E Caddy Commands

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CADdy Commands

The commands, which are important for the use of CADdy++ ET, are illustrated in the following section. All commands can be found by selecting FILE from the menu bar.

System Settings

The parameters for executing CADdy++ ET can be found in the system settings command.

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear).

Option: Backup - Automatic backup of drawings: enables CADdy++ to make automatic backup of the drawings that are being processed. The time interval states the slot between each backup. CADdy++ makes 3 backups in a circle with the desired time interval. Setting the time interval to 5 minutes will establish backup no. 1 after 5 minutes. After 10 minutes, backup no. 1 is moved

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-1

forward as backup no. 2, a new backup is made as no. 1 and so on each 5 minutes. A total of 3 backups are made (e.g. backup time of 15 minutes is possible, depending on the selected time interval). The backup can be restored by selecting the page in the workspace bar, clicking onto the right mouse button and select "Load backup". See Create new drawings in chapter D for further details.

Documents - Use visual document tabs: will provide CADdy++ to display a separate tab for each open page on the bottom of the drawing area.


Documents - Maximum Opened Document Views sets the maximum number of windows to be open within CADdy++ to save menory. Example: 4 will keep the last four windows / drawings / lists open. The null value sets the value to unlimited.

Option: Workspaces: defines where the workspace file will be saved. Templates: Symbols: defines where the standard template can be found. defines where the symbol databases can be found.

HINT 1: If possible, you should put the system folders on a central network drive, which enables other authors to share the workspace, templates and symbols with you. With the button, you can select the folder directly.


E-2 CADdy Commands

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The following example illustrates how to choose the folder, Workspaces . Note that the directory has to be open in order to be correctly registered: RIGHT:

Right: The directory "Workspaces" is open. WRONG:

Wrong: The directory "CADdy" is open.

Option: Optional colour can be set for Selected elements, Background, Paper background, Paper frame, Cursor cross etc.

Option: Licence number and unlock codes must be stated here. For further details please refer to Getting Started in chapter A.

Archive Workspace

This command archives a CADdy++ workspace. Archived workspaces are compressed, gets a new extension (*.cpa) and are stored in the same folder as the original workspace.

Quick Guide: 1.) Open workspaces must be closed. See Close Workspace (page E-17).
CADdy Commands E-3

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2.) Select this command. 3.) Pick the workspace you want to archive. 4.) The workspace is compressed and archived.

Archived workspaces can be reactivated with the Reactivate Archived Workspace (see page E4) function.

Reactivate Archived Workspace


This command reactivates a CADdy++ workspace, which has been archived with the Archive Workspace function (see page E-3). CADdy++ archived workspaces are compressed files, and must be de-compressed before use. The archived workspaces have the extension (*.cpa) and are stored in the same folder as the original workspace.

Quick Guide: 1.) Open workspaces must be closed. See Close Workspace (page E-17). 2.) Select this command. 3.) Pick the workspace you want to reactivate (extension *.cpa). 4.) The workspace is de-compressed and reactivated.

Compress Workspace

All data in CADdy++ ET are stored in Windows Compound Files, within a Microsoft Access database. While working with CADdy++ ET these files expand. This command compresses the Compound File containing the workspace.

E-4 CADdy Commands

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Compress Type Database


All data in the CADdy++ ET Type Database (see page E-155) are stored in a Microsoft Access database. While working with the Type Database, these files expand. This command compresses the database containing the Types to the minimum size.

New Workspace

This command is used to create a new Workspace. For detailed information, please refer to Workspace (chapter D).

New Page

This command is used to create a new page. You can create a new page by clicking the right mouse button while in the main folder. HINT 1: You can use an index to define a page, for example "2A", "2B", "2ABC" etc. Please note, that only a maximum of 5 characters can be used.

Open Workspace

This command is used to open an existing workspace from CADdy++ ET or to import CADdy Classic (*.prj) workspaces. HINT 1: HINT 2: CADdy++ ET workspace files are saved as <name>.CPJ on your hard disk. You may import several workspaces from CADdy Classic in one sequence by holding [Ctrl] while clicking onto the desired workspaces.

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CADdy Commands E-5

Quick Guide - Importing CADdy Classic workspaces 1.) Before importing CADdy Classic workspaces, be sure to Import CADdy ET1 Databases (see page E-56) first, such as wires (*.bla), types (*.dbf), mirrors (*.dbf) and cables (*.kty).

If you which to import single drawings from CADdy Classic, or merge drawings from CADdy Classic into existing workspaces, you must use the Open CADdy Drawing (see page E-8) function instead.

IMPORTANT NOTE 1: It is essential to import all databases from CADdy Classic, before importing the workspaces. If these data are not present, workspaces are not imported properly. However, this only applies if the different databases options was used in CADdy Classic (e.g. wires, types, mirrors and cables). "Non-intelligent" drawings from CADdy Classic are not affected by missing data sources, except missing A-symbols. In general, it is recommended to transfer all basic data once from CADdy Classic to the new environment in CADdy++ NOTE 2: If layers was used in CADdy Classic to control the Pen Color, Pen Width and / or the Pen Style, you must carry out this operation once before importing: 1.) Create a New Workspace based on a template you prefer. 2.) Create diagram page 1 in the new workspace, and open this page.

3.) Click onto

to activate the CADdy++ Layer Database.

4.) Set up ALL layers in CADdy++ with the same parameters as in CADdy Classic, e.g. Pen Style, Pen Width etc. by typing the information. 5.) Delete the diagram page 1 created in step 2.) 6.) Save the new layer settings in CADdy++ by saving the workspace as a Template using the Workspace Template (Save as) function. 7.) Workspaces imported from CADdy Classic must be based on the Workspace Template saved in step 6.).

2.) Select this command.

E-6 CADdy Commands

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3.) Pick one or more CADdy Classic workspace you whish to transfer to CADdy++ ET and click OK. CADdy Classic version 12 17 are supported. 4.) A dialog with the available templates appear. Click onto the template, on which new page(s) within the workspace shall be based upon (see IMPORTANT NOTE 2 - step 6 - above). 5.) The following dialog appears:

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear). 6.) CADdy++ ET automatically reads the path to existing A-symbols in the *.prj file from CADdy Classis. Please check file(s) and location of the A-symbols before importing. 7.) If desired, set the checkboxes in the Layer / Attributes section, according to what kind of information you whish to take from the CADdy++ Layer Database. You may adjust each layer individually by clicking onto [Layer Database]. 8.) Click onto OK. The workspace are now transferred into CADdy++ ET. Logic is transferred from CADdy Classic to CADdy++ ET, therefore no data is lost. 9.) When converting is completed, the following dialog appears:

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CADdy Commands E-7

Open Page

This command is used to open an existing page in your workspace. HINT 1: Example: It is a good idea to get a general view of the workspace, so that you can see all the available pages in the workspace at once.

In this example, you can see that pages 1, 2, and 2A are available. Double click the pages to open them!

Open Page Template


This command is used to open a Page Template, which has been saved with the command Page Template.

Read more about: Templates in chapter K.

Open CADdy Drawing


This command imports and translates CADdy Classic drawings version 12 17 into CADdy++ ET drawings. Via this function it is possible to merge drawings from CADdy Classic into new CADdy++ ET workspaces. Logic is transferred from CADdy Classic to CADdy++ ET, therefore no data is lost.

E-8 CADdy Commands

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If you which to import CADdy Classic workspaces automatically, you must use the Open Workspace (see page E-5) function instead.

Quick Guide: 1.) Before importing CADdy Classic drawings, be sure to Import CADdy ET1 Databases (see page E-56) first, such as wires (*.bla), types (*.dbf), mirrors (*.dbf) and cables (*.kty), if the CADdy Classic drawings contains this kind of information.

IMPORTANT NOTE 1: It is essential to import all databases from CADdy Classic, before importing the workspaces. If these data are not present, workspaces are not imported properly. However, this only applies if the different databases options was used in CADdy Classic (e.g. wires, types, mirrors and cables). "Non-intelligent" drawings from CADdy Classic are not affected by missing data sources, except missing A-symbols. In general, it is recommended to transfer all basic data once from CADdy Classic to the new environment in CADdy++ NOTE 2: If layers was used in CADdy Classic to control the Pen Color, Pen Width and / or the Pen Style, you must carry out this operation once before importing: 1.) Create a New Workspace based on a template you prefer. 2.) Create diagram page 1 in the new workspace, and open this page.

3.) Click onto

to activate the CADdy++ Layer Database.

4.) Set up ALL layers in CADdy++ with the same parameters as in CADdy Classic, e.g. Pen Style, Pen Width etc. by typing the information. 5.) Delete the diagram page 1 created in step 2.) 6.) Save the new layer settings in CADdy++ by saving the workspace as a Template using the Workspace Template (Save as) function. 7.) Workspaces imported from CADdy Classic must be based on the Workspace Template saved in step 6.).

2.) Select this command.

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3.) Create a New Workspace and create a fictitious page, (ex. page 9999). 4.) Make sure that the folder "CADdy A-symbol" points at the old A-symbols. You can add additional symbol folders as desired. 5.) Click the Drawing/workspace button, and select the item that you want to import. HINT 1: You can choose whether to import one or more drawings at a time (choose *.PIC), or select one workspace at a time (choose *.PRJ).

6.) Click OK to start import. NOTE: 1.) By repeating step 4-6, it is possible to merge more workspaces into the workspace created in step 3.) 2.) If possible, try to import old workspaces in sequence to avoid confusion. 3.) Make sure that the page numbers in CADdy Classic and CADdy++ ET arent equal. If they are equal, CADdy++ ET will over write the existing page with the page imported from CADdy Classic.

Read more about: Import CADdy Classic workspaces via command Open Workspace on page E-5 Import CADdy ET1 Database on page E-56

Open AutoCAD DXF/DWG Drawing


This command is used to import one AutoCAD DXF, DWG and DXB drawing to CADdy++.

Quick Guide: 1.) 2.) Create a New Page (see page E-5) on which to import the AutoCAD drawing. Activate this command. The following dialog appears:

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3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.)

Adjust various settings as desired (see description below). Select the type of file to import by clicking in "Files of type".

Select the file to import by clicking on it (highlights). Click "Open" to import the highlighted file or double-click the file. The dialog closes when import is complete. The drawing is displayed in the drawing area.

Settings By selecting the AutoCAD drawing will overwrite the CADdy++ drawing. To activate the manual adjustments, make sure that the is unselected. Drawing offset sets new co-ordinates for the

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CADdy Commands E-11

imported drawing relative to (X,Y) = (0,0). Scale the imported drawing by setting the parameters of Drawing scale. 1.0 equals no scaling (1:1). or or

Select the to make CADdy++ adjust the imported drawing to the actual page. Select the "Read drawing Layer Information" to import layer information (layer names) into CADdy++

Advanced settings Advanced settings for import is stored in the Windows Registry Editor (Start Run Regedit). By clicking the following dialog appears:

Click the

icon to expand each setting. Since text fonts are very different from system to system, it is possible to define

Font Face Settings

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specific fonts to be translated during import. As per default CADdy++ will translate imported vector fonts to CADdy++ vectorfont1 (ISO 3098). The left column within the dialog lists the fonts found within the drawing, the right column sets the CADdy++ font. The left column list is checked and filled with fonts each time an import takes place. There is no restriction in the translation: Any font within CADdy++ may replace any imported font, e.g. a Windows Font can replace a vector font and vice versa. Font Width Settings Due to differences within the fonts, the width of the font can be set individually. "1.00" equals 100% e.g. no adjustment. AutoCAD has unlimited numbers of line styles. This setting allows to define which line type from AutoCAD to be translated into CADdy++ (select between 5 CADdy++ types). LineStyle_Default_Weight - Allows the user to key-in the desired line style to be used, when AutoCAD line style is "default". LineStyle_Minimum_Weight - Defines the minimum pen size, when original AutoCAD weight is zero (0). Control Settings Exclude_Empty_Texts (True/False): "True" will omit empty texts from being translated. Exclude_Invincible_Objects (True/false): "True" will omit invisible objects from being imported. Explode_Hatch_Objects (True/False): "True" will explode AutoCAD's hatch objects when importing. Import_Space_Name (True/False): "True" will define which Modelspace or Paperspace

Line Style Settings

Line Weight Settings

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CADdy Commands E-13

in AutoCAD to be imported. "False" will default take the first space that has a content.

Read more about: Open Multiple AutoCAD DWG/DXF/DXB Drawings on page E-14 AutoCAD DWG/DXF/DXB Drawing (Save as) on page E-19 Web DWF/SVG Page (Save as) on page E-23 AutoCAD DXF/DWG Workspace (Save as) on page E-24 Web SVG/DWF Workspace (Save as) on page E-25

Open Multiple AutoCAD DWG/DXF/DXB Drawings


This command is used to import multiple AutoCAD DXF, DWG and DXB drawings ("projects") to CADdy++ ET. Please refer to chapter Open AutoCAD DXF/DWG Drawing on page E-10 for Settings and Advanced Settings for importing AutoCAD drawings.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the command. The following dialog appears:

E-14 CADdy Commands

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2.) 3.) 4.)

Click [Add] to open a browser. Select files to import. Use the common Windows selecting tools like CTRL+A, SHIFT and CTRL to select / unselect files within the browser. If desired, repeat step 2.) and 3.) to select more files from other folders. The resulting CADdy++ page data are displayed to the right within the dialog, for example:

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5.) 6.)

Click on any page data to change the settings. If desired, click [Renumber]. The following dialog appears:

Select the page type to renumber, change the other settings as desired, and click onto [OK]. CADdy++ renumbers the selected type of drawings according to the settings. This is practical when imported drawings has to be merged into an existing project. 7.) 8.) If desired, set Import Options (see description below). Click onto [OK] to start import.

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Import options: Select the this option to define a fixed rectangle into which all drawings will be scaled. Select this option to insert the default template for each kind of drawing (type) which is imported.

Please refer to Open AutoCAD DXF/DWG Drawing (see page E10) section "Advanced settings" for detailed description.

Read more about: Open AutoCAD DXF/DWG Drawing on page E-10 AutoCAD DWG/DXF/DXB Drawing (Save as) on page E-19 Web DWF/SVG Page (Save as) on page E-23 AutoCAD DXF/DWG Workspace (Save as) on page E-24 Web SVG/DWF Workspace (Save as) on page E-25

Close Workspace

This command is used to close the active workspace.


All open workspaces are closed, when you Exit CADdy++ ET Alternatively you may select the workspace path in the Workspace Bar (see chapter D), click the right mouse button and then select Close Workspace.

See also "Close Page" on page E-18.

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CADdy Commands E-17

Close Page

This command is used to close a page in your workspace.


This command is used to save the active workspace with the currently used name.

Workspace (Save as)


This command is used to save the active workspace with another name. This enables you to copy an existing workspace and hereby to create a new workspace.

Workspace Template (Save as)


This command is used to create a new workspace template. A template is the same as a workspace and it contains all the necessary setting for ex. pages including standard circuit diagrams. A selection of templates can be chosen, when you create a New Workspace.

Read more about: Templates in chapter K.

E-18 CADdy Commands

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Page Template (Save as)


This command is used to save your active drawing as a template. The template can later be loaded by using the command Open Page Template. The templates can be loaded when you create a new workspace.

Read more about: Templates in chapter K.

Enhanced META file (Save as)


This command saves a page as a Windows Enhanced Meta File (.EMF). This format is the same that Windows uses in the clipboard. HINT 1: This command permits you to send drawings with EMF format to others. EMF format can be read by most graphic programs. Please note, that logic is not transferred.

AutoCAD DWG/DXF/DXB Drawing (Save as)


This command is used to save a single drawing in various AutoCAD file formats in different versions.

Quick Guide: 1.) 2.) Open the CADdy++ page that you want to export. Select this command. The following dialog appears:

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(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear). 3.) 4.) CADdy++ suggest a file name. The name can be changed as desired. Select the file type of the drawings within the "Save as type:" field. The supported formats are listed by clicking the . Click the for special settings. See description below.

5.) 6.) 7.) 8.)

Type the name of the file that you want to save. Click onto [SAVE]. The dialog closes when export is complete. The original drawing remains in the drawing area.

Advanced settings By clicking the following dialog appears:

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Click the

icon to expand each setting.

As a contrast to the Open AutoCAD DXF/DWG Drawing (see page E-10), the settings within this dialog are permanent and are not subject to change. Font Face Settings Since text fonts are very different from system to system, it is possible to define specific fonts to be translated during export. As per default CADdy++ will translate vector fonts to vector fonts, and Windows fonts to Windows fonts. The left column within the dialog lists the fonts within CADdy++, the right column sets the font within the exported drawing. There is no restriction in the translation: Any font within CADdy++ may be replaced by any other font, e.g. a Windows Font can replace a vector font and vice versa. Font Width Settings Due to differences within the fonts, the width of the font can be set individually. "1.00" equals 100% e.g. no adjustment. Non_ Proportional_WidthFactor replaces the non-proportional texts from CADdy++ with a scale (0.20 equals 20%). WindowsFont
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Width Factor stretches the Windows fonts with a certain %. Control Settings Exclude_NonTransparent_Objects (True/False): "True" will omit non transparent objects (for example objects from House installation and Cabinet). Exclude_Text_Position_Calculation (True/false): To gain a WYSIWYG export of the texts, CADdy++ will include a calculation of the text's position. "False" will omit this calculation. Export_As_Paper_Space: (True/False) Toggles between export to AutoCAD Modelspace and Paperspace. True = Paperspace, False = Modelspace.

Read more about: Open AutoCAD DXF/DWG Drawing on page E-10 Open Multiple AutoCAD DWG/DXF/DXB Drawings on page E-14 Web DWF/SVG Page (Save as) on page E-23 AutoCAD DXF/DWG Workspace (Save as) on page E-24 Web SVG/DWF Workspace (Save as) on page E-25

E-22 CADdy Commands

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Web DWF/SVG Page (Save as)


This command is used to save a single drawing within a dynamic format (SVG or DWF) to be displayed on the Internet. NOTE: You need special plug-ins to display the SVG or DWF format in your Internet browser. SVG: Please visit http://www.adobe.com/svg DWF: Please visit http://www.autodesk.com

Quick Guide: 1.) 2.) Open the CADdy++ page that you want to export. Select this command. The following dialog appears:

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear).

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3.) 4.)

CADdy++ suggest a file name. The name may be changes as desired. Decide in which file type the drawings shall be saved as. Click the type:" to select between the supported formats. Click the for special settings. within the "Save as


See "Advanced settings" in chapter AutoCAD DWG/DXF/DXB Drawing (Save as) on page E-19 for detailed description. 6.) 7.) 8.) Type the name of the file that you want to save. Click onto SAVE. The dialog closes when export is complete. The original drawing remains in the drawing area.

Read more about: Open AutoCAD DXF/DWG Drawing on page E-10 Open Multiple AutoCAD DWG/DXF/DXB Drawings on page E-14 AutoCAD DWG/DXF/DXB Drawing (Save as) on page E-19 AutoCAD DXF/DWG Workspace (Save as) on page E-24 Web SVG/DWF Workspace (Save as) on page E-25

AutoCAD DXF/DWG Workspace (Save as)


This command is used to save the active page in AutoCAD DXF and DWG format in different versions.

Quick Guide: 1.) 2.) Open the project that you want to export. Select this command. The following dialog appears:

E-24 CADdy Commands

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3.) 4.)

Set the Output Directory by typing or clicking

to browse.

Select the file type of the drawings within the "Save as type:" field. The supported formats are listed by clicking the . Click the to store the files within a folder structure. The folder structure follows the kind of drawings that are being exported. For example Circuit diagrams are stored in folder "Circuit Diagrams" etc.


or 5B.) 6.) Unclick the to store all files within the same directory. Each file will be given the file kind as pre-name. Type any File Prefix in as desired. Click OK.

Read more about: Open AutoCAD DXF/DWG Drawing on page E-10 Open Multiple AutoCAD DWG/DXF/DXB Drawings on page E-14 AutoCAD DWG/DXF/DXB Drawing (Save as) on page E-19 Web DWF/SVG Page (Save as) on page E-23 Web SVG/DWF Workspace (Save as) on page E-25

Web SVG/DWF Workspace (Save as)


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For easy on-line access to documentation created in CADdy++ the SVG or DWF format are supported for displaying on the Internet. By exporting whole projects, CADdy++ automatically generates web pages for instant display and publishing. Export to DWF (various versions) and SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics). Both formats are designed for on-line Web-documentation.

NOTE: You need special plug-ins to display the SVG or DWF format in your Internet browser. SVG: Please visit http://www.adobe.com/svg DWF: Please visit http://www.autodesk.com

Quick Guide: 1.) 2.) Open the project that you want to export. Select this command. The following dialog appears:

3.) 4.)

Set the Output Directory by typing or clicking

to browse.

Select the file type of the drawings within the "File Format:" field. The supported formats in various versions are listed by clicking the . Click the to store the files within a folder structure. The folder structure follows the kind of drawings that are being exported. For example Circuit diagrams are stored in folder "Circuit Diagrams" etc.



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5B.) 6.) 7.)

Unclick the to store all files within the same directory. Each file will be given the file kind as pre-name. Type any File Prefix in as desired. Click OK. CADdy++ automatically generates a full Web-project for distribution. The main page is "Index.htm" located in the root of the output directory.

To modify the automatic output (Web Page Layout), modify the files located in ...\Templates\AcadToWeb\ as follows: The file Contents.htm contains the basic settings and layout for the Web-project. To automatic create a Table of Contents, the Contents.htm file shall contain the string "<!-- CADdy++ Pages Index -->". Similar Main.htm shall contain the string "<!-- CADdy++ Settings Index --". Please take a copy and study the files closely before editing or modifying these. The files are automatically copied into the destination folder of the project when generating new projects, so the destination directory contains a full Web-project for distribution.

Read more about: Open AutoCAD DXF/DWG Drawing on page E-10 Open Multiple AutoCAD DWG/DXF/DXB Drawings on page E-14 AutoCAD DWG/DXF/DXB Drawing (Save as) on page E-19 Web DWF/SVG Page (Save as) on page E-23 AutoCAD DXF/DWG Workspace (Save as) on page E-24

Delete Page

This command is used to delete the active page. HINT 1: You can point at the page in the folder, press the right mouse button and choose DELETE PAGE.

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Next Page

This command is used to turn to the next page in a workspace (only in the active window).

Previous Page

This command is used to turn to the previous page in a workspace (only in the active window).

Workspace Information

This command opens the dialog which describes the general workspace information e.g. the information about the project. For example, this could be information concerning the customer name, workspace title, or other relevant information regarding the whole workspace. When you type in data in the dialog, the information is automatically written on-line on your drawings as text. For detailed information, please refer to Workspace Properties in chapter D. NOTE: You must select (highlight) the workspace in the workspace bar before activating this command.


The workspace dialog permits you to correct information which is common to all drawings. CADdy++ ET automatically corrects the drawing(s) on-line at the same time.

professional: To modify the contents of the dialog, please refer to User Attribute Definition in chapter D.

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Page Information

This command shows information, which only refers to the active page: NOTE: You must select (highlight) the desired page in the workspace bar before activating this function.

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear).

Function (=) economy: States the common function (=) for all objects on the page. economy: States the common location (+) for all objects on the page.

Location (+)

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page. Page: Page number. If the page number is altered, the page is automatically moved in the workspace. Optional supplement of the page number for example "A". Date of the creation of the drawing. CADdy++ ET automatically states the date, but this can be changed manually. Optional space for name, initials etc. Can be used to describe pages.

Index: Page Created date:

Page Created by: Description line 01, ... 30:

professional: To modify the contents of the dialog, please refer to User Attribute Definition in chapter D.

Properties - Circuit Diagrams


This command is used to define various properties for electrical circuit diagrams.

Quick Guide: 1.) 2.) 3.) Select (highlight) the module in the workspace bar so it becomes blue.

Click onto the right mouse button and select PROPERTIES, or select the function via the menu. The following dialog appears:

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(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear).

Option: States which template new circuit diagrams should be based on. Select from a range of templates by clicking . CADdy++ ET offers several ways for the numbering of objects. See detailed information below. Selects the text reservation "Revision date" to be updated automatically when changes are made to the active page. economy: Function / Location defines that the workspace will work with Function(=) and Location (+) according to IEC 61346-1. Please refer to the chapter concerning Reference Designation (Chapter H). Group pages will cause CADdy++ ET to sort all pages according to the function (=) in which they belong:

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Terminal states which separator to use for terminals. According to IEC 61666 a : is the correct separator. Online messages (e.g. error messages etc.) can be switched on or off as desired.

PLC operand can be numbered decimal, octal, hexadecimal or free. The size of the connection point nodes can be set for a range between 0.1, 100 as desired. The size only effects the output of the diagram (e.g. the print). By setting the value to 0.1 the connection dots will disappear on the print.

Component numbering: CADdy++ ET provides following possibilities for the numbering of components (objects): Free Code/Number You can decide the reference designation (number) yourself. Letter Code (classification) according to IEC 61346-2 + serial number. For example: "K34": means relay (K) + number (34). NOTE: This is the exact way of adding reference designations to objects, according to IEC 61346. Page/Code/Number Page number + Letter Codes (classification) according to IEC 61346-2 + serial number. For example: "11K2": means page (11) + relay (K) + number (2). The serial number starts from the beginning on every new page. Page number + Letter Codes (classification) according to EN 61346-2 + path. For example: "12K5": means page (12) + relay (K) + path (5). In this case, the element can be found on page 12 path 5. By enter the codes in the dialog, the user may specify any sequence:


User defined

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EXAMPLE 1: Typing "&$%" in the dialog, components are numbered [Component code][Pagenumber][Path] - for example [K3256] for a relay coil on page 325 path 6. EXAMPLE 2: Typing "&>3$%" in the dialog, components are numbered [Component code][Pagenumber(nnn)][Path] - for example [K0075] for a relay coil on page 7 path 5. NOTE: If you place several identical elements in the same path, they will automatically be given consecutive numbers with a sub number. For example, if there are several circuit breakers on top of each other like "13Q4.1".

All letter codes for electrical objects can be found in the chapter concerning Letter Codes in chapter H.

Option: economy: CADdy++ ET provides several options for defining and mixing the format in cross references used on pages. When working with function groups, it's often practical to include the function (=) and/or location (+) in the page reference.

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Various separators can be chosen in addition. NOTE: According to IEC 61082 a "/" is used in front of a page reference and a "." is used to separate page and path: "/2.7" is a reference to page 2 path 7. The user can specify any reference format in any sequence. The format is specified by clicking onto [Define] and select among the following codes:

EXAMPLE 1: Typing "=$%" in the dialog, references are given as [Function][Pagenumber][Path]. EXAMPLE 2: Typing ">3$" in the dialog, references are inserted as [Pagenumber(nnn)] - for example [007] for page 7.

Option: Here you can define which abbreviations will be used by CADdy++ ET to define the headings of the cross references.

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CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Defines the font size of all cross references in the workspace. See New Text for detailed information about sizes etc.

CADdy++ ET provides two ways of adding cross references between a relay and it's related contacts: Either via a contact mirror or via a ordinary text reference. Select Use contactmirror only, will provide CADdy++ ET to insert a contact mirror as a reference, if the selected type are available and stated in the Type Database as a channel. If no match are found, no contact mirror or contactcross will be inserted. Select Use contactmirror and Use contactcross will provide CADdy++ ET to insert a contactcross as a reference, if no type are available and stated in the type database.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-35

Option: economy: Select the general method for wire logic. Read more about wire numbering in this chapter (E): [FUNCTIONS - WIRES - WIRE NUMBERING].

professional: Wires can be assigned with any signal designation as desired. By selecting the is activated. See description below. When active, the Signal Control Toolbar is activated in the toolbars:

Select to show or hide the wire numbers. Select to show the wire direction. Otherwise a dot is displayed at the connections. Read more about wire direction in this chapter (E): [FUNCTIONS - WIRES - WIRE DIRECTION]. By clicking this option, CADdy++ will ask for a wire dimension each time a new wire is created.

Quick Guide - Signals setup: 1.) 2.) Activate the Click the . . The following dialog appears:

E-36 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear).

Designation Format Signal designation e.g. the signal name. The format is specified by selecting among the following codes:

EXAMPLE 1: Typing "&.%" in the dialog, references are given as [Signal designation][.][Path]. For example "Control.15"

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-37

Start no. Step no.

States the value to count from (0, 1, , n). States the step to the next number from the previos number. For example steps in 5, counting from 0 will result in "0, 5, 10, " (see "Start no." above). Toggles the display of the individual signal designation (including additional number) ON and OFF on the drawing. , signal When using designations (including additional numbers) AND wire numbers can be inserted on wires. The format of the wire number is specified by selecting among the following codes:

Show signal no.

Wire Format

EXAMPLE 1: Typing "$.%" in the dialog, references are given as [Pagenumber][.][Path]. Wire Start no. Wire Step no. States the value to count from (0, 1, , n). States the step to the next number from the previos number (1, 2, , n). Toggles the display of the wirenumber ON and OFF on the drawing. States the text height to be used on the drawing when inserting automatic wire numbers. Values 2.50, 3.50, 5.00 etc. are recommended. States the text width to be used on the drawing when inserting automatic wire numbers. Using the same values as Text Height (2.50, 3.50, 5.00) etc. is recommended.

Show wire no.

Text Height

Text Width

E-38 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Text Dist

Distance between letters. Text Height divided by 5 (TextHeight/5) is recommended. Occasionally space within diagrams can be very limited. This parameter controls when to insert numbers, since it states the minimum length a wire shall have before the number is inserted.

Min. Length

HINT 1: HINT 2: See an example of signal- and wire numbering in Wire Numbering in this chapter. Signal designations shall be in accordance with IEC 61175.

Option: professional: Remove cables on print allows the circuit diagrams to be printed without cable information on it (cable information are hidden not removed) Compress textinformation on cables adjusts the information on a cable to be in succession (aligned) on the screen, even if some of the information is blank. NOTE: It's not possible to undo the "Compress textinformation on cables" command.

4.) 5.)

State the values as desired. Click OK.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-39

Properties - Installations

This command is used to define properties for Installation Plans.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select (highlight) the module in the workspace bar so it becomes blue.

2.) Click onto the right mouse button and select PROPERTIES, or select the function via the menu. 3.) Select the desired template for new installation plans. 4.) Click OK.

Properties - Cabinets

This command is used to define properties for cabinet layout.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select (highlight) the module in the workspace bar so it becomes blue.

2.) Click onto the right mouse button and select PROPERTIES, or select the function via the menu. 3.) Select the desired template for new cabinet layouts. 4.) Click OK.

Properties Page Circuit Diagram


E-40 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

This command is used to set properties individually for the active page when working with circuit diagrams.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select (highlight) the desired page (circuit diagram) in the workspace bar so it becomes blue. 2.) Click onto the right mouse button and select PROPERTIES, or select the function via the menu. 3.) Select the desired properties for the active page:

(*) Number of path in the drawing: (*) Pathnumber in the first path (0, 1): States number of paths. States with "0" or "1" the first path number. Y-position (mm) from the lower left corner. Y-position (mm) from the lower left corner.

Position for the first top potential:

Position for the first bottom potential:

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-41

corner. (*) Margin potential left side: Margin (mm) prior to the beginning of the potential. Margin (mm) after the end of the potential. Margin before the left path. Margin after the last right path. Distance (in mm) from lower potential to cross reference in the mirror. X (mm) (420 mm is A3-format) Y (mm) (297 mm is A3-format) A grid size of 5 mm is normally recommended. A grid size of 5 mm is normally recommended. Scale for the drawing. Relevant for installation plans only, and not for diagrams. Usually scale 1:1 is used. Scale for inserted symbols. Relevant when inserting symbols on installation plans only. Should not be used preparing diagrams. Usually scale 1:1 is used. Sets the X-coordinate for the origin of the grid. Sets the Y-coordinate for the origin of the grid. Sets the size of the orientation grid in Xcoordinate. Sets the size of the orientation grid in Ycoordinate. When selecting this parameter, the page is printed in landscape, when the option

(*) Margin potential right side:

(*) Margin left path: (*) Margin right path: Distance from lower potential to contact mirror:

(*) X-Extension of drawing (*) Y-Extension of drawing: Grid size in X:

Grid size in Y:



Grid X-Origin

Grid Y-Origin

Orientation grid X

Orientation grid Y

Print in Landscape

E-42 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

"Use drawing properties for printing" is selected in the Print menu. This allows you to mix drawings in landscape and portrait, and print them in one sequence.

(*) NOTE: The stated values are used by CADdy++ ET to calculate, in which path the elements are placed, so that they can be named automatically. Therefore, it is essential that these values are correct. 4.) Click OK. HINT 1: The properties can be individual for each page in the workspace.

Properties Page Installations


This command is used to set properties individually for the active page when working with installation plans.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select (highlight) the desired page (circuit diagram) in the workspace bar so it becomes blue. 2.) Click onto the right mouse button and select PROPERTIES, or select the function via the menu. 3.) Select the desired properties for the active page:

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-43

Default wall width: States the default width when creating new walls. However, the value can be modified as desired before creating each new wall. When inserting symbols on installation plans, this value states the distance from the wall to the symbol. When inserting symbols on installation plans, this value states the distance for a symbol on top of another. States the default symbol height (in mm) relative to Z co-ordinate zero. States the default height for cables (in mm) relative to Z co-ordinate zero. X (mm) (420 mm is A3-format) Y (mm) (297 mm is A3-format) A grid size of 5 mm is normally recommended. A grid size of 5 mm is normally recommended.

Symbol offset from wall

Symbol offset from other symbol

Default symbol height

Default cable height

X-Extension of drawing Y-Extension of drawing: Grid size in X:

Grid size in Y:

E-44 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Grid X-Origin

Sets the X-coordinate for the origin of the grid. Sets the Y-coordinate for the origin of the grid. Sets the size of the orientation grid in Xcoordinate. Sets the size of the orientation grid in Ycoordinate. Scale for the drawing. Relevant for installation plans only, and not for diagrams. Usually scale 1:1 is used. Scale for inserted symbols. Relevant when inserting symbols on installation plans only. Should not be used preparing diagrams. Usually scale 1:1 is used. When selecting this parameter, the page is printed in landscape, when the option "Use drawing properties for printing" is selected in the Print menu. This allows you to mix drawings in landscape and portrait, and print them in one sequence.

Grid Y-Origin

Orientation grid X

Orientation grid Y


Symbol scaling:

Print in Landscape

4.) Click OK. HINT 1: The properties can be individual for each page in the workspace.

Properties Page Cabinets


This command is used to set properties individually for the active page when working with cabinets.

Quick Guide:

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-45

1.) Select (highlight) the desired page (circuit diagram) in the workspace bar so it becomes blue. 2.) Click onto the right mouse button and select PROPERTIES, or select the function via the menu. 3.) Select the desired properties for the active page:

X-Extension of drawing Y-Extension of drawing: Grid size in X: X (mm) (420 mm is A3-format) Y (mm) (297 mm is A3-format) A grid size of 5 mm is normally recommended. A grid size of 5 mm is normally recommended. Sets the X-coordinate for the origin of the grid. Sets the Y-coordinate for the origin of the grid. Sets the size of the orientation grid in Xcoordinate. Sets the size of the orientation grid in Ycoordinate. Scale for the drawing. Relevant for installation plans only, and not for

Grid size in Y:

Grid X-Origin

Grid Y-Origin

Orientation grid X

Orientation grid Y


E-46 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

diagrams. Usually scale 1:1 is used. Symbolscaling: Scale for inserted symbols. Relevant when inserting symbols on installation plans only. Should not be used preparing diagrams. Usually scale 1:1 is used. When selecting this parameter, the page is printed in landscape, when the option "Use drawing properties for printing" is selected in the Print menu. This allows you to mix drawings in landscape and portrait, and print them in one sequence.

Print in Landscape

4.) Click OK. HINT 1: The properties can be individual for each page in the workspace.

Regenerate Database

All data in CADdy++ ET are stored in Windows Compound Files, within a Microsoft Access database. Occasionally data within the database is out of synchronisation with the content of the drawings. This command refreshes the contents of the Microsoft Access database.

Print Setup

This command is used to change the settings of your print (Windows standard setting). You are also able choose another printer with this command.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-47


This command is used to print the active page, a selection of pages, or the entire workspace. Below a separate description of each option appears: Name states the selected printer, chosen for output. Select from a range of printers by clicking onto . Update Plot text(s) will update automatic texts on each pager before printing. Print to file will send the output to a file rather than to the actual printer. Print in colours should be used only if the output device can handle colours. Invert Order makes the pages printed in reverse order (backwards). Use drawing properties for printing makes CADdy++ pick the orientation from each drawing properties, so a drawing set can be mixed with pages in portrait and landscape. Print current zoom on drawings maintains the current zoom window to the printer. Margin for drawing states the offset (in mm) for the output. This is relevant, when the scale (see blow) is stated, and especially when drawing size exceeds A3. For circuit diagrams, the margin should be included in the original drawing, and should not be stated here, since scaling from A3 to A4 will consequently be more precise.

E-48 CADdy Commands

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Number of copies can be selected here. If more than one copy is selected, the output can be collated (each copy is printed in a set, before next copy is printed). On the 0:0 scale CADdy++ ET calculates the range, so that an A3 page can be printed as a A4 page etc. It is possible to define the scale manually. For example Drawing = 1 and Plot = 2 will reduce the size of the drawing by 50 % on the plot (scale 1:2). Print range defines the desired output: All prints all documents in the workspace. Active page prints the active page/page. Selection provides you with the table of contents for your workspace. You can use the Window standard when selecting: SHIFT "from page to page", CTRL certain pages or CTRL+A for all pages. Print List displays the user defined Print List (see chapter G). (NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear) Print List Selection displays the print list as described above, but offers in addition options for further selection to the print range.

Select the various settings and click OK for printing. HINT 1: If you arent satisfied with the print, you can change the settings in the Print Setup(see page E-47).

Print Crystal Report


This command is used to print data, which belongs to the workspace in a special Report.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-49

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the command. 2.) If any changes are made to the workspace, you are asked to save it before you continue. 3.) Select among the pre-defined reports (*.rpt) and click onto OK. 4.) The report is generated, and presented in the dialog. 5.) Print the report by clicking onto 6.) Export the report by clicking onto 7.) Close the dialog. (if desired). (if desired).

E-50 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

List and Label


This command is used to print data, which belongs to the workspace in list format or as labels.

Quick Guide printing information in a list or as labels: 1.) Select the command. 2.) A pre-defined form containing a list or a label must be present (see separate description below). 3.) Select the desired form to print the information from by clicking onto it (highlights):

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear). HINT 1: You can select more than one list / label to be printed by holding [SHIFT] or [CTRL] as you select (standard Windows command).

4.) Select [FILE PRINT REPORT(S)] from the menu or select the command by clicking onto the right mouse button. 5.) The printer dialog appears:

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-51

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear).

6.) Click [START] to print the list and / or labels. HINT 2: You can preview the print via the field . and select

7.) Quit the List and Label command by pressing [ALT F4].

Quick Guide setting up a new form: 1.) Select the command. 2.) If any changes are made to the workspace, you are asked to save it before you continue. 3.) A separate dialog appears:

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear). 4.) Select FILE and [New List] or [New Label]

E-52 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

The following description is common for Lists and Labels, however a description of creating labels is given. The setup of lists is indicated by (*.lst) and setup of labels is indicated by (*.lbl). 5.) Enter a name for the new form in the dialog:

6.) Select among the valid data sources in the pull down menu:

professional: You may define your own data source via the User Attribute Definition (see chapter D). 7.) Click onto [NEXT]

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-53

8.) The Workspace Wizard appears:

9.) Follow the instructions in the wizard to set up the labels. 10.) When completed, the specific CADdy++ ET data must be inserted in the form: 11.) Expand the Variables in the separate dialog [List of Variables] 12.) Drag and drop the desired information from the list to the new form:

13.) Replace the pre-defined texts Double click here and as desired. 14.) [Save] the new form when the label is completed, 15.) Close the dialog via [ALT + F4] 16.) The new label can now be selected for printing.

E-54 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Import CADdy Symbols


This command is used to import CADdy Classic B-symbols to a new symbol library in CADdy++ ET.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select this command. The following dialog appears:

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear) 2.) State the folder that contains CADdy A-symbols by clicking . Make sure that the folder .

with "CADdy A-symbol folders" is correct. Folders can be deleted from the list by clicking 3.) You can add additional symbol folders to the above. 4.) Click the B... 5.) Click the button and indicate what is to be imported in the field Select CADdy A or

button and indicate, which symbol library you wish to import to.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-55

6.) Click START

CADdy++ ET will now import the B-symbols. HINT 1: While importing, you could get a message stating that CADdy++ ET is unable to find an A-symbol within the specified B-symbol. This could indicate that it doesnt exist, but more likely, the problem is that you havent added a folder for the A-symbols. Investigate this possibility!

NOTE: You cant import or manipulate symbols in databases provided by CADdy++ ET (ex. EN 60617, Siemens etc.) due to conflicts with updates. The icon in front of each database appears red if it is locked:

HINT 2: The import of symbols is only possible to your own symbol database. You can create an exclusive database for this purpose. A new symbol database can be created by clicking the right mouse button in the symbol area and then selecting NEW SYMBOLFOLDER.

Import CADdy ET1 Database


professional: This command is used to import CADdy Classic ET1 databases like wire-database, coildatabase and cable-database..

E-56 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Classic wire database states the name of the original wire database from CADdy classic, which are to be converted into CADdy++. Pick the CADdy classic database by clicking . Fill in the fields and press "Convert onto Wire Database". The database are per default converted into
CADdy++ in the file "Wires.msw".

The wire database are used when option "Ask for wire dimensions when creating wires" are selected in Properties Circuit Diagrams. CADdy Classic type database states the name of the original type database from CADdy Classic, which are to be converted into CADdy++. The typical CADdy Classic file is "Type.dbf". CADdy Classic mirror database states the name of the original mirror database from CADdy Classic, which are to be converted into CADdy++. The typical CADdy Classic file is "Mirror.dbf". The classic databases are converted into the deafult CADdy++ Type Database as channels to specific types.

Pick each file by clicking onto

Fill in one or both fields and click onto "Convert coil Database".

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-57

CADdy Classic cable database states the name of the original cable database from CADdy classic, which are to be converted into CADdy++. The classic cable databases are converted into the default CADdy++ Type Database. Select "Cable-type with core-number" to import the core number import the core number instead of the core colour.

Pick the file by clicking onto

Fill in the fields and click onto "Convert Cable Database".

E-58 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering


Relays, Auxiliary contacts, Components with auxiliary contacts and Cables are converted into the CADdy++ Type Database as stated below :

Supplier CADdy Classic

Goods group


Relays Auxiliary contacts Component with auxiliary contacts Cables

Read more about: - Import CADdy Classic drawings or workspaces in Open CADdy Drawing on page E-8. - Import CADdy Classic symbols in Import CADdy Symbols on page E-55. - Import CADdy ET2 Database on page E-59.

Import CADdy ET2 Database


professional: This command is used to import CADdy Classic ET2 databases.

Read more about: - Import CADdy Classic drawings or workspaces in Open CADdy Drawing on page E-8. - Import CADdy Classic symbols in Import CADdy Symbols on page E-55. - Import CADdy ET1 Database on page E-56.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-59

List of Previous Workspaces

FILE <workspace name >

The previous entered workspaces can be seen here. Double click on a workspace to open it.


This command ends and closes CADdy++ ET. When this command is chosen, CADdy++ ET asks which workspace you want to save.

E-60 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

The commands which are important when working with Windows are illustrated in the following section. All commands can be found by selecting WINDOW from the menu bar.

Window Cascade

This command rearranges the drawings (the windows) as a cascading stack. The Windows can also be adjacently arranged (Window Tile) (see below).

Window Tile

This command shows the drawings (windows) adjacently arranged. The drawings (the windows) can also be shown as an cascading stack (Window Cascade) (see above). HINT 1: HINT 2: By using this command, you can easily see which drawings are active. Hotkey Ctrl + F6 toggles between open windows.

Decide which drawing you want to work with, and then double click the bar of the topmost window.


Very often many windows are open during use of CADdy++. This command displays all active windows, and enables the user to [Activate], [Save], [Close] etc. these as desired. HINT 1: Use the standard MS Windows commands [SHIFT] and/or [CTRL] to select more than one open window to control. As an example, all open windows can be selected for closing: Select the first window listed press and hold [Shift] and select the last

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-61

window listed. When the list displays blue (e.g. selected), activate [Close] to close all selected windows.

E-62 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Following are descriptions of the commands found by selecting EDIT from the menu bar.


This command is used to undo or reverse the last actions.


This command is used to redo or repeat the last actions.


This command is used to move the drawing element from one place to another within the drawing or to another drawing.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the element(s), that you want to move or cut. Select the command (CUT). 2.) Find the place, where you want to insert the element(s). Select PASTE to insert the element. You can paste the elements repeatedly in different places or to other drawings.

Read more about: Copy on page E-64. Paste on page E-64. Select on page E-69.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-63


This command is used to copy drawing elements from one place to another within the drawing or to another drawing.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the element(s), that you want to copy. Select the command (COPY). 2.) Find the place, where you want to insert the element . Select PASTE to insert element. You can paste the elements repeatedly in different places or to other drawings

Read more about: Cut on page E-63. Paste on page E-64. Select on page E-69.


This command is used to paste drawing elements to a selected drawing, which either have been cut or copied to the clip board.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the page where the clipboard contents are to be pasted. 2.) Select PASTE or press CTRL+V 3.) Press the left mouse button and drag the contents in position. 4.) Drop the drawing elements in the desired place on the page. HINT 1: You can "drop" the contents at any page in the workspace environment, even if it's not open.

E-64 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Read more about: Cut on page E-63. Copy on page E-64. Select on page E-69.

Insert Bitmap Object


This command is used to insert bitmap objects into your drawing. Supported formats are: BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, ICO CUR, TIF, TGA, PCX, WBMP, WMF EMF, JP2, JPC, PGS, RAM and PNM.

Quick Guide: 1.) 2.) 3.) Select the command. The cursor appears to define the area on where to insert the bitmap. State the first corner by clicking onto the left mouse button. Move the cursor and define the other corner of the area and click onto the left mouse button.

EXAMPLE: 4.) The following dialog appears:

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-65

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear).

5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) 9.)

Select between the supported formats by clicking displayed if no selection is made.

in "Files of type". All files are

Select the bitmap to insert by typing or browse to locate the file. Select at "Insert as link" so a link to the bitmap is created from it's original source file. If you create a link to the bitmap, this bitmap will always be updated. Click [Open] to insert the bitmap. Repeat from step 2.) or click the right mouse button to quit the command.

The bitmap is now inserted into the drawing. To modify the shape and size of the bitmap, activate the Trackers on Selected Elements command (see page E-91) first.

E-66 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Insert New OLE Object


This command is used to insert OLE objects in to your CADdy++ drawing. OLE objects are documents such as drawings, pictures, letters, etc. from other Windows programs. You can either define new OLE objects based on the program which is supported, or as a copy of existing objects.

Quick Guide: 1.) 2.) 3.) Select the command. The cursor appears to define the area on where to insert the bitmap. State the first corner by clicking onto the left mouse button. Move the cursor and define the other corner of the area and click onto the left mouse button.

EXAMPLE: 4.) The following dialog appears:

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear).

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-67


Click to create a new object. The list in the dialog box informs, which objects can be inserted into the drawing. The list is different from each computer, since the supported types of files are depending on the programs installed on your specific computer. Select the type and click onto [OK] to launch the desired application (for example Microsoft PowerPoint). Click the contents. "Display as icon" to display the object as an icon instead of it's actual

Example: . The Microsoft PowerPoint presentation will be displayed as an icon within the CADdy++ drawing.

or 5B.) to insert an existing object based on a file (of the supported types). Click The following dialog appears:

Click [Browse] to select the file. Select "Insert as link" to create a link to the original source file. If you create a link to the object, this object will always be updated. NOTE: If the "Insert as link" option is selected, it is recommended to locate the OLE file within the same folder as the active workspace, since CADdy++ will search in this folder by default. However it is free to the user to locate the files anywhere as desired.

E-68 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Click the "Display as icon" to display the object as an icon instead of it's actual contents (see example above). 6.) 7.) Click [OK] to insert the object Repeat from step 2.) or click the right mouse button to quit the command.

The object is now inserted into the drawing. To modify the shape and size of the bitmap, activate the Trackers on Selected Elements command (see page E-91) first.

HINT 1: You can paste CADdy++ ET drawings as OLE objects into other Windows programs, if they support this technique. You can also paste photographs of electrical switch boards, etc. which can be part of the project documentation. In this case, it is necessary to have a digital camera.



This command is used to select one element, a window, or symbol at a time. The selected elements are highlighted red on the screen (depending on the System Settings see page E-1).

IN GENERAL CADdy++ ET operates with a method called selection - action. This means that you first have to choose the element, that you want to process. Secondly, you must choose how you want to process the element. To be able to copy, cut or move elements, the respective command must initially be selected.

ELEMENT The elements in CADdy++ ET are wires, lines, circles, symbols, etc. You can either choose to process them separately or together.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-69

With a little practice, you quickly learn different routines, such as selecting several elements simultaneously, thereafter rejecting the elements which are not to be processed. This exercise is highly recommended since it illustrates the foundation of CADdy++ ET commands. HINT 1: If you want to select more than one element with this command, press and hold SHIFT, then select the next elements (standard Windows command). If you wish to reject the elements with this command, press and hold SHIFT, then reject the chosen elements.


Read more about: Cut on page E-63. Copy on page E-64. Paste on page E-64. Select All on page E-72. Deselect All on page E-72.

Select Single Element


This command is used to select element(s) within a group (e.g. symbol).

Example: A line within an existing symbol shall be deleted:

E-70 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering


Activate the command (or press F5).

2.) 3.)

Select the line (which is a single element) within the symbol by clicking the left mouse button. The line highlights in red. Press [Delete] to delete the line.

Read more about: Cut on page E-63. Copy on page E-64. Paste on page E-64. Select All on page E-72. Deselect All on page E-72.

Select Component

This command is used to select groups (for example a component) within a group. For example you may select a relay within a group of symbols, illustrating a motor starter.

Read more about:

CADdy Commands E-71

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Cut on page E-63. Copy on page E-64. Paste on page E-64. Select All on page E-72. Deselect All on page E-72.

Select All

This command is used to select all the elements in a drawing.

Read more about: Cut on page E-63. Copy on page E-64. Paste on page E-64. Select on page E-69. Deselect All on page E-72.

Deselect All

This command is used to deselect all elements which have been chosen.

Read more about: Cut on page E-63. Copy on page E-64.

E-72 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Paste on page E-64. Select on page E-69. Select All on page E-72.

Move Selected

This command is used to move selected elements. Below, a detailed Quick Guide description in cursor-mode appears. Please refer to the chapter "Construction / Modification via Keyboard" on page E-192 for details concerning exact construction.

Quick Guide (cursor only): 1.) Select the elements that you want to move (see page E-69). 2.) Select the command. 3.) Choose a fixed point to ensure a sense of orientation. Press the left mouse button. 4.) Drag the elements to the desired destination. Press the left mouse button again. While you are moving the elements press the buttons +, -, * and / to change form and position. Note that CADdy++ ET opens and closes the electrical wires automatically when the electrical symbols are moved.

exclusively: To make the lines follow the symbols, activate the Rubber band command (see page E-91).

Copy Selected

This command is used to copy selected elements.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-73

Below, a detailed Quick Guide description in cursor-mode appears. Please refer to the chapter "Construction / Modification via Keyboard" on page E-192 for details concerning exact construction.

Quick Guide (cursor only): 1.) Select the elements that you want to copy (see page E-69). 2.) Select the command. 3.) Choose a fixed point to ensure a sense of orientation. Press the left mouse button. 4.) Drag the copy to the desired destination. Press the left mouse button to insert the copy. While you are moving the elements press the buttons +, -, * and / to change form and position.

Rotate Selected

This command is used to rotate the selected elements. Below, a detailed Quick Guide description in cursor-mode appears. Please refer to the chapter "Construction / Modification via Keyboard" on page E-192 for details concerning exact construction.

Quick Guide (cursor only): 1.) Select the elements that you want to rotate (see page E-69). 2.) Press the command. 3.) Indicate the first point of orientation. 4.) Indicate the second point of orientation. 5.) The elements can be rotated by moving the mouse. 6.) Press the left mouse button, when the rotation is as desired.

E-74 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Scale Selected

This command is used to select the scale of a chosen element. Below, a detailed Quick Guide description in cursor-mode appears. Please refer to the chapter "Construction / Modification via Keyboard" on page E-192 for details concerning exact construction.

Quick Guide (cursor only): 1.) Select the elements that you want to scale (see page E-69). 2.) Select the command. 3.) Pick a point of orientation. 4.) Change the scale by moving the mouse. 5.) When the elements have the correct size, click the left mouse button. 6.) To leave the command, click the right mouse button or press ESC.

Mirror Selected

This command is used to mirror selected elements. Below, a detailed Quick Guide description in cursor-mode appears. Please refer to the chapter "Construction / Modification via Keyboard" on page E-192 for details concerning exact construction.

Quick Guide (cursor only): 1.) Select the elements that you want to mirror (see page E-69). 2.) Select the command. 3.) Pick a point of orientation. 4.) You can mirror the elements around a fixed point by moving the mouse. 5.) If you want a COPY of the mirrored element, press and hold CTRL while you mirror!

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-75

6.) When the elements are mirrored, click the left mouse button. 7.) To leave the command, click the right mouse button or press ESC.

Erase Selected

This command ERASES selected elements from the drawing. If the drawing-page is selected, it will be deleted too. HINT 1: It is possible to Undo actions (see page E-63).

Fillet Selected

This command is used to fillet selected elements.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the elements (min. two) that you want to fillet (see page E-69). 2.) Select the command. 3.) Enter a fillet radius in mm. The radius describes a radius of a imaginary circle. Example: Fillet of 5 mm between two (black) lines:

(the red circle is included for illustration purposes only).

E-76 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Chamfer Selected

This command is used to chamfer selected elements.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the elements (min. two) that you want to chamfer (see page E-69). 2.) Select the command. 3.) Enter a chamfer radius in mm. Example: Chamfer of 5 mm between two (red) lines:


This command is used to break elements.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the command. 2.) Select the elements that you wish to break. 3.) Indicate the first breaking point.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-77

4.) Indicate the second breaking point. 5.) The element is now broken between the two points. 6.) To leave the command, click the right mouse button.


This command is used to extend elements.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the command. 2.) Indicate the element you wish to extent to. 3.) Select the element that you wish to extend. 4.) The first element is now extended to the second. 5.) To leave the command, click the right mouse button.


This command is used to trim an element in relation to another crossing element.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the command. 2.) Select the element that you want to trim from. The element turns red when chosen. 3.) Select the element that you want to trim. 4.) Continue selecting elements until you have finished trimming. HINT 1: You can also choose elements you want to trim from, even though they dont cross the elements you want to trim.

E-78 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

the elements you want to trim. This means that you are able to trim elements relatively compared to other elements in the plan, assuming that they eventually cross each other.


This command is used to join two lines with one another.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the command. 2.) Select the first element that you want to join with another by clicking the left mouse button. 3.) Select the other element you want to join (to) by clicking the left mouse button. 4.) The two lines are extended or cut to join each other at their point of intersection. NOTE: If the point of intersection is outside the screen-area, the lines are extended anyway. If the lines are not joined, the point of intersection does not exists. HINT 1: If the point of intersection is outside the screen area and the lines are joined, use the command Show all Elements to view the result.

Group Selected

This command is used to group different elements (lines, circles, text, etc.) This could be a symbol composed of several elements.

Quick Guide:

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-79

1.) 2.)

Select the elements that you want to group. Point at an element and press the left mouse button. To choose several elements, hold SHIFT down while selecting. Select the command. The following dialog box will appear:


You easily select this command by pressing CTRL+G or right click the mouse when the elements are selected.

3.) 4.)

Select the appropriate property for your symbol, for example, Coil, Drawing Sheet, etc. Click OK. The following dialog appears:

To make the symbol "transparent" so wire numbers will be equal on each side of the symbol click onto "YES". If wires numbers shall be different on each side, click onto "NO" (default). 5.) The elements are now assembled in a group with their respective properties.

The group can now be saved in the Symbol Database (see chapter J).

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the elements that you want to save. The group is highlighted red when chosen. Hold down the left mouse button. 2.) "Drag" the group to the symbol folder where you want it to be placed and drop it.

E-80 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

3.) The following dialog box will appear:

4.) Type the symbol name and a additional description if desired. Press OK. 5.) The group has now been saved in the symbol database, and can be loaded whenever needed. NOTE: You cant save symbols in symbol databases provided by CADdy++ ET (ex. EN 61346-2, Siemens etc.) due to conflicts with updates. The databases which are locked are displayed with a red icon:

LIST OF SYMBOL TYPES The following symbol types are available in CADdy++ ET:

01 02 03

Cable Change-over

Cable. Ordinary change-over contact

Change-over, slow release Contact changer-over with slow release. Please refer to symbol no. 4 also. Changer, slow operating Contact changer-over with slow operating. Please refer to symbol no. 5 also. Coil Coil which is not listed. Coil with a slow operating Coil with a slow release A component which is not covered by the symbols described above. Component with dependent contact, e.g. a circuit breaker with auxiliary contacts. Main contact (power). Changer.


05 06 07 08 09

Coil Coil, neutral - Not in list Coil, Slow Operating Coil, Slow Release Component


Component with Aux. contact Contactor, Main Contact, Change


CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-81

Change 12 Contactor, Main Contact, NC Contactor, Main Contact, NO Drawing Sheet Info text (target, no component). Macro/group Main contact (power). NC.


Main contact (power). NO.

14 15

Drawing Sheet (e.g. with electrical paths). Info text to be used by end of connection line. A selection of completed symbols e.g. a motor control. Complex switch, for example a rotary wafer. Multi switch Normally Closed contact Contact closed with change-over function Contact closed with slow operating Contact closed with slow release A symbol which is not listed in any list.



Multi Switch

18 19 20 21 22 23

Multi Switch NC NC, change-over NC, slow operating NC, slow release Neutral component not in lists NO NO, change-over NO, slow operating NO, slow release PLC Component

24 25 26 27 28

Normally Open contact. Contact open with change-over function Contact open, with slow operating Contact open, with slow release PLC reference card, to where symbol no. 21 refers. PLC signal which refers to a PLC reference card (see symbol no. 8) Reference to potentials etc. to enable cross referencing between potentials on the individual pages. Symbol for a terminal in a terminal block. Can include special terminals and terminals with type.


PLC signal


Signal Reference


Terminal (Normal, Special, with Type)

E-82 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Add selected to group


A group is regarded by CADdy++ ET as a assembly of elements, for example, wires, lines, circles, text, etc. This command can be used to add single elements or groups to existing groups. This is useful if you want to add more graphics or text to existing symbols, and want to treat this as a unit.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the elements that you want to add. Point at an element and press the left mouse button. To choose several elements or groups, hold down SHIFT while selecting. 2.) Select the command ADD SELECTED TO GROUP from the edit menu. 3.) Select the group where you want the elements to be added.

Ungroup Selected

A group is regarded by CADdy++ ET as a assembly of elements, for example, wires, lines, circles, text, etc. Several text lines are regarded by CADdy++ ET as a group. The UNGROUP command should be used if you want to alter a group so that it only contains single elements.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the elements that you want to ungroup. Point at a group and press the left mouse button. To choose several groups, hold down SHIFT while selecting. 2.) Select the command UNGROUP from the edit menu. 3.) The selected groups are collapsed and now composed of single elements.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-83

Align Horizontal

This command is used to align selected components (e.g. symbols with connections), so they are in the same horizontal line.

Quick Guide: 1.) 2.) 3.) Select the symbols (minimum two) that you want to align (see page E-69). Press and hold SHIFT while selecting the symbol(s) to align. Select the command. The selected symbols are all aligned in a horizontal line, adjusted to the Y-coordinate of top-left symbol of the selected symbols. It's easy to reset an alignment by using the undo command.


Align Vertical

This command is used to align selected components (e.g. symbols with connections), so they are in the same vertical line.

Quick Guide: 1.) 2.) 3.) Select the symbols (minimum two) that you want to align (see page E-69). Press and hold SHIFT while selecting the symbol(s) to align. Select the command. The selected symbols are all aligned in a vertical line, adjusted to the X-coordinate of top-left symbol of the selected symbols. It's easy to reset an alignment by using the undo command.


E-84 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Properties Selected

This command is used to change the properties of the selected element(s).

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the elements that you want to change (see page E-69). 2.) Select the command. 3.) The following dialog box will appear:

4.) Set the new parameters (pen type, colour, layer, width, etc.). 5.) Mark the parameters, which you want to change: 6.) Press OK. HINT 1: You can also change the properties of a random element by pointing and doubleclicking on the selected element.


The command DEBUGGER in CADdy++ ET enables you to see the structure of the elements in the drawing.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-85

Following are descriptions of the commands found by selecting VIEW from the menu bar.


This command is toggle each toolbar on or off within the environment of CADdy++.

Style Bar

In the style bar, you can find options as follows: Layer control Max. 512 layers are available. You can define the layer title, pen-style, -colour, -width, brush-style and brushcolour individually for each layer. By selecting the current layer. you can hide or show all elements in

Layer control and information are saved in a workspace template with the function Workspace Template (Save as) (see page E-18). Pen-width Sets the width of the pen. Size 0.18 0.25 0.35 0.50 0.70 and 1.00 are ISO standard. You can define your own size by clicking Other. You can see the actual size of each element by selecting the function Show Line Width.

E-86 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Colour control

Sets the colour of all selected or new elements including fillings and hatching. Controls filling style for the command Fill/Hatch Area (see page E-120). Controls pen style for all drawing commands.

Fill style

Pen style

Toolbars - Customize

It is possible to change the settings for each toolbar in CADdy++, add and define a new menu, or define shortcut keys for the most present application as desired. For detailed description please refer to Customize Interface in chapter A.


This command is used to redraw the window in order to eliminate impurities.

Zoom Original

This command enables you to see the drawing in full size.

Read more about: Zoom Dynamic

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-87

Zoom Window

This command enables you to enlarge a section of the drawing. To view the whole drawing again, press Zoom Original. Print (see page E-48) the current zoom as desired, by selecting the "Print current zoom on drawings" feature within the print dialog.

Read more about: Zoom Dynamic

Show Grid

This command is used to switch the visible grid on and off.

Following grids can be chosen: You can design your own grid by clicking Other.

A grid distance of 5 mm is appropriate for drawings containing circuit diagrams.

E-88 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Show Line Width


Normally all elements are shown without actual line width, so that all elements appears identical. This command shows the actual line width (in mm) for each element within the drawing.

Show Connection Points


Normally, connection points on symbols are hidden. This command shows the actual connection point (only the top-left corner), so you can identify where the symbol is inserted (reference-point).

Show Wire Direction


economy: This command toggles between showing the actual wire direction and a simple dot in each connection point.

If you want to change the direction of a connection point, you must use the command Wire Direction (see page E-176).

Show All Functiontexts


Automatically displays the descriptive text of each object (symbol) on the active page.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-89

Show Marked Functiontexts


Automatically displays the descriptive text of each marked object (symbol) on the active page.

Hide All Functiontexts


Automatically hides the descriptive text of each object (symbol) on the active page.

Snap to Points

This command enables CADdy++ ET to snap line ends, intersections and centre while you are drawing.

Quick Guide: 1. Choose a drawing command such as Line (see page E-115). 2. Activate SNAP ON/OFF by pressing S, or click onto the icon. 3. CADdy++ ET automatically snaps the ends, centres and intersections of the lines, while you move the cursor on the screen.
The centre is marked with a triangle:

The end is marked with a square:

The intersection is marked with a cross:

4. The command can be turned on and off as desired.

E-90 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Trackers on Selected Elements


This command enables trackers on selected elements, likewise other objects in Windows. When trackers are on, you are able to manipulate the objects directly by dragging the highlighted marks (trackers). NOTE: Its simple to manipulate selected elements via trackers, but its not very precise. You should only use this function, if this is of no importance.

Rubber band

This command enables easy modification of the contents of within a circuit diagram. Click onto the icon to toggle the command ON and OFF. The rubber band is ON when the icon is blue.

When the command is ON , all wires connected to a symbol behaves like a rubber band, e.g. will remain attached to symbol(s) when these are moved. The command makes the wires (lines) flexible without any limit, e.g. the lines are not restricted to move horizontal or vertical. Use to Undo command (see page E-63) to reset a modification.

EXAMPLE: Rubber band command is OFF. The symbol (-C1) is moved:

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-91

The wires attached to the symbol remains in the original position.

E-92 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Rubber band command is ON. The symbol (-C1) is moved:

The wires attached to the symbol follows the new position of the symbol:

HINT 1: Selecting more wires than the wires connected next to the symbol, will enable these wires to behave like a rubber band too (see example above). The command is very useful. When you are familiar with this command, modification of circuit diagrams is made extremely easy.


CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-93

Show All Elements


Occasionally, elements are moved or placed out of basis. This command shows all elements within the drawing, and resizes the drawing dimension to fit all elements.

E-94 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Draw - Circuit Diagrams

Following are descriptions of the commands found by selecting DRAW from the menu, exclusively when Circuit Diagrams are constructed.

Potential - Top

This command is used to place a potential at the top of a circuit diagram. The potential is placed on the Y-co-ordinate, as mentioned in Properties - Circuit Diagrams on page E-30. Subsequently, the potential is 5 mm under the previous and so on. You can also insert a bottom potential or optional potential (see below). HINT 1: When you name potentials or conductors, the supply conductors should be named according to IEC 60445 (see chapter H). According to this standard, a semicolon (;) is used as a prefix in front of the potential name. Example: Potential L1, L2 and L3 from circuit breaker -Q8 are named "-Q8;L1", "-Q8;L2" and "-Q8;L3".

Potential - Bottom

This command is used to insert a potential at the bottom of a circuit diagram. Please refer to the technical description about potentials at "Potential - Top" on page E-95.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-95

Potential - Any

This command is used to insert a potential anywhere in a circuit diagram. Please refer to the technical description about potentials at "Potential - Top" on page E-95.

1 Wire Dynamic

This command is used to optionally insert wires between electrical symbols in a circuit diagram.

Quick Guide: 1.). 2.) Select the command. professional only: Select the desired signal designation as desired in the toolbar:

(if active see Properties - Circuit Diagrams on page E-30). 3.) Draw the connections one at a time by clicking the left mouse button.

You can draw the connections without considering the symbols - CADdy++ automatically breaks the wires see example below.

Wire assignment by layer economy: When the is set in Properties - Circuit Diagrams (see page E-30) CADdy++ will ask for the layer on which to insert the connection. This enables you to add selected properties to each wire drawn in the circuit diagrams. A dialog appears. Pick a desired property by double-clicking on the to the left of the record. The wire properties also takes effect in the List of Wires (see chapter F). Wire assignment from CADdy Classic ET1 are imported to this feature in CADdy++ ET via the Import CADdy ET1 Database function (see page E-56).

E-96 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

NOTE 1: CADdy++ automatically "cleans up" in the background: If a connection has to be changed or continued from a previous end-point, simply click somewhere in the existing connection to continue CADdy++ automatically cleans up, and make the right connections!

EXAMPLE: 1.) A wire has to be connected via a make contact:


Select the wires starting point:


Draw the wire through the element:


CADdy++ ET automatically breaks the wire:

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-97

CADdy++ ET automatically inserts a contact point when 2 electrical connections meet each other in a "T". NOTE 2: There is a big difference between drawing wires and lines. Wires are regarded as real electrical connections, while lines are not.

The wire has a number of properties, which can be defined in via the Wire Properties (see page E-177).

3 Wires Dynamic

This command is used to optionally insert 3 wires between electrical symbols in a circuit diagram. The command is applied, when 3 phases are to be connected to a multi-polar symbol. To connect symbols with potentials as N or PE, you have to use the command, which draws 1 Wire Dynamic" (see page E-96.). An example is illustrated in the section 1 Wire Dynamic" on page E-96.

Quick Guide: 1.). 2.) Select the command. professional only: Select the desired signal designation as desired in the toolbar:

E-98 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

(if active see Properties - Circuit Diagrams on page E-30). 3.) Draw the connections one at a time by clicking the left mouse button.

You can draw the connections without considering the symbols - CADdy++ automatically breaks the wires. CADdy++ ET automatically inserts a contact point where 2 electrical connections meet each other in a "T".

Wire assignment by layer economy: When the is set in Properties - Circuit Diagrams (see page E-30) CADdy++ will ask for the layer on which to insert the connections. This enables you to add selected properties to the wires drawn in the circuit diagrams. A dialog appears. Pick a desired property by double-clicking on the to the left of the record. The wire properties also takes effect in the List of Wires (see chapter F). Wire assignment from CADdy Classic ET1 are imported to this feature in CADdy++ ET via the Import CADdy ET1 Database function (see page E-56).

NOTE: There is a big difference between drawing wires and lines. Wires are regarded as real electrical connections, while lines are not.

The wires has a number of properties, which can be defined in via the Wire Properties (see page E-177).

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-99


This command is used to define a cable between symbols, terminal strips, etc.

NOTE: Whether the cable starts at a terminal strip or component is not important. However, be aware that the connection is electrical and therefore must be drawn as electrical wires.

Quick Guide: 1.) First, draw the electrical connection between the symbols. 2.) Select this command. 3.) Draw a line across the electrical connections which compile the cable:

4.) The following dialog box will appear:

E-100 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear).

CABLE INFORMATION Function (=), Location (+) and Name (-): The cable receives a reference designation (a name). If you wish to link the cable to an existing cable, you can view a list by pressing. . HINT 1: The letter code for a cable must include a "W" according to Letter Codes in chapter H.

Description: Type: Cable Dimension:

The function of the cable, for example "Motor cable". The type of the cable. By clicking the Type Database opens, for selection of cables (see page E-155). The dimension of the cable, for example "3x1.50 mm".

CORE INFORMATION Cable-Core no.: CADdy++ ET suggests a continuous core number.

The cores are numbered in succession, from left to right, on the line being drawn.

Cable-Core colour: If you prefer to identify the core by colour, it can be done as described below.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-101


According to Colour Codes in IEC 60757, the core color has to be abbreviated. Please refer to chapter H.

Cable-core Size: The size of each core is indicated here. HINT 3: You are able to handle multi-cables, if the separate squares for each core are stated!

CABLE MANAGER: Handling Cable Core information economy: By clicking the at core no. CADdy++ ET finds the next free core-number in the cable if no valid type is selected. Clicking the when a valid type is selected will open the special dialog for cable management to allow the user to pick the desired core among non-used cores. The counter is reset to 1 if the cable is new. NOTE: To activate the cable manager, a valid type must be selected for the cable. The type must be present in the CADdy++ ET type database. Via the information in the database, CADdy++ ET determines the number of non-used cores, and warns the user if the cable is over-booked.

Cable cores can be numbered with numbers or colors. HINT 4: If an improper type is selected to a cable, and the type appears to be wrong, you simply change the type of the cable (on any of the cores within it). CADdy++ ET will automatically assign the new cable information to each existing core.

The cable manager controls the information Cable-core No, Cable-core colour and Cablecore size via the selected type from the Type Database and informs the user if any selection is not in line with existing information. A special feature for the cable manager is an overall control function that identifies any error on a cable when compared with the selected valid type in the database. The command is activated via the database list Cable Editor (see chapter G).


E-102 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

professional: To simplify, one wire can be defined internally in CADdy++ ET as many wires, called a multicore. Multicores are displayed in the database utility Multicore (see chapter G) and listed in the List of Multicores (see chapter F) in the graphical list environment.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select this command. A appears.

2.) Pick the wire you want to define as a multicore, and click the left mouse button. 3.) The cable are numbered as defined in Properties - Circuit Diagrams on page E-30. 4.) If desired, the cable can be edited by pressing CTRL + double-click on it. 5.) Continue adding wires to the cable by repeating step 2-4. 6.) Edit and add cores within the cable by using the function Edit Multicore on page E-139.

Function/Location Box

economy: This command is used to draw a box in which all components are given the same function (=) and/or location (+).

NOTE: The function (=) or location (+) are intended to be different from the function or location stated in the title field of the drawing.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the command. 2.) State the first point of the box, e.g. top-left corner. 3.) State the second (opposite) point of the box, so the box contains all desired components. 4.) A dialog box appears.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-103

5.) State the function (=) and location (+) for the new group. 6.) Click OK. HINT 1: Pressing the [<] key toggles between two ways of controlling the symbol's (e.g. the object's) relation to the function (=) and location (+). Please refer to Managing symbols (chapter J) for further details.

E-104 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Draw - Cabinets
Following are descriptions of the commands found by selecting DRAW from the menu, when Cabinets are designed.


This command draws panels in cabinet layouts.

Quick Guide: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Before drawing, check carefully the settings for the lay-out in Properties Page Cabinets (see page E-45). Select this command. Select the starting point of the panel, and click the left mouse button. Select the end point of (the size) of the panel, and click the left mouse button.

NOTE: The panel includes a reference designation and a type. By double-clicking on the panel, a dialog appears and type etc. can be corrected if desired. The panel are included in the Productlist (see chapter G).

Read more about: - Rail on page E-105 - Cable / Wire Channel on page E-107


CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-105

This command draws rails (e.g. DIN-rail) in cabinet layouts.

Quick Guide: 1.) 2.) Before drawing, check carefully the settings for the lay-out in Properties Page Cabinets (see page E-45). Select this command. The following dialog appears:

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear). 3.) 4.) Type the dimensions of the rail and clock onto [Ok] or press [Enter]. Select the position of the first rail and click onto the left mouse button. While the rail is attached to the cursor, use the [*] and [/] keystrokes to enlarge or reduce the size. Use the [+] and [-] to rotate the rail clockwise or counter-clockwise.



Continue inserting rails be clicking onto the left mouse button or click the right mouse button to quit.

NOTE: The rail includes a reference designation and a type. By double-clicking on the rail, a dialog appears and type etc. can be corrected if desired. The rail are included in the Productlist (see chapter G).

Read more about: - Panel on page E-105 - Cable / Wire Channel on page E-107

E-106 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Cable / Wire Channel


This command draws cable / wire channels in cabinet layouts.

Quick Guide: 1.) 2.) Before drawing, check carefully the settings for the lay-out in Properties Page Cabinets (see page E-45). Select this command. The following dialog appears:

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear). 3.) 4.) Type the dimensions of the channel and clock onto [Ok] or press [Enter]. Select the position of the first channel and click onto the left mouse button. While the channel is attached to the cursor, use the [*] and [/] keystrokes to enlarge or reduce the size. Use the [+] and [-] to rotate the rail clockwise or counterclockwise.



Continue inserting channels be clicking onto the left mouse button or click the right mouse button to quit.

NOTE: The channel includes a reference designation and a type. By double-clicking on the channel, a dialog appears and type etc. can be corrected if desired. The channel are included in the Productlist (see chapter G).

Read more about:

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-107

- Panel on page E-105 - Rail on page E-105

E-108 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Draw - Common Commands

Following are descriptions of the commands found by selecting DRAW from the menu, and are available during construction of any kind of document.

Dimension Horizontal

This command calculates and sets the optional dimension between 2 points horizontally:


Dimension 15.00 mm horizontally.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the command. 2.) State the first point by clicking the left mouse button. 3.) Move the mouse (up and down, left and right) to place the dimension text and second point in one step. The calculation is locked horizontally. 4.) Continue indicating new points by moving and clicking the left mouse button. 5.) Quit the function by clicking the right mouse button.

Read more about: Dimension Vertical on page E-110. Dimension btw. 2 lines on page E-111. Dimension btw. 2 pts. on page E-112. Dimension Settings on page E-112.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-109

Dimension Vertical

This command calculates and sets the optional dimension between 2 points vertically:


Dimension 15.00 mm vertically.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the command. 2.) State the first point by clicking the left mouse button. 3.) Move the mouse (up and down, left and right) to place the dimension text and second point in one step. The calculation is locked vertically. 4.) Continue indicating new points by moving and clicking the left mouse button. 5.) Quit the function by clicking the right mouse button.

Read more about: Dimension Horizontal on page E-109. Dimension btw. 2 lines on page E-111. Dimension btw. 2 pts. on page E-112. Dimension Settings on page E-112.

E-110 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Dimension btw. 2 lines


This command calculates and sets the dimension between 2 parallel lines:


Dimension 15.05 mm between two parallel lines.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the command. 2.) Pick the first line by clicking the left mouse button (highlights in red). 3.) Pick the second line by clicking the left mouse button. 4.) Move the mouse (up and down) to place the dimension text. The dimension text is locked between the two lines. 5.) Click the left mouse button to insert the dimension text. 5.) Quit the function by clicking the right mouse button.

NOTE: This function only calculates the dimension between two parallel lines. If you have difficulties picking the second line, the lines are probably not parallel.

Read more about: Dimension Horizontal on page E-109. Dimension Vertical on page E-110. Dimension btw. 2 pts. on page E-112. Dimension Settings on page E-112.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-111

Dimension btw. 2 pts.


This command calculates and sets the optional dimension between 2 points:


Dimension 15.81 mm optional.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the command. 2.) State the first point by clicking the left mouse button. 3.) Move the mouse (up and down, left and right) to place the dimension text and second point in one step. 4.) Continue indicating new points by moving and clicking the left mouse button. 5.) Quit the function by clicking the right mouse button.

Read more about: Dimension Horizontal on page E-109. Dimension Vertical on page E-110. Dimension btw. 2 lines on page E-111. Dimension Settings on page E-112.

Dimension Settings

This command states the settings for dimensioning:

E-112 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Attributes: Following attributes are available:

Arrows: You can specify arrows as desired:

Text: Text attributes are set here. Please refer to New Text on page E-122 for further information.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-113

Read more about: Dimension Horizontal on page E-109. Dimension Vertical on page E-110. Dimension btw. 2 lines on page E-111. Dimension btw. 2 pts. on page E-112.

E-114 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering


This command is used to draw lines. The line has a number of properties, which are defined in the format toolbar, such as pen-style, pen-width, and layer. These line properties can be altered. Please refer to Properties Selected on page E-85.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the command. 2.) Pick the starting point of the line, and click the left mouse button. 3.) Move the cursor and pick the end point of the line. Click the left mouse button. 4.) Repeat step 3 to continue the line or 5.) Click the right mouse button to quit. Please refer to the chapter "Construction / Modification via Keyboard" on page E-192 for details concerning exact construction.


economy: This command is used to draw multi-lines. Multi-lines are several (maximum of 5) lines parallel to one-another. Example: 5 lines (1 .. 5, from left to right) with individual preferences.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-115

Quick Guide: 1.) Make sure the MultiLine Settings (see page E-116) are as desired. 2.) Select the command. 3.) State the first point by clicking the left mouse button. 4.) Move the mouse (up and down, left and right) to draw lines 5.) Continue indicating new points by moving and clicking the left mouse button. 6.) Click the right mouse button to quit.

MultiLine Settings

economy: This command states the settings for drawing a MultiLine (see page E-115).

Line 1 .. 2 2 lines (1 .. 2, from left to right) with individual preferences. Click onto [Add Line] or [Delete Line] as desired. A maximum of 5 lines is possible. Distance from cursor cross to first line. Default is zero. Use positive (+) and negative (-) digits to state the distance (in mm). Actual width (in mm) of the pen. Colour of the pen (black, red etc.).

Baseline Distance

Pen width Pen colour

E-116 CADdy Commands

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Pen style Layer Attribute: Close End Close Mid

Style of the pen (solid, dashed etc.) States the layer of the actual line. Draws a line at the beginning and the end of the multi-line:

Draws a line at each bend of the multi-line:


This command is used to draw rectangles. The rectangle has a number of properties, which are defined in the format toolbar, such as penstyle, pen-width, and layer. These rectangle properties can be altered. Please refer to Properties Selected on page E-85.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the command. 2.) Pick the starting point of the rectangle, and click the left mouse button. 3.) Move the cursor and pick the end point of the rectangle. Click the left mouse button. 4.) Repeat step 2-3 to draw another rectangle or 5.) Click the right mouse button to quit. Please refer to the chapter "Construction / Modification via Keyboard" on page E-192 for details concerning exact construction.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-117


This command is used to draw circles. The circle has a number of properties, which are defined in the format toolbar, such as penstyle, pen-width, and layer. The circles properties can be altered. Please refer to Properties Selected on page E-85.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the command. 2.) Pick the center of the circle, and click the left mouse button. 3.) Move the cursor and pick radius of the circle. Click the left mouse button. 4.) Repeat step 2-3 to draw another circle or 5.) Click the right mouse button to quit. Please refer to the chapter "Construction / Modification via Keyboard" on page E-192 for details concerning exact construction.


This command is used to draw arcs. The arc has a number of properties, which are defined in the format toolbar, such as pen-style, pen-width, and layer. The arcs properties can be altered. Please refer to Properties Selected on page E-85.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the command. 2.) Pick the center of the arc, and click the left mouse button. 3.) Move the cursor and pick radius of the arc. Click the left mouse button.

E-118 CADdy Commands

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4.) Move the cursor to draw the arc. Click the left mouse button when complete. 5.) Repeat step 2-4 to draw another arc or 6.) Click the right mouse button to quit. Please refer to the chapter "Construction / Modification via Keyboard" on page E-192 for details concerning exact construction.


This command is used to draw ellipses. The ellipse has a number of properties, which are defined in the format toolbar, such as penstyle, pen-width, and layer. The properties of the ellipse can be altered. Please refer to Properties Selected on page E-85.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the command. 2.) Pick the center of the ellipse, and click the left mouse button. 3.) Move the cursor to draw the ellipse. Click the left mouse button when complete. 4.) Repeat step 2-3 to draw another ellipse or 5.) Click the right mouse button to quit. Please refer to the chapter "Construction / Modification via Keyboard" on page E-192 for details concerning exact construction.

Polygon Area

This command is used to draw and fill optional geometrical shapes. Below, a detailed Quick Guide description in cursor-mode appears. Please refer to the chapter "Construction / Modification via Keyboard" on page E-192 for details concerning exact construction.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-119

Quick Guide (cursor only): 1.) State first point 2.) State second point 3.) State third point (the geometrical shape is filled while drawing) 4.) Click the right mouse button to quit. The Polygon Area command has a number of properties as selected in the Style Bar (see page E-86). The properties of the hatch/fill area can be altered. Please refer to Properties Selected on page E-85. A fill is always considered as one element in the same way as lines or circles. Likewise, they can be chosen individually.

Fill/Hatch Area

This command is used to fill optional geometrical shapes.

Quick Guide: 1.) Pick the geometrical shape(s) that you want to fill or hatch one by one. 2.) Click the right mouse button to quit. The fill/hatch area command has a number of properties as selected in the Style Bar (see page E-86). The properties of the hatch/fill area can be altered. Please refer to Properties Selected on page E-85. A fill is always considered as one element in the same way as lines or circles. Likewise, they can be chosen individually.


This command is used to construct one ore more parallel element(s).

E-120 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the command. 2.) Pick the element you wish to make a parallel copy of, and click the left mouse button. 3.) Move the mouse (up, down, left and right) until the copy is as described. 4.) If descried, continue making parallel(s). 5.) Click the right mouse button to quit.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-121

Text - Common Commands

Following are descriptions of the commands found by selecting TEXT from the menu, and are available during construction of any kind of document.

New Text

This command is used to insert various forms of text in a drawing.

Quick Guide: 1.) Activate the command. The following dialog appears.


Type one ore more text(s) in the white area. professional: Type a text (or a part of it) and press F2 or click to look up a phrase in the translation database. This is effective to harmonize the phrases that are used within the project, which again will limit the number of phrases to be translated. Please note that the translation database shall be activated at least once (please see Translate Text in this chapter) before there are any phrase to look up. professional: By selecting CADdy++ will look up phrases within strings. For example by typing "Motor", ++ will find "Motor control center" and "Lock motor".

E-122 CADdy Commands

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3.) 4.) 5.)

Drag the text onto the drawing by using the mouse, and click onto the left mouse button to insert it. Continue inserting the text by repeating step 4.) or click the white area within the dialog to type or adjust new text. Several text lines can be written. To invoke a new lines press ENTER within the dialog. You can copy and paste text from other programs by pressing CTRL+C (copy) and CTRL+V (paste). The text dialog are automatically closed, when any other CADdy++ command is selected.



There is a number of possibilities if you want to change the text. For example, the contents, adjustment, etc. The height, width and distance of a text can be changed. See table below. The angle and line distance to next text line can be set.

Actual size of the font and the corresponding size in CADdy++. ISO 3098 B True size (height/5) 2.50 mm 3.50 mm 5.00 mm 7.00 mm 10.0 mm 3.50 5.00 7.00 10.0 14.0 3.50 5.00 7.00 10.0 14.0 0.70 1.00 1.40 2.00 2.80 (mm) 0.25 0.35 0.50 0.70 1.00 Text height in CADdy++ Text width in CADdy++ Text distance in CADdy++ Pen width in CADdy++

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-123

JUSTIFIED: The text can be chosen to be aligned left, centre or right. PROPORTIONAL: The text can be chosen to be proportional (equal spacing between every letter) or non proportional. ITALIC: This attribute italicizes the text. TRANSLATABLE: This attribute enables the text to be translated. See Translate Text in this chapter for further details.


Select from a range of attributes by clicking It is necessary to allocate attributes to be able to distinguish between the text's functions, for example when defining symbols. This means that a text is interpreted as a component name, connection etc. See table below.

NOTE: The contents of the "Attribute" pull-down menu are related to the kind of drawing that is present (active) when inserting new text: Some texts are only relevant for circuit diagrams, others for a terminal matrix etc. Therefore the contents of the dialog vary according to the kind of drawing present.

Common text attributes The attribute Normal Text is used for ordinary text.
No. Attribute The attributes function

E-124 CADdy Commands

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1 2

Normal Text Workspace

Ordinary text with no specific meaning. Miscellaneous information about the customer, which can be inserted in the drawing frame. The various texts are updated in the respective fields in the MS Access database that saves the workspace.



The text in the drawing frame, where the workspace / project name is inserted. If desired, the text reservations can be used for other purposes.

2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11

Customer Address 1 Address 2 Zip code City Telephone Fax E-mail Attention 1, 2, 3 Proj. Description-line 01 10

This text describes the workspace and its contents. The various texts are updated in the respective fields in the MS Access database that saves the workspace.

2.12 2.13 2.14

Proj. Created Date Proj. Created By Free 01 .. 10

Date of creating the workspace. Workspace created by (initials) These texts can be used as desired. The various texts are updated in the respective fields in the MS Access database that saves the workspace.

3 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08

Content Page Index Page Created Date Page Created By Plot Date Plot Time Plot Page Number of all Plot Pages

Information in the drawing sheet about the contents. These texts define the page number (page number) and the corresponding index, if chosen.

This text states information concerning the creation of the drawing, such as the created date and the author's initials.

Plot information for individual identification of each sheet.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-125

3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 4 4.01 4.02 5 5.01

Prior Number Next Number Last Number Number of all Pages Page Description-line 01 30 Function/Location Function (=) Location (+) Component Name (-) Contents of the page, line 1 .. 30. Information concerning function (=) and location (+) According to IEC 61346-1 According to IEC 61346-1 Information concerning the component. Name of a symbol. The minus-sign (-) indicates the productstructure according to IEC 61346-1. These texts contains the description of the component - for example "Start" and the type(s) number(s) of the component.

5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14

Description Type 01 10 ComponentPart Separator ComponentPart Name ComponentPart Sorting Length Cable-dimension Cable-core No. Cable-core Colour Cable-core Size Terminal Number Terminal Sorting

Text reservations for multiple terminals.

Cable-dimension (e.g. PAA) Number of the core in the cable Colour of the core in the cable Size of the core (typically in mm) This text describes the terminal symbols, for example the terminal number and terminal index . This text must be used together with text attribute no. 5.01.

Terminal row picture


Sheet/Path Reference

This text is used for cross references between different pages and paths in a workspace. States the group for the object. States the power for the object. Up till 50 free texts for any information. Information concerning connections. This text consists of the symbol's terminal number text and a connection point. The texts can be moved independently after

5.16 5.17 5.18 6 6.01

Fuse Circuit Power Free text 01 50 Connection Connection Text

E-126 CADdy Commands

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insertion. 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 7 Target Information Symbol-name PLC Operand PLC Symbol-address Please consult PLC Documentation (chapter J) for further information. PLC Description Wire-size Wire-color Wire number LINK-type Wire-type Lock wire ComponentPart Free Text Free con. text 01 10 Other Size of the wire (in the circuit diagram) (internal) Color of the wire (in the circuit diagram) (internal) Number of the wire (in the circuit diagram) (internal) Type of LINK in the terminal-strip. Type of the wire (in the circuit diagram) (internal) Internal text reservation. Free text for component part. Up till 10 free texts for any information re. connection. Other texts. Typically texts which are relevant to the active kind of drawing. 7.01 Non-Translatable text Internal text reservation. Texts are translatable unless this attribute is chosen. Text reservation to be used when the designation (=/+/-) are merged into one line. If this text reservation exists within a symbol, it will have a higher priority than designations on separate lines. Internal text reservation. Internal text reservation. This text is used to describe the operand, address and description in a PLC symbol.

7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06

Function+Location+Component Merged Part Component Name Component code Symbol End marker Symbol Start marker

Text reservations for Autodiagram.

Special text attributes related to graphical lists (see chapter F).

7 7.51 7.52 7.53 7.54 Other Amount Terminal Strip Target Left Terminal Number Text reservations for Terminal Matrix and Terminal Matrix Graphic. Please see chapter for detailed description.

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CADdy Commands E-127

7.55 7.56 7.57 7.58 7.59 7.60 7.61 7.62 7.63 7.64 7.65 7.66 7.67 7.68 7.69 7.70 7.71 7.72 7.73 7.74 7.75 7.76 7.77 7.78 7.79 7.80 7.81 7.82 7.83 7.84 7.85

Target Right Number. of terminal lines Terminal Sheet Terminal Path LINK Type Cable name Left Cable-core number Left No. of cable lines Left Cable name Right Cable-core number Right No. of cable lines Right Cable type Left Cable Description Left Cable Type Right Cable Description Right Terminal Index Cable-core square Left Cable-core square Right Terminal Type Spare-Terminal Terminal Description Terminal Sheet Index Cable-dimension Left Cable-dimension Right Terminal Page-Function (=) Terminal Page-Location (+) Terminal Connection Text (L) Terminal Connection Text (R) Target reference: Page Function Target reference: Page Location Target reference: Sheet

E-128 CADdy Commands

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7.86 7.87

Target reference: Sheet Index Target reference: Path

FONT. A vector font or a Windows font can be selected. See description below.

Quick Guide: 1.) Click onto the following dialog appears:

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear). 2.) Select the desired font by clicking onto it. Font names with "!" are true Vector-fonts. Font names with "@" are Unicode-fonts. HINT 3: It is recommended that you use a vector font as format, if you export to the AutoCAD DXF/DWG format.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-129


If alternative scripts are available, the Script menu is activated. Click onto alternative script for the font.

to select

Alternative scripts are typically used for translating texts from one language to another. 4.) NOTE: Click OK to close the dialog. The text in all CAD systems (including CADdy++ ET) are called vector fonts. A vector font is constructed of small lines. These lines can be seen by magnifying a letter (by zooming). Vector fonts are not the same as "True Type" fonts used by Windows, which you also can choose. The text is made in a matrix of 200 x 200 dots. It is the height and width of the matrix, which is stated in CADdy++ ET. However, there is no guarantee, that the text you use has the height you define this depends how the individual font is defined in the matrices.

ISO 3098 IEC 61082 clause 4.1.5 instructs, that ISO 3098/1 B should be used as the text font for all technical drawings and circuit diagrams. This text is delivered in CADdy++ ET as Vectorfont #1, and must be set as proportional text. HINT 4: IEC 61082 recommends that a minimum height of 2.50 mm is used on all technical drawings. Experience shows that this is the smallest pen width that can be used when faxing, without smudging! As any other format in the ISO standard, each step increases by ISO paper size A4 * 2 = paper size A3. ISO 3098 font size 2.50 * 2 = font size 3.50.

HINT 5: Ex. 1: Ex. 2:


NOTE: The ISO 3098 font are constructed in a matrix of 200 x 200 pts. It is the size of this matrix that is stated as height and width in CADdy++ ET.

E-130 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Edit text

This command is used to edit one or more text(s).

NOTE: The "source language" is always displayed when using this command see Translate Text, even if a text is translated into other languages.

This command is also used when you paste a text in to your drawing. Please refer to New Text on page E-122. HINT 1: You can display any information (e.g. the attribute) on existing text by following the Quick Guide below.

Quick Guide Edit single text: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Select the command. A Pick any text on the drawing The text dialog appears, initialized with the actual properties. You may change the text itself and the properties as desired. To change components, use the Edit Component (see page E-133)instead. Quit the command by clicking the . appears.


Quick Guide Edit multiple text: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Select (see page E-69) the texts to be modified. Press "CTRL + A" to select all texts. The text dialog appears, initialized with the default properties. You may change the properties for the texts as desired. Quit the command by clicking the .

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-131


Edit multiple texts is an easy way to set parameters like "Translate" on many texts in one sequence.

Align Vertical

This command is used to align text(s) to a common vertical position e.g. the text(s) gets the same X co-ordinate.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select (see page E-69) a text to be aligned. 2.) If desired, select more texts for alignment by press and hold the SHIFT key while selecting (standard Windows operation). 3.) Select this command (Align Vertical). The cursor cross appears. 4.) Select the desired position (X co-ordinate) for the text(s) and click onto the left mouse button. 5.) The texts are aligned to the selected position.

Align Horizontal

This command is used to align text(s) to a common horizontal position e.g. the text(s) gets the same Y co-ordinate.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select (see page E-69) a text to be aligned. 2.) If desired, select more texts for alignment by press and hold the SHIFT key while selecting (standard Windows operation). NOTE: To align more that one text to the same Y co-ordinate, the texts must have different justification. Equal justification attributes (center/left/right) on the texts will cause the

E-132 CADdy Commands

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texts to be aligned onto one another.

3.) Select this command (Align Horizontal). The cursor cross appears. 4.) Select the desired position (Y co-ordinate) for the text(s) and click onto the left mouse button. 5.) The texts are aligned to the selected position.

Edit Component

This command is used to edit text which is connected with the elements.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the command. 2.) Select an element (group), that you want to edit (highlights in red). 3.) A dialog box appears and you are able to edit your text, which belongs to the element. 4.) Click OK. HINT 1: If you change the name of a relay-coil, the name on its contacts are changed automatically.

Find and Replace


This command is used to find any text string and replace it with another.

CAUTION: Its not possible to undo this command.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-133

Quick Guide find and replace on the active page: 1.) Select the command. NOTE: When the command is activated from this menu, only texts on the active page are being processed. All texts can be processed in one sequence when the command is activated via the workspace explorer. See description below. 2.) The following dialog appears:

3.) Type the text string you want to find. The text must match the target exactly since CADdy++ ET finds whole words only. 4.) Type the text string you want to replace it with. 5.) Click onto OK: The active page is processed.

Quick Guide find and replace in the selected kind of documents: 1.) Select the kind of documents that you want to process (for example: Circuit Diagrams): 2.) Click the right mouse button and select the command:

3.) The following dialog appears:

4.) Type the text string you want to find. The text must match the target exactly since CADdy++ ET finds whole words only.

E-134 CADdy Commands

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5.) Type the text string you want to replace it with. 6.) Click onto OK: All pages in the selected kind of documents are processed.

Quick Guide find and replace in the active workspace: 1.) Select the workspace that you want to process: 2.) Click the right mouse button and select the command:

3.) The following dialog appears:

4.) Type the text string you want to find. The text must match the target exactly since CADdy++ ET finds whole words only. 5.) Type the text string you want to replace it with. 6.) Click onto OK: ALL pages in ALL kind of documents are processed.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-135

Translate Text

professional: This command is used to translate text, e.g. from one language to another. The CADdy++ ET translate command operates with a Microsoft Access database "Translation.MDB" (located in the same folder as templates). The database is updated with new words from the active workspace by pressing the "Load Texts from Project" button in the dialog. When a specific term exists in the database, it's never replaced. NOTE 1: The words in the database are case-sensitive. For example "Date" and "date" are not the same term.

Besides the original ("Source") language, CADdy++ ET can handle up till 20 different languages with individual fonts and scripts. NOTE 2: to be translated. The The text for translation shall have the attribute default parameter for any text is to be "Translatable", however you may change this as desired. By omitting some texts from translation, the "Source Language" list will be more clear. also effects all text reservations . The text The attribute reservation is used by CADdy++ to fill in forms with text from the databases. If the text has the attribute set, the attribute will be set on the automatic inserted texts as well and vice versa. Projects are always translated from the original language to a source language, when the project is complete e.g. all lists are generated etc. If there is a change in any text string (source or translated text), the project must be re-translated.



Use the command New Text (see page E-122) to insert a new text for translation. Use the Edit text (see page E-131) to change the existing text attributes.

E-136 CADdy Commands

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Quick Guide: 1.) 2.) Select the command. The following dialog appears:

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog box may appear). 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) If the database is empty or need new terms from the active project: Press the "Load texts from project" button. Type the translation for each text in the "Language1", "Language2", field. Set individual font and script as desired for each language by clicking onto "Setup". Select the desired language for your workspace to be translated into by clicking to the "Translate into language" at the top of the dialog. next

Click onto "Translate project". The terms which exists in the database are translated into the selected language (1, 2, , 20). If a translation doesn't exists for a certain term (e.g. the translation is "blank"), the term are left unattended. When the translation is complete, CADdy++ will display:


CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-137


Click "Close" to exit the dialog. The translation can be reset to the original language by selecting "Source Language" as the translation language, and the click "Translate project". Within the New Text command, it's easy to look up existing phrases in the translation database (type words and press F2). This is practical to limit and harmonize the number of phrases which are used.



E-138 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Text - Circuit Diagrams

Following are descriptions of the commands found by selecting TEXT from the menu, exclusively when Circuit Diagrams are constructed.

Edit Multicore

This command is used to edit wires created with the command Multicore (see page E-102).

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the command. 2.) Select a wire created as a Multicore (see page E-102), that you want to edit (becomes red). 3.) The following dialog box appears and you are able to edit your text, which belongs to the multicore:

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear). 4.) Click in any field to add a core. If desired, insert the values for wire size, color and additional information.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-139


The terminal number is written like "F2:14" in the lists. The ":" is stating the terminal number (14).

5.) Repeat step 4 for the required number of wires. 6.) Click OK.

HINT 1: Press CTRL + double-click a wire to activate this command.

E-140 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Following are descriptions of the commands found by selecting BUILDING from the menu, when Installation plans are constructed.

Walls - Create

This command draws walls on installation plans.

Quick Guide: 1.) 2.) Before drawing, check carefully if the default wall width and scale fits the lay-out in Properties Page Installations (see page E-43). Select this command. The Wall Width dialog appears:

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear). 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) The default width as stated in Properties Page Installations (see page E-43) are displayed in the dialog. If desired, change the width of the wall and click onto OK. Select the starting point of the wall, and click the left mouse button. Select the end point of the wall, and click the left mouse button. Repeat step 4 and 5 until the wall is complete. Quit the command by clicking onto the right mouse button. The easy (and fastest) way to draw walls, is to draw these in an approximate position. When complete, simply move or adjust the position with the [Wall] [Move] command.


CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-141

Walls - Move

This command moves existing walls on installation plans and changes the aspect ratio of the building. Use the Dimension command (see page E-148) to change the length of the walls while maintaining the aspect ratio of the building.

Quick Guide: 1.) 2.) Select this command Pick the wall to be moved, and click onto the left mouse button NOTE: Depending on the shape, clicking left to the centre of the wall will adjust the wall and connected walls left-hand side of centre. Clicking right to the centre of the wall will adjust the wall and connected walls right-hand side of centre.

The length of the wall(s) attached to the wall you are attempting to move are displayed on the drawing so that dimensions are easily set when moving the walls Example:

3.) 4.) 5.)

Move, with the mouse, the wall to the right or to the left. The walls attached to the wall being moved are moved in the same sequence. Click onto the left mouse button when walls are in position. Click onto the right mouse button to quit the command.

Walls - Angle

E-142 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering


This command displays and/or modifies the angle on any existing wall on installation plans.

Quick Guide: 1.) 2.) Select this command. While moving the cursor on the drawing, the angle on the wall near by the cursor are displayed (for example 270):


Click onto the desired wall to change the angle. NOTE: Clicking left to the centre of the wall will adjust the angle of the wall and connected walls left-hand side of centre. Clicking right to the centre of the wall will adjust the angle of the wall and connected walls right-hand side of centre.

4.) 5.) 6.) 7.)

A dialog appears. Type in the new angle and click onto OK. Repeat step 3 and 4 for any other wall or Click onto the right mouse button to quit the command.

Walls - Length

This command displays and/or modifies the length on any existing wall on installation plans.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-143

Quick Guide: 1.) 2.) Select this command. While moving the cursor on the drawing, the length on the wall near by the cursor are displayed (for example 9000):


Click onto the desired wall to change the length. NOTE: Clicking left to the centre of the wall will adjust the angle of the wall and connected walls left-hand side of centre. Clicking right to the centre of the wall will adjust the angle of the wall and connected walls right-hand side of centre.

4.) 5.) 6.) 7.)

A dialog appears. Type in the new length and click onto OK. The length will change, and the walls connected to it (left / right - if any) will be adjusted to fit the new length. Repeat step 3 to 5 for any other wall or Click onto the right mouse button to quit the command.


E-144 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

This command creates an opening in an existing wall.

Quick Guide: 1.) Wall(s) must be inserted before activating this command. 2.) Select this command. 3.) A dialog appears. 4.) Type in the width for the opening and click onto OK. 5.) Pick the desired place to make the opening in the wall. 6.) Click onto the left mouse button to insert the opening. 7.) Repeat step 6 to create more openings or 8.) Click onto the right mouse button to quit the command.


Door - Create

This command inserts doors in existing Walls (see page E-141) on installation plans.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-145

Quick Guide: 1.) Wall(s) must be inserted before activating this command. 2.) Select this command. 3.) A dialog appears. Type the width of the door to insert and click onto OK. 4.) Pick the place to insert the door. Invoking the [spacebar] will make the door rotate in steps of 90. 5.) To insert, click onto the left mouse button when the door is in position. 6.) Repeat step 5 to insert more doors or 7.) Click onto the right mouse button to quit the command. HINT 1: The easy (and fastest) way to insert doors, is to insert these in an approximate position. When complete, simply move or adjust the position with the [Door] [Move] command.

Door - Move

This command moves existing door(s) on installation plans.

Quick Guide: 1.) Doors must be present on the drawing before activating this command. 2.) Select this command. 3.) Pick the door to modify by clicking the left mouse button. 4.) Move, with the mouse, the door to a new position. Invoking the [spacebar] will make the door rotate in steps of 90. 5.) Click onto the left mouse button to insert the door in the new position. 6.) Repeat step 5 to modify more doors or 7.) Click onto the right mouse button to quit the command.

E-146 CADdy Commands

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

Window - Create

This command inserts windows in existing Walls (see page E-141) on installation plans.

Quick Guide: 1.) Wall(s) must be inserted before activating this command. 2.) Select this command. 3.) A dialog appears. Type the width of the window to insert and click onto OK. 4.) Pick the place to insert the window. The angle of the window are automatically adjusted to fit the wall. 5.) To insert, click onto the left mouse button when the window is in position. 6.) Repeat step 5 to insert more windows or 7.) Click onto the right mouse button to quit the command. HINT 1: The easy (and fastest) way to insert windows, is to insert these in an approximate position. When complete, simply move or adjust the position with the [Window] [Move] command.

Window - Move

This command moves existing window(s) on installation plans.

Quick Guide: 1.) Window(s) must be present on the drawing before activating this command. 2.) Select this command. 3.) Pick the window to modify by clicking the left mouse button.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-147

4.) Move, with the mouse, the window to a new position. The angle of the window are automatically adjusted to fit the wall. 5.) Click onto the left mouse button to insert the window in the new position. 6.) Repeat step 5 to modify more windows or 7.) Click onto the right mouse button to quit the command.


This command is used to change the dimension of the building, while maintaining the aspect ratio of the building. Use the Walls - Move command (see page E-142) to change the length of the walls and change the aspect ratio of the building.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select this command 2.) Pick the wall to be modified. The length of the wall next to the cursor are displayed on the drawing so that dimensions are easily inspected. 3.) Click onto the left mouse button to change a dimension. 4.) A dialog appears. Type in the new dimension and click onto OK. 5.) Repeat step 4 to modify more dimensions or 6.) Click onto the right mouse button to quit the command.

Rooms - Area

This command calculates the area of any room on the drawing.

Quick Guide:

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1.) Select this command. 2.) CADdy++ calculates and displays the area of the room(s) present on the drawing.

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CADdy Commands E-149

Cable / Wire
Following are descriptions of the commands found by selecting CABLE/WIRE from the menu, when Installation plans are constructed.


This command draws connections (cables) between symbols on installation plans. NOTE: IEC 61082-4 describes two different methods of illustrating an installation plan (e.g. installation diagram): Either with straight lines or with curved lines ("splines"). CADdy++ supports both methods. This command supports curved lines ("splines").

CADdy++ can calculate the length of a given cable / wire by identifying heights on symbols and connected cables. This requires the cable / wire to be drawn with the Cable / Wire - Line command (see page E-151) instead of this command.

Quick Guide: 1.) Symbols must be present on the drawing before activating this command:

2.) 3.)

Select this command. Pick the first symbol from where the connection shall begin:

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4.) 5.)

Pick the second symbol where the connection shall end. CADdy++ ET automatically connects the symbols in a straight line. Move the cursor slightly so a curved line occurs. Adjust the curved line as desired and click onto the left mouse button when in position.

6.) 7.) 8.) 9.) 10.)

Click onto the right mouse button when the connection is completed: To continue the connection: Repeat step 4-6 until complete. Quit the command by clicking onto the right mouse button. If desired: Double-click on any cable to display and/or modify the properties. The following dialog appears:


Change the values as desired, and click onto OK. The cable / wire is handled as a Multicore Cable. Press and hold [Ctrl] key and double-click on any cable to display and modify the multicore properties.



This command draws connections (cables) between symbols on installation plans.

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CADdy Commands E-151


IEC 61082-4 describes two different methods of illustrating an installation plan (e.g. installation diagram): Either with straight lines or with curved lines ("splines"). CADdy++ supports both methods. This command supports straight lines.

CADdy++ can calculate the length of a given cable / wire by identifying heights on symbols and connected cables. This requires the cable / wire to be drawn with this command. If calculation is not required, the command Cable / Wire - Spline command (see page E-150) can be used as an alternative way to illustrate the connections on the installation plan.

Quick Guide: 1.) Symbols must be present on the drawing before activating this command:

2.) 3.) 4.)

Check carefully the default cable height setting in Properties Page Installations (see page E-43). Select this command. Pick the first symbol from where the connection shall begin:

5.) 6.)

Pick the second symbol where the connection shall end. CADdy++ ET automatically connects the symbols in a straight line. Keep the cursor in the position and click onto the left mouse button:

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7.) 8.) 9.) 10.) 11.)

Click onto the right mouse button when the connection is completed: To continue the connection: Repeat step 4-6 until complete. Quit the command by clicking onto the right mouse button. If desired: Double-click on any cable to display and/or modify the properties. The following dialog appears:


Change the values as desired, and click onto OK. The [Length] is calculated by CADdy++. See detailed description in chapter Cable / Wire Height (see below). The cable / wire is handled as a Multicore Cable. Press and hold [Ctrl] key and double-click on any cable to display and modify the multicore properties.




This command modifies the height on any cable drawn with the Cable / Wire - Line command (see page E-151).

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CADdy Commands E-153

By default, cables (drawn as a line) are set with the height as stated in Properties Page Installation plans (see page E-40).

Quick Guide: 1.) One or more cable / wires drawn as a line must be present on the drawing before activating this command: Select this command. A appears.

2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.)

Pick the desired cable / wire, and click onto the left mouse button. A dialog appears, displaying the actual height. Type in the new height and press [Enter]. Repeat step 3 - 5 for any other cable or Click the right mouse button to quit.

Example: Two symbols are inserted on an installation plan. The height on both symbols is stated as 1.000 (mm above floor level). The distance between the symbols is 2.500 mm, which is equal to the cable length, if the height of the cable is = 1.000 (mm above floor level). Changing the height of the cable to 2.000 mm will change the cable length to 4.500, since the cable has to change the route from symbol 1 (H = 1.000 mm) + up (2.000 1.000 = 1.000 mm) + across (2.500 mm between symbols) + down to symbol 2 (2.000 1.000 = 1.000 mm). This gives a total length of 1.000 + 2.500 + 1.000 = 4.500 mm.

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Functions - Common Commands

Following are descriptions of the commands found by selecting FUNCTION from the menu, and are available during construction of some or all kind of document.

Type Database

economy: This command is used to manipulate the type database. HINT 1: Types for objects are selected by double-clicking on a symbol. Within the symbol to view the contents of the type database and pick a desired dialog, click onto type.

Please note, that its only possible to manipulate the type database via this command. When picking types from the dialog box, its only possible to select. The type database can handle sub-types, sub-sub types etc. This is convenient when handling types-in-types.


For example, a signal lamp itself could be the main type, that are picked from the Type Database to the object. However, the lamp in fact consists of various subtypes such as lamp glass, transformer, lamp holder, incandescent lamp etc. TYPE 1234 - Signal lamp 1 - SUBTYPE ABC FGH JKL PQR - Lamp glass (red) - Transformer 230/12 V - Lamp Holder - Incandescent lamp 12 V

and TYPE 6789 - Signal lamp 2 - SUBTYPE CCA FGH JKL PQR - Lamp glass (green) - Transformer 230/12 V - Lamp Holder - Incandescent lamp 12 V

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CADdy Commands E-155

To be able to pick type 1234 (red signal lamp) and type 6789 (green signal lamp) from the database, the following types must be created separately: ABC CCA FGH JKL PQR - Lamp glass (red) - Lamp glass (green) - Transformer 230/12 V - Lamp Holder - Incandescent lamp 12 V

After creating the sub-types, the main types can be created: 1234 6789 - Signal lamp (red) - Signal lamp (green) Includes item no. ABC, FGH, JKL and PQR. Includes item no. CCA, FGH, JKL and PQR.

The total parts list including various sub-types, sub-sub types etc. are generated via the List of Parts Exploded (see chapter F).

NOTE: All relevant information from the type database is transferred and saved within the workspace. This ensures, that the workspace file (*.cpj) contains all the necessary information to open the workspace without external references.

When the command is activated, the Type Explore dialog box appears with various options. Supplier enables you to add or delete supplier(s) to the type database as you wish. Goods-Group: Each supplier consists of a various numbers of goods-groups. In the example above, K Coil is the first goodsgroup of the supplier Demo. You may add or delete goods-groups as you wish. (NOTE: Various contents within the dialog(s) box may appear). The Show function toggles between two different ways of presenting the contents of the type database: Supplier -> GoodsGroup > Type OR GoodsGroup -> Supplier -> Type
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E-156 CADdy Commands

> Type OR GoodsGroup -> Supplier -> Type. Functions allows for various properties for each type to be set up. See description below. You may Import from an Excel spread page or from a file who supports the ECAD norm. See description below. The types, which belongs to the selected type, are displayed in the tree-structure and in an additional window. The contents of the folder marked with a "V" (for example ) are displayed in a separate part of the dialog. The active type are marked with a . New types are inserted by clicking onto the empty field marked with a and type. The database can handle types-in-types. See description above. The property of the active type (see above) are displayed in a separate window. New properties are inserted by clicking onto and select the empty field marked with a a kind of property by clicking onto . The property options are set up via FUNCTIONS TYPE PROPERTY SETUP (see description below). Sub types are assigned to the current type by clicking onto . This will open the Select Type dialog, e.g. the sub type shall exist to be assigned to the current type. Channels for the current type are defined by clicking onto within the bottom of the dialog (see description below).

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-157

Channel principle:

The CADdy++ channel tool is a multi functional tool. The primary purpose is to keep track of the utilization for each component in the different kind of documents where it is represented. The channel tool is initialized by selecting a specific type from the Type Database (this chapter). The tool will then take over control of numbers of contacts, inserting contact mirror's allocating correct symbols within each kind of documentation etc.


The channel tool are 100% relating on the information defined by the user within the Type Database. Make sure that the definition for each type is correct to make

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the Type Database. Make sure that the definition for each type is correct to make the channel tool work properly. NOTE 2: The sequence of channels within any type is of no importance. For example the coil of a relay coil may be defined as Channel 4, while contacts may be Channel 1, 2, 3 etc.

Quick Guide - Define channels Within the Property part of the dialog, a separate line is used to define separate channels for the active type, which are always marked with a . 1.) Activate the command by clicking onto at [Channels]. The following dialog appears:

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear).


Modify (or delete) any existing record marked with a is displayed.

or add a new record where the


Select the type ID Circuit diagrams for the current type by activating the field and click onto the . Type the connection text(s), separated by a "," for example "11,12". Symbol Circuit diagrams: Pick a symbol representative within the circuit diagrams by clicking onto . The symbol selector will appear, listing the symbol databases which are

3.) 4.)

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CADdy Commands E-159

available. Find an appropriate symbol by exploring the databases. Click OK to select the symbol. 5.) 6.) CADdy++ will automatically fill in the "ID Circuit diagrams" based upon information from the selected symbol in step 4.) Reference Symbol Circuit diagrams: Pick a symbol for reference purposes within the circuit diagrams by clicking onto . The symbol selector will appear, listing the symbol databases which are available. Find an appropriate symbol by exploring the databases. 'Mirror contacts' are stored within the 'Types' database. Click OK to select the symbol. If desired: Repeat step 4.) re. symbol representation within installation drawings and / or cabinet representation. To make full control of connection points, ANY symbol attached shall have electrical connection points included. A main contact (for example the breaker within a contactor) shall be defined as one channel opposite the technique in CADdy Classic. For example the main contacts can have the terminals 'U1,V1,W1,U2,V2,W2' (all written in one line as one channel).




Type Property Setup By selecting FUNCTION - TYPE PROPERTY SETUP the property dialog appears. Below a separate description of each option are given. (NOTE: Various contents within the dialog(s) box may appear). In the Property filed, an internal CADdy++ number are given. If the text within the fields appears in red, it can not be changed. If the text appears in black (e.g. if you add a property yourself), the text is changeable. You may add properties yourself at the end of list, at the record are marked with a . In the Description field, a descriptive text can be inserted. Please note, that most of the existing texts within CADdy++ ET are in line with the German ECAD exchange format for type databases. Selecting Show will enable the property to be shown in the main dialog, when adding new properties to a type.

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Selecting Default will automatically feed the selected property to the class of properties attached when new types are created in the Type Database.

Import from MS Excel spread page By selecting IMPORT - IMPORT FROM EXCEL the import dialog appears. Below a separate description of each option are given. NOTE: Microsoft Excel shall be installed on your computer to enable this feature in CADdy++.

(NOTE: Various contents within the following dialog(s) box may appear). Select the actual page to import from.

This part of the dialog indicates which column from Excel should be imported to dedicated standard columns in the typedatabase.

In this section, other data fields may be linked with optional columns in the spreadpage. The selection of fields in the typedatabase can be selected by clicking onto . Various fields in the database matches the ECAD norm.

Former settings can be loaded by clicking onto "Load settings" ( d * t f)

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(saved as *.tpf) Actual settings can be saved by clicking onto "Save settings" (*.tpf).

Import from ECAD norm By selecting IMPORT - IMPORT FROM ECAD NORM the import ECAD dialog appears. Quick Guide: 1.) State the ECAD filename (*.vgr) and assign a supplier name. 2.) Press "Import" to import from the ECAD file.

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog(s) box may appear).

Update Type Information


economy: Each type in the Type Database contains multiple information. When a specific type in the database are selected (and linked to a component), all information are transferred from the database to the workspace itself. Hereby all relevant information are included in the workspace, so this can be distributed as a unit. However, types in the database are occasionally updated. This command updates all data from the database to types used within the active workspace.

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Change Norm page


professional: This command is used for changing the drawing page (normpage) on every page within the workspace.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the function. 2.) A dialog appears. Select a new template from a range of templates, and click OK. 3.) The drawing page are automatically changed in all pages in the workspace. CAUTION: Its not possible to undo this command.

Pick List

professional: This command is used for tracking components on the desired kind of document. The pick list is a global function, which works on any kind of document (circuit diagram, installation plan, cabinet lay-out etc.) within CADdy++. The basic function is to feed the user with components which exists in the database, but not on the actual kind of document. Example: Assuming the document kind is a cabinet lay-out, the pick list will show all components which are inserted in the circuit diagrams etc., but not in the cabinet layout, and vice versa.

NOTE 1: If the pick list is empty, it's because all components (objects) already exists on the actual kind of document! The basis for CADdy++ ET to insert symbols on for example the cabinet layout is, that the selected type of each object contains symbols of various kinds, to be inserted on the desired kind of document. This must be indicated in the Type


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CADdy Commands E-163

Database to ensure correct functionality.

Quick Guide: 1.) Be sure to pick the right kind of document (for example this kind of document before activating the command. 2.) Select the command from the menu or by clicking onto the icon. 3.) The following dialog appears: ) and open a page within

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear). 4.) If desired, set various filters on the present information by pointing at any field, and click onto the right mouse button. See a detailed description in Viewing a DB list in chapter G. 5.) If desired, extra types may be added to the list from the Type Database (see page E-155) by clicking onto "Add component from type library". 6.) Select the objects to be inserted on the page by pointing at each item. Press and hold the [SHIFT] key adds groups of components in sequence, while press and hold the [CTRL] key picks various objects (basic Windows commands). 7.) If desired, state the position and distance for the selected components to be inserted on the page.

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8.) Click onto "Load". 9.) State the starting point for inserting the objects, and continue this operation until all selected objects are inserted. NOTE: If CADdy++ reports "Symbol xxxx not found in symbol folder yyyyy in symbol database." while inserting objects, this may be because of incorrect or missing type in the selected object.

Add database component


professional: If you are familiar with the exact type of the component that you want to insert on the circuit diagram, you may use this command to select the component. When selected, this command will provide you with the specific graphic representation and prevent you for using wrong graphics or insert duplicate contacts.

NOTE 1: It is essential that types are defined with channels within the typedatabase to make the full benefit from this tool. Any component with a attached with a specific type will be displayed according to the information set within the type database. For example, contact numbers of a relay will at any time overrule any attempt to insert contact numbers manually.


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CADdy Commands E-165

Quick Guide 1.) Select the command. The following dialog appears:

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear). 2a.) or 2b.) Type a name that you are looking for at "Filter:" and press [ENTER] or click onto to look up strokes. You may type whole names or parts of it to look items up. Type "*" to look up all types. The result(s) is listed in the middle of the dialog. By default, CADdy++ will search for items among all suppliers. By typing a name and in addition click on (e.g. expand) "Suppliers", the search will be limited to the selected supplier. The search expression is displayed as you navigate, for example searching for "lamp" within supplier "Demo" will result in the following string: Click onto to expand the desired folders and select type(s) by double-clicking on the desired items.

. Click [Reset] to reset the search expression. 3.) If desired, click the right mouse button to set one or more filters on the search results.

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If desired, click [Properties] to display the properties of the selected type. Contents of the properties dialog are controlled via [Settings], whereas any information from the type database can be switched on and off. Double click on a desired type to select it. The selected type are displayed within the right area of the dialog. Click onto OK. The Channel Selector appears. Pick the desired symbol to insert on the drawing by clicking the left mouse button. Insert the symbol on the drawing, and name the symbol.

5.) 6.) 7.) 8.)

The selected symbol are redrawn from the list of unused channels within the specific type. This prevents you from multiple use of specific contacts within objects which has the same reference designation.

NOTE 3: The sequence of inserting symbols related to a specific object are of no importance. For example you may select a contact from a relay coil first, and give the contact a name (for example -K5). Later on you may insert the symbol for the relay coil itself and add this to the reference designation -K5 and so on.

Read more about: Complete database component on page E-167. Symbol Dialog in chapter J.

Complete database component


professional: This command is used to proceed inserting symbol(s) when a specific type are selected via the Add database component (see page E-165) command.

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CADdy Commands E-167

Quick Guide 1.) 2.) Make sure that at least one symbol representation are present within the project. The symbol shall have a reference designation (e.g. a name) to be identified. Select the command. The following dialog appears:

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear). 3.) 4.) Select among present components to complete by typing keystrokes within the [Filter] (optional). Double click onto on a name to select it. The Channel selector appears:


Click onto the desired symbol to pick it.

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Insert the symbol on the drawing.

NOTE: When the symbol is inserted on the drawing it will not longer be available for inserting via this command, since it is already used. If you delete the symbol from the drawing, it will be available again via this command.

Functions - Circuit Diagrams

Following are descriptions of the commands found by selecting FUNCTION from the menu, exclusively when Circuit Diagrams are constructed.

Wire Numbering

economy: The identification of wires is required when constructing machines in accordance with EN 60204-1 clause 14.7. CADdy++ ET conforms with this norm. This command numbers or renumbers all wires within the active workspace. professional: Select between two different ways to enable numbering: See Quick Guide Basic Wire Numbering or Quick Guide Signal Numbering below.

Use the function Clear Numbering (see page E-175) to remove all wire numbers from the active workspace.

CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-169

Quick Guide Basic Wire Numbering: 1.) 2.) Select the command. The following dialog appears:

3.) 4.)

Select the method (Logic, Format) for numbering by clicking below). Click [RENUMBER]

(see description

CAUTION: Its not possible to undo this command.

Wire Logic Potential numbering

E-170 CADdy Commands

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The logic potential numbering will provide any wire with the same electrical potential to be equal numbered. Other wires with the same potential (see example below) gets the same equal number. High-risk circuits may need a fail-safe way of identifying each wire with a unique number. If so, use the logic wire numbering instead.

Example potential numbering (consecutive numbers):

Wire Logic: Wire numbering The logic wire numbering provides a fail-safe way of identifying wires, by giving each wire a unique number. This is especially intended for high-risk circuits.

Example wire numbering, consecutive:

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CADdy Commands E-171

Wire Logic: Number wires between different Function/Location The logic Number wires between different Function/Location will enable CADdy++ to insert a wire number on any wire between two symbols where either function (=) or location (+) is different between these. Usually, a difference indicates that such a the wire is a cable, but this option allows CADdy++ to insert a wire number anyway.

Format potential numbers The format potential numbers makes the user define the start number as well as the step value. Selecting at Use potential names as wire numbers makes CADdy++ ET use the potential name as a designation on the wire.

Format wire numbers The format wire numbers provides various opportunities for numbering wires. The start number and step value for "Number" are set individual. Number Page/Number 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. Numbers will be individual on all pages. [Page].[Number]. The separator, start number and step value can be set as desired. Example: "23.5": Page 23, wire number 5.

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Page/Path/Number on page

[Page].[Path].[Number on page]. The separator, start number and step value can be set as desired. Example: "23.2.5": Page 23, path 2, wire number 5.

Page/Path/Number in path

[Page].[Path].[Number in path]. The separator, start number and step value can be set as desired. Example: "23.2.1": Page 23, path 2, wire number 1 in path 2.

means that numbers is increased as indicated in the field start number and step value.

Separator You may choose any separator for use between page (path) and number from the pick list.

Range: Renumber all wires and The renumber all wires means that all wires in every page will be (re)numbered with the selected style and format. You may select all wires (including locked wires) or non-locked wires. NOTE: Wires are locked by double-clicking on it, and set the field [Lock wire] .

You can edit any wire number by double-clicking on it. If the line represents more than one wire (e.g. has two numbers on it), the dialog box will appear in sequence. By default CADdy++ sets the wire number to "@", which means that the wire has no number (no designation). This applies to all wires until the wire numbering command has been used once. The "@" is not transferred to any lists.

Quick Guide Signal Numbering:

professional: is set within Properties If Signal handling of wires is active e.g. the Circuit Diagrams on page E-30, another dialog appears for customizing the wire logic:

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CADdy Commands E-173

1.) 2.) 3.) 4.)

Select the desired signal(s) to number by clicking the pull-down menu [Signal(s)]. Select "All signals" to number all present signals. Select to generate (insert) or delete number on the selected signals as desired. If desired: Select additional numbers to include (Non-locked wires and/or locked wires). Click [OK] to execute the command.

Example: The following example illustrates two connections, -K1:12 to P1:1 and K2:1 to P1:1. Wires are assigned with:

Wire numbers (in BLUE text, marked with a

) as well as

Signal designations (in GREEN text, marked with a


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The wire numbering starts from "1" in steps of "1". The signal designation is "CON", start numbering from "50", divided by separator "." The example illustrates, that two wires may have individual wire numbers (respectively "1" and "2") as well as a common signal designation "CON.50". Both wires carries the same signal, in this case an electrical potential.

Clear Numbering

economy: This command clears all wire numbers in the active workspace. professional: To clear signal numbers as well as wire numbers, use the Wire Numbering (see page E-169) command, and select the option "Delete numbers on signal(s)".

CAUTION: Its not possible to undo this command.

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CADdy Commands E-175

Clear selected

economy: This command clears selected wire number(s) in the active workspace. CAUTION: Its not possible to undo this command.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select the wires for which the numbers should be deleted. By pressing SHIFT while selecting wires, you can add or remove as many wires to the selection as desired. 2.) Select the command. The selected wire-numbers are deleted.

Wire Direction

economy: This command toggles the direction of a junction point. CADdy++ ET always works with wire direction in the background, even though its not shown on the drawing. This ensures, that you are able to decide in what direction the wire must go, if this is of importance. The properties for wires are set up in the dialog for Properties - Circuit Diagrams on page E-30. The wire direction takes effect in the List of Wires.

Quick Guide: 1.) Select this command. The direction of all wires appears. 2.) Point exactly at the connection point to change (toggle) the direction. CADdy++ ET only suggests the legal directions. 3.) Quit the command by clicking the right mouse button.

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NOTE: Example 1

There are 8 possible directions.

Direction: From down to right. Example 2

Direction: From up to right. Example 3

Direction: From down to left.

Wire Properties

economy: This command enables you to add properties to each wire separately. The wire properties take effect in the List of Wires (see chapter F).

Quick Guide: 1.) Select this command. A appears.


You can double-click on a wire to activate this command. In this case, go to step 3.). You can assign properties for more than one wire be selecting (highlight) and double-click on the drawing. The properties within the dialog will be assigned to all selected wires when clicking [OK].


With the present, identify the wire to which you wish to add properties, and click the left mouse button.

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CADdy Commands E-177


Select all wires by pressing CTRL+A. Double-click anywhere on the drawing to open the wire dialog.


The following dialog box appears:

You may fill in the different properties as desired. By marking at the Wire-number, you can make it visible on the drawing if desired. ++ Default CADdy sets the wire number to "@", which means that the wire has no number (no designation). This applies to all wires until the Wire Numbering (see page E-169) command has been used once. The "@" is not transferred to any lists. To fix any wire number, type in the value in "Wire-number" and set the field [Lock wire] to . Signal designation may be assigned to a wire. Please see Properties - Circuit Diagrams on page E-30 for further details.

4.) 5.)

Click onto [OK] to assign the values to the wire(s). Quit the command by clicking the right mouse button.

HINT 4: HINT 5: Colour Codes shall be in accordance with IEC 60757. You can manipulate multiple information about wires in the database. See Wire Editor in chapter G.

E-178 CADdy Commands

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Swap Connection

This command enables you to swap connections on symbol(s). Any terminal within a terminal row on a circuit diagram has two connections: "Up" and "Down". CADdy++ determines this as connection point 0 and connection point 1:

It is possible to swap "up" with "down" e.g. connection point 0 with connection point 1 as desired. This is practical, since there are no specific rules for drawing "up" and "down" (or "inside" versus "outside") in a circuit diagram. Swap connection takes effect in the List of Wires (chapter F) and the Terminal Matrix (chapter F).

Quick Guide: 1.) To determine connection point 0, activate the command Show Connection Points (see page E-89). Connection point 0 are identified as the black dot:

2.) 3.) 4.)

Select (see page E-69) the symbol(s) on which terminals are to be swapped. Activate this command. Connection point 0 are swapped with connection point 1 on the selected symbol(s):

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CADdy Commands E-179

Example: Two terminals (-X11:1 and X11:2) are connected to a pushbutton (-S1:3 and S1:4) "outside" (+A4) the switchboard. Since the terminals and the pushbutton are drawn in the same path, it is necessary to swap the terminal points on the terminal below the pushbutton:

Redefine Target(s) on Terminal(s)


This command enables you to redefine connections on terminals e.g. define if the connection is internal or external and reset this selection if necessary. Whereas the command Swap Connection (see page E-181) changes the orientation of connections permanent, this command only change the orientation by manipulating the information within the project database, and an therefore provides a more comprehensive reset.

Quick Guide: 1.) 2.) Select the terminal(s) you wish to manipulate. Press SHIFT while selecting to select more than one terminal. The following dialog appears, initialized with the first terminal:

E-180 CADdy Commands

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(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear). 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) Swap the connection between internal or external by clicking the desired. Change the sorting order by changing the value in column Sort. If desired: Reset the sorting value by clicking the [Set default value: Sort] button. If desired: Reset the internal / external value by clicking the [Set default value: External] button. Click onto [OK] to continue to the next selected terminal (if any). at Extern as

NOTE: Multi stock terminals (terminals in more than one layer) is displayed in one sequence.

Update Connection Number



CADdy++ Electrical Engineering

CADdy Commands E-181

This command enables you to toggle the sequence of the connection numbers on any contacts. In the Type Database (see page E-155), the sequence of the numbers on contacts is given via a separator ;. If the number sequence on the graphical symbol doesnt fit the database, this function is used to re-define them. The correction only takes effect on the actual symbol in the drawing. If the sequence must be kept, the symbol must be saved again in the symbol-library .

Example: 1.) When taking-over the numbers from the database, the sequence of the numbers are wrong, since the COMMON, NO and NC numbers are switched:

2.) Double-click on the symbol, to activate the dialog box:

3.) Type the correct sequence of the connection texts, e.g.:

IMPORTANT: The first connection MUST begin with zero (0). 4.) Click OK. The contact numbers are changed:

5.) Select the symbol (highlighted in red), and activate this function (FUNCTIONS UPDATE CONNECTION NUMBER FROM CONNECTIONTEXT). When the numbers are wiped out, the sequence is changed: 6.) Re-link the symbol to the coil, by double-clicking on the symbol, and add a name (e.g. 1K1) in the dialog box. Click OK.

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name (e.g. 1K1) in the dialog box. Click OK. 7.) The sequence is changed now:


professional: This command enables you to generate diagrams automatically from a MS Excel spread page or a MS Access Database. Subsequently this manual only describes the spread page as an example, however the same functionality can be carried out via the database. The function AUTODIAGRAM almost eliminates the manual construction of diagrams. Before this can be executed, careful planning must be carried out, and a consequent use of modules is assumed. This function operates by having a symbol library with a number of modules, showing the electrical circuits etc. which are to be used in the documentation. Text reservations within the modules could include a code ( ), which makes AUTODIAGRAM to insert texts from the spread page instead. The modules shall include a begin point and an end point, before they are stored in the library. Via a MS Excel spread page the formula for which modules are to be picked from the library and stored in a new workspace are given. Besides the modules, various new texts (referring to code " " in the modules), page breaks etc. can be stated in the spread page as a part of the formula. A batch job is stated in the spread page, and carried out via the AUTODIAGRAM function. Subsequently two steps in AUTODIAGRAMMING are described: Step one describes the basic tasks there must be done before the function can be activated, while step two describes the daily routine using the function.

STEP ONE- Basics - Quick Guide: 1.) Define the necessary basic drawing frame(s), which are to be used within the workspaces. Read more about drawing frames in the chapter Templates (chapter K).

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2.) Investigate, plan and define the necessary number of various modules, which are required for your specific documentation.

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Example - module with a circuit breaker and a contactor:

The module shall as a minimum include two text reservations: begin-point and end-point (shown above with a "B" (Begin) and a "E" (End)). The co-ordinates (X,Y) of each text indicates the beginning respectively the end of the module. The begin-point and end-point are two texts with the text attribute "Symbol Start Marker" and "Symbol End Marker". Pay close attention for the location of (X,Y) for each text. In addition to this, the modules can contain symbols, texts, electrical connections etc. Provided that texts with a " " are inserted, AUTODIAGRAMMING can automatically change these texts with texts from the spread page. As an example of this feature, the texts " D" ... " S" are shown in the example above, whereas the connections on the contactor (connection 1 ... 6) are permanent, and cannot be changed automatically. NOTE: No special attributes are required for texts including a " ". The text only need the attribute required as for ordinary use. E.g. a "normal text", which are to be filled automatically, shall have the attribute "Normal", a text reservation carrying the type of a component shall have the attribute "Type" etc..

3.) When the modules are created, they must be stored in a dedicated library and in a dedicated

folder. For example "Autodiagrams" in the folder "My modules": 4.) When modules are stored, this can be done with or without activating the function Group Selected (see page E-79). If symbols are stored without grouping selected, then editing each item within the group will be possible without using Ungroup Selected (see page E-83) first. 5.) Create a MS Excel spreadpage, which at least contains the following information:
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Workspace-information: A page containing the information usually given in Workspace Information. This page contains general information such as the name of customer, job no. etc. Page-information: A page containing the information usually given in Page Information. This page contains information like date, contents of each page etc. The text(s) are inserted uniform on each page. Module overview: A page containing an overview over all available modules and related data. Alias: A page containing alias names. An alias makes it possible to use a more descriptive name within each texts ( ) inside each module. Formula: A page containing the specific formula of which modules from the module overview c.) to be used when activating the function "Autodiagram".


c.) d.) e.)

It is possible to insert more pages in the spreadpage, for example extra information of each module, calculations etc., but this has no influence on the way that "Autodiagram" works. HINT 1: It is possible to use optional names for each page!

6.) Start CADdy++ and select the function "Autodiagram". 7.) Fill in the dialog "Autodiagram" as follows: Workspace data range determines the page within the spreadpage, which contains basic information for the workspace (see clause 5a. above). It is necessary to obtain information about the different Text ID's which can be seen in the chapter graphical lists (Chapter F).

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear).

I the example above, the information are located in the page "Workspaceinform" from column A1 to column N4. Text ID are located in row A, and related texts in column C.

Page data range determines the page within the spreadpage, which contains the information for each page that are generated with the function (see clause 5b. above). It is necessary to obtain information about the different Text ID's which can be seen in the chapter graphical lists (Chapter F).
(NOTE: Various

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contents within the dialog may appear).

In the example above, the information are located in the page "Pageinformat" from column A5 to column N7. Text ID are located in row A and related texts in row D.

Symbol data range determines the page within the spreadpage, which contains information about the composition of the workspace (see clause 5e. above). The page contains the "recipe" of the workspace e.g. name on modules to be used, texts to be inserted etc.

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear).

In the example above, the information are located in the page "Symboldata" from column A1 to column AA50. The symbol name (module name) shall be located in column B, the name of the normpage shall be in column C, and possible page break or similar codes in column L. If the name of the normpage linked to specific modules are identical (in sequence), the Autodiagram function will feed the modules on the same page until it's full. A new page are will be inserted, if the name of the normpage are different from the previous module. Code "S" inserted in column (L) in the spreadpage, will cause an automatic page break after the module are inserted.

Alias data range, if used determines the page within the spreadpage which contains information about alias (see clause 5d. above). An alias offers the opportunity for more flexibility when inserting " " texts in the modules.

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear).

In the example above, the information about alias shall be found in the page "Alias-setup" from column A1 to column B10. The Aliasname (indicated without " ") shall be found in column A, while the actual

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name shall be found in column B. Example: Alias " MY ALIAS" are typed in as "MY ALIAS" in column A, and translated in column B to "F", which is the real column F in the page used for symbol data range (see above). If alias not are used in the workspace, or if a name of an alias can't be located in the table, then CADdy++ will see a " " as a direct address to a column. As an example " D" is a direct address to seek in column D, while for example " MY ALIAS" first must be translated via the list of alias to column "F". CADdy++ will always seek any " " texts up in the list of alias, before addressing directly. This means, that it is possible to "translate" column " D" to column Z, by inserting "D" as an alias in the list of alias.

Symbol database / folder determines in which database and in which folder the modules must be loaded from.
(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear).

In the example above, the database is "Autodiagrams" and the folder is "My Modules". NOTE: It's only possible to use one folder in one database for each job.

Source file name determines which source file to be used for a given job.
(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear).

Position for symbols determines start point (X,Y) for the first module. Max X determines maximum allowed X co-ordinate for the last inserted module. If the size of the last module exceeds the Max X value, CADdy++ will automatically swap to a new page (page break).

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(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear).

I the example above, the first module are inserted in co-ordinate (X,Y) = (50,250). The next modules begin-point are inserted in the previous modules end-point etc. until the end-point of a module are greater than the Max X value. Subsequently a new page are inserted, and the process begins again, until all modules stated in the formula (in the spreadpage) are inserted into the workspace.

Start page determines the page number from where the job shall begin with.
(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear).

This enables more jobs to be run in the same workspace. For example, the first job could begin on page 1, the next one on page 301 etc.

8.) Click onto "Create Diagrams" when the dialog are filled. Ignore eventual error-messages stating that the start page shall be = 1000 (see step 2 below). NOTE: The contents of the dialog "Autodiagram" are stored in the Windows Registry Editor when "Create Diagrams" are activated. It is possible to export these data.

STEP TWO- Using the function - Quick Guide: 1.) It is a condition, that all jobs in Step One (above) must be completed before going to this step two. 2.) Fill in the spread page with the modules to be used in the actual job. 3.) Start CADdy++ and create page 1000. 4.) Open page 1000 (if any other page is opened, the function can't be activated). 5.) Select the function "Autodiagram" in CADdy++. 6.) State eventually a new "Start page". 7.) Click onto "Create Diagrams". 8.) The diagrams are now automatically created. CADdy++ indicates "Working on page: nnn" in the lower window. When the job is done, the information "Diagrams Created!" are displayed in the lower window.

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9.) Repeat step 5 - 8 if desired.

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Additional Tools
This section describes tools, which it not directly located in any menu or icon. These tools are very practical and will improve your performance with CADdy++.


economy: This command enables you to jump easily to the page of the selected cross-reference.

Quick Guide: 1.) Pick a cross-reference on any relay, contact, potential etc. 2.) Double-click the "page.path" reference to jump to the actual page. NOTE: If nothing happens, it's probably because you're already on the actual page!

Select Component in Group


When inserting groups (e.g. a collection of symbols including wires, stored in the symboldatabase), the symbols included in the group are treated as one object. If you don't want to Ungroup Selected (see page E-83) to modify the group, you can use this command instead.

Quick Guide: 1.) Pick or insert any group on any page. 2.) Press and hold [SHIFT] and [CTRL] down while selecting objects (components) within the group by clicking the left mouse button. 3.) The selected objects will highlight in red.

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4.) Move, Copy or Erase Selected elements as desired.

Construction / Modification via Keyboard


Usually lines, circles, arcs etc. are constructed directly in a selected grid by clicking onto the left mouse button. However, this is only useful when constructing diagrams, since the contents often are related to a certain grid. When more accuracy are required, for example when constructing small symbols or items with many details, the cursor mode are often insufficient. This command enables you to use the keyboard for exact input in co-ordinates, angles, lengths etc. on-the-fly. The following description covers EDIT functions like Move Selected, Rotate Selected, Scale Selected, Mirror Selected, and DRAW functions like Line, Rectangle, Ellipse, Circle, Arc and Polygon Area.

Quick Guide: 1.) Pick the EDIT- or DRAW-function you want to use (see above). 2a.) When stating the first point (starting point, centre etc.) press onto the left mouse button for construction or modification via the cursor only OR 2b.) Press the [SPACEBAR] for exact construction or modification via the keyboard, by filling in the fields in the dialog which appears. 3.) Repeat step 2a or 2b as you please. This means, that the first step can be stated via exact co-ordinates, and the next step via the mouse only - or vice versa or both!

Example: The following example illustrates the constructing of a Circle: First step gets through with the cursor only, while the next step gets through input via the keyboard. 1.) Pick the drawing function Circle (click onto ). The cursor-cross appears.

2.) Click onto the left mouse button anywhere to state the center of the circle: 3.) When moving the mouse, the diameter of the circle increases:

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However, this diameter (10,0 mm) is not precise enough. A diameter of 9,25 mm are desired. 4.) Press the [SPACEBAR]. The following dialog appears:

(NOTE: Various contents within the dialog may appear). 5.) Click onto the field "R" (Radius) and type "9.25": 6.) Press OK. 7.) A circle with the exact diameter of 9,25 mm now appears on the drawing:

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Zoom Dynamic

By press and hold [CTRL] while scrolling the wheel on the mouse (if present) it is possible to zoom dynamically.

Quick Guide: 1.) Place the cursor in the center position of the desired zoom. 2.) Press and hold [CTRL] and gently push the mouse wheel to zoom in or out. The zoom will center around the arrow. 3.) Reset the zoom to original size by selecting Zoom Original (see page E-87).

Pan Drawing

By using the wheel on the mouse (if present) it is possible to pan within the selected area of a zoom.

Quick Guide: 1.) Make a zoom on the drawing. Use command Zoom Window or Zoom Dynamic.

2.) Pan the drawing by clicking onto the wheel mouse and move the cursor. A to show the orientation of the selected move. 3.) Reset the zoom to original size by selecting Zoom Original (see page E-87).


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