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Nordic Stocking

by Kristin Spurkland Finished Size Materials

Upper circumference: 14.5 Length: 19 from top to toe Hifa 2 (100% Wool; 315 meters per 100gram skein) in the following colors: 1 skein Main Color (MC) 1 skein Contrast Color (CC) small amount Accent Color (AC) Size 2 (2.75mm) 16 circular needles Size 4 (3.5mm) 16 circular needles Size 4 (3.5mm) dpn Stitch markers Stitch holder


28 sts and 28 rounds = 4 in charted pattern on size 4 needles


When knitting this stocking, it is crucial to that the MC and CC are held consistently in the same positions for all charted sections the stocking. For example, knitters who hold one color in their right hand and one color in their left must carry the same color in the same hand throughout. Switching the placement of the colors will result in marked distortion of the zig zag pattern.



With AC and size 2 circular needles, CO 98 sts, place marker, and join work in the round. Knit for 1.25, increasing by 4 sts on the last round. 102 sts. Purl 1 round. Change to size 4 circular needles and knit 1 round. Begin Checkerboard Chart. After completing chart, change to AC knit 2 rounds. Break AC. Begin Star and Zig Zag charts for leg, working the Star chart over the first 51 sts, the Zig Zag chart over the second 51 sts. On rounds 19 and 38, work decreases as follows: For the Star section - work first st according to Star chart; sl 1, knit 1 with CC, pass slip st over; work to last 3 sts of Star chart; k2tog with CC; k last st according to chart. For the Zig Zag section (maintain Zig Zag pattern as established while working decreases) - work first st in pattern as established; sl 1, knit 1 with CC, pass slip st over; work to last 3 sts in pattern as established; k2tog with CC; k last st in pattern. (Note that the leg decreases should always be worked with CC. ) 94 sts remaining after leg decreases. Complete Star Chart. Break both CC and MC.

Slip first 23 sts pw. Place next 48 sts on holder. Place last 23 sts on needle with first 23 sts--46 sts on needle total. With RS facing, re-join MC and CC and work Heel Flap as follows: Row 1: Sl 1 pw, (k1 MC, k1 CC) to last st, knit last st with both yarns held together. Row 2: Sl 1 pw, (P1 MC, P1 CC), to last st, purl last st both yarns held together. Work these 2 rows 13 times26 heel flap rows worked total. Break MC.

Turn Heel

(use CC for heel turn) Row 1: Sl 1 pw wyib, k26, k2tog, k1. Turn. Row 2: Sl 1 pw, p9, p2tog, p1. Turn. Row 3: Sl 1 pw, k10, k2tog, k1. Turn. Row 4: Sl 1 pw, p11, p2tog, p1. Turn. Continue in this manner, until all sts have been worked, ending after a purl row. 28 sts remaining after heel turn. With RS facing, knit first 14 sts of heel in CC. Place marker (if you removed it while turning the heel), and then begin Gusset.

Star Chart for Leg Repeats are shown in red boxes.

MC CC Sl 1, k1, pass sl st over No stitch

Checkerboard Chart

Zig Zag Chart



Next round: K2 CC, k2 MC. Dec round: (Ssk CC, work next 20 sts in established color pattern, ssk MC, work next 20 sts in established color pattern) 2 times. 84 sts rem. Rep the dec round, working 1 less st after each dec with each subsequent dec round, until there are 24 sts remaining. Next round: (Ssk CC, ssk MC) around. 12 sts remaining. Break yarns, leaving a 12 tail of CC. Thread CC through tapestry needle and draw through remaining sts.

Starting at marker, begin Gusset Charts, picking up 14 sts along each side of heel flap using colors as indicated in charts (sts shown in red boxes in gusset charts). 104 sts total after pick up round. Work gusset decreases as follows (use CC for all gusset decreases): -for the Star section of the chart, k2tog. -for the Zig Zag section of the chart, sl 1, k1, pass slip st over. 94 sts remaining after completing Gusset Charts. Work Star Chart for Foot, continuing with Zig Zag pattern as established on back of stocking. After completing the Star Chart for Foot, shape toe.

Finishing Braid

Block stocking and weave in ends. Fold hem into place and stitch down. (for hanging stocking) Cut three 18 lengths of each color. Holding the 3 strands of each color together as one, braid strands together. Tie knots at either end of braid to secure. Sew braid to inside of stocking.

Shape Toe

(Change to dpn when necessary) With CC, knit 1 round. Next round: [(Ssk, k14) twice, ssk, k13] 2 times. 88 sts remaining.

Gusset shaping for Star and Zig Zag sections of foot

Star Chart for Foot

For questions on knitting techniques and reading patterns, please consult your local yarn shop, a knitting reference book, or one of the many online knitting sites. Info on abbreviations, needle sizes, etc, can be found at Kristin Spurkland, 2011

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