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Article Summary Worksheet

Directions: Complete one Article Summary Worksheet for each article read. Remember to staple a copy of the article to the back of the worksheet. Use the copy to highlight, underline, and make notes as you read. Bibliographic Information Author(s) of article: __Eric H. Shaw and D.G. Brian Jones __________ Title of article: _A history of schools of marketing thought_________

Name of magazine, newspaper, website, etc. containing the article: ____www.sagepublications.com_____________________________________

Date article was published and page number: Volume 5 (3): 239 - 281

Summary Information Briefly state the main idea or thesis presented in this article: The main idea presented in this article has been contributions by various schools of thought towards the marketing descipline and the manner in which the concept of marketing has become vague and its lack of disciplinary boundaries. Summarize the most important information, ideas, facts, etc. presented in this article: The article brings forth the contributions by various schools of thought towards marketing as a separate domain. Moreover, the contributions of various scholars within a school have been discussed in details and the shortcomings have also been enlisted for better understanding and way forward. Towards the end of the article, the manner in which the three broad schools viz. Consumer Behavior School, Exchange School and the Marketing Management School, have all undergone a paradigm shift so as to include transactions and dealings beyond the scope of traditional marketing discipline which has created vagueness and confusions in the boundaries of the marketing discipline. The author stresses towards the end that there Abhijit Banerjee Page 1

is a need to futher research on the discipline and reconsider the broadening of the discipline of marketing so as to ensure adequate clarity and avoidance of ambiguity in the roles and functions of marketing. Personal Reaction What was the most surprising/interesting thing you found out by reading this article? The most important and interesting thing brought out by the article is the manner in which the discipline of marketing has evolved over time. Starting from pre-academic marketing thought that evolved before 1900s to the 10 key schools of thought that has given the field the credibility and respect it commands today. From being considered an off-shoot of economics discipline to getting regarded as a distinct and essential field of study and research. The article has also beautifully brought out the way distinct scholars have contributed to the formation and acceptance of the various schools of thought amongst the other scholars from the same discipline. Lastly, it was interesting to note the manner in which the three most accepted schools underwent a paradigm shift which broadened the discipline so as to include transactions and dealings much beyond the scope of traditional marketing. Although, this shift was welcomed by most scholars across schools of thought, the same has led to ambiguity and dilution of the boundaries of the marketing discipline. What question(s) do you have after reading this article? What would you like to learn more about? The question that comes to mind after reading the article is regarding the interdependence of these schools of thought so as to completely understand and define marketing. Further, an insight as to how the marketing history school could justify and bring together other schools of thought on the same platform so as to define the discipline in the most appropriate manner. Lastly, instead of stepping back on the broadening of the discipline and reversing the paradigm, is it not possible to bring together the main points outlined by all schools and give the discipline the definition and understanding required? What other keywords/topics for further research did you find reading this article? Topics or keywords for further research could be the Paradigm Shift, application of marketing mix concept outside the business domain, Abhijit Banerjee Page 2

inclusion of non-monetary or non-business exchanges in the definition of business exchange while defining marketing, limiting the scope and definition of consumer behavior in defining marketing function and the role of society and the interactions an interdependence of the society with the industrial houses and institutions within the marketing domain and vice versa.

Abhijit Banerjee

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