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Owens 1 Kathleen Owens Professor Green English 1302 15 September 2013 Legalizing Gay Marriage Pastor Bill and

city council member Larry Johnson argue on multiple occasions about various controversial issues due to their opposing political and personal beliefs. Today, while having lunch at their local Chilis, Bill notices a local gay marriage support group protesting outside a nearby Chik-Fil-A. This prompts him to spark a discussion between himself and Larry about whether gay marriage should be legalized in the state of Texas or not.

PASTOR BILL: Look at that Larry; they are protesting Chik-Fil-A. I wonder how long they have been out there for LARRY JOHNSON: Who is they, Bill? PASTOR BILL: That local gay marriage support group. I suppose they do not like Chik-Fil-A because of the owners opposing beliefs. But hey, people are entitled to their own beliefs. Like that one time in college when we protested that pet store that got its dogs from a puppy mill! Those were some good times. LARRY JOHNSON: Yeah, but a pain in the butt to protest for nearly a whole week. I am glad someone is protesting Chik-Fil-A around here, though. I think it is wrong for a homosexual couple to be denied the same rights as a heterosexual couple.

Owens 2 PASTOR BILL: I can tell this is about to be another debate, Larry. I happen to disagree 100%. That is probably expected though considering the differences in our backgrounds and our occupations. LARRY JOHNSON: How could you disagree? Isnt it constitutional that all men are created equal and should have equal rights, regardless ones sexual orientation? PASTOR BILL: You are correct in a sense; it is constitutional that men should be treated equally. However, I believe our Founding Fathers meant that in a more racial aspect. LARRY JOHNSON: Okay, I can see where you are coming from. But, it is ones freedom to make their own decisions; it is God-given, natural born rights that people have. PASTOR BILL: Now Larry, I wouldnt go so far as to saying God-given. God specifically states that it is not natural for a man and a man or a woman and a woman to marry or have sexual relations. Marriage was meant to be between a man and a woman, as it has been since the creation of the universe. LARRY JOHNSON: Times are changing, Bill. God loves all of His children the same, correct? PASTOR BILL: Well of course, but that does not mean it is morally right for a same sex couple to be married through holy matrimony. LARRY JOHNSON: Bill, you are letting your occupation get the best of your judgment. Do you forget that some people today do not believe in the same religion you do? This world is modernizing with each and every day, people are becoming more and more open minded. The law must change with the people or else the people will not be happy. It is about the power of the people, correct? PASTOR BILL: You are correct in your thinking Larry. But my views stand strong. Regardless the times, it is immoral for a homosexual couple to be married. I dont care what goes on in

Owens 3 ones own home, but to be married through a church or holy matrimony is just blasphemy. In fact, it is almost insulting. That is not how God created marriage to be, as I have said before. LARRY JOHNSON: You are getting a bit heated Bill I think your judgment is clouded. You are usually more understanding with things we discuss. PASTOR BILL: Youre right. I just disagree so strongly with homosexuality and homosexual marriage. LARRY JOHNSON: Thats okay, Bill! It really is. I just happen to disagree with your disagreeing. America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. How can we be the land of the free if we cant even accept all of our fellow citizens and their beliefs? PASTOR BILL: I accept the fact that homosexuality has become that of a norm in our society, but I do not agree that it should be legal for gay marriage to be legalized. LARRY JOHNSON: But Bill, do you not see that it is prevalent in our society? It is almost inevitable. You have your own opinion though and I see validity in your argument. But if marriage for homosexual couples isnt legalized, how can America progress as a whole? Back in the Civil Rights Era, African Americans and non-whites were discriminated against and no one could have foreseen the progression of equal rights in our country today. Why cant that be the same for gay people, too? The future holds so much for equality for all, but only if we, as whole, allow these people groups to progress so that America can progress, too. PASTOR BILL: Civil Rights are not the same thing as gay rights. People get the two confused all of the time. Civil Rights deal with race equality, not homosexual equality. African Americans and minorities should have the same rights as white people because they cannot help the race of which they were born. Homosexuality is a choice, on the contrary to popular belief.

Owens 4 LARRY JOHNSON: Like I have said, we all have our own opinions. Let us just agree to disagree, Bill. I can tell this is really getting under your skin. PASTOR BILL: Agreed. Our food is coming anyway! Maybe it is because I am so hungry You know what; let me pay for your meal Larry. I think this is why we are best friends; you keep me from being unreasonable about things. LARRY JOHNSON: Thanks Bill! You are a great guy; just dont forget that humans will vary in the way they think and believe.

Owens 5 Pastor Bill is a strong supporter of the Anti-Gay movement. Raised in a southern and conservative background, Bill believes homosexual marriage is immoral and will gladly defend his point of view. Although he disagrees with homosexuality and lets himself get riled up over the subject, Pastor Bill is not the type to be hateful.

Larry Johnson is a democratic council member. He and Pastor Bill have been friends for 20 years, ever since college. Although raised in a liberal household, he and Bill debate over various controversial issues. Larry has been known to keep Bill in check when Bill gets too heated. The arguments keep their friendship interesting. Larry has even admitted to enjoying their debates. Yes all men are created equal freedom to make ones own decision love is not based off of sex privacy constitutional right of freedom(Bill of Rights) Civil Rights No Against the Bible Immoral More domestic abuse issues Not natural Matrimony between man and woman Not supported by religion

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