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The Injury By Bobby Saxophone

FADE IN: EXT. FOOTBALL STADIUM - NIGHT RAY RICE (26 and built), is on his back wincing in pain on the seven yard line, while his fellow teammates crowd over him. A MEDIC comes bustling in, breaking through the crowd to find Ray, clutching his hip. MEDIC Where does it hurt, son? Ray gestures towards his hip, still in pain. Ray is now on the sideline, with ice on his hip. Coaches, cameras, and more medics now surround him. People make room for one man, the HEAD COACH (50s), who strides up to Ray clad in a suit. HEAD COACH What happened? RAY I, I dont know exactlyHEAD COACH (to other coaches and officials) Who was it? We got a foul? An OFFICIAL responds. OFFICIAL Nobody touched him. HEAD COACH What the fuck do you mean nobody touched him? Howd he get hurt? RAY It wasnt anyoneHEAD COACH What? RAY Hes right, no one touched me. I just got this searing pain in my hip. But its getting better now-




HEAD COACH How the hell did that happen? MEDIC Hes experienced a severe strain in his hip flexor. HEAD COACH Hes tough, how long till we can get him back out? MEDIC Getting him back out for even the rest of the week would be ill advised, let alone this game. HEAD COACH (mutters) I dont believe this... RAY I dont know, coach, its definitely feeling a lot better. HEAD COACH Atta boy, its not too bad right? RAY No, Ill bet I can get back out there. MEDIC That is a very, very bad idea. The more pressure you put on it, the worse its gonna get. HEAD COACH If he says hes fine, then he can finish the game! MEDIC This is ridiculous! This man is injured! HEAD COACH We need him, badly. MEDIC Im sure you can find a fill in. HEAD COACH He is our best! We cant just find a fill in and expect to have a (MORE) (CONTINUED)



HEAD COACH (contd) fighting chance! The games too close! MEDIC You simply do not fully understand the damage that could be done! HEAD COACH Ray, this is your call. Are you, or are you not up to it? RAY Team needs me, Im feeling a whole lot better. MEDIC I strongly advise against this! I am a medical expertHEAD COACH Its up to Ray. MEDIC Just because it doesnt hurt too bad doesnt mean it isnt dangerous. Ray, you could do some very severe damage if you go back out there. Rays unsure, and theres a beat. MEDIC Look, Im not lying! I was an Alma Mater at New York Medical College, this is something Im fluent in. A beat. RAY Maybe its best if I sit this one out, coach. Dont wanna fuck up my hip. HEAD COACH God damn, but it doesnt hurt! RAY Id feel safer taking his advice. MEDIC A very wise move.




We follow the medic move over to the opposite end of the field where the opposing team resides. The medic approaches the Cleveland BROWNS COACH. (50) BROWNS COACH Well? MEDIC Hell be out the rest of the week. BROWNS COACH (happy) Youre shitting me! MEDIC Assholes bought it. The coach laughs. MEDIC Told em it was a severe strain, even though he wasnt in pain for shit. BROWNS COACH My god, I owe you one. MEDIC You do owe me one. And by one, I mean five grand. The coach looks reluctant. MEDIC We made a deal. A beat, then the coach relents. BROWNS COACH Alright. You take a check? MEDIC Check is fine.

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