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Strike Legion

Mission Logs: Volume I

Strike Legion Game Supplement

Kenneth Tan Tay Sir (order #5041993)

Mission Log I
Mission 10: Night Hunters Introduction
Your Strike Team has been sent to Epsilon Prime at the request of its Magistrate. For the past few decades, a few dozen people each night would disappear without a trace from this world. The bodies of these victims would reappear as shriveled up carcasses completely dried of all blood a few weeks later. Recently thousands of people are disappearing each day and the populace of Epsilon Prime is getting scared and they want answers fast. This mission is considered a high priority because this world is a gateway for the newly discovered wormhole transit network so its stability is vital to the security of the Republic.

Strike Legion
bodies of these vampires will begin to smolder and turn to dust. The Legionnaires must move deeper into the underground labyrinth to find a massive chamber filled with thousands of sleep chambers attached to a huge central cylinder that spans the entire length of the chamber. Clear tubes drain blood from the occupants of each chamber and send it to the central cylinder where it is processed for some unknown purpose. At the bottom of the cylinder, some arcane process occurs where the blood from hundreds of victims is concentrated into a few drops. The team must quickly place grenades at the base of the cylinder to bring the entire structure down and stop this atrocity. When the team has finished placing the charges, they will be confronted by the Magistrate. His eyes glow with a bright red light in the darkness of the chamber. The Magistrate tells them that they have arrived here much sooner than he had expected but it makes no difference. He tells the team that he will no longer underestimate your resourcefulness but your lives will soon come to an end. Draining normal people takes absolutely forever because they are so weak, but the concentrated essence of a few Legionnaires will make his master extremely happy. The Legionnaires should detonate their charges and escape using the distraction of the entire chamber collapsing around them. Your Strike Team must escape to the city above and decide what to do next.

Into the Darkness

Your team arrives on Epsilon Prime and they are quickly brought before the planetary Magistrate. He seems completely unconcerned about his planets current problems and he seems totally unwilling to provide your team with any assistance. The Legionnaires leave his office confused and wondering if he actually requested the Legions help or not. Without permission, the Legionnaires should break into the planets Central Control station and install a search virus to look for any anything unusual recorded on this worlds safety and monitoring network. After analyzing the planets network, the Legionnaires will see that as soon as night falls people start being pulled into the shadows. After further analysis, the heat signatures of these victims all move toward local subway terminals. These victims must be needed alive for some unknown sinister reason because they all appear to be living when they are brought underground. The Legionnaires should wait till midnight to find a local subway terminal that has closed for the night to look for clues. Once your team has bypassed terminal security and gotten inside the station, they will hear screaming coming from below. The team must run down to the subway boarding area to investigate where they will see a few dark figures pulling a screaming woman into an opening in the wall of a nearby subway tunnel. The passageway slams shut before the Legionnaires can reach it. The Legionnaires must quickly open the secret door and get into the passage because an automated subway train is rushing toward them. Once inside, the Legionnaires should cautiously move down the passage where they will catch five vampire warriors totally by surprise. Once killed, the 1 Tan Tay Sir (order #5041993) Kenneth

Safe Haven

Your team decides to look for help so they should go to the local Mastery Guild to see if their ancient tomes have any solution to this vampire plague. When the team arrives, they are welcomed by the Guild Master who has already heard that Legionnaires were on his world. The team asks to see the Librarian because they believe this world has been infested with vampires for a very long time. The group is led to a sealed chamber where all the Guilds most sacred documents and artifacts on this world are stored. The Librarian tells you of the ancient stories of vampires that have plagued this world for thousands of years. The only weapon that can hurt them is a blade made of pure iridium. He goes into the sacred antechamber and returns with an ancient hide covered weapon. The Librarian unwraps this artifact and pulls out a shiny blade that gleams with a myriad of colors and hands it to one of the Legionnaires. This weapon is called the Dark Slayer and it is one of the few things that can kill a real vampire. Sounds of screaming can be heard from outside the chamber so the team

Strike Legion
and the Librarian rush outside to see what is happening. The torn bodies of other Masters litter the blood stained hallways but the screaming continues toward the central courtyard of the Guild stronghold. When the team steps into the courtyard, the Guild Master will project a beam of energy from his hand that tears the Librarian in half. The Magistrate will then step into view only illuminated by the light of the moon. The Magistrate and the Guild Master seem almost indestructible so the Dark Slayer is the Legionnaires only hope. This ancient weapon will automatically kill any vampire, no matter how powerful it is with a single hit. When the Magistrate receives a mortal wound, he will fly away from the battle toward the safety of his master. If the group follows his blood trail which actually melts through anything that it touches, it will lead them to a massive glass tower in the center of the local city. Once the Legionnaires arrive, they will find the smoldering remains of the Magistrate right in front of the entrance to a normal looking business tower.

Mission Log I
your team as he feels the power escalate within his body. He starts to look scared as his body will not stop expanding and his skin begins to glow with power. He suddenly explodes so the team must react quickly to avoid being covered in corrosive blood and gore. The team walks away from the tower knowing that they still have to hunt down thousands of vampire servants that will be cowering in the dark waiting for their destruction now that the vampire lord has been destroyed.


The team must contact the sectors Librarian Magistorium to request the assistance from a few Inquisitors to help clear out any remaining vampires still hiding in positions of power on Epsilon Prime. The team should also deliver the Dark Slayer to a Guild Librarian on a nearby world for safe keeping in case another vampire incursion is ever encountered by the Legion again.

Dark Tower

Mission Data
Magistrate Thorum Dierul

When the Legionnaires walk through the entrance of this building, they will find some very surprised looking vampires dressed as security guards protecting the main elevator of this tower. In this fight with ten vampire warriors, the elevator will be destroyed so the team must make it to the top of the tower using the stairwell. They will fight a group of vampires every three levels of the tower. The team must fight ten groups of twenty vampire warriors to get to the top of the tower and discover the true source of evil. The Dark Slayer will make these battles very easy so these vampire minions should be portrayed as wave after wave of warriors that cannot understand why they are so easy to destroy. Once the Legionnaires reach the top of the tower, they stand before a huge set of doors made of human flesh and bones. These doors open themselves and the Legionnaires walk into a huge room to discover who has been running this world from the beginning of its history. The Dark Lord stands behind an immense black desk with a glowing red vial of blood on its surface. The Dark Lord is a huge man with an almost gray complexion and bright yellow eyes. He wears a skin tight black suit and a long black cape made of some type of reptilian skin. He seems very pleased to see such powerful opponents but he laughs because he knows you dont stand a chance after whats about to happen next. Before the fight begins, the Dark Lord will drink an entire flask of human elixir. His body will swell with power and he will begin to laugh at





Fight 12 / Diplomacy 8 / Infiltrate 8 / Pilot 4 / Vampire

The world of Epsilon Prime has flourished under the leadership of this great man but it is unknown when he was tainted by the vampires curse. It is now believed that he has been undead for a very long time and he was simply fattening up the populace of his world so that they can be harvested by his master. Once this monster perfects the life force distillation process, he plans to spread his operation throughout the universe and make the entire Star Republic his masters feeding ground. His master grows impatient so he has devised a plan to lure a team of Legionnaires to Epsilon Prime to use their immense life energy to give his master a taste of true power. Grand Master Roald Dahan



Fight 8 / Diplomacy 6 / Infiltrate 6 / Pilot 6 / Vampire / Energy Blade

This powerful Ardent is respected throughout the universe for his ability to teach and reform troubled Adepts and his incredible control over his aspect of Mastery. His conversion to the undead must be very recent because such corruption could not go undetected for long under the watchful eyes of the local Guild Librarian, Thelma Fedor. 2

Kenneth Tan Tay Sir (order #5041993)

Mission Log I
Master Dahan was a powerful force in the war against the Dark Master and his loss will forever change the balance of power in the secret war being fought against the darkness within the Republic. Dark Lord Umpiral

Strike Legion
vampire has no Stamina rating and it is completely immune to Stun damage. They restore all their Life at the end of each combat turn so they can be very difficult to kill with standard weapons. They deal standard damage for all hand attacks instead of Stun damage. Dark Slayer
DAM X Special










Fight 20 / Diplomacy 10 / Infiltrate 10 / Pilot 6 / Vampire


This vampire lord has spawned all other vampires on Epsilon Prime and he has existed on this world since it was first colonized. He has slowly built up his power base and developed his arcane technology to create a massive underground network of life distillation altars on this world. He has slowly converted thousand of people into his vampire slaves that sit in positions of power all over Epsilon Prime. His goal is to not only dominate this little world but to consume the entire universe and as he perfects his life draining machines, he can see his dreams of conquest about to be realized. Once he is destroyed, all of his underlings will lose most of their power so they will be easy to hunt down and destroy.

This ancient weapon is a small blade made of pure iridium. The slightest impurity would make this weapon useless for it purpose as a vampire slayer. The Dark Slayer actually tears the seal that stores the evil energies that surge throughout a vampires body allowing it to instantly kill any creature with Vampire with a single hit.

Mission 11: Rescue Force Introduction

One half of all Legionnaires must remain on Home Duty and stay within Star Republic space at all times. These Vampire Warrior warriors stay behind to protect the Republic from possible STR AGI INT PER RES PRE DEF ACT LIFE Imperial and alien invasion. Many of these Legionnaires 5 5 3 3 3 3 8 3 10 volunteer for Rescue Duty to maintain their edge and to Fight 5 / Infiltrate 3 / Pilot 3 / Vampire These vampire minions are the ground troops for the help pass the time. Your team has been assigned to the Dark Lord on Epsilon Prime. They are extremely danger- modified Strike Cruiser, Rescue Gamma, and you are hurous because of their powerful bodies and their ability to tling toward Pechan 6 where massive fires are erupting all regenerate all damage inflicted to them. These vampires over this forest world. have become extremely powerful because their Dark Lord has grown so strong after taking small doses of life elixir Firestorm over the past few centuries. All these vampires work hard Once the team is orbiting Pechan 6, they must suit up in to serve their master because they know that their masters Rescue power armor and drop down to the surface of this power is also their power. world to discover what is causing this terrible planet wide firestorm. As the team hurtles down in these special suits, they can see a massive energy vortex ripping through the Vampire These are true vampires that were not created by a virus rainforest that covers the entire southern continent. Anyor nano tech. The life force of these creatures has been thing touched by the vortex instantly erupts into a blazing drained and their life has been linked to a more powerful fire. If the Legionnaires fire any weapons at the vortex, creature. The first vampire is the source of all power for a these attacks will be reflected back at them. vampire hierarchy so the power level of the original monIf the Legionnaires use their armors force generators, ster determines the power of all other vampires that it has their force field projections can stop the movement of the created. As more powerful vampires are destroyed, their fire vortex and even push it backwards. If the Legionunderlings become weaker and weaker. Vampires are de- naires surround it on all sides and push it inward with stroyed if they are ever exposed to direct sunlight for more their force generators, it will permanently disappear with than a few minutes. They do not have to eat but they must a flash. Once the vortex is gone, the Legionnaires must drain the life blood of other people in order to survive. A quickly put out the global inferno before it spirals out of 3 Tan Tay Sir (order #5041993) Kenneth

Strike Legion
control. A Rescue suits force generator can be used to push the air away from a fire allowing a Legionnaire to put out an entire forest fire in an instant.

Mission Log I
see another of these deadly energy vortexes that caused the previous disasters. The Strike Cruiser can fire on the vortex but nothing will happen. If the star becomes unstable, it will unleash deadly solar flares that will kill billions of people on the four inhabited worlds of this system. The only chance that the Legionnaires have is to suit up in Rescue armor and surround the vortex with force generator projections to destroy it. The vortex is so close to the star that this will be a one way trip because these suits can only survive a few seconds being so close to the surface of a star. When the team surrounds the vortex with their force generators, their suits will begin to disintegrate in the solar fury and the last thing that the Legionnaires will see is the vortex disappearing with a flash.


The world of Akanas 3 has sent out emergency signals for help so your team must rush to this ocean world. Massive cyclones have been pulling in thousands of mobile fisheries and floating villages each day on this doomed world. When the team arrives, the first thing they see is the incredible cyclone created by another energy vortex that lies on the sea floor pulling everything above it into the deep. Giant burning oil slicks and wreckage cover the entire surface of this pristine ocean world making it very difficult to find a safe dive zone for the team. The huge vortex can be seen from space as it moves from one place to another, leaving a path of death and destruction. The team must suit up in their Rescue armor and dive into the ocean below. They must dodge all the underwater wreckage that is being whipped around by the currents generated by the vortex. If the Legionnaires can surround the vortex with force generators and crush it, it will disappear with a flash. Once the vortex has been destroyed, the team must quickly leave this world because another emergency is happening in the distant system of Ryogo.

The team will awaken floating in total darkness. Even though there is no light, the Legionnaires can still see one another. A massive light suddenly appears in front of the team and it telepathically communicates with each Legionnaire. It tells the team that this has been a grand test to see how far the life forms of this region of space have evolved. The being tells you that it is very pleased with your current level of evolution and looks forward to what your people will become in another few millennia. It tells the team that it may someday even lower the galactic barrier and let the rest of the universe see your people. With Space Time a flash, it disappears and the Legionnaires find themselves Ryogo has an incredible ship construction facility that aboard their Strike Cruiser heading for their home base. completely surrounds its star. When the teams Strike Cruiser arrives in Ryogo, another vortex is tearing apart Mission Data construction rigging and pulling in unfinished ships. The team must quickly suit up in Rescue armor and rush toward the spatial vortex already knowing how to deal with Rescue Power Armor these menaces. The team must surround and crush the STR AGI DEF SPD ACT X SHD ARM SIZE vortex with their force generators and it will disappear 8 8 8 8 6 10 100 10 1 with a blinding flash. The team must help the injured and Structure Crew Type Move stabilize damaged sections of the construction facility be3/6/9 1 Armor Grav / Walk fore they decide what to do next. Once the Legionnaires Special are aboard Rescue Gamma, they can look at a star map to Biomech / Force Generator determine if there is any relationship between these three Sensor 20 disasters that have been caused by the same unknown This suit of Legion power armor is designed to protect force. The three disaster systems form a perfect equilat- a Legionnaire in the worst possible conditions so it has eral triangle and at its exact center is the system Ranmi. extremely powerful shielding and the versatile force generator system. The force generator allows a Legionnaire to manipulate the world around her with incredible force Solar Storm The teams Strike Cruiser arrives in Ranmi to see its star and precision. It can be used to protect another person changing color and its magnetic field beginning to col- from falling rocks, change the path of an avalanche, or lift lapse. Right next to the surface of the star, the team can a small mountain in times of great need. 4


Kenneth Tan Tay Sir (order #5041993)

Mission Log I
Force Generator
The force generator system is fully integrated into every suit of Rescue armor. It projects an immense force projection that can be formed into any shape with almost unlimited power. In its simplest form, this force can be forged into a shovel to move immense amounts of dirt around or a saw to cut down an entire forest of trees. A force generator can be used to reach and catch multiple people at once and move them to safety. It can be used to protect people from almost any danger and at its highest setting it can be used to shift the position of a continent. It is the ultimate utility device that makes a Rescue suit the perfect search and rescue machine. The force energy produced by the system can be set to be any color that the user desires.

Strike Legion

Strike Legion
Mission Log Volume I
Game Design by James T. Kato

Produced by JEN Games Copyright 2011 James Tadashi Kato. All rights reserved.
All incidents, institutions, and people are fictional and any similarity to persons living or dead is strictly coincidental. Printed in the U.S.A.

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5 Tan Tay Sir (order #5041993) Kenneth

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