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This chapter presents the research methodology used in this study in order to find out the answer of the problems. In detail, it describes research method and approach of the research, research design, procedure of the research, technique of collecting and processing the data, reliability and validity, site of the research and participant.

3.1 Research Method and Approach of the Research 3.1.1 Research Method According to Burns (2000), Research is a systematic investigation to find answers to a problem (p. 3). In this study, it needs to find out the answer of the problems stated in chapter I. This study was to investigate the use of Directed Reading Thinking Activity in improving students reading comprehension on narrative text. To find out the information to answer the problems, this study applied qualitative method. He stated (2000), Qualitative methods attempts to capture and understand individual definitions, descriptions and meaning of events (Burns, 2000, p. 388). This study, described the use of Directed Reading Thinking Activity in teaching reading comprehension on narrative text. It described the process of using this technique and also students activities to find out the students achievement in reading on narrative text. After finishing the learning process, this study used interview to find out the students response by using this technique. Interview conducted to provide useful information from the students. It permitted the students to describe detailed personal information. This information helps the researcher to understand the students opinion whether the use of Directed Reading Thinking Activity in reading comprehension on narrative text improved their reading skill or not. 3.1.2 Approach of the Research In 2000, Burns explains Qualitative approach forms of investigation tend to be based on a recognition of the importance of the subjective, experiential

life word of human being (p. 11). This study was not presented as statistical summations, but it described as the real condition of the investigation. The approach relies on general interviews and observations. Interview used to find out the students response and to provide in depth information on the use of Directed Reading Thinking Activity in teaching reading comprehension on narrative text. Meanwhile, observation used to describe the process of using this technique and students activities to find out students achievement during implementing this technique.

3. 2 Research Design The research design in this study was Classroom Action Research. The reason for choosing Classroom Action Research, because it was related to the statement of the problem that this study applied Directed Reading Thinking Activity to improve students reading comprehension on narrative text. Classroom Action Research was a practical guide for the researcher who wishes to undertake this study in the classroom for the purpose of improving reading comprehension on narrative text. In 1993, Hopkins argues that classroom research encouraged the researcher to make teaching more competent and increased responsibility for action and create a more energetic and dynamic environment in which teaching and learning process. According to Burns (2000) he writes that Action-research is the application of fact-finding to practical problem-solving in a social situation with a view to improve the quality of action within it (p. 443). In (1981), Kemmis and Grundy define action-research in education as: A family of activities in curriculum development, professional development, school improvement programmers, and system planning and policy development. These activities have in common the identification of strategies of planned action which are implemented, and then systematically submitted to observation, reflection and change. Participants in the action being considered are integrally involved in all of these activities (Burns, 2000, p. 443).

Meanwhile, he argues Action researchers explore a practical problem with an aim toward developing a solution to a problem. This is a practical guide for teacher who wishes to undertake research in the classrooms and school for the purpose in improving practice (Creswell, 2012, p. 586-587). This study investigated the problem of reading comprehension on narrative text then applied technique in improving of teaching reading comprehension on narrative text by using Directed Reading Thinking Activity. From definition above, it assumed that Classroom Action Research was applied for specific, practical issue and seeks to obtain solution to a problem in this study. It was systematic procedure that used to gain information and to improve the students reading comprehension on narrative text in senior high school. It helps the researcher in providing opportunity to reflect her own practices and solve the problem of reading comprehension on narrative text. In 2012, Suyadi says that Action research was described as proceeding in a spiral of steps which consists of planning, acting, observing, and evaluating the result of the action. In 2006, Arikunto summarized the approach to action research in the model shown in figure (Suyadi, 2012, p. 50). Figure 2.1 PLAN















The study conducted cooperatively with an English teacher in that school to improve the quality of teaching learning process in the class by implementing useful practical knowledge. The teacher participated in the observation process as observer in the class. The teacher helped the researcher to acquire the data by commenting on the activities and procedure involved the use of Directed Reading Thinking Activity in the class and giving reflection as the betterment in the next cycle. The researcher herself acted out as the observer and the teacher in the class. According to Creswell (2012), Action researchers collaborate with other, often involving co participants in the research. These co participants may be individuals within a school or outside personnel such as university researchers or professional association groups (p. 586-578). The teacher helped the researcher to collect the data and to concept of interacting was central to understanding Directed Reading Thinking Activity which implemented in the classroom in teaching reading comprehension on narrative text. This study was conducted in three cycles which consisted of three meeting with ninety minutes duration for each meeting. The study stopped when students behavior and students achievement especially in their reading comprehension skill on narrative text was improved.

3. 3 Procedure of the Research The researcher was conducted in three cycles in this study. There are four different phases in each cycle, namely: plan, action, observation, and reflection. This is the description of those phases.

1. General plan Planning is important to starting an action that researcher need to solve a problem. The general ideas are listed here: Teachers select narrative text. The teacher selects several sections or stopping point for prediction and discussion. The teacher formulates open-ended questions to provide the students make their predictions what will happen in the next text. Students make their predictions based on the instruction from the teacher. Teacher and students discuss the students prediction. Teacher asks students to provide the reason for their predictions. Teacher and students read the text to provide or revise the students predictions. Teacher monitors students activities. Teacher asks students to explain the meaning and information on narrative text. Teacher asks students to respond narrative text by answering the questions related to the text. 2. Action In this phase, the researcher implements the plan of the research in the lesson plan. There are three basic sets in using Directed Reading Thinking Activity namely: predicting, reading and proving. This is the students activities during implementing this technique. The teacher gives students a text selection and asks them to read the title, sampled lines of text, and examine the pictures to develop prediction about the text. Students make their own predictions based on the instruction from the teacher. These activities encourage students to use their background knowledge and critical thinking. During these activities, teacher leads a discussion to provide the students give reasons for their predictions. Students then read to revise or prove their prediction. The teacher monitors students activities in the classroom. To find out students achievement in reading comprehension, teacher asks students to

explain the meaning and information on narrative text and to respond narrative text by answering the questions related to the text. 3. Observation During observation, participant observer give comments and suggestions in observation sheet which cover teacher observation to find out the researcher instruction during implementing this technique, students observation to find out the students activities in the classroom, and filed notes to find out the difficulties in using Directed Reading Thinking Activity in reading process. In addition, researcher asks students to explain their respond on reading process. Observation used to find out whether the actions improved students reading skill or not. 4. Reflection After the classroom observation, observer and researcher discuss the lesson to evaluate one action research project. It becomes the basic of action for improvement in the next cycle. From observation form, it found how well the teacher organized the class. In the beginning of teaching learning progress, it found the students responses seem to be active to answer teachers questions. They used their prediction when teacher gave questions such as, what do you think this story (passage, chapter, and picture selection) is going to be about?, and what do you think a story (passage, chapter, and picture selection) whit the title like this may be about?. Students active in learning process during implementing this technique. Students seem carry out teacher instructions. However, several students still found difficulties to understand the instructions because they did not know some vocabularies. Students also did not predict directly the propose of the text because the still unfamiliar with the text used. The researcher and the observer, made reflections which are related to the teaching learning process in cycle 1. Those presented to make the improvement of teaching program. The reflection were: The students were not confident to be active during reading process. It happed because it was the first meeting so they did not

enjoy during the teaching reading process. The teacher should make them enjoy reading process and improve their reading skill. The students have difficulties to make their prediction because they seem unfamiliar with the text. The teacher should select stopping point and guide the students to make their own prediction. Students seem found difficulties to understand English words. To anticipate it, the teacher suggested them to bring dictionary in the next meeting.

3. 4 Technique of Collecting and Processing the Data 3. 4. 1 Technique of Collecting the Data According to Creswell (2012), Qualitative data collection consist of collecting data using forms with general, emerging questions to permit the participant to generate responses; gathering word (text) or image (picture) data; and collecting information from a small number of individuals or sites (p. 205). Meanwhile, Burns (2000) stated The central data gathering techniques of a qualitative approach are participant observation and unstructured interview (p. 388). To collect the data in this study, the researcher used two data collecting techniques those are observation and interview. In order to determine the validity of the techniques used, the researcher asked the supervisor to check whether the techniques used in this study were really designed in accordance to the research questions of this study or not. The researcher asked the supervisor about observation sheet and question items of the interview used in this study. In addition, this study used test as an instrument or deductive data in comparing the students achievement in reading comprehension on narrative text in each cycle. The collection of data in this study will be discussed below. 1. Observation This study used observation forms involved in teaching and learning process in the class. Observation used to give the researcher information about occurred in a setting, actual behavior, and individual participant. Before the first cycle the researcher observed the real condition in the class and looked

for the problems faced by the students in learning reading comprehension on narrative text. Then observation during each cycle in the class. It was used to establish objective data concerning of events, situation, and students behavior in the classroom. Observation consist of described researcher technique used in the classroom, students activities, and students difficulties during the use of Directed Reading Thinking Activity in teaching reading comprehension on narrative text. 2. Interview A qualitative interview was conducted in this study. It used to get further information to complete the data from participant observation; open-ended questions were conducted to find out how the implementation of the Directed Reading Thinking Activity in teaching reading comprehension on narrative text was. Then, it was conducted to confirm the findings from data gathered through the observation. This kind of interview allowed the researcher to focus on the crucial issues of the study. The questions allowed the participant to create the options for responding the use of Directed Reading Thinking Activity in reading process. In 2012, Creswell described that open-ended interview provided useful information when the researcher will not directly observe participants and the participants should be described detailed personal information. The researcher also has better control over the types of information received, because the researcher asked specific questions to elicit the information. 3. 4. 2 Processing the Data 1. Analysis of Data from Observation To analyze data from observation, researcher used observation sheet which consist of teacher observation form, students observation form, and field notes. Teacher observation form used to describe the use of Directed Reading Thinking Activity to improve students reading comprehension on narrative text during the teaching and learning process in the class. Student observation form used to find out the students activities in the classroom during implementing this technique. Field notes focus on students difficulties

in teaching reading process which include the observers reflection. Then the data were interpreted to answer research questions. 2. Analysis Data from Interview In analyzing data from interview, the researcher transcribed the data from interview into the written text. The researchers asked open-ended questions and record the answers. The researcher then transcribed and types the data into a computer file. The questions involved to find out the students respond after teaching and learning process. The researcher used open-ended interview which conducted in Bahasa Indonesia to make sure that it is getting valid data. This study used several one-on-one interviews in data collection process in which the researcher asked questions and records the answers. A one-on-one interview was ideal for interviewing participants who was not hesitant to speak, they shared their idea comfortably. 3. 5. Reliability and Validity 3.5.1 Reliability According to Burns (2000) he stated that Reliability was concerned with giving the same result consistently under the same conditions (p. 390). The reliability of this study was established by observing and describing the learning and the activities as detailed as possible. This study describes the use of Directed Reading Thinking Activity in teaching reading comprehension on narrative text. It describes the process of teaching and learning and also describes the students achievement in reading comprehension on narrative text by using Directed Reading Thinking Activity. 3.5.2 Validity In order to test the validity of this study, the researcher conducting triangulation. According to Hopkins (1993), he writes: Triangulation involves gathering accounts of a teaching situation from three quite different points of view; namely, those of the teacher, his pupils, and a participant observer. Who in the triangle gathers the accounts, how they are elicited, and how compare them, depends largely on the context. The process of gathering accounts from there distinct standpoints has an epistemological justification. Each point of the triangle stands in a unique epistemological


position with respect to access to relevant data about a teaching situation. The teacher is in the best position to gain access via introspection to his own intentions and aims in the situation. The students are in the best position to explain how the teachers actions influence the way they respond in the situation. The participant observer is in the best position to collect data about the observable features of the interaction between teachers and pupils. By comparing his own account with account from the other two standpoints a person at one point of the triangle has an opportunity to test and perhaps revise it on the basis of more sufficient data (p. 111-112). In 2012, Creswell describes that triangulation is the different data sources to enhance the accuracy of a study. This includes collaborating evidence from individual, type of data used in a study or method data collection. Triangulation in this study involved gathering a teaching situation from three quite different point of view; namely, those of the researcher, a participant observer, and the students. The researcher used the document such as lesson plan during implementing of Directed Reading Thing Activity in teaching reading comprehension on narrative text. An English teacher as a participant observer observed on the researcher when teaching in the classroom. He collected the data about the observable features of the interaction between researcher and students. The students explained how the researcher actions influence the way they respond to the situation. This is the process of collaborating evidence between the researcher, an English teacher, and the students. This ensures that the study will be accurate because the information draws on multiple sources. By applying triangulation, the data was expected to have the accuracy of the data.

3.6 Site of the Research and Participants 3.6.1 Site of the Research This study conducted in the first grade at SMAN 1 Cicalengka. The reasons for choosing the students in the first grade at SMAN 1 Cicalengka because it was accessible for the research when the researcher is a teacher in PPLKs program (Program Pengalaman Lapangan Kependidikan) she wanted


to make contribution to the institution. This school also has facilitates that support Classroom Action Research. This is the data of students in the first grade at SMAN 1 Cicalengka. The data conducted when the researcher looked for detail information from the teacher. Table 3.1 Students data in the first grade at SMAN 1 Cicalengka Class X-1 X-2 X-3 X-4 X-5 X-6 X-7 X-8 X-9 X-10 Meal 21 16 18 16 22 18 17 20 19 20 Female 21 27 25 27 22 24 26 24 24 24 Sum of the students Meal 187 Female TOTAL 431 244 Number of students 42 43 43 43 44 42 43 44 43 44

3.6.2 Participants One class in this senior high school was chosen as the participants in the study because they seem to have less motivation and engagement in learning reading especially reading comprehension on narrative text. This class was representing the whole class in the first grade of senior high school in academic year 2012-2013. The students in this class have difficulties in understanding narrative text. The difficulties were apparent from observation before conducting the study. X-6 was chosen by discussing with the English teacher in this school. This study only investigated 20 students and used 6 students as the participants in interview. Because it related to Creswell in 2012


that in qualitative method the data or information used in a small number of individuals. Table 3.2 Students code of participant Class Student STD. 01 STD. 02 STD. 03 STD. 04 STD. 05 STD. 06 STD. 07 STD. 08 STD. 09 X-6 STD. 10 STD. 11 STD. 12 STD. 13 STD. 14 STD. 15 STD. 16 STD. 17 STD. 18 STD. 19 STD. 20 Sum of the students 20

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