WTW Utusan Malaysia Final

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'Watching the Watchdog'

Malaysian Media Coverage of GE13

Final Individual Report: UTUSAN MALAYSIA
15/08/13 Dr Tessa J. Houghton School of Modern Languages and Cultures Director of the Centre for the Study of Communications and Culture University of Nottingham Malaysian Campus

in collaboration with

Comments and feedback welcomed at: tessa.houghton@nottingham.edu.my 010 523 4575 or Masjaliza Hamzah Executive Officer Centre for Independent Journalism cijmalaysia@gmail.com 03-4023-0772/4024-9840

The work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

Table of Contents
Executive Summary of Key Results for UTUSAN MALAYSIA.............................................................................3 Section 1: Media Coverage of Political Parties & Coalitions.......................................................................... 5 1.1 Volume of Coverage of Parties & Coalitions......................................................................................... 5 Figure 1: Volume of Coverage of Political Parties & Coalitions.......................................................... 5 Figure 2: Volume of Coverage of Political Parties & Coalitions: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other........................................................................................................................................6 1.2 Tone of Coverage of Political Parties & Coalitions...............................................................................7 Figure 3: Raw Tonal Coverage Volume of Political Parties & Coalitions............................................7 Figure 4: Negative Political Party & Coalition Coverage .................................................................... 8 Figure 5: Positive Political Party & Coalition Coverage.........................................................................9 Figure 6: Tone of Coverage of Political Parties & Coalitions: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other.....................................................................................................................................10 Section 2: Media Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures....................................................................... 11 2.1 Volume of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures....................................................................... 11 Figure 7: Volume of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures....................................................... 11 Figure 8: Volume of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other.....................................................................................................................................12 2.2 Volume of the Use of Politicians & Political Figures as Sources....................................................... 13 Figure 9: Volume of the Use of Politicians & Political Figures as Sources........................................13 Figures 10: Volume of the Use of Politicians & Political Figures As Sources: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other..........................................................................................................14 2.3 Tone of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures............................................................................15 Figure 11: Raw Tonal Coverage Volume of Politicians & Political Figures......................................15 Figure 12: Negative Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures.......................................................16 Figure 13: Positive Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures..........................................................17 Figure 14: Tone of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other.....................................................................................................................................18 2.4 Tone of the Use of Politicians & Political Figures As Sources: Attack Politics or Negative Campaigning......................................................................................................................................................19 Figure 15: Attack Politics: Which Politicians and Political Figures Employ 'Attack Politics' Most Often?............................................................................................................................................................ 19 Figure 16: Attack Politics: Which Coalition Employs Attack Politics Most Often?..........................20 Section 3: Media Coverage of Issues.................................................................................................................21 3.1 Volume of Media Coverage of Policy Issues vs. Non-Policy Issues..................................................21 Figure 17: Coverage of Policy Issues vs. Non-Policy Issues.................................................................21 Figure 18: Media Coverage of Policy Issues......................................................................................... 22 Figure 19: Media Coverage of Non-Policy Issues................................................................................ 23 Section 4: A Brief Methodology..........................................................................................................................24 Section 5: Appendix 1 Tables.......................................................................................................................... 25 Section 6: Appendix 2 Coding Scheme......................................................................................................... 32


Executive Summary of Key Results for UTUSAN MALAYSIA

Introduction Like all modern elections, it the Malaysian 13th General Election was fought primarily through the media the so-called 'watchdogs' of democracy. But how effective were Malaysian media outlets at providing fair and objective information about national politics? How well did they inform Malaysian citizens about their political environment, and thus enable them to make informed decisions about who to vote for? The Watching the Watchdog project monitored coverage from 28 media newspapers, television news broadcasts, online news sites as well as the national press agency, in four languages (English, Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin, and Tamil); in Sabah and Sarawak as well as in Peninsular Malaysia, during the month spanning April 7th to May 7th 2013 (31 days in total). It is a collaboration between the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus and the Centre for Independent Journalism. The key results summarised below pertain to the individual publication addressed in this report. Key Results In scrutinising the GE13 coverage provided by Utusan Malaysia, we found the following trends: (1) Coverage of Parties & Coalitions PR were given the most coverage or talked about by a significant margin. BN received the most positive coverage, while PR received the most negative coverage and attacks. This dichotomous trend was extremely pronounced. Of all the tonal categories used in the coverage of political parties and coalitions, the neutral category was used very much the most often (84%), followed by the positive category (6%).

(2) Coverage of Politicians and Political Figures Who is talked about the most? And how are they talked about? The volume of mention-level coverage given to politicians from both coalitions was skewed heavily towards PR (75%). Anwar Ibrahim was the most mentioned politician, followed by Najib Razak. Of all the tonal categories used in the coverage of politicians and political figures, the neutral category was used very much the most often (80%), followed by attacks (10%). However, of the non-neutral material, much more positive coverage was given to BN politicians (over 69.74%), while PR politicians were given much more negative coverage (96.18%) and attacks (90.65%). Indeed, BN politicians were never attacked.

Who is used as a source the most? And who engages in attack politics the most? 3 UTUSAN MALAYSIA

Of the politicians and political figures tracked, Najib Razak, Muyiddin Yassin and Mahathir Mohamad were most commonly used as sources by the media by a huge margin - their combined use as sources represents over 60% of all source use. Due in large part to this dominance, BN politicians were used much more often as sources overall than PR politicians, who were used as sources just 15% of the time notably less than independent political figures. Mahathir Mohamad (34.78%) was most commonly engaged in attack politics, followed by Muhyiddin Yassin (20.29%) then Najib Razak (19.32%), with these two politicians constituting almost 75% of all attacks. The opposition leaders barely registered, showing that they were a) rarely given the chance to appear as sources, and b) when they did so, they were rarely quoted as attacking. Overall, BN coalition politicians engaged in attack politics vastly more often than either opposition politicians or independent politicians or political figures. (3) Policy Issues vs. Non-Policy Issues Non-Policy Issues were given more coverage than Policy Issues. The Non-Policy Issue of Ethnicity was the most covered issue overall.


Section 1: Media Coverage of Political Parties & Coalitions

1.1 Volume of Coverage of Parties & Coalitions
Figure 1: Volume of Coverage of Political Parties & Coalitions

PRM 0.00 SAPP 0.06 PBB 0.08 UPKO 0.10 SPDP 0.13 PRS 0.13 PBS 0.14 SUPP 0.17 PSM 0.36 Gerakan 0.92 MIC 1.03 MCA 2.08 Other 2.78 UMNO PKR PR DAP PAS BN 0 5

6.60 11.07 13.86 14.56 18.02 27.88 10 15





BN received the most coverage (27.88%), followed by PAS (18.02%), then DAP, PR, and PKR. Refer to Table 1 for figures.


Figure 2: Volume of Coverage of Political Parties & Coalitions: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other
















Once parties/coalitions' coverage volumes are combined, the PR coalition received the most mention-level coverage by a significant margin (57.51%), as opposed to BN (39.25%). Refer to Table 2 for figures.


1.2 Tone of Coverage of Political Parties & Coalitions

Figure 3: Raw Tonal Coverage Volume of Political Parties & Coalitions


5% 6% Attacked Negative Neutral Positive


Of all the tonal categories used in the coverage of political parties and coalitions, the neutral category is used very much the most often (84%), followed by the positive category (6%).


Figure 4: Negative Political Party & Coalition Coverage

Coverage Volume





PR was the most negatively covered (27.18%), followed by DAP, PAS, PKR then BN. PR and PAS were attacked the most, equal at 28.83%. DAP was second most attacked (19.63%), followed by PKR (12.27%). Refer to Table 3 for figures.


Figure 5: Positive Political Party & Coalition Coverage

Coverage Volume





BN received the most positive (72.55%) and neutral (27.48%) coverage by a very significant margin, with the opposition coalition/parties receiving very little positive coverage at all. Refer to Table 3 for figures.


Figure 6: Tone of Coverage of Political Parties & Coalitions: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other

Positive Independent & Other Neutral Negative Attacked Positive PR Neutral Negative Attacked Positive BN Neutral Negative Attacked 0

2.45 3.52 1.74 0.31 14.40 57.01 84.67 89.57 83.15 39.46 13.59 10.12 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Coverage Volume

When coalition and party coverage is combined into the two opposing coalitions, it becomes very clear that BN's coverage was very significantly positive, while PR received the most negative coverage and attacks. This dichotomous trend was extremely pronounced. It should, however, be remembered that the neutral tonal category is overwhelmingly the largest category. Refer to Table 4 for figures and below for ratios. Coverage Type Positive Neutral Negative Attacked Tonal Weighting 6% 84% 5% 5%

BN : PR 1 : 0.2 1 : 1.4 1 : 6.23 1 : 8.9


Section 2: Media Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures

2.1 Volume of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures
Figure 7: Volume of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures
Chua Soi Lek Hassan Ali Ibrahim Ali Rosmah Mansur Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu Rafizi Ramli Khalid Ibrahim Tian Chua Ambiga Sreenevasan Muhyiddin Yassin Azmin Ali Nurul Izzah Mahathir Mohamad Karpal Singh Hadi Awang Nik Aziz Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Najib Razak Anwar Ibrahim 0 0.34 0.44 0.53 0.63 0.82 0.97 1.26 1.45 1.55 1.65 1.69 2.57 3.49 6.49 6.82 7.79 8.08 9.49 15.49 26.77 5 10
Coverage Volume





Only the top 20 most mentioned politicians are shown on this graph. Of these 20, Anwar Ibrahim received the most mentions by a significant proportion (26.77%), followed by Najib Razak, then Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng, with Nik Aziz coming in with the fifth most mentions overall. Refer to Table 5 for full figures.


Figure 8: Volume of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other

3% 22% BN PR Independent/ Other 75%

When the mentions of individual politicians and political figures are combined and merged into their respective coalitions, we can see that coverage of figures from both major coalitions is skewed heavily towards PR (75%). Refer to Table 6 for figures.


2.2 Volume of the Use of Politicians & Political Figures as Sources

Figure 9: Volume of the Use of Politicians & Political Figures as Sources

Chua Soi Lek Lim Guan Eng Election Commission Spokesperson Nik Aziz Anwar Ibrahim Hassan Ali Hadi Awang Mahathir Mohamad Muhyiddin Yassin Najib Razak 0

1.93 2.22 2.45 2.81 3.04 3.45 5.96 16.89 21.86 26.30 5 10 15 20 25 30

Coverage Volume

Of the politicians and political figures tracked, Najib Razak, Muyiddin Yassin and Mahathir Mohamad were most commonly used as sources by the media by a huge margin - their combined use as sources represents over 60% of all source use. This dominance flows on to the next graph which shows combined source use from each coalition across all politicians tracked. Interestingly, while Muhyiddin was spoken about relatively little, he was used as a source or allowed to speak very often. Opposition politicians were rarely used as sources. Refer to Table 7 for figures.


Figures 10: Volume of the Use of Politicians & Political Figures As Sources: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other

17% BN PR Independent/Other

15% 68%

Politicians from BN were used as sources much more often (68%) than both independent political figures and PR, whose politicians received only 15% use as sources. Refer to Table 7 for figures.


2.3 Tone of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures

Figure 11: Raw Tonal Coverage Volume of Politicians & Political Figures

4% 10% 6% Positive Neutral Negative Attacked 80%

Of all the tonal categories used in the coverage of politicians and political figures, the neutral category is used very much the most often (80%), followed by attacks (10%).


Figure 12: Negative Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures

Attacked Alfred Jabu Abdul Rahman Dahlan Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu James Masing Elizabeth Wong Chua Soi Lek Mahathir Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin Khalid Samad Ambiga Sreenevasan Tian Chua Rosmah Mansur Rafizi Ramli Lim Guan Eng Nurul Izzah Karpal Singh Azmin Ali Lim Kit Siang Nik Aziz Khalid Ibrahim Hadi Awang Anwar Ibrahim 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Negative

Coverage Volume

In terms of the tone of mentions of politicians and political figures, Anwar Ibrahim received the most negative coverage (41.99%) and was attacked the most often (36.45%) by a very significant margin. Hadi Awang, Khalid Ibrahim, Nik Aziz and then Lim Kit Siang were second to fifth most negatively mentioned, respectively. Lim Guan Eng was the second most attacked (13.08%), followed by Lim Kit Siang, Nik Aziz, Hadi Awang, then Karpal Singh. Notably, BN political figures were very rarely attacked and were never covered negatively. Refer to Table 8 for full figures.


Figure 13: Positive Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures

Positive Khalid Samad G. Palanivel Chua Soi Lek Rosmah Mansur Hassan Ali Ibrahim Ali Khalid Ibrahim Rafizi Ramli Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu Ambiga Sreenevasan Azmin Ali Tian Chua Muhyiddin Yassin Nurul Izzah Mahathir Mohamad Hadi Awang Karpal Singh Nik Aziz Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Najib Razak Anwar Ibrahim 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Neutral

Coverage Volume

In terms of the tone of mentions of politicians and political figures, Najib Razak received the most positive (61.84%) coverage by a very significant margin all others trail by a huge margin. Anwar Ibrahim received the most neutral coverage (25.46%), followed by Najib Razak (16.71%). Refer to Table 8 for figures.


Figure 14: Tone of Coverage of Politicians & Political Figures: Government vs. Opposition vs. Independent/Other
Positive Independent/ Other Neutral Negative Attacked Positive PR Neutral Negative Attacked Positive BN Neutral Negative 0.00 Attacked 0 4.21 20 40 60 80 100 120 23.56 69.74 3.95 2.75 3.82 5.14 26.32 73.68 96.18 90.65

Coverage Volume

Overall, much more positive coverage was given to BN politicians (over 69.74%), while PR politicians were given much more negative coverage (96.18%) and attacks (90.65%). Indeed, BN politicians were never covered negatively (hence the non-standard ratio expression below). It should, however, be remembered that the neutral tonal category is overwhelmingly the largest category. Refer to Table 9 for figures and below for ratios. Coverage Type Positive Neutral Negative Attacked Tonal Weighting 4% 79% 6% 10%

BN : PR 1 : 0.4 1 : 3.1 0 : 90.6 1 : 21.53


2.4 Tone of the Use of Politicians & Political Figures As Sources: Attack Politics or Negative Campaigning
Figure 15: Attack Politics: Which Politicians and Political Figures Employ 'Attack Politics' Most Often?
Musa Aman Lim Kit Siang Khalid Ibrahim 0.00 0.00 0.00

Jeffrey Kitingan 0.00 Chua Soi Lek 0.00 Baru Bian Ambiga Sreenevasan Lim Guan Eng Hassan Ali Anwar Ibrahim Nik Aziz Hadi Awang Najib Razak Muhyiddin Yassin Mahathir Mohamad 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.97 0.97 3.38 4.35 19.32 20.29 34.78 35 40

Attack Volume

This graph is weighted to show attack politics as a proportion of overall use as source. Mahathir Mohamad (34.78%) was most commonly engaged in attack politics, followed by Muhyiddin Yassin (20.29%) then Najib Razak (19.32%), with these two politicians constituting almost 75% of all attacks. The opposition leaders follow at a distance, with Hadi Awang registering most attacks. Refer to Table 10 for figures.


Figure 16: Attack Politics: Which Coalition Employs Attack Politics Most Often?

16% 9% BN PR Independent/Other


This graph is weighted to show attack politics as a proportion of overall use as source. Overall, BN coalition politicians engaged in attack politics vastly more often than either opposition politicians or independent politicians or political figures. PR politicians were very rarely 'allowed' to attack others. Refer to Table 10 for figures.


Section 3: Media Coverage of Issues

3.1 Volume of Media Coverage of Policy Issues vs. Non-Policy Issues
Figure 17: Coverage of Policy Issues vs. Non-Policy Issues

43% 57%

Policy Issues Non-Policy Issues

More coverage overall was given to Non-Policy Issues than Policy Issues. Refer to Table 11 for figures.


Figure 18: Media Coverage of Policy Issues



Policy Issues
Vision Policies/Programmes Environment Economy/Development Education Foreign Policy Domestic Policy, Crime & National Security Oppressive Legislation Health Religion

1% 1% 2%





Of all Policy Issues covered, Religion was given the most attention, followed by Vision Policies and Programmes, the Economy and Development, then Domestic policy, Crime & National Security. Refer to Table 11 for figures.


Figure 19: Media Coverage of Non-Policy Issues

7% 5% 27% 13% Ethnicity Religion Democracy & Human Rights Socioeconomic Status Mudslinging Gender Electioneering

Non-Policy Issues

18% 18%


Of all Non-Policy Issues covered, Ethnicity was given the most coverage, followed by Religion and Socioeconomic status, then Mudslinging. Refer to Table 11 for figures.


Section 4: A Brief Methodology

Dates analysed: 7/4/13 07/05/13 (nd = 31 days) Number of data points/references identified and analysed: ndp = 22852 Number of articles identified and analysed: na = 1096 Average number of articles/day: na/d = 35.4 Data Collection The data was collected or 'coded' using sentence-level content analysis. A team of around 70 'coders' from all over Malaysia, from both private and public universities, and from civil society, coded their assigned media on a daily basis. Stories 'coded' were selected according to the following criteria: They were within the Malaysian news section/s of the newspapers including the front page, or were the paper's editorial (if they run one). They were from pre-defined 'Malaysian News' areas of the news websites monitored, with 'snapshots' taken at 8pm daily. They were from within the TV news broadcasts. They were more than 1/3 about the election, and were news stories as opposed to columns, opinions pieces, letters, etc (with the exception of the paper's own editorial, if present).

Within each story, category/operator references were identified and coded at the sentence level (from period to period). The 21 categories identified and their sub-categories or 'operators' are outlined in Appendix 2. These 21 categories form the 'unit of analysis' for this study. Tone (positive, negative, neutral, attacking, or attacked) was determined based on matching each reference to a media frame or frames, supportable via emotive/descriptive/subjective language/vocabulary utilised by the either the news personnel or the source being quoted/paraphrased. As such, tone is not based upon coder opinion but on linguistic data. Coders were instructed to 'code as neutral' whenever there was a lack of linguistic data to support a positive/negative/attacking/attacked frame, or whenever they were unsure/conflicted. Data Analysis The data was analysed using the open source software package GNU Octave (a multi-disciplinary mathematical data analysis programme capable of SPSS/NVIVO-level statistical analysis, as well as much higher-level mathematical analysis). Scripts were composed to count occurrences of key datacodes, as specified by the project's finite code-listing set (see Appendix 2), for every row of coded data (i.e. every reference). Where appropriate, code-count occurrences have been normalised to provide the percentage of these key-code occurrences.


Section 5: Appendix 1 Tables

TABLE 1 Party Percentage BN 27.883 DAP 14.56 Gerakan 0.9199 MCA 2.0777 MIC 1.0309 PAS 18.017 PBB 0.079302 PBS 0.14274 PKR 11.071 PR 13.862 PRS 0.12688 PRM 0 PSM 0.36479 SAPP 0.063442 SPDP 0.12688 SUPP 0.17446 UMNO 6.5979 UPKO 0.095163 Other 2.7756 Party BN Gerakan MCA MIC PBB PBS PRS SPDP SUPP UMNO UPKO PR DAP PAS PKR PRM PSM SAPP Other TABLE 2 Percentage Coalition 27.883 0.9199 2.0777 1.0309 0.079302 0.14274 BN 0.12688 0.12688 0.17446 6.5979 0.095163 13.862 14.56 PR 18.017 11.071 0 0.36479 Independent 0.063442 2.7756 Other Percentage



0.428232 2.7756

TABLE 3 Parties & Coalitions BN DAP Gerakan MCA MIC PAS PBB PBS PKR PR PRS PRM PSM SAPP SPDP SUPP UMNO UPKO Other Attacked 3.3742 19.632 0.6135 0.30675 0 28.834 0 0 12.27 28.834 0 0 0.30675 0 0 0 5.8282 0 0 Negative 7.6655 21.603 0.69686 2.0906 1.3937 18.815 0 0 17.073 27.178 0 0 0 0 0 0.34843 1.3937 0 1.7422 Neutral 27.478 14.587 0.94233 2.2239 0.99887 18.281 0.037693 0.16962 11.233 12.91 0.13193 0 0.41462 0.075386 0.13193 0.16962 7.0675 0.11308 3.0343 Positive 72.554 4.0761 1.087 1.6304 2.1739 3.5326 0.81522 0 2.9891 3.8043 0.27174 0 0 0 0.27174 0.27174 4.0761 0 2.4457 TOTAL 111.0717 59.8981 3.33969 6.25165 4.56647 69.4626 0.852913 0.16962 43.5651 72.7263 0.40367 0 0.72137 0.075386 0.40367 0.78979 18.3655 0.11308 7.2222




Independent & Other

TABLE 4 Attacked Negative Neutral Positive Attacked Negative Neutral Positive Attacked Negative Neutral Positive

TABLE 5 10.12265 10.32788 39.464473 83.15184 89.57 84.669 57.011 14.4021 0.30675 1.7422 3.524306 2.4457 Politician/Political Figure Abdul Rahman Dahlan Alfred Jabu Ambiga Sreenevasan Anwar Ibrahim Azmin Ali Baru Bian Bernard Dompok Chong Chieng Jen Chua Soi Lek Dzulkefly Ahmad Elizabeth Wong G. Palanivel Hadi Awang Hassan Ali Hishamuddin Hussein Ibrahim Ali James Masing Jeffrey Kitingan Karpal Singh Khalid Ibrahim Khalid Samad Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Liow Tiong Lai Mahathir Mohamad Maximus Ongkili Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Ng Yen Yen Nik Aziz Nizar Jamaluddin Nurul Izzah Rafizi Ramli Rosmah Mansur Siti Mariah Mahmud Taib Mahmud Teresa Kok Tian Chua Tony Pua William Mawan Wong Ho Leng Wong Soon Koh Yong Teck Lee Percentage (mention) 0 0 1.5489 26.767 1.6941 0.048403 0.048403 0 0.33882 0 0.24201 0.29042 6.8248 0.43562 0.096805 0.53243 0.048403 0 6.486 1.2585 0.33882 8.0833 9.4869 0 3.485 0 0.82285 1.6457 0.096805 15.489 0.14521 7.7928 0.096805 2.5653 0.96805 0.62924 0 0 0.19361 1.4521 0 0 0.048403 0 0


Politician/Political Figure Chua Soi Lek Liow Tiong Lai Ng Yen Yen G. Palanivel Alfred Jabu Taib Mahmud Maximus Ongkili James Masing William Mawan Wong Soon Koh Abdul Rahman Dahlan Hishamuddin Hussein Mahathir Mohamad Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Bernard Dompok Chong Chieng Jen Karpal Singh Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Teresa Kok Tony Pua Wong Ho Leng Dzulkefly Ahmad Hadi Awang Khalid Samad Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu Nik Aziz Nizar Jamaluddin Siti Mariah Mahmud Anwar Ibrahim Azmin Ali Baru Bian Elizabeth Wong Jeffrey Kitingan Khalid Ibrahim Nurul Izzah Rafizi Ramli Tian Chua Ambiga Sreenevasan Hassan Ali Ibrahim Ali Rosmah Mansur Yong Teck Lee

TABLE 6 Party etc. Percentage MCA MIC PBB PBS PRS SPDP SUPP 0.48403 0.29042 0 0 0.048403 0 0












15.876075 PR 75.169751



Bersih Independent Perkasa '1st lady' SAPP

1.5489 0.43562 0.53243 0.62924 0

Independent/ Other



Politician/Political Figure Chua Soi Lek Mahathir Mohamad Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Nazri Aziz Taib Mahmud Anwar Ibrahim Baru Bian Hadi Awang Jeffrey Kitingan Khalid Ibrahim Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Nik Aziz Ambiga Sreenevasan Hassan Ali Vox Pop Male Vox Pop Female Public Opinion/Vox Pop General Election Commission Spokesperson

TABLE 7 Percentage (source) 1.9287 16.891 21.859 0.17534 26.3 0.29223 0.058445 3.0392 0.058445 5.9614 0 0.35067 2.2209 0.87668 2.8054 0 3.4483 4.9679 1.052 5.2601 2.4547










Politician/Political Figure Abdul Rahman Dahlan Alfred Jabu Ambiga Sreenevasan Anwar Ibrahim Azmin Ali Baru Bian Bernard Dompok Chong Chieng Jen Chua Soi Lek Dzulkefly Ahmad Elizabeth Wong G. Palanivel Hadi Awang Hassan Ali Hishamuddin Hussein Ibrahim Ali James Masing Jeffrey Kitingan Karpal Singh Khalid Ibrahim Khalid Samad Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Liow Tiong Lai Mahathir Mohamad Maximus Ongkili Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Ng Yen Yen Nik Aziz Nizar Jamaluddin Nurul Izzah Rafizi Ramli Rosmah Mansur Siti Mariah Mahmud Taib Mahmud Teresa Kok Tian Chua Tony Pua William Mawan Wong Ho Leng Wong Soon Koh Yong Teck Lee

TABLE 8 Attacked Negative 0 0 0 0 4.6729 1.5267 36.449 41.985 0.93458 6.1069 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.46729 0 0 0 0.46729 0 0 0 7.0093 10.687 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.46729 0 0 0 5.6075 3.8168 1.8692 8.3969 0 1.5267 13.084 2.2901 12.15 6.1069 0 0 3.271 0 0 0 0.46729 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.4112 6.8702 0 0.76336 1.4019 3.0534 2.3364 2.2901 0.46729 2.2901 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.46729 2.2901 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Neutral 0 0 1.1016 25.459 1.4688 0 0.0612 0 0.3672 0 0.2448 0.3672 6.6707 0.5508 0.1224 0.5508 0 0 7.0991 0.67319 0.306 8.0171 9.7919 0 3.672 0 0.91799 1.9584 0.1224 16.707 0.1836 7.6499 0.0612 2.8152 0.73439 0.5508 0 0 0.1224 1.5912 0 0 0.0612 0 0

Positive 0 0 2.6316 5.2632 1.3158 1.3158 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.9474 0 0 1.3158 0 0 1.3158 0 0 5.2632 1.3158 0 6.5789 0 1.3158 1.3158 0 61.842 0 2.6316 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.6316 0 0 0 0 0 0




Independent/ Other

TABLE 9 Attacked Negative Neutral Positive Attacked Negative Neutral Positive Attacked Negative Neutral Positive

4.20558 0 23.5614 69.7367 90.65495 96.18346 73.68407 26.316 5.14019 3.8168 2.754 3.9474

TABLE 10 Politician/Political Figure Chua Soi Lek Mahathir Mohamad Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Nazri Aziz Taib Mahmud Anwar Ibrahim Baru Bian Hadi Awang Jeffrey Kitingan Khalid Ibrahim Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Nik Aziz Ambiga Sreenevasan Hassan Ali Vox Pop Male Vox Pop Female Public Opinion/Vox Pop General Election Commission Spokesperson Percentage (source + attacking) 0 34.783 20.29 0 19.324 0 0 0.96618 0 4.3478 0 0 0.48309 0 3.3816 0 0.96618 12.56 2.8986 0 0 Coalition Percentage








TABLE 11 Issues Vision Policies/Programmes Environment Economy/Development Education Foreign Policy Domestic Policy, Crime & National Security Oppressive Legislation Health Religion Ethnicity Religion Democracy & Human Rights Socioeconomic Status Mudslinging Gender Electioneering Coverage 6.2005 0.17762 5.1348 1.0496 3.181 3.6977 0.50057 0.2745 6.7334 9.7529 6.5396 4.053 6.4266 4.6827 1.647 2.4544 PI/NPI Coverage

Policy Issues


Non-Policy Issues



Section 6: Appendix 2 Coding Scheme

1. Politician or Political Figure (Mentioned) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 2. Abdul Rahman Dalan Alfred Jabu Ambiga Sreenevasan Anwar Ibrahim Azmin Ali Baru Bian Bernard Dompok Chong Chieng Jen Chua Soi Lek Dzulkefly Ahmad Elizabeth Wong G. Palanivel Hadi Awang Hassan Ali Hishamuddin Hussein James Masing Jeffrey Kitingan Karpal Singh Khalid Ibrahim Khalid Samad Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Liow Tiong Lai Mahathir Mohamad Maximus Ongkili Mohamad 'Mat' Sabu Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Ng Yen Yen Nik Aziz Nizar Jamaluddin Nurul Izzah Rafizi Ramli Rosmah Mansur Siti Mariah Mahmud Taib Mahmud Teresa Kok Tian Chua Tony Pua William Mawan Wong Ho Leng Wong Soon Koh Yong Teck Lee 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 3. Muhyiddin Yassin Musa Aman Najib Razak Nazri Aziz Nik Aziz Taib Mahmud Vox Pop Male Vox Pop Female Public Opinion/Vox Pop General Election Commission Spokesperson

Party or Coalition 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. BN (Barisan Nasional) DAP (Democratic Action Party) Gerakan (Malaysian People's Movement Party) MCA (Malaysian Chinese Association) MIC (Malaysian Indian Congress) PAS (Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party) PBB (Parti Besaka Bumputera Bersatu) PBS (Parti Bersatu Sabah) PKR (People's Justice Party) PR (Pakatan Rakyat) PRS (Sarawak People's Party) PRM (Parti Rakyat Malaysia) PSM (Parti Sosialis Malaysia) SAPP (Sabah Progressive Party) SPDP (Sarawak Progressive Democratic Party) SUPP (Sarawak United People's Party) UMNO (United Malays National Organisation) UPKO (United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation)


Organisations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Bersih Community-based organisations. Democracy- or human rights-oriented organisations (excluding Bersih) Environmentally-oriented organisations Ethnicity-oriented organisations JATI Perkasa Professionals organisations Religious organisations. Trade Unions Womens' rights or issues focused organisations. Youth or student focused organisations Election Commission

Politicians or Political Figure (Used as a Source) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Ambiga Sreenevasan (Bersih) Anwar Ibrahim (PKR) Baru Bian Chua Soi Lek Hadi Awang Hassan Ali Jeffrey Kitingan Khalid Ibrahim Lim Guan Eng Lim Kit Siang Mahathir Mohamad


Policy Issues 1. Vision Policies or Programmes 1. 1Malaysia 2. GTP (Government Transformation Programme) 3. ETP (Economic Transformation Programme) 4. NKRA (National Key Results Areas) 5. NEP/'Bumiputeraism'


6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 2.

PAS's Welfare State PKR's Buku Jingga NEM (New Economic Model) 'Transformasi' BN Manifesto PR Manifesto Other

6. 7. 8.

SOSMA (Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012) Other

Health 1. 1Care 2. Other Religion 1. Apostasy 2. Islamic State 3. Hudud 4. Conversion (into Islam) 5. 'Allah' issue 6. Other

Environment 1. Deforestation/Land Rights 2. Recycling 3. Lynas 4. Polluting Industries (non-Lynas) 5. Damming Projects 6. Other Economy/Development 1. Recession 2. Welfare 3. Unemployment 4. Poverty 5. Privatisation 6. Growth/FDI 7. FTA/Globalisation 8. Inflation/Price Rises 9. Infrastructure 10. Housing 11. Other Education 1. Vernacular Schools 2. Access 3. PPSMI 4. Academic Freedom 5. System 6. PTPTN 7. Other Foreign Policy 1. Western World 2. Singapore (Mentions of) 3. Singapore (Comparison with) 4. China 5. India 6. Islamic World 7. Israel/Palestine 8. Indonesia 9. Other Domestic Policy, Crime, & National Security 1. Immigration 2. Illegals/Refugees 3. Terrorism (not Lahad Datu) 4. Crime 5. Lahad Datu Incident 6. Other Oppressive Legislation 1. ISA (Internal Security Act) 2. AUKU/UUCA (Universities and University Colleges Act 1971) 3. Sedition Act 4. PPPA (Printing Presses and Publication Act) 5. PAA (Peaceful Assembly Act 2012) 6.



Non-Policy Issues 1. Ethnicity 1. Malaysia 2. Chinese 3. Indian/South Asian 4. Orang Asli 5. Orang Asal, Sabah & Sarawak 6. Thai 7. Portuguese/Eurasian 8. Malay Rights 9. Other Religion 1. Islam 2. Buddhism/Taoism 3. Hinduism 4. Christianity 5. Sikhism 6. Religious Freedom (non-apostasy related) 7. Interfaith Dialogue/Unity 8. Interfaith Friction 9. Other Democracy & Human Rights 1. General Corruption 2. Electoral Corruption 3. Media Freedom 4. Electoral Reform 5. Electoral Legislation 6. 2-Party System 7. Protest/Rallies 8. Other Socioeconomic Sectors 1. Middle Class/Professionals 2. Working Class 3. Aristocracy/Monarchy 4. Civil Service 5. Military and Police 6. FELDA 7. Plantation/Estate Workers 8. Chine New Villagers 9. Senior Citizens/Retirees 10. RELA/Wataniah 11. Urban 12. Rural 13. Cost of Living









14. Other 7. 5. Territory 1. Kuala Lumpur 2. Labuan 3. Putrajaya 4. Johor 5. Kedah 6. Kelantan 7. Malacca 8. Negeri Sembilan 9. Pahang 10. Perak 11. Perlis 12. Penang 13. Sabah 14. Sarawak 15. Selangor 16. Terengganu 17. Sarawak Independence 18. Sabah Independence Mudslinging 1. Anwar/Sodomy 2. Altantuya 3. Rosmah 4. Penang CM 5. Selangor CM 6. NFC 7. Arms Deals 8. Psy/CNY Concert 9. Project IC 10. Taib Mahmud and Logging Expose 11. Other Gender 1. Sexuality 2. Women in politics 3. Personal/Private life 4. Womens' Issues 5. LGBT/Q 6. Appearance 7. Sexism 8. Other Electioneering 1. Event-specific Gifts 2. Handouts 3. Timely Developments 4. Election Promises 5. Baby-kissing 6. Cybertroopers/Social Media War 7. Other




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