Trabajo Pendientes Ingles 1º de Bach

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Present simple and present continuous

Present simple
We use the present simple to talk about: regular habits and routines. We usually go rollerblading at the weekend. permanent situations. David lives in Manchester. scientific facts. Water boils at 100C. states, not actions, e.g. like, believe, know. She doesnt like chorizo.

2 Complete the text. Use the correct form of the present simple or present continuous.
Its the year 2100. Ben 1 (be) a computer programmer and he 2 (live) on the moon. Every day at 18.00 he 3 (finish) work at the space station and 4 (go) to the Matrix caf. Its 18.30 and Ben 5 (look out) of the caf window at the space cars flying by. Every day he 6 (watch) the same space cars, but today is different. Ben 7 (not sit) alone. There 8 (be) a girl at his table. She 9 (read) a digital magazine. The girl is very beautiful. She 10 (have got) short, orange hair and yellow eyes. She 11 (wear) a green space suit. 12 I (know) you? she asks. I 13 (not think) so, says Ben. Im Ben. Whats your name?

Present continuous
We use the present continuous to talk about: something that is happening now or around now. Theyre playing tennis at the moment. temporary situations. Hes visiting his grandparents in Ibiza. changing or developing situations. The number of car accidents every year is increasing. future arrangements. Shes going to the cinema this evening.

3 Write the questions. Use the present simple or the present continuous. Then answer the questions.
1 What / you / do / next weekend? 2 How often / you / go / to the cinema? 3 What time / you / usually / get up? 4 What / you / wear / today?

1 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the present simple or the present continuous.
1 At the moment Linda (work) as a motorcycle courier. 2 Tom often (not go) to the Cyber caf. 3 Excuse me. you (know) how to get to Church Street? 4 What you (listen to)? 5 Juan (work) for the Iberia airline. Hes a pilot. 6 In the summer, the sun (rise) at five oclock in the morning. 7 I (not like) my gym. I (not get) fit fast enough! 8 Tom and I (go) to the beach this weekend.

Past simple and past continuous

Past simple
We use the past simple to talk about a finished action in the past. Mark went to the cinema last night.

3 Complete the text. Use the correct form of the past simple or the past continuous.
At midnight last night rescue teams 1 (search) for victims after a giant tornado 2 (hit) Oklahoma and Kansas. The storm flattened more than 5,000 homes and 3 (injure) more than 700 people. Robert Hensley 4 (hide) in his cellar when the tornado 5 (destroy) his home. I 6 (not come out) until two hours later, he said, My house was gone and I 7 (not recognize) the street. Mary Richardson 8 (have) a bath when she 9 (hear) the tornado. She quickly 10 (put on) a coat and 11 (escape) to the local high school. I 12 (run) to the school when the tornado 3 (strike) my house, she said. It 14 (be) a very frightening experience.

Past continuous
We use the past continuous to talk about: an action which was in progress at a particular time in the past. They were watching TV at nine oclock last night. an action in the past that is interrupted by another action I was walking along the street when someone stole my bag.

1 Choose the correct tenses.

It was one oclock in the morning and I 1 was lying / lay awake in bed. The wind 2 was blowing / blew outside and it 3 rained / was raining. Suddenly I 4 heard / was hearing a loud crash. It 5 came / was coming from downstairs. I 6 got up / was getting up and 7 switched on / was switching on the light. Everything was quiet and still. Only the clock in the hallway 8 was ticking / ticked. I 9 walked / was walking down the stairs when I 10 noticed / was noticing something strange. The front door was wide open.

4 Write the questions. Use the past simple or the past continuous.
1 What / the rescue teams / do at midnight? 2 How many / homes / the storm / destroy? 3 Where / Robert Hensley / hide / when the tornado hit his home? 4 When / he / come out? 5 Who / have a bath / when the tornado arrived?

2 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the past simple or the past continuous.
1 Peter (drive) home when he (see) the accident. 2 I (watch) TV when the phone (ring). 3 He (wear) sunglasses when I (meet) him. 4 She (fall) asleep while she (do) her homework. 5 The pop star (sing) when the lights (go out). 6 It (start) to rain when we (walk) on the beach.

Present perfect simple and past simple

Present perfect simple
We use the present perfect simple: to talk about an experience in somebodys life. (We dont say when it happened.) Hes had a mobile phone for a long time. with for and since to talk about an action that started in the past and continues to the present. Tims known Kate since he was ten. with just, yet and already for a past action with a result in the present. Ive just bought a new mountain bike.

3 Complete the text. Use the correct form of the present perfect simple or the past simple.

you (ever / dream) of being a film star? Leonardo DiCaprio was only five years old when he 2. (star) in his first TV show, and just thirteen when he 3 (appear) in his first film. Since then he 4 (not stop) working. He 5 (be) in over fifteen films and he 6 (work) with stars such as Robert De Niro and Johnny Depp. Leonardo 7 (be) born in Los Angeles in 1974. After appearing in TV shows, he 8 (get) his first film role in Critters 3, then he starred in Romeo and Juliet. But it 9 (not be) until Titanic that he 10 (become) a world-famous teen idol. It was then that Leonardo 11 (begin) to appear on magazine covers around the world. Since Titanic, Leonardo 12 (be) very busy. He 13 (already / make) three more films and 14 (just / start) work on another.

Past simple
We use the past simple to talk about a finished action that happened at a definite time in the past. We saw John at the weekend.

1 Choose the correct words.

1 2 3 4 5 Theyve already / yet visited Venice. Have you ever / never seen a ghost? Has she finished work just / yet? Theyve been married for / since October. Lucy has worked in the circus since / for she was a child. 6 David has just / yet got back from holiday.

4 Write questions about Leonardo. Use the present perfect simple or the past simple.
1 How old / when / first appear / on TV? 2 ever / meet / Robert De Niro? 3 How long / be / an actor? 4 famous / before Titanic? 5 How many / films / make / since Titanic?

2 Complete the newspaper extracts. Use the correct form of the present perfect simple or the past simple.
Last night a massive tidal wave 1 (hit) the coast of Mexico. Over 5,000 people 2 (already / lose) their homes. Yesterday a girl 3 (hand in) a briefcase containing 100,000 to the police. The girl found the briefcase at Euston railway station. The cost of living in Britain 4 (rise) again. Last year prices in British supermarkets 5 (increase) by more than five per cent.

Present perfect continuous

Present perfect continuous Present perfect continuous
Affirmative: we use have/has + been + the -ing form of the verb. Hes been writing letters all morning. Negative: we use havent/hasnt + been + the -ing form of the verb. We havent been reading much lately. Interrogative: we put have/has before the subject + been + the -ing form of the verb. You look hot! Have you been running? We use the present perfect continuous to emphasize: the process of an activity. Weve been writing letters since breakfast. how long an activity continues. Ive been reading all morning.

2 Choose the correct tenses.

1 Steven Spielberg has directed / has been directing over twenty films since 1980. 2 He has worked on / has been working on a new film since January. 3 John Galliano has designed / has been designing clothes for a long time. 4 He has designed / has been designing two new collections since last summer. 5 Lonely Planet have published / have been publishing two new travel guides this month. 6 They have published / have been publishing travel guides for years.

1 Complete the conversations with the correct form of the present perfect continuous.
1 How long he (play) that computer game? Since ten oclock this morning! 2 You look dirty! I (repair) my motorbike. 3 Frank has got a black eye. he (fight) again? 4 Why is she crying? She (watch) a sad film. 5 Mary looks tired. Yes. She (revise) all night for her exams. 6 Ive been here since one oclock. What you (do)? I (look for) you!

3 Complete the text. Use the correct form of the present perfect simple or the present perfect continuous.
Ever since he was a teenager Alex Whitestone 1 (want) to travel. This year he decided to do it. Alex gave up his job as a journalist in July, and since then he 2 (travel) around the world. So far he 3 (visit) four different countries. At the moment Alex is in Bangkok, in Thailand. He 4 (already / be) there for five days. I 5 (never / be) to Asia before, so it was my first stop, he explains. So 6 he (buy) any souvenirs yet? Not yet, says Alex.

Present perfect simple

We use the present perfect simple to emphasize: the result of an activity (not the activity itself). Weve written ten letters today. how many times an activity happens. Ive read this book three times.

And what about the food? Its great! I (eat) a lot of rice and fish, he says.

During his travels Alex 8 (meet) many other tourists. I 9 (made) some new friends, he says, and we 10 (exchange) advice about where to go and what to see. I 11 (also / write) a travel guide, but I 12 (not finish) it yet!

will, going to and present continuous

We use will to talk about: general predictions. By 2100, most people will live to 130. decisions that are made at the moment of speaking (e.g. an offer to do something). A: Is that the telephone? B: Yes, it is. Ill answer it.

2 Choose the correct tenses.

1 In a hundred years time I think people will live / are living on the moon. 2 Who are you meeting / will you meet this evening? 3 What are you going to wear for the party? I havent decided yet. Maybe Ill wear / Im wearing my new jeans. 4 Greg passed his driving test last week. He told me hes going to buy / hell buy a car. 5 I feel terrible. I think Ill be / Im going to be sick. 6 Where are you going for your summer holidays? I dont know yet. Perhaps Ill go / Im going to go to Torremolinos.

going to
We use going to to talk about: predictions based on evidence. Look at that car! Its going to crash! intentions, or plans, where the decision has been made before the moment of speaking. Hes going to study English at Oxford.

3 Choose the correct tenses.

Hi Pablo! How are you? A lot has happened since I last wrote. The good news is that Ive passed all my exams, and 1 Ill start / Im starting university in September. 2 Im going to study / Ill study Spanish and Catalan at Middlesex University in London, so 3 Ill be able to / Im being able to write e-mails in Catalan soon! Ive also got a new boyfriend called Matthew. Hes a year older than me and hes really nice. Next week 4 well go / were going to a Blur concert in Manchester. Matthew queued for six hours for the tickets! Unfortunately 5 Im not seeing / I wont see Matthew very often after I start university. 6 Ill probably find / Im probably finding a flat in London, and 7 hell definitely stay / hes definitely going to stay in Manchester. But 8 were seeing / well see each other at weekends. 9 Are you coming / Will you come and visit me in London? I hope so. Love, Clare

Present continuous
We use the present continuous to talk about future arrangements. We often give the time and / or place. Im meeting Anna in town tomorrow.

1 Complete the conversations. Use the correct form of will or going to.
1 Ive decided to go to university. Really? Which subject you (study)? 2 Do you think that computers (control) our lives in the future? No, of course not! 3 Why are you wearing a tracksuit? I (play) tennis in the park with David. 4 Its very cold in here. Yes, youre right. I (close) the window. 5 That woman looks very pale. Yes, I think she (faint). 6 Why are you turning on the radio? I (listen) to the news. 7 I cant work out this maths problem.

I (help) you with it.

Future perfect simple and future continuous

Future perfect simple and future continuous
Use We use the future perfect simple to talk about an activity that will be finished by a specific time in the future. Theyll have finished building the bridge by next January. We use the future continuous to talk about an activity that will be in progress at a specific time in the future. This time next week Ill be flying to Rome. Form Future perfect simple: we use will + have + past participle. Ill have finished my homework in an hour. Future continuous: we use will + be + the -ing form of the verb. In an hour, Ill be getting ready to go out.

2 Complete the text. Use the correct form of the future perfect simple or the future continuous.
What 1 we (do) in a hundred years time? According to NASA Scientists we 2 (travel) in outer space. By the twenty-second century man 3 (develop) a quick way of getting to the stars, and the first long-distance spaceships 4 (leave) Earth. However, these spaceships wont be the first to explore outer space. Other spaceships 5 (already / voyage) into the unknown. In fact, the first unmanned ship, Pioneer 10, was launched in 1972. Pioneer 10 will be in space for thousands of years, and in 32,000 years time it will pass a star called Ross 248. By the time Pioneer 10 gets there, man (already / reach) Ross 248 and 7 (colonize) the planets around it. What 8 these humans (do) when Pioneer 10 passes by? Will they remember that it was the first spaceship to venture into outer space?

1 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the future perfect simple or the future continuous.
1 This time next week we (ski) in the French Alps. 2 Greg is taking a year off to travel. By the end of next year he (visit) seven countries. 3 What will you be doing this time tomorrow? I (take) my English exam. 4 Dont come round at six oclock. I (still / do) my homework. If you want to come round at seven, you can. I (finish) it by then. 5 Jill has accepted a job abroad. This time next month she (work) in Paris. 6 Next year, I (live) in this house for ten years.

3 Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

1 This time tomorrow Ill be 2 By next weekend Ill have 3 In six months time Ill be 4 By the end of this year Ill have 5 In three years time Ill be

Prepositions of time: for, since, ago, during, by, until

3 Complete the sentences with by or until.

Prepositions of time: for, since, ago, during, by, until

We use for and since to say how long something continues. We use for + a period of time, and since + a point of time. Shes been learning English for three months. Hes lived in London since 1998. We use ago to talk about a point of time in the past. They got married two years ago. We use during to say that something happens in the middle of a certain period or event. Sue fainted during the pop concert. We use by to say not later than. You must finish your homework by Friday, said the teacher. We use until to say how long something continues and when it finishes. Tom stayed out until one oclock in the morning.

1 The football match wont begin eight oclock. 2 2004, everyone will be using the Internet. 3 Fiona didnt stop reading she had finished the book. 4 I have to be at the train station 6.30 p.m. 5 Tim had to finish the painting the end of the week. 6 My parents are away next week. Why dont we have a party? 7 Ill be 21 in the year 2006. then Ill probably have a job, and I may even be married! 8 I cant come out I finished writing this essay.

4 Complete the newspaper extracts with for, since, ago, during, by and until.
Cinema is celebrating another birthday. Exactly 105 years 1 , the Lumire brothers opened the first cinema in Paris. 2 then, cinema has become the most popular entertainment in the world.

1 Complete the sentences with for, since or ago.

1 Hes been a computer programmer he left school. 2 They hadnt seen each other many years. 3 Man first walked on the moon over thirty years . 4 The pop concert went on three hours. 5 Paul visited his relatives in Australia a couple of years .

An earthquake hit Tokyo 3 the early hours of this morning. It is the first earthquake 4 several years and has caused millions of pounds worth of damage.

2 Complete the sentences with for or during.

1 Graham has been travelling around Europe three months. 2 Three people were arrested the student demonstration. 3 I fell asleep a flight to New York. When I woke up the plane had landed. 4 Clare waited for Greg at the caf over an hour. 5 Mark is visiting his parents next weekend. He hasnt seen them a while.

5 the year 2012, the Hilton Group plans to open a hotel on the moon. A holiday there could cost up to 30,000. Experts say that 6 there is a cheaper way of getting there, most of the rooms will be empty.

First, second and third conditionals

First conditional
We use the first conditional to talk about situations that are possible or likely to happen. If he finishes his homework, hell go to the cinema.

Second conditional
We use the second conditional to talk about situations which are imaginary or unlikely to happen. If I met Leonardo DiCaprio, Id ask him for his autograph.

Third conditional
We use the third conditional to talk about imaginary or hypothetical situations in the past. If she had got up earlier, she wouldnt have missed the train.

1 If Andrews parents (not buy) him the computer, he wouldnt have shopped on the Internet. 2 Andrew would make more friends if he (spend) less time on the Internet. 3 If his parents (find out) earlier, Andrew would have spent less money. 4 If Andrews mother doesnt pay, she (have to) go to prison. 5 Andrew (not get) into trouble if he hadnt used his parents password. 6 If I (be) Andrews mother, Id sell his computer. 7 If teenagers (have) a computer, theyll want to surf the Internet.

3 Rewrite the sentences in the first, second or third conditional.

He cant find his wallet so hes angry. (second conditional) If he could find his wallet, he wouldnt be angry. 1 In order to lose weight you need to exercise more. (first conditional) If you want . . 2 He may be late, but he can meet us at the Blue Note caf. (first conditional) If hes . . 3 An old woman saw him burgle the house. Thats why hes in prison. (third conditional) If she hadnt ... . 4 He wants to be rich and famous. Then hell be happy. (second conditional) If he was . . 5 Dave fell asleep so he missed the end of the film. (third conditional) If he hadnt .....

1 Match the two parts of the sentences.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a b c d e f g If she had more time, If she has the new Star Wars game, If I was rich, He would have phoned the police If he had a motorbike, If she had watched the tennis match, If I find the letter, hed ride it to school. shell let you play it. Id buy a sports car. she would have known the result. Ill tell you. shed learn another language. if hed seen the robbery.

2 Read the text. Then complete the sentences in the first, second or third conditional. Use the correct form of the verbs.
Andrew Chances mother was horrified when she received her sons Internet shopping bill. Thirteenyear-old Andrew had spent nearly 1 million on eMall, an American Internet shopping site. Andrew used his parents password to get into the site. He then bought a Rolls Royce, a Van Gogh painting and an antique bed. Im in big trouble, the worried teenager said yesterday.

Gerunds and infinitives

Gerunds and infinitives
We use gerunds after prepositions (e.g. without, before) and after certain verbs (e.g. enjoy, cant stand, afraid of). She left without saying goodbye. He enjoys going rollerblading at the weekend. We use infinitives after certain verbs (e.g. want, hope, offer). Paul offered to repair Sues bike. After some verbs (e.g. like, love, hate, prefer, start, continue) we can use either the gerund or infinitive with no change in meaning. I like playing tennis. I like to play tennis.

2 Choose the correct forms.

1 Tony wants to go / going travelling before he goes to university. 2 He promised to buy / buying her a diamond ring for their anniversary. 3 Have you ever considered studying / to study abroad? 4 He agreed to buy / buying the motorbike for 2,000. 5 John has been a farmer for twenty years. Hes used to getting up / get up early. 6 Its cold today. You shouldnt go out without wearing / to wear your coat.

3 Complete the story with gerunds or infinitives.

A haunted house When I was a child I used to spend my holidays at my aunt and uncles old country house. One summer I remember 1 (have) a strange experience. It was a hot afternoon, and my cousins suggested 2 (play) hide-and-seek. But instead of 3 (go) outside, we decided that we 4 (play) in the attic. After we 5 (turn off) all the lights, we all hid in different places. I managed 6 (hide) behind an old sofa. Then something odd happened. In the darkness we heard footsteps come into the room. The footsteps seemed 7 (walk) towards the sofa. I wanted 8 (move), but I couldnt. I expected something terrible 9 (happen). Then suddenly the footsteps stopped and the door slammed shut. After 10 (wait) for a few seconds, we jumped up and ran downstairs without 11 (stop). We told my aunt and uncle, but they refused 12 (believe) us. Mysteriously the house burned down a year later. The fire started in the attic.

1 Rewrite the sentences using gerunds.

Tim cycled into town. He didnt stop. Tim cycled into town without stopping. 1 Rachel lost the race. She was very angry. Rachel was angry about 2 We didnt go to the cinema, we watched a video at home. Instead of .. ... 3 Ivan passed his driving test because he practised every weekend. By .. 4 Gillian read the newspaper then she phoned her friend. Before . . 5 They left the disco and went for a coffee. After .. 6 Jake has split up with his girlfriend. Hes upset. Jake is upset about ... ..

Modal verbs: must and have to

Modal verbs: must and have to
Use We use must to talk about a personal feeling of obligation to do something. I must remember to post the letter today. We use have to to talk about an obligation that is a fact, or a rule or law. You have to be sixteen before you can leave school. We use dont have to / doesnt have to to talk about something that is not an obligation. You dont have to do any homework tonight. We use mustnt to say that something is prohibited. You mustnt smoke in this area. We use had to to talk about a past obligation. We had to get up at five oclock this morning. Form must / mustnt + infinitive I must phone Sarah tonight. have to / dont have to / doesnt have to + infinitive We dont have to get up early tomorrow. had to + infinitive John had to help his mother yesterday.

2 Complete the sentences with mustnt or dont have to / doesnt have to.
1 You bring an umbrella. It isnt raining. 2 Rachel forget to water the plants while her parents are on holiday. 3 We go to school tomorrow. Its a national holiday. 4 He bring his CD player to the party. Weve already got one. 5 You ride a motorbike without wearing a helmet. 6 Im flying to Seville tomorrow. You forget your passport this time! 7 They meet us at the airport. Were going to get a taxi into town. 8 You talk during the exam.

3 Choose the correct words.

When The Face Model Agency offered fifteenyear-old Julie Willis a job, it was a dream come true. However, once she started work, Julie found she had no time for school. Finally she decided she 1 had to / mustnt leave. Many people criticized her decision. It was a difficult thing to do, says Julie. And I miss all my friends. But I 2 had to / must make a choice. Although I 3 dont have to / mustnt go to school, I still 4 have to / mustnt study. I have a private tutor now. My parents told me I 5 dont have to / have to take some exams. Most models retire young, adds Julies mother. So Julie 6 mustnt / doesnt have to forget that she needs qualifications for her next job. But at the moment Julie isnt worried about the future. Next week I 7 have to / mustnt go to New York for a photoshoot, she says. I still cant believe my luck!

1 Complete the sentences with must or have to / has to. 1 I remember to buy some new shampoo tomorrow. 2 We arrive at school before 8.30 every morning. 3 In my country you be sixteen before you can get married. Its the law. 4 I send an email to Cathy tonight. I havent been in touch with her for ages. 5 You help your brother with his homework. Hes having real problems. 6 All the students at my friends school wear a uniform. 7 In Britain, everybody drive on the right-hand side of the road.
8 We buy a present for Dad. Its his birthday next week.

Modal verbs: may, might, could, must, cant

Modal verbs: may, might, could, must, cant
Use We use may, might and could when we think something is possible in the present or future. Certain diets may prevent cancer. We use must when we think something is certain in the present or future. He must be very ill. Hes been off work all week. We use cant when we think something is impossible in the present or future. You cant be hungry. Youve just eaten a huge pizza. We use may have, might have, could have, must have and cant have + past participle to make deductions about the past. Im not sure, but I think Jamie may have gone home. Form must / cant / might / may / could + infinitive They might go to France for their holidays, but they havent decided yet. may have, might have, could have, must have and cant have + past participle Jenny isnt in her room. She must have gone out.

5 Its possible the weather will be sunny tomorrow. (might)

2 Read the text. Then rewrite the sentences using the modal verbs.
Mr Smith was an ordinary man. Every day he went to work at nine oclock and came back at half past five. Mr Smith was married to Mrs Smith. One day Mrs Smith disappeared. The next day Mr Smith started planting flowers in his garden. He continued to go to work as usual. Then one day he didnt go to work. He left the house at ten oclock, and came back at two oclock driving a new car. The next day Mr Smith moved out. I never saw him again. Theres a possibility that he argued with his wife. (might) He might have argued with his wife. 1 Im sure that Mrs Smith didnt leave home. (cant) Mrs Smith . 2 Perhaps shes gone to stay with her mother. (might) She . 3 Its possible that Mr Smith committed a crime. (may) Mr Smith 4 Im certain that he buried something in the garden. (must) He 5 Perhaps he won the lottery. (could) He .. 6 Im sure he bought a new car. (must) He .. 7 Perhaps Mr Smith murdered his wife. (might) Mr Smith

1 Rewrite the sentences using the modal verbs.

Mark is thinking about going snowboarding. (might) Mark might go snowboarding. 1 Its possible that Jane will visit Japan next year. (could) 2 Im thinking about taking Spanish lessons. (may) 3 Im sure theyll be home by now. (must) 4 James definitely isnt eighteen yet! (cant)

Reported speech: statements

2 Read the interview. Then complete the summary.

Reported speech: statements

In reported speech, the verb moves back a tense, e.g. present simple > past simple, present continuous > past continuous, etc. I like heavy metal music. He said that he liked heavy metal music. Im studying French and Spanish. She said that she was studying French and Spanish. The past perfect tense and modal verbs should, could, might and ought to dont change in reported speech. You should ask him out. She said that I should ask him out. The two most common reporting verbs are say and tell. We use say + that + clause. He said that he was going out with Jane that night. We use tell + object pronoun + that + clause. He told me that he was going out with Jane that night. Interviewer Mr Fogarty Interviewer Mr Fogarty I hear you have a very unusual job. Thats right. So what do you do? Well, Im investigating the Loch Ness monster. Every day I go to Loch Ness and wait for the monster to appear. And have you ever seen the monster? Yes, I have. It was very foggy and I tried to take a photograph, but unfortunately my camera didnt work. Do you think youll see it again? I might see it again if Im lucky. And what do people think about your job? Many people think its a strange job to have. They dont believe in the Loch Ness monster, but I know its out there somewhere.

Interviewer Mr Fogarty

Interviewer Mr Fogarty Interviewer Mr Fogarty

1 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

1 She goes out with her friends every night. Sues father said that 2 I bought the tickets yesterday. She said that 3 Theyre going to Florida next week. Tim told me that 4 He wont be in the office tomorrow. The secretary said that 5 Jenny has passed her driving test. Jennys brother told me that 6 Carl might come to the football match this afternoon. He told me that

The interviewer asked Mr Fogarty what he did. He explained that he was investigating the Loch Ness Monster. He said that every day he 1 . to Loch Ness and 2 for the monster to appear. He claimed that he 3 the monster. He said that it 4 very foggy and he 5 to take a photograph, but unfortunately his camera 6 . He said that he 7 it again if he 8 lucky. He admitted that many people 9 his job was strange. He said that they 10 in the Loch Ness monster, but he 11 it was out there somewhere.

Reported suggestions
We use suggested followed by an ing form or that+ sunject+ should+ infinitive lets go home. He suggested going home. He suggested that we should go home

Reported speech: questions and commands

Reported commands Reported speech
In reported speech, the verb moves back a tense, e.g. present simple > past simple, present continuous > past continuous, etc. Are you a student? He asked me if I was a student. Is Lisa watching TV? She asked me if Lisa was watching TV. The past perfect tense and modal verbs should, could, might and ought to dont change in reported speech. What should I do? She asked me what she should do. We use told / asked + object + (not) to + infinitive. Please help me. He asked her to help him. Dont shout at me. She told him not to shout at her.

2 Rewrite the commands in reported speech.

Keep to the left. The police officer told the cyclist to keep to the left. 1 Please dont smoke in this area. The waitress asked them . 2 Sit down and be quiet. The teacher told the class ... . 3 Dont forget to post the letter. Jane told her boyfriend ... . 4 Dont talk during the exam. The examiner told us .. . 5 Please switch off your mobile phone. The air hostess asked him .. .

Reported questions
We use ask, want to know or wondered to report questions. We change the interrogative form to the affirmative form, and we put the subject before the verb. Where are you? He wanted to know where I was. A yes / no question is introduced by if or whether. Can I borrow your bike? She wondered if / whether she could borrow my bike.

1 Rewrite the questions in reported speech.

1 Will the flight be delayed? Jill wanted to know .. 2 Where have you been all night? My parents wanted to know . 3 Will I pass my exam? Mark wondered 4 Did you remember the invitations? Sue asked me 5 How long have you been learning German? Karl wondered ..

3 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. Use the correct form of the verbs below.
order warn remind offer advise

1 Put down your gun, Paul. The police officer ... . 2 I think you should have a holiday, Kate. He ... . 3 Dont touch that electric wire, John. Its dangerous! She .. . 4 Would you like me to help you, Brad? She .. . 5 Jamie, dont forget that its Julies birthday on Friday. She .. .

The passive
The passive (present simple, past simple and will)
Use We use the passive when we dont know who or what does the action, or when it isnt important. After the car accident, Peter was arrested. The space shuttle will be launched on 4th July. We use the active when we know who or what does the action, and its important. After the car accident, the police arrested Peter. NASA will launch the space shuttle on 4th July. Form We use the correct tense of the verb be + past participle. These computers are made in Japan. The telephone was invented by Alexander Bell. The crime will be investigated by the police.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the passive.

1 The leather jacket (design) by a famous designer. It cost 3,500. 2 The new Boyzone album (not release) until September. 3 A lot of computer games (make) in Taiwan these days. Most of the games (export) to America and Europe. 4 Madonna is a very popular singer. Every week millions of her CDs (sell) around the world. 5 Romeo and Juliet (perform) at the Globe Theatre next Saturday.

3 Complete the article with the correct form of the passive.


1 Underline the passive verbs. Then rewrite the sentences in the active.
A valuable painting was stolen from the Louvre last night. Someone stole a valuable painting from the Louvre last night. 1 The World Cup is watched by millions of football fans. Millions of football fans 2 The film premiere will be attended by lots of stars. Lots of stars 3 The first movie camera was invented by William Dickson in 1891. William Dickson 4 The new Virgin Megastore will be opened by Robbie Williams. Robbie Williams

Nowadays, action films are getting more and more spectacular. Many special effects are added (add) to make the action more realistic. Its impossible to control the weather during filming. As a result, weather effects 1 often (create) for the film. For example, the winter scenes in Young Sherlock Holmes 2 (not film) in winter, but in the middle of summer. The snow 3 (make) from polystyrene! Car chases, high-speed crashes, or falls from high buildings 4 (not play) by the stars themselves they 5 (do) by stuntmen. In Volcano, stuntmen 6 (set on fire). However, the actors 7 (protect) by several layers of special clothing, so nobody 8 (injure). In the future, many stunts 9 (not need). Most effects 10 (generate) by computer, so action films should be safer and easier to make.

Relative clauses
Non-defining relative clauses
Use We use non-defining relative clauses to give extra information about the person or thing in the main clause. The extra information is not essential. Robbie Williams Millennium, which is one of his most successful singles, was released in 1999. Form In non-defining relative clauses we put a comma before and after the main clause. We use the relative pronouns who, which, whose, where and when in non-defining relative clauses. The relative pronoun cannot be omitted. Mark Smith, who lives next door to us, plays in a band.

Defining relative clauses

Use We use defining relative clauses to give essential information about the person or thing in the main clause. It tells us which person or thing we are talking about. This is the CD which everyone is talking about. Form There are no commas in defining relative clauses. We can replace who or which with that in defining relative clauses. Shes the woman that works with my mother. This is the book that I told you about. Who, which, that and when can be omitted when they are the object of the verb in the second clause, e.g. Theres the man that the police have been looking for. Whose and where cant be omitted.

1 Combine the sentences. Use who, which, whose, where or when.

Ivan is very good-looking. (Hes Helens brother.) Ivan, who is Helens brother, is very good-looking. 1 The book is about a murder on the Nile. (It was written by Agatha Christie.) 2 The diamond necklace has been found by the police. (It was stolen last week.) 3 Steven Spielberg lives in Hollywood. (He is a famous film director.) 4 My friend Isabel wants to do media studies. (Her father is a TV presenter.) 5 The new club plays great music. (Jamie works there.) 6 My holiday in Ibiza was wonderful. (I first met Jenny then.) 7 The new band is very good. (It was formed last year.)

2 Combine the sentences. Use who, which, that, where or when.

Thats the school. I used to go to it. Thats the school that I used to go to. 1 Theres the girl. I was telling you about her. 2 That was the day. They got married then. 3 Shes the girl. Her brother plays in the football team. 4 Thats the caf. I meet my friends there. 5 This is the film. Ive been waiting to see it for ages. 6 Have you met the girl? Shes going out with Ted. 7 These are the trainers. I bought them yesterday.

April Fools Day In Britain, people celebrate April Fools Day on April 1st. The origin of this day is uncertain, but many people believe that it started in France in the sixteenth century during the reformation of the calendar. At that time, New Years Day was moved from April 1st to January 1st. However, because communications were so poor then, the news spread very slowly and some people continued to celebrate New Years Day on April 1st. Those who did this were considered fools and people played practical jokes on them, such as inviting them to parties that did not exist. Nowadays, April Fools Day is celebrated in many parts of the world. In England, where April Fools Day became widespread in the nineteenth century, you can only play jokes on people until midday. When you have tricked someone, you say April Fool! In Scotland, it lasts for two days. On the second day, a typical joke is to put a sign on someones back saying Kick me. In America, some typical jokes are putting salt in the sugar bowl, putting every clock in the house forward one hour or balancing a pan of water over a half-opened door. In Spain, there is a similar festival on December 28th el Da de los Santos Inocentes - when people play practical jokes on each other. 1 Read the text and answer the questions. Use complete sentences. 1 What happened to the calendar in the sixteenth century? 2 Why did some people continue to celebrate New Years Day on April 1st? 3 What is unusual about April Fools Day in England? 4 In what way is April Fools Day different in Scotland? 5 In which country do people play practical jokes in a different month?

Complete these sentences with a suitable phrasal verb. 1 Come and help me p____ ____ these decorations! 2 You should s____ ____ the cake. Theres enough for everyone. 3 Jorge never j____ ____ the dancing. He cant stand it. 4 At Halloween, some people d____ ____ in costumes. 5 You can have a party if you c____ ____ the mess at the end. Rewrite the sentences using the words below. 1 We finished our homework. We went out. After we 2 She travelled around the USA. She met her boyfriend. While she 3 He lived in Oviedo five years ago. He used 4 They knew each other for a month. They got married. When they got 5 An hour passed before the train arrived. By the time the train

Rewrite the sentences using the words below. 1 Smoking is prohibited in school. You 2 3 4 It was a bad idea for you to go out last night. You Will it be possible for me to drive the car? Will I be It isnt necessary for her to do the exam. She

5 It is possible that you left your mobile at Matts house. You

Complete the sentences with one word. 1 Have you _________ your homework yet? 2 Can we rely _________ you? 3 How many mistakes did he _________? 4 Dont worry _________ your exams. 5 She never laughs _________ my jokes. 6 He doesnt approve _________ people who drop litter in the street. Rewrite the sentences using the words below. 1 If you dont have a receipt, you cant take your jeans back. Unless you 2 We didnt invite you because we didnt know you liked reggae music. We would have 3 I think you should apologize to her. If I 2 Someone checks our burglar alarm every year. We 3 An optician is going to test my mums eyes on Tuesday. My mum 4 5 The hairdresser is cutting my hair today. I A jeweller has repaired Kevins watch. Kevin

Join the sentences to make defining or nondefining relative clauses. 1 Tom plays rugby. Hes the fastest runner in the class. 2 Naveen bought a new pair of gloves. They cost 30. 3 Lisa is coming to our party. Her sister lives in Africa. 4 The hockey final was really exciting. It was on TV last night. 5 Thats the place. I want to go there next year.

4 Im busy this evening so I cant come to your house. If I 5 I didnt buy the shoes because they didnt fit me. If the shoes

Change the sentences from active to passive. Omit the agent if possible. 1 2 3 A neighbour saw the thieves stealing the car. The paparazzi follow him everywhere. Someone burgled the shop last week.

Transform the sentences into reported speech. 1 Were leaving tomorrow at seven oclock, my father said. 2 Eva didnt come to the class yesterday because she was ill, Marta said. 3 Dont listen to him! my sister told me.

4 They will sentence him to several years in prison. 5 A police officer has arrested David.

Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use have something done. 1 A company cleaned their carpets at the weekend. They

4 Whats your name? the receptionist asked me. 5 Ill speak to Alex this evening, Caroline said.

A generation in control If you had a choice between listening to your favourite songs whenever you want on an MP3 player, or hoping they will be played next on the radio station you are listening to, most people would naturally choose the first option. Therefore, it is not surprising that new research suggests that MP3 players, rather than the internet, will have the greatest impact on the future of radio. Why have MP3 players and downloading music become so popular, particularly amongst eighteen to 30-year olds? A recent survey amongst this age group revealed the fact that younger consumers enjoy having control over what they listen to they can personalize their MP3 players by only selecting certain songs to download onto them. In addition, radio sets, even the latest digital ones, do not appeal to younger listeners who want something that is small, light, portable and easy to use. Some of the latest MP3 players are as small as a packet of chewing gum! The survey also showed that not many people in this age group owned digital radios or understood what digital radio had to offer. However, although radios cannot be personalized like MP3 players, people must not forget the valuable role that radio plays. It is an important source of information and it plays a vital role in introducing new music. The radio can compete against the new gadgets available today as long as it continues to improve its technology and marketing.

Complete the sentences with the words in the list. Use the gerund or the infinitive. steal * be * make * leave * work 1 I find it difficult __________ decisions. 2 She needs __________ hard if she wants to pass the test. 3 I cant imagine __________ a pop star. 4 The concert was so boring that we decided __________ 5 He admitted __________ the money.

Complete the sentences so that they mean the same as the first sentence. Use the gerund or the infinitive. 1 2 3 I dont think you should go there alone. I would avoid They wouldnt give us our money back. They refused Could you carry this bag for me? Would you mind ?

4 We think we are going to move house next year. We are planning 5 When do you think the programme will finish? When do you expect ?

Read the text and write True or False for sentences 14. Explain your answers. 1 Research suggests that the internet will have the biggest effect on the radio industry. 2 According to the article, young people prefer to choose which songs they listen to. 3 MP3 players allow people to find out about new music. 4 The writer believes that MP3 players will kill the radio.

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