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Stadium Regulations

for the
2006 FIFA World Cup™


These stadium regulations (“Regulations”) constitute regulations for use and apply
to the (…) stadium in (…) and its enclosed confines.

§ 1 Scope

These Regulations shall apply in the enclosed stadium confines as well as to all of
the stadium’s buildings and installations, including entrances and exits, starting
from the outermost security cordon, and adjoining car parks provided for visitors
attending events inside the stadium confines (together, the “Site”) for the period
for which the Site is leased to the Deutsche Fussball-Bund e.V. (2006 FIFA World
Cup Organising Committee Germany) before, during and after the 2006 FIFA World

§ 2 General Conditions

(1) The Site shall be used primarily to stage the football matches of the 2006
FIFA World Cup™.

(2) The general public shall have no claim to use the Site.

(3) Any other agreements governing the use of the Site, which may need to be
concluded on a case-by-case basis, shall be based on German civil law.

(4) These Regulations have been prepared in German accompanied by one or

more translations. In the event of any discrepancies between any part of the
German text and any translation, the German version shall prevail.

Stadium Regulations for the 2006 FIFA World CupTM

OC 2006 FIFA World Cup I Security Department I November 2005 1
§ 3 Right of admission

(1) Only persons who are in possession of a valid ticket or other type of pass
which is used to grant the holder admission to the Site (by way of example
only, an accreditation) (“Entry Pass”) or who are able to prove their
entitlement to enter by some other means shall be admitted to the Site.
Upon entry and while inside the Site, visitors shall present their Entry Pass
and admissible proof of identity for inspection, when requested to do so by
stewards, security personnel or police officers.

(2) Only persons in possession of a special permit shall be entitled to drive and
park vehicles inside the Site and all the restrictions of such a permit shall be
respected. The provisions of the German Road Traffic Regulations
(Strassenverkehrsordnung - "StVO") shall also apply.

(3) Visitors shall sit in the seat indicated on their ticket for the relevant match or
event. The conditions of Entry Passes shall be at all times respected and
complied with. Only dedicated walkways may be used when moving around
the Site.

(4) In addition to these Regulations, any regulations drawn up by the stadium

management in conjunction with the 2006 FIFA World Cup Organising
Committee Germany shall also apply inside the Site.

§ 4 Entry checks

(1) Upon entry to the Site, visitors shall be obliged to present their Entry Passes
to security personnel, stewards and police officers, without prompting, and
hand them over for inspection if necessary. Any person failing to do so shall
be refused entry.

The validity and use of tickets is governed by the Ticketing General Terms
and Conditions for tickets to the 2006 FIFA World Cup Germany™.

(2) The security personnel and stewards appointed by the 2006 FIFA World Cup
Organising Committee Germany shall also be entitled to ascertain, using
technical equipment if necessary, whether a visitor poses a security risk due
to the consumption of alcohol or drugs or has in their possession weapons or
dangerous or flammable objects. With the visitor’s consent, the security
personnel and stewards may search his or her clothing or other belongings.
This search may be conducted using technical equipment.

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(3) Any person who is unable to prove his or her right of admission, poses a
security risk, or refuses to be searched shall be refused entry to the Site and
be turned away.
Any person subject to a national or international stadium banning order shall
be refused entry. Persons who are refused entry shall not be entitled to a

§ 5 Conduct inside the Site

(1) All persons entering the Site shall conduct themselves in such a way as not to
offend, endanger the safety, or unnecessarily hinder or harass others.

(2) All persons entering the Site shall follow the instructions issued by the police,
fire brigade, security personnel, stewards, emergency services and stadium

Any person wilfully or negligently failing to obey such instructions may be

ejected from the Site by security personnel, stewards or police officers.

(3) All persons entering the Site must occupy only the seat indicated on their
ticket and shall access it only via the designated entrance. For security
reasons and to avert danger, visitors shall move to seats other than those
allocated, whether in the same or another section of the stadium, if
instructed to do so by security personnel, stewards or police officers.

(4) All access stairways and emergency exits must be kept clear. Regardless of
these Regulations, further mandatory instructions may be issued, if necessary,
in order to prevent or eliminate any risk to life, health or personal
belongings. Any orders issued in this context by the police, security
personnel or stewards shall be adhered to.

(5) All persons entering the Site are requested not to drop litter, packaging or
empty containers, but to dispose of such items in the appropriate litter bins
inside the Site, in accordance with the instructions for separating different
types of waste.

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(6) All persons entering the Site give their irrevocable consent to the use, free of
charge, of his or her voice, image and/or likeness in live or recorded video
display, broadcast or in other transmission or recording, photographs, or any
other media now or hereafter existing, taken or recorded at the Site in
connection with the 2006 FIFA World Cup. Section 23 (2) of the German Art
Copyright Act (Kunsturhebergesetz) shall remain unaffected.

§ 6 Prohibited items

(1) Unless otherwise authorised by the 2006 FIFA World Cup Organising
Committee Germany and/or FIFA, all people entering the Site are prohibited
from bringing into the Site, and/or carrying on their person any of the
following items:

a) Racist, xenophobic, extreme right-wing, national socialist or political


b) Weapons of any kind;

c) Objects that may be used as missiles or as weapons to cut, strike or

stab others;

d) Aerosols, caustic or flammable substances, dyestuffs, or receptacles

containing flammable or harmful substances, with the exception of
standard pocket cigarette lighters;

e) Bottles, cups, mugs, cans or any other objects made of glass or brittle,
shattering or very hard material;

f) Bulky items such as ladders, stools, (folding) chairs, crates, large bags,
rucksacks or suitcases;

g) Fireworks, flares, smoke powder, smoke canisters or other pyrotechnic


h) Poles for flags or banners measuring more than 1 metre in length or 3

centimetres in diameter or double-pole banners (only flags and
banners made of inflammable material shall be permitted);

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i) Large quantities of paper or paper rolls;

j) Mechanically operated sound-emitting devices, such as megaphones

or gas-powered horns;

k) Alcoholic beverages of any kind;

l) Animals;

m) Laser pointers;

n) Cameras or any video or audio recording equipment (unless prior

consent has been issued by the 2006 FIFA World Cup Organising
Committee Germany);

o) Any equipment or devices capable of being used to transmit, or in any

other manner disseminate over the internet or any other media,
including mobile devices, any sound, image, description, or result of
any event taking place within the Site; and

p) Any promotional, commercial, political or religious items of whatever

nature, including but not limited to banners, signs, symbols and

(2) Furthermore, unless otherwise authorised by the 2006 FIFA World Cup
Organising Committee Germany and/or FIFA, people entering the Site are
not allowed to:

a) Enter the field of play or its surroundings;

b) Express or disseminate political propaganda or racist, xenophobic or

extreme right-wing slogans or emblems, or carry out actions of a
similar nature;

c) Climb up, on or over buildings or installations not intended for public

use, especially facades, fences, walls, barriers, lighting installations,
camera platforms, trees, poles of any kind and roofs;

d) Enter areas (such as VIP, media and operational areas) that are closed
to the public, or which are otherwise not permitted by the terms of
the Entry Pass .

e) Throw objects or fluids of any kind, especially when directed towards

other spectators or the field of play and its surroundings;

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f) Light fires or set off fireworks, flares, smoke powder, smoke canisters
or other pyrotechnic objects;

g) Offer for sale or sell goods or tickets, distribute printed material or

make collections;

h) Write, paint or affix posters or stickers to building installations, fixtures

or walkways;

i) Urinate or defecate anywhere other than in the toilets, or pollute the

Site in any other way, in particular by dropping litter, packaging,
empty containers etc.

j) Obstruct or interfere with zones open to traffic, walkways, roadways,

entrances to and exits from spectator areas, or emergency access

k) Stand on seats in the spectator areas;

l) Record (except for private purposes), transmit, or in any other manner

disseminate over the internet or any other media, including mobile
devices, any sound, image, description, or result of any event taking
place within the Site, in whole or in part, or assist any other person(s)
conducting such activities; and

m) Commercially exploit any photographs or images taken within the


(3) Any unauthorised access to the field of play (section 6 (2a) shall be
punishable as follows:

a) The OC 2006 FIFA World Cup shall initiate a criminal complaint

regarding the unlawful entering of the site pursuant to section 123 of
the Penal Code (Strafgesetzbuch).

b) The spectator will be barred from the current match and expelled
from the stadium.

c) The OC 2006 FIFA World Cup will ban the spectator from accessing
any of the 12 World Cup stadiums for the duration of the 2006 FIFA
World Cup™.

Tickets already purchased for other matches of the 2006 FIFA World
Cup™ shall expire and will be invalidated electronically.

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On the occasion of issuing a stadium ban, it lies in the sole
responsibility of Deutscher Fussball-Bund e.V. to decide on whether or
not to extend the stadium ban nationwide.

d) The spectator shall pay a lump processing fee in the amount of EUR
1.000 for costs incurred by the OC 2006 FIFA World Cup. The right to
enforce any further damage shall remain reserved.

§ 7 Liability

Spectators enter the Site at their own risk.

In the event of the occurrence of an incident which causes damage or loss

involving injury causing death, bodily injury or permanent damage to health,
the 2006 FIFA World Cup Organising Committee Germany shall only be
liable if any of its authorized representatives or agents caused such damage
or loss through their wilful intent.

In respect of all other incidents causing other damage or loss (but excluding
incidents involving a fundamental breach of contract by the 2006 FIFA World
Cup Organising Committee Germany), the 2006 FIFA World Cup Organising
Committee Germany shall only be liable for damage and/or loss if such
damage and/or loss has been caused by the wilful misconduct or gross
negligence of the LOC´s authorized representatives or agents.

With regard to loss or damage arising from non-fundamental breaches of

contract by simple negligence, the liability is limited to the damage which is
reasonably foreseeable and typical for contracts of such nature.

Accidents or damages must be reported immediately.

§ 8 Violations

(1) Minor offences shall be punishable in accordance with local police by-laws.

(2) The rights of the owner or rightful occupier of the premises are not affected

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 6 (3), persons whose behaviour

affects or endangers the safety or public order at the events can be banned
from any further matches of the 2006 FIFA World Cup™. Where appropriate
this stadium ban will be extended nationwide.

Stadium Regulations for the 2006 FIFA World CupTM

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§ 9 Effective date of Stadium Regulations

These Regulations shall take effect as soon as the OC 2006 FIFA World Cup has
taken over the stadium.

Frankfurt, November 2005

Horst R. Schmidt Dr. Theo Zwanziger

1st Vice President Vice President

OC 2006 FIFA World Cup™ OC 2006 FIFA World Cup™

Stadium Regulations for the 2006 FIFA World CupTM

OC 2006 FIFA World Cup I Security Department I November 2005 8

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