WTW Politicians & Political Figures Final

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'Watching the Watchdog'

Malaysian Media Coverage of GE13

25/08/13 Dr Tessa J. Houghton School of Modern Languages and Cultures Director of the Centre for the Study of Communications and Culture University of Nottingham Malaysian Campus

in collaboration with

Comments and feedback welcomed at: tessa.houghton@nottingham.edu.my 010 523 4575 or Masjaliza Hamzah Executive Officer Centre for Independent Journalism cijmalaysia@gmail.com 03-4023-0772/4024-9840

The work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

Table of Contents
Executive Summary of Key Results for POLITICIANS & POLITICAL FIGURES............................................... 4 1.4 Tonal Coverage Distribution of Politicians & Political Figures.............................................................6 Section 1: Media Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures..........................................................................7 1.1 Volume of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures..........................................................................7 Figure 1: Volume of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other........................................................................................................................................8 BERNAMA.........................................................................................................................................................8 Figures 2/3/4: Volume of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other............................................................................................................ 9 PENINSULAR PRINT ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN...................................................9 Figures 5/6/7: Volume of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other..........................................................................................................10 TELEVISION ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN.............................................................. 10 Figures 8/9/10: Volume of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other..........................................................................................................11 EAST MALAYSIA PRINT ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN.......................................... 11 Figures 11/12: Volume of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other..........................................................................................................12 ONLINE ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA............................................................................................... 12 1.2 Volume of the Use of Politicians & Political Figures as Sources....................................................... 13 Figure 13: Volume of the Use of Politicians & Political Figures As Sources: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other..........................................................................................................14 BERNAMA......................................................................................................................................................14 Figure 14/15/16: Volume of the Use of Politicians & Political Figures As Sources: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other ...................................................................................................15 PENINSULAR PRINT ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN................................................ 15 Figure 17/18/19: Volume of the Use of Politicians & Political Figures As Sources: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other ...................................................................................................16 TELEVISION ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN.............................................................. 16 Figure 20/21/22: Volume of the Use of Politicians & Political Figures As Sources: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other....................................................................................................17 EAST MALAYSIA PRINT ENGLISH/BAHASA MALAYSIA/MADNARIN............................................... 17 Figure 23/24: Volume of the Use of Politicians & Political Figures As Sources: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other..........................................................................................................18 ONLINE ENGLISH/BAHASA MALAYSIA..................................................................................................18 1.3 Overall Tonal Coverage Volume of Politicians & Political Figures.................................................. 19 Figure 25: Raw Tonal Coverage Volume of Politicians & Political Figures......................................19 BERNAMA......................................................................................................................................................19 Figure 26/27/28: Raw Tonal Coverage Volume of Politicians & Political Figures........................20 PENINSULAR PRINT ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN................................................ 20 Figure 29/30/31: Raw Tonal Coverage Volume of Politicians & Political Figures........................21 TELEVISION ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN.............................................................. 21 Figure 32/33/34: Raw Tonal Coverage Volume of Politicians & Political Figures........................22 EAST MALAYSIA PRINT ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN.......................................... 22 Figure 35/36: Raw Tonal Coverage Volume of Politicians & Political Figures...............................23 ONLINE ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA............................................................................................... 23 1.4 Tonal Coverage Distribution of Politicians & Political Figures.......................................................... 24 Figure 34: Tone of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other.....................................................................................................................................25 BERNAMA......................................................................................................................................................25 Figure 35/36/37: Tone of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other..........................................................................................................26 2 POLITICIANS & POLITICAL FIGURES

PENINSULAR PRINT ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN................................................ 26 Figure 38/39/40: Tone of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other..........................................................................................................27 TELEVISION ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN.............................................................. 27 Figure 41/42/43: Tone of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other..........................................................................................................28 EAST MALAYSIA ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN...................................................... 28 Figure 44/45: Tone of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other............................................................................................................................... 29 ONLINE ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA............................................................................................... 29 1.5 Use of Politicians & Political Figures as Sources: Attack Politics.......................................................30 Figure 46: Attack Politics: Which Coalition Employs Attack Politics Most Often?..........................31 BERNAMA......................................................................................................................................................31 Figure 47/48/49: Attack Politics: Which Coalition Employs Attack Politics Most Often?............32 PENINSULAR PRINT ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN................................................ 32 Figure 50/51/52: Attack Politics: Which Coalition Employs Attack Politics Most Often?............33 TELEVISION ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN.............................................................. 33 Figure 53/54/55: Attack Politics: Which Coalition Employs Attack Politics Most Often?............34 EAST MALAYSIA PRINT ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN.......................................... 34 Figure 56/57: Attack Politics: Which Coalition Employs Attack Politics Most Often?...................35 ONLINE ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA .............................................................................................. 35 Section 2: A Brief Methodology..........................................................................................................................36 Section 3: Appendix 1 Tables.......................................................................................................................... 38 .................................................................................................................................................................................. 38 Section 4: Appendix 2 Coding Scheme......................................................................................................... 80


Executive Summary of Key Results for POLITICIANS & POLITICAL FIGURES

Introduction Like all modern elections, it the Malaysian 13th General Election was fought primarily through the media the so-called 'watchdogs' of democracy. But how effective were Malaysian media outlets at providing fair and objective information about national politics? How well did they inform Malaysian citizens about their political environment, and thus enable them to make informed decisions about who to vote for? The Watching the Watchdog project monitored coverage from 28 media newspapers, television news broadcasts, online news sites as well as the national press agency, in four languages (English, Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin, and Tamil); in Sabah and Sarawak as well as in Peninsular Malaysia, during the month spanning April 7th to May 7th 2013 (31 days in total). It is a collaboration between the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus and the Centre for Independent Journalism. This report utilises the data collected from the media groups outlined in the bar chart below. This bar chart shows the relative size of their data samples (using the total number of data points identified and analysed per each publication/group). The data table for this bar chart can be found in Section 4 of the report.
Online Bahasa Malaysia Online English Televisions Mandarin Television Bahasa Malaysia Television English East Malaysia Print Mandarin East Malaysia Print Bahasa Malaysia East Malaysia Print English Peninsular Print Mandarin Peninsular Print Bahasa Malaysia Peninsular Print English Bernama 0 20725 48783 8049 9862 7478 40129 32253 52935 97088 49782 66788 16920 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000

Data Points

The key results summarised below pertain to the findings for coverage of politicians and political figures across the media groups outlined above: Key Results In scrutinising the GE13 coverage of politicians and political figures, we found the following trends: 1.1 Coverage Volume of Politicians and Political Figures Overall, the publication groups with coverage skewed towards more coverage of BN were the following (difference of 20% or more): Bernama. Television English, Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin. 4 POLITICIANS & POLITICAL FIGURES

East Malaysia Newspapers English, Bahasa Malaysia, and Mandarin. Overall, the publication groups with relatively equal coverage of both BN and PR were the following (difference of under 20%): Peninsular Newspapers Mandarin. Online News English and Bahasa Malaysia. Overall, the publication groups with coverage skewed towards more coverage of PR were the following (difference of over 20%): Peninsular Newspapers English and Bahasa Malaysia. However, this data must be contextualised with the data in the other Sections of this report, particularly Section 1.4.

1.2 Use of Politicians and Political Figures as Sources Overall, sourcing is skewed very much in favour of using BN politicians as sources, to the exclusion of PR politicians. The only publication group to have relatively equitable sourcing practices was the Online English group. Overall, the publication groups with sourcing skewed towards more use of BN sources were the following (difference of 20% or more): Bernama. Peninsular Newspapers English, Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin. Television English, Bahasa Malaysia, and Mandarin. East Malaysia Newspapers English, Bahasa Malaysia, and Mandarin. Online Bahasa Malaysia. Overall, the publication groups with relatively equal usage of both BN and PR sources were the following (difference of under 20%): Online English. Overall, the publication groups with with sourcing skewed towards more use of PR sources were the following (difference of over 20%): None. 1.5 Use as Source: Attack Politics BN engaged in attack politics overwhelmingly more often than PR. This was particularly pronounced in the following publication groups: Bernama. Peninsular Newspapers English and Bahasa Malaysia. Television English, Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin. East Malaysia Newspapers English and Bahasa Malaysia.


1.3 Tonal Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures Overall, the media groups with the most tonal material (under 75% neutral) are the following: Bernama. Peninsular Newspapers - Bahasa Malaysia. Television English & Bahasa Malaysia. East Malaysia Newspapers Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin. Overall, the media groups with the most neutral material (over 75% neutral) are the following: Peninsular Newspapers - English and Mandarin. Television Mandarin. East Malaysia Newspapers English. Online - English and Bahasa Malaysia. This data must be contextualised with the data in the other Sections of this report, particularly Section 1.4.

1.4 Tonal Coverage Distribution of Politicians & Political Figures The media types (according to medium and language) suffering from the most inequality overall (allocating positive material to BN and negative material and attacks to PR) are the following: Bernama. Television News all languages. Newspapers Peninsular English and Bahasa Malaysia, and East Malaysia English. The media types (according to medium and language) suffering from the least inequality overall (allocating roughly equivalent positive/negative material and attacks to both BN and PR) are the following: Mandarin Newspapers, both Peninsular and East Malaysia. Online News Bahasa Malaysia.


Section 1: Media Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures

1.1 Volume of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures
Summary (Figures 1-12): Overall, the publication groups with coverage skewed towards more coverage of BN were the following (difference of 20% or more): Bernama. Television English, Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin. East Malaysia Newspapers English, Bahasa Malaysia, and Mandarin. Overall, the publication groups with relatively equal coverage of both BN and PR were the following (difference of under 20%): Peninsular Newspapers Mandarin. Online News English and Bahasa Malaysia. Overall, the publication groups with coverage skewed towards more coverage of PR were the following (difference of over 20%): Peninsular Newspapers English and Bahasa Malaysia. However, this data must be contextualised with the data in the other Sections of this report, particularly Section 1.4. See Table 1 (series).

Publication Group Bernama Peninsular Print English Peninsular Print Bahasa Malaysia Peninsular Print Mandarin Television English Television Bahasa Malaysia Television Mandarin East Malaysia Print English East Malaysia Print Bahasa Malaysia East Malaysia Print Mandarin Online English Online Bahasa Malaysia

BN 54.6 39.62 27.07 49.47 75.52 70.98 67.16 56.96 68.61 54.28 47.69 41.17

PR 43.89 57.94 69.96 47.21 24.66 25.41 32.24 37.13 26.45 35.4 46.68 49.03

Ratio (BN : PR) 1 : 0.80 1 : 1.46 1 : 2.58 1 : 0.95 1 : 0.33 1 : 0.36 1 : 0.48 1 : 0.65 1 : 0.39 1 : 0.65 1 : 0.98 1 : 1.19


Figure 1: Volume of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other BERNAMA

1.51 43.89

BN PR Independent/ Other



Figures 2/3/4: Volume of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other PENINSULAR PRINT ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN

2.44 39.62 57.94

Peninsular Print English

BN PR Independent/ Other

2.97 27.07

Peninsular Print Bahasa Malaysia

BN PR Independent/ Other



Peninsular Print Mandarin

BN PR Independent/ Other




Figures 5/6/7: Volume of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other TELEVISION ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN

1.82 24.67

Television English
BN PR Independent/ Other


3.61 25.41

Television Bahasa Malaysia

BN PR Independent/ Other


0.61 32.24

Television Mandarin
BN PR Independent/ Other



Figures 8/9/10: Volume of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other EAST MALAYSIA PRINT ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN

1.51 5.90 43.89 37.13

East Malaysia Bernama Print English

BN PR BN Independen PR t/Other Independent/ Other

54.60 56.96

4.94 26.45

East Malaysia Print Bahasa Malaysia

BN PR Independent/ Other



East Malaysia Print Mandarin

35.40 BN PR Independent/ Other



Figures 11/12: Volume of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other ONLINE ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA

5.62 47.69 46.68

Online English
BN PR Independent/ Other

9.81 41.17 49.03

Online Bahasa Malaysia

BN PR Independent/ Other


1.2 Volume of the Use of Politicians & Political Figures as Sources

Summary (Figures 13-24): Overall, the publication groups with sourcing skewed towards more use of BN sources were the following (difference of 20% or more): Bernama. Peninsular Newspapers English, Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin. Television English, Bahasa Malaysia, and Mandarin. East Malaysia Newspapers English, Bahasa Malaysia, and Mandarin. Online Bahasa Malaysia. Overall, the publication groups with relatively equal usage of both BN and PR sources were the following (difference of under 20%): Online English. Overall, the publication groups with with sourcing skewed towards more use of PR sources were the following (difference of over 20%): None. Overall, sourcing is skewed very much in favour of using BN politicians as sources, to the exclusion of PR politicians. The only publication group to have relatively equitable sourcing practices was the Online English group. See Table 2 (series).
Publication Group Bernama Peninsular Print English Peninsular Print Bahasa Malaysia Peninsular Print Mandarin Television English Television Bahasa Malaysia Television Mandarin East Malaysia Print English East Malaysia Print Bahasa Malaysia East Malaysia Print Mandarin Online English Online Bahasa Malaysia BN 66.81 62.48 59.73 43.1 73.58 41.78 42.99 51.35 65.52 51.19 30.24 48.37 PR 3.19 12.14 14.9 21.97 3.68 9.83 9.35 15.99 10.3 29.9 34.71 24.56 Ratio (BN : PR) 1 : 0.048 1 : 0.19 1 : 0.25 1 : 0.51 1 : 0.05 1 : 0.24 1 : 0.22 1 : 0.31 1 : 0.16 1 : 0.58 1 : 1.15 1 : 0.51


Figure 13: Volume of the Use of Politicians & Political Figures As Sources: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other BERNAMA

30.01 BN PR Independent/ Other




Figure 14/15/16: Volume of the Use of Politicians & Political Figures As Sources: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other PENINSULAR PRINT ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN

Peninsular Print English

25.38 BN PR Independent/ Other




Peninsular Print Bahasa Malaysia

BN PR Independent/ Other



21.97 43.10

Peninsular Print Mandarin

BN PR Independent/ Other



Figure 17/18/19: Volume of the Use of Politicians & Political Figures As Sources: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other TELEVISION ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN

22.74 3.68 73.58

Television English
BN PR Independent/ Other

Television Bahasa Malaysia

41.78 48.39 BN PR Independent/ Other


Television Mandarin
42.99 47.66 BN PR Independent/ Other



Figure 20/21/22: Volume of the Use of Politicians & Political Figures As Sources: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other EAST MALAYSIA PRINT ENGLISH/BAHASA MALAYSIA/MADNARIN

East Malaysia Print English

32.65 51.35 15.99 BN PR Independent/ Other


East Malaysia Print Bahasa Malaysia

BN PR Independent/ Other



18.96 51.16 29.90

East Malaysia Print Mandarin

BN PR Independent/ Other


Figure 23/24: Volume of the Use of Politicians & Political Figures As Sources: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other ONLINE ENGLISH/BAHASA MALAYSIA


Online English
35.05 BN PR Independent/ Other


27.10 48.37 24.56

Online Bahasa Malaysia

BN PR Independent/ Other


1.3 Overall Tonal Coverage Volume of Politicians & Political Figures

Summary (Figures 25-33): Overall, the media groups with the most tonal material (under 75% neutral) are the following: Bernama. Peninsular Newspapers - Bahasa Malaysia. Television Bahasa Malaysia. East Malaysia Newspapers Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin. Overall, the media groups with the most neutral material (over 75% neutral) are the following: Peninsular Newspapers - English and Mandarin. Television English and Mandarin. East Malaysia Newspapers English. Online - English and Bahasa Malaysia. This data must be contextualised with the data in the other Sections of this report, particularly Section 1.4.

Figure 25: Raw Tonal Coverage Volume of Politicians & Political Figures BERNAMA

12% 30% 14% Positive Neutral Negative Attacked



Figure 26/27/28: Raw Tonal Coverage Volume of Politicians & Political Figures PENINSULAR PRINT ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN

2% 4% 2%

Peninsular Print English

Positive Neutral Negative Attacked


8% 8% 13%

Peninsular Print Bahasa Malaysia

Positive Neutral Negative Attacked


3% 3% 2%

Peninsular Print Mandarin

Positive Neutral Negative Attacked



Figure 29/30/31: Raw Tonal Coverage Volume of Politicians & Political Figures TELEVISION ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN

0%1% 7% 9%2% 15% 2%

Television Bernama English

Positive Positive Neutral Neutral Negative Negative Attacked Attacked Attacking

76% 89%

6% 39%


Television Bahasa Malaysia

Positive Neutral Negative Attacked


4% 1% 1%

Television Mandarin
Positive Neutral Negative Attacked



Figure 32/33/34: Raw Tonal Coverage Volume of Politicians & Political Figures EAST MALAYSIA PRINT ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN

11% 5% 5%

East Malaysia Print English

Positive Neutral Negative Attacked


4% 5% 28%

East Malaysia Print Bahasa Malaysia

Positive Neutral Negative Attacked





East Malaysia Print Mandarin

Positive Neutral Negative Attacked



Figure 35/36: Raw Tonal Coverage Volume of Politicians & Political Figures ONLINE ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA

Online English
5% 10% 8% Positive Neutral Negative Attacked




Online Bahasa Malaysia

Positive Neutral Negative Attacked



1.4 Tonal Coverage Distribution of Politicians & Political Figures

Summary (Figures 34-45): The top 5 most unequal ratios in each category are highlighted in the table below:
Positive Weight 30 2 8 3 15 39 4 11 28 20 5 6 BN : PR 1 : 0.08 1 : 0.16 1 : 0.30 1 : 0.72 1 : 0.06 1 : 0.07 1 : 0.17 1 : 0.12 1 : 0.14 1 : 0.2 1 : 0.82 1 : 1.38 43 92 70 92 76 44 94 79 63 67 77 81 Neutral Weight BN : PR 1 : 0.61 1 : 1.42 1 : 0.93 1 : 0.72 1 : 0.29 1 : 0.36 1 : 0.49 1 : 0.65 1 : 0.35 1 : 0.74 1 : 1.07 1 : 1.18 Negative Weight 14 2 13 2 9 11 1 5 5 5 8 8 BN : PR 1 : 12.23 1 : 8.62 1 : 17.34 1 : 1.1 1 : 1.56 1 : 0.85 1 : 0.57 1 : 1.98 1 : 4.85 1 : 1.48 1 : 0.53 1 : 1.75 12 4 8 3 <1% 6 1 5 4 8 10 5 Attacked Weight BN : PR 1 : 18.8 1 : 20.55 1 : 18.79 1 : 1.62 1 : 3.76 1 : 3.89 0 : 100 1 : 2.98 1 : 10.34 1 : 1.58 1 : 1.01 1 : 0.88

Publication Group Bernama Peninsular Print English Peninsular Print Bahasa Malaysia Peninsular Print Mandarin Television English Television Bahasa Malaysia Television Mandarin East Malaysia Print English East Malaysia Print Bahasa Malaysia East Malaysia Print Mandarin Online English Online Bahasa Malaysia

As per this data, the media types (according to medium and language) suffering from the most inequality overall are the following: Bernama. Television News all languages. Newspapers Peninsular English and Bahasa Malaysia, and East Malaysia English and Bahasa Malaysia.

As per this data, the media types (according to medium and language) suffering from the least inequality overall are the following: Mandarin Newspapers, both Peninsular and East Malaysia. Online News English and Bahasa Malaysia.

This can also be seen in the following graphs, where the left-to-right arrow-head shape indicating more positive and neutral material allocated to BN and more negative material and attacks allocated to PR is least pronounced in the Mandarin Print and Online groupings. See Table 3 (series).


Figure 34: Tone of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other BERNAMA

Positive 0.79 Neutral 3.05 Independent/ Other Negative 0.00 Attacked 0.00 Positive 7.11 Neutral PR Negative Attacked Positive Neutral BN Negative 7.56 Attacked 5.05


36.84 92.44 94.95 92.09 60.11












Figure 35/36/37: Tone of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other PENINSULAR PRINT ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN
Positive Neutral Independent/ Other Negative Attacked Positive Neutral PR Negative Attacked Positive Neutral BN Negative Attacked

1.05 2.50 1.28 2.58 13.68

Peninsular Print English

57.20 88.46 92.90 85.26 40.30

10.26 4.52 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Positive Neutral Independent/ Other Negative Attacked Positive Neutral PR Negative Attacked Positive Neutral BN Negative Attacked

3.61 3.05 1.72 3.82 22.02

Peninsular Print Bahasa Malaysia

68.78 92.92 91.32 74.37 28.18

5.36 4.86 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Positive Neutral Independent/ Other Negative Attacked Positive Neutral PR Negative Attacked Positive Neutral BN Negative Attacked

2.81 3.52 3.40 0.62

Peninsular Print Mandarin

40.63 47.73 50.64 61.37 56.56 48.75 45.96 38.01









Figure 38/39/40: Tone of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other TELEVISION ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN

Positive 0.00 Neutral 2.25 Independent/ Other Negative 1.43 Attacked 0.00 Positive 5.88 Neutral PR Negative Attacked Positive Neutral BN Negative Attacked

Television English

22.15 60.00 75.00 94.12 75.60 38.57 25.00 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


Positive Neutral Independent/ Other Negative Attacked Positive Neutral PR Negative Attacked Positive Neutral BN Negative Attacked

4.23 3.77 5.13 2.22 6.34 25.47 43.59

Television Bahasa Malaysia

77.78 89.44 70.75 51.28 20.00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Positive Neutral Independent/ Other Negative Attacked Positive Neutral PR Negative Attacked Positive Neutral BN Negative Attacked

0.00 0.67 0.00 0.00 14.29 32.53 36.36

Television Mandarin

100.00 85.71 66.80 63.64 0.00 0 20 40 60 80 100 120


Figure 41/42/43: Tone of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other EAST MALAYSIA ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN

Positive Neutral Independent/ Other Negative Attacked Positive Neutral PR Negative Attacked Positive Neutral BN Negative Attacked

2.16 5.91 9.70 8.74 10.78 37.05

East Malaysia Print English

60.00 68.31 87.06 57.04 30.30 22.95 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Positive 3.00 Neutral 6.42 Independent/ Other Negative 2.56 Attacked 0.00 Positive 12.21 Neutral 24.42 PR Negative Attacked Positive Neutral BN Negative 16.67 Attacked 8.82

East Malaysia Print Bahasa Malaysia

80.77 91.18 84.80 69.16











Positive Neutral Independent/ Other Negative Attacked Positive Neutral PR Negative Attacked Positive Neutral BN Negative Attacked

1.32 11.10 6.67 17.77 16.31 37.76

East Malaysia Print Mandarin

55.76 50.41 82.37 51.14 37.58 31.82 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90


Figure 44/45: Tone of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other ONLINE ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA

Positive Neutral Independent/ Other Negative Attacked Positive Neutral PR Negative Attacked Positive Neutral BN Negative Attacked

2.46 5.97 8.47 1.30

Online English
43.84 48.36 31.60 49.48 53.70 45.67 59.93 49.22








Positive Neutral Independent/ Other Negative Attacked Positive Neutral PR Negative Attacked Positive Neutral BN Negative Attacked

7.32 10.23 11.11 3.28

Online Bahasa Malaysia

53.66 48.65 56.57 40.98 39.02 41.12 32.32 55.74








1.5 Use of Politicians & Political Figures as Sources: Attack Politics

Summary (Figures 46-57): As per the table below and the graphs following, BN engaged in attack politics overwhelmingly more often than PR. This was particularly pronounced in the following publication groups: Bernama. Peninsular Newspapers English and Bahasa Malaysia. Television English, Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin. East Malaysia Newspapers English and Bahasa Malaysia. See Table 4 (series).

Publication Group Bernama Peninsular Print English Peninsular Print Bahasa Malaysia Peninsular Print Mandarin Television English Television Bahasa Malaysia Television Mandarin East Malaysia Print English East Malaysia Print Bahasa Malaysia East Malaysia Print Mandarin Online English Online Bahasa Malaysia

Attacking (Attack Politics) BN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PR 0.01 0.15 0.15 0.63 0.03 0.26 0.12 0.34 0.11 0.85 1 0.52


Figure 46: Attack Politics: Which Coalition Employs Attack Politics Most Often? BERNAMA

10% 1% BN PR 89% Independent/Other


Figure 47/48/49: Attack Politics: Which Coalition Employs Attack Politics Most Often? PENINSULAR PRINT ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN

16% 11% 73%

Peninsular Print English

BN PR Independent/Other

13% 11%

Peninsular Print Bahasa Malaysia



PR Independent/Other

4% 37% 59%

Peninsular Print Mandarin

BN PR Independent/Other


Figure 50/51/52: Attack Politics: Which Coalition Employs Attack Politics Most Often? TELEVISION ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN


Television English



Television Bahasa Malaysia

34% 58% 9% BN PR Independent/Other

Television Mandarin
18% 9% 73% BN PR Independent/Other


Figure 53/54/55: Attack Politics: Which Coalition Employs Attack Politics Most Often? EAST MALAYSIA PRINT ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA / MANDARIN

9% 23%

East Malaysia Print English



PR Independent/Other


East Malaysia Bahasa Malaysia

9% BN


PR Independent/Other

12% 47% 40%

East Malaysia Mandarin

BN PR Independent/Other


Figure 56/57: Attack Politics: Which Coalition Employs Attack Politics Most Often? ONLINE ENGLISH / BAHASA MALAYSIA

14% 43% 43%

Online English
BN PR Independent/Other

9% 31% 60%

Online Bahasa Malaysia

BN PR Independent/Other


Section 2: A Brief Methodology

Dates analysed: 7/4/13 07/05/13 (nd = 31 days)
Number of data points identified and analysed: n d Average number of articles/day: na/d

Publication Grouping



Bernama English Bernama Bahasa Malaysia The New Straits Times The Star The Sun Utusan

8959 7961 4022 17427 8939 22790 8036 18956 34231 36319 26538 25395 27540 18646 13607 25754 14375 4194 3284 5751 4111 3424 4625 36291 12492 11926 8799

9.29 8.94 30.98 17.55 10.52 35.35 11.81 26.52 34.55 39.52 35.58 38.77 29.19 26.81 27.16 31.24 29.29 8.84 8.03 13.26 13.42 8.9 9.39 22.52 9.81 17.16 13.13

Peninsular Print English

Peninsular Print Bahasa Malaysia

Sinar Harian Harian Metro The Oriental Daily

Peninsular Print Mandarin

Sin Chew Jit Poh The China Press The Borneo Post The Daily Express Sabah Utusan Borneo Sabah Utusan Borneo Sarawak See Hua Daily Sabah See Hua Daily Sarawak NTV7 English News TV2 English TV1 Berita Nasional TV3 Buletin Utama 8TV Mandarin TV2 Berita Mandarin Malaysiakini English The Malaysian Insider English Malaysiakini Bahasa Malaysia The Malaysian Insider Bahasa Malaysia

East Malaysia Print English East Malaysia Print Bahasa Malaysia East Malaysia Print Mandarin Television English Television Bahasa Malaysia Television Mandarin Online English Online Bahasa Malaysia


Data Collection The data was collected or 'coded' using sentence-level content analysis. A team of around 70 'coders' from all over Malaysia, from both private and public universities, and from civil society, coded their assigned media on a daily basis. Stories 'coded' were selected according to the following criteria: They were within the Malaysian news section/s of the newspapers including the front page, or were the paper's editorial (if they run one). They were from pre-defined 'Malaysian News' areas of the news websites monitored, with 'snapshots' taken at 8pm daily. They were from within the TV news broadcasts. They were more than 1/3 about the election, and were news stories as opposed to columns, opinions pieces, letters, etc (with the exception of the paper's own editorial, if present).

Within each story, category/operator references were identified and coded at the sentence level (from period to period). The 21 categories identified and their sub-categories or 'operators' are outlined in Appendix 2. These 21 categories form the 'unit of analysis' for this study. Tone (positive, negative, neutral, attacking, or attacked) was determined based on matching each reference to a media frame or frames, supportable via emotive/descriptive/subjective language/vocabulary utilised by the either the news personnel or the source being quoted/paraphrased. As such, tone is not based upon coder opinion but on linguistic data. Coders were instructed to 'code as neutral' whenever there was a lack of linguistic data to support a positive/negative/attacking/attacked frame, or whenever they were unsure/conflicted. Data Analysis The data was analysed using the open source software package GNU Octave (a multi-disciplinary mathematical data analysis programme capable of SPSS/NVIVO-level statistical analysis, as well as much higher-level mathematical analysis). Scripts were composed to count occurrences of key datacodes, as specified by the project's finite code-listing set (see Appendix 2), for every row of coded data (i.e. every reference). Where appropriate, code-count occurrences have been normalised to provide the percentage of these key-code occurrences.


Section 3: Appendix 1 Tables

TABLE 1 Bernama Politician/Political Figure Abdul Rahman Dahlan Alfred Jabu Ambiga Sreenevasan Anwar Ibrahim Azmin Ali Baru Bian Bernard Dompok Chong Chieng Jen Chua Soi Lek Dzulkefly Ahmad Elizabeth Wong G. Palanivel Hadi Awang Hassan Ali Hishamuddin Hussein Ibrahim Ali James Masing Jeffrey Kitingan Karpal Singh Khalid Ibrahim Khalid Samad Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Liow Tiong Lai Mahathir Mohamad Maximus Ongkili Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Ng Yen Yen Nik Aziz Nizar Jamaluddin Nurul Izzah Rafizi Ramli Rosmah Mansur Siti Mariah Mahmud Taib Mahmud Teresa Kok Tian Chua Tony Pua William Mawan Wong Ho Leng Wong Soon Koh Yong Teck Lee Percentage (mention) 0.69849 0.34924 0 11.292 2.2119 0.34924 1.0477 0 1.1641 0.23283 0 0.34924 2.3283 0 0.46566 0.58207 0.23283 0.58207 2.2119 3.8417 0.93132 1.7462 9.3132 0.93132 4.8894 0.69849 0.93132 6.6356 3.376 32.712 0 4.3073 1.2806 0.46566 0.34924 0.8149 0.11641 1.0477 0 1.2806 0.11641 0 0 0 0.11641 TABLE 1 Peninsular Print English Percentage Politician/Political Figure (mention) Abdul Rahman Dahlan 0.04686 Alfred Jabu 0.02343 Ambiga Sreenevasan 0.65604 Anwar Ibrahim 15.862 Azmin Ali 1.5464 Baru Bian 0.30459 Bernard Dompok 0.30459 Chong Chieng Jen 0.04686 Chua Soi Lek 1.7807 Dzulkefly Ahmad 0.04686 Elizabeth Wong 0.02343 G. Palanivel 0.89035 Hadi Awang 3.6551 Hassan Ali 0 Hishamuddin Hussein 0.18744 Ibrahim Ali 1.0075 James Masing 0.11715 Jeffrey Kitingan 1.0309 Karpal Singh 2.2024 Khalid Ibrahim 3.5145 Khalid Samad 0.49203 Lim Guan Eng 8.4349 Lim Kit Siang 9.0675 Liow Tiong Lai 1.4292 Mahathir Mohamad 2.7413 Maximus Ongkili 0.02343 Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu 0.51546 Muhyiddin Yassin 2.8351 Musa Aman 0.60918 Najib Razak 27.624 Ng Yen Yen 0.39831 Nik Aziz 3.8894 Nizar Jamaluddin 0.18744 Nurul Izzah 2.7179 Rafizi Ramli 1.7573 Rosmah Mansur 0.65604 Siti Mariah Mahmud 0 Taib Mahmud 0.53889 Teresa Kok 0.49203 Tian Chua 1.6635 Tony Pua 0.28116 William Mawan 0.070291 Wong Ho Leng 0.21087 Wong Soon Koh 0 Yong Teck Lee 0.11715


TABLE 1 Peninsular Print BM Percentage Politician/Political Figure (mention) Abdul Rahman Dahlan 0.056625 Alfred Jabu 0.056625 Ambiga Sreenevasan 1.1042 Anwar Ibrahim 23.783 Azmin Ali 1.5855 Baru Bian 0.14156 Bernard Dompok 0.028313 Chong Chieng Jen 0 Chua Soi Lek 0.59456 Dzulkefly Ahmad 0.11325 Elizabeth Wong 0.16988 G. Palanivel 0.25481 Hadi Awang 6.6535 Hassan Ali 0.33975 Hishamuddin Hussein 0.53794 Ibrahim Ali 0.73613 James Masing 0.16988 Jeffrey Kitingan 0.028313 Karpal Singh 4.8414 Khalid Ibrahim 2.9445 Khalid Samad 0.73613 Lim Guan Eng 5.8607 Lim Kit Siang 8.4088 Liow Tiong Lai 0.2265 Mahathir Mohamad 3.0294 Maximus Ongkili 0 Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu 0.73613 Muhyiddin Yassin 2.4066 Musa Aman 0.19819 Najib Razak 19.253 Ng Yen Yen 0.2265 Nik Aziz 7.1065 Nizar Jamaluddin 0.14156 Nurul Izzah 3.5957 Rafizi Ramli 1.3024 Rosmah Mansur 0.73613 Siti Mariah Mahmud 0.084938 Taib Mahmud 0.028313 Teresa Kok 0.2265 Tian Chua 1.3024 Tony Pua 0.16988 William Mawan 0 Wong Ho Leng 0.028313 Wong Soon Koh 0 Yong Teck Lee 0.056625

TABLE 1 Peninsular Print Mandarin Percentage Politician/Political Figure (mention) Abdul Rahman Dahlan 0.082569 Alfred Jabu 0.06422 Ambiga Sreenevasan 1.7523 Anwar Ibrahim 9.2385 Azmin Ali 0.52294 Baru Bian 0.018349 Bernard Dompok 0.018349 Chong Chieng Jen 0.10092 Chua Soi Lek 8.8349 Dzulkefly Ahmad 0.091743 Elizabeth Wong 0.027523 G. Palanivel 0.72477 Hadi Awang 2.6055 Hassan Ali 0.082569 Hishamuddin Hussein 0.77982 Ibrahim Ali 0.90826 James Masing 0.027523 Jeffrey Kitingan 0.06422 Karpal Singh 1.8165 Khalid Ibrahim 1.2844 Khalid Samad 0.25688 Lim Guan Eng 9.5321 Lim Kit Siang 15.055 Liow Tiong Lai 1.945 Mahathir Mohamad 3.422 Maximus Ongkili 0 Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu 0.38532 Muhyiddin Yassin 7.4954 Musa Aman 0.21101 Najib Razak 24.092 Ng Yen Yen 1.2385 Nik Aziz 1.4128 Nizar Jamaluddin 0.3211 Nurul Izzah 1.4312 Rafizi Ramli 0.78899 Rosmah Mansur 0.45872 Siti Mariah Mahmud 0.0091743 Taib Mahmud 0.53211 Teresa Kok 0.58716 Tian Chua 1.0917 Tony Pua 0.37615 William Mawan 0 Wong Ho Leng 0.19266 Wong Soon Koh 0 Yong Teck Lee 0.11927



TABLE 1 TV English Politician/Political Figure Abdul Rahman Dahlan Alfred Jabu Ambiga Sreenevasan Anwar Ibrahim Azmin Ali Baru Bian Bernard Dompok Chong Chieng Jen Chua Soi Lek Dzulkefly Ahmad Elizabeth Wong G. Palanivel Hadi Awang Hassan Ali Hishamuddin Hussein Ibrahim Ali James Masing Jeffrey Kitingan Karpal Singh Khalid Ibrahim Khalid Samad Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Liow Tiong Lai Mahathir Mohamad Maximus Ongkili Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Ng Yen Yen Nik Aziz Nizar Jamaluddin Nurul Izzah Rafizi Ramli Rosmah Mansur Siti Mariah Mahmud Taib Mahmud Teresa Kok Tian Chua Tony Pua William Mawan Wong Ho Leng Wong Soon Koh Yong Teck Lee Percentage (mention) 0 0.22727 0.11364 7.1591 0.22727 0 0 0 3.75 0 0.11364 0.34091 2.3864 0 0.56818 1.0227 0 0 1.4773 1.9318 0 2.9545 2.6136 1.0227 3.5227 0 0 18.295 0.56818 43.523 1.1364 2.5 0 1.0227 0.11364 0.68182 0 0.56818 0.34091 1.8182 0 0 0 0 0

TABLE 1 TV BM Politician/Political Figure Abdul Rahman Dahlan Alfred Jabu Ambiga Sreenevasan Anwar Ibrahim Azmin Ali Baru Bian Bernard Dompok Chong Chieng Jen Chua Soi Lek Dzulkefly Ahmad Elizabeth Wong G. Palanivel Hadi Awang Hassan Ali Hishamuddin Hussein Ibrahim Ali James Masing Jeffrey Kitingan Karpal Singh Khalid Ibrahim Khalid Samad Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Liow Tiong Lai Mahathir Mohamad Maximus Ongkili Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Ng Yen Yen Nik Aziz Nizar Jamaluddin Nurul Izzah Rafizi Ramli Rosmah Mansur Siti Mariah Mahmud Taib Mahmud Teresa Kok Tian Chua Tony Pua William Mawan Wong Ho Leng Wong Soon Koh Yong Teck Lee Percentage (mention) 0 0 1.1208 6.8493 0.12453 0 0.12453 0.12453 1.1208 0 0 0.24907 2.1171 0.99626 1.7435 0.24907 0 0 2.2416 2.4907 0.49813 4.2341 2.1171 0.99626 4.9813 0 0.62267 13.699 0.3736 46.949 0.3736 2.2416 0.12453 0.99626 0.12453 1.1208 0 0.12453 0 0.49813 0 0.24907 0 0 0.12453


TABLE 1 TV Mandarin Percentage Politician/Political Figure (mention) Abdul Rahman Dahlan 0.1221 Alfred Jabu 0.1221 Ambiga Sreenevasan 0.1221 Anwar Ibrahim 4.7619 Azmin Ali 0.4884 Baru Bian 0 Bernard Dompok 0 Chong Chieng Jen 0 Chua Soi Lek 14.042 Dzulkefly Ahmad 0.1221 Elizabeth Wong 0.1221 G. Palanivel 0.1221 Hadi Awang 1.0989 Hassan Ali 0.2442 Hishamuddin Hussein 1.0989 Ibrahim Ali 0.2442 James Masing 0 Jeffrey Kitingan 0.1221 Karpal Singh 2.1978 Khalid Ibrahim 0.9768 Khalid Samad 0.2442 Lim Guan Eng 8.3028 Lim Kit Siang 11.6 Liow Tiong Lai 8.0586 Mahathir Mohamad 3.1746 Maximus Ongkili 0.1221 Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu 0 Muhyiddin Yassin 4.884 Musa Aman 0.3663 Najib Razak 32.967 Ng Yen Yen 2.0757 Nik Aziz 0.6105 Nizar Jamaluddin 0.1221 Nurul Izzah 0.7326 Rafizi Ramli 0 Rosmah Mansur 0 Siti Mariah Mahmud 0 Taib Mahmud 0 Teresa Kok 0.4884 Tian Chua 0.1221 Tony Pua 0.1221 William Mawan 0 Wong Ho Leng 0 Wong Soon Koh 0 Yong Teck Lee 0

TABLE 1 EM Print English Percentage Politician/Political Figure (mention) Abdul Rahman Dahlan 0.43617 Alfred Jabu 1.2504 Ambiga Sreenevasan 0.29078 Anwar Ibrahim 9.8575 Azmin Ali 0.31986 Baru Bian 0.81419 Bernard Dompok 2.4716 Chong Chieng Jen 3.2858 Chua Soi Lek 0.43617 Dzulkefly Ahmad 0.20355 Elizabeth Wong 0 G. Palanivel 0.46525 Hadi Awang 1.7738 Hassan Ali 0.29078 Hishamuddin Hussein 0.20355 Ibrahim Ali 1.6284 James Masing 0.31986 Jeffrey Kitingan 1.9192 Karpal Singh 1.2504 Khalid Ibrahim 1.2794 Khalid Samad 0.17447 Lim Guan Eng 4.1291 Lim Kit Siang 5.6121 Liow Tiong Lai 0.11631 Mahathir Mohamad 4.4199 Maximus Ongkili 1.1341 Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu 0.31986 Muhyiddin Yassin 3.2568 Musa Aman 3.7802 Najib Razak 30.881 Ng Yen Yen 0.34894 Nik Aziz 1.9773 Nizar Jamaluddin 0 Nurul Izzah 1.2794 Rafizi Ramli 0.49433 Rosmah Mansur 0.46525 Siti Mariah Mahmud 0 Taib Mahmud 3.6057 Teresa Kok 0.31986 Tian Chua 1.4539 Tony Pua 0.17447 William Mawan 3.5185 Wong Ho Leng 0.49433 Wong Soon Koh 0.31986 Yong Teck Lee 3.2277


TABLE 1 EM Print BM Percentage Politician/Political Figure (mention) Abdul Rahman Dahlan 1.0843 Alfred Jabu 2.7711 Ambiga Sreenevasan 0.60241 Anwar Ibrahim 8.1928 Azmin Ali 0.54217 Baru Bian 1.0241 Bernard Dompok 1.3855 Chong Chieng Jen 1.506 Chua Soi Lek 0.18072 Dzulkefly Ahmad 0.12048 Elizabeth Wong 0.060241 G. Palanivel 0.060241 Hadi Awang 1.1446 Hassan Ali 0.54217 Hishamuddin Hussein 0.24096 Ibrahim Ali 0.42169 James Masing 0.3012 Jeffrey Kitingan 1.2048 Karpal Singh 1.2651 Khalid Ibrahim 0.66265 Khalid Samad 0.060241 Lim Guan Eng 2.5301 Lim Kit Siang 2.7711 Liow Tiong Lai 0.12048 Mahathir Mohamad 1.2048 Maximus Ongkili 0.48193 Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu 0.66265 Muhyiddin Yassin 2.7108 Musa Aman 7.1687 Najib Razak 43.554 Ng Yen Yen 0.12048 Nik Aziz 2.7711 Nizar Jamaluddin 0 Nurul Izzah 0.54217 Rafizi Ramli 0.24096 Rosmah Mansur 0.96386 Siti Mariah Mahmud 0 Taib Mahmud 5.241 Teresa Kok 0.18072 Tian Chua 0.3012 Tony Pua 0 William Mawan 1.1446 Wong Ho Leng 0.66265 Wong Soon Koh 0.84337 Yong Teck Lee 2.4096

TABLE 1 EM Print Mandarin Percentage Politician/Political Figure (mention) Abdul Rahman Dahlan 0.15446 Alfred Jabu 0 Ambiga Sreenevasan 0.21625 Anwar Ibrahim 14.551 Azmin Ali 0.49428 Baru Bian 0.030893 Bernard Dompok 3.0893 Chong Chieng Jen 0 Chua Soi Lek 2.5641 Dzulkefly Ahmad 0.061786 Elizabeth Wong 0 G. Palanivel 0 Hadi Awang 1.143 Hassan Ali 0.030893 Hishamuddin Hussein 0.30893 Ibrahim Ali 0.15446 James Masing 0.15446 Jeffrey Kitingan 0.12357 Karpal Singh 0.92678 Khalid Ibrahim 0.49428 Khalid Samad 0.030893 Lim Guan Eng 6.9509 Lim Kit Siang 6.9818 Liow Tiong Lai 0.58696 Mahathir Mohamad 2.4405 Maximus Ongkili 0 Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu 0.30893 Muhyiddin Yassin 3.9234 Musa Aman 7.3525 Najib Razak 30.12 Ng Yen Yen 0.030893 Nik Aziz 1.1739 Nizar Jamaluddin 0 Nurul Izzah 0.46339 Rafizi Ramli 0.092678 Rosmah Mansur 0.30893 Siti Mariah Mahmud 0 Taib Mahmud 3.3673 Teresa Kok 0.37071 Tian Chua 1.1739 Tony Pua 0 William Mawan 0 Wong Ho Leng 0.030893 Wong Soon Koh 0.18536 Yong Teck Lee 9.6077


TABLE 1 Online English Percentage Politician/Political Figure (mention) Abdul Rahman Dahlan 0.10088 Alfred Jabu 0.15132 Ambiga Sreenevasan 1.0593 Anwar Ibrahim 14.098 Azmin Ali 0.42875 Baru Bian 0.075662 Bernard Dompok 0.63052 Chong Chieng Jen 0.17654 Chua Soi Lek 3.6066 Dzulkefly Ahmad 0.35309 Elizabeth Wong 0.025221 G. Palanivel 0.47919 Hadi Awang 1.3871 Hassan Ali 0.1261 Hishamuddin Hussein 0.52963 Ibrahim Ali 3.2535 James Masing 0.050441 Jeffrey Kitingan 1.0088 Karpal Singh 1.1349 Khalid Ibrahim 2.8499 Khalid Samad 1.5132 Lim Guan Eng 4.338 Lim Kit Siang 9.9874 Liow Tiong Lai 1.1602 Mahathir Mohamad 7.9193 Maximus Ongkili 0.47919 Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu 0.50441 Muhyiddin Yassin 2.9508 Musa Aman 0.68096 Najib Razak 27.339 Ng Yen Yen 0.42875 Nik Aziz 1.488 Nizar Jamaluddin 0.52963 Nurul Izzah 3.2787 Rafizi Ramli 1.6646 Rosmah Mansur 0.37831 Siti Mariah Mahmud 0.17654 Taib Mahmud 1.1097 Teresa Kok 0.52963 Tian Chua 0.58008 Tony Pua 0.42875 William Mawan 0.075662 Wong Ho Leng 0.1261 Wong Soon Koh 0 Yong Teck Lee 0.80706

TABLE 1 Online BM Politician/Political Figure Abdul Rahman Dahlan Alfred Jabu Ambiga Sreenevasan Anwar Ibrahim Azmin Ali Baru Bian Bernard Dompok Chong Chieng Jen Chua Soi Lek Dzulkefly Ahmad Elizabeth Wong G. Palanivel Hadi Awang Hassan Ali Hishamuddin Hussein Ibrahim Ali James Masing Jeffrey Kitingan Karpal Singh Khalid Ibrahim Khalid Samad Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Liow Tiong Lai Mahathir Mohamad Maximus Ongkili Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Ng Yen Yen Nik Aziz Nizar Jamaluddin Nurul Izzah Rafizi Ramli Rosmah Mansur Siti Mariah Mahmud Taib Mahmud Teresa Kok Tian Chua Tony Pua William Mawan Wong Ho Leng Wong Soon Koh Yong Teck Lee Percentage (mention) 0 0.15564 0.54475 15.331 0.077821 0 0 0 2.2568 0.23346 0.077821 0.077821 2.0233 0.54475 0.70039 8.0934 0.31128 0.077821 0.23346 3.2685 2.179 3.4241 9.0272 0.15564 7.9377 0 1.4008 2.179 0.93385 25.447 0.23346 4.358 2.2568 2.0233 2.179 0.38911 0 0.77821 0.077821 0.54475 0.23346 0 0 0 0.23346


TABLE 2 Bernama Percentage Politician/Political Figure Coalition (source) Chua Soi Lek 3.0802 Mahathir Mohamad 1.2215 Muhyiddin Yassin 24.96 Musa Aman 1.1683 BN Najib Razak 35.953 Nazri Aziz 0.26553 Taib Mahmud 0.15932 Anwar Ibrahim 0.74349 Baru Bian 0.053107 Hadi Awang 0.42485 Jeffrey Kitingan 0.10621 PR Khalid Ibrahim 0.53107 Lim Guan Eng 0 Lim Kit Siang 1.2746 Nik Aziz 0.053107 Ambiga Sreenevasan 0.053107 Hassan Ali 0 Vox Pop Male 19.278 Vox Pop Female 4.0361 Independent Public Opinion/Vox Pop 2.3367 General Election Commission Spokesperson 4.3016






TABLE 2 Peninsular Print English Percentage Politician/Political Figure Coalition (source) Chua Soi Lek 6.9536 Mahathir Mohamad 11.053 Muhyiddin Yassin 13.819 Musa Aman 1.215 BN Najib Razak 28.722 Nazri Aziz 0.087835 Taib Mahmud 0.62948 Anwar Ibrahim 2.8693 Baru Bian 0.11711 Hadi Awang 2.2544 Jeffrey Kitingan 0.043917 PR Khalid Ibrahim 1.0687 Lim Guan Eng 2.7082 Lim Kit Siang 2.2691 Nik Aziz 0.80515 Ambiga Sreenevasan 0.30742 Hassan Ali 0.27814 Vox Pop Male 9.4276 Vox Pop Female 4.0697 Independent Public Opinion/Vox Pop 4.2746 General Election Commission Spokesperson 7.0268






TABLE 2 Peninsular Print BM Percentage Politician/Political Figure Coalition (source) Chua Soi Lek 1.8851 Mahathir Mohamad 10.989 Muhyiddin Yassin 19.77 Musa Aman 0.13793 BN Najib Razak 26.391 Nazri Aziz 0.50575 Taib Mahmud 0.045977 Anwar Ibrahim 3.8851 Baru Bian 0.068966 Hadi Awang 4.5747 Jeffrey Kitingan 0 PR Khalid Ibrahim 1.2644 Lim Guan Eng 1.4713 Lim Kit Siang 1.5862 Nik Aziz 2.046 Ambiga Sreenevasan 0.13793 Hassan Ali 1.5172 Vox Pop Male 9.4713 Vox Pop Female 3.3103 Independent Public Opinion/Vox Pop 3.0805 General Election Commission Spokesperson 7.8621






TABLE 2 Peninsular Print Mandarin Percentage Politician/Political Figure Coalition (source) Chua Soi Lek 8.9386 Mahathir Mohamad 3.5037 Muhyiddin Yassin 10.067 Musa Aman 0.10255 BN Najib Razak 19.757 Nazri Aziz 0.27346 Taib Mahmud 0.46146 Anwar Ibrahim 6.6655 Baru Bian 0.034182 Hadi Awang 1.6237 Jeffrey Kitingan 0 PR Khalid Ibrahim 1.1964 Lim Guan Eng 9.9983 Lim Kit Siang 14.374 Nik Aziz 1.0255 Ambiga Sreenevasan 1.0426 Hassan Ali 0.188 Vox Pop Male 8.7677 Vox Pop Female 3.3328 Independent Public Opinion/Vox Pop 2.3244 General Election Commission Spokesperson 6.3237






TABLE 2 TV English Percentage Politician/Political Figure Coalition (source) Chua Soi Lek 1.3378 Mahathir Mohamad 3.3445 Muhyiddin Yassin 23.411 Musa Aman 0.6689 BN Najib Razak 43.144 Nazri Aziz 0 Taib Mahmud 1.6722 Anwar Ibrahim 0.6689 Baru Bian 0 Hadi Awang 1.6722 Jeffrey Kitingan 0 PR Khalid Ibrahim 1.3378 Lim Guan Eng 0 Lim Kit Siang 0 Nik Aziz 0 Ambiga Sreenevasan 0 Hassan Ali 0 Vox Pop Male 5.0167 Vox Pop Female 1.0033 Independent Public Opinion/Vox Pop 0.6689 General Election Commission Spokesperson 16.054






TABLE 2 TV Bahasa Malaysia Percentage Politician/Political Figure Coalition (source) Chua Soi Lek 0.18365 Mahathir Mohamad 1.9284 Muhyiddin Yassin 9.4582 Musa Aman 0.18365 BN Najib Razak 29.477 Nazri Aziz 0.18365 Taib Mahmud 0.36731 Anwar Ibrahim 3.3976 Baru Bian 0.091827 Hadi Awang 1.1019 Jeffrey Kitingan 0.091827 PR Khalid Ibrahim 0 Lim Guan Eng 4.0404 Lim Kit Siang 0.45914 Nik Aziz 0.64279 Ambiga Sreenevasan 0.45914 Hassan Ali 0.82645 Vox Pop Male 18.457 Vox Pop Female 19.192 Independent Public Opinion/Vox Pop 1.5611 General Election Commission Spokesperson 7.8972






TABLE 2 TV Mandarin Percentage Politician/Political Figure Coalition (source) Chua Soi Lek 13.551 Mahathir Mohamad 2.3364 Muhyiddin Yassin 2.8037 Musa Aman 0 BN Najib Razak 23.832 Nazri Aziz 0 Taib Mahmud 0.46729 Anwar Ibrahim 0.46729 Baru Bian 0 Hadi Awang 1.8692 Jeffrey Kitingan 0 PR Khalid Ibrahim 0.46729 Lim Guan Eng 4.2056 Lim Kit Siang 2.3364 Nik Aziz 0 Ambiga Sreenevasan 0.46729 Hassan Ali 0 Vox Pop Male 14.486 Vox Pop Female 6.0748 Independent Public Opinion/Vox Pop 18.224 General Election Commission Spokesperson 8.4112






TABLE 2 EM Print English Percentage Politician/Political Figure Coalition (source) Chua Soi Lek 1.7891 Mahathir Mohamad 4.2812 Muhyiddin Yassin 10.969 Musa Aman 4.9201 BN Najib Razak 21.981 Nazri Aziz 0.1065 Taib Mahmud 7.3056 Anwar Ibrahim 4.7497 Baru Bian 1.3206 Hadi Awang 1.6613 Jeffrey Kitingan 1.1715 PR Khalid Ibrahim 0.76677 Lim Guan Eng 2.4068 Lim Kit Siang 3.4931 Nik Aziz 0.42599 Ambiga Sreenevasan 0.87327 Hassan Ali 0.042599 Vox Pop Male 12.332 Vox Pop Female 3.0671 Independent Public Opinion/Vox Pop 12.375 General Election Commission Spokesperson 3.9617






TABLE 2 EM Print BM Percentage Politician/Political Figure Coalition (source) Chua Soi Lek 0.65753 Mahathir Mohamad 2.0822 Muhyiddin Yassin 14.247 Musa Aman 10.466 BN Najib Razak 24.384 Nazri Aziz 0 Taib Mahmud 10.685 Anwar Ibrahim 4.5479 Baru Bian 1.589 Hadi Awang 1.3699 Jeffrey Kitingan 0.54795 PR Khalid Ibrahim 0.054795 Lim Guan Eng 0.9863 Lim Kit Siang 1.0959 Nik Aziz 0.10959 Ambiga Sreenevasan 0.10959 Hassan Ali 0.10959 Vox Pop Male 9.9178 Vox Pop Female 2.7397 Independent Public Opinion/Vox Pop 8.6575 General Election Commission Spokesperson 5.6438






TABLE 2 EM Print Mandarin Percentage Politician/Political Figure Coalition (source) Chua Soi Lek 4.9402 Mahathir Mohamad 3.506 Muhyiddin Yassin 8.2072 Musa Aman 7.7291 BN Najib Razak 16.892 Nazri Aziz 0 Taib Mahmud 9.8805 Anwar Ibrahim 9.9602 Baru Bian 0.15936 Hadi Awang 1.9124 Jeffrey Kitingan 0.079681 PR Khalid Ibrahim 0.23904 Lim Guan Eng 8.0478 Lim Kit Siang 8.4462 Nik Aziz 1.0359 Ambiga Sreenevasan 1.5936 Hassan Ali 0.079681 Vox Pop Male 13.147 Vox Pop Female 3.9044 Independent Public Opinion/Vox Pop 0.23904 General Election Commission Spokesperson 0






TABLE 2 Online English Percentage Politician/Political Figure Coalition (source) Chua Soi Lek 3.9439 Mahathir Mohamad 4.4118 Muhyiddin Yassin 4.0775 Musa Aman 0.51248 BN Najib Razak 15.798 Nazri Aziz 0.55704 Taib Mahmud 0.93583 Anwar Ibrahim 15.419 Baru Bian 0.35651 Hadi Awang 1.3815 Jeffrey Kitingan 0.26738 PR Khalid Ibrahim 2.0053 Lim Guan Eng 7.1301 Lim Kit Siang 7.1301 Nik Aziz 1.025 Ambiga Sreenevasan 3.1194 Hassan Ali 0 Vox Pop Male 10.004 Vox Pop Female 6.4394 Independent Public Opinion/Vox Pop 9.492 General Election Commission Spokesperson 5.9938






TABLE 2 Online Bahasa Malaysia Percentage Politician/Political Figure Coalition (source) Chua Soi Lek 3.7745 Mahathir Mohamad 7.6421 Muhyiddin Yassin 10.391 Musa Aman 0.41938 BN Najib Razak 24.977 Nazri Aziz 0.13979 Taib Mahmud 1.0252 Anwar Ibrahim 10.951 Baru Bian 0.093197 Hadi Awang 2.9357 Jeffrey Kitingan 0 PR Khalid Ibrahim 2.4697 Lim Guan Eng 2.2367 Lim Kit Siang 4.1007 Nik Aziz 1.7707 Ambiga Sreenevasan 2.2367 Hassan Ali 0.32619 Vox Pop Male 11.184 Vox Pop Female 1.5843 Independent Public Opinion/Vox Pop 1.3514 General Election Commission Spokesperson 10.391






Politician/Political Figure Abdul Rahman Dahlan Alfred Jabu Ambiga Sreenevasan Anwar Ibrahim Azmin Ali Baru Bian Bernard Dompok Chong Chieng Jen Chua Soi Lek Dzulkefly Ahmad Elizabeth Wong G. Palanivel Hadi Awang Hassan Ali Hishamuddin Hussein Ibrahim Ali James Masing Jeffrey Kitingan Karpal Singh Khalid Ibrahim Khalid Samad Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Liow Tiong Lai Mahathir Mohamad Maximus Ongkili Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Ng Yen Yen Nik Aziz Nizar Jamaluddin Nurul Izzah Rafizi Ramli Rosmah Mansur Siti Mariah Mahmud Taib Mahmud Teresa Kok Tian Chua Tony Pua William Mawan Wong Ho Leng Wong Soon Koh Yong Teck Lee

TABLE 3 Bernama Attacked Negative 0 1.0101 0 34.343 2.0202 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.0606 0 0 0 0 0 1.0101 6.0606 0 1.0101 16.162 0 1.0101 0 2.0202 1.0101 0 2.0202 0 21.212 2.0202 0 1.0101 0 0 0 0 2.0202 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22.689 6.7227 0 0 0 0.84034 1.6807 0 0 6.7227 0 0 0 0 1.6807 8.4034 9.2437 2.521 3.3613 15.966 1.6807 3.3613 0 1.6807 1.6807 0 0 0 2.521 5.8824 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.3613 0 0 0 0 0

Neutral 0.83102 0.55402 0 7.4792 1.9391 0.83102 2.2161 0 1.662 0 0 0.55402 1.108 0 0.83102 1.108 0 0.83102 2.2161 2.2161 1.385 2.2161 9.9723 1.662 4.9861 1.108 1.108 6.6482 4.1551 32.687 0 2.2161 0.27701 0.55402 0.55402 1.662 0.27701 2.2161 0 1.385 0.27701 0 0 0 0.27701

Positive 1.1858 0 0 1.1858 0.39526 0 0.39526 0 1.1858 0 0 0.39526 0.39526 0 0 0.39526 0.79051 0 0 3.1621 0 0 0 0 7.5099 0.79051 0 11.858 5.5336 62.055 0 1.1858 0 0.79051 0 0.39526 0 0.39526 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


TABLE 3 Peninsular Print English Attacked Negative Politician/Political Figure Abdul Rahman Dahlan 0 1.2821 Alfred Jabu 0 0 Ambiga Sreenevasan 1.2903 0 Anwar Ibrahim 32.258 20.513 Azmin Ali 3.2258 2.5641 Baru Bian 0 0 Bernard Dompok 0 0 Chong Chieng Jen 0 0 Chua Soi Lek 0.64516 1.2821 Dzulkefly Ahmad 0 0 Elizabeth Wong 0 0 G. Palanivel 0 0 Hadi Awang 2.5806 3.8462 Hassan Ali 0 0 Hishamuddin Hussein 0 0 Ibrahim Ali 0.64516 0 James Masing 0 0 Jeffrey Kitingan 3.2258 1.2821 Karpal Singh 3.2258 3.8462 Khalid Ibrahim 9.0323 3.8462 Khalid Samad 0 0 Lim Guan Eng 6.4516 20.513 Lim Kit Siang 10.323 16.667 Liow Tiong Lai 0 0 Mahathir Mohamad 0.64516 2.5641 Maximus Ongkili 0 0 Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu 1.2903 0 Muhyiddin Yassin 1.2903 0 Musa Aman 0 0 Najib Razak 1.9355 5.1282 Ng Yen Yen 0 0 Nik Aziz 9.6774 6.4103 Nizar Jamaluddin 1.2903 1.2821 Nurul Izzah 5.1613 1.2821 Rafizi Ramli 3.871 2.5641 Rosmah Mansur 0.64516 0 Siti Mariah Mahmud 0 0 Taib Mahmud 0 0 Teresa Kok 0 0 Tian Chua 1.2903 2.5641 Tony Pua 0 1.2821 William Mawan 0 0 Wong Ho Leng 0 0 Wong Soon Koh 0 0 Yong Teck Lee 0 1.2821

Neutral 0.025536 0.025536 0.63841 15.475 1.4811 0.33197 0.33197 0.051073 1.8386 0.051073 0.025536 0.97038 3.8049 0 0.20429 1.0725 0.12768 0.97038 2.1706 3.3708 0.53626 8.3504 9.142 1.5066 2.8601 0.025536 0.51073 2.8345 0.66394 27.809 0.43412 3.6772 0.12768 2.7324 1.7109 0.68948 0 0.5618 0.53626 1.6599 0.2809 0.076609 0.20429 0 0.10215

Positive 0 0 1.0526 0 1.0526 0 0 0 2.1053 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.0526 0 6.3158 0 2.1053 2.1053 0 0 2.1053 0 75.789 0 2.1053 0 0 0 0 0 1.0526 0 2.1053 0 0 1.0526 0 0


Politician/Political Figure Abdul Rahman Dahlan Alfred Jabu Ambiga Sreenevasan Anwar Ibrahim Azmin Ali Baru Bian Bernard Dompok Chong Chieng Jen Chua Soi Lek Dzulkefly Ahmad Elizabeth Wong G. Palanivel Hadi Awang Hassan Ali Hishamuddin Hussein Ibrahim Ali James Masing Jeffrey Kitingan Karpal Singh Khalid Ibrahim Khalid Samad Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Liow Tiong Lai Mahathir Mohamad Maximus Ongkili Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Ng Yen Yen Nik Aziz Nizar Jamaluddin Nurul Izzah Rafizi Ramli Rosmah Mansur Siti Mariah Mahmud Taib Mahmud Teresa Kok Tian Chua Tony Pua William Mawan Wong Ho Leng Wong Soon Koh Yong Teck Lee

TABLE 3 Peninsular Print BM Attacked Negative 0 0 3.4722 35.417 0.69444 0 0 0 0.34722 0 0.34722 0 5.2083 0 0 0 0.34722 0 4.1667 2.7778 0 11.806 12.5 0 2.4306 0 0.34722 0 0 1.7361 0 13.542 0 1.3889 1.7361 0.34722 0 0 0 1.3889 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.42918 35.622 3.8627 0.42918 0 0 0.21459 0.21459 0 0 7.5107 0.42918 0 0.21459 0.21459 0.21459 3.4335 8.1545 0.85837 4.0773 9.0129 0 1.9313 0 0.21459 0.64378 0 2.1459 0.21459 9.6567 0.21459 4.9356 2.7897 0.64378 0 0 0.42918 1.2876 0 0 0 0 0

Neutral 0.040601 0.081202 0.97442 22.574 1.3398 0.081202 0.040601 0 0.73082 0.1218 0.203 0.36541 7.1458 0.40601 0.73082 0.77142 0.081202 0 5.7653 2.03 0.89322 5.9277 8.6886 0.203 3.2481 0 0.93382 2.8827 0.28421 19.164 0.28421 6.1713 0.1624 3.8165 1.015 0.81202 0.1218 0.040601 0.1218 1.3804 0.24361 0 0.040601 0 0.081202

Positive 0.36101 0 1.083 4.6931 1.083 0.36101 0 0 0.36101 0 0 0 2.8881 0 0.36101 1.8051 0.72202 0 0.36101 1.8051 0 2.5271 1.444 0 3.6101 0 0.36101 3.2491 0 65.704 0 2.1661 0 1.444 1.083 0.72202 0 0 1.083 0.72202 0 0 0 0 0


Politician/Political Figure Abdul Rahman Dahlan Alfred Jabu Ambiga Sreenevasan Anwar Ibrahim Azmin Ali Baru Bian Bernard Dompok Chong Chieng Jen Chua Soi Lek Dzulkefly Ahmad Elizabeth Wong G. Palanivel Hadi Awang Hassan Ali Hishamuddin Hussein Ibrahim Ali James Masing Jeffrey Kitingan Karpal Singh Khalid Ibrahim Khalid Samad Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Liow Tiong Lai Mahathir Mohamad Maximus Ongkili Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Ng Yen Yen Nik Aziz Nizar Jamaluddin Nurul Izzah Rafizi Ramli Rosmah Mansur Siti Mariah Mahmud Taib Mahmud Teresa Kok Tian Chua Tony Pua William Mawan Wong Ho Leng Wong Soon Koh Yong Teck Lee

TABLE 3 Peninsular Print Mandarin Attacked Negative Neutral 0 0 0 15.576 0.62305 0 0 0 16.511 0 0 0.31153 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.31153 3.7383 0 9.0343 23.676 2.1807 4.6729 0 0.62305 0.62305 0 13.084 0.31153 3.7383 0 2.1807 0 0.62305 0 0.31153 0 1.5576 0 0 0.31153 0 0 0 0.85106 0.85106 8.0851 1.7021 0 0 0.42553 18.723 0 0 0.85106 1.2766 0 0 1.7021 0 0 1.2766 2.5532 0 6.383 18.723 1.2766 5.1064 0 0.85106 2.5532 0 13.617 2.1277 1.7021 2.1277 2.9787 0.42553 0.85106 0 0.85106 0.85106 1.2766 0 0 0 0 0 0.084344 0.042172 1.9083 9.4149 0.53769 0.021086 0.021086 0.10543 8.5503 0.094887 0.031629 0.73801 2.8888 0.073801 0.78018 0.95941 0.010543 0.073801 1.961 1.2335 0.28466 9.6152 14.96 1.8028 3.1734 0 0.39009 7.3484 0.24249 24.122 1.2862 1.36 0.31629 1.3495 0.74855 0.4428 0.010543 0.54823 0.59041 1.1386 0.39009 0 0.21086 0 0.13706

Positive 0.3125 0 1.875 9.0625 0 0 0 0 1.875 0.3125 0 0.3125 0.625 0 0 0.3125 0 0 1.875 0.9375 0.3125 8.75 12.188 1.25 1.875 0 0 1.875 0 46.875 2.1875 2.1875 0 1.5625 0.625 0.625 0 0 1.5625 0 0.625 0 0 0 0


Politician/Political Figure Abdul Rahman Dahlan Alfred Jabu Ambiga Sreenevasan Anwar Ibrahim Azmin Ali Baru Bian Bernard Dompok Chong Chieng Jen Chua Soi Lek Dzulkefly Ahmad Elizabeth Wong G. Palanivel Hadi Awang Hassan Ali Hishamuddin Hussein Ibrahim Ali James Masing Jeffrey Kitingan Karpal Singh Khalid Ibrahim Khalid Samad Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Liow Tiong Lai Mahathir Mohamad Maximus Ongkili Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Ng Yen Yen Nik Aziz Nizar Jamaluddin Nurul Izzah Rafizi Ramli Rosmah Mansur Siti Mariah Mahmud Taib Mahmud Teresa Kok Tian Chua Tony Pua William Mawan Wong Ho Leng Wong Soon Koh Yong Teck Lee

TABLE 3 TV English Attacked Negative 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18.571 1.4286 0 0 0 2.8571 0 0 0 8.5714 0 0 1.4286 0 0 4.2857 2.8571 0 5.7143 1.4286 1.4286 7.1429 0 0 11.429 0 15.714 0 4.2857 0 4.2857 0 0 0 0 0 8.5714 0 0 0 0 0

Neutral 0 0.16051 0 6.0995 0.16051 0 0 0 2.5682 0 0.16051 0.48154 2.2472 0 0.80257 1.2841 0 0 1.4446 1.9262 0 3.0498 2.5682 1.2841 1.9262 0 0 21.509 0.80257 43.66 1.6051 1.6051 0 0.80257 0.16051 0.96308 0 0.80257 0.48154 1.4446 0 0 0 0 0

Positive 0 0 0 1.6807 0 0 0 0 12.605 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.84034 0.84034 0 7.563 0 0 8.4034 0 65.546 0 0.84034 0 0.84034 0 0 0 0 0 0.84034 0 0 0 0 0


Politician/Political Figure Abdul Rahman Dahlan Alfred Jabu Ambiga Sreenevasan Anwar Ibrahim Azmin Ali Baru Bian Bernard Dompok Chong Chieng Jen Chua Soi Lek Dzulkefly Ahmad Elizabeth Wong G. Palanivel Hadi Awang Hassan Ali Hishamuddin Hussein Ibrahim Ali James Masing Jeffrey Kitingan Karpal Singh Khalid Ibrahim Khalid Samad Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Liow Tiong Lai Mahathir Mohamad Maximus Ongkili Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Ng Yen Yen Nik Aziz Nizar Jamaluddin Nurul Izzah Rafizi Ramli Rosmah Mansur Siti Mariah Mahmud Taib Mahmud Teresa Kok Tian Chua Tony Pua William Mawan Wong Ho Leng Wong Soon Koh Yong Teck Lee

TABLE 3 TV BM Attacked Negative 0 0 2.2222 31.111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.2222 0 0 0 11.111 11.111 0 6.6667 0 0 0 0 0 6.6667 0 11.111 0 8.8889 0 6.6667 0 0 0 0 0 2.2222 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.5641 12.821 0 0 1.2821 0 0 0 0 0 10.256 1.2821 1.2821 1.2821 0 0 2.5641 2.5641 0 7.6923 3.8462 0 7.6923 0 1.2821 20.513 0 17.949 2.5641 2.5641 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Neutral 0 0 0.9434 5.9748 0.31447 0 0 0 2.5157 0 0 0 1.8868 0.62893 1.2579 0 0 0 2.8302 0.31447 0.62893 5.9748 2.2013 1.2579 5.0314 0 0.62893 11.635 0.62893 47.484 0 2.8302 0.31447 0.31447 0.31447 1.8868 0 0.31447 0 0.9434 0 0.62893 0 0 0.31447

Positive 0 0 1.0563 1.0563 0 0 0 0 0.35211 0 0 0.70423 1.0563 1.7606 1.0563 0.35211 0 0 0.35211 0 0.70423 1.4085 1.0563 1.4085 3.8732 0 0.70423 15.493 0.35211 65.845 0.35211 0 0 0 0 1.0563 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Politician/Political Figure Abdul Rahman Dahlan Alfred Jabu Ambiga Sreenevasan Anwar Ibrahim Azmin Ali Baru Bian Bernard Dompok Chong Chieng Jen Chua Soi Lek Dzulkefly Ahmad Elizabeth Wong G. Palanivel Hadi Awang Hassan Ali Hishamuddin Hussein Ibrahim Ali James Masing Jeffrey Kitingan Karpal Singh Khalid Ibrahim Khalid Samad Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Liow Tiong Lai Mahathir Mohamad Maximus Ongkili Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Ng Yen Yen Nik Aziz Nizar Jamaluddin Nurul Izzah Rafizi Ramli Rosmah Mansur Siti Mariah Mahmud Taib Mahmud Teresa Kok Tian Chua Tony Pua William Mawan Wong Ho Leng Wong Soon Koh Yong Teck Lee

TABLE 3 TV Mandarin Attacked Negative 0 0 0 33.333 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 16.667 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.0909 0 0 0 0 27.273 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.0909 0 18.182 0 0 0 0 0 9.0909 0 9.0909 18.182 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Neutral 0.13333 0.13333 0.13333 4.2667 0.53333 0 0 0 13.467 0.13333 0.13333 0 1.2 0.26667 1.2 0.26667 0 0.13333 2.4 0.93333 0.13333 8.1333 12.267 7.7333 3.4667 0.13333 0 4.2667 0.4 34 1.8667 0.53333 0.13333 0.8 0 0 0 0 0.53333 0.13333 0.13333 0 0 0 0

Positive 0 0 0 2.8571 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 2.8571 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.8571 5.7143 2.8571 17.143 0 0 0 17.143 0 25.714 2.8571 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Politician/Political Figure Abdul Rahman Dahlan Alfred Jabu Ambiga Sreenevasan Anwar Ibrahim Azmin Ali Baru Bian Bernard Dompok Chong Chieng Jen Chua Soi Lek Dzulkefly Ahmad Elizabeth Wong G. Palanivel Hadi Awang Hassan Ali Hishamuddin Hussein Ibrahim Ali James Masing Jeffrey Kitingan Karpal Singh Khalid Ibrahim Khalid Samad Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Liow Tiong Lai Mahathir Mohamad Maximus Ongkili Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Ng Yen Yen Nik Aziz Nizar Jamaluddin Nurul Izzah Rafizi Ramli Rosmah Mansur Siti Mariah Mahmud Taib Mahmud Teresa Kok Tian Chua Tony Pua William Mawan Wong Ho Leng Wong Soon Koh Yong Teck Lee

TABLE 3 EM Print English Attacked Negative 0 1.0929 0 25.137 1.0929 2.1858 0 7.1038 0 2.1858 0 0 3.8251 0 0 0.54645 0 1.0929 0 0.54645 0 4.918 9.2896 0 9.2896 2.1858 0 2.7322 0 5.4645 0 4.918 0 1.0929 0.54645 0 0 2.1858 0 3.2787 0 0 1.0929 0 8.1967 0 1.2121 1.2121 12.727 0 2.4242 0.60606 6.0606 1.2121 0.60606 0 0 1.8182 1.8182 0 3.0303 0.60606 1.2121 1.8182 1.8182 0.60606 1.8182 9.0909 0 6.0606 1.8182 0.60606 3.6364 0 6.0606 0.60606 8.4848 0 1.2121 0.60606 0 0 3.0303 0.60606 8.4848 0 5.4545 0 0 3.6364

Neutral 0.55741 1.4121 0.22297 9.699 0.29729 0.70606 2.3411 3.0472 0.48309 0.074322 0 0.59457 1.8209 0.1858 0.22297 1.7837 0.33445 2.2668 1.4493 1.4121 0.1858 4.385 5.7971 0.14864 4.162 1.0777 0.37161 3.1587 4.162 30.212 0.40877 1.6351 0 1.375 0.52025 0.55741 0 3.7161 0.37161 0.92902 0.1858 3.6789 0.52025 0.37161 3.1587

Positive 0 0.26954 0.53908 2.1563 0.26954 0.26954 5.6604 1.0782 0 0 0 0 0.53908 0.53908 0.26954 0.53908 0.26954 0.26954 0 0.53908 0 2.4259 1.3477 0 1.8868 0.80863 0 4.0431 4.8518 61.186 0 0 0 0.80863 0.26954 0.26954 0 4.0431 0 0.53908 0.26954 3.504 0 0.26954 0.26954


Politician/Political Figure Abdul Rahman Dahlan Alfred Jabu Ambiga Sreenevasan Anwar Ibrahim Azmin Ali Baru Bian Bernard Dompok Chong Chieng Jen Chua Soi Lek Dzulkefly Ahmad Elizabeth Wong G. Palanivel Hadi Awang Hassan Ali Hishamuddin Hussein Ibrahim Ali James Masing Jeffrey Kitingan Karpal Singh Khalid Ibrahim Khalid Samad Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Liow Tiong Lai Mahathir Mohamad Maximus Ongkili Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Ng Yen Yen Nik Aziz Nizar Jamaluddin Nurul Izzah Rafizi Ramli Rosmah Mansur Siti Mariah Mahmud Taib Mahmud Teresa Kok Tian Chua Tony Pua William Mawan Wong Ho Leng Wong Soon Koh Yong Teck Lee

TABLE 3 EM Print BM Attacked Negative 0 0 0 36.765 0 2.9412 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.9412 1.4706 0 0 7.3529 10.294 0 1.4706 0 0 4.4118 0 2.9412 0 26.471 0 2.9412 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.6923 0 37.179 1.2821 3.8462 0 7.6923 0 1.2821 0 0 5.1282 1.2821 0 0 0 0 1.2821 1.2821 0 1.2821 2.5641 0 2.5641 0 6.4103 1.2821 0 3.8462 0 7.6923 0 1.2821 1.2821 1.2821 0 1.2821 0 1.2821 0 0 0 0 0

Neutral 1.3619 2.2374 0.19455 7.1984 0.58366 0.77821 2.2374 1.4591 0.29183 0.097276 0 0.097276 1.3619 0.68093 0.38911 0.68093 0.29183 1.5564 1.1673 0.87549 0.097276 2.4319 2.7237 0.097276 1.3619 0.68093 0.58366 3.4047 8.463 39.3 0.097276 1.6537 0 0.29183 0.19455 1.4591 0 6.323 0.29183 0.29183 0 1.6537 0.77821 0.87549 3.4047

Positive 0.85653 2.7837 1.7131 1.4989 0.42827 0.85653 0 0.85653 0 0 0 0 0.21413 0.21413 0 0 0.21413 0.42827 1.4989 0.21413 0 2.3555 1.7131 0.21413 0.6424 0.21413 0 0.6424 6.8522 66.595 0.21413 0.42827 0 0.6424 0.21413 0 0 4.0685 0 0.21413 0 0.42827 0.6424 1.0707 1.0707


Politician/Political Figure Abdul Rahman Dahlan Alfred Jabu Ambiga Sreenevasan Anwar Ibrahim Azmin Ali Baru Bian Bernard Dompok Chong Chieng Jen Chua Soi Lek Dzulkefly Ahmad Elizabeth Wong G. Palanivel Hadi Awang Hassan Ali Hishamuddin Hussein Ibrahim Ali James Masing Jeffrey Kitingan Karpal Singh Khalid Ibrahim Khalid Samad Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Liow Tiong Lai Mahathir Mohamad Maximus Ongkili Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Ng Yen Yen Nik Aziz Nizar Jamaluddin Nurul Izzah Rafizi Ramli Rosmah Mansur Siti Mariah Mahmud Taib Mahmud Teresa Kok Tian Chua Tony Pua William Mawan Wong Ho Leng Wong Soon Koh Yong Teck Lee

TABLE 3 EM Print Mandarin Attacked Negative 0 0 0 21.074 0 0 0.41322 0 4.1322 0 0 0 0.41322 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11.57 14.876 0.41322 4.9587 0 0.41322 1.6529 0.82645 19.421 0 1.6529 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.41322 0 0 0 0 17.769 0 0 0 20.606 1.2121 0 3.6364 0 3.6364 0.60606 0 0 0 0 0 0.60606 0 0 1.8182 0.60606 0 7.2727 10.909 1.2121 6.0606 0 0 0 0.60606 18.788 0 0.60606 0 1.8182 0 0 0 3.6364 0 10.303 0 0 0 0 6.0606

Neutral 0.14542 0 0.24237 15.366 0.67862 0 3.9748 0 2.763 0 0 0 1.5027 0.048473 0.43626 0.19389 0.096946 0.048473 1.3088 0.58168 0.048473 6.6408 7.4649 0.7271 2.3267 0 0.43626 4.9927 8.8221 23.461 0.048473 1.4542 0 0.48473 0.14542 0.43626 0 3.0538 0.58168 0.96946 0 0 0.048473 0.29084 10.179

Positive 0.32949 0 0.16474 8.2372 0 0.16474 1.4827 0 0.65898 0.16474 0 0 0.16474 0 0.16474 0 0.49423 0.49423 0 0.32949 0 4.7776 1.4827 0 0.49423 0 0 0.65898 7.5783 64.25 0 0.32949 0 0.16474 0 0.16474 0 6.2603 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.98847


Politician/Political Figure Abdul Rahman Dahlan Alfred Jabu Ambiga Sreenevasan Anwar Ibrahim Azmin Ali Baru Bian Bernard Dompok Chong Chieng Jen Chua Soi Lek Dzulkefly Ahmad Elizabeth Wong G. Palanivel Hadi Awang Hassan Ali Hishamuddin Hussein Ibrahim Ali James Masing Jeffrey Kitingan Karpal Singh Khalid Ibrahim Khalid Samad Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Liow Tiong Lai Mahathir Mohamad Maximus Ongkili Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Ng Yen Yen Nik Aziz Nizar Jamaluddin Nurul Izzah Rafizi Ramli Rosmah Mansur Siti Mariah Mahmud Taib Mahmud Teresa Kok Tian Chua Tony Pua William Mawan Wong Ho Leng Wong Soon Koh Yong Teck Lee

TABLE 3 Online English Attacked Negative 0 0.26042 0.26042 18.49 1.5625 0 0 0 5.7292 0 0 0.52083 1.5625 0 0.26042 0.52083 0 0.26042 0.26042 1.8229 0 4.4271 13.021 0 11.458 0 0 2.6042 0 27.083 0 1.0417 1.8229 3.6458 0.26042 0 0 1.3021 0.52083 0.78125 0 0 0 0 0.52083 0.32573 0 0.32573 11.401 0.32573 0 0.32573 0.32573 4.886 0.32573 0 0 0.32573 0 0.9772 6.8404 0 0.32573 0 7.8176 0.65147 2.6059 3.9088 1.6287 12.052 0.65147 0 3.9088 0 28.013 0.32573 0 0 1.6287 0 0.32573 0 6.8404 0.32573 1.6287 0 0 0 0 0.9772

Neutral 0.099502 0.066335 1.1277 13.798 0.29851 0.099502 0.69652 0.199 3.3499 0.39801 0.033167 0.56385 1.5257 0.16584 0.56385 3.3831 0.033167 1.1609 1.4594 2.3549 1.5589 4.5771 10.58 1.194 6.8657 0.56385 0.63018 2.8856 0.89552 26.7 0.53068 1.6915 0.46434 3.4826 2.0564 0.43118 0.199 0.56385 0.59701 0.49751 0.53068 0.099502 0.16584 0 0.86235

Positive 0 0 0.49261 15.764 0.49261 0 1.4778 0 1.4778 0 0 0 0.98522 0 0 1.4778 0.49261 1.4778 0 5.4187 2.4631 4.4335 5.4187 1.4778 3.9409 0 0.49261 2.4631 0 42.365 0 1.9704 0 2.4631 1.4778 0.49261 0.49261 0 0 0 0.49261 0 0 0 0


Politician/Political Figure Abdul Rahman Dahlan Alfred Jabu Ambiga Sreenevasan Anwar Ibrahim Azmin Ali Baru Bian Bernard Dompok Chong Chieng Jen Chua Soi Lek Dzulkefly Ahmad Elizabeth Wong G. Palanivel Hadi Awang Hassan Ali Hishamuddin Hussein Ibrahim Ali James Masing Jeffrey Kitingan Karpal Singh Khalid Ibrahim Khalid Samad Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Liow Tiong Lai Mahathir Mohamad Maximus Ongkili Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Ng Yen Yen Nik Aziz Nizar Jamaluddin Nurul Izzah Rafizi Ramli Rosmah Mansur Siti Mariah Mahmud Taib Mahmud Teresa Kok Tian Chua Tony Pua William Mawan Wong Ho Leng Wong Soon Koh Yong Teck Lee

TABLE 3 Online BM Attacked Negative 0 0 3.2787 11.475 0 0 0 0 4.918 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.2787 0 0 18.033 0 18.033 0 0 3.2787 0 29.508 0 4.918 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.2787 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28.283 0 0 0 0 1.0101 1.0101 0 0 0 1.0101 0 10.101 0 0 1.0101 4.0404 3.0303 2.0202 3.0303 0 9.0909 0 1.0101 2.0202 0 18.182 0 5.0505 3.0303 0 3.0303 0 0 2.0202 0 1.0101 1.0101 0 0 0 0

Neutral 0 0.19305 0.48263 15.058 0.096525 0 0 0 2.3166 0.19305 0.096525 0.096525 2.5097 0.48263 0.86873 8.4942 0.3861 0.096525 0.19305 2.7992 2.027 3.2819 8.8803 0.19305 7.2394 0 1.6409 2.2201 1.1583 25.386 0.28958 4.3436 2.4131 2.4131 1.9305 0.48263 0 0.7722 0.096525 0.3861 0.19305 0 0 0 0.28958

Positive 0 0 0 7.3171 0 0 0 0 1.2195 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.3171 0 0 0 8.5366 4.878 9.7561 12.195 0 4.878 0 0 1.2195 0 31.707 0 2.439 1.2195 1.2195 6.0976 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


TABLE 4 Bernama Politician/Political Figure Chua Soi Lek Mahathir Mohamad Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Nazri Aziz Taib Mahmud Anwar Ibrahim Baru Bian Hadi Awang Jeffrey Kitingan Khalid Ibrahim Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Nik Aziz Ambiga Sreenevasan Hassan Ali Vox Pop Male Vox Pop Female Public Opinion/Vox Pop General Election Commission Spokesperson Percentage (source + attacking) 1.3761 0 60.092 0 27.523 0.45872 0 0.45872 0 0 0 0 0 0.45872 0 0 0 7.3394 0.45872 1.8349 0 Coalition Percentage








TABLE 4 Peninsular English Politician/Political Figure Chua Soi Lek Mahathir Mohamad Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Nazri Aziz Taib Mahmud Anwar Ibrahim Baru Bian Hadi Awang Jeffrey Kitingan Khalid Ibrahim Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Nik Aziz Ambiga Sreenevasan Hassan Ali Vox Pop Male Vox Pop Female Public Opinion/Vox Pop General Election Commission Spokesperson Percentage (source + attacking) 1.3761 0 60.092 0 27.523 0.45872 0 0.45872 0 0 0 0 0 0.45872 0 0 0 7.3394 0.45872 1.8349 0 Coalition Percentage








TABLE 4 Peninsular BM Politician/Political Figure Chua Soi Lek Mahathir Mohamad Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Nazri Aziz Taib Mahmud Anwar Ibrahim Baru Bian Hadi Awang Jeffrey Kitingan Khalid Ibrahim Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Nik Aziz Ambiga Sreenevasan Hassan Ali Vox Pop Male Vox Pop Female Public Opinion/Vox Pop General Election Commission Spokesperson Percentage (source + attacking) 0 30.769 21.329 0 22.727 1.3986 0 1.3986 0 4.5455 0 0 0.34965 0.6993 3.8462 0 0.6993 9.7902 2.0979 0 0.34965 Coalition Percentage








TABLE 4 Peninsular Mandarin Politician/Political Figure Chua Soi Lek Mahathir Mohamad Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Nazri Aziz Taib Mahmud Anwar Ibrahim Baru Bian Hadi Awang Jeffrey Kitingan Khalid Ibrahim Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Nik Aziz Ambiga Sreenevasan Hassan Ali Vox Pop Male Vox Pop Female Public Opinion/Vox Pop General Election Commission Spokesperson Percentage (source + attacking) 13.061 5.7143 20.816 0 19.184 0 0 3.2653 0 0.81633 0 1.6327 15.102 15.918 0 0.81633 0 2.0408 0 0.81633 0.81633 Coalition Percentage








TABLE 4 TV English Politician/Political Figure Chua Soi Lek Mahathir Mohamad Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Nazri Aziz Taib Mahmud Anwar Ibrahim Baru Bian Hadi Awang Jeffrey Kitingan Khalid Ibrahim Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Nik Aziz Ambiga Sreenevasan Hassan Ali Vox Pop Male Vox Pop Female Public Opinion/Vox Pop General Election Commission Spokesperson Percentage (source + attacking) 0 3.4483 31.034 1.7241 51.724 0 8.6207 0 0 1.7241 0 1.7241 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Coalition Percentage







TABLE 4 TV BM Politician/Political Figure Chua Soi Lek Mahathir Mohamad Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Nazri Aziz Taib Mahmud Anwar Ibrahim Baru Bian Hadi Awang Jeffrey Kitingan Khalid Ibrahim Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Nik Aziz Ambiga Sreenevasan Hassan Ali Vox Pop Male Vox Pop Female Public Opinion/Vox Pop General Election Commission Spokesperson Percentage (source + attacking) 0 2.5 15 0 15 1.25 0 1.25 0 0 0 0 6.25 1.25 0 1.25 0 31.25 25 0 0 Coalition Percentage








TABLE 4 TV Mandarin Politician/Political Figure Chua Soi Lek Mahathir Mohamad Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Nazri Aziz Taib Mahmud Anwar Ibrahim Baru Bian Hadi Awang Jeffrey Kitingan Khalid Ibrahim Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Nik Aziz Ambiga Sreenevasan Hassan Ali Vox Pop Male Vox Pop Female Public Opinion/Vox Pop General Election Commission Spokesperson Percentage (source + attacking) 36.364 0 0 0 36.364 0 0 9.0909 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.0909 0 9.0909 0 Coalition Percentage








TABLE 4 EM Print English Politician/Political Figure Chua Soi Lek Mahathir Mohamad Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Nazri Aziz Taib Mahmud Anwar Ibrahim Baru Bian Hadi Awang Jeffrey Kitingan Khalid Ibrahim Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Nik Aziz Ambiga Sreenevasan Hassan Ali Vox Pop Male Vox Pop Female Public Opinion/Vox Pop General Election Commission Spokesperson Percentage (source + attacking) 0 15.444 24.324 2.7027 19.691 0.7722 5.0193 6.9498 0.7722 0 3.0888 2.3166 3.0888 4.6332 2.3166 2.3166 0 3.4749 0.7722 2.3166 0 Coalition Percentage








TABLE 4 EM Print BM Politician/Political Figure Chua Soi Lek Mahathir Mohamad Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Nazri Aziz Taib Mahmud Anwar Ibrahim Baru Bian Hadi Awang Jeffrey Kitingan Khalid Ibrahim Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Nik Aziz Ambiga Sreenevasan Hassan Ali Vox Pop Male Vox Pop Female Public Opinion/Vox Pop General Election Commission Spokesperson Percentage (source + attacking) 0 3.6232 34.783 13.768 18.116 0 11.594 6.5217 0.72464 1.4493 0 0 0.72464 0 0 0 0 3.6232 0.72464 4.3478 0 Coalition Percentage








TABLE 4 Print Mandarin Politician/Political Figure Chua Soi Lek Mahathir Mohamad Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Nazri Aziz Taib Mahmud Anwar Ibrahim Baru Bian Hadi Awang Jeffrey Kitingan Khalid Ibrahim Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Nik Aziz Ambiga Sreenevasan Hassan Ali Vox Pop Male Vox Pop Female Public Opinion/Vox Pop General Election Commission Spokesperson Percentage (source + attacking) 5.1948 7.7922 14.935 6.4935 11.688 0 1.2987 11.039 0 2.5974 0 0 14.935 11.039 0.64935 0.64935 0 10.39 1.2987 0 0 Coalition Percentage








TABLE 4 Online English Politician/Political Figure Chua Soi Lek Mahathir Mohamad Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Nazri Aziz Taib Mahmud Anwar Ibrahim Baru Bian Hadi Awang Jeffrey Kitingan Khalid Ibrahim Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Nik Aziz Ambiga Sreenevasan Hassan Ali Vox Pop Male Vox Pop Female Public Opinion/Vox Pop General Election Commission Spokesperson Percentage (source + attacking) 3.3871 10.968 10.645 0 17.097 0.32258 0.80645 12.419 0 0.32258 0.16129 1.129 10.806 15.968 1.9355 4.0323 0 3.2258 1.7742 4.8387 0.16129 Coalition Percentage








TABLE 4 Online Bahasa Malaysia Politician/Political Figure Chua Soi Lek Mahathir Mohamad Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Nazri Aziz Taib Mahmud Anwar Ibrahim Baru Bian Hadi Awang Jeffrey Kitingan Khalid Ibrahim Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Nik Aziz Ambiga Sreenevasan Hassan Ali Vox Pop Male Vox Pop Female Public Opinion/Vox Pop General Election Commission Spokesperson Percentage (source + attacking) 1.2739 20.382 15.287 0 21.656 0 1.2739 10.828 0 2.5478 0 1.2739 3.8217 8.2803 4.4586 0 0.63694 8.2803 0 0 0 Coalition Percentage








Section 4: Appendix 2 Coding Scheme

1. Politician or Political Figure (Mentioned) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. Abdul Rahman Dalan Alfred Jabu Ambiga Sreenevasan Anwar Ibrahim Azmin Ali Baru Bian Bernard Dompok Chong Chieng Jen Chua Soi Lek Dzulkefly Ahmad Elizabeth Wong G. Palanivel Hadi Awang Hassan Ali Hishamuddin Hussein James Masing Jeffrey Kitingan Karpal Singh Khalid Ibrahim Khalid Samad Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Liow Tiong Lai Mahathir Mohamad Maximus Ongkili Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Ng Yen Yen Nik Aziz Nizar Jamaluddin Nurul Izzah Rafizi Ramli Rosmah Mansur Siti Mariah Mahmud Taib Mahmud Teresa Kok Tian Chua Tony Pua William Mawan Wong Ho Leng Wong Soon Koh Yong Teck Lee 2. Politicians or Political Figure (Used as a Source) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Ambiga Sreenevasan (Bersih) Anwar Ibrahim (PKR) Baru Bian Chua Soi Lek Hadi Awang Hassan Ali Jeffrey Kitingan Khalid Ibrahim Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Mahathir Mohamad Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Nazri Aziz Nik Aziz Taib Mahmud Vox Pop Male Vox Pop Female Public Opinion/Vox Pop General Election Commission Spokesperson


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