthians 12:20-27. Then summarize your findings on the lines
Daily devotional preparation
for next week’s lesson Bible Series
Galatians 6:1-18 THURSDAY, July 9, 2009 How should we perceive ourselves as
July 12, 2009
members of the church? Read Galatians 6:3-5; 1 Corinthians 3:18-23; and 2
Prepared by David Williams
Corinthians 12:1-10. Then summarize your findings on the lines below.
1601 Belltower Ct., Lewisville, TX 75067 972-221-4255
© 2009 David Williams. Thank you for using Daily Prep. When a church or individual purchases Daily Prep, a
church license is granted. Daily Prep may be freely duplicated for use in the purchaser’s church and in any
small groups or classes sponsored by that church. Permission is granted to share a sample with someone
from another church once, but Daily Prep may not be provided to persons in another church on a regular
FRIDAY, July 10, 2009 The law of the harvest is true throughout
HOW TO USE DAILY PREP: Print Daily Prep onto both sides of your paper, then cut the paper in half to life: whatever we sow we will reap. Read Galatians 6:7-10; 2 Corinthians 9:6-
make two-sided 8 ½ by 5 ½ inch devotional guides. Give one to each student the Sunday before the lesson to 15; and Proverbs 11:24-26. Then, copy Galatians 6:10 on the lines below.
use during daily quiet time. Take to prospects during the week. Memorize it, and use it as a guideline for your relationship with other members
of your church.
MONDAY, July 6, 2009 See what Paul says in Galatians 6:1-10
about the Spirit and the sinful nature. Answer silently the following questions.
1. Have you ever been “caught in a sin” and restored gently by a fellow
church member? Or have you ever been the gentle restorer of someone
2. Have you ever had a fellow church member help you carry a burden?
Or have you ever helped carry someone else’s burden? SATURDAY, July 11, 2009 As Paul nears the end of his letter, he
3. Have you ever built yourself up in your own mind by putting down offers one more argument against the Judaizers in Galatians 6:11-16. He starts
another church member? by grabbing the pen away from his secretary to show the importance of these
4. Are you reaping destruction, or eternal life? words by writing them in his own hand. He wrote these words larger than his
scribe had been writing. Perhaps it was because his eyesight was failing; or
TUESDAY, July 7, 2009 Let’s dig more deeply into those verses perhaps he just wanted to make sure his readers got the point. What was the
during the next several days and also read some related passages. point he was so passionately making?
What should you do if a fellow church member sins? To find out, read
Galatians 6:1; 2 Corinthians 2:5-11; 2 Thessalonians 3:14-15; Hebrews 12:12-17;
and James 5:19-20. Then summarize your findings here:
SUNDAY, July 12, 2009 Read Galatians 6:17-18. Paul’s marks
from stonings, beatings, illnesses and shipwrecks branded him as the slave of
Jesus. What external or internal marks brand you as Jesus’ slave?
Teacher’s Toolbox
! Allow five to seven minutes for ! Allow five minutes for groups to
teams to work. Then let each team work. Then let each group share,
share its findings with the other writing its list on the chalkboard.
! After all suggested actions are
listed, encourage the class to
Getting your class into God's Word
Making It Personal choose two or three specific ac- and God's Word into your class
tions they will work together to
Making specific application
! Write the words of Galatians accomplish. Bible Series
6:10 on the chalkboard. ! Make plans and assignments to Galatians 6:1-18
! Have members get into groups carry out their choices. July 12, 2009
of three or four. Give each group Prepared by David Williams
paper and pencils. 1601 Belltower Ct., Lewisville, TX 75067 972-221-4255
! Ask each group to list specific
ways their class could apply that © 2009 David Williams. Thank you for using Teacher’s Toolbox. When a church or individual purchases
verse's teaching. Encourage each Teacher’s Toolbox, a church license is granted. Teacher’s Toolbox may be freely duplicated for use in the
group to list at least ten specific purchaser’s church and in any small groups or classes sponsored by that church. Permission is granted to
share a sample with someone from another church once, but Teacher’s Toolbox may not be provided to
actions that they could take as indi- persons in another church on a regular basis.
viduals or as a class to carry out
Paul's instruction. HOW TO USE TEACHER’S TOOLBOX: Make a four-page folded teacher’s leaflet from the first two sheets
by printing two-sided (or by putting the blank sides together). The other two sheets are for duplicating,
displaying, distributing, or otherwise using as called for in the lesson plan.
Wrapping It Up
Scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984
! As a church, we have a worldwide commission to share the gospel International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.
with everyone. But we also have a responsibility here in our own
congregation to love and care for one another. If we will not do that,
Getting Started
then we will never be successful in sharing Christ with the world.
Reacting to a statement
! Have members stand and join hands. Call on two or three to lead the
! Write on the chalkboard: "Our focus must be on those outside the
class in prayer, asking God to strengthen the fellowship of the class and
the church.
! Ask members to respond to the statement, telling whether they agree or
disagree and why.
! After several have responded, suggest that it is important for a church to
direct evangelism and ministry actions toward those outside the church.
But it is also important that church members fellowship with and minister
to one another.

Exploring God's Word (Item 1).

! In advance, enlist two persons to Skit
prepare and present the following "A" is holding a paper bag marked
skit. Give each a copy of the script "SEED." He is reaching into the bag,
Galatians 6:1-18 July 12, 2009 Bible Series Page 4
then slinging his arm around, as "Do not be deceived: God cannot be says, "mixed vegetables." (Starts sow- READER 2 God cannot be mocked.
though throwing seed into the wind. mocked. A man reaps what he sows." ing again, smiling, as "B" walks off GROUP 1 A man reaps what he sows.
"B" enters, watches for a few seconds, A: You mean, all I'm going to get is shaking his head) READER 1 The one who sows to
then speaks. another bag of seeds? please his sinful nature
B: No, but the crop you get will be Choral reading READER 2 From that nature will reap
B: What are you doing? the same kind as the seed you are ! Give each person a copy of the destruction;
A: I'm sowing seed. sowing. If you sow corn, you get corn. following (duplicate Item 2). As- READER 1 The one who sows to
B: What kind of seed are you sow- If you sow beans, you get beans. sign Reader 1, Reader 2, and please the Spirit,
ing? A: You know, that's interesting. I've Reader 3. Designate half the room READER 3 From the Spirit will reap
A: Food seed. I'm growing food to found that the same is true in life. as Group 1 and the other half as eternal life.
eat. B: What do you mean? Group 2. Call attention to the lines GROUP 2 Let us not become weary
B: What kind of food? A: Well, if you do good things, you to be read by All. Ask Reader 1 to in doing good,
A: (Examines bag, then resumes reap a good harvest. But if you do begin. READER 1 For at the proper time
sowing) I don't know. It doesn't say. I wicked things, then wicked things come READER 2 We will reap a harvest
don't guess it matters, as long as I'm back to you. Choral Reading READER 3 If we do not give up.
sowing. B: That's right. In fact, the verses READER 1 Brothers, if someone is GROUP 1 Therefore, as we have op-
B: Well I guess it does matter. The after the one I read say this (reading caught in a sin, you who are spiritual portunity,
kind of seed you sow will determine from the Bible again), "The one who should restore him gently. GROUP 2 Let us do good to all peo-
what kind of harvest you reap. sows to please his sinful nature, from READER 2 But watch yourself, or you ple,
A: (Stops) Really? I thought you that nature will reap destruction; the also may be tempted. ALL Especially to those who
just threw out the seed and then the one who sows to please the Spirit, from READER 3 Carry each other's bur- belong to the family of believers.
harvest came. You know, a few rows of the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us dens, and in this way you will fulfill the
corn over there, and some green beans not become weary in doing good, for at law of Christ. Listing caring ways
here, maybe some tomatoes and on- the proper time we will reap a harvest if READER 1 If anyone thinks he is ! Divide the class into two teams.
ions.... we do not give up. Therefore, as we something, Give each team paper and pencils.
B: Is that bag of seed the only one have opportunity, let us do good to all READER 2 When he is nothing, ! Have each team study the pas-
you're using? people, especially to those who belong READER 1 He deceives himself. sage and list some ways believers
A: Yes. I figured it would be plenty to the family of believers." READER 3 Each one should test his can demonstrate their love and
for the size garden I want. A: So, maybe how I live is more im- own actions. concern for one another.
B: But, if that's the only bag of seed portant than what I plant and what I READER 1 Then he can take pride in ! Here are some they may find:
you use, then you're only planting one eat. himself, " Gently restore those who sin
kind of seed. B: I think so. But, still, you need to READER 2 Without comparing himself " Help bear their burdens
A: So? pay attention to what you plant out to somebody else, " Be humble
B: So you'll only get one kind of here or you'll end up eating the same READER 3 For each one should carry " Accept one's own personal re-
crop. You really don't understand how thing all winter. his own load. sponsibilities
this works, do you? A: (Looking at bag again) Oh, wait a ALL Anyone who receives in- " Share with those who minister to
A: Explain it to me. minute. I'm okay. struction in the word must share all us
B: (Pulls out Bible and begins to B: What do you mean? good things with his instructor. " Do good to others, especially
read) The Bible says in Galatians 6:7, A: I found the label. Right here, it READER 1 Do not be deceived. believers
Galatians 6:1-18 July 12, 2009 Bible Series Page 2 Galatians 6:1-18 July 12, 2009 Bible Series Page 3
B: (Pulls out Bible and begins to read) The Bible says in Galatians 6:7,
"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he
A: You mean, all I'm going to get is another bag of seeds?
"A" is holding a paper bag marked "SEED." He is reaching into the bag, B: No, but the crop you get will be the same kind as the seed you are
then slinging his arm around, as though throwing seed into the wind. "B" sowing. If you sow corn, you get corn. If you sow beans, you get
enters, watches for a few seconds, then speaks. beans.
A: You know, that's interesting. I've found that the same is true in life.
B: What are you doing?
B: What do you mean?
A: I'm sowing seed.
A: Well, if you do good things, you reap a good harvest. But if you do
B: What kind of seed are you sowing?
wicked things, then wicked things come back to you.
A: Food seed. I'm growing food to eat.
B: That's right. In fact, the verses after the one I read say this (reading
B: What kind of food? from the Bible again), "The one who sows to please his sinful nature,
from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the
A: (Examines bag, then resumes sowing) I don't know. It doesn't say. I
Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary
don't guess it matters, as long as I'm sowing.
in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do
B: Well I guess it does matter. The kind of seed you sow will determine not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all
what kind of harvest you reap. people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."
A: (Stops) Really? I thought you just threw out the seed and then the A: So, maybe how I live is more important than what I plant and what I
harvest came. You know, a few rows of corn over there, and some eat.
green beans here, maybe some tomatoes and onions....
B: I think so. But, still, you need to pay attention to what you plant out
B: Is that bag of seed the only one you're using? here or you'll end up eating the same thing all winter.
A: Yes. I figured it would be plenty for the size garden I want. A: (Looking at bag again) Oh, wait a minute. I'm okay.
B: But, if that's the only bag of seed you use, then you're only planting B: What do you mean?
one kind of seed.
A: I found the label. Right here, it says, "mixed vegetables." (Starts
A: So? sowing again, smiling, as "B" walks off shaking his head)
B: So you'll only get one kind of crop. You really don't understand how
this works, do you?
A: Explain it to me.

Galatians 6:1-18 July 12, 2009 Bible Series Item 1 Galatians 6:1-18 July 12, 2009 Bible Series Item 1
Choral Reading Choral Reading
READER 1 Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiri- READER 1 Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiri-
tual should restore him gently. tual should restore him gently.
READER 2 But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. READER 2 But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted.
READER 3 Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill READER 3 Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill
the law of Christ. the law of Christ.
READER 1 If anyone thinks he is something, READER 1 If anyone thinks he is something,
READER 2 When he is nothing, READER 2 When he is nothing,
READER 1 He deceives himself. READER 1 He deceives himself.
READER 3 Each one should test his own actions. READER 3 Each one should test his own actions.
READER 1 Then he can take pride in himself, READER 1 Then he can take pride in himself,
READER 2 Without comparing himself to somebody else, READER 2 Without comparing himself to somebody else,
READER 3 For each one should carry his own load. READER 3 For each one should carry his own load.
ALL Anyone who receives instruction in the word must share all ALL Anyone who receives instruction in the word must share all
good things with his instructor. good things with his instructor.
READER 1 Do not be deceived. READER 1 Do not be deceived.
READER 2 God cannot be mocked. READER 2 God cannot be mocked.
GROUP 1 A man reaps what he sows. GROUP 1 A man reaps what he sows.
READER 1 The one who sows to please his sinful nature READER 1 The one who sows to please his sinful nature
READER 2 From that nature will reap destruction; READER 2 From that nature will reap destruction;
READER 1 The one who sows to please the Spirit, READER 1 The one who sows to please the Spirit,
READER 3 From the Spirit will reap eternal life. READER 3 From the Spirit will reap eternal life.
GROUP 2 Let us not become weary in doing good, GROUP 2 Let us not become weary in doing good,
READER 1 For at the proper time READER 1 For at the proper time
READER 2 We will reap a harvest READER 2 We will reap a harvest
READER 3 If we do not give up. READER 3 If we do not give up.
GROUP 1 Therefore, as we have opportunity, GROUP 1 Therefore, as we have opportunity,
GROUP 2 Let us do good to all people, GROUP 2 Let us do good to all people,
ALL Especially to those who belong to the family of believers. ALL Especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

Galatians 6:1-18 July 12, 2009 Bible Series Item 2 Galatians 6:1-18 July 12, 2009 Bible Series Item 2

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