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Play it like a legend If your reading this Glaciel it means Ive decided to put dcuo behind me for my personal

reasons and duties. Please take care of kix for me shes a killer she can solo even raid bosses! Contents Intro Loadout variations Tips Misc

I cannot promise or credit myself as an outstanding dps but heres what kix does to over power 99% of the player base Currently kix is 86 cr heal/dps with 159 skill points short of 3 to max out dps and heals (3 restos in brawl missing) For now kix is set in her hybrid mode very versatile and still capable of dishing hell out Here are some strategies to use kix Main weaps kix uses: bow (pve),dw (pvp) Hybrid pve dps (solo, duo, alert) Trinks:cc dps trink,fos dps trink,chanter sunken rune,pvp trink Loadout: transmutation, karmic backlash, circle of destiny(cod), arbiter of destiny , weapon of destiny(wod) Use wod along with flurry shot and spam it in general when mobs are closed range do an impact arrow and clip with karmic then cast cod. If enemies are far apart either lunge>karmic>cod or use wod and hit each mob once then cast cod. Whenever clown box is ready lunge into the enemies and use transmutation then clownbox, the moment clownbox finishes cast a karmic backlash then cod. Alternatively if mobs are dead or cod is not ready you might want to cast wod immediately after the clownbox to start dpsing the nearest non melee range target. In short kix does clip a lot with clownboxes ,kix uses karmic and wod constantly and focuses on the (right click left hold (impact arrow)) (right click 3x then right hold(flurry shot)) and (left click 3x left hold right hold(secret bow move)). This does not mean other moves are redundant if you realize a npc is about to throw kix off

balance you can simply end the combo early with a left/right hold depending on the combo. Another fun trick is if you were dpsing a mob and under certain circumstance early in your combo such as your 1 st hit that you realize its not worth dpsing the mob maybe because its almost dead, you can use a finishing volley to hit another mob. Always regularly cycle among trinkets using cc trink then fos trink after it to maximize dps. Cast wod then use the cc trinks right hold to maximize its use. Do the combo not all 3 at once have some space to use the actual buff of the trink for other combos stated above.Even with a stable troller the chanter should be summoned when possible as he really does hurt. Use the pvp trink to clip the long cooldowns of any spell when available. *Arbiter of destiny this is a lifeline accidents in solos and duos and alerts happen a lot this skill is meant to save ya *jumping in sorc often cancels its powers make sure you wait 0.5-0.7 sec before jumping to cut a combo or power or any sort. Hybrid pve dps (raids) Trinks: cc dps trink, fos dps trink, mister boo, snowman Loadout: transmutation, karmic backlash, circle of destiny(cod), soul well , weapon of destiny(wod),clownbox The same as the previous with a few differences, in a proper raid you have stable power there fore dps can be maximized and survivability on that level of dps is also more realistic. Do the same as the above with one difference when ever you use a trink cast a soul well 1st then use the trink, soul wells increase your crit chance by 3% each and having 2 up keeps your dmg bonus at 60%. Follow this pattern soul well>fos trink then soul well >mister boo then soul well >snow man avoid soul welling with cc trink for reasons stated above. Hybrid pve heal (solo,duos,alerts,raids) Trinks: cc heal trink, fos heal trink, chanter, pvp trink(I still lack a 4 slot utility) Loadout: rejuvenate, circle of destiny(protection), boon of souls , soul well , arbiter of destiny,watcher This is a loadout that is capable of even healing pb if the team is good. Common sense cast watcher at the start and watch everyones health cast rejuvenate when the bar drops, but understand the magnitude of your healing dont heal every minor damage but aim to heal substantial dmg you know your healing is well covered (kix heals 20-70% of ones hp in one single heal) cast cop to where teammates are most commonly placed, clip soul wells with boon or rejuvenate, and always place a soul well 1st at any combat zone. Kix is capable of many things with her healing play her well you can solo any kind of sub avatar,cc bounty or alert boss. Of couse you need

to really study the fight know when to roll block and how to keep your distance. Eg (raven cc bounty stay 3 rolls away from her at all times and cast cop to heal your self unless you are below 50% hp) or (donna troy cc bounty block her rope (only the one done with the danger sign)(or her ma 4 left tap combo) (you should see a nice counter ) or maybe (cyborg and static. Glide over them at any sign of danger as they cant atk their back) Pop your trinks the same as you do in dps every advantage count with the exception that you use the sunken chanter once your power reaches below 30% use it even if you have your sc. And the pvp trink helps to clip soul wells as well . *Arbiter of Destiny in this case arbiter will be used when sunken trink has passed 25% of its cool down and theres no more power or if situation in healing is too great. *weapon of destiny can replace soul wells to assist dps when the group is good. *inovocation of renewal used to replace watcher in fos 2, when you master your timing of dmg you should replace cop with this. No kidding cop rarely grabs a heal when everyone is spread out especially. Pure pve dps (solo, duo, alert,raids) Trinks: cc dps trink, fos dps trink, mister boo, snowman Loadout1: transmutation, karmic backlash, circle of destiny(cod), soul well , weapon of destiny(wod),clownbox Loadout2: vengence, karmic backlash, circle of destiny(cod), soul well , weapon of destiny(wod),final ruin You are gonna have to respect for this a full respect if you really want but a power respect would do.(get the dps innates whenever possible) Power respect take out arbiter and watcher and boon from your power points and take the 2 iconic innates and final ruin. Replace all the sp related to healing for defense. As a pure dps you gotta be versatile the trick of sorc is really no true standard lay out youll be swapping powers quite a lot. Same thing as hybrid dps apply the same procedure of combat habits with a twist. Loadout 1 here is nearly the same as the hybrid dps loadout for raids you will be using loadout 1 most of the time. This is a burst dmg load out do exactly the same as you would but remember to spam final ruin when the boss is below 35% hp. When this happens your goal is to use wod as always and at the end of a combo use final ruin. Cast cod if it isnt cast yet after the action as stated previous. If clown box is read follow up your final ruin with a trans then clownbox upclose and personal

then hit up wod again and final ruin. Soul wells should be clipped with trinks whenever available. Loadout 2 this usually is the loadout you will use for a boss fight involving you as the sole dps or with dot based dps. As you are given time to ramp up dmg this load out allows you to maximize your crits like crazy.To start use wod then vengeance then start atking the boss, soon enough youll receive a weird aura around you this is a secret aura that increase your critical magnitude and chance by a lot combined with soul wells crit bonus youll be having a pretty good life fighting the boss hell be down in a much faster time to a sorc using load out 1. The rest of the boss fight is intuitive fight as you would as stated above but make sure you cast vengeance occasionally and soul wells to keep the aura up. Once at 35% hp left for the boss start using final ruin just like in load out 1 but cast an occasional vengeance. Soul wells to be clipped with trinks whenever available *Snowman: spin chop >power 4/2/nuff said(burst dmg) *snowman power5(wait till the bar starts up below the character ) jump clip with power 3 nuff said *snowman spinchop 4 -->1 (quick burst) nuff said

Pure pve healer (solo, duo, alert,raids) Trinks: cc heal trink, trigon,sunken chanter rune, pvp trink/supplydrop(meh) Loadout1: rejuvenate, cop, boon, sacrificial, transcendence, watcher/invocation of renewal Loadout2: rejuvenate, cop, boon, soul well/shared fate, arbiter ,watcher/ invocation You are gonna have to respect for this a full respect if you really want but a power respect would do.(remember to get the heal innates and if so the health and power innate) Power respect take out arbiter/transcend(depending on loadout) and wod, vengeance,transmutation from your power points and take the 2 iconic innates .Replace all the sp related to dps for defense. Loadout 1 is a more power hungry based heal set up. Youll be constantly spamming sacrificial offering and rejuvenate and recasting cop whenever so often. Keep boon of souls to save your self or the team from massive dmg. If you arent confident

with your heal predictions, you may want to use a watcher however ultimately invocation will be a better choice. Its best used timed along with a devastating boss atk to heal everyone promptly from a far distance. Your watcher wont save the team from this. Loadout 2 is a lil more economical and survival based in this load out we use arbiter in itsa infinite power to keep a team alive while transcendence does offer better protection, arbiter is a better survivalist skill. Once again clip soul wells with rejuv or boon but this time your spamable powers should be rejuvenate and shared fate, believe it or not shared fate on just 4 mobs add up to your rejuvenate as it is very useful in GOT. *Standard Arbiter loadout should already be set as cop.shared,karmic,soul well,rejuv,watcher *Pure heal arbiter should be changed to COP,shared fate,invocation/sacrificial,soul well,rejuv,watcher Hybrid pvp heal Trinks: cc heal trink, fos heal trink, chanter, pvp trink(I still lack a 4 slot utility) Loadout: rejuvenate, cop, boon of souls , shared fate , arbiter of destiny,watcher No need to respect for this one also Im sure you are very good at pvp as it is. The only difference it has to pve healing is that you the healer are indirectly also the tank therefore you need to be health conscious of yourself and your teammates at the same time. Also apart from regular hybrid healing as stated previously yuou might want to use shared fate at enemy masses for the greatest heals and clip shared with weapon combos whenever power source is available it helps you to debuff tanks and do a lil more dmg and healing. On survival its really on anticipation and unpredictability, be as random as possible with moving such as kiting to encourage enemies to lunge then blocking to get immunity. Or randomly lunging out of a fight to counter a player who is block breaking. Manipulation is a great skill to take in as a healer anticipates enemy movements and try to put them in a situation which they will be counted like the examples stated above. Dueling* if your unconventional you may want to replace arbiter with polymorph for the best results, if you prefer more honorable duels just replace arbiter with wod and soul well with vengeance to get bonus heal crit mag and chance and dmg crit mag and chance. Pure pvp healer (pvp) Trinks: cc heal trink, fos heal trink,sunken chanter rune, pvp trink(meh)

Loadout1: rejuvenate, cop, boon, sacrificial, transcendence, watcher Loadout2: rejuvenate, cop, boon, shared fate, arbiter , watcher You are gonna have to respect for this a full respect if you really want but a power respect would do.(remember to get the heal innates and if so the health and power innate) Power respect take out arbiter/transcend(depending on loadout) and wod, vengeance,transmutation from your power points and take the 2 iconic innates .Replace all the sp related to dps for defense. Same as above just that if you are going to solo heal a 8v8 with at least 1 good troller you may want to choose loadout 1 and wear a few pve heal pieces to have at least 30% great healing out put then a hybrid role or loadout 2. *Im not sure if this is practical but see if healing crystal/element can be used with transmutation with any clips are involved.(merits / karmic hex)

Update shared fate should replace watcherl in the events of areas where the watcher always dies eg nexus. Then use shared on enemy groups.

Tips Sub avatars Magic : stay at maximum range (the range bow hits even though the target is grey not red) Keep jumping Cast cop to heal when down to 70% hp

Use impact arrow to clear adds Meta: stand behind an obstacle and keep jumping to shoot him. Block after he finishes a move combo to avoid being pulled Never stand in the same elevation as him without cover. Try to be in the trenches or on something higher like a table to reduce dmg/ Tech Try to stand behind him as much as possible Block all lock on atks Avoid fire and his missile spin by staying behind him

(All subs are killable even as dps just make sure you pop arbiter when you are getting low on hp) CC bounties Black lightning DPSable Just dps him as you would normally but avoid any bolts that are avoidable also if you see white balls try to fly up or roll behind him Heal Brainless just shoot him and cast COP Flash DPSable Avoid using clown box too much keep 1 soul well and use wod and cod. Pop arbiter when hp is low Heal Heal carefully try to cast COP and only rejuvenate when needed Impt notes flash should always be ranged, whenever he zooms ofdf prepare to blocxk to avoid being dragged into his spin or being blown away. Should this happen pop boon of souls Raven

DPSable Same as flash with a twist stay at maximum range where you can hit the target even when the target is grey. Keep jumping so she loses her aim on devastating moves. Heal Do the same as you would in dps cast cop to heal your self and boon of souls if you get hit by a hard blast. Rejuv only if you are at 50% hp Static DPSable Same as raven but in this case dont jump just roll when he comes close. When the warning sign appears glide upwards to avoid being hit and try to land behind him to be safe. I that sense stay range but not too far. Heal same as above but once again you prob dont need an arbiter as your lifeline Nightwing Heal this guy hurts make sure you roll away whenever he comes close and keep jumping to confuse him. Standing on ledges and sidewalks to alter your height against him also throws off his aim and dangerous abilities. Cast COP to heal wheneve asnd use boon should he encase you or come too close. Rejuv when your hp is 60%. If he sticky bombs you only block at the last moment then quickly unblock to avoid being 1 shotted. Starfire DPSable Same as flash but keep a moderate distance depending on what starfire does when she has that pretty skull on her head you may want to roll to dodge bouncing fires or jump to mess her grenade launcher like fire atk or block if she starts spinning. I recommend blocking till you can tell what shes up too. Prepare to pop arbiter as per usual her dmg is heavy so ready some soda if you are out of both tap into your snowman and try to burst dmg her to death before you end up dying. Heal

Keep range and cast rejuv when your hp is below 40% in most cases you should just use cop to heal. Only atk her if she is not throwing fire bolts or if you have power to spare. Youi are likely to activate arbiter multiple times. Cyborg Heal When 1st atked cyborg jumps towards you. Block 1st and roll away. Dps him from a range and do the same COP rejuvenate tactic as stated in previous entries (should cast single heal when hp falls to 70%) stay at least to dodge roll distance away from cyborg. And do not attempt to stand behind him. When cyborg has that skull warning label cast boon of souls and dodge his bolts. Beware cyborg tends to do his pulse blast again without warning within the next 20 seconds so prepare to dodge it or block.(secret cyborg gets block countered if you block his charged fist) Donna Troy Dps take her from a range and be sharp avoid a mad flight dashes while taking her down. If she charges up a fist or does the MA 4 tap you can block it and counter her. Likewise block right as her rope hits you to counter her as well. Heal Same as dps but with better survivability. Remember to pop boon if she gets close to avoid high dps blast. Rejuv when hp drops below(65%) Kid flash DPSable Same as flash Heal Same as flash A note some areas that kid spawns have a height advantage. Use that to delay his dmg and confuse him. Alert Bosses You should be able to solo most of em but heres a tip on a few difficult ones The soloing techniques of some bosses are partially described in the alert tips but heres a few specifically to soloing. Area 51

Prime servitor you can melee this guy just remember to block his teleportation attack Ace Chemicals The Metal Mimes aim for ferrous 1st then focus on any of the other mimes dont waste power on amusing alloy hell break anyways and is harmless at range. Tip place watcher in your dps load out. Go to heal then summon watcher then switch back to dps. Keep behind babyface to avoid his fire and stay far from him he loves to do 500 dps jumps. Stay close to punchline but not point blank if there is a warning label start standing behind him. Save clownbox to clownbox out of the one he places you in. If punch starts shaking his butt it means his going on a punching spree so get back and stay away. Clownsanity you gotta prepare bird dps as much as you can and switch to bird when too much dmg is taken. Clownbox out of his grip. Chemo use arbiter and shared fate his chemlings and dps him in your normal mode Strykers Island The meta leaders thornot foremost should be focused 1 st, then thunderpunch then ripsaw. Rogues take mirror master, weather wizard then heat wave then captain cold. As for grodd try to wipe out his prisoners starting with the 2 ones that stun a lot keep range at all times. When he gets free half the prisobers should still be around glide up to the 2nd floor dps a lil then jump down rinse and repeat till all prisoners dead. After that just stay range and attack grodd. Use soda and boon to save yourself if you get stun and arbiter helps a lot here as well. Arkham Asylum Keep trans instead of soul wells in your heal loadout against Mr freeze dmg him but stay safe block any devastating charged attacks and lead those robots of his to the boilers Lead Scarecrow to the right of the room when you 1 st enter and try to keep him around there At the final confrontation dont be scared to move around the room keep packed in one place against crow and ivy is very bad. Courthouse

Clownbox out of sentences Before any sentence make sure your watcher and chanter/servo are up to tank dmg if you get community service. If you get it just block you wont survive to get the boxes. Only attack the judge after blocking his beam or hammer throw. Soul Alchemy Keep a distance from the 1st boss, kill all the adds then take him down slowly. Kill the 2 archers normally at the 2nd boss and trans clown box the phalanx leaders. Use arbiter on the champion. Before you activate ensure you have everything charged up. Cast cc trink mister boo and COD, then activate. Now trans clown box then karmic the scientist and use snowman to finish him off. After that jump off the building and kill the 2 mechs. Impact arrow can be used to disrupt mobs. Cover is very important for the last boss. Get any height advantage and watch his moves scarefully 1st phase block his hand invisible blast attack 2nd phase fight him like you are fighting another sorc healer using a rifle. Remember to roll out of his bunker buster and lunge often . If you see him using any interrupt attacks block immediately. 3rd phase roll out of any danger and block her spin. Stay far or high to avoid dmg. 4th phase same as 1st boss

Raid Bosses Kahndaq Black Adam 1st phase range him normally Zatanna phase stay far from adam jump left and right and backwards to avoid bolts that he throw. If he beams you just block. If you find yourself constantly struck by lightning get out of the area your at.

Brother blood phase kill demons till adam summons exarchs when that happens lead the exarchs to the gate then go to faust and dps adam who is frozen. Dont kill any demon or it will break it. Doctor fate phase Stay really far lead those crosses away from ya then take adam down when they are far away at the same time watch out for falling orbs. Arbiter might be needed. Giganta phase do a cat and mouse run from where felix is and the middle of the fighting area. Occasionally adam will clap it becomes predictable and this is a must block dmg or you wont have enough birds or soda to save your self Inner Sanctum Brother Eye Since his release means you arent ground take advantage of your mobility and never lose it or thats it If you are caught in his spin roll into him as you break out as his middle does no dmg Whenever he spins grapple away and fly shortly after Dmg him when he does his laser or teleportation thing. Sub Con Robot batman stay afar can arrow him to death nuff said Avatar of tech Same as sub tech Avatar Crawler Block any lock ons and those vaccum attacks. Take him out from the ledge you came in and keep moving around he has navigation problems. Brainiac Take him out whenever his bouncing around or not close to ya. When eradicators come stand in between the eradicator and the drone to freeze them and dps the eradicator. If brainiac comes just block him and if you cant take the dmg no choice just rolls out of it. FOS 3 Zod keep moving flying does help to screw his movement

Unpaid dues Lying path master ranging him and stand on buildings help a lot what hurts are those illusions, go arbiter and take em down but stay far from the real one. Burning path master stand higher than him nuff said

Aditional notes Watcher and sunken chanter are very helpful in this solos and help to take some dmg away. Becareful with how you use your chanter.

Challenges 8th precinct Tips: none Gotham warehouse Tips: after catwoman cutscene skip quietly to the 2 nd floor then clear mobs till the 3rd floor. Do not kill the rookie and the riot officier positioned on the third floor if you can Skip the mobs after the ambush Meta research wing Tips: Skip mobs till supergirl 1st fight. If the encased meta has a pretty clear cut way to the destination try hitting the case to throw him to the pad rather then carry him. Clownbox the 3 mobs in the generator room then dash towards super girl and use transmutation on the terminals Stealth asctivate generators then dash to super girl down stairs. When you reach the door turn left to reduce mob follows or supergirl blowing you out resetting the situation. Sentinels of magic base Dash through and hide behind activation pedestals and activate them then just skip all the way to fate.

Jokers fun house Tips Fly high then hug the wall which the treasure spawn is and slowly descend and go to the nxt room . Activate the 2 controls then just move on Skip the 2 officers and go straight to robin Metro city hall Tips: Get all the student aggros starting from the right then end at the student with sigma. Clownbox then arbiter atk em Get all students in the library then run into the dentist room then to the student group at the control room clown box then arbiter atk. Gotham subway Tips: stand on the stairs to confuse banes aim If you get hush do not free the mobster after the fight as long as you dont only 2 pengbots will be there Ignore the 1st mobs at the penguin fight go immediately to fight the 2 nd group via clown box and kill penguin shortly after Gotham university warehouse Tips:Skip all mobs to 1st boss and skip back Skip all mobs to 2nd boss talk to hazmat to despawn all mobs Skip:all lions to 3rd boss then skip again and activate arbiter at panther claw Old Star labs Tips:Clown box the 1st group skip 2nd group kill 3rd group then grapple your way or fly high to the end. All mobs depaswn with cutscene Regal hotel Tips:none Star labs

Tips:Arbiter on 1st room clear mobs then skip all the way to superman. Clownbox then arbiter again Circe stronghold Skip mobs till the end then use arbiter Sentinel of magic base In the rocky room just stand underground and wait for the door to open. Kill mobs then activate after that clownbox at least 3 initiates to bring down the shield then skip to the end. Use arbiter to clear mobs if they surround you.

Arbiter sure is versatile as long as you have charge you can skip a lot of things

Kix is capable of soloing duos of all forms cept flashback, tunnel of lust Duos: Hive Base Console code 134 After booster gold transmute the thing youre supposed to activate then skip all the way to queen. Omac base Use an arrow to stun one of the nanos then use shared fate to pull the other. Piece of cake no need freeze barrels. At the omac sigma at the 1st time you brinf down his shields cast wod then cod and use the clown box combo before his hp drops to 40% he should die before he activate hisd shields again Skip the mobs and go straight to brothe eye Earth duos Viral pods trans em and move on Place both batteries in then activate one only and watch the magic

Flashback Use trans and just keep moving and killing. Arbiter if too much dmg is taken.(hp below 30%) Police station Do objectives as you move from place to place to spd things up. Arbiter can allow you to kite a max of 2 heroes and their mobs then kill em should you have 100 % sc Old Gotham subway Same as the solo Ferris Aircraft Throw the repulsor towards the charges Throw the2nd repulsor to the last beacon when its at 90% Cape carmine clear mobs and spend arbiter at the mobs where diego spawns You can skip the cutscene by stunning diego as the switch is activated Common sense jump down dont walk down this you should know >< Alerts: Kix should be also able to solo all alerts cept T5 alerts Area 51 none Gorilla island None Oolong island Give boon to everyone everyone split and activate one of the 4 beacons on the roof of the buildings where the 2nd boss is. Dont go into the room get all of chang tzus bots on you then kill em along with him in arbiter mode Hive moon base

Cast transmutation after 10 sec of the fight hell try to bubble you and transmutation will break it if you cast the spell before he hits you. After that lay back trans for 30 secs before spamming it every time he finishes an attack combo Use trans on the generators activate the ships and move on Trans satellite and skip boss (shield everyone with boon and everyone splits and activate) If boss isnt skipped lead him to the fire for him to take 5x dmg To increase the hive defender drops let 6 emitters up then kill queen unsure if you can destroy the emitters once they are all up. Bludhaven Trans generators at the start At the 3rd phase to destroy vets trans the 1st 4 and use flurry shot above the 2nd 4 vets. Theres a special spot in each grill where your arrow can damage the vets Lead the hazmat team to the truck trans it then go to chemo it should be ready.

Hall of doom armory None Smallville Each team splits to take 2 doom form guards Focus alpha Richard then the other 2 You can take one big round to the farm after Richard then cross from the back of the farm past the water tower to keep your doom form Ace chemicals None but if solo stand at the gate to the left up the stair case at the entry point of the guards to freeze them. Use arbiter to make short work of chemlings

Clip to healer mode and summon and watcher then add watcher to dps mode then switch back to dps for some heals in boss fights Star labs After the assasins skip mobs to boss then arbiter. After boss skip mobs again. In the room with sinestro dont kill the brainiacs just the manhunters. Oan None Outer Caverns At anytime you should be skipping mobs when you have a good team till the boss fights or the terminal room after the blast doors Trans those bombs and generators for massive dmg To despawn the red sentinel before at 10% of the blue sentinels health pop snow man and spin chop clip with 2 or trans clown box or final ruin. If it crits and immediately kills the blue sentinel the redone will despawn Coast city Amon is vunerable for 2 sec after the timer stops Skip mobs as usual with arbiter when possible after amon After kyle fly over mobs and agro as many red lanterns. They dont change agro so just cast cod and keep running. Arbiter wont save this Target atrocitus then amon then kyle Courthouse Trans evidence Replace cop with clownbox even as a healer at the last fight and perhaps keep a shock cola. If you get hit by life or death sentence you can clownbox and shock cola out of it early(trans doesnt work unless its another sorc doing trans) LOA Fastest is to kill lying and bolt to avoid their annoying fights Surrounding the 2 claws from all sides will freeze them eventually

Skip mobs whenever sc is full Always straight to ras al ghul your aoe can kill the claws also they barely hurt Arkham asylum Ivy 1st Trans her plants Freeze next Trans the boilers Then scarecrow Final fight take scarecrow and ivy together using arbiter Strykers At the cutscene where prisoners break free if the team runs in sync then uses glide/supersonic/speedforce once they past the 2 pillars in the next room. They can skip the to be spawning lasher mobs. Trans those icebergs and watch your feet dont be where captain cold fire ice balls. Soul Alchemy Trans the demonic spawners BIA/FR Use snowman on portals spawns if you are dpsing. When healing for feats transcendence might be a better option if your controller doesnt do a good job.

Trigons Prison Most of the alert is skippable cept the part with after trigons sons. Take it a lil slow. Kahndaq Skip the mobs after adnan and hop fountain to fountain If the gates at the gatekeeper are closed and you are stuck. You can roll through the window in-between the 2 gates. Inner sanctum Trans those generators/spawners and terminals

You are no longer grounded after the 5th terminal Sub con Trans those negator spawners You can take out the shield to omac batman the same way by wiping 5 shields with trans The barrier requiring 6 shields destroys should be trans as quickly as possible. Then use arbiter at the top. Survive to heal or dps with the description of the tech avatar given previously Stay away from the team if there is a tornado on you Stand 180 degress facing eradicator drones when they close to the eradicator to freeze them Outer caverns Same tricks as the alert FOS1 Trans the crystals at the third boss FOS2 As a raid tip the entire team cabn travel through the trench at the right to the end of the room to spd things up. FOS3 Load Out Rejuv/WOD,COP,BOON,Sacrificial,Arbiter,Watcher. Consumable a high tier soda(shield if soda is cooling down) utility belt slots(medic compartment trinket, Trigon Trinket, chanter trinket/servo(depends do you need power or is the boss whacking you) , supply drop (switch to side kick and henchman before you use this) [with updates do not use the chanter and trigon trinket together. Use Chanter 1 st then Trigon 20 sec later) Pistol method: 1-3 wave lock on to medic with right click then left click and repeat while tapping S. Snipers cant hit you this way and you disrupt medics healing. Be sure to keep your cross hair on only medics usually medics will heal together your job when theres 2 medics is to disrupt one let the other heal. After that they are no longer sync. Hit

the one that is healing then aim the other and keep alternating. At least Superman or luthor must survive the 3 waves till end of ursa. Dont be shy to drop an orbital on the medics it cuts them by 40% hp. NON: Whatever you do make sure you are not the one to attack Non or you wont get pass. Let Non kill a pet or lex and heal them and let them tank him. Get henchman/sidekick/karmic hex into your 4th trinket slot and take out the adds. Proceed to do what you do with pistols on the medics and take Non out. Dont be alarmed you WILL lose a lot of power take sodas and arbiter . Ursa: Even worse her laser has 2 ticks make sure you dont engage her. Yellow sentries are a problem here you need to kill them before they reach supes/luthor and its nearly impossible when snipers are around. You need to do the pistol trick while not pulling the full animation ever! When the fight starts make sure you are at the back of the room so the sentries will come after you. And not luthor and supes immediately. You MUST not forget to heal supes or lex or its over! Zod: I bet you still have 2-5 adds alive when you reach zod. This is where supes or lex will die. Let them but keep them alive longer so you have more tanking. Hit zod 1st and do not let luthor or supes get the agro as this will cluster all enemies. Around 60% of Zods hp the whole group should be dead cept you. Drop as many adds and other nonsense your geeky HT trinks get you. Keep at the edges of the room and atk zod who should be chasing you. Even if its slow you must run! As long as you endure you will slowly take him out. By the time I ended it I had used 8 soda stacks 3 stacks of dampeners 7 arbiters there were nearly 20 sentries after me. GOT Tips are already stated in the load outs just stay safe PB Anything magic cept pancake floor =block Pancake = roll Anything tech =roll Tracking red lock on =block Meta big ball = block or avoid Charges= roll out Tentacle =block then roll Brainiac block any danger unless pancakes or the blue sphere missile strike Unpaid dues

Just make use of arbiter to solo stuff away from the team Seeds of rot Just make use of arbiter to solo stuff

MISC Friends list is full of many capable man and woman to call upon. Not to brag but most peeps help kix for her rep as a dps and healer. Dont need to live up to it either ways this guide tells ya how kix is played by me and joseph Opinions on other skills Polymorph very useful as an anti sorc or anti dps tough guy Healing element till they make a map that is point blank range good luck throwing this 2k healing crystal to the right places Im sure its awesome if played right Guardian when you need a pet to tank some serious dmg while soloing Fury pretty good as a dps sorc pvp pet place him in a good spot and he makes hurt Wrath useful if you wanna play sorc healer as a life stealer. Get some kills then use it. Each combo ppl do gets back a nice 400 hp. Soul storm, can be deadly if timed right. Get some kills then fire the payload recommended on mobs and bosses a like Baleful Transmogrification best used with a pvp atk buff cast it then trans clownbox Secret trick arbiter has a berserk function in which it gets the fos atk/shield buff it has less then one percent chance of occurring, just cast shared fate and rejuvenate when at 10% hp. If you are lucky arbiter will go into a berserk 10x atk 10x def 10x healing 10x vit and this stacks with fos buffs. Ive hit 250000 in one final ruin before For survival purposes you might wanna replace the heal portion or dps portion (whichever you are pure speccing) for dom (t1 alerts and novice raids) and def(higher than the former) obvious reasons Additional note in the events of pure dps I have 2 might based items in my bank to better help make the best out of it. If kix is no longer needed to heal theres a lantern respect token I got for ya to change.

Grapple line > boon >shared can be done to achieve the same effect as the difficult to breakout wing armor whirlwind Zip Tee is a nice stun beats condemn when it comes to dps Moon Arbiter Loadout : Condemn,shared fate, Boon, Grapple Line, Rejuvenate, Polymorph Last entry.

Main weaps kix uses: bow (pve),dw (pvp) Hybrid dps (solo, duo, alert) Trinks:cc dps trink,fos dps trink,mister boo,snowman/orbital/supply drop Loadout: vengeance, karmic backlash, circle of destiny(cod), soulwell , sacrificial offering/baleful,weapon of destiny(wod) Use wod along with flurry shot and spam it in general when mobs are closed range do an impact arrow and clip with karmic then cast cod and cut the animation with karmic hex. After that apply vengeance on the karmiced enemy this will give you a buff clip the vengeance with karmic hex. Follow up with a soul well clip with offering or karmic hex.If enemies are far apart either lunge>karmic>cod or use wod and hit each mob once then cast cod. kix uses karmic and wod constantly and focuses on the (right click left hold (impact arrow)) (right click 3x then right hold(flurry shot)) and (left click 3x left hold right hold(secret bow move)). This does not mean other moves are redundant if you realize a npc is about to throw kix off balance you can simply end the combo early with a left/right hold depending on the combo. Another fun trick is if you were dpsing a mob and under certain circumstance early in your combo such as your 1st hit that you realize its not worth dpsing the mob maybe because its almost dead, you can use a finishing volley to hit another mob. Always regularly cycle among trinkets using cc trink then fos trink after it to maximize dps. Cast wod then use the cc trinks right hold to maximize its use. Do the combo not all 3 at once have some space to use the actual buff of the trink for other combos stated above.Even with a stable troller the chanter should be summoned when possible as he really does hurt. Use the pvp trink to clip the long cooldowns of any spell when available. *Snowman: spin chop >power 4/2/nuff said(burst dmg) *snowman power5(wait till the bar starts up below the character ) jump clip with power 3 nuff said

*snowman spinchop 4 -->1 (quick burst) nuff said

*Arbiter of destiny this is a lifeline accidents in solos and duos and alerts happen a lot this skill is meant to save ya *jumping in sorc often cancels its powers make sure you wait 0.5-0.7 sec before jumping to cut a combo or power or any sort.

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