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1.1 RATIONALE This study focuses on the idea of the development of children in the Philippines in relation to Jean Piagets theory of cognitive development. The researcher is curios on how the children in the Philippines develop their own identity during this late modern period. Developing ones self is an activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and facilitate employability, enhance quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations.1 Children becomes men or a social being through a variety of experiences. He/ she becomes then what sociologist calls socialized. The individual becomes socialized by learning the rules and practices of social groups.2 Here in the Philippines there are many factors of development for children are given by their parents and guardians. Playing is one of the example for the development of children. Play is considered to be the most important optimal child development.3 Playing especially with other children is essential to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children. It offers children opportunities for physical (running, jumping, climbing, etc.), intellectual (social skills, community, norms, ethics, and general knowledge), and emotional (empathy, compassion, and friendship).4 Yes, playing is important for the development of children since they interact with other members of the

1 2 Hhtp:// 3,ThefreeEncyclopedia 4 Ibid

society and this activity can let their mind work. Aside from playing there are still other activities to consider for childs development such as reading and writing. It is quite alarming that during this late modern period, particularly here in our country Philippines, children are more exposed to modern technologies, there numbers of children who are already exposed to labour and some are being abused. These problems really affects the development of a child. Television, movies, videos, and most computer programs are visually oriented and therefore attract and maintain the attention of young children.5 The problem with this is that many modern technologies are very passive.6 Because of this, they do not provide children with the quality and quantity of crucial, emotional, social, cognitive or physical experiences they require when they are young.7 Child labour is also one factor that can affect the childrens development. One of the most problematic aspects of child labour is that it interrupts a childs education and cognitive development. There are children working full-time who do not attend school at all, which prevents them from developing necessary cognitive skills.8 Child labor also affects the overall social development of children, since they do not get to spend time with others their own age or even enough time with family members. Children need to build personal positive relationships in order to thrive and feel confident.9 Children who work also experience isolation and depression, which often prevents them from 6 Ibid 7 Ibid. 8 9 Ibid

continuing to develop healthy emotions as they grow, and can lead to many physical effects.10 Child labour is also a form of child abuse. The development of child is really affected by the problems mentioned above. Those problem cannot provide a good development of children both in physical or emotional aspect of development. The researcher conducted this study primarily because of the growing number of children who were involved in the problems being exposed in this article. The study will focus on the development of children that will also give idea on why we should give more importance to the development of children for this is the crucial stage of human life.


1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This study deals with the notion of the development of children in the Philippines in relation to Jean Piagets theory of cognitive. Through the help of the researchers chosen philosophers, the researcher hopes to supply a concrete idea on why children needs to socialized and how they become a social being by answering the following questions: 1. How do children develop? 2. What are some factors to consider in childs development? 3. What is Jean Piagets concept on child development? 4. Is it necessary for children to interact with other people around them? 5. How do children develop their selves? 6. People, groups, and experiences that influence the development of children?


Developing ones self is an activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and facilitate employability, enhance quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations.

Jean Piagets Theory of Cognitive Development

The child's social and moral functioning improve as he or she develops.

The frame work of this study is presented by the researcher in a form of a diagram in the previous page. The researchers assumption on this study is that, developing ones self is an activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and facilitate employability, enhance quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations. To be certain with the assumption, the researcher wishes to use Jean Piagets theory of cognitive development together also with the theory personality development of Sigmund Freud and George Herbert Meads theory of social behaviourism as a supporting reference for this study. The researcher will focus on the childrens development in the Philippines and hopefully proved or unproved the statement that the child's social and moral functioning improve as he or she develops.

1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The significance of this study is to provide those persons who are dealing with children particularly the parents and guardians that they must provide their children the factors that is essential to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children. They have to make sure that their children is properly developed for them not to become useless or dangerous members of the society in the future.

1.5 DEFINITION OF TERMS Cognitive an intellectual activity; activity by the used of mind. Employability Child labour Child abuse Social Behaviourism Moral functioning Social -

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