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Interrupts in 8051

An interrupt causes a temporary diversion of program execution in a similar sense to a program subroutine call, but an interrupt is triggered by some event, external to the currently operating program. We say the interrupt event occurs asynchronously to the currently operating program as it is not necessary to know in advance when the interrupt event is going to occur.

interrupt,IE,IP register



8051 INTERRUPTS There are five interrupt sources for the 8051. Since the main RESET input can also beconsidered as an interrupt, six interrupts can be listed as follows: Interrupt Flag Vector address System RESET RST 0000h External interrupt 0 IE0 0003h Timer/counter 0 TF0 000Bh External interrupt 1 IE1 0013h Timer/counter 1 TF1 001Bh Serial interrupt RI orTI 0023h We will concentrate on the external interrupts for now, and later we will examine theother interrupt sources. Heres a brief look at some of the register bits which will be used to set up the interrupts in the example programs. The Interrupt Enable, IE, register is an SFR register at location A8h in Internal RAM. The EA bit will enable all interrupts (when set to 1) and the individual interrupts must also be enabled. For example, if we want to enable the two external interrupts we would use the instruction: MOV IE, #10000101B Each of the two external interrupt sources can be defined to trigger on the external

signal, either on a negative going edge or on a logic low level state. The negative edge trigger is usually preferred as the interrupt flag is automatically cleared by hardware,in this mode. Two bits in the TCON register are used to define the trigger operation. The TCON register is another SFR register and is located at location 88h in Internal RAM. The other bits in the TCON register will be described later in the context of the hardware Timer/Counters. To define negative edge triggering for the two external interrupts use instructions as follows: SETB IT0 ; negative edge trigger for interrupt 0 SETB IT1 ; negative edge trigger for interrupt 1 shows the flow of operation when a system is interrupted. In the example it is assumed that some program, say the main program, is executing when the external interrupt INT0 occurs. The 8051 hardware will automatically complete the current machine level (assembler level) instruction and save the Program Counter to the stack. The IE register is also saved to the stack. The IE0 flag is disabled (cleared) so that another INT0 interrupt will be inhibited while the current interrupt is being serviced. The Program Counter is now loaded with the vector location 0003h. This vector address is a predefined address for interrupt INT0 so that program execution will always trap to this address when an INT0 interrupt occurs. Other interrupt sources have uniquely defined vector addresses for this purpose. The set of these vector addresses is referred to as the interrupt vector table. Program execution is now transferred to address location 0003h. In the example a LJMP instruction is programmed at this address to cause the program to jump to a predefined start address location for the relevant ISR (Interrupt Service Routine) routine. The ISR routine is a user written routine, which defines what action is to occur following the interrupt event. It is good practice to save (PUSH) to the stack

any registers used during the ISR routine and to restore (POP) these registers at the end of the ISR routine, thus preserving the registers contents, just like a register is preserved within a subroutine program. The last instruction in the ISR routine is a RETI (RETurn from Interrupt) instruction and this instruction causes the 8051 to restore the IE register values, enable the INT0 flag, and restore the Program Counter contents from the stack. Since the Program Counter now contains the address of the next instruction which was to be executed before the INT0 interrupt occurred, the main program continues as if it had never being interrupted. Thus only the temporal behavior of the interrupted program has been affected by the interrupt; the logic of the program has not been otherwise affected. EXAMPLE INTERRUPT DRIVEN PROGRAM manufacturing process, is to be controlled within the temperature range, between190oC and 200 oC . An 8051 microcomputer based system is used to control the temperature. The oven has two built-in temperature sensors. The low threshold sensor outputs a logic 0 if the temperature is below 190 oC, otherwise it outputs a logic high-level (say 5 volts). The high threshold sensor outputs a logic low level if the temperature exceeds 200 oC, otherwise it outputs a logic high level. The temperature sensors are connected to the 8051s interrupt inputs, INT0 and INT1, as shown in the diagram. Both of these interrupt inputs are set to trigger at negative voltage transitions. The microcomputer outputs a logic 1 on the P1.0 output pin to turn on the heater element and it outputs a logic 0 to turn off the heating element. Assume the necessary hardware driver circuitry, to switch power to the oven, is included in the oven. The assembler language source program to control the oven is shown in listing. Since the ISR routines (Interrupt Service Routines) are very short they could have been positioned within the 8 bytes of memory available at the respective vector locations. However, the ISR routines are located higher up in memory to show the memory positioning structure which would be used for larger ISR routines. Three

vector locations are defined at the beginning of the program. The RESET vector, at address 0000h, contains a jump instruction to the MAIN program. Location 0003h is the vector location for external interrupt 0, and this contains a jump instruction to the relevant ISR routine, ISR0. External interrupt 1uses the vector location 0013h which contains a jump instruction to the ISR routine, ISR1. In this oven control program example the main program just loops around doing nothing. When an interrupt occurs,the required action is carried out by the relevant ISR routine. However, in a more sophisticated program the main program could be doing something very useful and would be interrupted only when the oven temperature needs to be adjusted, on or off.Thus the main program does not have to waste time polling the sensor inputs. OTHER SOURCES OF INTERRUPTS If we follow the external interrupt INT0, for example, we see that this external interrupt connects to the processor at the. Note Port 3 can be used as a standard input/output port as shown earlier but various Port 3 pins have alternative functionality. When INT0 is activated (negative edge usually), internally within the 8051 the EX0 request is raised. This flags an interrupt request but the relevant interrupt bit within the IE register must be set, along with the EA bit if this interrupt request is to raise an interrupt flag. The interrupt flag IE0 is then raised and causes the program counter (PC) to vector to vector location 0003h, as discussed earlier. Note, the Timer/Counter interrupt flags can be software polled even if the ETx bits are not enabled. Interrupts can also be software generated by setting the interrupt flags in software. The interrupt flags are accessible as flags on the TCON and SCON registers as follows

conclusion: hence we studied the

interrupt of 8051 microcontroller

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