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Circle the best option.

1. Where ___ he from? a. is b. are c. am 2. She ___ a bath now. a. is having b. has c. having 3. ___ the disc put into the disc-drive? a. Is b. Are c. It is 4. Diana ___ to Italy a week ago. a. goes b. went c. go 5. We hate ____. a. wait b. waits c. waiting 6. Ok, I think ___ come with you. a. I 'll b. I'm going c. I 7. We have ___ milk, but we don't have ___ eggs. a. some / any b. some /some c. any / some 8. ___ he working yesterday? a. Was b. Were c. Are 9. I ______ a novel when he knocked at the door. a. read b. have read c. was reading 10. This isn't Laura's bag. ____ is ____. a. Hers / bigger b. Her / bigger c. Hers / biger 11. We've decided ______ married in the summer. a. to get b. getting c. got 12. I only have _____ potatoes. a. a few b. a little c. little 13. China has____ biggest population in the world. a. the b. a c. so

14. Last year there ____ people from all over the world. a. were b. was c. are 15. After she ____ the coffee, she sat down. a. make b. has made c. had made 16. I've ____ made some coffe. It's in the kitchen. a. yet b. just c. ever 17. I think it would be a good idea ____ the conference in Spain this year. a. to hold b. hold c. holding 18. That lovely old house ____ have been pulled down. a. shouldn't b. mustn't c. wouldn't 19. I'm very angry because _________ since 6.30. a. I wait b. I have waited c. I have been waiting 20. If ____ I will get wet. a. rains b. it rains c. rain 21. At this time tomorrow ______ over the Atlantic. a. we flying b. we'll be flying c. we'll fly 22. My parents _____ meet us at the airport tonight. a. go to b. will be to c. are going to 23. Which team ____ the game? a. did it win b. won c. did they win 24. This book is worth ________. a. reading b. to read c. read 25. What _____ the weather like today? a. does b. looks c. is 26. What is _____ name of the hotel? a. the b. a c. an

27. I want _____ orange and two apples. a. the b. a c. an

For the questions below, choose the best option to complete the sentence or conversation.

1. When can we meet again? a. When are you free? b. It was two days ago. c. Can you help me? 2. My aunt is going to stay with me. a. How do you do? b. How long for? c. How was it? 3. When do you study? a. at school b. in the evenings c. in the library 4. Would you prefer lemonade or orange juice? a. Have you got anything else? b. If you like. c. Are you sure about that? 5. Let's have dinner now. a. You aren't eating. b. There aren't any. c. Tom isn't here yet 6. The snow was ...... heavily when I left the house. a. dropping b. landing c. falling d. descending 7. I can't find my keys anywhere - I ...... have left them at work. a. can b. must c. ought d. would 8. When a car pulled out in front of her, Jane did well not to ...... control of her bicycle. a. miss b. lose c. fail d. drop 9. According to Richard's ...... the train leaves at 7 o'clock. a. opinion b. advice c. knowledge d. information 10. When you stay in a country for some time you get used to the people's ...... of life. a. habit b. custom c. way d. system 11. She is now taking a more positive ...... to her studies and should do well. a. attitude b. behaviour

c. manner d. style 12. What differences are there ...... the English spoken in the UK and the English spoken in the US? a. among b. between c. beside d. with 13. At 6 p.m. I started to get angry with him because he was late ...... a. as usual. b. in general. c. typically. d. usually. 14. I really enjoy stories that are ...... in the distant future. a. found b. set c. put d. placed 15. Anyone ...... after the start of the play is not allowed in until the interval. a. arrives b. has arrived c. arriving d. arrived 16. You should not have a dog if you are not ...... to look after it. a. prepared b. adapted c. arranged d. decided

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