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Concentration Camps: by the Nazis in Germany or the Jews all over the world?

Its about time we get some things in place. As we have so far done, and as we also intend to in the future, with objectivity as our workhorse, free from sentimentalism and obsessions, we carry on saying truths, no matter whether they touch even ourselves, directly or indirectly. The aim of this article is the demystification of two great social issues which effect modern reality. The first has to do with social outcry of every -ostensible- humanist, which is derived in hearing the phrase Nazi concentration camps for Jews and the second with the relation of the Nazis concentration camps with hunger, misery and mass murders of civil wars taking place for the last decades in the Third World countries and the economical crises and their sequential phenomena (also hunger, misery, criminality etc) all over the globe. Concentration camps are are an undoubted historical fact, but the propagandist lies of the Allied forces are proverbial, they have been regurgitated from every media in the world and have been adopted as facts from the mass majority of the population. But just because, although wise, the people is more than mistaken when saying that history is written but the victors, history itself has taken care of refuting them, even 80 years later. After the Holocaust fiasco with the 6.000.000 dead Jews, which was confronted by the Red Cross that speaks of only 600.000 dead people in total (which shows that the dead Jews number is even less than that), after the soap production insipidity, since those ovens in Auschwitz were proved to have been built after the end of the War (until then there were incinerators for cremation and gas chambers to disinfect clothing), after the Anne Frank Diaries novel, which was proved from the simple fact that it was written using a Bic pen, which was invented decades after the end of the War, and every other conspiracy story, it is time for us to examine this issue as and objective social one, the reasons that lead the -so called- Nazi beasts to these abominable actions and whether this bestiality was deserved to Gods chosen people as well as what their effects are on us nowadays. The pictures of the misery that the prisoners in concentration camps of the time went through are truly shocking, the starvation, the poverty, the downgrading of their own being and their use as slaves. Are they? Even so, how much is this end going to thrill us if we know that some people deserve to die this way? The Jews during the Interwar years had gathered in their hands all of the worlds resources, whether as imperialist forces through England with its colonies, its protectorates (one of them has been for centuries our homeland, Greece, as well, since the establishment of our State) and their

representatives and agents in every state all over the globe (namely relations between boss and servant), whether as local seigniors, forcing workers in industrial productive units, villagers, farmers, officers, shopkeepers and in general the whole people, to work, or more correctly, to labor to the Jews benefit. Moneylenders, traders, industrialists, bankers and every kind of exploiter, cheater and plutocrat (both domestic and international ones), had taken the economic downturn in Germany (in a great part of Europe as well) in such levels, that the people could not earn their living, borrowing from banks all the time, unemployment having reached in unprecedented levels, low-fertility as well, and the future had been made unpredictable and unfavorable. This situation might seem familiar to someones, reminding them the reality in their home countries (Greece is one of them), but let us generalize it to the Third World countries and International Waters (where are huge floating industrial productive units and where illegal exploitation of child labor is in its zenith), to other countries in the same place as Greece nowadays (such are many countries in Latin America), and this has not been happening for decades, but maybe for centuries in some cases. Hunger, AIDS, hepatitis, civil wars, pedophilia are only a few of the phenomena that blossom and establish themselves as social and biological reality in Africa, Asia, Latin America and soon in Europe and the USA, and whatever is anymore left to be called civilized countries of the First World. All the above result from mans withdrawal from his natural environment, and his transform into a mindless creature the is useful in laboring day and night like a slave for an international companys profit, which by its employees payment (often less than a dollar per day, or that much money that will not be enough to make rent correspondingly) does not leave many scopes of evolution to him. For instance, in spite the fact that black people have none a great civilization to brag about, one with philosophy and astrophysics or majestic buildings, they had been living quietly in their villages, racially divided, with their totems and huts. On the contrary, the imperialist international companies turned them into a mass or laborers dying daily on the alter of profit, in a rabble of patients without future and also birth sickly descendants, as well in undignified beings that are not aware of respect not even for their own life. Imperialist wars have led millions of people to migration (legal or not has little significance), leaving their homelands to elder and depopulate and subsequently both their degeneration and the countries which they migrate to causing the countries economic downgrading. Read more:

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