Shanthoosh P Venkataraman

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Shanthoosh P Venkataraman

CONTACT 1025 WEST 25th Street, INFORMATION Los Angeles California 90007 WORK EXPERIENCE EDUCATION Senior Software Engineer - Flipkart Online Services, Bangalore, India E-mail:

June 2010 July 2013

Masters, Data Science, University of Southern California B. E. Computer Science, Madras Institute of Technology 84.5%

Fall 2013 - 2015 July 2006 May 2010


Machine Learning, Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, Distributed Computing

Programming Languages Expertise Databases Web Development Operating Systems Others Build Tools

C/C++, Java, Ruby, Python, Javascript Algorithms, Data Structures , OOP, SOA Mysql, Sqlite, Redis, Memcached, Membase, Riak, MongoDB, CouchDB Html, CSS, Jquery, Ruby on Rails, AngularJS, Play, Sinatara Linux, Windows RabbitMQ, Git, Svn, Puppet, Graphite, Nutch, Hadoop, Pig Latin, Thrift, Tomcat, Drools, Jruby Maven, SBT, Ant, Bundler, Ivy

Awards & Recognitions

11th Rank in ACM, International Collegiate Programming Contest, Asia Region , Indian Institute Information Technology & Management, Gwalior 2009 14th Rank in ACM, International Collegiate Programming Contest, Asia Region, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham ,kerala, 2009 Rated among Top 0.5% of programmers all over the world in Sphere Online Judge (, a programming contest platform Solved around 400-500 algorithmic problems across various online judges Won many programming, debugging and math contests conducted in various Indian colleges Won the Coolest hack award in Hack Day event conducted in Flipkart Online Services Private Limited

Network Level Anamoly Detection System using MST Based Genetic Clustering, Advances in Network Security and Applications Communications in Computer and Information Science , Volume 196, 2011, pp 113-122

Work Experience & Projects

Smart Assist
Business Intelligence System built on top of restful services in flipkart to provide a complete customer information pertaining to a customer call. I designed and developed the core pieces of both frontend and backend. Technologies Used: AngularJS + Javascript + Play + Java + Mysql

Warehousing System
Inventory Management System that enables efficient management of items in a big warehouses and tracking the life cycle of the items in a warehouse. I was part of a two member team which built the overall system & wrote major back and front end parts of the system.

A abstraction layer on top of a message queue swiftmq which enables async messaging across various CRUD applications of flipkart with minimum development from application side. I worked with team of 3, developed and designed major components of the system. Technologies Used: Java, Guice, Mysql, SwiftMq, Membase, Ruby

Provides horizontal partitioning and bucketing on top of redis and memcache nodes. A proactive monitoring system was developed to monitor the status of the nodes and support alerting and monitoring of redis and memcache nodes. I was responsible for building this completely end to end. Technologies Used: Java, Mysql, Sqlite, Servlets, Tomcat

A framework that provides versioning on top of Thrift Services, along with monitoring and alerting off the shelf. It removes a lot of boiler plate which has to be written as a part of every thrift service and client. I developed core parts of the system. Technologies used: Javacc, Thrift, Graphite, Nagios

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