B1 French

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Gateway B1+ Student's Book Wordlist French

Unit 1
bald (adj) blonde (adj) * curly (adj) dark (adj) *** fair (adj) *** good-looking (adj) handsome (adj) ** long (adj) *** medium-height (adj) overweight (adj) plain (adj) * pretty (adj) * short (adj) *** straight (adj) ** tall (adj) *** thin (adj) *** ugly (adj) * well-built (adj)

arrogant (adj) bossy (adj) cheerful (adj) clever (adj) ** friendly (adj) ** funny (adj) *** hard-working (adj) * impatient (adj) * lazy (adj) * nice (adj) *** patient (adj) ** quiet (adj) *** reliable (adj) * selfish (adj) serious (adj) *** shy (adj) * talkative (adj) tidy (adj) *

unfriendly (adj) untidy (adj)

Synonyms and partial synonyms

attractive (adj) ** beautiful (adj) *** bright (adj) *** difficult (adj) *** elderly (adj) ** fat (adj) ** glad (adj) ** happy (adj) *** hard (adj) *** intelligent (adj) ** old (adj) *** outgoing (adj) skinny (adj) slim (adj) ** sociable (adj)

Other words and phrases

active (adj) *** actually (adv) *** annoy (v) apart from (prep) appointment (n) *** attach (v) * avatar (n) barbarian (n) barrier (n) * believe (v) *** bowler hat (n) break down (=destroy) (v) breathe (v) ** care about (v) chips (n) clear (adj) *** clutch (v) coast (n) *** cold (adj) *** confident (adj) *** count on (v)

curry (n) decade (n) *** delicious (adj) * deny (v) *** descent (n) dish (=e.g. a Spanish dish) (n) ** downstairs (n, adv) dressing gown (n) face (n) *** fast food (n) * feel (v) *** frightening (adj) * great (adj) *** guess (v) ** handkerchief (n) hope (v) *** horrible (adj) * housework (n) hungry (adj) * icon (n) interested in (adj) interrupt (v) * item (of clothing) (n) *** kind (adj) * lifestyle (n) look (v) *** look like (somebody) (v) loud (adj) ** luxury (n) mad about (v) married (adj) *** mix (n) move (move house) (v) *** muscular dystrophy (n) nowadays (adv) ** occasionally (adv) ** opposite (=black is the opposite of white) (n) own (v) *** portrait (n) * product (n) *** quality (n) ***

representation (n) roast beef (n) sell (v) *** show (v) *** side (=aspect) (n) *** smart (=elegant) (adj) * smell (v) * snore (v) soft (adj) *** soldier (n) ** sort (=type) (n) *** sound (v) *** sound like (v) spectacular (adj) status symbol (n) struggle (v) * taste (v) ** thoughtlessly (adv) tie (n) * trainers (n) treat (v) *** turn (n) *** ultimate (adj) umbrella (n) vote (v) *** warm (adj) *** wet (adj) *** whether (conj) *** wife (n) ***

Unit 2
Travel and transport
arrivals (n) cancel (v) catch (v) *** coach (n) * delay (n) ** departures (n) fare (n) ferry (n)

hot-air balloon (n) lorry (n) luggage (n) miss (v) *** motorbike (n) platform (n) * return (n) *** rocket (n) single (n) spaceship (n) ticket office (n) van (n) * yacht (n)

bed and breakfast (n) campsite (n) caravan (n) hotel (n) *** motel (n) tent (n) youth hostel (n)

Phrasal verbs connected with travel

break down (v) check in (v) get away (v) get in (v) get into/out of (v) get on/off (v) set off (v) take off (v)

Other words and phrases

accident (n) *** against (prep) *** alternative (n) ** at least (phrase) bill (n) *** bridge (n) ** cash (n) *** challenge (n) ** choice (n) ***

choose (v) *** connection (=travel connection) (n) *** credit card (n) ** current (n) deserted (adj) destination (n) * drop (v) *** emperor (n) end up (v) engine (n) *** entertainment (n) ** exaggerate (v) * exceptionally (adv) exhausting (adj) expedition (n) experience (n) *** first class (adj) * fortunate (adj) gold (n) ** ground (n) *** grow up (v) gun (n) *** hard (=difficult) (adj) *** huge (adj) *** hurricane (n) iceberg (n) immediately (adv) *** inland (adv) * instead (adv) *** kayak (n) keep doing (something) (v) knock somebody out (v) lie (n) ** luckily (adv) means (of transport) (n) *** monsoon (n) occasion (n) *** on top of (adj) packet (n) * pass (=an exam) (v) *** pedalo (n)

pedal-powered (adj) pepper (n) pick up (v) postal service (n) pour in (v) pull (v) *** push (v) *** realise (v) *** replace (v) *** rescue (v) * Rollerblade (n) scared (adj) * screen (n) ** set fire to (v) single-handed (adj) smoke (n) ** solo (adj) space (=room to move) (n) *** standard (for ticket/fare) (adj) *** station (n) *** steal, stole (v) ** storm (n) ** strength (n) *** suddenly (adv) *** suit (=costume, uniform survival suit) (n) ** terrifying (adj) thrill (n) throw, threw (v) *** trip (n) ** typhoon (n) unicorn (n) unlock (v) vehicle (n) *** wave (=sea) (n) ** wish (v) ***

Gateway to exams, Units 12

attach (v) * book (v) * channel (n) **

cheap (adj) *** collect (v) *** form (a paper you fill in) (n) *** in advance (phrase) involve (v) *** major (adj) *** route (n) ** ruin (v) scenic (adj) Underground (n) *

Unit 3
Cities and houses
block of flats (n) bungalow (n) city centre (n) cottage (n) * detached house (n) factory (n) *** flat (n) ** inner city (n) * port (n) ** semi-detached house (n) skyscraper (n) square (n) *** suburbs (n) terraced house (n) town hall (n)

Adjectives describing cities

busy (adj) *** crowded (adj) * dirty (adj) *** historic (adj) lively (adj) noisy (adj) *

Extreme adjectives
ancient (adj) ** boiling (adj) dreadful (adj) enormous (adj) **

filthy (adj) freezing (adj) packed (adj) silent (adj) ** stunning (adj) tiny (adj) **

Other words and phrases

aim (n) *** attract (v) ** attraction (=place to visit) (n) benefit from (v) board (transport) (v) bunch up (v) canal (n) capsule (n) castle (n) ** commuter (n) contribute (v) *** convenience (n) countryside (n) ** customer (n) *** dock (n) due to (=time, due to arrive) (adj) *** entry (n) *** exhibition (n) ** fee (n) ** flight (n) *** grass (n) *** have a good time (v) hometown (n) hurt (v) *** insurance (n) *** land (v) ** leaflet (n) mile (n) *** nearby (adj, adv) or so (=more or less, 20 or so) (adv) orbit (n) paradise (n) path (n) *** pioneer (n)

price (n) *** property (n) *** pull down (v) race track (n) rent (v) * satellite (town) (n) * save (time and/or money) (v) *** sealed (adj) * shadow (n) ** sightseeing (n) sleeve (n) souvenir (n) stadium (n) stranger (n) * switch off (v) telephone box (n) theme park (n) track (v) unique (adj) * usage (n) valid (adj) * value (n) *** vanish (v) * village (n) *** wave (v) ** without (prep) ***

Unit 4
bakery products (n) bread (n) *** chewing gum (n) chicken (n) ** chips (n) ** corn (n) dairy products (n) dessert (n) * doughnut (n) fish (n) *** fruit (n) ***

main course (n) meat (n) *** oil (n) *** pea (n) pie (n) plum (n) seafood (n) semi-skimmed milk (n) snack (n) starter (n) strawberry (n) sweets (n) tuna (n) turkey (n) vegetables (n) ***

Describing food
fresh (adj) *** fried (adj) frozen (adj) * healthy (adj) ** junk (adj) * raw (adj) * spicy (adj) stale (adj) sweet (adj) ** tasty (adj) vegetarian (adj)

co-operate (v) disadvantage (n) * international (adj) *** misunderstand (v) overbook (v) overcooked (adj) precooked (adj) recooked (adj) redo (v) undercooked (adj) underestimate (v)

Other words and phrases

activate (v) astronaut (n) atmosphere (n) ** burn (v) *** canteen (n) century (n) *** ceremony (n) * channel (TV) (n) ** crop (n) * cure (n) * custom (n) ** department store (n) ** dry (adj) *** economic growth (n) election (n) *** fancy (=do you fancy coming?) (v) flavour (n) * harvest (n) illness (n) *** improve (v) *** innocent (adj) * manage (to do something) (v) *** matter (n) *** microwave (n) molecular (adj) multinational (adj) nanotechnology (n) nutrient (n) obese (adj) optimistic (adj) order (food) (v) *** oven (n) * parade (n) pessimistic (adj) pick (fruit) (v) *** present (gift) (n) *** preserved (adj) pumpkin (n) reception (n) * risk (n) *** role (n) ***

scale (n) *** share (v) *** stripe (n) substance (n) *** taste (n) *** tiny (adj) ** transmitter (n) transparent (adj) waiter (n) wedding (n) ** width (n)

Gateway to exams, Units 34

absurd (adj) alpine (adj) biotech (n) cancer (n) * fragile (adj) gene (n) genetic engineering (n) genetically-modified (adj) inhuman (adj) jumper (n) organic (adj) * organism (n) species (n) ** stick (v) *** underwear (n)

Unit 5
School and university subjects
art (n) *** biology (n) business studies (n) chemistry (n) drama (n) * engineering (n) * English (n) geography (n) history (n) ***

information and communication technology (ICT) (n) law (n) *** literature (n) ** maths (n) media studies (n) medicine (n) ** music (n) *** physical education (PE) (n) physics (n) * psychology (n) *

Words connected with school and university

certificate (n) ** cheat (v) * coursework (n) essay (n) * fail (v) *** grade (n) * mark (n) *** pass (v) *** resit (v) term (n) *** timetable (n)

Noun suffixes -er , -or , -ist , -ian , -ee

director (n) *** electrician (n) employee (n) ** employer (n) ** historian (n) instructor (n) journalist (n) ** lecturer (n) photographer (n) physicist (n) professor (n) * scientist (n) ** technician (n) trainee (n)

Other words and phrases

according to (prep) *** applicant (n)

application (n) ** assessment (n) ** attend (v) ** available (adj) ** average (adj) ** candidate (n) * career (n) ** childcare (n) choir (n) come up (=arise) (v) course (n) *** dedicated to (adj) disability (n) discrimination (n) * emphasis (n) ** evaluate (v) extracurricular activities (n) finances (n) foreground (n) freedom (n) *** graduation (n) grateful (adj) * hand in (v) health care (n) ID (n) independence (n) ** leader (n) *** lesson (n) *** look after (v) make-up (n) * Martian (n) maturity (n) moped (n) nervous (adj) ** nursery school (n) participate (v) previous (adj) *** primary school (n) * priority (adj) ** psychological (adj) * raise (=money) (v)

reasonable (adj) ** regulation (n) ** responsibility (n) *** scholarship (n) seat belt (n) secondary school (n) self-motivation (n) sensible (adj) * spare time (n) * speed limit (n) staff (n) *** stand on your own two feet (v) starting point (n) time management (n) unfair (adj) * uniform (n) ** visually impaired (adj)

Unit 6
Everyday inventions
camcorder (n) digital camera (n) dishwasher (n) DVD player (n) home cinema system (n) laptop (n) microwave oven (n) mobile phone (n) ** MP3 player (n) remote control (n) * satnav (n) vacuum cleaner (n) washing machine (n) *

Operating technology
charge/recharge (a battery) (v) connect (v) *** insert (v) plug in (v) press (a button) (v) *** select (a programme/a track/a function) (v) *

switch/turn on (v) switch/turn off (v)

Prepositional phrases with adjectives

afraid of (adj) aware of (adj) bored with (adj) different from (adj) good at (adj) interested in (adj) pleased with (adj) ready for (adj) responsible for (adj) similar to (adj) tired of (adj) worried about (adj)

Other words and phrases

acquire (v) addicted to (adj) amateur (n) antibiotics (n) argue (v) *** backwards (adv) ** bin (n) bowl (n) ** bug (=computer) (n) carpet (n) ** correction fluid/tape (n) cosmetics (n) crash (=of a computer) (v) * decorate (v) * dynamite (n) error (n) *** excrement (n) eyesight (n) file (=of a computer) (n) *** fingernail (n) fragrance (n) frown (v) get rid of (v) global warming (n)

gossip (n) guy (n) ** hairdressers (n) heavy (adj) *** impatiently (adv) input (n) journalist (n) ** launch (v) ** malfunction (n) messy (adj) miracle (n) never-ending (adj) nuclear reactor (n) oil tanker (n) operating system (n) * orbit (v) pigment (n) play (n) *** portable stereo (n) process (n) *** publish (v) *** rage (n) reckon (v) * reinstall (v) scientific (adj) ** service (v) shape (n) *** sore throat (n) swallow (v) * sword (n) take care of (v) X-ray machine (n)

Gateway to exams, Units 56

affairs (=global affairs) (n) bionics (n) blouse (n) bow tie (n) dark (adj) *** electrode (n)

explode (v) * firework (n) fit (=fit something to something else) (v) *** Geiger counter (n) gown (n) industrial (adj) *** mortarboard (n) nerve (n) * radioactivity (n) rebuild (v) signal (n) *** succeed (v) *** superhuman (adj) vibrant (adj)

Unit 7
athletics (n) basketball (n) boxing (n) diving (n) football (n) ** golf (n) * gymnastics (n) ice hockey (n) judo (n) sailing (n) skiing (n) snowboarding (n) swimming (n) * table tennis (n) volleyball (n) weightlifting (n)

Sports venues and equipment

boots (n) club (n) *** course (n) *** court (n) *** goal (n) *** goggles (n)

gym (n) net (n) ** pitch (n) * pool (n) ** racket (n) rink (n) skates (n) skis (n) slope (n) * track (n) *** trainers (n)

Phrasal verbs connected with sport

give in (v) go for (v) join in (v) knock out (v) take up (v) warm up (v) work out (v)

Other words and phrases

acting (n) amputate (v) artificial (adj) * baggy (adj) battle (n) ** bone (n) ** capture (v) ** championship (n) * civilisation (n) classify (v) clown (n) collapse (v) * congenital (adj) dehydration (n) eliminate (v) emotional (adj) ** enormous (adj) ** fit (adj) * glove (n) goalkeeper (n)

goaltender (n) guilty (adj) ** happy ending (n) heart (n) *** hilarious (adj) immense (adj) impact (n) *** incidentally (adv) injury (n) *** jockey (n) knee (n) *** label (n) ** love (=0 in tennis) (n) *** lucky mascot (n) main character (n) martial arts (n) massive (adj) * muscle (n) ** nickname (n) plain (=flat land) (n) play the role of (v) plot (n) * puck (n) referee (n) resistant (adj) ritual (n) round (=in a boxing match) (n) ** scene (n) *** screenplay (n) servant (n) serve (=in tennis) (v) *** slave (n) soundtrack (n) special effects (n) spectator (n) star (v) ** straight away (adv) superstition (n) surrender (v) synchronised swimming (n) teddy bear (n)

unconscious (adj) uninspiring (adj) visibility (n) visualise (v) wheelchair (n) whenever (conj) ** wonder (v) ***

Unit 8
Theatre, art, music
abstract painting (n) audience (n) *** cast (n) drawing (n) ** exhibition (n) ** gallery (n) gig (n) landscape (n) lighting (n) lyrics (n) masterpiece (n) orchestra (n) * performance (n) *** play (v) *** sculpture (n) (self-)portrait (n) * sketch (n) stage (n) *** still life (n) studio (n) **

actor (n) *** artist (n) ** composer (n) conductor (n) dancer (n) ** musician (n) * painter (n) performer (n) sculptor (n)

singer-songwriter (n)

Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed

amazed (adj) amazing (adj) * bored (adj) ** boring (adj) ** confused (adj) * confusing (adj) * disappointed (adj) * disappointing (adj) disgusted (adj) disgusting (adj) embarrassed (adj) embarrassing (adj) * excited (adj) ** exciting (adj) ** frightened (adj) * frightening (adj) * inspired (adj) inspiring (adj) interested (adj) *** interesting (adj) *** relaxed (adj) * relaxing (adj) surprised (adj) ** surprising (adj) ** tired (adj) *** tiring (adj) uninspired (adj) uninspiring (adj)

Other words and phrases

bagpipes (n) balcony (n) behave (v) ** Bodhran (n) bottomless (adj) brush (n) ** chieftain (n) coin (n) ** crack (n) *

creep, crept (v) deep (adj) *** delicate (adj) diameter (n) drum (n) * emerald (n) fiddle (=violin) (n) harp (n) installation (n) intricate (adj) isle (n) panic (v) pile (n) * record (n) *** record (v) *** renew (v) restore (v) ** rhythm (n) * rubbish (n) * scream (n) single (=just one) (adj) *** slogan (n) splendid (adj) stab (v) tap (n) * throw away (v) Uilleann pipes (n) valuable (adj) ** voice (n) *** waste (n) ** whisper (n) wide (adj) *** worth (=its worth X pounds) (adj) ***

Gateway to exams, Units 78

message (n) ***

Unit 9
capital city (n)

currency (n) ** flag (n) king (n) *** national anthem (n) president (n) *** prime minister (n) *** prince (n) princess (n) queen (n) ***

State and politics

constitutional monarchy (n) democracy (n) ** foreign affairs (n) general election (n) in the centre (adj) left-wing (adj) * member (n) *** minister (n) ** monarchy (n) political party (n) republic (n) * right-wing (adj) * run a country (v)

Adjective suffixes -er , -or , -ist , -ian , -ee

aristocratic (adj) careful (adj) *** careless (adj) * comfortable (ad) *** dangerous (adj) *** enjoyable (adj) famous (adj) *** helpful (adj) * helpless (adj) hungry (adj) * mysterious (adj) natural (adj) *** official (adj) *** sensible (adj) * terrible (adj) ** thirsty (adj) *

uncomfortable (adj) * useful (adj) *** useless (adj)

Other words and phrases

assassin (n) assassination (n) asteroid (n) bell (n) ** belong to (adj) bullet (n) * captor (n) caress (v) clockmaker (n) colonise (v) colony (n) commonwealth (n) conspiracy (n) constellation (n) convince (v) ** dare (v) ** descendant (n) elaborate (adj) empire (n) * equal (adj ) *** escape (v) ** evidence (n) *** evolve (v) fixed (adj) * force (n) *** friendship (n) * gain (v) *** govern (v) * gradually (adv) ** gravity (n) guard (n) ** head of state (n) hip (n) hire (v) * hit (v) *** human rights (n) * hunger (n)

imprison (v) in charge of (phrase) infant (n) influential (adj) insult (v) * lifeboat (n) mansion (n) mass (=land mass) (n) ** narrator (n) nightmare (n) nod (v) * operation (n) *** ornate (adj) passenger (n) ** pillar (n) power (n) *** powerful (adj) *** preserve (v) * principle (n) *** profitable (adj) relative (n) * roast (v) rule (v) ** rumour (n) scream (v) * senior (adj) * set (=a set of rules) (n) *** settle (v) *** shabby (adj) sign (=road sign) (n) *** sink, sank (v) ** stained (=of glass) (adj) strip (of tape) (n) * sway (v) tape (n) ** theory (n) ** torture (v) trade (n) *** trunk (=suitcase) (n) tuberculosis (n) twist (v) *

uncrowned (adj) union (n) ** unity (n)

Unit 10
bakery (n) bank (n) butchers (n) chemists (n) clothes shop (n) department store (n) ** electrical goods store (n) greengrocers (n) jewellers (n) music and DVD store (n) newsagents (n) post office (n) ** shoe shop (n) sports shop (n) stationery shop (n) supermarket (n) *

afford (v) *** bargain (n) cashier (n) changing room (n) checkout (n) credit card (n) ** debit card (n) discount (n) gift (n) ** queue (n) * receipt (n) * refund (n) shelf (n) ** trolley (n)

Collocations with money

borrow (v) ** donate (v)

earn (v) ** lend (v) *** make (v) *** save (v) *** spend (v) *** waste (v) ** win (v) ***

Other words and phrases

accuse (v) ** acre (n) advertising campaign (n) apology (n) bake (v) * balance (n) ** blame (v) ** blank (n) blockbuster (n) charity (n) ** circumstances (n) ** colleague (n) ** complain (v) *** complaint (n) ** container (n) ** demand (v) *** estate agent (n) explorer (n) faulty (adj) fit (v) *** fort (n) fur coat (n) further (adv) *** go-kart (n) hoodie (n) instantaneously (adv) invest (v) * lake (n) ** leisure facilities (n) let (=a flat) (v) *** loud (adj) ** meanwhile (adv) * packaging (n)

perfume (n) pre-wrapped (adj) reduction (n) ** remains (n) remove (v) *** rude (adj) * scent (n) shopper (n) size (n) *** smell (n) ** spray (v) subconsciously (adv) tandem (=bike) (n) transaction (n) unfurnished (adj) yard (n) **

Gateway to exams, Units 910

amnesia (n) arrest (v) ** canoe (n) canoeist (n) expire (v) grow a beard (v) holiday resort (n) insurance (n) *** insurance policy (n) limbo (n) pretend (v) * shock (n) **

/bld/ /blnd/ /kli/ /dk/ /fe/ /gd lk/ /hns()m/ /l/ /midimhat/ /vwet/ /plen/ /prti/ /t/ /stret/ /tl/ /n/ /gli/ /wel blt/ /rgnt/ /bsi/ /tf()l/ /klev/ /fren(d)li/ /fni/ /hdwk/ /mpe()nt/ /lezi/ /nas/ /pe()nt/ /kwat/ /rlab()l/ /self/ /sris/ /a/ /tktv/ /tadi/

/nfren(d)li/ /ntadi/ /trktv/ /bjutf()l/ /brat/ /dfk()lt/ /eldli/ /ft/ /gld/ /hpi/ /hd/ /nteld()nt/ /ld/ /atg/ /skni/ /slm/ /sb()l/ /ktv/ /ktuli/ /n/ /pt frm/ /pntmnt/ /tt/ /vt(r)/ /bberin/ /bri/ /bliv/ /bl ht/ /brek dan/ /bri/ /ke(r) bat/ /tps/ /kl/ /klt/ /kst/ /kld/ /knfdnt/ /kant n/

/kri/ /deked/ /dls/ /dna/ /dsent/ /d/ /danstez/ /dres gan/ /fes/ /fst fud/ /fil/ /frat()n/ /gret/ /ges/ /hktf/ /hp/ /hrb()l/ /haswk/ /hgri/ /akn/ /ntrstd n/ /ntrpt/ /atm/ /kand/ /lafstal/ /lk/ /lk lak/ /ld/ /lkri/ /md bat/ /mrid/ /mks/ /muv/ /mskjl(r) dstrfi/ /nadez/ /ke()nli/ /pzt/ /n/ /ptrt/ /prdkt/ /kwlti/

/reprzente()n/ /rst bif/ /sel/ // /sad/ /smt/ /smel/ /sn/ /sft/ /sld(r)/ /st/ /sand/ /saund lak/ /spektkjl/ /stets smbl/ /strg()l/ /test/ /tlsli/ /ta/ /trenz/ /trit/ /tn/ /ltmt/ /mbrel/ /vt/ /wm/ /wet/ /we/ /waf/

/rav()lz/ /kns()l/ /kt/ /kt/ /dle/ /dp(r)t(r)z/ /fe/ /feri/

/hte blun/ /lri/ /lgd/ /ms/ /mtbak/ /pltfm/ /rtn/ /rkt/ /sg()l/ /spesp/ /tkt fs/ /vn/ /jt/ /bed nd brekfst/ /kmpsat/ /krvn/ /htel/ /mtel/ /tent/ /ju hst()l/ /brek dan/ /tek n/ /get we/ /get n/ /get ntu/, /at v/ /get n/, /f / /set f/ /tek f/ /ksd()nt/ /genst/ /ltntv/ /t list/ /bl/ /brd/ /k/ /tlnd/ /ts/

/tuz/ /knek()n/ /kredt kd/ /krnt/ /dztd/ /destne()n/ /drp/ /emp()r/ /end p/ /endn/ /enttenmnt/ /gzdret/ /ksep()nli/ /gzst/ /ekspd()n/ /ksprins/ /fst/ /ftnt/ /gld/ /grand/ /gr p/ /gn/ /hd/ /hjud/ /hrkn, hrken/ /asbg/ /miditli/ /nlnd/ /nsted/ /kak/ /kip du/ /nk smbdi at/ /la/ /lkli/ /minz/ /mnsun/ /ke()n/ /n tp v/ /pkt/ /ps/ /ped()l/

/ped()l pad/ /pep/ /pk p/ /pstl svs/ /p(r) n/ /pl/ /p/ /rlaz/ /rples/ /reskju/ /rl(r)bled/ /sked/ /skrin/ /set fa tu/ /s()l hndd/ /smk/ /sl/ /spes/ /stndd/ /ste()n/ /stil, stl/ /stm/ /stre/ /sd()nli /sut/ /terfa/ /rl/ /r, ru/ /trp/ /tafun/ /junkn/ /nlk/ /vik()l/ /wev/ /w/

/tt/ /bk/ /tn()l/

/tip/ /klekt/ /fm/ /n dvns/ /nvlv/ /med/ /rut/ /run/ /sink/ /nd(r)rand/

/blk v flts/ /bgl/ /sti sent/ /ktd/ /dttt has/ /fktri/ /flt/ /n sti/ /pt/ /semidttt haus/ /skaskrep/ /skwe/ /sbbz/ /terst has/ /taun hl/ /bzi/ /kradd/ /dti/ /hstrk/ /lavli/ /nzi/ /en()nt/ /bl/ /dredf()l/ /nms/

/fli/ /friz/ /pkt/ /salnt/ /stn/ /tani/ /em/ /trkt/ /trk()n/ /benfit frm/ /bd/ /bnt p/ /knl/ /kpsjul/ /ks()l/ /kmjut/ /kntrbjut/ /knvinins/ /kntrisad/ /kstm/ /dk/ /dju t/ /entri/ /eksb()n/ /fi/ /flat/ /grs/ /hv gd tam/ /hmtan/ /ht/ /nrns/ /lnd/ /liflt/ /mal/ /nba/ / s/ /(r)bt/ /prdas/ /p/ /pan/

/pras/ /prpti/ /pl dan/ /res trk/ /rent/ /stlat/ /sev/ /sild/ /d/ /satsi/ /sliv/ /suvn/ /stedim/ /strend/ /swt f/ /telfn bks/ /im pk/ /trk/ /junik/ /jusd/ /vld/ /vlju/ /vn/ /vld/ /wev/ /wat/

/bekri prdkts/ /bred/ /tu gm/ /tkn/ /tps/ /kn/ /deri prdkts/ /dzt/ /dnt/ /f/ /frut/

/men ks/ /mit/ /l/ /pi/ /pa/ /plm/ /sifud/ /semi skmd mlk/ /snk/ /stt/ /strb()ri/ /swits/ /tjun/ /tki/ /vedtb()lz/ /fre/ /frad/ /frz()n/ /heli/ /dk/ /r/ /spasi/ /stel/ /swit/ /testi/ /vedterin/ /kpret/ /dsdvntd/ /ntn()nl/ /msndstnd/ /v(r)bk/ /v(r)kkt/ /prikkt/ /rikkt/ /ridu/ /nd(r)kkt/ /ndrestmet/

/ktvet/ /strnt/ /tmsf/ /bn/ /kntin/ /sentri/ /sermni/ /tn()l/ /krp/ /kj/ /kstm/ /dptmnt st/ /dra/ /iknomk gr/ /lek()n/ /fnsi/ /flev/ /hvst/ /lns/ /mpruv/ /ns()nt/ /mnd/ /mt/ /makrwev/ /mlekjl/ /mltin()nl/ /nnteknldi/ /njutrint/ /bis/ /ptmstk/ /d/ /v()n/ /pred/ /pesmstk/ /pk/ /prez()nt/ /przvd/ /pmpkn/ /rsep()n/ /rsk/ /rl/

/skel/ /e/ /strap/ /sbstns/ /test/ /tani/ /trnzmt/ /trnsprnt/ /wet/ /wed/ /wd/

/bsd/ /lpan/ /batek/ /kns/ /frdal/ /din/ /dnetk endznir/ /dnetkli mdfad/ /nhjumn/ /dmp/ /gnk/ /gnz()m/ /spiiz/ /stk/ /ndwe/

/t/ /baldi/ /bzns stdiz/ /kemstri/ /drm/ /endnr/ /l/ /digrfi/ /hst()ri/

/a si ti/ /l/ /ltrt/ /ms/ /midi stdiz/ /med()s()n/ /mjuzk/ /pi i/ /fzks/ /sakldi/ /stfkt/ /tit/ /kswk/ /ese/ /fel/ /gred/ /mk/ /ps/ /rist/ /tm/ /tamteb()l/ /drekt, darekt/ /lektr()n/ /mpli, empli/ /mpl/ /hstrin/ /nstrkt/ /dnlst/ /lektr/ /ftgrf/ /fzsst/ /prfes/ /santst/ /tekn()n/ /treni/ /kd tu/ /plknt/

/plke()n/ /sesmnt/ /tend/ /velb()l/ /v()rd/ /knddet, knddt/ /kr/ /taldke/ /kwa/ /km p/ /ks/ /dedketd t/ /dsblti/ /dskrmne()n/ /emfss/ /vljuet/ /ekstrkrkjl(r) ktvtiz/ /fannsz/ /fgrand/ /fridm/ /grdue()n/ /gretf()l/ /hnd n/ /hel ke(r)/ /adi/ /ndpendns/ /lid/ /les()n/ /lk ft/ /mekp/ /m()n/ /mtrti/ /mped/ /nvs/ /ns()ri skul/ /ptspet/ /privis/ /pramri skul/ /prarti/ /sakldk()l/ /rez/

/riz()nb()l/ /regjle()n/ /rspnsblti/ /sklp/ /sitbelt/ /seknd()ri skul/ /selfmtve()n/ /sensb()l/ /spe(r) tam/ /spid lmt/ /stf/ /stnd n j(r) n tu fit/ /stt pnt/ /tam mndmnt/ /nfe/ /junfm/ /vli imped/

/kmkd/ /ddtl kmr/ /dw/ /dividi ple/ /hm snm sstm/ /lptp/ /makrwev vn/ /mbal fn/ /em pi ri ple/ /rmt kntrl/ /stnv/ /vkjum klin/ /w min/ /td, ritd/ /knekt/ /nst/ /plg n/ /pres/ /slekt/

/swt, tn n/ /swt, tn f/ /fred v/ /we(r) v/ /bd w/ /dfrnt frm/ /gd t/ /ntrstd n/ /plizd w/ /redi f/ /rspnsbl f/ /sml t/ /tad v/ /wrd bat/ /kwa/ /dktd tu/ /mt, mt/ /ntibatks/ /gju/ /bkw(r)dz/ /bn/ /bl/ /bg/ /kpt/ /krek()n flud, tep/ /kzmetks/ /kr/ /dekret/ /danmat/ /er/ /ekskrmnt/ /asat/ /fal/ /fgnel/ /fregrns/ /fran/ /get rd v/ /glb()l wm/

/gsp/ /ga/ /hedresz/ /hevi/ /mpe()ntli/ /npt/ /dnlst/ /lnt/ /mlfk()n/ /mesi/ /mrk()l/ /nev(r)endng/ /njukli rikt/ /l tk/ /pret sstm/ /bt/ /pgmnt/ /ple/ /ptb()l steri/ /prses/ /pbl/ /red/ /rekn/ /rinstl/ /santfk/ /svs/ /ep/ /s rt/ /swl/ /sd/ /tek ke(r) v/ /eksre msin/

/fez/ /banks/ /blaz/ /b ta/ /dk/ /lektrd/

/kspld/ /fawk/ /ft/ /a(r) kant(r)/ /gan/ /ndstril/ /m(r)t(r)b(r)d/ /nv/ /rediktvti/ /ribld/ /sgn()l/ /sksid/ /suphjumn/ /vabrnt/

/letks/ /bsktbl/ /bks/ /dav/ /ftbl/ /glf/ /dmnstks/ /as hki/ /dud/ /sel/ /ski/ /snbd/ /swm/ /tebl tens/ /vlibl/ /wetlft/ /buts/ /klb/ /ks/ /kt/ /gl/ /gg()lz/

/dm/ /net/ /pt/ /pul/ /rkt/ /rk/ /skets/ /skiz/ /slp/ /trk/ /trenz/ /gv n/ /g f/ /dn n/ /nk at/ /tek p/ /wm p/ /wk at/ /kt/ /mpjtet/ /tf()l/ /bgi/ /bt()l/ /bn/ /kpt/ /tmpinp/ /svlaze()n/ /klsfa/ /klan/ /klps/ /kndent()l/ /dihadre()n/ /lmnet/ /m()nl/ /nms/ /ft/ /glv/ /glkip/

/gltend/ /glt/ /hpi end/ /ht/ /hleris/ /mens/ /mpkt/ /nsdent()li/ /ndri/ /dki/ /ni/ /leb()l/ /lv/ /lki mskt/ /men krkt/ /m()l ts/ /msv/ /ms()l/ /nknem/ /plen/ /ple rl v/ /plt/ /pk/ /refri/ /rzst()nt/ /rtul/ /rand/ /sin/ /skrinple/ /sv()nt/ /sv/ /slev/ /san(d)trk/ /spe()l fekts/ /spektet/ /st/ /stret we/ /supst()n/ /srend/ /skrnazd swm/ /tedi be/

/nkns/ /nnspar/ /vzblti/ /vlaz/ /wilte/ /wenev(r)/ /wnd/

/bstrkt pent/ /dins/ /kst/ /dr/ /eksb()n/ /glri/ /gg/ /ln(d)skep/ /lat/ /lrks/ /mstpis/ /kstr/ /pfmns/ /ple/ /sklpt/ /ptrt/ /sket/ /sted/ /stl laf/ /stjudi/ /kt/ /tst/ /kmpz/ /kndkt/ /dns(r)/ /mjuz()n/ /pent/ /prfm/ /sklpt/

/ssrat/ /mezd/ /mez/ /bd/ /br/ /knfjuzd/ /knfjuz/ /dspntd/ /dspnt/ /dsgstd/ /dsgst/ /mbrst/ /mbrs/ /ksatd/ /ksat/ /frat()nd/ /frat()n/ /nspad/ /nspar/ /ntrstd/ /ntrst/ /rlkst/ /rlks/ /sprazd/ /spraz/ /tad/ /tar/ /nnspad/ /nnspar/ /bgpaps/ /blkni/ /bhev/ /bdrn/ /btmls/ /br/ /tiftn/ /kn/ /krk/

/krip, krept/ /dip/ /delkt/ /damt/ /drm/ /em()rld/ /fd()l/ /hp/ /nstle()n/ /ntrkt/ /al/ /pnk/ /pal/ /rek(r)d/ /rk(r)d/ /rnju/ /rst/ /rm/ /rb/ /skrim/ /sg()l/ /slgn/ /splendd/ /stb/ /tp/ /r we/ /wiln paps/ /vljb()l/ /vs/ /west/ /wsp/ /wad/ /w/


/kpt()l sti/

/krnsi/ /flg/ /k/ /n()nl nm/ /prezdnt/ /pram mnst/ /prns/ /prnses/ /kwin/ /knsttjun()l mnki/ /dmkrsi/ /frn fez/ /denr()l lekn/ /n sent/ /left w/ /memb/ /mnst/ /mnki/ /pltk()l pti/ /rpblk/ /rat w/ /rn kntri/ /rstkrtk/ /kef()l/ /kels/ /kmftb()l/ /dendrs/ /ndb()l/ /fems/ /helpf()l/ /helpls/ /hgri/ /mstris/ /nt()rl/ /f()l/ /sensb()l/ /terb()l/ /sti/

/nkmftb()l/ /jusf()l/ /jusls/ /ssn/ /ssne()n/ /strd/ /bel/ /bl t/ /blt/ /kpt/ /kres/ /klkmek/ /klnz/ /klni/ /kmnwel/ /knsprsi/ /knstle()n/ /knvns/ /de/ /dsendnt/ /lb()rt/ /empa/ /ikwl/ /skep/ /evd()ns/ /vlv/ /fkst/ /fs/ /fren(d)p/ /gen/ /gv()n/ /grduli/ /grvti/ /gd/ /hed v stet/ /hp/ /ha/ /ht/ /hjumn rats/ /hg/

/mprz()n/ /n td v/ /nfnt/ /nfluen()l/ /nslt/ /lafbt/ /mn()n/ /ms/ /nret/ /natme/ /nd/ /pre()n/ /net/ /psnd/ /pl// /pa/ /paf()l/ /przv/ /prnsp()l/ /prftb()l/ /reltv/ /rst/ /rul/ /rum/ /skrim/ /sini/ /set/ /set()l/ /bi/ /san/ /sk, sk/ /stend/ /strp/ /swe/ /tep/ /ri/ /tt/ /tred/ /trk/ /tjubkjlss/ /twst/

/nkrand/ /junjn/ /junti/

/bekri/ /bk/ /btz/ /kemsts/ /klz p/ /dptmnt st/ /lektrkl gudz st/ /gringrsz/ /dulz/ /mjuzk n di vi di st/ /njuzednts/ /pst fs/ /u p/ /sp:ts p/ /sten()ri p/ /supmkt/ /fd/ /bgn/ /k/ /tend rum/ /tekat/ /kredt kd/ /debt kd/ /dskant/ /gft/ /kju/ /rsit/ /rifnd/ /elf/ /trli/ /br/ /dnet/

/n/ /lend/ /mek/ /sev/ /spend/ /west/ /wn/ /kjuz/ /ek/ /dvtaz kmpen/ /pldi/ /bek/ /blns/ /blem/ /blk/ /blkbst/ /trti/ /skmstnsz/ /klig/ /kmplen/ /kmplent/ /knten/ /dmnd/ /stet ed()nt/ /ksplr(r)/ /flti/ /ft/ /ft/ /f kt/ /f/ /g kt/ /hdi/ /nstntenisli/ /nvest/ /lek/ /le fsltz/ /let/ /lad/ /minwal/ /pkd/

/pfjum/ /prirpt/ /rdk()n/ /rmenz/ /rmuv/ /rud/ /sent/ /p/ /saz/ /smel/ /spre/ /sbknsli/ /tndm/ /trnzk()n/ /nfnt/ /jd/

/mnizi/ /rest/ /knu/ /knust/ /kspa/ /gr bd/ /holde rz:t/ /nrns/ /nrns plsi/ /lmb/ /prtend/ /k/

chauve blond(e) boucl(e)/fris(e) brun clair(e) beau (belle) beau (belle) long(ue) de taille moyenne avoir des kilos en trop ne pas tre une beaut jolie petit(e) raide grand(e) mince laid(e) bien bti arrogant(e) autoritaire/tyrannique joyeux(euse) intelligent(e) gentil(le) amusant(e) travailleur(euse) impatient(e) paresseux(euse) sympathique patient(e) calme fiable goste srieux(euse) timide bavard(e) bien entretenu(e)

froid(e) en dsordre sduisant(e) beau (belle) brillant(e) difficile g(e) gras(se) content(e) heureux(euse) dur(e) intelligent(e) g(e) extraverti(e) maigre mince/svelte sociable actif(ve) en fait ennuyer/nerver/mettre en colre en dehors de rendez-vous joindre avatar barbare barrire croire chapeau melon enfoncer respirer faire attention frites clair(e)/dgag(e) serrer (fort) cte froid(e) confiant(e) compter sur

curry dcade dlicieux(euse) nier descente plat en bas robe de chambre/peignoir visage restauration rapide ressentir effrayant(e) gnial(e) deviner mouchoir esprer horrible mnage/tches mnagres avoir faim icne/emblme intress(e) par interrompre vtement gentil(le) mode de vie regarder ressembler (quelqu'un) fort(e) luxe fou(folle) de mari(e) mlange dmnager dystrophie musculaire aujourd'hui/de nos jours parfois/de temps en temps contraire possder portrait produit qualit

reprsentation rosbif vendre montrer ct lgant(e) sentir ronfler mou(molle/moelleux(euse) soldat sorte avoir l'air ressembler spectaculaire signe extrieur de richesse se dmener/se dcarcasser avoir bon got maladroitement/sans rflchir cravate tennis traiter tour final(e)/dfinitif(ve) parapluie voter chaud(e) humide si femme

arrives annuler prendre/attraper car/autocar retard dparts ticket ferry

montgolfire camion/poids-lourd bagages rater moto quai aller-retour fuse aller (simple) vaisseau spatial bureau de vente des billets camion/camionnette yacht chambre et petit-djeuner terrain de camping caravane htel motel tente auberge de jeunesse tomber en panne arriver/se prsenter partir arriver monter dans/descendre de monter dans/descendre de partir dcoller accident contre alternative au moins addition pont espes dfi/challenge choix

choisir correspondance carte de crdit courant dsert(e) destination laissser tomber empereur finir par moteur divertissement exagrer exceptionnellement puisant(e) expdition exprience premire classe avoir de la chance la chance que or sol grandir revolver/pistolet difficile norme ouragan iceberg immdiatement l'intrieur des terres au lieu de kayak continuer faire (quelque chose) mettre quelqu'un k.-o. mensonge heureusement moyen (de transport) mousson occasion sur paquet russir pdalo

entran par des pdales poivre prendre/aller chercher poste s'infiltrer tirer pousser se rendre compte de/que remplacer secourir roller avoir peur de cran mettre le feu en solitaire fume en solitaire place (espace pour bouger) standard station voler orage/tempte force soudain/tout coup costume terrifiant(e) frisson jeter voyage typhon licorne ouvrir vhicule vague aimer/prfrer

fixer livre chenal/canal

bon march/ prix rduit aller chercher/rcuprer formulaire (un papier remplir) l'avance ncessiter de premier plan/grand(e) itinraire ruiner pittoresque mtro

immeuble bungalow/pavillon de plain pied centre ville petite maison de campagne/cottage pavillon/maison individuelle usine appartement quartiers dshrits ( l'intrieur de la ville) port maison mitoyenne gratte-ciel place banlieue maison mitoyenne mairie anim(e) plein de monde/bond(e) sale historique vivant(e)/anim(e) bruyant(e) ancien(ne)/antique chaleur terrible terrible norme

crasseux(euse) glacial(e) bond(e) silencieux(euse) superbe tout petit/minuscule objectif attirer attraction (=site visiter) profiter de/bnficier de monter bord se regrouper canal capsule/cabine chteau banlieusard(e)/navetteur(euse) contribuer commodit/l'aspect pratique campagne client dock prvu(e) entre exposition prix voler pelouse passer un bon moment/bien s'amuser ville natale/ville o l'on a grandi faire mal assurance atterrir brochure mile proximit environ orbite paradis voie (professionnelle) pionnier

prix bien/proprit dmolir circuit louer ville satellite conomiser (du temps et de l'argent) condamn(e) ombre tourisme manche souvenir stade tranger teindre cabine tlphonique parc thme suivre unique utilisation valide valeur/utilit s'vanouir/disparatre village faire signe (de la main) sans

ptisseries pain chewing-gum poulet frites mas produits laitiers/laitages dessert beignet poisson fruit

plat principal viande huile petit pois tourte prune fruits de mer lait demi-crm casse-crote/en-cas entre/hors d'uvre fraise bonbon thon dinde lgumes frais(frache) sur le plat/frit(e) gel(e)/congel(e) sain(e) cochonneries cru(e) pic(e) rassis(rassie) sucr(e) savoureux(euse) vgtarien(ne) cooprer inconvnient international mal comprendre surrserver trop (faire) cuire prcuit(e) recuit(e) refaire pas assez cuit(e) sous-estimer

activer/dclencher astronaute atmosphre brler cantine sicle crmonie chane cueillette/rcolte traitement coutume grand magasin sec(sche) croissance conomique lection avoir envie de got/saveur rcolte maladie amliorer innocent(e) russir ( faire quelque chose) matire micro-onde molculaire multinational(e) nanotechnologie nutriment obse optimiste commander (plats) four dfil pessimiste cueillir (fruits) cadeau conserv(e) citrouille/potiron rception risque rle

importance partager rayure subtance got petit(e)miniscule metteur transparent(e) serveur(euse) mariage largeur

absurde alpin(e) biotechnologie cancer fragile gne gnie gntique/manipulations gntiques gntiquement modifi inhumain(e) pull bio(logique) organisme espce coller sous-vtements

art biologie tudes de commerce chimie thatre/art dramatique ingnierie anglais gographie histoire

technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) droit littrature maths tudes des mdias mdecine musique ducation physique et sportive (EPS) physique psychologie certificat/diplme tricher contrle continu dissertation chouer note note russir repasser trimestre emploi du temps directeur(trice) lectricien employ employeur historien professeur journaliste confrencier(ire) photographe physicien(ne) professeur (titulaire d'une chaire) secientifique technicien apprenti selon candidat(e)/postulant(e)

candidature valuation aller disponible moyenne candidat(e) carrire garderie chorale se produire cours ddi(e) handicap/infirmit discrimination importance particulire valuer activits parascolaires/activits hors programme finances/situation financire premier plan libert crmonie de remise des diplmes reconnaissant(e) remettre sant identit indpendance leader/chef d'tat cours s'occuper de/grer maquillage martien(ne) maturit mobylette/vlomoteur nerveux(euse) cole maternelle participer antrieur(e) cole primaire priorit psychologique runir des fonds

raisonnable rglement responsabilit bourse (d'tudes) ceinture de scurit cole secondaire motivation personnelle sens(e) temps libre limite de vitesse personnel se dbrouiller seul point de dpart gestion du temps injuste uniforme malvoyant(e)

camscope appareil photo numrique lave-vaisselle lecteur de DVD home cinma ordinateur portable (four) micro-onde (tlphone) portable lecteur MP3 tlcommande GPS aspirateur lave-linge charger/recharger (une batterie/pile) brancher/raccorder introduire brancher appuyer (sur un bouton) slectionner (un programme/une piste/une fonction)

allumer teindre avoir peur de tre au courant de en avoir marre de diffrent(e) de bon(ne) intress(e) par satisfait(e) de prt(e) pour responsable de ressembler las(se) de inquiet(ite) au sujet de acqurir accro amateur antibiotiques se disputer en arrire/en sens inverse poubelle bol bug tapis/moquette liquide/ruban correcteur cosmtique/produit de beaut crash (informatique) dcorer dynamite erreur excrment vue fichier (informatique) ongle parfum/senteur regarder (quelqu'un) en fronant les sourcils se dbarrasser de rchauffement climatique

potins type coiffeur(euse) lourd impatiemment/avec impatience entre (de donnes) journaliste lancer dfaillance salissant(e) miracle ne jamais finir racteur nuclaire ptrolier, tanker systme d'exploitation tre en/sur orbite autour de pigment jouer appareil stro traitement/processus publier rage penser rinstaller scientifique rviser forme mal de/ la gorge avaler/dglutir pe prendre soin de appareil de radiographie

affaires bionique blouse nud papillon de couleur sombre/fonce lectrode

clater feu d'artifice installer (sur) compteur Geiger toge du travail toque porte par les enseignants et les tudiants la crmonie de remise de diplmes universitaires nerf radioactivit reconstruire signal russir surhumain(e) dynamique

athltisme basket(ball) boxe plonge foot(ball) golf gymnastique hockey sur glace judo voile ski snowboard natation tennis de table volley(ball) haltrophilie grosses chaussures club terrain court/terrain but lunettes (de natation)

gymnase/salle de gym filet terrain piscine raquette patinoir patins skis descente piste chaussures de sport abandonner y aller participer liminer se mettre s'chauffer faire de la musculation jeu/interprtation amputer artificiel(le) ample bataille os prendre/s'emparer de championnat civilisation classer clown s'effondrer congnital(e) dshydratation liminer motionnel gigantesque en forme/condition gant gardien de but

gardien de but/cage coupbable fin heureuse/dnouement heureux cur hilarant(e) immense impact au fait/ propos blessure jockey genou tiquette rien/zro mascotte porte-bonheur personnage principal arts martiaux gigantesque/impressionnant(e) muscle surnom plaine jouer le rle de intrigue/action palet arbitre rsistant(e) rituel round scne scnario bonne/domestique servir esclave bande sonore effets spciaux sspectateur avoir pour vedette directement superstition se rendre natation synchronise ours (en peluche)

inconscient sans intrt visibilit s'imaginer/se reprsenter fauteuil roulant quand/chaque fois que se demander

peinture abstraite/abstrait public/auditoire distribution dessin exposition galerie concert paysage clairage paroles chef-d'uvre orchestre reprsentation jouer sculpture (auto-)portrait croquis/esquisse scne nature morte studio (d'enregistrement) acteur(actrice) artiste compositeur chef d'orchestre danseur(euse) musicien(ne) peintre artiste/interprte sculpteur

chanteur-compositeur stupfait(e)/tonn(e) tonnant(e)/incroyable s'ennuyer ennuyant(e) dconcert(e)/dsorient(e) dconcertant(e) du(e) dcevant(e) dgot(e)/cur(e) dgotant(e)/curant(e) embarrass(e) embarrassant(e) excit(e) excitant(e) avoir peur faire peur inspir(e) inspirant(e) intress(e) intressant(e) dtendu(e)/dcontract(e) reposant(e) surpris(e) surprenant(e) fatigu(e) fatigant(e) fade terne/sans intrt cornemuse balcon se comporter/se tenir Bodhran inpuisable pinceau chef(aine) pice (de monnaie) fissure

entrer/sortir pas de loup profond dlicat(e) diamtre batterie meraude violon harpe installation complexe/trs labor le paniquer tas enregistr enregistrer renouveler restaurer rythme ordures cri perant/hurlement seul(e) slogan splendide donner un/des coup(s) de couteau petit coup jeter cornemuse irlandaise de valeur voix dchet chuchotement/ voix basse large valoir



monnaie/devise drapeau roi hymne national prsident(e) premier ministre prince princesse reine monarchie constitutionnelle dmocracie affaires trangres lections lgislatives au centre gauche membre ministre monarchie parti politique rpublique droite diriger un pays aristocratique prudent(e) ngligent(e) confortable dangereux(euse) agrable clbre utile dsarm(e)/impuissant(e) avoir faim mystrieux(euse) naturel(le) officiel(le) raisonnable terrible avoir soif

inconfortable utile nul(le)/incomptent(e) assassin assassinat astrode cloche appartenir balle ravisseur caresser horloger(re) coloniser colonie Commonwealth conspiration/complot constellation convaincre oser descendant recherch(e) empire gal(e) (s')chaper preuve/tmoignage voluer/devenir fig(e)/arrt(e) force amiti obtenir gouverner progressivement gravit garde chef d'tat hanche louer heurter droits de l'homme faim

emprisonner diriger/tre la tte de nouveau-n/enfant en bas ge influent(e) insulter bateau/canot de sauvetage chteau/manoir terres narrateur(trice) cauchemar faire un signe de la tte opration orn(e) passager pilier/colonne pouvoir puissant(e) conserver principe fructueux(euse) parent (faire) rtir rgir rumeur hurler/crier expriment(e) srie s'installer miteux(euse) panneau couler/sombrer vitraux bande se balancer ruban adhsif/scotch thorie torturer commerce malle tuberculose tordre/dformer

sans couronne union unit

boulangerie banque boucherie pharmacie magasin de vtements grand magasin magasin d'lectro-mnager magasin de fruits et lgumes biouterie magasin de musique et de DVD marchand de journaux poste magasin de chaussures magasin de sport papeterie supermarch se permettre affaire caissier(ire) vestiaire caisse carte de crdit carte de paiement remise/rduction cadeau queue ticket/reu remboursement tagre chariot emprunter donner/faire un don

gagner prter faire/gagner conomiser dpenser gaspiller gagner accuser acre (environ un demi-hectare) campagne publicitaire excuse(s) faire (cuire) quilibre reprocher vierge film grand succs charit/association caritative circonstances collgue se plaindre/faire une rclamation rclamation conteneur exiger agent immobilier explorateur(trice) dfectueux(euse) convenir fort manteau de fourrure plus loin voiture/train sweat capuche instantanment investir lac services de loisirs louer sonore/fort en attendant conditionnement

parfum pr-emball(e) rduction dpouille/corps/restes retirer impoli(e)/peu courtois parfum/senteur personne qui fait des courses/chaland taille odeur vaporiser inconsciemment/de manire subconsciente tandem transaction non-meubl cour

amnsie arrter cano canoiste expirer se laisser pousser la barbe villgiature/lieu de vacances assurance police d'assurance dans l'oubli simuler/faire croire que choc

He's got no hair he's completely bald. In this photo her hair is really blonde! Hes got short curly hair. Shes got long dark hair. He's thin with short fair hair. That actor is really good-looking. I think he's so handsome! Shes got long dark hair. My teacher is medium-height. She needs to do more exercise as she's a little overweight. Mrs Brown is a rather plain woman but she's got a great personality. Her friend is really pretty. He's short and a little overweight. Ive always wanted to have straight hair. He's very tall for his age. She's quite thin now - I think she's lost weight. He's not an attractive man; actually he looks quite ugly. He's a well-built man but his brother is quite small. You're not the best at everything, so don't be so arrogant! She can be really bossy sometimes, always telling me what to do. She's a very cheerful person and always sees the good side of a situation. Ben is very clever; he always gets 100% in maths tests. Our new neighbours are very friendly. Freya is really funny and always makes us laugh. She's a very hard-working student and got really good results this year. My mother gets impatient when we're late for dinner. She's lazy she never tidies her room. Elizabeth is really nice and is a good friend I don't understand this so please be patient. I live in a very quiet area of town. Her friends are always reliable and help her when she needs it. Share your toys and don't be so selfish! Anna is a very serious girl. She is very quiet and sensible. Im quite shy and I feel a bit nervous at parties. Everyone in my class this year is very talkative. All the streets in my town are clean and tidy.

The people in this town are a bit unfriendly and don't always say hello. Your bedroom is always untidy. Please put your clothes away. That model is really attractive. Shes a very beautiful actress. She's a bright student who works hard. This question is really difficult. Don't call her old, call her elderly. I didnt say youre fat, just a bit overweight. I'm glad you are enjoying your holiday. You sound great - I'm really happy for you. Is your maths homework hard? If you're free now, I'll help you. Hes very intelligent - he's completed Book 3 already. She isnt very old - about 15 I think. Do you think you are an outgoing person? You look a bit skinny - have you lost weight? She's tall and slim. I think those trousers would look great. He's a sociable person - he likes meeting new people. She's very active she belongs to three different sports clubs. What time are you actually leaving? I think he is trying to annoy you by doing that. You do not need to bring anything apart from a change of clothes. She has a doctor's appointment at 5pm. Attach a photo of yourself with the application form. An avatar is a visual representation of a person on the Internet. It was a story about barbarians who destroyed the ancient city. The car crashed into the barrier. Do you believe in ghosts? Some people think all English men wear bowler hats. The policeman had to break down the door to get into the house. It is difficult to breathe underwater for a long time. You are very selfish and you dont care about other people. I love eating fish and chips at the seaside. It was a clear day with no clouds in the sky. She looked nervous, clutching her bag tightly. There are lots of good hotels along the coast. It is very cold there in the winter. Sue felt confident that she had passed the exam. Can we count on you to get the work done?

Curry is a very popular takeaway dish. A decade is a period of 10 years. What are you cooking? It smells delicious. He can't deny it. I saw him break it. The descent from the top took the climbers all day. Paella is a famous Spanish dish. She went downstairs to the kitchen. I put on my dressing gown every morning before breakfast. She has a small heart-shaped face. Fast food is available everywhere. It feels cold and wet. That film looks frightening! Im having a great time. Can you guess who it is? Don't sniff. Use a handkerchief. We just hope some people get the message. That cold potato looks horrible! I don't like doing housework at weekends. What time is lunch? I'm hungry! The mini is a famous British icon. He is interested in online computer games. Don't interrupt when I'm talking. He opened the cupboard, took out each item and put it on the table. She's a kind girl. She always asks how I am. Weve got a healthy lifestyle. Look at these pictures. Which one is your favourite? She looks like her sister. Turn that music down, it's too loud. The Rolls Royce car is world-famous for its luxury and quality. Im mad about music. That actors married in real life. England has a huge cultural mix of people. We moved house in the summer. Muscular dystrophy is a severe illness which affects your muscles. Nowadays, most people own a car. We occasionally go out during the week. What is the opposite of selfish ? That millionaire owns three houses! This is a portrait of the Queen. A lot of products are advertised in films these days. The Ford company became famous for its quality.

An avatar is not usually a true representation of a person on the Internet. Roast beef is a popular dish to make at weekends in Britain. Her main job is selling products but she also gives advice. Can I show you my holiday photos? She isn't always so kind; there is another side to her personality. You don't usually wear such smart clothes. Where are you going? That coffee smells great. People who are overweight often snore at night. This bed is very soft. That country trains its soldiers from a young age. I like all sorts of music. You sound really happy. That sounds like another song by her. The view from the top of the mountain is spectacular. The Rolls Royce is the ultimate status symbol. Emily is struggling to bring up her children on her own. This soup tastes delicious. You spoke thoughtlessly and now she's upset. He should wear a jacket and a tie for his interview. He usually wears jeans, T-shirts and trainers. Don't treat us like kids. We're teenagers now. It's your turn to start in this game. The ultimate decision must be made by the director. A black umbrella is another English icon. Let's vote to decide which one is best. It's a lovely warm day let's go for a walk. It's too wet for a picnic. It doesn't matter whether you like them or not. Mr Brown and his wife often go swimming on Sundays.

Go to Arrivals to check what time her train gets in. If you cancel your flight, you lose your money. He had to catch a plane to get there quickly. You can travel by coach or train. Long delays are expected on the motorway over the holiday period. On the Departures board you can see the times that trains are leaving. How much is the bus fare to the town centre? You can drive onto the ferry and take your car to the island.

You can take a flight in a hot-air balloon. A lorry transports goods from one place to another. For a small cost you can send your luggage direct. Sorry I'm late, I missed the bus. They went on holiday on their motorbikes. The train is leaving from Platform 2. You can sometimes find tickets for 5070 return. The speed boat was as fast as a rocket. Do you want a single or return ticket? The spaceship landed in the sea. The ticket office is next to the cinema entrance. The removal van is taking our furniture when we move house. Only a millionaire can afford to buy a yacht. We stayed in a great bed and breakfast near the beach. The campsite had its own showers and washing area. Our caravan is more comfortable than a tent. We usually stay in a hotel when we go on holiday. A motel is cheaper than a hotel. The children loved sleeping outside in a tent. A youth hostel is a cheap place to stay. The car didn't break down on the long journey. We need to check in at 7 oclock. I want to get away for a few weeks. My train gets into Paris at 17.00. She got into the car and started driving. We got off the train at midnight. We set off at 7 o'clock this morning. The plane cannot take off due to bad weather. I saw an accident on my way to school. Dave left his bike against the fence. There are three alternatives to choose from. Take at least three days' holiday to rest. We paid our bill before the end of the meal. There are some beautiful bridges over the river. Do you want to pay by cash or credit card? Martin was ready for a new challenge in his career. There is a choice of ten activities.

I don't mind where we go to eat so you choose. If there is a delay we'll miss the connection. Can I pay by credit card? There is a strong current so you need to be careful if you go swimming. I couldn't see anyone the beach was deserted. The prize was a choice from three fantastic holiday destinations. He dropped the plate and it broke. Augustus was the first Roman emperor. He ended up taking a bus because he couldn't get a taxi. I can't use this car. There's a problem with the engine. The town provides a wide range of entertainment. The newspapers always exaggerate details. The weather conditions were exceptionally bad. It was an exhausting trip because we travelled for 48 hours without sleep. It took a few months to prepare for the expedition. John had some fantastic experiences during his trip to Africa. Would you like a first class or Economy seat? It was fortunate that he didn't forget his passport. Gold is a very precious metal. He lay on the ground and stared at the sky. He grew up in Ireland but now he lives in the USA. We saw a man who was carrying a gun. The trip was hard work because of the bad weather. They rode huge distances on motorbikes. There was a hurricane on its way. During the trip the boat sailed through icebergs. She went to bed immediately after dinner. They sailed inland and found a deserted beach. I didn't like the book, so she bought me this instead. A kayak is a type of light boat that you move using a paddle. Keep doing something if you want to get better at it. Try not to knock your opponent out. Children often tell lies if they do something wrong. Luckily another boat was able to rescue the sailors. After the disaster people used any means to get home. It's not a good time for a holiday in the monsoon season. There are many occasions when I disagree with his opinion. The chef put some cherries on top of the cake. Take a packet of crisps for a snack. Why didnt she pass her exam? A pedalo is a pedal-powered boat.

It doesn't have an engine - it's pedal-powered. Add salt and pepper for flavour. I picked up the suitcase and left the house. The postal service sometimes loses letters. Water started to pour in because there was a hole at the bottom of the boat. Emma pulled open the door and hurried inside. You have to push the window hard to open it. I realised I didn't have my passport. We can replace the broken one for you. We rescued the boy who fell into the water. You often see people on their rollerblades in big parks. Go by train if you're scared of flying. Our new TV has a nice big screen. He set fire to the rubbish in the garden. She sailed around the world single-handed. There was a lot of smoke from the fire. She was the first woman to sail solo around the world. That seat is more comfortable and you have more space. A standard ticket is usually the cheapest. The station is in the centre of the town Somebody stole his passport from the hotel. The storm continued all night. Hurricanes lose their strength when they leave the sea. The train suddenly stopped between stations. He is wearing a suit and tie for the wedding. It was a terrifying moment. The children loved the thrill of the fairground ride. You have to throw the ball up and hit it. David had a fantastic trip to Australia last year. Typhoons kill more people than hurricanes. Some people used to think unicorns existed. They unlocked the door and went in. This vehicle is very powerful. The waves were over four metres high. We wish you were here.

Attach the label to your luggage so you can find it easily. For the cheapest fares, always book online. The border is not far from the Channel.

You can get cheap flights if you book early. You can collect your ticket at the travel agent's. Just fill in the form. It's a good idea to plan your trip in advance. This will involve changing trains in Paris. Zurich and Geneva have major international airports. The fastest route is via Bonn. Bad weather ruined my holiday. It's very scenic so have don'tUndergrounds forget your camera. Many large cities that are used to commute from one part of the city to another.

That block of flats is really tall. A bungalow only has one floor. Our school isnt in the city centre. I'd prefer to live in a quiet country cottage. A detached house is usually more expensive. There is a large chocolate factory in Birmingham. Our flat is on the fifteenth floor. There is a project to improve the inner city. Many ships arrive at the port each day. Most people here live in a semi-detached house. New York has some spectacular skyscrapers. They've built the town around a market square. Teenagers can find living in the suburbs really boring. Terraced houses are very common in Britain. There's an important meeting at the town hall tonight. The town is very busy on market day. At Christmas the shops are usually crowded. The streets are quite dirty. The historic centre was destroyed in the war. The city centre is very lively in the early evening. It's a bit noisy here in the morning. Athens has hundreds of ancient monuments. The weather in India is boiling at this time of year. The traffic here is dreadful all the time. The new shopping centre is enormous with over 600 shops.

Filthy streets with lots of rubbish do not attract tourists. Moscow is freezing in winter. The underground was so packed that I couldn't get a seat. The cathedral was empty and silent. The view from the window was stunning. This restaurant is tiny so you have to book ahead. One of the main aims is to attract University students. The city needs to attract more tourists. London has many exciting attractions. Make sure you benefit from the London Tourist Pass. He turned to wave as he boarded the plane. Peter stopped, forcing the rest of the group to bunch up behind him. 100,000 people live next to canals, just like Venice. The London Eye has capsules where tourists can sit or stand during the 'flight'. There is part of an old castle in our town. These commuters work in one country but live in another. These factors all contribute to the city's problems. Most people like the convenience of booking online. It's so peaceful in the countryside. Shop staff are told to be polite to the customers. How have the docks in Liverpool changed in the last 20 years? He was due to come down at 12.02 the same day. There's free entry to the attraction today. There's an art exhibition on at the moment. Save money on entrance fees here. You can get cheap flights online. We sat on the grass in front of the old castle. We're having a good time in Paris. My hometown is near London. My eyes hurt because I've been working on the computer all day. The insurance will pay for your stolen camera. The plane is due to land at 22.00 The leaflet has lots of information. It's 20 miles from the centre. There's a town nearby with a swimming pool. We have 100 or so students in our school. The space shuttle is now in orbit. Thames town is a suburban paradise where rich residents can relax. Emma had already chosen her career path, she wanted to be a doctor. Wang has become a pioneer of long-distance commuting.

House prices are high in this area of London. It is expensive to buy property here. They have just pulled down a lot of buildings in the street. They have built a Formula 1 race track in the town. It is cheaper to rent property here than in the centre of town. We live in a satellite town and work in the city. If you buy a London Pass you will save time and money. The door was sealed shut for security. You couldnt see his face, just his shadow. Sightseeing in London can be very expensive. You need to wear short sleeves when it is hot. I bought several souvenirs when I went to Barcelona on holiday. The new sports stadium will be ready for the Olympics. A stranger came up to us in the queue. Switch the computer off now, it's midnight! The red telephone box is an English icon. We went on some amazing rides at the theme park. Every week, the progress of each student is tracked by computer. Thames Town near Shanghai is unique. Monday counts as Day One of your Pass usage. The Pass is valid for three days The Pass gives you value and convenience. We couldn't find him anywhere, he had completely vanished. A village is a very small town in the countryside. He turned to wave at Kate and me. Visit 55 attractions without paying cash.

Cakes and biscuits are my favourite bakery products. Can you buy some bread at the bakery, please? This chewing gum actively cleans your teeth. We're having fried chicken for dinner tonight. Eating chips every day is unhealthy. Americans usually eat corn with their roast turkey. Dairy products include milk, eggs, cheese and yogurt. You eat dessert after the main course. A doughnut is a small round cake often in the shape of a ring. Everyone should eat at least two portions of fish a week. Fresh fruit is delicious and good for you.

After the soup, I'm going to have steak for my main course. Which meat shall I get, beef, lamb or pork? Omega 3 oil is very good for you. A pea is a small round green vegetable. In America, pumpkin pie is usually eaten on Thanksgiving Day. A plum is a small purple fruit with a hard stone inside. This seafood salad contains crab, prawns and tuna. Semi-skimmed milk contains less fat than ordinary milk. My daughter always eats a snack when she gets home from school. I think I'll have a starter rather than a main course as I'm not very hungry. A strawberry is a soft red fruit with seeds on its surface. The children are not allowed to bring sweets into school. Our cat is very happy if we give him tuna to eat. A turkey is a lot bigger than a chicken. We are planning to grow more vegetables in our garden this year. There is fresh fish at the market every day Would you like fried eggs with your bacon? I can't cook supper yet because the meat is still frozen. It's not always easy to stick to a healthy diet. Too much junk food is very bad for you. Raw carrots are a quick and easy snack. I love spicy dishes, like curry. She gave the stale bread to the birds That chocolate cake is much too sweet for me. Your soup is really tasty, can I have a second helping? A person who doesn't eat meat is called a vegetarian. We all need to co-operate on this project. One disadvantage of fast food is that it's often unhealthy. The international food shortage is growing. Please don't misunderstand me, Rachel is a very nice person when you get to know her. The airline overbooked so we didn't get a seat on the plane. Waiter, please take this fish away, it's completely overcooked. Precooked potatoes make better chips. It is very important to heat recooked food completely. You need to redo this work as you haven't done it properly. I ate undercooked meat yesterday and I was very sick. Do not underestimate the power of the sea.

Smoke will activate the alarm. Astronauts have landed on the Moon. We couldn't breathe in the dusty atmosphere. The oven is very hot so don't burn yourself. At school, we all have our lunch in the canteen. The English arrived in North America in the 17th century. The opening ceremony of the Olympic games is always exciting. This TV channel is really popular with children. The farmers had a fantastic crop of strawberries this year. They are still looking for a cure for cancer. Are there any unusual customs in your country? Macy's is a famous department store in New York. You must water the plants or they will become dry. The domestic market was a big factor in America's economic growth. Shes going to win the election. Do you fancy coming to the cinema tonight? These cherries have a really sweet flavour. The harvest season is when farmers collect their crops. Scientists are working to find a cure for this illness. I need to improve my grades if I want to go to university. That boy looks so innocent but he's really very naughty. How did you manage to lose weight so quickly? Matter is the material that everything in the universe is made of. A microwave oven cooks food very quickly. Molecular science is important for the food industry. Our multinational company employs people in over 50 different countries. Nanotechnology is a science which develops and makes small but powerful machines. Plants take many nutrients from the ground. Obese children can have problems doing sport. Sara is amazing, she's always so happy and optimistic. Weve decided that were going to order a pizza. Put the cake in the oven for 20 minutes to cook. On Thanksgiving Day there are often parades in the streets. Debra is very pessimistic about travelling - she always thinks something terrible will happen. Try these fresh plums, I've just picked them. Matthew had a lot of presents on his birthday. Food can be preserved by freezing it. Pumpkin pie is often eaten on Thanksgiving Day in the USA. There will be a dinner reception after the ceremony. You take a risk if you ride your bike without wearing a helmet. Everyone had a role in the success of the project.

We didn't understand the scale of the problem. Please share your books as there aren't enough to go round. The US flag shows stars and stripes. Nanotechnology only uses natural substances. I dont like the taste of cheese - it's too salty. These molecules are so tiny you can't see them. The transmitter isn't working so we can't use the radio. The wall is transparent so you see can everything that's happening. The waiters in this restaurant work really hard. The wedding will take place in June. The width of the road is about 5 metres.

Experts say that this theory is absurd - there's no evidence to support it. Switzerland is famous for its beautiful alpine plants. Biotech companies make GM organisms. She had treatment for cancer last year and now she's fine. That vase is very fragile so be careful! You get your genes from your parents. She's a specialist in genetic engineering. We will have to eat genetically-modified food in the future. Temperatures in Darwin can be inhuman in the summer. That's a nice jumper you're wearing today. We only buy and eat organic food. GM organisms grow faster than natural organisms. We saw several species of birds at the zoo. It was so hot that my shirt was sticking to my back. Underwear are the clothes you wear next to your body under your other clothes.

Art is my favourite subject because I love drawing. In biology we learn about the human body. Business studies is a useful subject if you want to work in an office. I decided to study chemistry because I want to be a doctor. I love acting so I go to a drama club after school. Katie is studying engineering at University. Everybody should learn English. Many geography students become teachers. The British Museum is a great place to go to see the history of Ancient Egypt.

My son loves ICT at school and he's so quick on the computer! I want to study law and become a lawyer. Angela read a lot of French literature for her degree. A lot of students find maths difficult. Media studies is a popular subject for many students. A degree in medicine takes years to complete. You need to be very talented to have a career in music. Physical education is compulsory for all students. I'm good at science, especially physics. Psychology is the study of the mind and the way we behave. I got a certificate when I finished my karate course. The teachers watch us during our exams so we can't cheat. The work we do all year is our coursework. Last week in history I wrote an essay about the Roman Empire. When you dont get more than 50% in an exam you usually fail. A' is a really good grade. Nine out of ten is a really good mark. Usually you need to get more than 50% in an exam to pass. I have to resit the exam because I didn't pass. A school year is often divided into three terms. What lessons have you got on your timetable for today? The director of this company is very rich. The electrician needs to make sure this equipment is safe. How many employees are there in the company? It is the employer's responsibility to provide a safe environment. Historians are comparing the situation to what happened 100 years ago. The sports instructor demonstrated the correct way to move. The journalists sent in their reports immediately. He is the best lecturer in ancient history in the world. Hundreds of photographers were waiting for the celebrity to appear. A physicist often does very complicated research. He is the most important professor at the university. Scientists are working to find a cure for cancer. She works as a technician in the laboratory. I've got a job as a trainee electrician. According to Emma there isn't a lecture today. Applicants to the university must have good grades.

Send your letter of application to the address below. Continuous assessment goes on all year. Would you prefer to attend a university? Some courses are available in other parts of the world. I got an average mark of 65% in my exams. They are looking for the best candidate for the job. Your choices will affect your future career. Some employers offer free childcare. I love singing so I want to join a choir. The same problems usually come up every time. Madeleine did a traditional French course at university. This university is dedicated to distance learning. A disability does not stop you going to university. We want to get rid of all discrimination. At this school, the emphasis is on sports. The teachers evaluate us by looking at our course work. Extracurricular activities are not part of the course you do at a school or university. Paul is responsible for the finances of the club. There were three people in the foreground of the photograph. You have more freedom to study in the ways that are best for you. The photo shows the students' final graduation. I would be very grateful to receive the chance to study there. You mustnt hand in your work late. Health care is a major cost for the government. Your passport is a form of ID. Going to university gives you independence. World leaders are meeting in Greece this week. My first lesson on Monday is maths. The government has to look after the nation's health. You can't wear make-up at school. A Martian comes from the planet Mars. Emily is only 16 but she shows great maturity for her age. You can ride a moped when youre 16. I was so nervous that my hands were shaking. Children go to nursery school at the age of three. We expect all students to participate in the lessons. You dont have to have any previous qualifications. Primary schools in England take children from four to 11. Disabled people are officially a priority group in the university. Beth says she's ill, but I'm sure it's psychological. I organise social activities such as parties and events to raise money for the team.

It's reasonable to expect students to work hard. There are strict regulations in this university. You have more responsibility for your own success than at school. He won a scholarship to the university. It is obligatory to wear a seat belt in the car. My secondary school has 650 pupils. Self-motivation is essential for success. It is your responsibility to make sensible choices of options. In my spare time I like swimming and going to the cinema. In Britain the speed limit in cities is 50 km/h. Talk to departmental staff about the subjects you are interested in. You can stand on your own two feet now you've got a job. TV was the starting point of the Open University. Time management is important at university. It's really unfair that we have to do homework! Daniel hates wearing his school uniform. Visually impaired students have help with special computer software.

I use my camcorder to film my children. Max had a digital camera for his birthday and he's taken over 300 photos already. Can you unload the dishwasher and put the plates away, please? Insert the disk in the DVD player. Our living room is too small for a home cinema system. I take my laptop computer everywhere. The vegetables will only take three minutes to cook in the microwave oven. You have to switch off your mobile phone when you board a plane. This MP3 player is the smallest one available. I can't turn the TV on without the remote control. Don't forget the satnav when you drive to France. A vacuum cleaner is essential for cleaning carpets. Please put all your dirty clothes in the washing machine. You recharge the battery when the light flashes. Connect the camera to the computer to save the pictures. Insert the disk in the computer. Plug in the vacuum cleaner and switch it on! To take pictures you press the red button. If the clothes are really dirty, select a long programme.

Switch/turn it on by pressing 'Power'. Switch/turn the lights off before you go out. Are you afraid of flying? It's safer than travelling by car. Are you aware of the latest stories in the news? Are you bored with today's TV? Are you different from your sister? Are you good at science? Are you interested in technology? Are you pleased with your school marks this year? Are you ready for your next exam? Are you responsible for looking after anybody? Are you similar to anyone in your family? Are you tired of hearing celebrity gossip? Are you worried about global warming? Rebecca acquired a good knowledge of Chinese when she worked in Shanghai. She's addicted to her mobile phone! Football is played by thousands of professionals and amateurs. Antibiotics are used by doctors everywhere to cure infections. Why do you two argue so much? It's hard to speak a language backwards. Put that rubbish in the bin. He had a bowl of hot soup for lunch. If computers get a bug they can crash. Don't put your dirty feet on the carpet! You can use correction fluid to cover up written mistakes. Make-up is another word for cosmetics. If the computer crashes you will lose the data. She didnt decorate the house herself. Dynamite is an explosive that is used to blow up buildings. The bill was sent to the wrong person because of computer error. Dung is another word for animal excrement. The optician needs to test Jay's eyesight. A computer specialist rescued my files when my computer crashed. You can't play the violin with long fingernails. Fragrance is another word for a nice smell or perfume. The teacher frowned at me for forgetting my homework. We've got to get rid of that horrible thing. Our planet is in danger of global warming.

The papers are full of gossip about the film star. Sarah walked into the room and addressed her friends with 'Hey, guys, what's happening?' Go to the hairdresser's and get your hair cut. That parcel's too heavy for me to carry. She waited impatiently for two more minutes. They use data input to make decisions. The journalist asked lots of questions about the accident. The company hopes to launch the new product next year. We lost data because of a computer malfunction. Correction fluid is very messy. Doctors can't perform miracles. The history lesson seemed never-ending - the topic was boring for me. New nuclear reactors will provide power for the whole country. The sea pollution from damaged oil tankers is terrible. Theyve reinstalled the operating system on his computer. The space station will orbit the globe. A pigment is a natural substance that gives plants, skin and hair a particular colour. You can use mobile phones to play games too. The first portable stereo was invented over 30 years ago. Human mental processes are complex. The work has been published in a journal. Computer rage is a common problem. She reckons they won't want to eat it. Theyve reinstalled the operating system on his computer. Scientific research is very expensive. Theyre going to service my car next week. You can recognise a tree by the shape of its leaves. You often get a sore throat when you have a cold. I can't swallow when I have a sore throat. A sword is a weapon with a pointed blade and a long handle. I know the doctors will take care of my daughter when she is in hospital. There are X-ray machines in every hospital.

I like to follow what's happening the news; I've always been interested in current affairs. Bionics is no longer science fiction. She wore a white blouse to the interview. He wore a white bow tie with a dark suit when he sang at the concert. They have to wear a dark suit when they take the exam. An electrode is a small piece of metal which is used to send electricity through a person's body.

They watched the fireworks explode at the display. There will be fireworks on 5th November. The bionic arm was fitted to her body. A Geiger counter tests for radioactivity. Some university students have to wear a gown when they take exams. It was a terrible industrial accident. A mortarboard is a university hat in the shape of a triangle. Electrodes receive brain signals from the nerve. A Geiger counter tests for radioactivity. They had to rebuild the machine after it was damaged. It sends signals to operate the artificial arm. They succeeded in creating a bionic hand. He has superhuman abilities. Manchester has a modern and vibrant university.

You do athletics on a track. You play basketball on a court. You do boxing in a ring. You do diving in a swimming pool. You play football on a pitch. You play golf on a course. You do gymnastics in a gym. You play ice hockey on a rink. Judo is not a team sport. You need a boat to go sailing. You go skiing in the mountains. You do snowboarding in the mountains. You go swimming in a pool. You need a bat to play table tennis. You play volleyball on a court. You do weightlifting in a gym. You need boots to go skiing. You need a club to play golf. You play golf on a course. You play tennis on a court. The goal is the place where you can score in ball games. Goggles are useful for swimming to protect your eyes.

They do a spinning class in the gym every week. You need a net to play tennis. You play football on a pitch. You do diving in a pool. You need a racket to play tennis. You go skating on a rink. You need skates to play ice hockey. You need skis to go skiing. You ski down a slope. You do athletics on a track. You need non-marking trainers to play indoors. Its impossible to beat you. I give in! Its a difficult match but theyre going to go for it. Dont just sit there watching. Come and join in. Italy have knocked out England in the World Cup. He took up diving when he was eight. He warms up before the race so that his legs are ready. Shes really fit because she works out at the gym five times a week. I really liked the acting and the screenplay in this film. Both his legs were amputated below the knee. Oscar Pistorius is a famous athlete with artificial legs. Basketball shorts are long and baggy. It was a terrible battle and many soldiers were killed. Running can be bad for your bones. The city was captured in 1941. In 1877 there was a tennis championship at Wimbledon. They wanted to end Greek civilisation. Motor racing is classified as a dangerous sport for insurance. A clown usually performs in a circus. The runner collapsed at the end of the race. He was born with a congenital problem in both of his legs. Runners often suffer from dehydration. He was eliminated from the competition for cheating. The relationship between an athlete and their coach is often very emotional. This cinema is enormous. Shes really fit because she works out at the gym five times a week. Boxers have to wear padded gloves when they fight. A goalkeeper stands in front of the net.

A goaltender protects the goal in ice hockey. He was found guilty of doping and banned from the sport. I like a film with a happy ending. A young person's heart is smaller than an adult's. The new comedy at the theatre is hilarious. They had an immense army of 20,000 soldiers. The impact of running can be bad for your bones. Incidentally, have you heard the news about Helen? The runner took 5 months to recover from his leg injury. A jockey is a person who rides a horse in a race. He has a knee injury so won't be able to play football this season. The label on the bottle said the contents were poisonous. In English we say love instead of 'zero' in tennis. She takes her lucky mascots with her to competitions. He stars as the main character in the film. Karate and judo are martial arts. The massive Persian army landed on the coast. You should warm up your muscles before running. His nickname is 'the fastest man on no legs'. A plain is a large area of flat land. In the film he plays the role of Carter brilliantly. The plot of the film is really interesting. The puck is the hard disc that you hit in an ice hockey match. The referee is the person whose job is to control football matches. Young people are more resistant to illness than old people. He has a ritual of eating a Chinese meal before each race. A round of boxing sometimes lasts for only a few minutes. You won't enjoy the violent scenes in the film. I really liked the screenplay in this film. They treat their mother like a servant. In tennis, each point begins when the player 'serves' the ball. They wanted to make the people of Athens their slaves. The soundtrack of the film is based on hip-hop and soul music. The special effects in the film were amazing. The people who watch sports events are called spectators. The film stars Samuel L. Jackson as the main character. Come home straight away - dinner is ready. According to superstition it is bad luck to walk under a ladder. The army refused to surrender to the enemy. Synchronised swimming is a sport where swimmers move in patterns to music. Her grandson can't sleep without his teddy bear.

The boxer was unconscious for a few minutes after he was knocked out. I find her English lessons really uninspiring. Tennis balls are usually yellow for high visibility. He tried to visualise what it would be like to win. He has been using a wheelchair since his accident. Whenever he goes on court, he wears two pairs of shorts. I wonder where your aunt has decided to go on holiday?

They arent real objects. Its an abstract painting. The audience didn't like the play. The people in the cast were excellent. Pass me the pencil. I havent finished the drawing yet. Lets go and see an exhibition of paintings at that new gallery. The new gallery is well-known for its modern art. After playing a lot of gigs, the band are in the studio again. The British artist Constable was famous for his landscapes. The lighting isn't very good in this gallery, we can't see the paintings. Which is more important for you in a song the music or the lyrics? There are some famous masterpieces in the Louvre in Paris. The conductor said the musicians werent good enough to be in his orchestra. This was the first performance of the play. Ive never played on stage outside Europe. He uses a lot of different materials like stone and wood for his sculptures. Do you think this painting looks like me? Its a self-portrait. I havent finished the drawing yet. This is just a sketch. She loves being on the stage. Is it a still life painting, with fruit and flowers? The singer was recording a new album in her studio. An actor performs in a play. The artists hoped that the exhibition was going to be a great success. The composer Tchaikovsky is famous for writing Swan Lake . The conductor said the musicians werent good enough to be in his orchestra. The dancers in the film were all professionally trained. The musicians said they couldnt play because they didnt know the music. He prefers to be called an artist rather than a painter. All the performers appeared on stage at the end. The sculptor said the statue had been difficult to carve.

He is a singer-songwriter like Damien Rice. The owners were amazed to get their painting back. It was amazing that somebody had returned the painting to the owners. I was very bored by the play. I didn't enjoy the exhibition very much - I found it boring. Many people are confused when they see modern art. Your explanation is a bit confusing. I am really disappointed with my exam results. In my opinion, that bands new CD is very disappointing. We were disgusted with your behaviour at the performance. Yuck! This soup is disgusting. I would be embarrassed if I had to stand on a stage and sing. My mother is so embarrassing when she sings in public. Were really excited about going to see that play. I find flying quite exciting. We were frightened when the fire alarm went off. That horror film was incredibly frightening! Artists are often inspired by nature. I find his work completely inspiring. People are more interested in the star than the film. That new exhibition sounds interesting. You have a very relaxed view of his behaviour. I need a relaxing holiday this year. We were surprised when we didn't win. It was surprising that they won the match. I'm tired after all that walking. We find gardening tiring now we're older. This is a very uninspired piece of writing. Her performance was uninspiring. Bagpipes are played in Scotland and Ireland. We keep plants on our balcony because we haven't got a garden. Do you behave well in class? The Bodhran is a type of Irish drum. It is bottomless. It is as deep as humanity. Use a bigger brush, the art teacher told Jake. A chieftain is the leader of a clan in Scotland. There is a harp on all of Irelands Euro coins. There is a crack in the floor of the Tate Modern gallery.

They crept slowly and nervously out of the room. The crack is nearly a metre deep in some places. The artist said the work had needed delicate sculpting. The diameter of the old tree trunk was almost 3 metres. Alfie is learning to play the drums at school. An emerald is a green jewel. An informal word for a violin is a fiddle. The harp is one of the largest musical instruments. 12,000 people visited the installation on the first day. The work on this sculpture is very intricate. Isle is a short form of island. Don't panic, we've still got plenty of time to get there. The painting was lying in a pile of rubbish. Last summer was the wettest on record. The singer said that she was recording new songs. Some stage shows have renewed the popularity of Irish dance. Experts couldn't restore the damaged painting. It is a mix of folk music with African rhythms. The painting was lying in a pile of rubbish. There was a scream and then a crash. Dave sent her a single red rose. Your slogan should attract attention. It was a splendid portrait of their master. He took the knife and stabbed the picture with it. There was a quiet tap at the door. The painting was thrown away by mistake. Uilleann pipes are Irish bagpipes. A friend told her that the painting might be valuable. You have a really good voice. Everything we buy just creates more waste. Inside, the servants were talking in low whispers. The gap is about 2 metres wide. The painting was worth between one and two million dollars.

Send me a message if you are free next week.

The capital city of Spain is Madrid.

The currency of the USA is the dollar. The British flag is red, white and blue. There is no king in Switzerland. The French national anthem is La Marseillaise . Britain does not have a president. Britain has a prime minister. The son of a king or queen is a prince. The daughter of a king or queen is a princess. There is no queen in the USA. A country ruled by a king or queen whose powers are limited is a constitutional monarchy. A democracy has a system of government where people vote to choose who will govern them. Foreign affairs are things which happen in other countries. Britain has a general election at least every five years. The Liberal Democrat Party is traditionally more or less in the centre. The Labour Party is traditionally left-wing. Britain is a member of the European Union and the United Nations. There are ministers for Health, Justice and Foreign Affairs. A monarchy is a type of government where a country is ruled by a king or queen. A group of people with similar political ideas can form a political party. A country that is ruled by a president or other leader, not a king or queen, is a republic. The Conservative Party is traditionally right-wing. There are approximately 22 senior ministers who help run the country. He is from an aristocratic family. Be careful when you cross the road. Don't be so careless with your new books. This sofa is very comfortable. That old bridge looks dangerous. We had an enjoyable evening at the theatre. A famous writer is going to visit our school. Thank you, you've been very helpful. Mary lay helpless on the floor. After the walk we were all very hungry. There's a mysterious man living in the flat across the road. I really enjoy programmes that show wildlife in its natural habitat. The official records say that Louis Charles died from tuberculosis. Although she's only ten, she's very sensible. The terrible truth was that he was the lost king of France. Eating all those chips has made me very thirsty.

Our school chairs are really uncomfortable. I'd like something useful like a camera for my birthday this year. I'm sorry, but I think the new sports teacher is useless. Who was the real assassin of JFK? The assassination of JFK shook the world. The asteroid hit Earth millions of years ago. I will have a big house with a bell at the front door. Does anyone know who this glove belongs to? The bullet came from his gun. The captors of the boy treated him badly. She caressed her puppy gently. The clockmaker will be able to repair your watch. NASA's robots will be used to colonise Mars one day. Many British people went to these colonies to settle. Nearly one third of the world's population lives in Commonwealth countries. Some people believe the assassination was a conspiracy. A constellation is a group of stars that forms a shape in the sky and has a name. He convinced people that he was the son of the king of France. I did not dare to dream of going to England. He may be a descendant of King Louis XVI. The house was full of elaborate designs. No empire has ever been bigger than the British Empire. There is an equal number of men and women in the company. If he escaped, where did he go and what happened to him? There is no evidence to prove that aliens have landed on Earth. The company has evolved into a major plastics manufacturer. There is no set of rules or fixed constitution for the Commonwealth. They will be given the ability to decide whether to use lethal force. There is a spirit of unity and friendship at these games. Gradually these colonies gained their independence. People vote in elections to choose who will govern them. The weather gradually improved and we had a great holiday. Isaac Newton worked out the law of gravity. At first, Marie Antoinette did not let the guards take her little son. The Commonwealth heads of state meet twice a year. She stood with her hands on her hips. Most people hire boots and skis at the resort. The Titanic hit an iceberg. Everyone should be entitled to democracy and human rights. Thousands of people are dying from hunger every day.

He was imprisoned in the tower. Queen Victoria was once in charge of the biggest empire in the world. An infant is a baby or very young child. Philip has a lot of influential friends. I hope Jane won't be insulted if I don't go to the wedding. They needed at least 30 lifeboats on the Titanic. A mansion is a very large and beautiful country house. It covered a quarter of the worlds land mass. The female narrator is called Hortense. A nightmare is a very frightening dream. The shop assistant nodded at me as I went out. After my accident I needed an operation on my knee. There was an ornate gold mirror in the bedroom. There were 2228 passengers on board the Titanic. There were two huge pillars on each side of the entrance. They have no power to tell countries what to do. Powerful and influential people wanted to keep the matter quiet. The olives were preserved in brine. The basic principle is that education should be available to every child. The advertising campaign was very profitable. A relative is a member of your family. We decided to roast the chicken instead of frying it. A republic is ruled by a president or other leader. Immediately after the boys death, the rumours began. He covered her mouth to stop her screaming. The Prime Minister has approximately 22 senior ministers to help him. There is no set of rules or fixed constitution for the Commonwealth. Many British people went to these colonies to settle and start a new life. The house was shabby but it had a great atmosphere. Follow the signs for the city centre. The Titanic sank in 1912. The church had beautiful stained glass windows. A strip is a long narrow piece of something. The trees swayed in the breeze. I used some tape to stick the paper together. One theory is that it started in Egypt. Many of the prisoners were tortured. They were looking for profitable trade in exotic products. Her trunk was full of clothes and shoes. He died from tuberculosis. The car looked like a mass of twisted metal after the accident.

Louis Charles became the uncrowned King of France. Britain is a member of the European Union. There is a spirit of unity and friendship at these games.

Can you get me some bread from the bakery, please? I need to take some money out of the bank today. That butcher's only sells organic meat. You can get the medicine at the chemist's. That clothes shop has the latest fashions. There is no department store in our town. Our TV came from the electrical goods store. The greengrocer's has run out of pineapples. Several diamond rings were stolen in a robbery at the jeweller's last week. Our music and DVD store always has fantastic offers. Don't forget to pick up my magazine from the newsagent's! There was a long queue for stamps at the post office. I hear she's working in the shoe shop now. The sports shop is closed on Sunday. You can get all your school notebooks and pens at the stationery shop. Supermarket shopping is often cheaper than buying from local shops. I can't afford to go on holiday this year. The recession means that there are fewer bargains in the shops. I think the cashier gave me the wrong change at the till. Somebody left their purse in the changing room. When you have finished shopping, please go to the checkout to pay. You should try not to overspend with your credit card. Children under 16 are only allowed to have a debit card. I can give you a discount on the price as the skirt is a bit dirty. Would you like me to wrap this as a gift? Please join the queue over there if you want to speak to the manager. Your receipt is in the bag with your purchase. We will give you a refund if the shoes don't fit. The cereal was on the top shelf. Please do not let your children ride in the trolley. I forgot my purse - can I borrow some money from you? A lot of famous actors donate money to charities.

How much money do you earn a week? I lent you ten pounds last week and you haven't given it back. Bill Gates made a lot of money from Microsoft. I'm saving 20 a week because next year I want to buy a new computer. I spend 30 a month on CDs and books. You wasted your money when you bought that exercise bike. You never use it! My friend won 1,000 on the lottery last week. When I told him what Jenny said, he accused me of lying. The house is beautiful with over 20 acres of land. You need a good advertising campaign to increase sales. I would like an apology from the shop assistant who treated me so badly. My grandmother used to bake bread every day. It's important to have a good balance between work and play. I can't blame her for leaving the party early, it was really noisy. The CD was blank, with nothing on it at all. Our 12-screen multiplex cinema shows all the latest blockbuster films. When you donate money you give it to a charity or an organisation. People say the ship sank in mysterious circumstances. A colleague is someone you work with. I am writing to complain about the goods and service in your store. I can write a formal letter of complaint. A trolley is a large container with wheels. I demand a full refund immediately. Estate agents sell or let houses and flats. Sir Ranulph Fiennes is a famous explorer. This MP3 player is faulty - can I exchange it? Can I bring it back if it doesn't fit? They saw the remains of an ancient fort. When it's very cold, people in some countries need fur coats outside. Some companies will be taking these ideas further. There are pedal-powered go-karts for kids. I bought this hoodie here last week as a present for a friend. Smell is the sense which can instantaneously bring back many memories. Charlie invested a large sum of money in Swiss stocks. There is a 1,500m circular walk around the lakes. We offer a fantastic variety of leisure facilities for all ages. Estate agents sell or let houses and flats. It was such a loud concert that my ears hurt. The flight number will be announced soon. Meanwhile, please remain seated. I took the iPad back to the shop in its original packaging.

Ellie was wearing the new perfume he'd bought her. They have pre-wrapped pizza in the fridge. A reduction in the price of something is a discount. They found the remains of his body in the lake. They had to remove the adverts. The shop assistants are so rude in that store. The scent reminded me of roses. The street was crowded with shoppers. This coat is the wrong size, it's too small. What are your favourite fragrances or smells? She sprayed herself with perfume. Subconsciously, she blamed herself for the accident. A tandem is a bike for 2 people. The transaction at the bank took a long time. The flat is empty and unfurnished. Go and play outside in the yard!

He was suffering from amnesia and couldn't remember anything. He was arrested and taken to the police station. Pieces of a canoe were found on a beach. The canoeist finally turned up alive and well. His false passport was about to expire. He had grown a long beard. They were planning to set up a holiday resort. The couple had planned the whole thing to get insurance money. His wife got thousands of pounds from his insurance policy. She told reporters it was terrible to live in limbo, not knowing what had happened. He pretended to die so that his wife could benefit from his insurance policy. It was a huge shock to find out the truth.

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