Middlesex IDS 106-46

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Middlesex Community College First-Year (FYE) Experience Career Exploration and Development Seminar

IDS 106-46 Fall 2013 Syllabus

Professor: Professor Keenan E-mail: keenans@middlesex.mass.edu (I return email message within 24 hours) Course Time and Location: Tuesday, 9:00am 9:55 am, Room 308 Henderson Hall, Bedford Campus

Course website: https://mymcc.middlesex.mass.edu Welcome to our First-Year Experience Seminar! I look forward to both teaching and learning from all of you! This syllabus will give you an outline of what this course is about and the expectations that will help you to do well in this course. Course Description: Students learn essential student success skills, behaviors, and habits of mind in the FYE that they are able to apply to increase their success in future coursework. With an emphasis on self-assessment and reflection, students will work with advisors to generate a personalized academic and financial plan for their years at MCC and beyond. They will self assess their competency with MCCs Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs) and engage with MCCs academic, student support and co-curricular services along with other college resources to develop and strengthen those skills and abilities.

Required Textbook: There is no required textbook for this course. However, we will use some supplementary materials that will either be handed out in class sessions and/or posted on the course website for your use.

Homework Assignments You should type all homework assignments unless otherwise noted. Please use a 12 point Arial font and double spaced, unless otherwise noted, and be sure to staple multiple pages together before handing them in.

Blackboard: Course Website: You are required to use blackboard to access information and materials associated with this course. The course syllabus schedule contains due dates and assignments. A copy of this syllabus is also posted on blackboard. I will also use blackboard to post all of your grades during the semester and you can access your grades as I post them. If you're having trouble navigating Blackboard or accessing your Journal to complete your homework, make an appointment with a computer tutor for help. Computer tutors are available in LC403 and LC406B on the City Campus or in the Bedford Writing Center located in the Library room LIB-7A. You should plan to check your Blackboard site for this course every week.

Class Cancellations: Inclement weather can cause the college to cancel classes for the day or to delay opening. Local radio and TV stations will announce this information. The college will also post an announcement on the main telephone number, 978-656-3200, and on the MCC website (www.middlesex.mass.edu). In the event of inclement weather, you should plan to log in to the blackboard site for this course and look for any announcements regarding any work to be completed in the absence of an actual class on campus for that day.

Attendance: This class only meets once per week, so your attendance is essential to your success in the course. Attendance will be taken each week and is calculated into your overall grade. It is your responsibility to get all class notes, assignments, and announcements given when you have been absent from class from one of your classmates. More than three (3) absences are considered to be excessive.

Punctuality: Class will begin on time and punctuality is expected. Students who arrive late disturb the continuity of thought and concentration of others. Tardiness is unfair to the members of the class who do make it to class on time. Also, most quizzes will be given at the start of class, and you will not have any additional time to complete them if you are late. NEED HELP? Students With Disabilities: Students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the Disabilities Support Services office as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. Disabilities Support Services, Lowell Campus: City Campus, 3rd Floor

Disabilities Support Services, Bedford Campus:

978-656-3268 Enrollment Center, Room 221 781-280-3630

Tolerance and Respect: In this course, we will be working together and everyone should have the opportunity to learn from this course. We should expect that each of us will bring our own point of view, which will be different from others. For this reason, tolerance, open-mindedness, respect and trust are expected during the course, so that everyone can feel comfortable expressing themselves and learning from one another. Side conversations during class are disrespectful to both the instructor and your classmates, so please refrain from these conversations during class.

MCCs Honor Code: We, as members of Middlesex Community College, promise to act with honor and integrity in all areas of campus life. As individuals, each of us is responsible for the integrity of our own work and actions, and each of us is accountable for all that we say, write and do. We pledge that we will not misrepresent our work, nor give or receive unauthorized aid. We further promise to behave in a way that shows respect for the personal rights and dignity of all members of our community. We will be respectful of college property and the property of others. We will support and promote the integrity, safety, and well-being of the college community. We will adhere to the Honor Code and take responsibility for our own conduct.

Cell Phones, pagers, and other non-course-related electronic devices: Use of these devices is not permitted during class! This includes texting! As a courtesy to all members of the class, please make sure that you have turned off all audible noises on your cell phones and refrain from texting. If you have an emergency situation and must leave your phone on vibrate, please tell me before class begins.

Instructional Objectives: As a result of successfully completing this FYE course, students will be able to: 1) Describe a successful college student

2) Identify personal, academic, and social strengths and challenges

3) Develop an initial plan to achieve academic and career goals that reflects both their strengths and their challenges

4) Identify the Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs) and describe the specific ISLOs that are the focus of the First Year Experience course.

Teaching and Learning Methods: I believe that students learn better when they engage in variety of activities both in and out of the classroom. Some of the ways in which you will learn by doing include: Contributing to everyones learning process by actively participating in classroom discussions Coming to class prepared by doing the course assignments Performing as an effective team member in group work and presentations Reflective thinking and writing Monitoring your own progress in developing success strategies as a college student

Other Materials Needed for Course: Calendar---you can use your own calendar or the monthly calendars provided by me ---these should be used to record due dates for assignments, etc. 2 pocket folder (for handout materials and returned assignments) Notebook for class notes, pen, pencil, highlighter, etc.

Late Work: Keeping up with your assignments is a key factor for your success in this course. Late work will only be accepted if the student discusses in advance directly with the instructor. Students are also expected to be present for all quizzes, group work, and project presentations.

Instructors Grading Policy: Your final grade for the course will be based on the following criteria: Class Attendance & Participation Journal Entries Homework Assignments/In-Class Projects Quizzes Team Project Total 65 points (5 points each week) 90 points (10 points each) 165 points 80 points (20 points each) 100 points 500 points


Grade calculation: 470-500 455-469 440-454 425-439 410-424 395-409 380-394 365-379 350-364 340-349 325-339 below 325

Extra Credit Work: There is no specific work or projects planned for extra credit for this course, and may be given only at the instructors discretion. Extra credit is only given to students who are completing their assigned coursework and will not be used in place of missed course assignments. If you are interested in obtaining extra credit for this course, you should speak with me directly and we can together determine what might be appropriate.

MCC Institutional Student Learning Outcomes (ISLOs)

Written and Oral Communication

For example Written assignments Oral presentations Use of relevant information literacy skills Effective use of technology

Critical Thinking
For example Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Creative thinking Development of logical conclusions

Quantitative Literacy For example Interpretation Representation Calculation Application/Analysis Communication of quantitative information

Multicultural and Global Literacy

For example Intercultural knowledge Global issues Interactions that build diversity awareness Diverse forms of creative expression Aesthetic Appreciation Historical, political, and economic perspective

Social Responsibility For example Sustainability Civic engagement Social justice Ethical frameworks Social policy frameworks

Personal & Professional Development For example Achievement of academic goals Career Readiness Self Assessment Responsibility for learning and personal development Professionalism Leadership

Wellness Collaboration

Course Schedule and Assignments

Date Week #1 9/12/13 Week #2 9/19/13 Week #3 9/26/13 Week #4 10/03/13 Week #5 10/10/13 Week #6 10/17/13 Week #7 10/24/13 Week #8 10/31/13 Due by: 11/07/13 Time Management 1. Discussion 2. Time Management Activities and Forms 1. See Blackboard Due by: 10/31/13 Financial Aid 1. Presentation by Financial Aid Representative 1. See Blackboard Due by: 10/24/13 Personal Counseling 1. Presentation by Lynn Gregory 1. See Blackboard Focus II Part 2 1. Tutorial in the Computer Lab with Karen James Due by: 10/17/13 1. See Blackboard Career Place Woburn 1. Field Trip Due by: 10/10/13 1. See Blackboard Focus ii What is it? 1. Tutorial in the Computer Lab with Karen James Class Topic Introduction Career Exploration and Development Stress? Its Everywhere Class Activities 1. Syllabus 2. What is Career development? 3. What is happening with Blackboard? 1. Stress and Stress Management Assignment(s) Due by: 9/19/13 1. Read Course Syllabus

Due by: 9/26/13 1. Reflective Journal: What did you learn about stress and how to handle it today? Due by: 10/03/13 1. See Blackboard

Week #9 11/07/13

Goal Setting

1. Reading 2. Worksheet

Due by: 11/14/13 1. Reflective Journal: What are your plans for goal setting for the next two years. 2. Develop two SMART goals.


Workplace Skills

Due by: 11/21/13

Due dates for course assignments and course topics are subject to change at instructors discretion.

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