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11 - E U R O P E A N / P A L I N F O R M A T I O N / |________________________________________________________________/ Amazingly Eidos Interactive were able to release Resident Evil Survivor onto the PAL market quickly. With Code Veronica's release in the US, the bad reviews import Gun Survivor was getting, and the changes to Survivor's Gun Support, it seems Capcom USA is no rush to release this game in the Resident Evil Saga. But the difference is that because Eidos will not get around to releasing Code Veronica until May or June. In this absence (besides releasing Resident Evil 3: Nemesis over 3 months later than when the US got it) they have released Survivor with Gun-Con support to tide of PAL area Resident Evil Fans. So the game has G-Con support. It's also in various languages. It's good to be able to have the files in english (especially for those people who only have the Japanese version and wish to know what the files say). Now that I have played Resident Evil Survivor I can say that besides the translation, the slight name change, and the addition of Eidos logo :-) the game is no different than it's Japanese counterpart. The translation is excellent, I have seen very little in the way of mistakes and even the "disasterstruck" typo in the intro that many people made fun of from Gun Survivor has been corrected. Playin it in english has allowed me to understand some of the other parts of the game nicely and overall fit together nicely. Other than that nothing special stuck out between Biohazard Gun Survivor and Resident Evil Survivor. In some of the sections I also noticed that some of the slowdown had been corrected. I don't know if this was due to any programming efforts or if it was due to the fact that PAL games run slightly slower frame rates than NTSC. I have BHGS, and I don't see much point in myself buying Survivor, but if you haven't played the game at all then you might want to pick up Survivor and give it a go. ________ |________\________________________________________________________ | | | - 2.12 - N O R T H A M E R I C A N I N F O R M A T I O N / |________________________________________________________________/ First there was Raccoon City but unknown to the rest of the world, another town is also mutating into a chaotic nightmare from the deadly T-Virus. Attempting to flee the carnage, a solitary helicopter loses control and crash lands in the heart of the chaos. As one lone survivor comes to, the sound of screaming and other monstrous sounds surround him. Dazed and unsure where he is or why he is there, he embarks on a nightmarish adventure where

cunning and quick reflexes are the key to survival. Game Features Experience Resident Evil in first-person perspective The only game of its kind! Full, free movement - no predestined track Surprise elements and hidden secrets entwine with the Resident Evil storyline Rejoice Americans Survivor has been released. Capcom released the game at a very late summer date, on the 31st of August 2000. The info at Capcoms page has no mention of only mentioning the 1st person view of the on the gun support, but from what I've now with the game, it now seems the US version removed. G-Con gun support, game. So I wasn't sure been told from people of the game has it

On top of that the game is anti-modded, meaning that if you have a mod chip in your console the game will not play instead giving you a warning screen. I would have thought Capcom would have learnt not to do this after Dino Crisis last year, but instead kept it for Survivor. To get around this you'll need the anti-mod chip Gameshark codes which you can find in the codes section of this FAQ. I also wasn't sure of any changes being made to the game but it also seems no real changes have been made either. I think I have everything covered within this guide but if you find something I should know about and add to the FAQ please e-mail me at about it. ________ |________\________________________________________________________ | | | - 2.13 - P C V E R S I O N & O T H E R I N F O / |________________________________________________________________/ PC Survivor Announced for a recent Japanese release in 2002 and followed by a European release in December, the PC version is at all counts the same game as covered in this guide. Should any drastic changes happen then they'll be updated in here with a Version 6 listing but I doubt that'll happen. Gun Survivor History Since the release of the game and this guide, Capcom has released a series of games in the GS series all on the PlayStation/PlayStation 2 consoles. They are: - Biohazard: Gun Survivor (Japan) - Resident Evil Survivor (US, PAL) The game covered by this guide. As it stands Resident Evil Zero

confirms that the story of Gun Survivor is official plot canon by mentioning Sheena Island in the intro. It's a bit funny to hear it refered to as the "second Raccoon City" though. - Gun Survivor 2: Biohazard - Code Veronica (Japan) - Resident Evil Survivor 2 - Code Veronica (PAL) Based on Code Veronica this "side story" has no official impact on the series. Based off an arcade game made by Capcom with Konami it contains a very Arcade style and many mini-games. Was never released officially in the US. - Gun Survivor 3: Dino Crisis (Japan) - Dino Stalker (US, PAL) A non-Resident Evil based gun game. Dino Stalker is again very arcade based and focus' on easy gun play action. - Biohazard: Gun Survivor 4 (Japan) - Resident Evil Survivor 3 (PAL? US?) The latest yet-to-be-released GS title. Based on a cruse ship and with a plot line touted to be the original intention for Biohazard 3, this game seems to mix the 3rd and 1st person. Due in Japan in Feb 2003, an overseas release is TBA. ________ |________\________________________________________________________ | | | - 3.0 - W A L K T H R O U G H / |________________________________________________________________/ Well, it's onto the walkthrough. Before I start I do have to say that Gun Survivor has a slight randomness to it. Some enemy/item locations differ, but most stay the same each time you play. Also the ammo that Mr. X drops also changes game to game. Also, if you want to skip movies press Start, please also note not all movies can be skipped. If you have problems picking items up, walk over the area where the item is a few times. If you still can't pick it up, press L1 to see if you can actually lock onto it, if you can't then you can't pick it up, if you can, walk up to it again and you should be able to pick it up. The guide is played through in Normal, and is the difficulty level I suggest you play in. There should be little difference found in easy. Sorry about all the references to "L1" for looking at things also, I was playing this with the controller, and it wasn't until after I was finished that I realised that I kept writing that. For those of you playing with a G-Con, double tap A or B when I talk about L1. ________ |________\________________________________________________________ | | | - 3.1 - O P E N I N G / |________________________________________________________________/ Once you have the ability to move, run around the crates and turn

into the side hall and through the door. Once you're through, you will see the body of the guy who dropped from the helicopter. Run up to him, and a cinema will take over. When it will finish, you'll have a zombie in front of you, kill him and collect the key he drops. You now have the choice of 3 doors. The door to the left of the body leads to the CHURCH, the door in front of the body leads to the RESTRAUNT, and the door at the end of the hall of the left leads to the MOVIE THEATER. If you selected the Church, go to Section 3.1.1 If you selected the Restaurant, go to Section 3.1.2 If you selected the Movie Theater, go to Section 3.1.3 ________ |________\________________________________________________________ | | | - 3.1.1 - C H U R C H / |________________________________________________________________/ Welcome to the church of Umbrella. Once you are inside, there will be some zombies for you to kill. Once they are dead, take the door to the right of the chapel. In this room you will be surrounded by 3 zombies. The best idea is to run to the right of the zombie in front and shoot them all from a position against the wall there. Once they are all dead, you can collect the key from the table around the far corner, this will be used for the door on the other side of the chapel. Before you exit get the winder from the side of the clock. Now exit to the chapel. Run straight ahead and unlock the door. Once inside shoot the three zombies and go into the double doors halfway down the hall. The camera will pan around showing you the room. Once you have control again pick up the file, and go around corner. Shoot the zombie and pick up the green herb. Now exit back to the hallway. Run down to the end where the zombies were, and go up to the clock. You will be prompted to use the winder for the clock. Once it is put in, it will access the staircase beside the clock. Go down the stairs. Shoot the spider, and enter the door at the end. Shoot the three zombies, and grab the blue and orange key off the table. Now leave and head back upstairs. Go up to the door that you haven't been through yet, and you will be prompted to use the key you just picked up. Do so. Go to Section 3.2 to continue ________ |________\________________________________________________________ | | | - 3.1.2 - R E S T A U R A N T / |________________________________________________________________/

You will find yourself in a kitchen, with a few undead friends. Get rid of them, and grab the file on the desk. The door around past the file will be locked, so go into the closest door. When you get into this section you will see a door infront of you, but don't go through it yet. Turn to your left, and you should be shown a storeroom, with a ramp leading down. If you go down around the corner, you should find a green herb sitting on the floor. Now go back up the ramp and in the door at the end of the hallway. You will find yourself in the freezer. Kill the zombies, then grab the key in the back corner. Make your way back to the kitchen, and use the key on the door that was locked. Once inside, the camera will pan around the room showing you the zombies pounding on the windows. As soon as you shoot one of the zombies walking around, the others pounding on the windows will break them. Kill all the zombies in the room, then go around to the front entrance of the room and exit out the door. Go to Section 3.2 to continue. ________ |________\________________________________________________________ | | | - 3.1.3 - M O V I E T H E A T E R / |________________________________________________________________/ Once inside, shoot any zombies that are around, and grab the green herb off the counter. Now head up the stairs. Once at the top, follow the hall around to the next room. Inside, the camera will pan around the room showing you what is inside. Grab the file off the trunk in the corner. Go into the other room, killing the zombie, and grab the 35mm Film. Go back out to the projector, and go up to the buttons. You will be prompted to use the film. Do so, and then leave the room. As you walk or run down the hallway, crows will attack. You can run or shoot. I usual shoot as they are easy to kill. Either way head back downstairs. Kill the zombies that have popped up again, and head into the red double doors by the stairs. You will now see what was on the film. Now that's what I call entertainment! Any of you who thought it would be a porno, must be greatly embarrassed. Pick up the key from the front of the room and head back out. Kill the zombies that have popped up yet again, and use the key on the blue double doors by the counter. Go to Section 3.2 to continue. ________ |________\________________________________________________________ | | | - 3.2 - W A T E R S I D E / |________________________________________________________________/ Once outside you will have 2 dogs to contend with. Once they have been put down, you can go to answer the ringing phone. Unfortunately, it stops ringing as you pick it up. Now head down

the stairs to the right of the phone. Down here you should see one licker. If you shoot it a few times a second one will jump up from over the side. Once they are both dead, you should pick up the key from off the seat, and the herb from the right of the far stairs, before heading up them. Once your at the top a movie should take place. When it is finished (or you have skipped it) you will notice you are in a street. Move up to the end of the van, and you will have another 3 way door decision to make. The door to the left building leads to the ARCADE, the door of the building straight ahead leads to the LIBRARY, and the door of the building to the right leads to the HOSPITAL. If you selected the Arcade, go to Section 3.2.1 If you selected the Library, go to Section 3.2.2 If you selected the Hosptial, go to Section 3.2.3 ________ |________\________________________________________________________ | | | - 3.2.1 - A R C A D E / |________________________________________________________________/ As you enter the Entrepot Arcade, a movie will take place showing you the "Cleaners" being dropped into the area. Once you're inside, another will take place of 2 zombies being killed by something. When you gain control, you will have to shoot a Cleaner, the one that killed the zombies. They aren't very hard and only take a handgun bullet or 2. The double doors are locked, so go around the corner, and through the single door. You will get another movie. When it is over, pick up the key off the computer desk, and go back out into the main room. Unlock the doors, and kill the Cleaners inside (Note - L1 will help you a lot with them). Go over to the counter of the "Wooden Box" bar, and grab the Hook off it, then head downstairs. Kill the Cleaners down here in the Casino. Occasionally, you might find a First Aid Spray sitting on one of the tables. Head through the single door, into the storage room. In here you will find a Handgun sitting on the shelf. Walk over to the manhole cover on the floor, and use the hook when prompted. Go to Section 3.3 to continue. ________ |________\________________________________________________________ | | | - 3.2.2 - L I B R A R Y / |________________________________________________________________/ Once inside you will get a movie. When it is finished, head up the stairs straight ahead. At the top, turn to the left to find a green herb. Now head into the doors.

When you get in, another movie takes place, and you are locked in. Go around the book cases to find a hunter you need to go against. Once it is dead, pick up the handgun sitting on the desk, and go back outside. Make your way downstairs, killing the dogs the jump through the windows. Go into the door that Andy went into. Once inside, maneuver around the bookcases, picking up the file and killing the lickers you find. Make your way through to the next room. Kill all the zombies then pick up the hook off the table before exiting out the back door. When your outside, kill any enemies, then walk over to the barricade where you can see the doors to the movie theater. Press L1, and you should lock onto a hidden Red Herb. Now walk over to the manhole cover on the floor, and use the hook when prompted. Climb down the ladder. You will be in a pitch black room, except for a dim red light in front of you. It is a switch. Turn it on, and run to find the door. Go through it instead of wasting your time fighting the cockroaches. Go to Section 3.3 to continue. ________ |________\________________________________________________________ | | | - 3.2.3 - H O S P I T A L / |________________________________________________________________/ Once the movie is over, go around the desk and into the doors. Once you are through, kill the zombie and go through the doors on the right. This is the Medical Exam Room. Inside, kill the zombies, then go around to the controls for the CT Scanner (the one monitor that is on) to access the bed in it. Grab the key off the bed, and the blue herb against the wall and go back out to the hallway. Use the door across the hall, which unlocks with the key you just picked up. You are now in the Medicine Room. Kill all the zombies, grab the blue herb, then exit through the other door in the room. You are now in the Doctor's Office. Just kill all the zombies, grab the file, then exit out the door back into the hallway. Now head up the stairs. You will now be in a long hallway with 5 doors. 3 on the right, and 2 on the left. I'll work my way down each side. Go into the first door on the right. This is Room 201. Inside you should find a zombie to kill, and first aid spray on the bed. Go back out to the corridor. Go into the second door on the right, Room 202. It contains three zombies, and a green herb on the back wall, by the window. Go back out to the corridor. Go into the last door on the right, Room 203. Inside will be three more zombies, and a red herb. When your finished in here, go back out to the corridor. Go back to near the stairwell, and enter the door beside the metal shutters on the left side. This is the nurse's station. In here you will find a handgun. Go around to the lockers, and flick the three switches. Now go back out to the corridor.

Go down to the end, and enter the double doors there to access the Operating Room. Kill any zombies roaming around, and pick up the hook. Once that is done, head back out to the corridor. As soon as you leave the Operating Room, you will see a lift ahead of you. Go and use it and Mr. X will attack. When you drop him, the lift will arrive. Take it down to the basement. Kill the enemies down in here in the morgue, and head through the other door. Walk over to the manhole cover on the floor, and use the hook when prompted. Go to Section 3.3 to continue. ________ |________\________________________________________________________ | | | - 3.3 - S E W E R S A N D P A R I D I S E P R I S O N / |________________________________________________________________/ When you enter, you won't be able to use any of the other exits except for the door with the spray painted orange mark around it. When you get inside pick up the Shotgun Shells from the top of the fridge, then get the file off the desk. After you read it, you will get a movie. When it is finished, go through the door that the boy went through. Run down the corridor, but watch out because a licker drops down from the ceiling. If your quick enough you can run right past it and up the ladder, or you can stand and fight it. Either way, go up the ladder. You will find yourself in a large area, with two doors below large letters which say "PARIDISE." Go through the two doors. Once your inside, you around the zombies to the other end of the hallway before killing them. Then go through the door that has the hanging sign above it saying "Office." This can be tricky. You have 4 zombies in here, and very little space. Try your best to drop them quickly. When you have go through the other door. When your inside, grab the file off the desk, and the gold key off the table. Head back out to the main office, take out the new zombies, and go back out to the main hallway. Use the key to unlock the door across from where you are. Once inside kill any zombies about, and don't forget to grab the rope. Don't head through the door at the end of the hallway where you entered, instead go through the bar door in the area with the lockers and the table. In the cell area, kill the naked zombies, and pick up the file in one of the cells, before heading through the door at the end. In this hallway head in the door halfway down the hall (the one with the small window in it). Inside kill the zombies as best you can, and grab the SPAS Shotgun lying on the floor at the end. Go back out to the hallway. When you exit, you will be facing a door. Don't go through it yet.

Turn around and you will see a stairwell at the other end of the hallway. Go down it. When you get to the bottom, move forward a little. The doors will fall off and 4 zombies will come trudging out. Kill them, then grab the herb at the end of the hall. Now you get to make another decision. You can go back upstairs to the COURTYARD and GUARD TOWER, or you can either take the double doors leading UNDERGROUND. Please note, the Underground way is extremely hard, there are many Hunters and Lickers, and 2 Alligators you will need to get through to get out. If you selected the Courtyard and Guard Tower, go to Section 3.3.1 If you selected the Underground, go to Section 3.3.2 ________ |________\________________________________________________________ | | | - 3.3.1 - C O U R T Y A R D / G U A R D T O W E R / |________________________________________________________________/ Come back up the stairs from the basement, and go through the door at the end of the hallway. You will find yourself outside in a courtyard, with a couple of Hunters. Get behind the poles, and shoot the one walking around with your handgun, while using L1 to keep up with where it's running around. When it's dead, do the same with the second one. Now the hunters are gone, you can go up to the far end. To the right is a doorway, do not go through it, it leads back into the prison hallway where you picked up the rope. Instead, head into the hallway to the left. Pick up the red herb, and follow the hall down to the ladder at the end, and climb it. At the top of the Guard Tower, go to the other side, and you will be prompted to use your rope. Do so, and you will climb to the bottom. When you get to the bottom, you will notice something walking at you. It's Mr. X. Shoot away at him with your handgun, you should be able to drop him before he gets too close to you. Pick up the ammo he drops. Now and way and it's decision time again. You can go to the end of the alley use the door there to go to the NIGHT CLUB, or you can go half down the alley and use the staircase which leads to a ROOFTOP a WAREHOUSE,

If you selected the Night Club, go to Section If you selected the Rooftop and Warehouse, go to Section ________ |________\________________________________________________________ | | | - - N I G H T C L U B / |________________________________________________________________/ As soon as you enter the door you will have another Mr. X charging

at you, you can either run around the boxes, taking a few shots before he gets close (which is quite easy) or you can run around the boxes to the doorway (which is even easier). I would go for Mr. X, as he gives you some ammo for dropping him. Either way you choose, go through the door eventually and you will be in the main part of the Heaven's Night Club. Grab the Green Herb off the counter of the Bar, then head up the stairs. You will be automatically taken into the upstairs VIP room. When your inside, grab the VIP card off the table, but be warned as soon as you do, Mr. X will come and attack you again. Run or take him down, and exit back to the main part of the club. When you're down the bottom, you will have to take on another Mr. X. When he's down, go to the door down the hall, and use the card reader to unlock the door, then exit. Go to Section 3.4 to continue. ________ |________\________________________________________________________ | | | - - R O O F T O P A N D W A R E H O U S E / |________________________________________________________________/ As soon as you get up on the roof, you'll have heaps of Cleaners attacking you. Take them all out (usually 8-10), then grab the green herb from over at the vent outlets, before climbing down the ladder on the other side. Once down the bottom, run to the end to pick up some ammo (if it stays the same every game, then it will be flame rounds-it's what I got both times I went this way), then head in the door. Kill the cleaners in here. Getting the ones on the shipping container first is a good idea. Behind the container is some shotgun shells. Now go over to the door and exit. Go to Section 3.4 to continue. ________ |________\________________________________________________________ | | | - 3.3.2 - U N D E R G R O U N D / |________________________________________________________________/ So you've chosen the hard way. Well your first task is to kill the two moths in here, so do that. When they are dead, grab the blue herb, and climb through the open vent near it, using the rope when prompted. This next part is hard. Shoot all the hunters you can see in this area. The ones on the other side of the bridge can jump across, so be careful. When they are dead, run to the end, and climb up the ladder. Run through the air shaft and down the ladder at the other end. In this area, kill any enemies around, and go through the door at the end of the hallway. You will be back out in the main area, except on the other side. Grab the green herb, and go down to the far end where there is a door you can go through. Follow the next room around, picking up the red herb as you do, until you reach

the next door. Go through it, and get ready for a fight. In here are the hardest enemies in the game. You have to fight 2 alligators. Once you finally kill them, head up the ladder at the end of the area. Go to Section 3.4 to continue. ________ |________\________________________________________________________ | | | - 3.4 - U M B R E L L A H Q / |________________________________________________________________/ After the movie, you will be facing the doors to Umbrella's HQ for this island. Before you enter, press L1 to find a Red Herb behind you. Once you have grabbed it, you can head inside the building. In the main lobby, you will come up against either Hunters or Lickers. When they are dead, grab the Magnum rounds off what is left of the reception desk, and head through the doors on the right-hand side of the room. When you get into the next room, run straight ahead past the zombies, to the lift doors at the end of the hallway. When you reach there, turn around and kill the zombies. Now, head down to the other lift and pick up the green herb, before heading back to the first lift and taking it to the 13th floor. When you arrive at the 13th floor, you will have either Lickers or Hunters to take on. When they are dead, take the first door, on the left wall. After the movie, grab the file off the counter on the left side of the room, and then go to grab the blue card from the right side. Mr. X will turn up. Drop him, and pick up the ammo he leaves, along with the key card before leaving the room. Back out in the hallway, use the card reader at the other door, and enter into the room. Kill all of the zombies, and exit through the next door. When you get into the room, you will get a movie. When it is finished, pick up the file on the control panel, and follow the direction in which Lilly left, past the computers, and out through the door. From where you start looking when you get through the door, look slightly left, and you will see a Red Herb to pick up. Once you have, use the right lift. Mr. X will attack again, coming back through the hole he created. Once you have dropped him, and taken what he leaves, take the lift back down to the 1st floor. When you get along the hallway, make sure you flick the switch on the wall before stepping through the area where the metal detector is, or else the alarm will sound and some monsters will attack (usually Lab Lickers-the darker stronger ones). When your through, go down the stairs. You will be down in the parking lot, with some dogs to take care of. When they are dead, grab the Grenade Launcher off the car, and head up the ramp and through the doorway. ________ |________\________________________________________________________

| | | - 3.5 - W A T E R W A Y, H O U S E, A N D R O P E W A Y / |________________________________________________________________/ A movie will take place after you leave the parking lot. You will see Lott and Lilly climb over a chain fence, and into a waterway. Ark will follow them, and you will gain control again. Go through the gate at the end. You will see a hunter on a walkway, shoot at it until it's dead, or you can just run to the other end, and go through the gate. When you're through the gate to the other section, you will have 2 green and black spiders to deal with. When they are done with, run to the ladder and go up. When your up the top, turn left and you will see a Blue Herb, and a Green Herb. Take both then go to the gate at the end and kill the 2 zombies they're before heading inside the house. Once you're inside, head to the door beside the kitchen. In the bedroom, shoot the zombie between the beds, and grab the Red Herb by the curtains. Go back out to the main room, and go to the last door you haven't been through. Inside, after the small scene, go up to the closet. After the movie go over to the desk, and grab the file. Now leave and go back outside, to the yard. You will find new zombies to kill, but the gate will be open. Follow the path round and head up the stairs. Once you're at the top, you will have a couple of dogs to get rid of. When they are gone, go around the corner, but watch out for the Hunter that smashes the door down. Once he's dead, go into the room he was in and grab the green herb, before entering the door to the left of it. Walk up to the machine panel left of the valve handle. You will automatically switch the machine on to bring the car to the area you were in before. Just as you leave, 2 Lickers will jump through the window. You can stay and fight, or run and leave. Either way make your way to the car, and get on board. As you get off, the Hunter who jumped on top of the car will jump down and attack. Kill him and the other Hunters around, before heading down the stairs. When you arrive at the bottom you will find 2 dogs running around along with Mr. X walking towards you. Take out Mr. X, then quickly get rid of the 2 dogs. Walk over the path and through the gate at the end. In the next area, you have 3 gates you can choose from. The one right in front of where you come in leads to the CLIFF SIDE, where you will have to go through many Mr. X's. Across the bridge, are 2 more exits. The large gate leads to the TUNNELS, where there is many Hunters and Lickers, and the last gate leads to the ELLEMONA Testing Grounds, where you will come up against many Cleaners. Before you make your pick, don't forget to grab the Red Herb by the gate that leads to the Testing Grounds.

If you selected the Cliff Side, go to Section 3.5.1 If you selected the Tunnels, go to Section 3.5.2 If you selected the Ellemona Testing Grounds, go to Section 3.5.3 ________ |________\________________________________________________________ | | | - 3.5.1 - C L I F F S I D E / |________________________________________________________________/ After the movie, you'll hear Mr. X thumping towards you. Dodge him or drop him then continue up the hill. The path is straightforward enough, and you just have to get past the 4 Mr. X's (who won't give you anything for dropping them), and exit through the gate at the top. Go to Section 3.6 to continue. ________ |________\________________________________________________________ | | | - 3.5.2 - T U N N E L S / |________________________________________________________________/ Follow the long straight tunnel, killing any monsters in your way. Go through the double doors and follow the wooden walkway around to the next door. In the next room, pick up the ammo, and then go out the other door. Walk along the walkway, killing any enemies that jump onto the platform, and go in through the door at the end. In the next rooms, kill the monsters, and pick up the green herb, sitting by the big tanks with the Radioactive logo on them (Mmm... nuked green herbs...) before heading up the stairs. Go to Section 3.6 to continue. ________ |________\________________________________________________________ | | | - 3.5.3 - E L L E M O N A T E S T I N G G R O U N D S / |________________________________________________________________/ This is very straightforward. You follow the obvious path to the end, while shooting all the Cleaners. There should be about 30 or so to kill, which can be easily accomplished with your handgun. A very easy section. Go to Section 3.6 to continue. ________ |________\________________________________________________________ | | | - 3.6 - U M B R E L L A F A C T O R Y / L A B / |________________________________________________________________/ Once your out of the last area, kill the enemies in this area and head towards the gate at the far end where you can see a large mansion. Once you're through the gate, you can take on all the dogs, but the best idea is to just run for the 2 large doors.

Once you're in the next area, take out all the hunters. If you try the main doors you will find they won't move. Around the corner of the building to the left is a green herb. Now go around the corner to the right of the building to find a door inside. As you walk forward inside there will be a movie. When you gain control again, run over to the back wall where you will find a case of Grenade Rounds lying on the floor. Take them, then head down the stairs. Down the bottom you will come up against Mr. X(s), so drop him or them. Follow the path around to the end. In here you should find a Magnum on the floor (kick ass!). After you pick up the magnum, flick the huge switch on the wall to bring the lift up. Run over to the lift and ride it down the bottom. Once you're at the bottom in the power room, shoot the naked zombies and head on over to the far door to the left of a large power indicator that is currently showing red lights. The whole mission here is to get an Umbrella Key Card to access a door. To do so, we have to switch the power on and battle a few monsters. Once you are through the door, you should be in all hallway. Kill the Lickers in here. Take note of a large blue button on the wall, it will become important soon. Head through the door on the left wall. Inside here you will notice tanks along the left wall. Inside are some plants. They are of no bother right now. On the right wall are some Acid Rounds on a desk. Take them, then head through the other door. Carefully move down the hall as there is a Licker in the room. Once it's dead, grab the System Disk and the file before leaving. When you get the System Disk, there will be a short scene with a crashing sound. That is just the plants escaping, but you can get past them easily. On you way down the hall on your way out, watch out for Licker dropping from the ceiling. You can run down the right side of the room (where you got the acid rounds) to avoid the plants. Head back to the power room and go into the other door after shooting more naked zombies. Run around the main area to the end, and use the System Disk on the panel there. An alarm will sound and you will get a very Metal Gear Solid style movie of Zombie's escaping from a doorway. Turn around and run down the hall to go kill them. Once you have, go into the area the zombies came from to find a case of Grenade Rounds. Now go back to the area where the big blue button was, taking care of any zombies on the way. Go up to the button and push it. It should open the big shutter doors, to reveal 2 plant creatures, and the dead guy who has the key card we are after. Kill the plants, and take the card. Go the the other end of the hallway, and use the card on the doorway. You should be in a large room with a couple of Plants. Kill the plants then flick the switch at the end of the hallway to open the door. Pick up the Blue Herb and the Flame Rounds, then go through the doorway.

There will be a short scene involving the monsters, then Mr. X will appear, and the door at the end of the hall will close. Take him down and the door will open, along with you hearing Lott yell again. Pick up the ammo Mr. X dropped, and head through the end door. After the movie, kill the Hunter it is finished also, turn to the Spray you can pick up sitting in single door you were facing, and small flashback movie. then there will be another. Once left and you will see a First Aid the corner. Now go through the Ark will wrap up the story in a

Run down the hallway, past the "E Area" door and enter the door at the end. Once inside shoot all the zombies. On a panel on the right side of the room is some Magnum Rounds, pick them up. Then go to the control panel in the middle of the room and access it to unlock the "E Area" door in the hallway you were just in. Go back to that door, and flick the switch to open it. When it is open, kill the Plants inside, and go through the door at the end. You'll see a Tyrant in a status tube. Grab the file off the desks on the left side of the room, and the lab key off the middle desk and head back out of the room. Run down the hall, and half way a movie will take over. Depending on path you took at the second choice (Arcade, Library, Hospital) a different person will turn up (Leader of the Cleaners, Andy, The Real Vincent), and be killed by the Tyrant who has escaped. When the movie is over, fight the Tyrant and when he's dead go through the door which leads into the control room where you unlocked the "E Area" door. When you go through, a movie will take place showing you the Tyrant changing and getting up. ________ |________\________________________________________________________ | | | - 3.7 - F I N A L E S C A P E / |________________________________________________________________/ Go through the door on the other side of the lead you into a long hallway where the doors sort of enemy will escape. If you're playing was killed by the Tyrant, then there will be Take them out and take the lift at the other Control Room. It will will blow of and some the game where Andy no enemies to fight. end.

A movie will take place at the top. Run down the hall and to the left. Pick up the shotgun shells on the ground. You need to open the gate before you can use the train though. When you do, you will be attacked by Cleaners, so make sure you have your shotgun ready so you can make a quick escape to the train doors. Flick, the switch, and turn 180 quickly. Shoot the 2 cleaners in front of you and run for the doors of the train. Ignore the happy music, you haven't finished yet. Once you have control, run down the hall and into the lift. Once all the movies are finished it's down to a fight against the Tyrant. For his first form at the heliport you can run all around the heliport taking pot shots with whatever weapon you want to. As for his second, that's where you can have trouble. Because of one

of his moves he can sometime block your shots, he also jumps a lot, and he can also pick you up and slam you on the ground (if he kills you he will skewer you with his clawed arm before chucking you a large distance). The only thing you really can do, is to continue to run around and taking shots when he charges at you or when he's turning around. Will you win? Only you can manage that. "But don't worry... we can fly as long as we have fuel" - The End ________ |________\________________________________________________________ | | | - 4.0 - M A P S / |________________________________________________________________/ ____________________ Street Area Part 1 / __________________/ || ________________________/____|| Areas | D2 | 1 - Helicopter Crash \ D3 | 2 - Alley |______________________ D1 \ | 2 / Doors | | D1 - Church | | D2 - Restaurant | | D3 - Movie Theater | | |___/___| | | | | ______________________| |______ | | | 1 | |_____________________________________| ___________ Church 1F / _________/ ______________/__ | D1 | |S | Areas |___________ | A1 - Chapel | | | A2 - Library | | | A3 - Hallway | ________| | A4 - Rec Room | | A3 | | / | Doors/Stairs | A4 \ | D1 - Street Area Part 2 | | | S - Stairs to Church B1 |___________|__/__|__ | | \ A1 | / | |______________/_____| | | | | | A2 |

|_____________________| ___________ Church B1 / _________/ _ | | |S|_______________ | A1 | |_______________/_| | | | A2 | |_________________|

Areas A1 - Hallway A2 - Basement Room Doors/Stairs S - Stairs to Church 1F

____________ Restaurant / __________/ ___________________/___ | | D1 | | | A4 | | | ____________| | | | | |_____|_____\________ _| | \____ \ | | | | | |A3 | A2 | A1 | |____|______|_________/_| __________________ Movie Theater 1F / ________________/ ________________ | | |S A1 D2/ |______/\____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | A2 | | | | | | | D1/ |__________|___|

Areas A1 - Kitchen A2 - Wine Storage/Storeroom A3 - Freezer A4 - Dining Area Doors D1 - Leads to Street Area Part 2

Areas A1 - Lobby A2 - Theater Stairs/Doors S - Stairs to Movie Theater 2F D1 - Door to Street Area Part 1 D2 - Door to Street Area Part 2

__________________ Movie Theater 2F / ________________/ ___________________ | A1 | | S ___________ | |___| | | | | | |- ---------| | | A2 | | | / | |____________|___|

Areas A1 - Hallway A2 - Projection Room Stairs S - Stairs to Movie Theater 1F

____________________ Street Area Part 2 / __________________/ _/\_ __________| D5 |________________ _ _ | | /D6 A3 | \ D4 | |__________________/\_____ ____|_ _ _ | | | | _/_ | | | | |D7 |________| | | | |____________ A4 | |A2 | | | | | | | | | |_______|_________________| ___|__ _ _ | | / A1 | \D1 D2 D3 | |______________/\_ ___/_________|_ _ _ || || Areas A1 - Street A2 - Waterside A3 - Street A4 - Access to Sewers | | | | | | | | Doors D1 - Movie Theater D2 - Restaurant D3 - Church D4 - Arcade D5 - Hospital D6 - Library D7 - Library's Back Door

___________ Arcade 1F / _________/ ___________/\___________ | | | | | A2 | | A3 | |_/_____| A1 / | | \ S | |________________|_______| Areas A1 - Arcade A2 - Office A3 - Bar | Stairs | S - Stairs to Arcade B1 | |

__________ Arcade B1 / _________/ ________ | | ______| A2 | Areas | /________| A1 - Casino | A1 | A2 - Storage | | |_______________|

____________ Library 1F / __________/ ________________________ | | | | | A2 | / | | | | | | | | | S \ |__/_|______| / | D1 | A1 | | A3 |_/_| | |_______| |____________| ____________ Library 2F / __________/ ________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | A2 / |||| | | \ ||||S | | | | | | | A1 | | |_________|____|_________| _____________ Hospital 1F / ___________/ ____________________ __| | / | | | A4 | A5 | | | | | | A1 |____/_|____/____| | /__ ____||___ A3 | | __| \ |S | |D1 | | |___| |_/_| | A2 | |__|____________| _____________ Hospital 2F / ___________/ ____________________ _/| | | | | | D1 | A4 | A3 | A2 | | | | | | | |__/_|__/_|__/___| | A1 | |_/______________/____ | | | | | S| | A6 | A5 |__| |____|______|________|

Areas A1 - Lobby A2 - Downstairs Library A3 - Study Room Stairs/Doors S - Stairs to Library 2F D1 - Library's Back Door

Areas A1 - Landing A2 - Upstairs Library Stairs S - Stairs to Library 2F

Areas A1 - Waiting Room A2 - Medical Examination Room A3 - Hallway A4 - Medicine Room A5 - Doctors Office Stairs S - Stairs to Hospital 2F

Areas A1 - Hallway A2 - Room 201 A3 - Room 202 A4 - Room 203 A5 - Nurse's Station A6 - Operating Room Stairs/Doors S - Stairs to Hospital 1F D1 - Door to lift to Hospital B1

_____________ Hospital B1 / ___________/ _/______________ |D1 | | | | | | | | A1 / A2 | | | | | | |_______|____|___| Areas A1 - Morgue A2 - Power Room Doors D1 - Door to lift to Hospital 2F

________ Sewers / ______/ __ |L4 | |__________________ |_A4____/ | | A3 | |____________/| | | | | | | | |L3 | | | | | | | | | | | | |A2| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |L2 ________________| | | | | | | |L1 A1 |__| | |________________/____|

Areas A1 - Cockroach Room A2 - Channel A3 - Managers Station A4 = Hallway to Prison Ladders L1 - Ladder to Back of Library L2 - Arcade L3 - Hospital L4 - Prison

___________ Prison 1F / _________/ ___________________ | A8 / | | _/___/__| | |S| | | | ___|_| | | |___ | | | | L | |----- | A9 | A10 | | | | | | | |----- |_____| | | | | | | | |----- \ A6 | | | | A7 | | | | |________|__ _| | | | A5 / |

Areas A1 - Entrance A2 - Foyer A3 - Office A4 - Admin A5 - Hallway A6 - Rec Room A7 - Cells A8 - Hallway

|/_____________|________|___| | | | | A2 / A1 | | \ | |/_____________|____________| | | | | A3 | A4 | |________/_____| ___________ Prison B1 / _________/ | | _|S|_ ___| | | | |___| A1 | | | ____|___|__/\_| | | | A2 | | | |______________|

A9 - Showers A10 - Courtyard Stairs/Ladders S - Stairs to Prison B1 L - Ladder to Guard Tower

Areas A1 - Cells A2 - Moth Room Stairs S - Stairs to Prison 1F

_____________ Guard Tower / ___________/ ____ | R | Ladder/Rope | | L - Ladder to Prison 1F |__L_| R - Rope hook. Allows access to Street Area Part 3 ____________________ Street Area Part 3 / __________________/ | | _ _ __________________|S|___________________ _ _ _=\___D1__________ ___________________| \ |_| Stairs/Doors D1 - Door the Night Club 1F S - Stairs to Rooftop _______________ Night Club 1F / _____________/ __________________________________/_ | | | | D1| | A3 | | | | | | -------| | |_| A1 | |___________\_| A2 _/________| | | /D2 __________ | |___| |__________| Areas | Doors

A1 - Storeroom | D1 - Leads to Street Area Part 2 A2 - Night Club | D2 - Leads to Street Area Part 3 A3 - VIP Booth | _________ Rooftop / _______/ ___________________ | S | Stairs/Ladder L |__| S - Leads to Street Area Part 3 | |__| L - Leads to Street Area Part 4 | |__| | |__| | |__| | |__| |________________|__| __________________________________ Street Area Part 4 and Warehouse / ________________________________/ ____________________ _ _ | | | | | L| Areas | | | A1 - Alleyway /D1 |A1| A2 - Warehouse | A2 | | | | | Doors/Ladder | / | D1 - Leads to Umbrella HQ |_______________|__|____ _ _ L - Leads to Rooftop _______________________ _ _ | ____________________ Street Area Part 5 / __________________/ ~~~~~~~~~ | | Doors _| | D1 - Night Club | D2\ D2 - Warehouse _| | D3 - Umbrella HQ | | \D3 -----/ -----|_ | | | |_ | | | | D1\ |_______| ______________ North Sewers / ____________/ ___________

| | L4| | | | | | | |_______| | | | | |______________________________________ |A5 | | / | | L1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _|A4| | | | | |________________| | | | | |___/_____________________| | | | | | | | Areas | | | | A1 - Channel | | | A1 | A2 - Vent | | | | A3 - Walkway | | | | A4 - Pond | | | | A5 - Alligator Run ___| | | | | /____|______|_L2_| Ladders | | | | L1 - Ladder to Prison B1 | | | A2| L2 - Ladder to Vent | | | | L3 - Ladder to Vent | |____________|___| L4 - Ladder to Street Area | A3 L3| Part 5 |____________________| ________________ Umbrella HQ 1F / ______________/ ___________________________ | | /D1 A2 | |_ __________/\________| | | | __| | | Areas | | _| A1 - Lobby | | | A2 - Lift Hallway ___|______| \ A3 - Exit | | A1 / | S | |_ Stairs/Doors |___| | | S - Stairs to Umbrella HQ Parking |___| | | D1 - Door to lift leading to 13F |___| |_________________| D2 - Door to lift leading from 13F |___| | |___| A3 D2/ |___|________________________| _________________ Umbrella HQ 13F / _______________/ __________________________ | | | /D1 A1 | | _|_________ | | | | / | | | \ A2 | | | | | |

Areas A1 - Entryway A2 - Main Office A3 - Control Room A4 - Computer Room A5 - Lift Lobby

| | | | | | A3 | | |___________| Doors | | / | | D1 - Door to lift leading from 1F | | \ | | D2 - Door to lift leading to 1F | |_____|____|____ |__ | | | | | | / | ______/ A5 | |_____| | | | | | A4 | | D2/ |_______________|______|______| _____________________ Umbrella HQ Parking / ___________________/ ___________________ \D1 | Stairs/Doors |________ | S - Stairs to Umbrella HQ 1F | | D1 - Door to Waterway | | | | | | | | |S| | | | | | | | |____| | |_________________| __________ Waterway / ________/ ___________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | |_______________/__________________/_____________L__| Ladders L - Ladder to Lot's House _______________________________________ Lott's House (Marked as "Rott's House)/ _____________________________________/ ____________________ | | | | A3 | A4 | | _____|______/___| | \ | | Areas |____| | | | A1 - Yard | | | A2 | | | A2 - Living Room/Kitchen | | | | | | A3 - Bedroom | |__|____/____|--|-----| A4 - Kid's Bedroom | | | A5 - Pathway |L A1 | |____________________ | Steps | | S - Steps to Ropeway | |_____ | | | A5 ||S||

|-----------| | | ________________ Ropeway Part 1 / ______________/ ____ | | | B |||||S |____________ | | A3 | | A1 |__________/_| | / A2 | |__________|______|

Areas A1 - Gateway A2 - Waiting Room A3 - Engine Room

|Stairs/Access |S - Steps to Lot's House |B - Board Car Here |

________________ Ropeway Part 2 / ______________/ _/_ | D2| Areas _/_| |______________/_ A1 - Gateway |D3 A3 D1| A2 - Bridge |______________________/_| A3 - Yard | | | | Doors/Access |___ | D1 - Door to Cliff Side | | D2 - Door to Tunnels | | D3 - Door to Testing Grounds | | E - Exit Car Here ________| | _________________ | |___| | | A2 ___ A1 | |___________| |_____ ________| | | | E | | |_______| _________ Tunnels / _______/ _____ | S2|||| | | |____ | _________________________| | ______| | A5 | | / A4 /_____| | A3 |_________________________| |__/___| | | | |___________ |___________ | |A2 | | | _|_/_|_ | | Areas

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | A1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | S1 | |_______|

A1 A2 A3 A3 A5

Cavern Wooden Walkway Power Room Skyway Storage Rooms

Stairs S1 - Stairs to Ropeway Part 2 S2 - Stairs to Mansion

_________ Mansion / _______/ ________________________ | | | | | | |__ __| | | | | |__| |__| | | S A4 | | | | ________ /D4| | |____| |____| | | A3 | |___________/ \__________| | | | | | A2 | | | |_/______________________| | | | | _| |____ | | /D3 | | | \ | \ | / A1 | / | | | /D2 | | | \___ D1 | \__/_|

Areas A1 - Yard A2 - Garden A3 - Courtyard A4 - Mansion Stairs/Doors S - Stairs to Plant B1 D1 - Door to Cliff Side D2 - Door to Tunnels D3 - Door to Testing Ground D4 - Door into the Mansion


Plant B1 / ________/ ____ ________| _ | |_________|L| | | _______ | | _____| | | | | | || | |A1 | | || | | | | | A2 || | | | | |_____ _| | | | |_________| |_| |S| __________ Plant B2 / ________/

Areas A1 - Walkway A2 - Power Room Stairs/Lift S - Stairs to Mansion L - Lift to Plant B2

__ _________|L | | | | |--------| | | ____ | _________ |A1 | | | | |___________| | | | |A3 _/_______________/___|____|_/_| | | | | | | | A4 |___ | | | | |_ | | A2| |D1 |_______________/_| | | | | |_/_| | | | |____| | | | |_|________ | | A5 | | | | | __| |_____| |______________| Areas A1 - Generator Room A2 - Power Control Room A3 - Hallway A4 - Testing Room A5 - Lab Doors/Lift D1 - Door to lift to Plant B3 L - Lift to Plant B1 __________ Plant B3 / ________/

___ |D2 | | | | | |A7 | | | ______|_/_|______

| | | A5 | |________/________| __________ | | | |__________| | | A6 /__________ A4 | |__________| | |

____|_/_|_ | ____|A3| | ___________||__/____|_|___________ | | | | | | | | | |A2 | | | | | | |____________|/ \|_________________| | A1 | |_ _| | | | | |D1| |/\| Areas A1 - Entryway A2 - Mr. X Lab A3 - Hunter Room A4 - E Area Hall A5 - Control Area A6 - Tyrant's Domain A7 - Escape Area | Doors | D1 - Door to lift to Plant B2 | D2 - Door to lift to Subway Part 1 | | | | |

__________________________ Subway Part 1 (Plant B4) / ________________________/ _/\_ | D1 | | | _____________| |______ _ _ _ ___|_________________________|____ _ _ _ _ _ _ __________________________________ _ _ _ Doors D1 - Door to lift to Plant B3 __________________________ Subway Part 2 (Plant B4) / ________________________/ _/_ | D1| | |__________________ | __________________|__________ _ _ _ | | | |_____________________________ _ _ _ |___| Doors D1 - Door to lift to Heliport __________ Heliport / ________/

_____________________/_ | D1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___ ___| |---------------| Doors D1 - Door to lift to Subway Part 2 ________ |________\________________________________________________________ | | | - 5.0 - R A N K I N G / |________________________________________________________________/

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