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Electrical Engineering (Sample Question Paper. The Actual Questions will vary) Q.

1 Displacement current density for time invariant field is a) b) Q.2 Infinite Indeterminate c) d) Zero A function of field

The correct sequence of increasing order to electrical conductivity of the given materials is a) b) c) d) silicon, doped germanium, copper, gold doped germanium, silicon, copper, gold doped germanium, silicon, gold, copper silicon, doped germanium, gold, copper


A 0 -300 V voltmeter has an error of +2% of full scale deflection. What would be the range of readings if true voltage is 30V? a) b) 24V-36V 29.4 V- 30.6 V c) d) 25V-35V 28V-32V


The material of wires used for making resistance standards is usually: a) b) manganin nichrome c) d) copper phosphor bronze


In an induction type energy meter, maximum torque is produced when the phase angle between the two fluxes is : a) 00 b) 450 c) 600 d) 900

Mechanical Engineering (Sample Question Paper. The Actual Questions will vary) 1. A solid shaft is used to transmit 120 kilowatt at 120rpm. The torque transmitted by the shaft is given as a) c) 2. 30 kNm 90 kNm b) d) 60 kNm 120 kNm

For a simply supported beam of length L carrying a uniformly distributed load of w per unit length over the entire span, the value of maximum B.M is equal to a) c) wL2 4 b) d) wL2 8 wL3 8


wL3 4 For two gears to mesh a) b) c) d)

the diametral pitch of both gears must be the same tooth thickness of both gears must be same number of teeth on both gears must be same whole depth of both gears must be same


The pairs of gears have 18 and 40 teeth respectively, the centre distance is 58 mm, the module is equal to a) c) 1mm 3 mm b) d) 2 mm 4 mm


Which of the following instruments is used to measure temperature? a) c) Bourdon gage Thermocouple b) d) Stroboscope Dial gage

Civil Engineering (Sample Question Paper. The Actual Questions will vary) 1) The standard modular size of common building brick as ________ A) C) 2) 190 x 90 x 90 (mm) Both (A) and (B) B) D) 190 x 90 x 40 (mm) 200 x 100 x 100 (mm)

Proportion of cement mortal for damp-proof course is : A) C) 1:1 1:4 B) C) 1:2 1:6


Which method is used mainly for non-destructive testing of piles? A) C) Rebound hammer method Ultrasonic pulse velocity tester B) D) Water-response method Windsor probe test


Pitch for industrial roof trusses for corrugated Galvanized Iron (GI) sheets is __________ A) C) 1/6 to 1/2 1/3 to 1/6 B) D) 1/24 to 1/12 1/48 to 1/12


Lug angles are used in ___________ A) C) Compression members Plate girder B) D) Tension members Bracings

Geology (Sample Question Paper. The Actual Questions will vary) Q.1 Which is the code for letter K? a) b) Q.2 e m c) d) d b

Find the odd man out : a) b) Cut Put c) d) Nut But


If 3/p = 6 and 3/q = 15 then p-q = ? a) b) 1/3 2/5 c) d) 3/10 5/6


The youngest oceanic crust is found in a) b) Indian Ocean Pacific Ocean c) d) Atlantic Ocean Arctic Ocean


Which of the following is a modern example of Aulacogen related river a) b) Niger River Ganga River c) d) Nile River Mississippi River

Architecture (Sample Question Paper. The Actual Questions will vary) 1) A flux of 50 lumen falls perpendicularly on the surface area of 100 sq.m. The surface illumination in lux is; a) c) 2) 0.5 150 b) d) 2 5000

The neighborhood recreation does not have one of the following spaces; a) c) Totlots Play areas b) d) Parks Sports Centre


The sound level for Audiometric testing room should be kept at; a) c) 20 dB 10 dB b) d) 30 dB 40 dB


Slum Clearance and improvement Act came into existence in the year ; a) c) 1970 1956 b) d) 1972 1950


Sound absorbing materials with medium to high sound absorbing coefficients have value ranging from; a) c) >0.20 >0.50 b) d) >0.40 >0.75

Finance (Sample Question Paper. The Actual Questions will vary) 1) As per the Income Tax Act in India, in the case of deemed let out property, the deduction which shall be allowed under Section 24 is a) b) c) d) 2) Interest on money borrowed Repairs and collection charges Insurance premium Annual charge

Which major project did G D Birla launch in 1958 in collaboration with the Kaiser Corporation of USA in Uttar Pradesh? a) b) c) d) Hindustan Copper Company Hindustan Aluminium Company Hindustan Paper Company Hindustan Pencil Company


An accrued expense can best be described as an amount a) b) c) d) paid and currently matched with earnings. paid and not currently matched with earnings. not paid and not currently matched with earnings. not paid and currently matched with earnings.


Which of the following is not considered to be an advantage of the corporate form of doing business over the partnership form? a) b) c) d) A potential perpetual and continuous life The interests in the company are typically easily transferable The managers in the company and shareholders have limited liability Persons who manage the company are not necessarily shareholders


Which of the following statements is false? a) b) c) d) Auditors lien on his clients books and record is unconditional. An adverse report is one where and auditor gives an opinion subject to certain reservation. Cut-off procedures are generally applied by auditors to trading transactions. Components of audit risk does not include sampling risk.

Human Resources
(Sample Question Paper. The Actual Questions will vary) 1) What organizational development technique involves changing the attitudes, stereotypes, and perceptions that work groups have about each other? a) b) c) d) 2) Team building Intergroup development Survey feedback Sensitivity training

Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely was said by a) b) c) d) Lord Acton Sammuel Johnson Henry Kissinger Abraham Lincoln


The act of increasing the knowledge and skills of any employee for doing a particular job is called a) b) c) d) Vestibule training Development Training Counseling


A theory that says that behavior is a function of its consequences is called : a) b) c) d) Equity theory Distributive theory Re-distributive theory Reinforcement theory


Under which legislation, any reward of settlement and production bonus, if paid constitutes wages. a) b) c) d) Payment of wages Act, 1936 Equal remuneration Act, 1976 Equal Pay Act 1947 Minimum wages Act, 1938

Company Secretary (Sample Question Paper. The Actual Questions will vary) 1) The property of a company is owned by a) b) c) d) 2) Promoters Directors Company Member

Authorized capital offered for subscription to the public is called a) b) c) d) Reserve capital Issued capital Subscribed capital Paid up capital


Annual Report is submitted by the directors to a) b) c) d) Auditors Managing Director Registrar of Companies Members.


Minutes should be recorded in the minutes book within a) b) c) d) 15 days of the meeting 60 days of the meeting 30 days of the meeting Any time before the next meeting


A whole time company secretary shall be appointed in every company having a paid up capital of not less than a) b) c) d) ` 1 Cr ` 2 Cr ` 5 Cr ` 10 Cr

Safety (Sample Question Paper. The Actual Questions will vary) 1) The only thing that can keep you safe consistently is _____________________. a) b) c) d) 2) Personal Protective Equipment Directors Obeying all warning signs Your attitude

Who is responsible for making sure you are using the appropriate PPE and that is in good working condition ? a) b) c) d) Your supervisor Person in charge of safety Your co-workers You


A fire will continue to burn until__________________. a) b) c) d) Its heat is removed All its fuel is burned up Its oxygen runs out Any of the above answers occurs


Failures to provide for Safety may result in : a) b) c) d) Pain Injury Loss of time and money All of the above


If there is an emergency you may have to use a fire extinguisher. Its important to know where the fire extinguishers are located and to: a) b) c) d) Test them Read the instructions posted on them Keep one near your at all times Store flammable under them

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