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Eng 102BC

Numbers, Who VS Whom, homophones, apostrophes, Intro to Arguments

Watch the following clip. Answer the following questions:

2. 3.

What is an argument? Is this video clip an example of an argument? What are the defining features of an argument?

Introduction to Arguments

What is meant by the term argument?

Argument is not a fight or a quarrel creative & productive activity engages high levels of inquiry and critical thinking often in conversation with liked and respected people

What is meant by the term argument? Argument is not a Pro-Con Debate desire for truth aims to find best solution to complex problem goal isnt to win a game; goal is to find and promote best belief or course of action

What is meant by the term argument? Arguments can be explicit or implicit explicit directly states its controversial claim and supports it with reasons and evidence implicit is opposite (pic, slogans, etc) both used to persuade

What are the defining features of an argument?

Arguments requires justification of its claims must meet two conditions 1. set of two+ conflicting assertions 2. attempt to resolve conflict through an appeal to reason must clarify and support reasons

What are the defining features of an argument?

Argument and the Problem of Truth does not mean finding right answer to disputed question means determining best answer or best solution for the good of entire community when all stakeholders are considered means argument does not prove claim but only makes reasonable case for claim opinion based upon examination of all evidence

Watch the following clip. Answer the following questions:

2. 3.

What is an argument? Is this video clip an example of an argument? What are the defining features of an argument?


Numbers Differ according to style guide

MLA use numerals for numbers above one hundred (starting with 101) MLA spell out numbers one hundred and below MLA spell out large round numbers (fifteen million) APA spell out numbers one through nine, 10 and above written numerically Both when one number immediately follows another, spell out one number and use numerals for other (three 100-meter events, 25 four-poster beds)

Numbers use numerals according to convention

Dates July 4, 1776; 56 BC; AD 30 Addresses 77 Latches Lane, 519 West 42nd Street Percentages 55 percent (or 55%) Fractions, Decimals , 0.047 Scores 7 to 3, 21 18 Statistics average age 37, average weight 180 Surveys 4 out of 5 Exact amounts of money - $105. 37 Divisions of books volume 3, Chapter 4, page 189 Divisions of plays act 3, scene 3 (or act III, scene iii)

Numbers (cont.) use numerals according to convention

Identification numbers serial number 10988675 Time of Day 4:00 p.m., 1:30 a.m.

When not using a.m. or p.m., write out the time in words (two oclock in the afternoon, twelve noon, seven in the morning)

Exercise 22.1
1. John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr were 4 young men from Liverpool, England, who formed what would become the most popular rock band of all time. 4 = four 2. On January twenty-five, 1964, the Beatles first hit entered the U.S. charts. Twenty-five = 25 3.The song I Want to Hold Your Hand spent seven weeks at number one and 14 weeks in the top 40. 14 = fourteen

Exercise 22.1
4. Almost immediately, the Beatles began to attract 1000s of screaming fans everywhere they went. 1000s = thousands 5.Throughout the nineteen-sixties, the Beatles were the worlds most popular group. Nineteen-sixties = 1960s 6. During the eight years of the Beatles reign on the charts, they had more than forty three-minute pop hits. Three-minute = 3-minute

Exercise 22.1
7. By the 2nd half of the decade, he Beatles had stopped touring. 2nd = second 8.They performed live together for the last time on the roof of Three Savile Row, the headquarters of their doomed record company, Apple. Three = 3 9. 150 employees worked for Apple, which eventually went bankrupt. 150 = One hundred fifty 10. By no means did each Beatle earn twenty-five percent of the groups profits, for Lennon and McCartney wrote more than ninety percent of the songs. Twenty-five = 25 Ninety = 90

Who VS Whom

Who vs. Whom

I love you. Subject is the person doing something I am performing the love; therefore I am the subject

Object is having something done to them You are the object of my affection

Who vs. Whom

Use who when referring to the subject of a clause Who loves you?

Use whom when referring to the object of a clause

Whom do you love?

Who vs. Whom He/Him trick

Him and whom both end with the letter m When trying to choose between who or whom, ask if the answer to the question would be he or him Who (or whom) do you love? Answer is I love him, so whom is correct Who (or whom) broke his heart? Answer is She broke his heart, so who is correct

Who vs. Whom Practice

1. ______ should we invite to the party? Whom 2. ______ wants ice cream? Who 3. ____ do you trust? Whom 4. For ______ the Bell Tolls Whom 5. ______ left the alligator in the backyard? Who

Homophones & confused words

Your/youre; there/their/theyre; two/too/to

Youre too big for your britches. Theyre on their way there.

Please give me two dollars so that I can go to the store too.


Affect: to make an impact on, to change something (verb) Effect: a result (noun)

The ___ of the disaster will ___ many people.

Effect Affect


Conscience: a personal sense of right and wrong (noun) Conscious: awake, aware (adjective)

The man said he was not ___ that what he had done was illegal, or his ___ would not have let him do it.
Conscious conscience


Set: a collection of something (noun); to place an object somewhere (verb) Sit: to rest in a chair or other seat-like surface; to be located in a particular place Before you ___ on that chair, ___ the magazines on the floor. Sit Set


Than: a word used to compare two or more things or persons Then: at a certain time; next in time

Back ___, I couldnt run more ___ one mile.

Then Than


Apostrophes Use an apostrophe to indicate that a noun is possessive The hat of Tim Tims hat The desk of the lawyers The lawyers desk The camper of Joyce and Greg Joyce and Gregs camper The memoir of my father-in-law My father-in-laws memoir

Apostrophes Use an apostrophe and s to indicate that an indefinite pronoun is possessive (everyone, someone, no one, something)
The raincoat of someone Someones raincoat

Apostrophes Use an apostrophe to mark omissions in contractions and numbers Its = it is Its _____ raining outside. Each area had _____ own desk. Use an apostrophe to mark omissions of the first two digits of a year or years The class of 08 The 60s generation (notice it isnt 60s)

Do not use an apostrophe to form the plural of numbers, letters, abbreviations, and words mentioned as words Oksana skated nearly perfect figure 8s. The 1920s are known as the Jazz age. He received two Ds for the first time in his life. Beginning readers often confuse bs and ds . Students with straight As earn high honors. The Is in the sign are crooked. There are exceptions for Js, js, Ps, and ps . Harriet has thirty DVDs on her desk. Weve heard enough maybes. Weve heard enough maybes.

Apostrophes Avoid common misuses of the apostrophe. Some outpatients have special parking permits. The House on Mango Street was written by Sandra Cisneros, whose work focuses on the Latino community in the United States.

Its Time For A Sing Along

Grammar Tasks

10. Complete worksheet at zines/scope/pdfs/SCOPE-REPRO-092109-07.pdf

11. Give three examples of when to use

s. Give three examples of when to use s. Give three examples of when NOT to use an apostrophe

9 . Create a classroom poster illustrating the rules for numbers ( is a suggestion)

For Thursday...
Summary rough draft due

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