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VAGABOND By Alex Selby

EXT. AFRICAN PLAINS- AFTERNOON Lions wander around in the grass. NARRATOR (V.O) A young lions transition into adulthood is not unlike that of many young humans. When theyve come of age, a lion will leave its place of birth and spend years as a nomad, a wandering vagabond seeking out the skills required to lead a pride of their own one day. INT. HOUSE - MORNING The house phone RINGS but no one goes to pick it up. The automated answering machine message plays. The voice of RICHARD comes through the phones speakers. RICHARD (V.O) Mike, its Richard. Mike stops typing, his attention diverted to the recording in progress RICHARD (CONTD) (V.O) Dude Im back in town. (beat) Things at my parents are -- Well, you know. Would it be okay if I came over? INT. HOUSE- MORNING MIKE and RICHARD sit at the breakfast table. MIKE, 20, clean-cut, wearing a baseball shirt and jeans. RICHARD, 20, wizard length beard, wearing a traditional Asian robe. Richard WOLFS down some cereal. Mike reads a book. MIKE They didnt have cereal wherever you were? RICHARD I was everywhere, man. Richard gulps down the last part of the cereal. (CONTINUED)



RICHARD Id usually seek out places where I could find enlightenment. Monasteries, temples, treetop bars. MIKE Sounds interesting. RICHARD Yeah man. You should really get out more, see the outside world. Theres a whole world of love outside the parameters of this city, this cesspool of corporate greed. Richard ruffles Mikes head. Mike seems displeased. RICHARD Youre a slave to the institution, man. INT. HOUSE- MORNING Mike wakes up. Richard is fast asleep, snoring like a wild beast. Mike tries to wake him by shuffling him about with his foot. No luck. He gets changed into his fast food uniform. As Mike walks out the door, He looks back at Richard before he exits the room. He forgets his wallet, leaving it on his study desk. INT. HOUSE- AFTERNOON Mike returns home from work. Tired and weary. He enters his bedroom. Richard, wearing only his undies, uses Mikes laptop whilst smoking a cigarette. The sound of female moaning plays through the laptop speakers. Noticing Mikes arrival, Richard turns to welcome him, arms outstretched. RICHARD Mikey!




MIKE (cringing) Please tell me you saved my work before you did whatever youre doing right now. RICHARD Of course man. I even read some of that hulking wall of text. MIKE Its an essay Richard, its not supposed to be a short story. RICHARD I dug it, man. Lions right? MIKE Yeah, Lions. RICHARD Youve always been so passionate about animals and the environment. Richard reaches over and places his hand on Mikes chest. RICHARD Heart of a lion. Pause. RICHARD Just lacking the roar. Richard holds up a post it note. RICHARD A lions roar can be heard from more than 8 kilometers away. (beat) I can barely hear you in this room, dude. More moans from the computer. The two men sit in silence. Ill go organic Totally really now. RICHARD grab you a cup of this coffee blend that I bought. mycotoxin free. Its big in San Francisco right

Richard leaves the room.

4. INT. HOUSE - AFTERNOON Mike returns home from work once more. Tired and weary. He opens up the door to his bedroom and is greeted by a large volume of smoke. Richard and some girls are smoking. They giggle hysterically. Mike quickly closes the door and moves to a couch in the lounge room. He wraps a cushion around his ears and closes his eyes. The giggling from the other room doesnt stop. INT. HOUSE - MORNING Mike is woken up by yelling outside. GIRL You asshole! RICHARD Did you think I was going to pay for your taxi home, love? Fuck off. Mike comes out of his room as Richard comes inside. Mike stares at him. RICHARD (defensively) What? INT. HOUSE- NIGHT Mike stays up late at night typing away at his thesis. ON THE SCREEN WHILST LIONS CAN HUNT AT ANY TIME OF DAY THEY WILL TYPICALLY GO AFTER PREY IN THE NIGHT TIME A door opens and Richard and a girl, both drunk, laugh loudly in the corridors before retreating to the couch. DRUNK GIRL I cant believe you lived in Nimbin. They continue to talk and laugh before the sound of their chatter gradually transitions into loud sex noises.


Mike groans and returns to his work. INT. HOUSE- MORNING Mike is woken up by Richards yelling once more. RICHARD Get the fuck outta here! INT. HOUSE- AFTERNOON Mike collects the mail. a bank statement. He opens a letter up which contains

He walks around the house, slowly reading the letter. The further he reads, the more angry he appears to become. He walks over to his bedroom and flings open the door. MIKE Richard! What the fuck! He throws his arm in the air, still holding the bank statement. MIKE $600 at Byron Bay Magical Herbs and Ointments? $1200 at Sashas Escorts, $60 on Bulletproof Coffee, are you kidding me? RICHARD (worried) Mike, this is a really bad time. Ive just done two tabs of acid. Mike turns around and bursts through the doors. He is furious. He paces around outside the house for a while before heading back in. MIKE Were going to talk about this. Now. Richard stumbles around. RICHARD Mike..


CONTINUED: MIKE Dont Mike me, Richard. All this time I thought it was you who needed to gain responsibility for yourself-RICHARD Mike man, Im on another plane right now. You dont understand. Mike raises his arms up wildly to shush Richard. MIKE No more of that pseudo-spiritual bullshit. This is me taking responsibility for myself Rich. I am the lion.


Through Richards eyes, Mike begins taking the form of a lion. RICHARD You are..the lion? MIKE I am the lion. Richard says nothing. Mike ROARS. Richard cowers in fear.

MIKE Get your shit together. INT. HOUSE- MORNING Mike continues to work on his essay. The phone rings. He doesnt answer. It goes to voice mail. RICHARD (V.O) Hey Mike, its Richard. I... (beat) Ive headed up north again, I just couldnt handle how dull city life was, man. I really need to find myself, you know? Gimme a call sometime. FADE TO BLACK ANSWER MACHINE (V.O) Message Deleted.




NARRATOR (V.O) A young lions transition into adulthood is not unlike that of many young humans. When theyve come of age, a lion will leave its place of birth and spend years as a nomad, a wandering vagabond seeking out the skills required to lead a pride of their own one day. (beat) Some lions never stop wandering. THE END

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