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Top of Form 1 Bottom of Form 1 Top of Form 2 Bottom of Form 2 From: "Vlad" <ormagus@...

> Date: Fri Aug 6, 2004 12:21 pm Subject: Re: Ormes & Gold ormagus <> <ymsgr:sendIM? ormagus> Offline <ymsgr:sendIM?ormagus> </group/cg_exchange/post? postID=uQFWA0xjrQHX4euFikacEJCK8ZbJjGHq26UM E68twrJvcf7ZlOj4qDaFVInZYOq0dZuTRNPEaSPTzl39ITaG7isDw> Send Email </group/cg_exchange/post? postID=uQFWA0xjrQHX4euFikacEJCK8ZbJjGHq26UM E68twrJvcf7ZlOj4qDaFVInZYOq0dZuTRNPEaSPTzl39ITaG7isDw> See attached file for more explanations on red gold. I don't remember where I downloaded it from; I think it was somewhere on one of the ormus servers but it' easier to attach the file than look up the link. Hi folks, With Jerel's permission I am reposting almost all of his posts to TheWork starting Nov. 25, 1997 and ending Nov. 13, 1998. They offer insights into his process. Also in this document are some others' posts related to Jerel's work. Bruce 11-15-98 *** From: Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 22:40:51 -0500 (EST) Subject: Alchemical Gold Hello to all and very glad to have you here. There are several things I would like to discuss

here and I would like to get all the feedback I can from you, so please ask questions and set me straight when I make an error, or if you just disagree tell me that too. First, I would like to provide a brief summary of how I have come to study Alchemical Processes. What I hope to do with this summary is provide a way of connecting the Ancient Art to our more current thinking. Alchemy is not a new thing for me. I have always had an interest in Alchemy and have practiced the Art in some form since I was 9 years old. Most of this has been under the names of Chemistry and Physics, as these are what we now call the soulless forms of the Art. I have come back to the Art this time in an attempt the expand on the work of Penrose (a physicist) and Hameroff (an anesthesiologist). Much of what I have been pursuing can be found in Penroses book, Shadows of the Mind. Penrose has been seeking a better way to explain the fantastic computational power of the brain and Hameroff has been seeking the source of consciousness. The two heard of each other and got together to find that they both sought a common structure, the microtubule. Penrose sought a

structure in the brain that had nanometer dimensions because such a structure would be necessary to support quantum effects. Hameroff sought the structure responsible for consciousness. They agreed that the microtubules would provide for both. Mictotubules are tiny tubular structures within neurons that are made from two forms of tubulin. The two forms can be switched by tiny electric currents, so Penrose has proposed that the tubulin units may be the on/off switches for the brains data processing. I agree with this proposal because it allows us to be what we are by increasing our potential processing rate from from an unacceptable 10 Exp11 operations per second (OPS) to a reasonably acceptable 10 Exp24 OPS. Penrose explains all this quite well and I recommend him to all who would like to have a deeper understanding of our minds. Hameroff has done a lot of research into how consciousness works and he has concluded that the microtubules are the source of our consciousness. This is discussed in and supported by Penroses work. Hameroff has concluded that the observable quantum effects that occur in human

brains are caused by highly aligned water that is inside the microtubules. Penrose agrees with this concept and further argues that Bose- Einstein Condensations (BCEs) in the neurons are how we reach decisions. The BCEs are possible because the water inside the microtubules can be strongly aligned to form a high- temperature superconductive medium. This concept supports my thinking very well. BCEs provide an explaination for all the effects I refer to as psionics. These effects include: telepathy, remote viewing, bilocation, telekinesis, and astral travel. A BCE in the Broca area of the brain would allow thoughts to exist inside the brain and outside the head at the same time. This can explain both telepathy and how it is controlled. Likewise, a BCE in the visual processing areas would explain remote viewing. Since microtubules exist in all neurons and neurons extend into all parts of the body, a BCE including all neurons would allow the body to exist in two (or more) places at the same time, thus explaining bilocation. With this discovery, all psionics can be explained in modern physical terms. This opens the whole

field of psionics to persons like myself who have had so much technical training that it is impossible to accept psionics. This discovery means that all the formal training Ive had in Chemistry, Math, and Physics still applies and can even help explain psionics. For me, it is good to know that all these topics can exist peacefully together. Returning to Alchemy, the materials I have produced so far by electrochemistry are diatomic gold, diatomic silver, and a combination of the two which is referred to as a conjoined material. The diatomic gold I refer to is Autriple bond-Au and the diatomic silver is Ag-triple bond-Ag. These are triple bond structures with no other atoms attached. They do not exist in modern Chemistry, but they are suspected. Note that these are pure gold and pure silver in an arrangement that is not metallic. These diatomic forms (and a few others) were actually considered elements in Egyptian Alchemy. I know that the diatomics exist and that I have made them because by using the diatomic gold, I occasionally have access to a facility referred to as the third eye. With this instrument

(which can also be explained in quantum mechanical terms), I am actually able to see the materials at their atomic level. This is all I need, but it doesnt help others much unless they also have third eye access. Fortunately, there is other evidence. The best physical support for the existence of diatoms I have seen so far is the fact that diatoms carry no surface charge. As some of you probably know, dispersed metal particles in a metal/water colloid always carry a surface charge. This can be shown by the fact that metal/water colloids are destabilized by a high or low pH. It is also shown by the fact that the suspended metal particles will migrate to a charged electrode. This is called electrophoresis. Both effects are caused by the fact that electrons in metals will migrate to the surface of a particle containing 3 or more metal atoms. The diatomic materials and the conjoined materials do not exhibit either property. In freshly formed materials, the suspension will show no change at any pH from 1 to 12 and there is no particle migration in an electric field. Thus, I feel I can safely conclude that the diatomics have no

surface charge, which also implies that they are no longer metallic. This is as it should be. I am convinced by both scientific and occult testing that Alchemical Gold and Alchemical Silver are formed of diatoms of gold and diatoms of silver. In producing these diatomic forms, I have destroyed the metals by stopping the flow of electrons (alchemical water) within them. Artephius tells us that we must first destroy the metals in order to recombine them to produce the Elixir. Thus, the electrochemical process fulfills the first Alchemical requirement for producing the Elixir. By Artephius, this means the Work is true and we can proceed by this method to obtain the Elixir. Now let me discuss why these diatomic forms are required for refining and perfecting the Body and the Spirit. Artephius tells us that our Bodies are a crystallization of the Soul and that the principle which holds this crystallization together is the Spirit. These are the three major elements in the Human Form: the Body, the Spirit, and the Soul. Artephius further says that to perfect the body and increase our life-span, we must closely

integrate the Spirit into the Body and the Soul into the Spirit. If this process is done carefully and completely, then the Soul becomes the Spirit and the Spirit becomes the Body. When this is done, we may live 1000 years or more because the Spirit cannot be easily separated from the Soul and the Body and it is due to this separation that we die. My research thus far has led me to conclude that the Spirit Artephius speaks of is the energy that flows through our bodies via our nervous systems. This is a real energy and if it is disrupted, the Body will die. I have further concluded that this flow occurs primarily through the microtubules by means of the superconducting water within them. Understanding the flow of the Spirit within us is what is taught by all meditative methods. The microtubules are so tiny that almost nothing except a few layers of water can fit inside them. Anything that can fit inside them must also be very hydrophilic in order to circulate within them. Well, gold diatoms, silver diatoms, and conjoined materials do fit inside the microtubules because they are in the 3 to 5 Angstrom size range. In addition,

both the gold and the silver form very long, water polymer chains. Thus, after these materials do get into the microtubules, they not only circulate there, they also dramatically increase the size of the BCEs that can occur because they dramatically increase the length of water chains that can form. The implications should be fairly clear by now. If we can get sufficient diatomic gold and diatomic silver (I believe both are required) into our microtubules, then both our Spiritual energy flow and the size of BCEs we can produce will dramatically increase. These will in turn make all psionics possible. This technology will appear to be magic to those who do not understand it. We can get diatoms into our microtubules most quickly by ingestion. If you look at how the nerves are arranged in our stomachs, you will understand why this is so. The material is absorbed directly into the abundant nerve endings and travels up the vagus nerve and into the brain and down the spine. The vagus junction is an important switch to understand. Thus, many good things are made available, but you should also be aware that the materials are dangerous for

the same reasons they are good. The energy flows can increase beyond what the system can integrate. When this happens to me, I get very disconnected from my body and I get a lot of overheating in my head and my hands. I believe it is easily possible to burn the Body and dislocate the Spirit with these materials. This is why I have urged caution in the use of these materials. Those who wish to follow this path should walk slowly and observe carefully. I have to go for now. We are heading East for Thanksgiving and I have to get packed tonight. I should be back Sunday. All take care and have a good holiday if you celebrate this one. Jerel *** Date: Sat, 29 Nov 1997 23:12:47 -0500 XSender: Hi Jerel, I'm thankful for your clear explanation of some mechanisms that underlie consciousness. This whole area is quite fascinating. I did not understand several terms in the discussion, so I looked them up. Below are some definitions for the group that may be helpful: BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATE (BEC): "A state of matter in which a group of atoms acts as a single wave with properties analogous to light

waves from a laser. The atoms in a Bose-Einstein condensate are so cold that their normally miniscule wavelengths increase to the point at which their wavelike properties become potentially detectable.." [Source: American Institute of Physics, Physics News, oms/1997/alaserg3/] "Bose-Einstein condensates comprise a new state of matter in which gas atoms, [laser]cooled to near-absolute-zero temperatures, overlap with each other and collapse into a single 'superparticle.' [Source: /960626-011.txt] BEC's have been formed of Rubidium atoms, Lithium atoms, Sodium atoms, and trapped alkali atoms. [Source: Georgia Southern University Dept. of Physics,] "In 1924, Albert Einstein and Satyendra Nath Bose theorized that atoms could be cooled to an extremely low temperature. At that point, the atoms would condense to the point where they act as a single atom. In 1995, a team of scientists led by Eric Cornell proved the BoseEinstein theory to be true." [Source: um.html] BEC: "A macroscopic object that behaves in a purely quantum fashion." [Source:] BROCA's AREA: In the brain, a leftfrontal lobe that allows thoughts to be transformed into words. [Source: Center for Molecular Neuroscience, School of Medicine, Vanderbilt University Medical College, Nashville TN, ce/ce//geog.htm/] POLYMER: "Polymers are large molecules consisting of repeated chemical units ('mers') joined together, usually in a line, like beads on a string. Each 'mer' is made up of more than 5 and less than 500 atoms; the word 'polymer' is applied when you have more than about 50 'mers' stuck together." "...Polymer liquids [have applications] where fluctuations (Brownian motion) and interactions (the sticking together or association of different types of molecules) can play a more important role. Many of the most important research problems involve polymers free to fluctuate about in a small-molecule solvent [such as water]." "...Living organisms are

mainly composed of polymerized amino acids (proteins), nucleic acids (RNA and DNA), and other biopolymers. The most powerful computers -- our brains -- are mostly just polymer glorp soaking in salty water!" [Source: http:.// ymers.html] POLYMER: "The word Polymer comes from the Greek 'poly' meaning many, and 'meros,' parts or units. A polymer is a group of many units. You combine many monomers (one unit) to create a polymer. Polymer is often used as a synonym for 'plastic,' but many biological and inorganic molecules are also polymeric. All plastics are polymers, but not all polymers are plastics." [Source: Sci.Polymers FAQ,] VAGUS NERVE: A nerve on the left side of the neck. "The vagus nerve serves as one of the many highways of information carrying messages to and from the brain. Nerve fibers in the vagus nerve relay information from the body's organs (such as the stomach and heart) to the brain. The vagus nerve has many connections to areas in the brain instrumental in producing seizures." "Research in animal models suggested that stimulation or electrical

activation of the vagus nerve can disrupt the abnormal brain activity responsible for seizures." [Source: Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, Cornell Medical Center,] "Epileptic seizures are caused by normally wellorganized brain waves becoming completely disorganized. It has been suggested that stimulation of the vagus nerve may be able to intercept this abnormal brain activity." [Source: The National Society for Epilepsy, ns.html] Love and safe journey, Bruce Bartlett *** From: Date: Sun, 30 Nov 1997 22:05:48 -0500 (EST) Barry, > I think that this document, with a few modifications, would be appropriate > for the regular TheWork email list and probably would be appropriate on > Buzz's web page. I don't think the discussion of the interaction of the diatomics and the microtubules is directly applicable to the WPG and other white powder forms. The reason is that the white powder forms will not fit inside a microtubule. The microtubules average about 15 nm on the inside and we have

to allow for at least a triple layer of aligned water for any quantum effects to occur. Thus, we are left with only 5 to 8 nm to fit things into. The diatomics and conjoined forms are 3 to 5 nm wide, so they just do fit and can circulate within the microtubules. If the Essene's version of the white powder forms is correct (and I believe they are), then they are sodium complexes which would have to be in the 10 to 15 nm size range. This means they cannot fit inside the tubules. These forms can attach to the outside of the microtubules and can cause alignment within the tubules because of their presence. I think this is the primary difference in the functional nature of Gold Diatoms compared to WPG: the diatoms work inside the microtubules to enhance the formation of aligned water, while WPG works from outside the tubules to cause similar alignments. >Jerel, I have a question about something you recently mentioned. In a >recent post, you wrote something that implied that the red gold and the >white silver combination sometimes occurs in nature. Is this what you >meant or did I misunderstand something here? Could you elaborate on this. I

didn't find these two diatomic forms combined, but I found them separately in Yellowstone Park. I went to Yellowstone with several objectives in addition to seeing the enormous beauty there. One of these was to seek the Red Gold and White Silver diatomic forms in Nature. Artephius clearly indicates that these forms do occur in minerals and that the process takes thousands of years. I looked for these at Yellowstone because all the proper ingredients are there: gold, silver, iron, sulfides, and very hot volcanic springs that come from thousands of feet down. I brought back samples of materials that looked like what I had been working with and when I got them home and made dispersions with them, the Red Gold and White Silver are in the samples. Red Gold occurs as a fraction found in Red Occre deposits which have formed from volcanic hot springs. I believe this is the reason Red Occre has always been thought to have high spiritual value. Our ancestors often applied this material to the dead to ease their spiritual journeys. It all fits. There must be truth here. Jerel *** From: Jarmax <> Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997

23:24:48 EST <>I don't think the discussion of the interaction of the diatomics and >>the microtubules is directly applicable to the WPG and other white >>powder forms. The reason is that the white powder forms will not >>fit inside a microtubule. The microtubules average about 15 nm on >the inside and we have to allow for at least a triple layer of aligned >water for any quantum effects to occur. Thus, we are left with only >5 to 8 nm to fit things into. The diatomics and conjoined forms are >3 to 5 nm wide, so they just do fit and can circulate within the >microtubules. If the Essene's version of the white powder forms >is correct (and I believe they are), then they are sodium complexes >which would have to be in the 10 to 15 nm size range. This means >they cannot fit inside the tubules. These forms can attach to the >outside of the microtubules and can cause alignment within the >tubules because of their presence. I think this is the primary >difference in the functional nature of Gold Diatoms compared to >WPG: the diatoms work inside the microtubules to enhance the >>formation of aligned water, while WPG works from outside the

>>tubules to cause similar alignments. >I have given this some thought. Hudson claims that when he has isolated >his materials using the sodium triangle, he then removes it and the >materials register as pure nothing. I think that this would mean that the >sodium is no longer in the mix. >This also makes sense in terms of the work that we are doing. We can trap >a very active form of these materials. This form is not visible in water >and does not precipitate out until we add sodium in the form of lye or TSP. >Jim says that the sodium is only used as a box to isolate and purify the >materials. It seems logical that the dissolved form of these materials may >not be complexed with sodium in vegetable and water source materials. If >they were not complexed with sodium, wouldn't they fit inside the >microtubule with room to spare? If they take the form of diatoms, they would fit. However, if you have obtained gold diatoms, they will appear red. >You maintain that the conjoined Bose-Einstein condensate forms are a sort >of superparticle which is larger than an atom but smaller than a molecule. >In a sense this is a new way of compounding

elements. Do you think that >other BEC compounds (than the gold/silver that you write of) are possible? >It looks like there might be an entirely new way of "compounding" atoms and >an entire set of "new" materials available. I think copper can also be put into the diatomic form, but I have just started to work with this. Many things may be possible with the Alchemical materials, but they will not be new by any stretch of imagination. If I can recover the Elixir, I'll be quite happy. >The Hindu alchemists claim that their Stone is made from mercury. Is it >possible that there is more than one Philosopher's Stone? I think this is incorrect. At any rate, I won't work with mercury. It is far too danderous. >I didn't find these two diatomic forms combined, but I found them >separately in Yellowstone Park. I went to Yellowstone with several >objectives in addition to seeing the enormous beauty there. One >of these was to seek the Red Gold and White Silver diatomic >forms in Nature. Artephius clearly indicates that these forms do >occur in minerals and that the process takes thousands of years. >I looked for these at Yellowstone because all the proper >ingredients are

there: gold, silver, iron, sulfides, and very hot >volcanic springs that come from thousands of feet down. I >brought back samples of materials that looked like what I had >been working with and when I got them home and made >dispersions with them, the Red Gold and White Silver are in >the samples. Red Gold occurs as a fraction found in Red >Occre deposits which have formed from volcanic hot springs. >I believe this is the reason Red Occre has always been >thought to have high spiritual value. Our ancestors often >applied this material to the dead to ease their spiritual >journeys. How would you identify the two diatomic elements combined? Do they have a unique color? Which passage of Artephius indicates that these materials are available in nature? Artephius emphasizes that we are working with natural substances and in a natural way in several places. But specific references to their presence in nature are found in paragraphs 10 and 31. Jerel *** X-Sender: Date: Tue, 06 Jan 1998 13:49:51 -0800 I would like to get Daniel's results out to the rest of the group but two things stand in the way. Daniel is not ready to do this yet

and Jerel discredits this method as not producing the same material as his process produces. Here is a note that Daniel sent me about his correspondence with Jerel on this subject: ____________________________ Dear Barry, I think you will probably be interested in this dialogue i had with Jerel about your AuCl (or whatever it is) process and his electrochemical process. I start and then he replies without italics. I shall send another e-mail to include my variations on your process. Be Light good man Love and Light daniel dMb9 >Jerel, i want to share something with you. >Barry has developped a process for making gold into something special. I >say that because we are not sure if it is AuCl or Au=Au triple bond Cl >as you have devised. I just ran it and came up with a solution of finely >supsended particles that LOOK EXACTLY LIKE THE WINE THAT I GET when i >run your process. The difference is the concentration. When this stuff >cools, the particles coagulate into bigger particles and yield a >cherry-purple red ppt. This material reflected red, transmitted citrine >and was a deep purple red. This is very interesting.

>I want your feedback of course, because i know you feel that only Art's >method can yield what we want. You should not get ppt. unless you let it stand for over a week. What you describe is not what I get at all. If this is what you get by my method, then you are not using my process. As I understand Barry's process, he makes AuCl by dissolving gold with peroxide and HCl. I can make this too by using persulfate as the oxidizer. I could not make this material evolve and it breaks down to gold if you heat it. If it is not heat stable to 600 F, it is not diatomic gold. Art may of may not have the only method, but it seems to work for me. My experience is that deviations only lead to weeks of distress. Take care. JMcInnis *** Date: Fri, 06 Feb 1998 22:56:38 -0600 From: mudd <> Hello Jerel and fellow workers, I am preparing to begin the work as described by Artephius and would like some advice. My gold should arrive in a few days and when it does I will form my electrodes with it. For a power source, I plan on using three 12 volt rechargeable lead acid batteries. But when it comes down to the actual steps of the process, I

feel very confused. Do I use NaCl or KNO as the electrolyte? And what is the concentration, saturated or dilute? Also what time scale is best to apply the current? My background is in traditional alchemy which I have practiced for many years. But I admit to never making the connection between electricity and alchemy. Looking at it now it makes perfect sense. I guess I assumed that electricity was not used because it seemed to be a fairly recent discovery, even though I read about the ancient batteries in "Chariots of the Gods" or was it somewhere else? Anyway, I am very happy to have the opportunity to interact with this group. Please help me to avoid any unnecessary pitfalls while on this interesting path. Thanks, Henry *** From: Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 21:23:13 EST Subject: Re: Blue Sky In a message dated 2/17/98, you write: >> How would Artephius describe the flow of electrons >> from his antimony/iron battery in a world without the concept of >> electricity. We use water related terms to describe electrical "flow" why >> wouldn't Artephius? Electricity can burn, just like fire. Is electricity >> the Secret Fire? > I have given much

thought and lost a fair amount of sleep considering > the traditional descriptions of this secret fire. I have heard of many > things as taking this role such as aqua regis for example. But my latest > feeling is as follows. The old clues suggest that it is a fire that goes > against nature in that it burns in water. It is found nearly everywhere > at little to no cost. You can hold it in your hand. To me Salt or rather > the concept of salt is this fire. Sodium metal quite literally burns in > water. Take the ashes of anything that burns and reduce them to a fine > white ash and you have (in those ashes) the alchemical Salt, one of the > three essentials. When water is added there is a highly basic liquid of > sodium hydroxide left which is caustic and can "burn" you. As we are > well aware, you can even "burn" some waters which leave an ash, or > rather a precipitate behind. But much of the desired material is still > present in the form of an escapable gas and other volatile goodies. When > we make a precipitate these gasses are let off and dissipate into the > atmosphere never to be retrieved. But to the alchemist working with the > low

temperature alembic and closed containers, these essential > ingredients are not lost. Based on my work to date, electricity is a form of the Azoth. There is another form that is much more potent and fast-acting. The more potent form burns in water and glows in the dark. It is not sodium or any normal salt. > I would like to ask Artephius what his feelings are on this. Where's > the old fellow at when you need him? He is not completely inaccessable. Jerel *** From: Jarmax <> Date: Sun, 1 Mar 1998 23:02:37 EST To: Subject: Quotes Bruce, >As an engineer with a physics degree, I would be very interested to hear >how ingesting your material has affected your career. Does it hamper >engineering work (maybe because you feel you have more important things to >do) or does it enhance it (maybe because you have gained a deeper >understanding of the physics of the universe?) Use of my materials has caused me to understand that I am doing the important things I need to do. Taking an excessive dose of the material in the morning will cause me to become disconnected so that I do not perform well, but I usually don't

take much in the morning. Since starting this material, I understand many, many, things much better and at deeper levels. Almost everything speaks to me now. There seem to be no barriers. The material I make will not hamper one's ability to be an engineer and it would almost certainly enhance the understanding of physics. The universe is an open book and full of answers. >In your own mail list, you posted an elegant explanation of the relation >between ormes, microtubules and consciousness. Would you be willing to >contribute this quote (below) to TheWork's public document? Currently the >quote is not public; it is on TheWork's private web page, proposed public >document 17a, posted there for TheWork's consideration. You can use the quote, but I prefer to remain anonymous for now. Take care. Jerel *** Return-Path: <> From: Jarmax <> Date: Fri, 17 Apr 1998 23:38:14 EDT To: Subject: Gold Bruce, >I hope all is going well with you. I'm very happy for you that you have >experienced the spiritual effects you have described. I have learned much but still have much to learn.

>Regarding your method, it's my understanding that you place two gold >electrodes in a solution of KN03. Is that correct, or is it NaCl? Do you >have an address of a place to get KNO3? Pure gold electrodes are placed in very dilute solutions of both KNO3 and NaCl. A fine, purple-red material is deposited on the anode by the KNO3 solution and this is dissolved in the NaCl. I have gotten all my KNO3 at older drug stores. >It's also my understanding that you apply 36 volts to the electrodes and >get a precipitate either on the electrodes or at the bottom of the >solution. Which is correct? Which do you ingest? Bad data. I use 42 volts. There is no precipitate at any stage, but a golden colored material forms in the solution. After 100 or so iterations, the diatoms polymerize and will separate from the liquid. You ingest each material as you get it. The solid is 100s of times more potent. >As you can see, I am not clear on this method. It seems elegantly simple, >but apparently demands great observational skills. Any help you can offer >would be greatly appreciated. When you have all the materials let me know. Jerel *** Return-Path:

<> From: Jarmax <> Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 19:04:48 EDT To: Subject: Gold Bruce, >Are gold wires adequate? Or are gold plates better because of their greater >surface area? I don't know how well wires work. I have always used hammered gold. I don't know if plates would be better because I haven't tried that either. >How dilute are the solutions, please? 1:10? Fifteen milligrams of salt in 180 ml of distilled water. Very dilute. There are several steps in this. It is a method which you must do to understand. Get the materials you need and I will send you a series of steps for making Red Gold. >Is the solid you refer to the polymerized diatoms? The diatoms are pairs of gold atoms which are, essentially, triple-bonded to each other. They have a high affinity for pure water and they surround themselves with it. The polymer is an ordered arrangement of water and diatoms. This becomes so big and heavy that it will settle out. This is the solid I refer to. Jerel *** X-Sender: Date: Tue, 15 Sep 1998 16:43:04 -0700 To: From: Barry Carter

<> Subject: Re: TheWork Myths Sender: Reply-To: Dear Jerel, At 11:48 PM 9/14/98 EDT, you wrote: >block wrote: > >>We know there is the range of pH >>from which the ORMEs precipitate out >>of solution. Viz 8.5 - 10.75 > >This was not established. ORMES, whether >monatomic or diatomic are neutral in charge >and will not respond to pH changes. All that >has been established is that you can precipitate >Mg, Ca, Bi, etc. from various water sources. *** From: Barry Carter <> Subject: Re: TheWork Myths Sender: Reply-To: Dear friends, At 09:56 PM 9/15/98 EDT, Jerel wrote: >In a message dated 9/15/98 6:08:58 PM Central Daylight Time, > writes: > ><< Could you please explain why certain materials precipitate out at certain > pH's? (e.g. Mg(OH)2, etc.).> > >I have to check this, but I believe it is the electronegativity of the metal >that determines the pH at which it will convert. > >>> If ORMES will not respond to pH changes, is there some other mechanism > where they would

precipitate out in that pH range? Could Mg(OH)2 form a > structure which would attract or collect ORMES and bring them down with it? > >Gold and silver ORMES form water polymers that might be attracted >to Mg and other hydroxides. Gold and silver diatomics do occur in some >water sources but not in all water sources. The amount of white >precipitate you get from a particular source may or may not indicate >the concentration of ORMES present. The white precipitate is only >telling you how hard the water is. *** Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 01:57:51 -0500 From: John Matheson <> To: Subject: TheWork: Colliodal Gold ...However, once I obtained the necessary materials for Jerel's processes, I decided some experiments with regular colloidal materials were in order. Colliodal generators are extremely easy to make. All you need are about 5 six volt batteries and some wire and clips to hook them together in series. Gold wire can be purchased from a jeweler or you can buy some Canadian Maples from a gold gold dealer and have them processed by a jeweler. A 1/4 ounce Maple should be sufficient to make two

6 inch wires. It is important to use only pure gold wires. (24 carat or "fine gold) You can learn more about making colloidal products at *** Date: Sat, 24 Oct 1998 02:22:51 -0500 From: John Matheson <> To: Subject: Re: TheWork: Colliodal Gold Sender: Reply-To: Barry Carter wrote: > > Dear John, > > At 01:10 PM 10/20/98 -0500, you wrote: > > >> Have you also gotten a red color using Jerel's process? How have you > >> compared the efficacy of the two products? > > > >The materials from Jerel's processes seem to be a > >lot more effective than any materials I've made with > >the "dry process" or the H2O2/HC1 processes. However, > >I've used the red gold from Jerel's process a lot more > >frequently. > > This is the type of work we need to do, where we make direct comparisons > between materials obtained using different methods. What effects have you > noticed from the product of Jerel's method? John ------- I would like to hear from others who have tried both substances also. I have been tryig to write a post on the effects of various

substances for some time. I had difficulty in finding the words to exspress some rather subtle experiences. So I will just cover some of the more dramatic effects here. Originally, I expected that Jerel's processes would simply be a more convienent way of making the substances that I was making with I was quickly surprised H202/HC1 processes. I was quickly surprised. Shortly after taking Jerel's red gold I began feeling electronic pulses along the acupuncture meridians near my: legs, spine, and inside of my head. These sensations felt a lot like the sensations I've felt when I turned my BT5 brain tuner a little to high. Later I began to feel electrical pulsations inside of my head that seemed very much like the sensations I had when I used an electrostim device with my light sound machine. ( I've only used these devices once or twice in the last year) I've never felt similiar sensations that I've associated with H202/HC1 substances or products from "The Work". I've heard the "aum" after taking products from "The Work" and in association with gold subjected to H202/HC1 processes. ( note: Jerel calls

this sound the "hu". Others on this forum refer to it as a disease for some strange reason.) However this sound has always been much louder with Jerel's gold. I can hear this sound anytime I choose to tune into it provided I'm in a reasonable quite enviroment. Sometimes I even hear chords. On a more subtle level I have a sense the the ordering process in the universe is becoming ever more present in my life. I have also found it necessary to become more disiplined in my thinking and in my use of my imagination. Without this additional self disipline, I believe the effects of these substances would be more negative than positive. I'm also taking a lot of St. John's Wort, Ginko, and grape seed extract. I also took a lot of products from "The Work" for several months before I started using Jerel's processes. In addition I also consumed red gold from the H202/HC1 processes for about three months before the learned Jerel's red gold process. The influence of these substances on my experience of electro-mechanical is hard to determine. I would be great to hear from other people who have tried both processes. The experiences of

others may be different than mine. I know of at least one person who experienced some rather remarkable sygeristic effects from the consumption of electro-mechanical and H202/HC1 substances. The H202/HC1 substances also have some rather remarkable effects. I may work with these processes at some time in the future. My desire to find more time for meditation, exercise and study has forced me to choose between Barry's and Jerel's processes. > >The red gold that I've made with Jerel's process > >does not precipitate with the "wet process" or > >the "dry process". I find this to be a cause for > >concern. The processes in "The Work" and the H2O2/HC1 > >processes may be producing microclusters but they are > >probably not producing diatoms. Barry ------ > Jerel mentioned that his process did not produce a precipitate. I have > often wondered about the difference between his product and the product of > the peroxide process. There is another possibility to consider and that is > that the peroxide process produces diatoms and they are in boxes with more > handles so that the boxes form larger clusters. The red

precipitate from > the peroxide process has definite high energy effects, both in terms of > psychological effects and in terms of being associated with superconductive > and "tunnelling" effects. > Apparently, You have done some work that I'm not aware of. Perhaps you could tell us about the effects of these processes. Peace John *** From: Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 22:57:53 EST In a message dated 10/25/98 9:05:09 PM, writes: << Jerel is a member of this forum. His email address Being tutored by Jerel has been real previlege. Jerel's posts on this forum are an improtant source or information on these processes. I strongly suggest that anyone who is considering learning these processes review Jerel's posts on this forum. You can contact Bruce & Jenny for more information about the forum archives. Jerel's substances are not magic pills. They are catalysts that speed up the manifestation of thought and help you get where you are going faster. The consumption of these substances entails certain responsibility towards the world at large. We are all interconected. Our

very thoughts influence those around us. The words we speak to our neighbors on the west coast my be passed along to strangers on the east coast in a matter of days. If your contributions to the group mind are of the me first - I got mine you get yours variety, taking these substances will not only ruin your life you will take a lot of others with you. Jerel feels that the careless distribution of these processes will take human conciousness in the wrong direction. Jerel's posts may deal with these issues better than mine. Annother, source of information about Jerel's processes is "The Secret Book Artephius" available on the alchemy website. ( >> Well said John! Read what has been posted. Think it through then pick a method that fits. *** From: Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 01:10:29 EST To: Daniel, I feel I need to clarify a few things as there seems to be a lot of reading between the words and the lines. Below is what I said: "I don not know how you know this so well. As far as I know, you never got any of it right. Receiver beware. Information from Daniel may not have originated from Jerel and it cannot reflect

Jerels current methods. Too little knowledge in this application can be dangerous to others as well as yourself." There is no name calling in this statement. The only names I see are Daniel and Jerel. No others were written or implied by myself. As to the first paragraph, my recollection is that you got most of your information from Avi, not from me. I had been making Red Gold for several months before Avi got involved. I contacted Avi in an effort to get some verification of my materials. It was never my intent to spoon feed him details and have him blindly reproduce what I had done. I wanted additional thinking about the steps and the results. Avi was recommended to me by another member of this group who has done a very good jod of gathering and making available information. To make a long story a little shorter, Avi was not able to make the same material after several weeks so he turned his whole apparatus over to another member of the forum. This third party then worked with me and was able to make essentially the same materials and he contributed to the knowledge of the process. You talked to Avi after all

this had happened. I think I had sent you a recipe, but you had Avi clarify it for you. But it is my second paragraph that was most important. I dont know how what youve been sharing around compares with what I am doing now. I do know that my current materials are capable of damage to the nervous system and that the strongest can kill you by overheating your system. I do not want anyone getting severely damaged while they think they are being enlightened. I cannot understand how you can presume to teach these methods when you do not seem to know what the materials are or how they interact with the Human Form. This material was never intended to be thrown around like popcorn. Artephius says this several times. For whatever else its worth, I did invent this process and I have worked with it nearly three years now. I have taught others and some do well while others do not. I have never asked for a single penny for anything I have shared and I am not asking now. These materials are not white gold or ORMES. They are the diatomic metals of Alchemy. I do not want to put these into any open forum because there are some who wish to

exploit this information for monetary gain to the detriment of the Human Soul. Those who feel drawn to this should contact me directly. Be aware, however, that I am often slow to respond because I am often not here. Jerel *** From: Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 20:01:02 EST To: Subject: TheWork: Words Sender: Reply-To: >>I regret that some wonderfull people who made iquires about these processes, with the best of motives, have become victims of the recent controversy. I am still willing to read between the lines and I see a lot of pain in some of the recent posts. I suspect that most newcomers may precieve this forum to be more closed and hierarchical than it really is. Is regards to the latest crisis, I think some of us old timers should have assured the new comers that they would get the help they were seeking. To the best of my knowlege, no member of this forum has ever been denied the opportunity to study advanced processes with Barry or Jerel. This has never been a hierarchical scociety where only a "special elect" are given the "great secrets" of the order. Welcome to the

club. << Please accept my appologies for my own part in this. This is a misunderstanding between Daniel and myself. My offer stands to any who wish to contact me, but I will not discuss details of my prosesses in an open forum because there are dangers in it that must be addressed before it is practiced. I strongly believe in "First, do no harm". Jerel *** From: Date: Fri, 13 Nov 1998 23:28:27 EST To: Subject: TheWork: Gold Sender: Reply-To: Bruce, >>You said that red gold is made of gold diatoms, Au-triple bond-Au. You also said that your process strips the electrons off the gold molecules so that they are no longer metal. Isn't a metal with electrons removed simply a positive ion? If so, how can two positively charged gold atoms attract each other? What do you think the nature of the triple bond is?<< There is a misunderstanding here. I did say that Red Gold is made of gold diatoms, but I did not say the electrochemical process I use strips electrons from the gold molecules. What I have said and still maintain is that the sequence of steps in this process stops the flow of

free electrons in the metal, thus killing the metal and freeing the diatoms. This is not the same as removing the outer electron from the gold atom and creating a positive metal ion and it is not the same as creating a metal colloid. Gold diatoms are electrically neutral, while metal ions and colloidal clusters are charged. The process I use carefully preserves the outer electron of a gold atom and allows it to pair with an equally preserved electron in another gold atom. Once this happens, then additional inner electrons can pair and you end up with a diatom which has no *free* electrons. With no free electrons, the diatom is no longer a metal and it has a completely new set of properties. The diatom is the "soul" of the metal. This is not a matter of producing colored metal colloids. Producing something with a similar color does not mean you have made gold diatoms. You cannot make diatoms consistently until you know what they are. If you make gold diatoms, you will know it because they will interact with you in a way you can recognize. This is not an approach that will not work for everyone. It should not be attempted

unless you are willing to devote substantial time to it. It will not work otherwise. Jerel ***

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