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12th grade

Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 180 de minute.

I. Read the passage and answer questions 1-7 (7x2=14p):

It is not uncommon in America for a person to belong to some kind of volunteer group. Donating one's time and services is very much a part of the American way of life. Much of this charitable activity is organized by churches and civic groups around the nation and even encouraged by the government. The helping hand is extended to the poor, the homeless, the underprivileged and the handicapped. Some people work to teach youngsters how to read, others open up soup kitchens to feed the homeless and maintain day care centers for children of working mothers. It appears that this willingness to give and share without calculating the cost becomes most evident around the holiday season when a spirit of goodwill extends deep into the hearts of all people. High school students are often encouraged to become volunteers and many school club activities center around volunteer services. Students may work with disabled children during a summer program, or participate in a club activity which helps to bring meals to senior citizens who are shut-ins. With their sense of idealism students are often eager to donate their spare time. They see such activities as a way of becoming involved in the community and the adult world. Social action for them becomes as important as their academic studies. In a like manner, throughout the year, fund raising drives are conducted by schools and community groups to raise money for a designated worthy cause. Dance marathons, raffles and church bazaars help to rally a group around a needy project to gather funds. They may respond to a recent earthquake in a foreign country, a flood somewhere within their own, or another natural disaster which has left people destitute and homeless. They may organize drives to collect food, clothing and medicines to serve an immediate need. This call to assist those less fortunate than themselves arises from the humble origins of the American nation. Those immigrants who were poor and downtrodden became dependent on the kindness of their neighbours to make a new life for themselves. Volunteers work throughout the world in lesser developed countries helping local governments in fields as diverse as education, agriculture and animal husbandry. They volunteer by serving as a champion of goodwill both at home and abroad. 1. According to the text, what is a soup kitchen? (A) A kitchen which makes soup. (B) A kitchen to teach the homeless how to cook. (C) A kitchen operated by homeless people. (D) A kitchen designated to feed the homeless. 2. During which time of the year is volunteering most evident? (A) When most students take their year off. (B) During the holiday season. (C) Around Christmas and New Year. (D) One can volunteer any time of the year.
EVALUARE N EDUCAIE la LIMBA ENGLEZ CLASA a XII-a ETAPA a II-a bilant de an colar 8.05.2010

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3. According to the passage, what is one of the effects volunteering has for teenagers? (A) It increases the value of social action and involvement. (B) It develops their academic skills. (C) It ads valuable information to their curriculum vitaes. (D) It replaces their idealism with a sense of pragmatism. 4. In the context of the passage, what is meant by a "shut-in"? (A) Someone who is crippled. (B) Someone who refuses to go out of his home. (C) Someone who lives inside behind closed doors. (D) Someone who cannot leave his home. 5. What do schools and community groups do to raise money for a worthy cause? (A) They raise their tuition fees. (B) The conduct a fund-raising event. (C) They have yearly dance marathons. (D) They sell raffles for prizes. 6. According to the passage, how did America receive the idea of volunteerism? (A) From the Bible, since they are a thoroughly religious nation. (B) From the models of her modest origins. (C) Many early immigrants depended on the volunteer work of church groups. (D) It is one of the government policies. 7. What is the value of international volunteer work? (A) It creates good will among nations. (B) It helps volunteers to learn a foreign language. (C) It's cheaper than paid work. (D) It saves money for the government.

II. Circle the correct answer for each blank (15x1=15p):

Scientists believe that they have made a 1) __________ breakthrough in fighting HIV- they have shown what happens when an infection-fighting antibody attacks a 2) __________ in HIV's 3)__________ defences. Finding a vaccine against HIV has been very difficult because the proteins on the surface of the virus are continually mutating, but they have shown an antibody, called b12, attacking a weak spot of the virus where the protein is 4) __________. The virus is able to 5)__________ rapidly to avoid 6) __________ by the immune system, and is also covered in sugary molecules which block access by antibodies. 7) __________, certain parts of the virus must remain 8) __________ unchanged so that it can catch hold of and enter human cells. One protein that sticks out from the surface of the virus and binds to receptors on host cells is one such region, which makes it a target for vaccine development. Previous analyses of the 9) __________ of people that have been able to keep HIV from developing into AIDS for long periods of time 10) __________ revealed a 11) __________ group of antibodies - including b12 - that seem to fight HIV with some degree of 12) __________. The latest study showed how the antibody and 13) __________ protein interact. Scientists hope that revealing the 14) __________ of this bond in such 15) __________ detail will provide clues about how best to attack HIV. 1 2 3 4 5 A. majority A. gap A. consider A. stable A. mutation B. major B. space B. considerate B. instability B. mutant C. minor C. line C. considerable C. unstable C. mutate
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D. minority D. shape D. considerably D. stability D. mutating

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6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

A. detective A. Though A. relatively A. bleed A. was A. seldom A. succeed A. a A. stricture A. precise

B. detect B. However B. relative B. bleeding B. has B. rare B. successful B. the B. structure B. precision

C. detecting C. Also C. relatives C. blood C. have C. rarely C. success C. these C. blueprint C. exacting

D. detection D. Even though D. relation D. bloody D. were D. occasional D. succeeding D. D. plan D. quite

III. Use the word in capitals to form a correct derived word to fill each gap (10x1.5=15p):
It is not unusual to make a hobby pay for itself even if initially you had no (1) ... of turning it into a business. Depending upon the hobby, the necessary (2) ... can be expensive and the idea of (3) ... offering items up for sale can at the very least help pay for the hobby. For those looking to make a profit on their (4) ..., these days an audience for products can range from the local to the truly global. Some hobbyists begin by donating a piece of work to a (5) ... sale just to see how quickly and (6) ... it sells. Local shops can be the next outlet for items, often the step taken by those making things like hand-made greetings cards for instance. And for the truly ambitious, websites like eBay enable the hobbies to reach a (7 ) ... audience. As with any business idea, an honest (8) ... should be undertaken regarding the demand for the work and the price the customer is prepared to pay in (9) ... . However, do not forget the degree of personal (10) ... as well. INTEND EQUIP OCCASION CREATE



IV. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given. Do not change the word given (5x2=10).
1. 'Why don't you come over for dinner at the weekend?' he asked her. suggested He _______________________ for dinner at the weekend. 2. His boss won't tolerate lateness. put His boss won't _______________________ lateness. 3. Although the weather was terrible we had a good time. spite We had a good time _______________________ the terrible weather.

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4. The police are interviewing the suspects. interviewed The suspects _______________________ by the police. 5. Being rude is inexcusable. excuse There is _______________________ rude

V. Write the word or phrase that explains each of the idioms in bold type (3x2=6p):
1. You remember I told you about that car that cost me an arm and a leg? _______________ 2. Unfortunately, at the end of the meeting the resolution was still up in the air. _______________ 3. I wouldn't say I never see eye to eye with my employers but sometimes they can make extraordinary demands. _______________

VI. Choose the correct answer for the following statements (10x1.5=15):
1. Those scientists want to hear what our professor thinks about their theory because he is the foremost expert in their field. A. the first or main one C. least informed B. craziest D. loudest 2. Your cousin claimed to be late because the doors of his house were frozen shut. Even though I have my doubts, his explanation is plausible. It got really cold last night. I'll just have to take his word for it. If a statement is plausible, __________. A. you must always believe it C. it's hard to understand because it makes no sense B. you should never believe it D. it's believable enough to possibly be true 3. If you don't curtail your spending, you'll be broke in no time at all! Which word is a synonym of "curtail"? A. follow C. support B. reduce D. buy 4. No word must ever leak out about this military action! It has to be a clandestine operation in order to succeed. Which word is a synonym of "clandestine"? A. family C. dangerous B. useful D. secret 5. Our new alarm system will wake up the entire neighbourhood if an intruder gets in the house. An intruder is someone who intrudes. To intrude is to __________. A. paint or repair old buildings C. go where one is not wanted or doesn't belong B. wear ones shoes on the wrong feet D. be very noisy 6. The liberty of speaking and writing guards our other liberties. (Thomas Jefferson) Which statement contradicts the quote above? A. Freedom of the press is an important right. B. People should be free to express their opinions in speech and written words. C. Freedom of religion should not be limited. D. To protect liberty, governments should stop people from saying unpopular things.

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7. Which quote indicates that cats are thinkers? A. If you would know a man, observe how he treats a cat. (Robert Heinlein) B. Cats are mysterious kind of folk - there is more passing in their minds than we are aware of. (Sir Walter Scott) C As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat. (Ellen Perry Berkeley) D. What greater gift than the love of a cat? (Charles Dickens) 8. You know it's love when all you want is that person to be happy, even if you're not part of their happiness. (Julia Roberts) According to this quote, __________ A. Love must be painful. C. Love is unselfish. B. Love is never real. D. Love can never last. 9. Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty. (Albert Einstein) Einstein is saying that _______ A. Students learn best when they feel that what they're learning is important to them. B. Teachers should offer cash awards to students for doing their homework. C. Never make students work hard. D. Teachers should wrap their assignments in real wrapping paper. 10. This is a court of law, young man, not a court of justice. (Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.) Which statement comes closest to the meaning of the above quote? A. You entered the wrong building. C. Basketball players never play fair! B. Law and order is always a bad thing. D. Laws aren't always fair.

VII. What is the most significant word in English for you? Justify your choice in 150 words. (25 p)
Total score : 100 points


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